Update 30
Discovering Mum Ch. 17
I was deep in thought and hadn't been following the conversation, so when Mum called my name as though she had already asked me a question, it was like surfacing from a deep dive underwater.
"Hmm? I'm sorry, I was completely lost in thought then."
"I can see that. I asked if you want to come out for a drive with us."
"Yeah, sure. Where to, though, the traffic is horrendous out there?"
Susie smiled as though she knew something I didn't.
"Don't worry about the traffic; where we're going we won't have to deal with that much."
We left a note for Granny and Chilton explaining what we were doing, not that we expected Granny to come out again. She often went to sleep after her massage therapy, and more often than not, she stayed in bed for the rest of the night.
We walked outside and climbed into the little Suzuki four-wheel drive. The ladies up front and I crammed into the tiny space in the back seat. There was next to no legroom, so I had to sit sideways, and I had the suitcase to contend with as well.
We took off down the road, and although it was kind of fun to have the breeze from the open-top car, it also made it impossible to be involved in any of the conversations. I couldn't hear a thing that was being said up front, and every time we went around a corner, I had to contend with the corners of the suitcase digging into me. I'm sure it was fun as a driver or even in the front passenger seat, but in the back it sucked.
Susie took a lot of twists and turns, and it was obvious she still knew the streets of the town well. Five minutes later we arrived at a football oval. She slowed right down and cruised along the street until she came to a red brick building, in front of which was a car park, which she pulled into, and we all got out of the car. I followed them as they walked a short distance to the far corner of the building.
They stopped at the corner and both looked at the same place. They were silent for a few moments as the same thoughts and memories played through their minds. Susie turned to Mum with a smile.
"This is where it all began."
"I remember it like it was yesterday."
I realised then that this was the very corner that Mum had hidden behind as she watched Susie sucking those cocks when they were younger. It also came to mind that this was the very spot where she stood masturbating as she watched. I imagined her standing here doing that, and my cock began to swell in response to the memory.
"Have you been back here since those days?"
Mum looked at Susie as though it was a strange question for a moment, but seeing
she was being serious, she shook her head no.
"No. I haven't seen the point, to be honest. You weren't here, and that was what brought me here every time."
Susie smiled a slightly sad smile as though saddened by the loss of such a great time in her life.
"I have great memories of this place. This, to me, was where I discovered who I truly was. It was the birthplace of many great adventures."
Susie looked at me slightly nervously, then back at Mum, who was smiling at some memory of that time.
"Ah, I have to ask, Beth. Exactly how much does Jeff know of our history here?"
Mum actually blushed as she looked at Susie.
"I hope you aren't going to be angry at me, but once I got started talking about my youth and all the things that I missed from it, well... I just kind of blurted it all out."
Susie nodded but didn't say anything. She didn't look upset, but she wasn't smiling either. It was hard to tell how she felt about it, and I got the impression that she didn't know how to feel about it either. She looked at me very directly, and I felt obliged to hold her gaze, as though she was testing me. Testing the strength of my convictions and perhaps trying to see how I felt about the whole situation.
"So, Jeff. It seems you know a whole lot more about me than I do about you. Considering I only kind of knew of your existence before this week, I guess that wouldn't be too hard. I hope you don't judge me too harshly based on what you know."
I smiled and shook my head.
"You want to know what I know? What do I believe about you?"
She smiled but seemed a little surprised by my response. She seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding.
"Yeah. I do actually. Your mother seems to hold your opinion very highly, and she trusts you. So, yeah, I would like your honest opinion."
"Okay. I think you are damn lucky in some ways."
She raised her eyebrows in surprise but didn't say anything, allowing me to continue.
"You discovered early on who you truly are and what you love. You had the bravery to pursue and enjoy at least one aspect of your life to the fullest. You got to do it in an environment where everything wasn't recorded on mobile phones and CCTV. You were lucky enough to find like-minded people who didn't abuse you in a potentially vulnerable position, but most of all, I think you were both incredibly lucky to find each other in exactly the way that you needed to at that time in your lives."
"Oh. Well..."
Susie seemed lost for words for a few moments, and Mum gave me that big smile that did things to me. Things that I absolutely would have acted upon under different circumstances.
"I, ahh, I, well. I wasn't expecting that. You do know the details of what went on here, don't you?"
She just couldn't believe that someone other than her and Mum would be understanding.
"Do you want me to spell it out as best as I understand it?"
She laughed nervously, and we both looked at Mum for her approval. She nodded
"Jeff has only been told the truth as best as I remember it, and I have no issue at all with him repeating what I said. I trust and love you both."
That last sentence seemed to catch us both by surprise, and I could tell that we were each having similar thoughts. "Just how deep does that love go, and is it the same kind of love for both of us?" Susie was blushing a little as she turned back to me and smiled. I could see her put on a brave face as she cocked one eyebrow as though challenging me to try and shock her. I would bet a million dollars that she has had that same response to many other people when she felt a little nervous or embarrassed about something.
"Alright then, Jeff. Tell me what you know."
I thought briefly about toning it down a little to try and help them both save face, but as soon as I had the thought, I dismissed it, knowing that they would feel cheated or that, somehow, I had shown weakness.
"Well, my understanding is that you discovered that you love to suck cock. You had a group of very willing participants who wanted nothing more than to help you explore your newfound desire, and this is the place where you used to come and explore that. Mum was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time and overheard a snippet of conversation. One that greatly intrigued her and, I believe, turned her on quite a bit. A conversation that she didn't instantly dismiss as bullshit boy talk. Excited by what she had heard, she simply had to see for herself. And when she did see for herself, she was so turned on by it that she publicly masturbated and made herself cum, right here where we stand, I think, as she watched you."
I could see them both squirming a little at my retelling of their origin story. They were both a little red in the cheeks, and I knew very well the look on Mum's face that essentially told me she would be extremely wet right now. I couldn't help but wonder if Susie was too.
"Well, she certainly didn't hold back, did she? I am impressed you have raised someone as open-minded as you are, Beth."
Susie was watching Mum, and I was watching Susie. I could see the cogs turning. She had a look of intense curiosity on her face. She opened her mouth to say something then stopped at least two or three times before shaking her head as if to say no. She seemed to settle on one of the thousands of questions circulating in her mind.
"How much did you tell Jeff about after that first time?"
I couldn't tell if she was mad that Mum had said anything about it or not. I'm not sure if she knew how to feel about it. Did she feel a secret had been betrayed? Was she angry? Hurt? Curious? Excited?
Mum seemed to feel as uncertain as I did, and I could see her blushing, and she even stuttered a little. She hadn't considered that Susie might not take it in the same way she once would have, that she may be offended by her revealing what was their private business.
"I... Um, I, well, you know, once you get talking about these things, they tend to just pour out."
Susie was nodding along as though she understood, but she still wasn't smiling. Mum continued into the awkward silence.
"I have never told another soul about what happened between us. It was eating me alive that I never had anyone I could trust to understand and talk to about what was the best time of my life. I was married to a man who hated the best parts of me, forcing me to hide the best of me from everyone. When I found that I could talk to Jeff not only could I trust him not to use it against me, but he was genuinely interested. Someone who wasn't going to judge me and wanted to know about me."
There was a pleading tone to what she was saying, and it was obvious she didn't want to hurt her friend again, but she also needed her to understand. Susie was looking at her with a soft smile now.
"Have you ever known me to be ashamed of who I am or what I have done? If you trust Jeff, then that's enough for me. Besides, it's damn hot to know that he knows of some of the things we have done together. He does know that we have done things together, doesn't he? As in you and I. That it wasn't just cock that we both loved?"
She emphasised the word cock, and it felt like she was deliberately trying to out her to make sure that I knew the whole truth and not just a glorified version of it. Mum just smiled, although she was blushing the whole time. She nodded and grinned.
"Oh, yeah. He knows."
Susie was grinning almost identically to Mum now.
"Wow. That's... I have to admit you have surprised me, Beth. How exciting was it to tell your son all of that?"
She blushed even harder, but I knew it was because she was getting incredibly turned on by this conversation. I think we all were at this point. I was hard as a rock knowing how wet she was getting right now.
Susie was getting worked up now, and I could see a curious blush rising on her neck as time went on, she was doing that squirmy thigh-squeezing thing that women sometimes do when they are getting really worked up.
"Did it make you all wet to be telling your son about watching me giving head? About doing it yourself and about eating my pussy like nobody ever has since?"
Mum chuckled.
"Yes. I destroyed my underwear when I was wearing it."
Susie nodded and smiled.
"Are you currently destroying your underwear as much as I am?"
Mum shook her head, no, and at first, Susie looked disappointed, but then she laughed.
"Can't destroy them if you aren't wearing any, right?"
"Fuck, that's hot. I have only one more question for you now, Beth."
"Ask away."
I should have seen what was coming because by this time it was obvious, but I was so focused on the heat developing between them and the excitement I was feeling because of it that it blindsided me.
"How long have you been fucking your son?"
It was like the air got sucked out of the world for a minute. The silence was deafening as Mum and I looked at each other like deer in the headlights. Susie laughed at our reactions and stepped over to Mum. She put an arm on her shoulder and whispered in her ear, but it was just loud enough for me to hear it too.
"Don't panic. I think it's the sexiest thing that has ever happened. He is a damn good-looking young man with a hard and available cock. I would have done the same in a heartbeat. If you don't mind, I may still. It's been a while since I have had a hard young man."
Mum turned to face Susie, and she wanted to say something, but nothing was coming out of her mouth. Susie seemed to think this flustered reaction was something more than the genuine fear of having been discovered.
"Oh, only if you both are interested, of course, Beth. God, I have missed you."
She looked longingly into Mum's eyes, and then, to both of our surprise, she leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. I felt like I was going to explode. At first, Mum didn't respond to the kiss, and I thought briefly she was going to pull away from Susie, but then it was like all pretences just disappeared, and she returned the kiss quite forcibly. Suddenly these two very attractive women were making out in front of me. Right out in the open in front of the whole world, in exactly the place where it all began for them.
They separated but still clung to each other as though they needed each other's support to keep standing. They were both quite flushed, and they were panting like they had each run here. Their eyes were locked together, and I could feel the walls that they had both built up over the last twenty years begin to crumble.
They started to giggle like little kids who had just discovered some new, naughty, fun game. They then embraced again, and it seemed like neither wanted to let the other go. They were whispering to each other, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.
I was feeling a euphoric sense of relief now that the truth was out in a way, and we weren't being judged negatively for it. I was relieved not only for myself but also for Mum. She finally, after two decades, had her best friend back. A friend she loved so much more deeply than I think she had ever loved her husband. I felt so happy for them both, but still a little sad that this may be the end of what had been happening between Mum and me. I was thrilled for them both, really, but at the same time feeling a little usurped.
What followed was a slow tour around town in that uncomfortable back seat. We visited a ton of places I had never been to while visiting here, all of them little, inconsequential spots in and around town that held special memories for them. Attached to almost every place was an incredibly erotic story from their history. I was learning even more about them and their story as we went, and it kept me hard the entire time. By the time this kinky little tour was coming to an end, I had a chronic case of blue balls, but I was enjoying myself immensely.
We eventually wound up our tour of the hot spots and went to a café along the beachfront. It was busy, but not packed out yet, and because we were between meal times, we didn't have to wait for too long for a seat in one of the booths along the wall.
We sat and talked for ages as Mum and I told the tale of what had occurred over the last six months. Mum added lots of things from the last twenty years that were relevant and that Susie would understand. Some of it was things that I didn't even know about or that I thought were relevant until I looked at them from this end of the situation.
There were times throughout the conversation when I was feeling a lot like a spare wheel, especially when they were reliving their glory days, but for the majority of the time I was very involved, and I appreciated that I wasn't just pushed aside as the two of them caught up.
Susie told us of her life after they initially moved away and filled in the details of what caused the move in the first place.
"At first it was the usual bullshit reasons. There was a different parish that needed him; he had done all he could in this parish, etc., etc. I was old enough to recognise just how pissed off and upset Mum was this time, though. Previously she had always addressed it with me like it was an exciting new adventure. I was just a kid, so I had no idea that she wasn't happy. She did an excellent job of hiding it, not just from me but from everyone."
"You had been here for quite a while before you moved. I think you were in high school when I started, but we didn't travel in the same circles back then."
"No, we were both pretty quiet and kept to ourselves in the early years. We moved here over the Christmas break. The timing was fairly good in the sense that I started high school here about two weeks after we moved here. At least I hadn't started high school somewhere else and had to start all over again. I think school was almost finished when we became friends."
"I feel bad that I didn't know that. We never really talked all that much about our past."
Susie just shrugged as though it didn't matter.
"We were pretty young, and we were more excited about the future. I never really liked talking about my past, and talking about the past meant talking about your dad, and that always made you sad. I didn't want to make you sad; I wanted to make you happy and horny."
They both laughed, but the respect and love they each had showed on their faces.
"Well, you were pretty successful at that."
Susie lowered her voice and spoke conspiratorially.
"I was pretty motivated to be because from that first day watching you playing with your pussy while I did my thing, I was hooked on the idea of doing it again and again. It made me so horny that you were into it too. I loved watching you as much as I loved doing what I was doing."
They were both squirming in their seats at this point as they leaned in to talk to each other. I couldn't help but wonder just how wet they each were, and that turned into a fantasy of how hot it would be to slip under the table to eat and play with their wet pussies right here in the café.
There was a pause as we each thought about the particular fantasies running through our heads. Theirs based on memories of actual events and mine based on the desire to see them do these things. I was staring off into space as I thought about hiding under the table and taking it in turns to eat their pussies until they came all over my face. I was snapped out of my reverie as I realised that Susie had taken up her story again.
"I knew there was more to it than the bullshit I was being fed, so I did a bit of digging and found out that Dad had been threatened by someone and warned to leave town. I later found out that we had to leave town because he essentially had his own little harem going on with a bunch of the wives from church."
"Holy shit! No way!"
Mum's mouth hung open comically with complete astonishment. Susie nodded but laughed at her reaction.
"You should see your face right now."
"Mister fucking holier than thou, who liked nothing more than to look down on everyone around him, I'm better than you because I'm more pious than you, was banging half the ministry's wives? Your Mum would have exploded when she found out."
"You would think so, but no. This isn't the first town they have been chased out of for exactly the same reason."
There was a long pause as this sunk in. Mum kept shaking her head as though denying it.
"You mean she was getting in on the act too? Were they swingers?"
Susie gave a bitter laugh.
"Hardly. That misogynistic asshole seemed to think he was the next messiah or something. Like it was his God-given right to try and impregnate as many women of his faith as possible. He convinced them all that it was the right thing to do, and he demanded that Mum be a good and pure wife to him. If she had even looked sideways at another man, he probably would have ended her. Divorce was not an option, and I'm sure she didn't like him doing it, but she didn't dare speak out against him or even have an opinion about it that he would view negatively. He was a fucking nut job, and when I found this shit out, I confronted them about it. He was screaming at me like a demented lunatic that he would answer to no man, let alone a woman or a child. He kicked me out and demanded that not only I leave, never to return, but he also demanded that Mum never speak to me again. Being the good little sheep to his shepherd, she did as she was told."
"Hmm? I'm sorry, I was completely lost in thought then."
"I can see that. I asked if you want to come out for a drive with us."
"Yeah, sure. Where to, though, the traffic is horrendous out there?"
Susie smiled as though she knew something I didn't.
"Don't worry about the traffic; where we're going we won't have to deal with that much."
We left a note for Granny and Chilton explaining what we were doing, not that we expected Granny to come out again. She often went to sleep after her massage therapy, and more often than not, she stayed in bed for the rest of the night.
We walked outside and climbed into the little Suzuki four-wheel drive. The ladies up front and I crammed into the tiny space in the back seat. There was next to no legroom, so I had to sit sideways, and I had the suitcase to contend with as well.
We took off down the road, and although it was kind of fun to have the breeze from the open-top car, it also made it impossible to be involved in any of the conversations. I couldn't hear a thing that was being said up front, and every time we went around a corner, I had to contend with the corners of the suitcase digging into me. I'm sure it was fun as a driver or even in the front passenger seat, but in the back it sucked.
Susie took a lot of twists and turns, and it was obvious she still knew the streets of the town well. Five minutes later we arrived at a football oval. She slowed right down and cruised along the street until she came to a red brick building, in front of which was a car park, which she pulled into, and we all got out of the car. I followed them as they walked a short distance to the far corner of the building.
They stopped at the corner and both looked at the same place. They were silent for a few moments as the same thoughts and memories played through their minds. Susie turned to Mum with a smile.
"This is where it all began."
"I remember it like it was yesterday."
I realised then that this was the very corner that Mum had hidden behind as she watched Susie sucking those cocks when they were younger. It also came to mind that this was the very spot where she stood masturbating as she watched. I imagined her standing here doing that, and my cock began to swell in response to the memory.
"Have you been back here since those days?"
Mum looked at Susie as though it was a strange question for a moment, but seeing
she was being serious, she shook her head no.
"No. I haven't seen the point, to be honest. You weren't here, and that was what brought me here every time."
Susie smiled a slightly sad smile as though saddened by the loss of such a great time in her life.
"I have great memories of this place. This, to me, was where I discovered who I truly was. It was the birthplace of many great adventures."
Susie looked at me slightly nervously, then back at Mum, who was smiling at some memory of that time.
"Ah, I have to ask, Beth. Exactly how much does Jeff know of our history here?"
Mum actually blushed as she looked at Susie.
"I hope you aren't going to be angry at me, but once I got started talking about my youth and all the things that I missed from it, well... I just kind of blurted it all out."
Susie nodded but didn't say anything. She didn't look upset, but she wasn't smiling either. It was hard to tell how she felt about it, and I got the impression that she didn't know how to feel about it either. She looked at me very directly, and I felt obliged to hold her gaze, as though she was testing me. Testing the strength of my convictions and perhaps trying to see how I felt about the whole situation.
"So, Jeff. It seems you know a whole lot more about me than I do about you. Considering I only kind of knew of your existence before this week, I guess that wouldn't be too hard. I hope you don't judge me too harshly based on what you know."
I smiled and shook my head.
"You want to know what I know? What do I believe about you?"
She smiled but seemed a little surprised by my response. She seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding.
"Yeah. I do actually. Your mother seems to hold your opinion very highly, and she trusts you. So, yeah, I would like your honest opinion."
"Okay. I think you are damn lucky in some ways."
She raised her eyebrows in surprise but didn't say anything, allowing me to continue.
"You discovered early on who you truly are and what you love. You had the bravery to pursue and enjoy at least one aspect of your life to the fullest. You got to do it in an environment where everything wasn't recorded on mobile phones and CCTV. You were lucky enough to find like-minded people who didn't abuse you in a potentially vulnerable position, but most of all, I think you were both incredibly lucky to find each other in exactly the way that you needed to at that time in your lives."
"Oh. Well..."
Susie seemed lost for words for a few moments, and Mum gave me that big smile that did things to me. Things that I absolutely would have acted upon under different circumstances.
"I, ahh, I, well. I wasn't expecting that. You do know the details of what went on here, don't you?"
She just couldn't believe that someone other than her and Mum would be understanding.
"Do you want me to spell it out as best as I understand it?"
She laughed nervously, and we both looked at Mum for her approval. She nodded
"Jeff has only been told the truth as best as I remember it, and I have no issue at all with him repeating what I said. I trust and love you both."
That last sentence seemed to catch us both by surprise, and I could tell that we were each having similar thoughts. "Just how deep does that love go, and is it the same kind of love for both of us?" Susie was blushing a little as she turned back to me and smiled. I could see her put on a brave face as she cocked one eyebrow as though challenging me to try and shock her. I would bet a million dollars that she has had that same response to many other people when she felt a little nervous or embarrassed about something.
"Alright then, Jeff. Tell me what you know."
I thought briefly about toning it down a little to try and help them both save face, but as soon as I had the thought, I dismissed it, knowing that they would feel cheated or that, somehow, I had shown weakness.
"Well, my understanding is that you discovered that you love to suck cock. You had a group of very willing participants who wanted nothing more than to help you explore your newfound desire, and this is the place where you used to come and explore that. Mum was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time and overheard a snippet of conversation. One that greatly intrigued her and, I believe, turned her on quite a bit. A conversation that she didn't instantly dismiss as bullshit boy talk. Excited by what she had heard, she simply had to see for herself. And when she did see for herself, she was so turned on by it that she publicly masturbated and made herself cum, right here where we stand, I think, as she watched you."
I could see them both squirming a little at my retelling of their origin story. They were both a little red in the cheeks, and I knew very well the look on Mum's face that essentially told me she would be extremely wet right now. I couldn't help but wonder if Susie was too.
"Well, she certainly didn't hold back, did she? I am impressed you have raised someone as open-minded as you are, Beth."
Susie was watching Mum, and I was watching Susie. I could see the cogs turning. She had a look of intense curiosity on her face. She opened her mouth to say something then stopped at least two or three times before shaking her head as if to say no. She seemed to settle on one of the thousands of questions circulating in her mind.
"How much did you tell Jeff about after that first time?"
I couldn't tell if she was mad that Mum had said anything about it or not. I'm not sure if she knew how to feel about it. Did she feel a secret had been betrayed? Was she angry? Hurt? Curious? Excited?
Mum seemed to feel as uncertain as I did, and I could see her blushing, and she even stuttered a little. She hadn't considered that Susie might not take it in the same way she once would have, that she may be offended by her revealing what was their private business.
"I... Um, I, well, you know, once you get talking about these things, they tend to just pour out."
Susie was nodding along as though she understood, but she still wasn't smiling. Mum continued into the awkward silence.
"I have never told another soul about what happened between us. It was eating me alive that I never had anyone I could trust to understand and talk to about what was the best time of my life. I was married to a man who hated the best parts of me, forcing me to hide the best of me from everyone. When I found that I could talk to Jeff not only could I trust him not to use it against me, but he was genuinely interested. Someone who wasn't going to judge me and wanted to know about me."
There was a pleading tone to what she was saying, and it was obvious she didn't want to hurt her friend again, but she also needed her to understand. Susie was looking at her with a soft smile now.
"Have you ever known me to be ashamed of who I am or what I have done? If you trust Jeff, then that's enough for me. Besides, it's damn hot to know that he knows of some of the things we have done together. He does know that we have done things together, doesn't he? As in you and I. That it wasn't just cock that we both loved?"
She emphasised the word cock, and it felt like she was deliberately trying to out her to make sure that I knew the whole truth and not just a glorified version of it. Mum just smiled, although she was blushing the whole time. She nodded and grinned.
"Oh, yeah. He knows."
Susie was grinning almost identically to Mum now.
"Wow. That's... I have to admit you have surprised me, Beth. How exciting was it to tell your son all of that?"
She blushed even harder, but I knew it was because she was getting incredibly turned on by this conversation. I think we all were at this point. I was hard as a rock knowing how wet she was getting right now.
Susie was getting worked up now, and I could see a curious blush rising on her neck as time went on, she was doing that squirmy thigh-squeezing thing that women sometimes do when they are getting really worked up.
"Did it make you all wet to be telling your son about watching me giving head? About doing it yourself and about eating my pussy like nobody ever has since?"
Mum chuckled.
"Yes. I destroyed my underwear when I was wearing it."
Susie nodded and smiled.
"Are you currently destroying your underwear as much as I am?"
Mum shook her head, no, and at first, Susie looked disappointed, but then she laughed.
"Can't destroy them if you aren't wearing any, right?"
"Fuck, that's hot. I have only one more question for you now, Beth."
"Ask away."
I should have seen what was coming because by this time it was obvious, but I was so focused on the heat developing between them and the excitement I was feeling because of it that it blindsided me.
"How long have you been fucking your son?"
It was like the air got sucked out of the world for a minute. The silence was deafening as Mum and I looked at each other like deer in the headlights. Susie laughed at our reactions and stepped over to Mum. She put an arm on her shoulder and whispered in her ear, but it was just loud enough for me to hear it too.
"Don't panic. I think it's the sexiest thing that has ever happened. He is a damn good-looking young man with a hard and available cock. I would have done the same in a heartbeat. If you don't mind, I may still. It's been a while since I have had a hard young man."
Mum turned to face Susie, and she wanted to say something, but nothing was coming out of her mouth. Susie seemed to think this flustered reaction was something more than the genuine fear of having been discovered.
"Oh, only if you both are interested, of course, Beth. God, I have missed you."
She looked longingly into Mum's eyes, and then, to both of our surprise, she leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. I felt like I was going to explode. At first, Mum didn't respond to the kiss, and I thought briefly she was going to pull away from Susie, but then it was like all pretences just disappeared, and she returned the kiss quite forcibly. Suddenly these two very attractive women were making out in front of me. Right out in the open in front of the whole world, in exactly the place where it all began for them.
They separated but still clung to each other as though they needed each other's support to keep standing. They were both quite flushed, and they were panting like they had each run here. Their eyes were locked together, and I could feel the walls that they had both built up over the last twenty years begin to crumble.
They started to giggle like little kids who had just discovered some new, naughty, fun game. They then embraced again, and it seemed like neither wanted to let the other go. They were whispering to each other, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.
I was feeling a euphoric sense of relief now that the truth was out in a way, and we weren't being judged negatively for it. I was relieved not only for myself but also for Mum. She finally, after two decades, had her best friend back. A friend she loved so much more deeply than I think she had ever loved her husband. I felt so happy for them both, but still a little sad that this may be the end of what had been happening between Mum and me. I was thrilled for them both, really, but at the same time feeling a little usurped.
What followed was a slow tour around town in that uncomfortable back seat. We visited a ton of places I had never been to while visiting here, all of them little, inconsequential spots in and around town that held special memories for them. Attached to almost every place was an incredibly erotic story from their history. I was learning even more about them and their story as we went, and it kept me hard the entire time. By the time this kinky little tour was coming to an end, I had a chronic case of blue balls, but I was enjoying myself immensely.
We eventually wound up our tour of the hot spots and went to a café along the beachfront. It was busy, but not packed out yet, and because we were between meal times, we didn't have to wait for too long for a seat in one of the booths along the wall.
We sat and talked for ages as Mum and I told the tale of what had occurred over the last six months. Mum added lots of things from the last twenty years that were relevant and that Susie would understand. Some of it was things that I didn't even know about or that I thought were relevant until I looked at them from this end of the situation.
There were times throughout the conversation when I was feeling a lot like a spare wheel, especially when they were reliving their glory days, but for the majority of the time I was very involved, and I appreciated that I wasn't just pushed aside as the two of them caught up.
Susie told us of her life after they initially moved away and filled in the details of what caused the move in the first place.
"At first it was the usual bullshit reasons. There was a different parish that needed him; he had done all he could in this parish, etc., etc. I was old enough to recognise just how pissed off and upset Mum was this time, though. Previously she had always addressed it with me like it was an exciting new adventure. I was just a kid, so I had no idea that she wasn't happy. She did an excellent job of hiding it, not just from me but from everyone."
"You had been here for quite a while before you moved. I think you were in high school when I started, but we didn't travel in the same circles back then."
"No, we were both pretty quiet and kept to ourselves in the early years. We moved here over the Christmas break. The timing was fairly good in the sense that I started high school here about two weeks after we moved here. At least I hadn't started high school somewhere else and had to start all over again. I think school was almost finished when we became friends."
"I feel bad that I didn't know that. We never really talked all that much about our past."
Susie just shrugged as though it didn't matter.
"We were pretty young, and we were more excited about the future. I never really liked talking about my past, and talking about the past meant talking about your dad, and that always made you sad. I didn't want to make you sad; I wanted to make you happy and horny."
They both laughed, but the respect and love they each had showed on their faces.
"Well, you were pretty successful at that."
Susie lowered her voice and spoke conspiratorially.
"I was pretty motivated to be because from that first day watching you playing with your pussy while I did my thing, I was hooked on the idea of doing it again and again. It made me so horny that you were into it too. I loved watching you as much as I loved doing what I was doing."
They were both squirming in their seats at this point as they leaned in to talk to each other. I couldn't help but wonder just how wet they each were, and that turned into a fantasy of how hot it would be to slip under the table to eat and play with their wet pussies right here in the café.
There was a pause as we each thought about the particular fantasies running through our heads. Theirs based on memories of actual events and mine based on the desire to see them do these things. I was staring off into space as I thought about hiding under the table and taking it in turns to eat their pussies until they came all over my face. I was snapped out of my reverie as I realised that Susie had taken up her story again.
"I knew there was more to it than the bullshit I was being fed, so I did a bit of digging and found out that Dad had been threatened by someone and warned to leave town. I later found out that we had to leave town because he essentially had his own little harem going on with a bunch of the wives from church."
"Holy shit! No way!"
Mum's mouth hung open comically with complete astonishment. Susie nodded but laughed at her reaction.
"You should see your face right now."
"Mister fucking holier than thou, who liked nothing more than to look down on everyone around him, I'm better than you because I'm more pious than you, was banging half the ministry's wives? Your Mum would have exploded when she found out."
"You would think so, but no. This isn't the first town they have been chased out of for exactly the same reason."
There was a long pause as this sunk in. Mum kept shaking her head as though denying it.
"You mean she was getting in on the act too? Were they swingers?"
Susie gave a bitter laugh.
"Hardly. That misogynistic asshole seemed to think he was the next messiah or something. Like it was his God-given right to try and impregnate as many women of his faith as possible. He convinced them all that it was the right thing to do, and he demanded that Mum be a good and pure wife to him. If she had even looked sideways at another man, he probably would have ended her. Divorce was not an option, and I'm sure she didn't like him doing it, but she didn't dare speak out against him or even have an opinion about it that he would view negatively. He was a fucking nut job, and when I found this shit out, I confronted them about it. He was screaming at me like a demented lunatic that he would answer to no man, let alone a woman or a child. He kicked me out and demanded that not only I leave, never to return, but he also demanded that Mum never speak to me again. Being the good little sheep to his shepherd, she did as she was told."