Page 4
"Do you think you can be strong like that, Paul. Can you be a man, all the time?"
I started shredding my clothes. Not shedding... shredding. I was desperate to get them off, to throw away the years of restraint, the careful, controlled lovemaking that Mrs. Pierce had forced upon me, made me believe I wanted. I needed to get rid of her, in one wild, senseless, abandoned fuck. Mrs. Pearson... Karen, was laughing, goading me, begging me to split her with my pole.
I knelt behind her, my suit coat off, the shirt in shreds, my pants bunched on my knees, around my feet, one of which was still wearing its shoe. My hands found her panties and ripped them off to loud squeals of delight. I grasped her hair in my left hand and tugged her head up as I leaned over her back while my right hand guided my cock, nosing it through her cheeks in search of her slit.
"Shut up," I hissed.
"Make me," she husked.
I shoved into her, roughly, all the way, lifting her up on the back of the couch. Immediately, I started slamming into her, huffing loudly, grasping her shoulders and banging her soft cheeks as hard as I could. We didn't speak any more, we were both fucking our hearts out, shedding the past and finding our future. She was so fucking sexy, so earthy and heathen. This was real love, no control and no hurt, just passion. I thrust harder, and harder, and harder.
"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah."
I pulled Karen's hair up and grasped it in both hands. I loved the way she looked, eyes closed, mouth open, her whole body jolting with every thrust. I wanted this woman so much, I needed her to be mine.
Shit! I was coming already. It felt like molten lava shooting up my shaft, bursting from the head of my cock, filling her. I could feel it, several squirts later, squeezing through the tight grip her lips held around my post. I was kissing her, whispering inanely, "I love you, I love you," to this woman I'd only just met.
You might think we would have been embarrassed after that, a little sheepish, that we would both pull on our clothes without looking at each other again, but we didn't. I flopped onto the couch and Karen got up, straightened her dress and calmly walked, the back of the dress still open, to the bathroom. She appeared a few moments later carrying a large comforter which she spread over me. She stooped to pick up her shredded panties and tossed them onto a chair, then casually slipped the dress off her shoulders and shimmied it down over her hips. She watched me watch her remove her lacy black bra which seemed far too sexy to be mated with the conservative dress now lying at her feet. Her breasts sprang free, bouncing with youthful enthusiasm despite her ten years or so on me and I wished I had thought to grab them. I remembered, strangely, how I had forgotten to sample Mrs. Pierce's tits the first time I had fucked her too. Now nude except for the black stockings, Karen picked up the remote and slipped under the comforter.
She pointed the remote at the screen and said, "Let's start at the beginning. We've got lots of discs to go through."
Before the first minute had passed, I had those gorgeous tits in my hands, both of them, with nipples poking through the circles formed by thumbs and forefingers leaving just a tiny bit to be licked and sucked.
"I bet you can't make it fifteen minutes without fucking me again," she whispered.
She was right.
I didn't even return to my apartment. Karen had some people bring my personal effects over and everything else was disposed of. Karen hired me as one of her staff but she explained it was only for pocket money and to legally establish that I would never have a claim on her estate since I was considered an employee and not living with her. It was an uncomfortable reminder of Mrs. Pierce — I still don't think of her as Carol — but one that was easily erased by a very satisfying bout in bed.
Karen was everything she promised to be. Every day she was mine to have in whatever way I wished. For example, the afternoon that I signed the paper recognizing myself as an employee, Karen said she felt tired and wanted to rest for awhile. After a couple of hours, I went upstairs to see if she was still sleeping. She was in the bed alright, but curled up into a ball. Her knees were held tight to her chest by a belt wrapped around her back and thighs just under her knees. Her feet were similarly held tight to her bottom with a soft kimono belt looped at each end around the balls of her feet and stretching around her back to make her toes point outward. Karen's arms were wrapped around her knees and another looped kimono belt secured her wrists. Someone had obviously assisted her to get into this awkward position but she was quite alone now, and very naked.
"Where have you been?" she panted. "I've been waiting for hours."
It didn't take me long to get rid of my clothes and crawl up on the bed. I manoeuvred the little Karen-ball in front of my cock and plunged it inside her already wet pussy. As I leaned over her, pumping her needy body, I could smell her odor on her fingers and realized she'd been able to reach herself while she was waiting for me. The thought of her fingering herself while wantonly imagining my reaction when I found her made me go almost berserk. I fucked her so hard I kept rolling over onto my side and slipping out of her pussy so I released the ties holding her feet to her thighs. Holding her feet up, I steered her back onto my cock and began pumping her vigorously again.
She was like Mrs. Pierce in a way. She loved to either look intensely in my eyes while she got fucked or she closed them tight and flung her head back, abandoned to the sensations percolating from her womb. She really liked getting fucked. At least, she made all the appropriate sounds and motions one would expect from a woman that loved a good-sized cock in her. I believed it. I don't think anyone could act that horny.
The next day, she had several interior design consultants in presenting some concepts for remodeling the west wing of her home. She politely excused us to consider their suggestions privately for a few moments and led me into the opposite side of the house. As soon as we were on that side, she bent over a side table and reach back to pull her dress up. Within seconds, I had pulled her panties down and filled her from behind. We were a ways away from the consultants but they may have wondered what the faint rattling was all about as I lunged into my lover's backside and bounced the table off the wall.
I'm sure the staff also either heard or stumbled upon us when we spontaneously had sex in the house or on the grounds but discretely made themselves scarce. I gradually realized that I could have Karen any way I wanted, any time I wanted to, but I also had to perform whenever she felt the need, which was often. It was quite a change from doing Mrs. Pierce where I had to pay my dues and satisfy her first through a long bout of tender love-making before seeking my own gratification. Fucking Karen was much better but very exhausting.
After three years, I was almost tired of it. In fact, I was getting bored with constant, spontaneous and raucous sex after two years and only retained my interest after I discovered that Karen would let me fuck her in the ass, something I had never done before. I was a little gun-shy to try after the vehement denial of my attempt to get inside Mrs. Pierce's butt, which perhaps explains why I didn't try for so long with such a willing woman available to do my sexual bidding.
Anyway, one day I came home to find Karen on her knees on our bed. Her feet were tied to the corner posts and though her hands were free, a light lead attached to a collar around her neck was tied somewhere behind the headboard. Karen's head was lying sideways on a pillow and she watched me enter the room. My reaction was clearly amusing to her since her smile grew as my face changed from surprise to confusion to comprehension and finally raging desire when I saw how greasy her buttocks were and then discovered the ring protruding from her asshole. A butt plug.
"Be gentle," she said, speaking so hoarsely I could hardly understand those two simple words. "Take my ass cherry, baby," she whispered, wiggling her butt.
I slipped my finger through the ring and tugged.
"Ooooohhhh... slowly, baby, slowly," she cried.
I relaxed and then tugged again.
"Ohhhh, yeah."
I twisted the plug around and pulled, then eased, then pulled. I played around like that for several minutes but eventually it came out with a loud, wet plop. I held it up and looked at it, surprised by how wide the inside part was, then looked down at the gaping, dark hole it had left in Karen's ass. Why that made me incredibly horny in an mere instant, I don't know, but it did. I grunted and got up on my feet, crouched over her ass, and steered my cock into this new, virgin territory for us both.
Holding her cheeks apart with my hands, I sank deep inside her. I loved the way she groaned. It was a completely different kind of sound and I tried varying my strokes in many ways to pull that same sound from her lips as I fucked her ass. As with every other time we fucked, Karen seemed to absolutely love it. Together with the novelty and Karen's primitive noises, I came very quickly.
Karen wanted it in the ass again that night and the next morning. It became her favorite way to fuck and there was rarely a week that we didn't do it at least three times that way. I hate to say it, but it became kind of boring for me.
And that's what ended our relationship. Karen was all about fucking and nothing else. One day, I simply left. I didn't have the courage to face Karen the way Mrs. Pierce had waited to see me. I didn't trust myself not to stay, or rather, I didn't underestimate Karen's ability to keep me.
Now, I'm seeking a relationship somewhere between Mrs. Pierce and Karen. It isn't easy. These women have spoiled me too much to accept anyone ordinary. I yearn for the intense, writhing love-making that I experienced with Mrs. Pierce but also need the wild, abandoned fucking that Karen taught me to love so much. I also find young women, women my own age, boring. They act so confident and with it but they aren't sophisticated or in control at all. I guess it shows in me because older woman seem to know at a glance that I'm interested in them. I never lack for sex because these women don't play games, they just get on with it. The only problem is finding one that is willing to change her life for me, and to be sure that that woman is the right one, the perfect woman.
I haven't found her yet after two years of trying, but Lynn is close to filling the bill. At least, I think she is. I pulled her head up off my cock.
"Lynn, you've got to learn to keep your teeth back."
She nodded and pushed her face forward, enveloping the slippery helmet, eager to show me that she knew how to do it. Her lips slid down my shaft, pausing part way, and then proceeded after a short swallow, the way I'd taught her. I grabbed her hair and held her head firmly on my cock, then leaned forward and slipped a crooked finger into her butt, pleased by the muffled grunt she emitted around my root.
"Are you sure your husband never fucks you here? I think it's ready for me already."