Update 28

Discovering Mum Ch. 16

The next two weeks followed a pretty steady routine. It all revolved around making sure Granny was okay and doing whatever was necessary to make sure she was comfortable and happy. None of us left the house much; even Chilton spent time at home rather than trying to negotiate the huge amount of tourists in town. Except for Granny, we all went for walks at least once a day, sometimes alone, sometimes together, but rarely in the direction of town. Even just looking from the end of the block towards town was enough to make you want to go in the opposite direction.

At the end of the first week, Mum and I were feeling a bit claustrophobic, so we decided to brave the supermarket. Approximately one minute after arriving in the car park, we were regretting our decision. It was hectic, to say the least, and everyone was cranky.

On the drive there we were feeling that first bit of freedom together since the mad dash home and back, so we were teasing each other, I think we both had the idea of being flirty out in public, but as soon as we walked in the door, the mood of the place kind of put us off. It wasn't until we were about halfway through the shop that things got interesting for us.

We walked around a corner into an aisle and almost immediately had to stop and wait. The crowd of people in front of us moved as someone was trying to get through and just making things worse. My back ended up wedged between the end stand and the corner of the shelf as I backed away, trying to make room. Mum stepped back as well, and her butt pushed against me. Taking complete advantage of the situation, I gripped her hip closest to the shelf and pulled her in tighter against me.

We stayed there, just keeping out of the way as people tried to shuffle around in front of us. I felt her gently swaying her hips as she began rubbing her ass against my cock, and I began to harden and press into her. I leaned forward and whispered into her ear.

"Wouldn't it be fun if I could lift the bottom of your skirt and slip my cock into you from behind right now?"

I felt more than heard her groan, and she pushed back even harder against me. The shelves were supporting me so she could push back as hard as she liked. My hand that was on her hip slowly slid around between her and the shelf, then around to the front. My hand was hidden between us and our loaded trolley as I began to rub her pussy through the material.

I saw her look around to see who was paying attention, and seeing that everyone was focused on trying to get their groceries and get the hell out of there, she slowly began to lift her dress a handful at a time until the last of the material slipped past my fingers. As soon as my fingers were touching bare flesh, she dropped the dress again, but my hand remained beneath it. Her dress was lifted on the side that was facing the shelves, and the bare side of her leg was hidden by the shelves and the trolley in front of her.

I raised my fingers until I felt the elastic waist of her underwear, then deftly slipped beneath them. My fingers slipped down through her dark, moist curls until they found her slippery folds, and she stiffened. She pushed back against me again and let out a soft, quiet sigh.


I smiled as my fingers began to run small circles, teasing her clit. Right there in the supermarket, in front of a large crowd who had absolutely no idea what was unfolding right in front of them. I looked down and noticed her knuckles were white as she gripped the trolley like her life depended on it.

I could feel her body shaking, and her knees seemed to go a bit loose as she leaned back against me even more. I leaned forward just a little and whispered into her ear.

"Come for me."

I could hear her breath coming in short, panting gasps that she was keeping as quiet as she could so that none of the people around us could tell. Her body began to shake even more, and she lowered her head, looking down so that no one could see her face contort as she came on my fingers.

She turned her head towards the shelf and whispered.

"Stop, stop, stop. Oh God, please stop."

I immediately did, then slowly removed my hand from her panties, which allowed the side of her dress to drop down. I looked around at the people around us, but no one was giving us any funny looks or paying attention to us at all. I gave her a few moments to catch her breath and regain her composure, then gently guided her forward into a gap that had opened between people. She figured out what I was doing pretty quickly and only stumbled a little as she stepped forward on rather wobbly legs. Meanwhile, I was left wondering if anyone was noticing the fact that my cock was standing to full attention or if they could smell the scent of her cum the way that I could.

We continued through the supermarket, battling with the throng to get the remaining items that we needed. Now and then she would reach back and squeeze my cock through my pants or lean in and whisper something like.

"I have cum leaking out of my panties and down my leg." Or "My pussy is still tingling."

We got to the registers eventually and finally made it out of the madhouse. I put the groceries in the car and got in the driver's seat. Mum sat down in the passenger seat and turned to look at me with a cheeky grin and a blush.

"I can't believe you just made me cum in front of all those people."

I gave her an overly innocent look.

"Was that a bad thing? Did I do the wrong thing?"

She laughed as she shook her head.

"You already know I loved every second of it. Trying to keep quiet in front of all those people as I came just made it even more intense and harder to keep quiet. That's got to be the riskiest orgasm I have ever had."

"So it was good then?"

"Mmm, you tell me how good it was."

She lifted her skirt up to her waist, pulled her panties aside, and started fingering herself right there in the car park. People were moving all around the car, and it would be so easy to get caught, but she didn't care in the slightest. I could hear the wet sounds her fingers were making in her pussy, and my cock was rock hard again. She pulled her fingers out of herself with a groan and then leaned over to me. She took her left hand and placed it on my cheek, aligning our lips as we began to kiss deeply, then slipped the fingers that were just inside her pussy between our lips so we could share her cum.

I had a moment of clarity and almost laughed at the ridiculousness of me openly, deeply kissing my mother in a public place and sucking her cum from her fingers at the same time. What would people say if they knew? Frankly, who fucking cares? I was too into this now to give a shit what anybody thought other than her. I wanted her, and she wanted me, and that was all that mattered to us. We were so deep into it that we were on the verge of just stripping off and fucking right there in the car park when her phone began to ring.

It was frustrating but also a relief because any longer we would not have been able to stop ourselves, and that would most likely end badly. We both sat back and tried to steady our breath. She looked at the phone and her demeanour changed immediately.


She answered the phone, and I could hear the panic in her voice.

"Mum? Is everything alright?"

I couldn't hear the words of her response, but I could hear her voice, and I could see Mum sag with relief as Granny told her she was fine. She said something else then, and I could see a look of confusion on Mum's face that slowly became concerned.

"Who is it?"

Another response I didn't hear, followed by a frustrated sigh.

"Okay, we're on our way."

She hung up and turned to me, the look of confusion still there.

"We need to go back."

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, Granny's fine, but apparently I have a visitor, and she won't tell me who it is."

My first thought was that Dad had changed his mind about the agreement and had followed us up here.

"It's not...?"

I didn't even finish the sentence before she shook her head.

"No, it's no one we need to worry about apparently, but she still wouldn't tell me

who it is. She seemed quite happy and chirpy, so it's definitely not your father."

"I think she would have called the cops before calling you if it was him."

She nodded, but I could see she was concerned about who it could be. I started the car and began to drive. It was still chaos, so it took a little longer to get home than usual. I was still trying to get my cock to soften when Mum laughed.

I looked at her questioningly, and she smiled sheepishly at me.

"Here I am worried about who would be coming to see me, and at the same time, I'm so wet that I want you to just pull over so I can sit on that lovely cock of yours. Oh, well. We'll just have to save it for later, I guess."

So much for getting my cock to behave; I was back to being rock hard again.

"Do you want me walking in there with my cock at full mast?"

She giggled but looked suitably chastised.

"Sorry, honey. I'll leave you alone. For now, anyway."

I laughed but felt equally frustrated. I wanted her so badly. I wanted to feel her wet pussy sliding down onto my cock. I wanted to watch her face as her mouth dropped open and her eyes rolled up the way they did when she was enjoying my cock. I wanted to feel her bare ass in my hands as I rocked her back and forth on my cock. Goddammit! I really needed to stop thinking too.

We pulled up and immediately noticed the Suzuki, a soft-top, four-wheel drive, out the front. It had the top taken off and a suitcase just sitting in the back seat. We both looked at each other and without saying anything, we each knew that neither of us had any idea who it was. In some ways, it was nice to see that it wasn't what you would expect someone professional to drive. It wasn't police or solicitors or any other official bearer of bad news. I followed along as Mum went through the front door and then stopped in her tracks. I almost walked into her; she stopped so abruptly. Sitting on the couch was someone who had been in mid-conversation with Granny. They were both smiling, and when she turned her head towards us, her eyes stopped on Mum, and her smile widened into a grin.

"Well, hello there, Betty."

My first thought was, Who the hell is Betty? I knew she was talking to Mum, but no one I knew had ever called her Betty. Mum actually laughed and began to move towards the woman on the couch who was standing up to greet her.

"Holy shit. I haven't heard that in years, Wilma."

Wilma? Who the fuck is Wilma? I felt like Timon in The Lion King when he shouted, "What's going on here?"

The two women met in a bone-crunching hug in the middle of the room. They stayed in that hug for what seemed like an hour. Long enough for me to look at Granny, who seemed absolutely delighted, and then make my way around the two women embracing and kneeling next to Granny. I watched as the two women broke apart briefly, looked at each other as though trying to fill their eyes with each other, and then they kissed. It was a brief kiss of friendship, nothing more than that, and then they each laughed and somewhat reluctantly let each other go. They held each other's hands as they stepped back and looked each other up and down.

"Well, sit down, you two; you're making the place look messy."

Granny was still grinning like she had won the lotto and was clearly enjoying this reunion. Meanwhile, I was just beginning to understand. The names threw me for a moment, but I realised this was the infamous Susie. Suddenly things started to fall into place and make sense to me. Beth, AKA Betty, had dark hair, and Susie, AKA Wilma, had red hair just like Betty and Wilma from the Flintstones cartoons. These were obviously nicknames they had made for each other.

Mum allowed herself to be guided to the couch, where she sat down but never took her eyes off Susie as though she simply couldn't believe she was really there. I looked at Granny again, and it dawned on me that she probably had a hand in making this reunion happen. I smiled at her and realised that she knew exactly what her daughter needed at this time despite what she was going through herself. It made me smile to hope that I was doing the same for her by getting her cousin, Richard, to come and visit. It occurred to me then that I still hadn't told Mum about that.

I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention.

"I'm going to make a cup of coffee. Who wants one?"

Both Mum and Susie turned to face me, and I was struck for a moment by the open way Susie looked me up and down, then smiled an appreciative and rather seductive smile at me. Mum actually blushed but for a different reason altogether.

"Oh my God. Sorry, I have been so rude. Susie, this is my son, Jeff. Jeff, this is Susie, my best friend from high school."

I held out my hand to her, and she took it in her own in a gentle, informal handshake.

"It's lovely to meet you, Susie, and of course to put a face to the stories."

She smiled and raised an eyebrow. She turned to face Mum, and the smile broadened.

"Stories? Good ones, I hope."

Mum blushed even deeper as she thought about the stories they had shared, but she held her own.

"Are there any stories of us that aren't good?"

Susie laughed and nodded.

"I can't argue with that."

A look passed between them, and they seemed to be almost silently communicating. A lot was said in that look between them. A certain level of acknowledgement and trust that even after all these years apart was still mostly intact. Susie then turned back to me and seemed to be appraising me a little more thoroughly this time. Her eyes seemed to hold me pinned like a moth to a board. They were a hazel green that seemed to perfectly match her pale, lightly freckled complexion and her copper-red hair. There was no doubt that she was a very attractive woman with a lot of confidence. I knew at a glance that she was someone who was very forthright and was used to getting what she wanted. She didn't seem to be bitchy about it, though.

She smiled at the fact that I was looking at her just as openly as she was looking at me. I think she expected me to squirm a little under such an intense stare, and a week ago I probably would have. I had changed, though, and I liked the confidence I now felt. She turned back to Mum.

"You have certainly made a damn good-looking son, Beth. I'm glad he looks like your side of the family."

Mum looked at me the way she had looked at me earlier after I had made her cum in the supermarket, as though she wanted to strip me naked and fuck me right there. I couldn't help but respond to that look with one of my own before I remembered we were in company and toned it down a notch. Susie was giving Mum a look that seemed to encapsulate a whole range of things all at once. A dawning understanding, shock, wonder, and excitement gave her a quick "You go, girl" look.

When she spoke, there was a warmth of desire in her voice. I don't even know if she heard it herself, but it seemed obvious to me and apparently to Susie as well.

"He's definitely a handsome man."

I couldn't help but smile, and I could feel my body responding to her desire. I had to force myself to turn away from her and focus on something else. What was only a few moments of silence seemed to last an eternity as a lot was said in the silence. There was fear, joy, surprise, embarrassment, and defiance, all said with no words whatsoever. I broke the silence finally and asked again what everyone wanted to drink.

I looked at Granny to see how much of the awkward tension she had picked up on and was relieved to see that she was just smiling serenely to herself before telling me that a cup of tea would be wonderful.

The act of walking out of the room seemed to change the atmosphere and break the tension-filled silence. I lingered in the kitchen for as long as seemed reasonable while making the drinks, and when I returned to the room, it was like that weird interlude had never happened. Mum was looking enthralled at Susie again as Susie explained briefly why she was there, and Granny was still smiling that same self-satisfied smile she had had since we arrived home.

I handed everyone their drinks, then sat down on the other end of the couch, and Susie continued with what she had been saying while I was in the kitchen.

"So, after Dad died, I got back in touch with Mum. It was never her that was the problem, except that she went along with absolutely everything that hypocrite said and never stood up for me. She was the one who chose to live with him, though, and I guess it was just easier to go along with whatever he said than to stand up to him. She never would have left because of the church, but I wish she had."

"How long were you not talking to them?"

Mum seemed to be upset for her even though she knew that Susie didn't get along with her parents.

"I moved away from the town they lived in less than six months after you moved away with Darren. I realised that I needed to start over. I needed to be free. Free from their influence and free to explore the world and myself without him judging me, berating me, belittling me. I was also running away from myself a bit, I think."

"What do you mean?"

A tear rolled down Susie's cheek as she looked at Mum.

"I'm a bit embarrassed to say it."

"You never have to be embarrassed with me. I swear to you, the openness and friendship with you have been the greatest loss of my life, and I desperately want it back. I want you back."

They smiled tearily at each other.

"I was so jealous of Darren; I hated him. He took you away from us. I knew he wasn't the right one for you, and I knew he was going to hurt you in one way or another. I was angry that you couldn't see him for who he was, and I was so sad to be losing you. I could have stayed in touch, but I was so heartbroken that I just cut away anyone and everyone who had ever meant anything to me. I know it's not rational, but I wasn't very rational at that time."

Mum got up off her seat and went over to Susie. She knelt in front of her and hugged her so tight that it looked like she was going to hurt her. It was like she was trying to give her all the missed love from the last twenty-odd years.

They slowly released each other and for a few moments just stared at each other until a question seemed to go through Mum's mind.

"So, how did you know I was here?"

"Well, I've been travelling around for years now. I pretty much live on the road these days. I made a call to Mum a few days ago, and she said that she had heard from your mum and that she was trying to get in touch with me. She gave me your mom's number, and I spent the next hour sitting by the side of the road trying to decide what to do. I nervously rang her, worried about what she was going to say, but as soon as we started to talk, it was so good to hear her voice again. We talked for a while, and she told me what was happening. She said that you had no idea she was talking to me but that she felt that you were going to need me."

Mum turned to give Granny a mock, stern look, but all she did was smile and shrug as if to say, "Am I wrong?" Mum shook her head in exasperation, but we all knew she was grateful for it.

"I'm not saying that I'm anything less than absolutely delighted to see you, Susie, but you are a very naughty woman, Mother."

Granny looked supremely unconcerned and just smiled.

"Yes, yes, I'm a naughty girl. Perhaps I should be spanked. Maybe I'll talk to Chilton and see what he can organise."

She turned to me and winked as we all cracked up laughing.

Susie continued with her story.

"So, I hitched my little car back up to my bus, turned around, and drove all the way home. I stopped long enough at Mum's to park the bus, unhook the car, say hello to Mum, and throw a bag in the back of the car. It was a beautiful day, so I took the top off and drove here."
Next page: Update 29
Previous page: Update 27