Update 26

Discovering Mum Ch. 15

It was a strange sensation, almost disorienting, really. Every aspect of our relationship had changed. It wasn't exactly an overnight change because this had begun several days ago when we first headed north. It felt like an overnight change though because of the momentous nature of what had happened since yesterday.

I couldn't help but reflect on our relationship as we drove through the morning sunshine. I watched the landscape change as we drove through the farming communities along the back roads. I had never been this way before, and it was nice to see something other than highways for a change.

As much as I was enjoying watching the scenery roll by, I was really only half seeing it because in my mind's eye, I was rolling through a thousand memories of growing up. It was hard to believe that the two of us sitting in the front seat of this car, on what felt like a flight to freedom, were the same two people in the memories that were flitting through my mind like an old film, slightly faded and warped with time.

I felt her hand on my bare thigh as she shook it gently. I snapped back to the present with a sense of whiplash.

"Huh? What's up?'

She chuckled as she glanced at me.

"I could ask you the same question. You were a million miles away. Is everything alright?"

She was trying to keep it light-hearted but I could see the concern in her eyes. I knew she was going through the same thoughts and doubts about the recent changes that I was and I could see she needed some reassurance.

"Sorry, I was on a completely different planet for a bit there."

"A penny for your thoughts?"

I could see the worry coming out on her forehead as it wrinkled in that familiar way. That familiarity made me smile as I took her hand in mine. I raised it my lips and kissed the backs of her fingers gently.

"I was just remembering things. Random scenes from growing up, holidays and things we all did together. I was just marvelling at how things have changed."


I could hear the concern in her voice from just that one word and it hurt to think that maybe I was the cause for so much of her concern and worry. I looked at her and she looked back but she wasn't smiling. In fact, she looked like she was about to cry. I didn't know what to say so I just held her hand and tried to convey my feelings through touch.

"Jeff, do you... regret... what has happened?"

She seemed to struggle to get the words out like they were jagged and were catching in her throat. I watched as a tear rolled down her cheek and my heart seemed to come to a complete stop in my chest.

"Mum, pull the car over up here please."

She didn't say anything but she nodded when I pointed to the dirt section off the side of the road. The car came to a stop and I undid my seat belt, turning in the seat to face her. She sat there looking down at her feet and looking absolutely miserable. I waited a moment but she seemed unable to look at me. I spoke gently.

"Look at me, please."

She looked up at me slowly and I watched as the tears spilled from her eyes.

"Please, don't cry. You need to know this. I don't just mean hearing it and dismissing it, okay? I absolutely do not regret anything in my life. I have had the life I needed to have to lead me here. I am excited for the future in a way I haven't been before and I am excited for our future. Whatever that brings, whatever that means for us and whatever form it takes. I am excited about it for the first time maybe ever. I do not regret what has happened between us these last few days. It has been the most wonderful time of my life so far. I know some horrible things have been happening but nothing that has happened between us is."

I could see her face changing to a look of hope but the doubt was still lingering.

"Look, I get why this is so hard. You are fighting what you want against what is considered right. You are trying to understand the permanence, or even if there is any to this situation. I am too, and it's confusing and a little bit scary. Do you remember what you used to tell me when I got scared about trying new things? Anything worth doing should be a little bit scary."

She nodded and finally smiled a little.

"I am going to tell you the same thing you told me just the other day, and I mean it as much as you did. If at any point this becomes too difficult, too worrying, or just not right for you, just tell me. If at any point you want to stop this, just tell me. I promise I will do the same. For now, though, I don't want to stop. I love being your lover and I love this adventure we are on. My love for you is worth more to me than that though and I will let it go for you if that's what you want."

She sobbed again and then moved over to wrap me in a bone-crushing hug. It was awkward to try and hug so closely inside a car but I wouldn't have changed a thing. She whispered in my ear.

"Thank you. I needed to hear that."

She released me and although she was still teary her smile was genuine and warm. She wiped her eyes with the heels of her hands and took a deep breath. I opened my door and got out of the car and walked around to her side of the car. I opened her door and helped her out of the car. She looked up at me and we hugged again. I held her head to my chest as we held onto each other. She eased off from the hug but looked up at me. She had that cheeky smile back that I had grown to love and that gave me shivers whenever I saw it.

"I don't want to stop. I know it's wrong, but I don't care. I love the way you make me feel both physically and emotionally. You have made me feel more like the woman I should be than anyone ever has, not to mention just how often you made me cum last night."

She chuckled and it made me smile.

"You're welcome. I would say the pleasure was all mine but I'm glad to say that it absolutely wasn't."

"Ha! Definitely not."

"So, I guess what we are both trying to say here is that neither of us wants this to stop at the moment. I have had more fun and excitement this week than I can recall ever having and seeing the excitement and happiness in you has been wonderful. I understand, though, if it just becomes too stressful for you. It's not like you've got nothing else going on and I understand if it's all too much for you."

"It almost sounds like you are trying to talk me out of it."

"God, no. I just don't want to be one more reason for you to be stressed. I don't want to be the straw that broke the camel's back."

She laughed and smacked me on the arm.

"Are you calling me a camel?"

Joining in with her laughter I gave her an appraising look.

"Well, you do have a mighty fine pair of humps, but I've never known you to spit."

She burst out laughing.

"Well, that's possibly the least flattering compliment I have ever received. It's a good thing I know you're joking, or you would be in real trouble, mister."

We got back on the road, this time with me driving and the mood feeling much lighter.

The day had warmed up as we slowly made our way north. We crossed the state lines and then drove straight into a storm. The sky had gone very dark and we could see the rain coming long before it got to us. There was lightning flashing all around but the day hadn't cooled at all. It was sweltering in the car so we had the windows open while we could but we knew we would have to close them soon.

"God, it's so steamy today. I'm glad this dress is so light but it feels like it's clinging to me."

"It's shocking, isn't it? The A.C. doesn't seem to be doing a damn thing."

It was at that moment the rain hit. There was no lead-up to it, no patter of a few drops slowly becoming many. It was like driving under a waterfall. We could see the rain on the road ahead giving us just enough time to wind the windows up, then suddenly it was a wall of sound as massive amounts of water poured down on us. The wipers were going over time and achieving absolutely nothing. We slowed right down, almost coming to a stop.

"Holy shit. I hope no one comes roaring up behind us."

She had to yell just to be heard. Then like a beacon in the night, the headlights showed some reflectors that were a farm driveway. I pointed it out and she immediately turned into it. We drove about a hundred meters and found ourselves in a slightly sheltered spot behind some cypress pine trees that lined so many of the long, farm driveways out here.

The rain, unbelievably seemed to intensify even more for a few moments before easing off to what I would normally call heavy rain, not the madness we had just encountered. I looked around but couldn't see any sign of the farmhouse, the driveway seemed to go up and over a hill and I assumed the house was tucked away behind the hill.

Behind us, I saw a car go past with its headlights on. I looked at Mum and saw that she had a slightly manic grin on her face. She undid her seat belt and before I could ask what she was doing, she opened the door and stepped out into the rain. More out of concern and wonder than a desire to be out in the rain, I followed her out of the car. The rain was a bit heavier than I expected due to the intensity of the earlier downpour. It was a lot lighter than it had just been but it was still raining fairly heavily. I walked around to the front of the car where she was standing with her arms spread and grinning up at the sky.

We were both soaked to the bone as she started dancing in a circle with her arms outstretched. She finally looked at me and laughed at the confused look on my face. She ran over to me and grabbed my hands and began dancing to a song that only she could hear. All I could do was join in and laugh along with her.

"You look like you've never danced in the rain."

"That's because I haven't."

"Oh, you haven't lived unless you've danced in the rain."

She released my hands and gave me a very sultry look that my body responded to immediately. She reached down and grabbed the bottom of her dress and began lifting it, struggling to peel the fabric off her wet body.

"Of course, the only real way to dance in the rain is naked though."

She wrestled out of her wet dress and without hesitation stripped off her underwear until she stood there completely naked with rivulets of water running down her body. She had a huge smile and looked completely wild and abandoned. She looked as beautiful as I had ever seen her.

She looked at me expectantly and I knew she wanted me naked as well. I stripped off my wet clothes, trying to look at least somewhat sexy as I did but ended up getting stuck with my shorts around my ankles and my shirt around my neck. We were both laughing hysterically as she helped untangle me.

Our wet clothes landed in a pile on the bonnet of the car as we embraced each other. We started kissing and within moments we had become frantic as our hands roamed over each other's bodies. Somewhere way in the back of my mind, I was aware of a car going past on the road but I simply didn't care at this point.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground and placed her on the bonnet of the car. She leaned back and let the rain pour down over her as she lay before me spread out. I admired her absolute sexual beauty of her for a moment before she beckoned to me with her finger and that sexy, sultry look on her face.

I leaned forward and placed a kiss between her breasts and she held me to her naked body. My hands went to her breasts, teasing her nipples and I heard her moan. I kissed my way down her belly, following the trail of the water as it flowed down her body. I knelt on the ground, only slightly aware of the uncomfortable gravel beneath my knees.

I tasted her again and was immediately reminded that this was something I could happily do every day for the rest of my life. I felt her hands run over my rain-slicked hair as my lips and tongue had their way with her. I don't know if I was getting better at it or whether the urgency and circumstances just had her closer to orgasm anyway, but it only seemed to take moments before her stomach muscles were clenching, her knees were raised and her hands were pushing me into her as though she couldn't get enough of my tongue, before she cried out her orgasm.

She didn't hold back at all. There was no concern for what the neighbours might hear, just pure freedom and release. I felt her warm juices coat my face and I knew I had to have her. Right here, right now.

I stood up and positioned my cock at her entrance. I looked into her eyes and she had an almost pleading look on her face. I slid home inside her and the moan was a perfect harmony between us. She reached up and squeezed her breasts with her hands as her eyes rolled back.

I began to stroke in and out of her in long slow strokes that felt amazing. I could feel her gripping me when I was as deep inside her as I could be. I increased my tempo slightly but that wasn't enough. She looked at me with a very serious look on her face and practically growled at me as her legs came around and her heels dug into my butt.

"Fuck me hard. I don't want you to be gentle with me at all. Take me."

I did exactly as I was told. I began to pound into her and she began to shake and thrash around on the bonnet.

"Fuck. Yes. Harder."

We were like a pair of wild animals rutting out in nature and we were loving it. The whole car was moving as I pounded my cock into her repeatedly. When she began to cum again, she let out an almost wild scream and it was all over for me as I pushed as hard and as deep into her as I could and released. I could feel her pussy pulsing on me, just as I am sure she could feel my cock throbbing inside her.

It was primal, animalistic and absolutely unforgettable. The way she made me feel more alive than I ever had before was addictive. Just watching the pleasure she took in being so free and open and full of desire made me want to do all that I could to make her feel that way. It was an honour and a pleasure in so many ways to be a part of this experience with her.

I felt lost in her eyes as the outpouring of love we had for each other was shared wordlessly between us. I could see the rain splashing off her skin and every little detail of her was being etched into my brain.

My cock was still deep inside her as I leaned forward, resting my hands on the bonnet on either side of her.

"I may be young and inexperienced, but I know enough to know that I want this forever. You are the most beautiful, wild, sexy, woman that I think is possible. I love that you want me as much as I want you and I love that you want to do things like making love in the rain."

She was smiling and ironically blushing as though the compliments I were giving her were something to blush about, but fucking naked in a storm as cars drove past not too far away wasn't. It was one of the many reasons I found her so exciting and amazing.

"I felt like there was no man out there in the world who could handle the things I wanted. Like I was a freak, a nympho, too much for a man. No man who could give me the things I needed, so I had to create my own. I love that you haven't shied away from that. My own, dirty, little mother-fucker."

I felt my cock twitch in excitement at hearing the way she was talking. The dirtier the better as far as I was concerned. I simply no longer care whether society thinks this is wrong or not. I don't care if people think they are somehow better than us because of this, simply because we had the audacity to follow our desires. I wanted her and she wanted me and that was all that mattered from now on.

I felt my cock slip out of her and pushed myself back into a standing position. I then helped her to steady herself as she stood. I noticed there was now a dent on the bonnet where her butt had been pressed into it by my weight. It made a popping sound as she stood up and she looked back at it. She didn't seem annoyed about it as she just shrugged her shoulders and turned back to me with a smile.

"I guess we will have a constant reminder of what a great day this has been."

We grinned at each other and after a moment she moved around to the back door on the passenger side.

I watched as she rummaged through one of the boxes in the backseat. The rain had slowed to almost a stop and the sun was shining behind the storm cloud that was now slowly rolling away to the east. It was making everything so humid and sticky that I really didn't look forward to putting clothes back on. I looked down towards the road and saw a shimmering line of steam rising off the road.

We were both still completely naked and it was thrilling to be standing around in broad daylight like this. If the owners of the farm came out to leave their property or just to inspect, we would have nowhere to hide except for the pine trees on the northern side of the driveway or in the car itself. Neither would provide much cover. I wasn't even completely sure that we couldn't be seen by the cars going past periodically on the road. We were only about one hundred meters from where we left the road and anyone going in the same direction as us would be able to see us. They might not be able to tell for sure if we were naked at a glance but a closer look would confirm it.

It was exciting, and like mum, I wanted people to see. I wanted them to catch that glimpse and wonder. I wanted them to be excited at seeing something they shouldn't. I wondered what they were thinking, what scenarios they were building in their minds to explain two naked people in the middle of the day. How would they feel about it if they actually knew the truth? Would they be excited by the taboo nature of what was happening or would they be appalled?

My attention was drawn back to the situation as she handed me one of the towels she had packed. I took it from her and began to dry myself. Doing this made me feel weirdly more exposed than what we had already been doing. I was trying to wrap my head around that when I was dragged back out of my reverie.

"Well, I don't know about you, but that's definitely the most fun I have ever had in a storm. That was so fucking hot."

"This is the most fun I have ever had, storm or not. I know I keep saying it, but I have never been so excited. You turn me on so much."

She smiled coyly at me before wrapping me in her arms. I loved feeling her naked body against mine and I felt my cock twitch in response to it. She leaned back and looked up at me with a look of wonder.


I laughed as I shook my head.

"Just a response to having your sexy body against me. I probably could go again but it would take some time which, unfortunately, we don't really have."

"Good, God. That's impressive. I forgot just how virile young men can be. When we have time alone, I am going to put that to the test. I want to see how many times I can make you cum before you're too exhausted or dehydrated to go on. I want all of your cum. I want to taste it; I want to rub it into my skin and I want it inside me... Everywhere you can put it. How does that sound?"

My body was definitely responding to that. I was not quite but almost completely hard again and I felt my cock swell between our bodies. She reached down and gently stroked it with her hand as she looked up at me. I groaned at the pleasure I was feeling and the excitement that was coursing through me. She smirked at me and took a step back. She bent over, never taking her hand off my cock and sucked the tip into her mouth. She bobbed up and down a few times and worked her magic with her tongue until I moaned again. She then stopped and grinned up at me.

"So, does that sound good?"

"Oh, God. That sounds like the perfect weekend to me."

"Good, because we are definitely going to make that happen. Damn I love the taste of our cum together, even if the rain washed most of it off, it's still good."​
Next page: Update 27
Previous page: Update 25