Update 35

I walked into the room and looked at Mum, who was smiling at something that they had just spoken about. I hated doing this to her, knowing she was about to receive devastating news and knowing that I couldn't be there to hold her hand as it was delivered. She looked up at me, and her ability to read my facial features showed her immediately that something was wrong. I watched, saddened, as the beautiful smile she had slowly slid off her face.

I didn't need to say anything for her to know it was bad news. She stood up and walked over to me.

"Is everything alright?"

I tried my best to keep my voice light, but even to my ears, it sounded forced and a little shrill.

"Yeah, it's all good. Umm, Chilton asked if he could have a talk with you on the veranda."

"Oh, of course."

She lowered her voice to a whisper and gave me a very direct look.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really."

I whispered back as I shook my head. She looked scared, and I could almost see the questions forming in her mind as she looked at me. I nodded my head towards the back door, getting her moving, and watched as she walked out the door, reluctance in every move her body made. I marvelled briefly at just how well we had learnt to read each other's body language. It was always there because I had known her my whole life, but it was now on a much deeper and more personal level.

I took a deep breath, tried to clear my mind, put on the best smile I could, and then walked into the lounge room. Granny was looking at me for an explanation, and at first I didn't think I would be able to speak. Once I started, though, it came easier.

"Chilton just needed to talk to Mum for a moment. They have a few things they need to discuss. He's worried about you getting too tired with the visitors today."

"Oh, phooey. He's a lovely man, but he worries too much. What's it going to do, kill me?"

"Well, actually, yes."

She surprised both Susie and me with her laughter.

"Well, of course it is. Everything is going to kill me at this point. Gotta die of something, don't I? Might as well be something I enjoy, and there has been a lack of visitors over the years."

It stung a little, but I knew she wasn't having a go at us but other friends and relatives that had visited less and less over the years.

We got talking about the impending visit, and she seemed to be excited about it. She had a glow in her cheeks and a sparkle in her eye. At some point, Mum came back in and hugged her. I could see she had been crying but had managed to control her tears for now.

She released her from her hug and sat next to me on the couch. I heard Chilton's car start out the front and pull away from the house.

It was only about half an hour later that there was a knock on the door. Mum got up to answer it and in followed Richard. He looked like he was a tall, solid man in his youth, but he had a definite stoop now that spoke of arthritis and a life of manual labor. The man with him, his son, David, stood next to him, and they looked like a before and after photo. He was tall and solidly built, and the two men shared a lot of features.

Their facial expressions, however, couldn't have been further apart. Richard looked alert and happy, and there was a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, especially when he met Grannies. David had his arms crossed and a frown on his face that said he wasn't happy about having to be here. He looked petulant and sulky, and as much as I knew I shouldn't judge someone on first appearance, I was pretty sure I wouldn't like him straight away. I wondered if he was just having a bad day because of the traffic or if he was just an asshole?

After Richard had settled in, I offered to make coffee for everyone. Granny wanted tea, but everyone else wanted coffee, except David. He turned to his father and spoke rather curtly, as though he was addressing a child who had managed to get their way against his will.

"I'll be back in three hours unless you want to go earlier, in which case give me a call. I don't want to leave any later than two o'clock because it's a long drive and the traffic sucks. You'll be alright here with... them?"

He glanced around briefly at us as though we were some kind of scum he didn't want to be associated with in any way. I could feel my hackles rising, and I was halfway out of my seat before Mum put her hand on my arm and gently shook her head. I could feel the anger pouring off everyone in the room.

Richard looked at David as though he had spat on him, and we could all see the hurt and embarrassment in his eyes.

"I may be old, but I'm not feeble. These people are family, and there's nowhere else I would rather be right now."

Without another word, David turned on his heel and walked out. Everyone's face seemed to say the same thing. What a massive asshole.

After a few awkward moments of silence, Richard sighed.

"I am sorry about him. He is his mother's son, I'm afraid."

We heard the car take off down the road, and there were a few more moments of awkward silence before Richard walked over to Granny. I saw a tear shimmering in his eye as he looked at her. Both of their eyes were clear and shining as a lifetime of memories and regrets was silently acknowledged. He bent down to her, gave her an awkward but gentle hug, and kissed her on the cheek. He whispered something in her ear, and she giggled. I stood up and brought one of the chairs over next to Granny so they could sit together and talk comfortably.

I shook Richards's hand, and he smiled at me.

"It's a good thing you have done, son, and I thank you."

"I only did what Granny asked me to, but you are welcome. It's lovely to meet you and put a face to the name. I will leave you to talk, but I'll be just out in the kitchen if you need anything."

I left them to get acquainted again, and I heard them introducing Susie to him. Soon after, she and Mum joined me in the kitchen. It was a strange thing. I felt like we were eavesdropping on a very private matter, but I had also promised Chilton that I would be on hand for Granny.

We could hear them talking, but only the murmurs of their voices and the occasional laughter. We talked among ourselves as well in similarly hushed tones so that they wouldn't feel like they were being listened to or be able to hear our conversation. We were just talking about random things, trying to stay light-hearted and avoiding the heavier subjects of earlier. Susie got a cheeky look on her face and leaned in to talk even quieter.

"Do you think they are talking about how they used to fuck?"

Mum smiled and seemed to think about it for a minute.

"Probably. That's what I would talk about. The good old days of taking load after load. All the kinky shit we got up to."

"How kinky do you think they got?"

"I've got no idea, but I know she's not shy, and she doesn't embarrass easily."

"Do you think they ever did stuff like we did?"

"No, the risk was a lot greater then, and where they lived, everybody knew everybody. I reckon they would have had to have been a lot sneakier than we ever were."

I had my questions, but from a different point of view.

"Do you think Granddad knew everything? I kind of got the impression he did, based on what she was saying."

"I don't know. There was never any weird tension when he was over. Everyone was happy to see him when he visited, including Dad. So, he either had no idea or was completely okay with it. He wasn't an idiot, though, and I think you would have to be pretty thick not to pick up on the tension between them."

Susie leaned in even further.

"Maybe they were both doing her at the same time. Imagine that, your mum getting spit-roasted."

"Jesus, Susie. That's an image that won't be going away in a hurry."

We all giggled like school kids discussing something naughty behind the teacher's back.

"Oh, good for her, I say. I have to admit, I felt like a greedy little slut when I had more than one cock at a time, and I loved it."

The idea of this gorgeous redhead, on hands and knees with a cock filling her drooling mouth and another filling her pussy from behind, was a rather pleasant one. Mum seemed to think so, too. I watched her eyes glaze over as she thought about it.

"Damn, I missed out on some fun. I would have loved to have watched that one."

"You wouldn't be content to just watch, though, and I would have been happy to

share with you."


I felt Mum's hand on my thigh, and it slowly moved higher until it was gently caressing my cock through my shorts.

"God, I miss those days sometimes, and I hate that I missed out on so much fun with you."

"You're not missing out too much, though. You got some of this nice hard cock this morning, didn't you?"

Susie reached under the table, and her hand wrapped around Mum's, which, in turn, was wrapped around my cock. I stifled the moan as best I could as she squeezed. Mum grinned like she had just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"Don't be jealous; it's the only cock I have had in over a decade."

The look of shock on Susie's face was as genuine as it was intense.

"Ten fucking years?"

"No, ten non-fucking years. Well, more than ten."

"Oh, honey. That's a fucking crime. Why didn't you leave earlier? Jesus, I would have been so horny I would have been ordering pizzas just to fuck the delivery man."

"The thought crossed my mind. The thought crossed my mind before we stopped having sex, but that's just because it was a fantasy of mine."

I was surprised because she hadn't told me about that one. I supposed there were a lot of fantasies she had had over the years, and it was obvious that she wouldn't have told me all of them. I knew exhibitionism was a definite favourite kink, and I guess this fit into that. I was imagining her being so horny that she began fucking a stranger, just to feel a cock inside her. It turned me on to imagine her doing that, but I never wanted to be the reason she would.

My cock was throbbing now. Between the fantasy and the two beautiful women fondling me, one was gripping my shaft, and the other was now caressing my balls, and I was getting very turned on. I reached down a hand on either side of me and ran my fingers along the thighs of them both.

Mum, to my left, had a skirt on, and I immediately landed on bare flesh. As I moved my hand up, I felt her thighs part, offering no resistance at all and inviting me in. I could feel the heat of her body radiating, and I wanted to find the source of that damp heat. My hand found the hem of her skirt and immediately began pushing it back until my fingertips brushed against the front of her panties. The heat emanating from her was intoxicating, and I wanted to crawl under the table and dive right in.

Susie was wearing a summer-style cotton dress, so my fingers landed on the material. My right hand continued upwards towards her crotch but was hindered from going very far by the fabric. I heard a soft chuckle from her, then felt the fabric begin to move beneath my fingers as her empty hand began to bunch it up in her lap. Before long, I felt the smooth, soft flesh of her inner thigh as the hem of her dress moved past my fingers. I immediately pushed further up and felt her copy the same move Mum had made by parting her thighs. This time, however, there was no underwear to contend with, just a smattering of curls and a damp heat waiting for me.

I felt Mum move her free hand down alongside mine and pull the crotch of her panties aside to allow me access to what I desired most. Both my hands were now performing the same task as they slowly slid up and down, allowing my middle finger to slide up and over their clits, then back down again to be lubricated by their cum. I could feel subtle differences in the shape and texture of each woman. I could smell the musky scent of their arousal, and it was driving me into a frenzy.

My motions sped up slightly as I heard their breaths begin to become raspier and more needy. I could feel them pushing against me, and I slipped my fingers down lower, spreading their wet lips and finding even more heat. Soft mewling sounds were coming from each of them, and as I slid further down, I angled my fingers so that they slipped up and into their waiting pussies.

Had I even fantasised about this just a year ago, I would have laughed at the ridiculousness of it. Who gets to feel up two incredibly hot, mature women at the same time? Stuff like this doesn't happen to people outside of scripted porn, or so I believed, yet here I was, two knuckles deep inside two of the hottest ladies I knew, who were busy stroking my cock and balls while I tried to keep a level enough head to listen out for a change of volume or intensity to the conversation in the other room so we didn't get caught. It was so hot and outrageous that it had me on the verge of making a mess in my pants.

"Stop for a second or I'm going to cum in my pants."

Instead of stopping, though, I felt someone's fingers slide my fly down. It was hard to tell whose hand was whose as they slipped their hand inside and fished my cock out. Once it was out of my pants, the stroking continued. I intensified my actions as well and felt their bodies responding. Both hands were now concentrating on my cock and were slipping around in the copious amount of pre-cum.

I tried to stay as quiet as I could, but there was a definite grunting coming from me as I felt the thrill of these two hands expertly working me over. I listened again, but there had been no alteration in the pitch or cadence in the speech coming from the lounge room, so I had to assume we were safe for now. If Richard decided to come and ask for something, though, there was no way we wouldn't be caught. It was just so exciting that I knew I wasn't going to last. The attention of two caring and skilled hands on my cock and balls was overwhelming, but add to that the fact that I could smell the unmistakable scent of their cum and feel their slippery pussies clench at my fingers, and I was ready to pop. I did my best to deliver a rhythm that would help them reach climax, but I was rapidly losing focus as my orgasm roared up on me.

"Oh, fuck. I'm going to cum."

It came out as a hoarse whisper through clenched teeth as I felt their hands immediately react to this news. The hand that had been massaging my balls immediately went to the top and acted as a kind of umbrella to try and catch my cum as it was released. The hand that had been gently stroking my cock tightened its grip and began stroking more vigorously.

My orgasm washed over me as a release, and I felt my cum begin lubricating the hand still stroking me. As my orgasm subsided and I stopped pumping, I felt both hands trying to collect as much of my cum as possible so it wouldn't end up all over the kitchen table and floor.

As the post-orgasmic fog began to lift, I tried to find a rhythm with my hands again, and I felt Mum jolt at the sudden change and let out a small moan. Susie also made a small grunting sound and pushed forward to increase the pressure. When that wasn't enough, she took her hand off my cock and used it to increase the pressure I was applying, then slipped her cum-soaked fingers beneath mine and began furiously rubbing her clit as I fucked her pussy with my fingers.

Mum was making those lovely little gasps that indicated the beginning of her orgasm, and I think it was this as much as anything that pushed Susie towards her own. The speed of her fingers increased, and I felt her pussy clenching rhythmically around my fingers.

It was difficult to coordinate two orgasms at the same time. I knew Mum became overly sensitive straight after, and when I felt her sort of slump against my shoulder, I knew to stop. Her hand joined mine and slowly eased my fingers out of hers. At the same time, I was trying to keep up with the pace of Susie as she reached an intense new level. She leaned over and all but bit down on my shoulder as she tried to muffle the moans of her orgasm as it hit her hard. Her fingers stopped rubbing her clit, and immediately she clamped it hard against my hand, pushing my fingers in deeper and holding them there as she spasmed around them.

After a few moments, she indicated that she wanted me to remove my hand, which I did.

I listened again to detect if there had been any change in the conversation in the lounge room, but it seemed that they were none the wiser to the outrageous act that had just taken place mere meters away from them.

Susie sat upright and shifted her seat around a little. Mum was still leaning contentedly against my shoulder with a smug little smile of satisfaction on her face. Susie grinned at her.

"Well, you certainly have kept that sense of adventure and enjoyment of outrageously risky fun. It seems you have passed it on, too."

Mum just smiled even wider and all but purred a soft sound of contentment.

I could feel the air cooling the fluids that were coating me, and I was starting to become a little uncomfortable, not to mention sitting here with my cock still out was inviting disaster.

"As lovely as sitting here, feeling like this with you two is, I need to go get cleaned up."

I pushed back my chair and looked down at what was a much worse mess than I had imagined. The whole crotch of my shorts was soaked with cum. Both women laughed as I stood up, trying not to spread the mess any further.

"Well, Beth, I have to say that I love feeling all sticky from so much fun, but I, too, should probably clean up."

"Considering we smell like an orgy, I would suggest we all clean up, but I suspect that Jeff is in the direst need right now. Don't take too long, honey."


I cleaned myself up, but there was no quick clean-up that was going to work on those shorts, so I quickly got changed. I went back through the kitchen, where Mum was now sitting on her own. Susie had taken her turn in the bathroom while I was getting changed. Mum beckoned me over to her as she stood up and hugged me. She kissed me after a glance at the lounge room door, then whispered in my ear.

"I love the way you make me cum, and I love that you aren't afraid. I know this situation with Susie is a bit strange. Are you okay with it all so far?"

"So far, but I don't want it to take anything away from us."

She leaned back and looked into my eyes. She looked at me seriously for a moment, and I felt like she was reading my thoughts.

"No matter what happens. No matter who else is around or what relationships you or I end up in. I will always have time for you. We will always have our special love for each other. I don't want to live a life that doesn't have you in it... And in me."

She added with a small laugh.

"That sounds like an awesome plan because no matter who comes into our lives, I don't want this to change."

"Jeff, it's going to change, no matter what. If we make an effort, though, we can keep this alive as much as possible. I want to say something, but I don't want you to think I am pushing you away at all, though."

"What is it, Mum?'

"I want you to experience things, and I don't just mean with me. I want you to experience other people too."

I thought about what she was saying, and I had to admit that the thought had entered my mind a couple of times as well. I knew she meant that she didn't want to get in the way of me getting a girlfriend, but how would I feel if she found a boyfriend? I guess we would have to cross that bridge when we got there.

"I understand."

"Do you? I want you to have other relationships, meet a woman that you want to marry and have babies with. I want all those things for you as well. I want to be Granny to your kids one day, but I want this as well. Is that too much to ask?"

"I don't know. I guess we will see when that time comes."​
Next page: Update 36
Previous page: Update 34