Update 19
"She's always been funny, but I think she's getting a bit too much enjoyment from this. Do you remember what kind of car Tracy drives?"
"I wouldn't have a clue. Never really paid any attention to her."
"A red sports car sounds like her kind of deal, though, doesn't it?"
"Do you want me to reply to Cindy?"
She nodded, smiling as she thought about what to say to her friend.
"Yeah. Tell her she's batshit crazy, but I'm glad she's having some fun with this. Oh, and tell her thanks for doing that."
I sent the message and waited. She was obviously busy with the kids, though. We pulled into a town and found the main street. Mum drove slowly along, looking at restaurants along the side of the road and looking for a parking spot at the same time. It was a busy night here, and everybody seemed to not want to cook tonight. We drove up and down the street three times before we finally found someone pulling out of a parking spot. We pulled in behind them as they pulled out. We got out and stretched our cramped bodies before walking into the nearest restaurant we could see.
"Sombrero's" was quite possibly the least original name you could give a Mexican restaurant, but the smells coming from the kitchen were incredible. The décor was old, and the giant sombreros suspended from the high ceiling all had a coating of dust that suggested they had been there untouched for at least a decade. The paint job was all reds, yellows, and adobe hues. It was bright and cheerful but with a hint of neglect. We weren't there to inspect the paint job, though.
I ordered the "combination burritos," one beef, one chicken, and one bean, with a side of jalapeños and sour cream. Mum ordered the fajitas and a Mexican salad. As we sat there having a cold drink, I have to say that neither of us was overly hopeful that the meal would be anything more than basic on-the-road fare.
Mum's phone buzzed again, and she immediately opened it up. She quickly scanned it and began laughing before reading it out to me.
"Third and final status update for today. Returned to the scene, this time disguised as an eight-foot-tall, murderous clown, which I achieved by sitting on the shoulders of my ridiculously tall son while wearing a pair of overalls. Snow dropped from a clothesline near your house. You have very tall neighbours, by the way. Fortunately, all the sweating from such a manoeuvre caused my normally flawless makeup to run, which quite conveniently helped with the deranged clown look. I figured if he wandered outside, he would immediately be gripped by fear and would either lose control of his bowels, vowing never to speak of the horror he had witnessed, or would run away screaming like a little girl. Personally, I was hoping for bowel evacuation, but unfortunately, he didn't come outside at all. I did manage to notice that the red sports car, a Mazda RX8, was right at the bottom of the driveway with his car tucked in close behind it so that it wouldn't be easily seen from the road. I suspect that there is unlawful nookie being indulged in. I would sincerely love to do a "ring and run" prank on the place, but you did make me promise to not let on that he was caught. Spoilsport. Anyway, I am sorry to share this shitty news with you, but I suspect you were already prepared to hear it. I hope it all goes as well as it possibly can under the circumstances for you. Please make sure you come and see me before you leave town again too. Anyway, time to return the pilfered overalls and apologise to the rest of the neighbourhood for the terrifying display. Might have to book my son into therapy too if for no other reason than having my sweaty ass up on his shoulders for an extended period of time. Poor lad will probably never leave the shower again."
We were both in hysterics, and Mum was trying to write a reply of thanks when the sizzling hot plates arrived at our table. I was immediately impressed. The food was no frills and no fancy dishes; the crockery didn't even match, but the smell was sensational. Amazingly, it tasted even better than it smelt, which, to be fair, was quite an ask because the smell alone would have converted the most ardent vegan.
I tried to savour it, but it was so good that it seemed to just disappear before my eyes.
Half an hour later we were both sitting in front of empty plates with full bellies and a desire to sleep it off. We eventually managed to get enough energy to get up and leave and stepped out into the still-warm evening air. Recognising the signs of an imminent food coma, I knew I needed to go for a walk before we set off in the car again.
I explained how I felt, and Mum agreed, so we set off up the hill, past where the car was parked, to the end of the block, where there was a sign pointing down a steep set of stairs to a walking track that followed the river that ran alongside the town.
As we trudged down the stairs, I was thinking that they were going to be a pain to climb back up, but knowing that it would well and truly wake me up before sitting down for the next leg of driving. We reached the bottom of the stairs and looked in both directions. To the right was the uphill section that looked like it only went as far as a small picnic area on the bank of the river. To the left was a much longer-looking path that followed the river and went beneath at least two bridges that crossed the river as far as we could see from here. We turned in that direction and set off.
Nothing much was said between us as we walked, but I smiled as I felt her hand slip into mine. We crossed under the first bridge, and then the path went through a narrow, shaded section with overhanging branches from the trees along the river before opening out onto a more manicured lawn section. We stopped for a moment to admire the beauty of the place. The river gurgled quietly, and all the trees were bathed in the golden evening light of the setting sun. Even with the sound of the traffic crossing the bridge, it was such a peaceful place that it was tempting to stay there.
I looked at her as she stared at the water flowing past, seemingly lost in thought. I admired her beauty as the golden light, filtered through the leaves of the trees, dappled her face. A small smile crossed her face, and then sensing my attention on her, she turned to me. The small smile turned into something quite radiant as our eyes met. The world melted away for me as I stared at her, then caught up in the moment, swept her into a hug, wrapping my arms around her warm body and pulling her in close to me. I leaned in to kiss her, and her chin tilted up to meet it. We were swept up in the passion of the moment as our kiss deepened into something a lot more passionate. I felt her arms go around my neck, and I leaned into her, wanting to feel as much of her body against mine as I possibly could.
My heart rate quickened as my desire grew in time with my hardening cock. Feeling it swell between us, she slowly ground herself against me, letting me know that she could feel it and wanted me as much as I wanted her right then. One hand slipped down her back and cupped her ass as I pulled her in tighter against me, and I felt her moan into my mouth in response. I was moments away from laying her down on the grass and taking her there and then when something filtered through to my hormone-addled brain.
I opened my eyes and noticed that an elderly couple was approaching us, walking their dog. I very reluctantly released my grip on her, and my lips left hers. She looked as disappointed as I felt, but when her eyes saw that mine were looking behind her, she too released her grip on my neck. By now the couple was only a couple of meters away from us, and they were both smiling.
Their dog came up to us and began sniffing our legs as the elderly couple both spoke at the same time.
"Good evening."
We both responded in kind, and I could feel myself blushing, knowing we had been caught and feeling more than just a bit naughty. If Mum felt the same way, she certainly wasn't showing it. If anything, she was looking a little smug.
I noticed that the woman had a look of curiosity as though she was just now noticing there was an age difference between us. She didn't seem to disapprove, but I could see she was curious. The man, however, just had a cheeky grin on his face as he knew he had just interrupted something that was on the verge of becoming much more erotic.
"It's a good night for it."
He chuckled and then, for good measure, threw in a salacious wink. I couldn't help but laugh, but his wife was mortified. She smacked his arm and gave him a reproachful look, but it too was tinged with good humour.
"Henry James. Behave yourself."
Mum smiled at them both, then returned Henry's wink.
"Where's the fun in that?"
Henry burst out laughing and nodded.
His wife shook her head as though she was giving up on him, then tugged gently on his arm.
"Come on, you, let's get home before you embarrass us any more. I can't take you anywhere."
We all laughed as they turned to walk past us. As they walked off, I could hear her muttering to him but not what she said. He didn't seem to be disturbed by what she had to say in the slightest. We both smiled as we watched them walk under the bridge with their little dog.
As they disappeared into the shadows, it seemed to be our cue to move on as well. Mum chuckled and smiled.
"I like Henry's style. Zero fucks given."
We walked to the next bridge, then up a set of stairs to the footpath that ran next to the road. We followed it up to the road we were parked on, then turned left. I looked up the hill to where the car was, somewhat pleased to see that the gradient was a lot gentler than the staircase we initially came down.
There were a lot more people on the street now, as everyone seemed to have the same idea about eating out tonight, and there were people milling around outside the restaurants that we walked past.
We got back to the car, and within minutes we were out of town and getting back onto the freeway. We didn't talk much, but it was the comfortable silence of two people relaxed in each other's company. I became lost in my own thoughts as we cruised down the road.
A couple of hours went by, and soon we were getting close to the service station where we would normally swap over. I glanced across at Mum and noticed she had fallen asleep. She had her jumper balled up, cushioning her head against the window, and she looked peaceful. I was mindful of what she was going through and just how stressful life had been for her lately, and I was loath to wake her up.
I looked at the fuel gauge and knew I had plenty of fuel to get us home, and although I was getting a bit tired, I wasn't desperate to stop at this point. The service station loomed up on the left, but I blew past it without even slowing as I moved into the overtaking lane to go past a car that had just pulled out of the service station but wasn't up to speed yet. As I went past, I switched the high beams on and lit up the road ahead as I settled in for the next leg of the trip.
As I drove through the long, straight roads, the traffic thinned to the point that there would only be one car or truck every five to ten kilometres. It meant that I usually had good visibility because I could keep the high beams on. In this part of the country, that was a good thing because so much of the wildlife was nocturnal and, frankly, not very smart. The last thing you want to do is hit a kangaroo or wombat at one hundred kilometres per hour. The problem was that this section of road was pretty boring, and it was very easy to let your mind wander.
I glanced across again at the sleeping passenger princess and smiled. It was ridiculous to think just how drastically our relationship had changed in the last couple of days. Admittedly, I knew that trauma could create massive change, and I worried that all of this was a desperate attempt to hang onto something positive from all the awful shit going on in our lives. What did that mean for us? Would this be a positive or negative thing for us in the long run?
I wondered if I was just taking advantage of her vulnerability at the moment, and I also wondered if there was a future for us where this would continue to grow or if it would come crashing to an end at some point. Would our relationship survive that if it did? On the other hand, I wondered how things would go if we did manage to make this work. Where would it lead us?
I tried to think about other things because this was just going in circles and was never going to be sorted out tonight. Instead, I tried to focus on what I would need to do tomorrow. There was a lot on the agenda, and it had me stressed. So much of what we did tomorrow would depend on how things went when Mum confronted Dad about his affair. She seemed almost excited about it, like it was a big adventure for her, and I guess in some ways I could understand that. I think more than anything, she was looking forward to the freedom of being able to decide her own fate and actions without him dictating what she could or couldn't do, or even how she could behave.
I was more concerned that things could go spectacularly wrong. As much as he had been uncaring and unpleasant to live with, I doubted he would become violent, but who really knew how he would take being backed into a corner? I also had my school interview to get to, and I had to tell my friends that I wouldn't be coming back. There were a couple of friends from work and school in particular that I wanted to say goodbye to, but I also knew that I could do that via phone if I had to.
I was really beginning to feel tired and in need of a stretch by the time I was two towns from home. By the time I reached our hometown, I was restless and becoming desperate for a pee. I noticed the tank was now below a quarter full as well, so I pulled into the service station on the north side of town. There were only two service stations in this little town, one on the north side of town and one on the south.
As I came into the driveway, the rocking bump shook her awake. I pulled up to the petrol pump as she looked around blearily. She had a confused look on her face as though she couldn't figure out where she was.
"What? Where are we?"
"We're home. Well, sort of."
Would I ever think of this place as home again?
"What? Did you drive all the way? You should have woken me up."
"I'm okay. Besides, you clearly needed to sleep. We do need to get fuel and organise somewhere to stay now, though. Can you please do the fuel? I am busting for a pee."
"Oh, yeah, of course."
She still seemed a little disoriented from having just woken up.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, sorry, just a bit groggy. That was a surprisingly deep sleep."
"You definitely needed it."
By the time I collected the bathroom key, used the toilet, returned the key, and got back to the car, she had already paid for the fuel and was on the phone. As I sat back down in the car, she thanked whoever she had called and closed her phone.
She started the car and drove out the driveway as she told me that she had called the one and only motel in town, and thankfully they had a room available. We could pick up the key at the desk and go straight in.
Thankfully, there was enough room to park the car with the trailer in the car park of the motel. I really didn't want to leave it on the street or have to take the trailer off. We opened the door to the room, I dumped our overnight bags on the single bed, and I stretched on the queen bed, feeling the small spasms in my back as it adjusted to not being in the car.
I wasn't looking forward to tomorrow, not just because of the potential conflict but also the fact that there would be some heavy lifting followed by another full day of driving and more heavy lifting at the end. My back was already aching, and I knew that by this time tomorrow night, I would be feeling it even more than I am now.
Mum was looking a bit fresher than I felt, thanks to her four-hour nap, but she still looked like she too had had enough of sitting in the car. She pulled the curtains closed and turned to face me.
"In another town, I might leave those open."
She giggled and winked at me. It reminded me of the old man and his wife walking the dog, and I laughed. She got onto the bed, stretched out next to me and groaned.
"God, it's good to get out of the car."
"Absolutely. I'm not looking forward to the drive back tomorrow."
"I'm not either. Not looking forward to tomorrow at all, to be honest."
"No. It's not going to be much fun."
She rolled onto her side to face me, her face serious. I rolled onto my side to face her too and winced as my back popped.
"Jeff, I don't want you to face your dad tomorrow. It's going to be hard enough without him pointing the blame at you or getting angry because you are there to witness his embarrassment. I think it will work out best for everyone if you stay away from each other."
I hadn't really considered being there for that conversation; in fact, it was the last thing in the world I wanted to be a part of. I just assumed that we were on the same page with that.
"That's no problem for me at all. How do you want to do this?"
"Well, I was thinking about it before, and I think the best way to handle it will be to see him at his work. He's not likely to explode at me or carry on too much if his workmates are around to witness it. Once I explain what I know and he gets over the initial shock, I think he will realise that what I am offering is actually in his favour."
"I think if we do what you said earlier and you start loading things in the car and trailer after dropping me off, then we can get it done relatively quickly and be on our way to our new home in good time. I want to get back home to Mum A.S.A.P. Speaking of which, I should message Chilton to see how she is."
Mum sent the message, and Chilton was quick to reply that all was well. Having been put at ease about her mother, she returned to the conversation at hand.
We stayed up for as long as we could discussing our options for the next day until neither of us could think straight, let alone keep our eyes open. I went and had my shower, and when I came out of the bathroom, I noticed she had moved the bags off the spare bed. When I looked at it, she smiled, albeit a little sadly.
"It's just that we need to remember where we are. Everybody knows us here, and we have to be careful."
I nodded in understanding, but it still hurt a little.
"Yeah, that makes sense."
She hugged me and then kissed me. It definitely had some heat to it, but she cut it short before it got out of hand. She put her cheek against mine and whispered.
"It's not that I don't want you. God knows I have been wet all day thinking about having your cock inside me, and after tomorrow we won't have to be anywhere near as careful except at Granny's."
"I understand, I really do, but I can't pretend I'm not disappointed. I want you so much. I want to feel you from the inside, and I want to taste you again."
"Oh god. Please stop; I'm already soaked."
I released our hug and took a step back. I was standing there in just a t-shirt and a pair of jocks, and my cock was standing at full attention. There was a small wet patch where I had leaked some pre-cum. She looked down at it and groaned before tentatively reaching out and gripping it gently.
"Oh god, I have to go have a shower before I lose all control."
She let go of me and headed for the bathroom.
"I wouldn't have a clue. Never really paid any attention to her."
"A red sports car sounds like her kind of deal, though, doesn't it?"
"Do you want me to reply to Cindy?"
She nodded, smiling as she thought about what to say to her friend.
"Yeah. Tell her she's batshit crazy, but I'm glad she's having some fun with this. Oh, and tell her thanks for doing that."
I sent the message and waited. She was obviously busy with the kids, though. We pulled into a town and found the main street. Mum drove slowly along, looking at restaurants along the side of the road and looking for a parking spot at the same time. It was a busy night here, and everybody seemed to not want to cook tonight. We drove up and down the street three times before we finally found someone pulling out of a parking spot. We pulled in behind them as they pulled out. We got out and stretched our cramped bodies before walking into the nearest restaurant we could see.
"Sombrero's" was quite possibly the least original name you could give a Mexican restaurant, but the smells coming from the kitchen were incredible. The décor was old, and the giant sombreros suspended from the high ceiling all had a coating of dust that suggested they had been there untouched for at least a decade. The paint job was all reds, yellows, and adobe hues. It was bright and cheerful but with a hint of neglect. We weren't there to inspect the paint job, though.
I ordered the "combination burritos," one beef, one chicken, and one bean, with a side of jalapeños and sour cream. Mum ordered the fajitas and a Mexican salad. As we sat there having a cold drink, I have to say that neither of us was overly hopeful that the meal would be anything more than basic on-the-road fare.
Mum's phone buzzed again, and she immediately opened it up. She quickly scanned it and began laughing before reading it out to me.
"Third and final status update for today. Returned to the scene, this time disguised as an eight-foot-tall, murderous clown, which I achieved by sitting on the shoulders of my ridiculously tall son while wearing a pair of overalls. Snow dropped from a clothesline near your house. You have very tall neighbours, by the way. Fortunately, all the sweating from such a manoeuvre caused my normally flawless makeup to run, which quite conveniently helped with the deranged clown look. I figured if he wandered outside, he would immediately be gripped by fear and would either lose control of his bowels, vowing never to speak of the horror he had witnessed, or would run away screaming like a little girl. Personally, I was hoping for bowel evacuation, but unfortunately, he didn't come outside at all. I did manage to notice that the red sports car, a Mazda RX8, was right at the bottom of the driveway with his car tucked in close behind it so that it wouldn't be easily seen from the road. I suspect that there is unlawful nookie being indulged in. I would sincerely love to do a "ring and run" prank on the place, but you did make me promise to not let on that he was caught. Spoilsport. Anyway, I am sorry to share this shitty news with you, but I suspect you were already prepared to hear it. I hope it all goes as well as it possibly can under the circumstances for you. Please make sure you come and see me before you leave town again too. Anyway, time to return the pilfered overalls and apologise to the rest of the neighbourhood for the terrifying display. Might have to book my son into therapy too if for no other reason than having my sweaty ass up on his shoulders for an extended period of time. Poor lad will probably never leave the shower again."
We were both in hysterics, and Mum was trying to write a reply of thanks when the sizzling hot plates arrived at our table. I was immediately impressed. The food was no frills and no fancy dishes; the crockery didn't even match, but the smell was sensational. Amazingly, it tasted even better than it smelt, which, to be fair, was quite an ask because the smell alone would have converted the most ardent vegan.
I tried to savour it, but it was so good that it seemed to just disappear before my eyes.
Half an hour later we were both sitting in front of empty plates with full bellies and a desire to sleep it off. We eventually managed to get enough energy to get up and leave and stepped out into the still-warm evening air. Recognising the signs of an imminent food coma, I knew I needed to go for a walk before we set off in the car again.
I explained how I felt, and Mum agreed, so we set off up the hill, past where the car was parked, to the end of the block, where there was a sign pointing down a steep set of stairs to a walking track that followed the river that ran alongside the town.
As we trudged down the stairs, I was thinking that they were going to be a pain to climb back up, but knowing that it would well and truly wake me up before sitting down for the next leg of driving. We reached the bottom of the stairs and looked in both directions. To the right was the uphill section that looked like it only went as far as a small picnic area on the bank of the river. To the left was a much longer-looking path that followed the river and went beneath at least two bridges that crossed the river as far as we could see from here. We turned in that direction and set off.
Nothing much was said between us as we walked, but I smiled as I felt her hand slip into mine. We crossed under the first bridge, and then the path went through a narrow, shaded section with overhanging branches from the trees along the river before opening out onto a more manicured lawn section. We stopped for a moment to admire the beauty of the place. The river gurgled quietly, and all the trees were bathed in the golden evening light of the setting sun. Even with the sound of the traffic crossing the bridge, it was such a peaceful place that it was tempting to stay there.
I looked at her as she stared at the water flowing past, seemingly lost in thought. I admired her beauty as the golden light, filtered through the leaves of the trees, dappled her face. A small smile crossed her face, and then sensing my attention on her, she turned to me. The small smile turned into something quite radiant as our eyes met. The world melted away for me as I stared at her, then caught up in the moment, swept her into a hug, wrapping my arms around her warm body and pulling her in close to me. I leaned in to kiss her, and her chin tilted up to meet it. We were swept up in the passion of the moment as our kiss deepened into something a lot more passionate. I felt her arms go around my neck, and I leaned into her, wanting to feel as much of her body against mine as I possibly could.
My heart rate quickened as my desire grew in time with my hardening cock. Feeling it swell between us, she slowly ground herself against me, letting me know that she could feel it and wanted me as much as I wanted her right then. One hand slipped down her back and cupped her ass as I pulled her in tighter against me, and I felt her moan into my mouth in response. I was moments away from laying her down on the grass and taking her there and then when something filtered through to my hormone-addled brain.
I opened my eyes and noticed that an elderly couple was approaching us, walking their dog. I very reluctantly released my grip on her, and my lips left hers. She looked as disappointed as I felt, but when her eyes saw that mine were looking behind her, she too released her grip on my neck. By now the couple was only a couple of meters away from us, and they were both smiling.
Their dog came up to us and began sniffing our legs as the elderly couple both spoke at the same time.
"Good evening."
We both responded in kind, and I could feel myself blushing, knowing we had been caught and feeling more than just a bit naughty. If Mum felt the same way, she certainly wasn't showing it. If anything, she was looking a little smug.
I noticed that the woman had a look of curiosity as though she was just now noticing there was an age difference between us. She didn't seem to disapprove, but I could see she was curious. The man, however, just had a cheeky grin on his face as he knew he had just interrupted something that was on the verge of becoming much more erotic.
"It's a good night for it."
He chuckled and then, for good measure, threw in a salacious wink. I couldn't help but laugh, but his wife was mortified. She smacked his arm and gave him a reproachful look, but it too was tinged with good humour.
"Henry James. Behave yourself."
Mum smiled at them both, then returned Henry's wink.
"Where's the fun in that?"
Henry burst out laughing and nodded.
His wife shook her head as though she was giving up on him, then tugged gently on his arm.
"Come on, you, let's get home before you embarrass us any more. I can't take you anywhere."
We all laughed as they turned to walk past us. As they walked off, I could hear her muttering to him but not what she said. He didn't seem to be disturbed by what she had to say in the slightest. We both smiled as we watched them walk under the bridge with their little dog.
As they disappeared into the shadows, it seemed to be our cue to move on as well. Mum chuckled and smiled.
"I like Henry's style. Zero fucks given."
We walked to the next bridge, then up a set of stairs to the footpath that ran next to the road. We followed it up to the road we were parked on, then turned left. I looked up the hill to where the car was, somewhat pleased to see that the gradient was a lot gentler than the staircase we initially came down.
There were a lot more people on the street now, as everyone seemed to have the same idea about eating out tonight, and there were people milling around outside the restaurants that we walked past.
We got back to the car, and within minutes we were out of town and getting back onto the freeway. We didn't talk much, but it was the comfortable silence of two people relaxed in each other's company. I became lost in my own thoughts as we cruised down the road.
A couple of hours went by, and soon we were getting close to the service station where we would normally swap over. I glanced across at Mum and noticed she had fallen asleep. She had her jumper balled up, cushioning her head against the window, and she looked peaceful. I was mindful of what she was going through and just how stressful life had been for her lately, and I was loath to wake her up.
I looked at the fuel gauge and knew I had plenty of fuel to get us home, and although I was getting a bit tired, I wasn't desperate to stop at this point. The service station loomed up on the left, but I blew past it without even slowing as I moved into the overtaking lane to go past a car that had just pulled out of the service station but wasn't up to speed yet. As I went past, I switched the high beams on and lit up the road ahead as I settled in for the next leg of the trip.
As I drove through the long, straight roads, the traffic thinned to the point that there would only be one car or truck every five to ten kilometres. It meant that I usually had good visibility because I could keep the high beams on. In this part of the country, that was a good thing because so much of the wildlife was nocturnal and, frankly, not very smart. The last thing you want to do is hit a kangaroo or wombat at one hundred kilometres per hour. The problem was that this section of road was pretty boring, and it was very easy to let your mind wander.
I glanced across again at the sleeping passenger princess and smiled. It was ridiculous to think just how drastically our relationship had changed in the last couple of days. Admittedly, I knew that trauma could create massive change, and I worried that all of this was a desperate attempt to hang onto something positive from all the awful shit going on in our lives. What did that mean for us? Would this be a positive or negative thing for us in the long run?
I wondered if I was just taking advantage of her vulnerability at the moment, and I also wondered if there was a future for us where this would continue to grow or if it would come crashing to an end at some point. Would our relationship survive that if it did? On the other hand, I wondered how things would go if we did manage to make this work. Where would it lead us?
I tried to think about other things because this was just going in circles and was never going to be sorted out tonight. Instead, I tried to focus on what I would need to do tomorrow. There was a lot on the agenda, and it had me stressed. So much of what we did tomorrow would depend on how things went when Mum confronted Dad about his affair. She seemed almost excited about it, like it was a big adventure for her, and I guess in some ways I could understand that. I think more than anything, she was looking forward to the freedom of being able to decide her own fate and actions without him dictating what she could or couldn't do, or even how she could behave.
I was more concerned that things could go spectacularly wrong. As much as he had been uncaring and unpleasant to live with, I doubted he would become violent, but who really knew how he would take being backed into a corner? I also had my school interview to get to, and I had to tell my friends that I wouldn't be coming back. There were a couple of friends from work and school in particular that I wanted to say goodbye to, but I also knew that I could do that via phone if I had to.
I was really beginning to feel tired and in need of a stretch by the time I was two towns from home. By the time I reached our hometown, I was restless and becoming desperate for a pee. I noticed the tank was now below a quarter full as well, so I pulled into the service station on the north side of town. There were only two service stations in this little town, one on the north side of town and one on the south.
As I came into the driveway, the rocking bump shook her awake. I pulled up to the petrol pump as she looked around blearily. She had a confused look on her face as though she couldn't figure out where she was.
"What? Where are we?"
"We're home. Well, sort of."
Would I ever think of this place as home again?
"What? Did you drive all the way? You should have woken me up."
"I'm okay. Besides, you clearly needed to sleep. We do need to get fuel and organise somewhere to stay now, though. Can you please do the fuel? I am busting for a pee."
"Oh, yeah, of course."
She still seemed a little disoriented from having just woken up.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, sorry, just a bit groggy. That was a surprisingly deep sleep."
"You definitely needed it."
By the time I collected the bathroom key, used the toilet, returned the key, and got back to the car, she had already paid for the fuel and was on the phone. As I sat back down in the car, she thanked whoever she had called and closed her phone.
She started the car and drove out the driveway as she told me that she had called the one and only motel in town, and thankfully they had a room available. We could pick up the key at the desk and go straight in.
Thankfully, there was enough room to park the car with the trailer in the car park of the motel. I really didn't want to leave it on the street or have to take the trailer off. We opened the door to the room, I dumped our overnight bags on the single bed, and I stretched on the queen bed, feeling the small spasms in my back as it adjusted to not being in the car.
I wasn't looking forward to tomorrow, not just because of the potential conflict but also the fact that there would be some heavy lifting followed by another full day of driving and more heavy lifting at the end. My back was already aching, and I knew that by this time tomorrow night, I would be feeling it even more than I am now.
Mum was looking a bit fresher than I felt, thanks to her four-hour nap, but she still looked like she too had had enough of sitting in the car. She pulled the curtains closed and turned to face me.
"In another town, I might leave those open."
She giggled and winked at me. It reminded me of the old man and his wife walking the dog, and I laughed. She got onto the bed, stretched out next to me and groaned.
"God, it's good to get out of the car."
"Absolutely. I'm not looking forward to the drive back tomorrow."
"I'm not either. Not looking forward to tomorrow at all, to be honest."
"No. It's not going to be much fun."
She rolled onto her side to face me, her face serious. I rolled onto my side to face her too and winced as my back popped.
"Jeff, I don't want you to face your dad tomorrow. It's going to be hard enough without him pointing the blame at you or getting angry because you are there to witness his embarrassment. I think it will work out best for everyone if you stay away from each other."
I hadn't really considered being there for that conversation; in fact, it was the last thing in the world I wanted to be a part of. I just assumed that we were on the same page with that.
"That's no problem for me at all. How do you want to do this?"
"Well, I was thinking about it before, and I think the best way to handle it will be to see him at his work. He's not likely to explode at me or carry on too much if his workmates are around to witness it. Once I explain what I know and he gets over the initial shock, I think he will realise that what I am offering is actually in his favour."
"I think if we do what you said earlier and you start loading things in the car and trailer after dropping me off, then we can get it done relatively quickly and be on our way to our new home in good time. I want to get back home to Mum A.S.A.P. Speaking of which, I should message Chilton to see how she is."
Mum sent the message, and Chilton was quick to reply that all was well. Having been put at ease about her mother, she returned to the conversation at hand.
We stayed up for as long as we could discussing our options for the next day until neither of us could think straight, let alone keep our eyes open. I went and had my shower, and when I came out of the bathroom, I noticed she had moved the bags off the spare bed. When I looked at it, she smiled, albeit a little sadly.
"It's just that we need to remember where we are. Everybody knows us here, and we have to be careful."
I nodded in understanding, but it still hurt a little.
"Yeah, that makes sense."
She hugged me and then kissed me. It definitely had some heat to it, but she cut it short before it got out of hand. She put her cheek against mine and whispered.
"It's not that I don't want you. God knows I have been wet all day thinking about having your cock inside me, and after tomorrow we won't have to be anywhere near as careful except at Granny's."
"I understand, I really do, but I can't pretend I'm not disappointed. I want you so much. I want to feel you from the inside, and I want to taste you again."
"Oh god. Please stop; I'm already soaked."
I released our hug and took a step back. I was standing there in just a t-shirt and a pair of jocks, and my cock was standing at full attention. There was a small wet patch where I had leaked some pre-cum. She looked down at it and groaned before tentatively reaching out and gripping it gently.
"Oh god, I have to go have a shower before I lose all control."
She let go of me and headed for the bathroom.