Update 22
Discovering Mum Ch.12
I pulled out of the driveway and headed toward the school. We discussed what we would do and agreed that I should go now and say goodbye to who I wanted to before meeting with the principal. Mum was going to go and see Cindy to say goodbye, as well as make sure everything she needed to do before leaving work was done. When I was finished at the school, I would walk down to her work. We would most likely leave from there and begin our drive back to Granny's.
I spent nearly an hour talking to the principal about my options, and we decided that due to it being the end of the semester, it would be almost impossible to organise another school until after the Easter break. On top of that, the school had recently set up a school-from-home option for teen parents. This was all run off the back of school from home during COVID-19.
The infrastructure was all there, and it was not a big deal to just change that. This way, I wouldn't have to enrol in a different school or jump through any hoops. I would be dealing with the same teachers that I had been for the year so far, and they would be understanding of the situation as well as being familiar with my work. It all worked out a lot simpler than I thought it would be.
As I was now an adult and as such considered a mature-aged student, it freed up a lot of options for me and actually made it a lot simpler. I had gone into the meeting thinking that if it all was too complicated, then I would just quit school and go get a full-time job, but this made it worth staying with it. I would still be getting a job, obviously, but this left a lot more options open to me.
I walked out of the school with a spring in my step, and I felt a lot better about things than I had been feeling beforehand. I got to catch up with a couple of friends, but as I said earlier, I didn't have a huge collection of friends. It was nice to catch up with the few I do have, though, and we all promised to stay in touch. Part of me knew that that would probably only last until school finished anyway and everyone would move on to their own new lives. I felt like I was just taking that first step a little earlier than they were. A year ago it would have made me sad to be leaving my friends behind, but now I was just feeling excited for the future.
My head was in the clouds as I walked back to Mum's work. I felt strange as I walked into her office. I had met Cindy before, but I had never been inside her office. She welcomed me in and was quite friendly, but I still felt like I had interrupted something.
By now it was four o'clock, and we still had an eight-hour drive ahead of us. If we left right now, we still wouldn't get in until midnight. I hated doing it, but I reminded her what the time was, and she seemed to come to the same conclusion I had. If we were going to go, it had to be now.
We said our goodbyes while Mum and Cindy promised to stay in touch with each other. I headed for the car, doing a quick once-over to make sure I had everything I needed at hand, and then sat in the driver's seat while Mum hugged and thanked
Cindy. She finally got in the car, and we headed off.
"Sorry to have rushed you out of there, Mum."
"No, you're right; it got later than I expected, and we really do need to get going."
We left town on the same road we had come in on. You would think there would be a sad moment when we said goodbye to the place we had lived in so long. The only town that had ever been my hometown, but the only thing I felt was relief, and judging by the smile on her face, it wasn't too hard to guess that Mum was feeling the same way.
The highway was busy, and the further we went, the busier it got. Within half an hour we had only gotten to the next town, and the road was packed. The traffic was travelling about twenty kilometres per hour below the limit, and it was already becoming frustrating.
I found a turnoff to our left that would take us out through some rural towns and country roads before it reconnected with the highway about a hundred K's north of where we were. It was a more scenic route and would normally take a bit longer than going down the highway because of the small towns you had to slow down for, but school holiday traffic might well be the exception to the rule. I pointed it out to Mum and asked if she thought it was worth a try.
"It doesn't look like anyone is turning off there, so it might be worth it. We keep going like this, and we won't get there until three or four in the morning. Go for it."
I indicated and eased out of the traffic that had slowed even more as they began to bunch up, slowing for the town ahead. I turned off and felt the sense of claustrophobia disappear as I accelerated down the country lane that I knew turned into an old rural highway in about five kilometres. A couple of cars followed me, either sensing that I knew something that they didn't or maybe they were locals too. They seemed happy to let me lead the way, though, so most likely they just wanted off the packed highway as much as we did.
The road wound itself through a nice landscape of rivers and farms as the valley spread out around us. We made pretty good time considering, and it wasn't until we approached the intersection where we would have to re-join the highway that I felt the stress begin to creep back in. I was glad the intersection had a set of traffic lights because we would have had to sit there for however long it took for someone to let us out.
Mum took out her phone and looked at the time and then the traffic ahead of us. Sighing, she shook her head.
"I knew it was a crap time to travel, but I didn't think it would be quite this bad."
"Do you think many will stop for the night along the way?"
"Who knows? Some will turn off depending on where they're going, but others will join in along the way, so I don't know if it will improve much at all. I think we might be better off seeing if we can get somewhere to stay for the night."
"We might have to do that but not yet. Let's see how we feel after we stop for dinner."
"Are you right to drive a little longer?"
"Yeah, I've only been going for a bit over an hour. We'll swap at two hours; that will put us around dinner time. What do you think?"
"Sounds like a plan. Truth is, as much as I want to get back to Granny, I am just happy to be out and about and free."
She grinned at me as she said the word free. It was like she was tasting the word in her mouth for the first time and was delighted at how sweet it was. I could sense her excitement and was feeling the joy she was radiating. She scooched across, undoing her seat belt, and kissed me on the cheek. I couldn't help but grin at her enthusiasm and excitement.
Her hand landed in my lap, and she gently caressed my cock.
"Tonight, I am going to make full use of that freedom."
Her breath was hot on my neck as she whispered in my ear, and it made my cock stand to full attention. I could feel her hand fishing around as she nibbled on my earlobe. She found my fly and pulled it down, then her hand was in my shorts. She pulled the top of my underwear down and released my cock into the cooler air of the car. She stroked me a few times and used her thumb to smear the slippery pre-cum around the head. It felt incredible, and I definitely didn't want her to stop.
There were cars all around us, and I looked out the window to see who was next to us. A couple who looked like they were in their thirties was keeping pace with us. The man was driving and watching the traffic in front of him as I was trying to do as well. The woman was looking pissed off and bored. No doubt she hated being stuck in traffic as much as everyone else was right at this moment.
It felt incredibly naughty and exciting to have my cock out in public with people so near to us. The only thing preventing them from seeing what was going on in here was the metal of the door. Part of me wanted her to know. I wanted her to see my cock as it was being expertly stroked. I wanted her to be shocked and excited by what was going on right next to her.
Mum let go of my cock and raised her fingers to her mouth, tasting my pre-cum that was now glistening on her fingers. She sucked her fingers into her mouth and moaned.
"God, you taste so good. I want more."
She kissed me on the cheek again with her sticky lips and then bent over, sliding her butt back towards her door. She gripped my cock again, and then it was my turn to moan as I felt her hot, wet mouth envelop my throbbing cock.
"Oh my fucking God, yes!"
I felt more than heard her chuckle around my cock. She began rising and falling gently up and down, allowing her lips to drag over the skin of my cock on the upswing. She would then sink back down and flick her tongue over the eye of my cock and the sensitive underside. It felt absolutely incredible, and I was really struggling to focus on the traffic as well as the incredible sensations taking place in my lap.
I looked down and watched her head bobbing up and down for a few moments, then back up at the traffic. I still couldn't believe this was happening. It was so exciting having my cock sucked with people all around me. I ran my left hand through her hair, and she seemed to suck even harder.
"Oh, God, that feels so damn good."
She reached up with one hand and wrapped her hair around my fingers. She then placed her hand on mine and began to pull. She was letting me know that she wanted me to be a bit more aggressive with it. I took her lead and began to pull on each upstroke. It felt so wrong, so bad, so damn exciting to be essentially fucking her face and knowing she was encouraging it.
"Your mouth feels so good on my cock. For someone who hasn't had any action in years, you certainly are good at it."
She lifted her head off me and looked up at me with a devious grin. There was spit on her chin and the sluttiest smile I had ever seen on her face.
"I fucking love having your cock in my mouth. I love the taste of you. I may not have had much practice in the last twenty years, but Susie and I sucked a lot of cock when we were younger. I haven't forgotten how."
She went back to it, and I moaned again. I looked out my window and was surprised to see the lady in the car looking across at me with a quizzical look on her face. I realised that she had seen that there were two people in the car before, but now she could only see one. I exaggerated the movement of my hand on Mum's head, pulling her hair just a little harder. She moaned in response and sucked even harder.
The lady in the car next to us seemed to understand all at once what was happening right next to her. The exaggerated hand movement, the look of pleasure on my face as the vibrations of her moan rumbled through me, and the obvious disappearance of her from the passenger side all added up, and her jaw dropped open in shock. She was so close to us that I could see her cheeks begin to flush. If our windows were open, we could have reached out and touched each other's hands.
At first, she turned away and looked straight ahead as though she was seeing something she shouldn't be, and she was obviously shocked and a little embarrassed. I was watching the traffic around us at the same time, so I could only glance at her every now and then. I saw her look across at her husband to see if he had noticed, but his eyes were focused ahead. She glanced back at the kids in the back seat, but one was asleep and the other had her head buried in a tablet and headphones on.
She glanced back at me, and when our eyes met, I smiled at her. She looked away again almost instantly but then looked back like she couldn't look away. I caught her eyes again and wiggled my eyebrows. She had a look of shock on her face, but there was definitely curiosity as well. I continued to pull on Mum's hair as she showed great stamina.
"The woman in the car next to us knows what you are doing."
She released me with a slurp from her mouth, but her hand continued to stroke me.
"What was that?"
"I said the woman in the car next to us knows what you are doing. She seems embarrassed but very curious."
"Oh, God, that's so hot. I wish she could see me sucking your cock."
She lifted her head a little more and looked out the driver's side window. Straight into the eyes of our road neighbour. She gave her a big, sloppy grin, and the lady quickly looked around again to make sure no one in her car was watching, then immediately turned back. She looked at Mum again, then mouthed the word.
She chuckled that slightly evil laugh and immediately went back to what she was doing. Between the excitement of being watched, the unbelievable talent that she had with her mouth, and the fact that this was happening at all, I was so close to the edge now it wasn't funny.
"You're going to make me cum real soon."
She kind of chuckled around my cock, then doubled down on what she was doing. I gripped her hair again and really began to thrust into her, partly because my body just demanded it and partly for the show we were putting on. Our neighbour was now watching very intently, and her face had gone quite red, but I think now it was less embarrassment and more arousal.
"Oh, she's loving knowing you are sucking my cock. I bet her pussy is dripping wet right now. Do you think she will finger her pussy in the car thinking about you sucking my cock? Or maybe she will suck her husband's cock later while thinking about us."
She released me again but very briefly.
"Fuck, I hope so. I am so fucking wet myself. Now fill my mouth with your cum so I can show her."
The ridiculously erotic nature of this situation was already enough to drive me over the edge, and her expert mouth pushed me along quite nicely. Knowing she wanted me to cum in her mouth only served to tip me over the edge. I moaned out loud, and there would have been no mistaking what was happening to me even from another car as my cum rocketed out of my cock and into her waiting mouth.
I tried my best to keep control of the car and watch the traffic as I held her head in place by her hair while I fired a very large load of cum into her mouth. She took it all in her stride and even squeezed my cock with her hand to make sure she didn't miss a drop. When she knew I had finished, she sat up and turned to look at our neighbour, who had a look of pure astonishment on her face. When she opened her mouth to show her my load of cum and then swallowed it all down, her look of shock expanded as her jaw dropped open.
Mum smiled at her and then waved before turning to face out the front of the car again. The next few kilometres were a little awkward as we kept pretty much side by side with them, and she kept looking across at us as though she was having trouble believing that what she had just witnessed was real. She was smiling, but her face was still red. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind.
Finally, we reached a medium-sized town, and I turned off the highway and onto the main street. I watched in the mirror as the other car kept going straight ahead. It was still too early to be getting dark, but I needed a break from driving, and the last section seemed to have taken forever. I found a car park for a shopping centre and parked the car.
"Ready to swap, are you?"
"Yeah, I need a break. I need to stretch my legs more than anything."
A sly grin crossed her face.
"I want to stretch my legs too. Back up over my shoulders, preferably."
She gave me an exaggerated wink as she said it, and it cracked me up.
"I would gladly help you with that if you want."
I stepped out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. I opened the door for her, and she stepped out of the car. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me in close to her. The feeling of her body against mine, the throaty sound her voice made when she was this turned on, and the scent of her desire along with the smell of my cum on her breath were causing things to stir within me again. I wasn't hard yet, but much more of this and I would be again.
"Oh, I want. I want you so much my pussy is throbbing right now. If I didn't have panties on, I would have cum running down my thighs. It turned me on so much knowing that she knew I was sucking your cock in the car. I wanted her to watch real close so she could see your cock sliding in and out of my mouth. I wanted her to play with her pussy while she watched. I wanted to see how wet she was and how much we were turning her on. Hell, I would even let her hold your cock while I suck it or let her guide it into my wet pussy. I want to fuck you so badly right now, and I want people to see my pussy stretched open by your cock. I want them to moan in delight as you pump your fertile cum deep inside me, and when I finally let you go, I want them to see your cum leaking out of my well-fucked hole. How does that sound?"
She punctuated each sentence with a hot kiss, and the imagery she was planting in my brain had me hard again. She was grinding her pelvis against me, and I knew she was on the verge of losing what was left of her self-control and just fucking me right here in a public car park. There were people around, but none so close that they could tell that we were doing anything more than just hugging.
"How does that sound? It sounds like the hottest, most erotic thing I have ever heard. I am constantly in awe of you. I hope you know that I want you just as much as you want me."
I could see her genuinely thinking about doing it. It wouldn't have surprised me if she just stripped naked right here, right now, pulled my cock out, and just impaled herself on it. I'm not even sure I would have put up a fight. What little sense of reason remained between us, though, managed to take a foothold. I could see the battle waging behind her eyes, and I saw the moment that common sense prevailed. She chuckled and shook her head in wonder.
"We are going to get arrested if we aren't careful."
"And I doubt we will get to share a cell."
She laughed and shook her head.
"It's a pity, but probably not. Okay, how about we go get some dinner, not that I am all that hungry after such a big snack just before?"
We both laughed again as we turned away from the car and began to walk back towards the main street to try and find some food. We were only after something light, so we settled on a café with tables out on the footpath. We sat at a four-person rectangular bench, but instead of sitting opposite each other, we sat side by side, facing out towards the highway.
We watched as what seemed like an endless stream of cars went past at less than half the usual pace. I looked at Mum, and she too was watching the traffic with a frustrated look on her face.
"It doesn't look like the traffic is getting any better."
"If anything, I think it's actually getting worse. I can't believe it's taken this long to get this far. We should be much further along by now. I can't see us getting back before one or two in the morning at absolute best, probably later."
I sighed and took her hand. I know you want to get home to Granny as soon as possible, but do you think it's smart to keep going? All it's going to take is for someone to run up the ass of someone else out there, and the traffic could be blocked for hours. Maybe we should find somewhere to stop for the night?
She seemed to think about it for a minute, then sighed.
"Yeah, I think you're right."
As though fate was confirming this, the traffic on the highway came to a complete stop. A couple of minutes later we heard the sound of sirens in the distance. Mum called Granny then and for a moment was concerned when Chilton answered the phone.
"Chilton. Is everything alright?"
"Yes, everything's just fine. I have got Liz relaxing on the massage table, so I didn't