Part 02.1
The Twins Come Home
Because Roxy and her son, Donnie, had been up all night fucking (as had the neighbors who had to listen to them). She totally slept through the sound of her twin 19-year old daughters coming home only a few hours after she and Donnie collapsed in each other's arms, physically exhausted from their practically non-stop sex. Roxy didn't hear as Amber and Nikki came in through the front door, or as they talked loudly downstairs with each other, and something in her brain almost registered when two sets of feet came up the stairs together, but the musky smell of her son just lulled her back to sleep before she could even be fully awake.
Donnie was sleeping like the dead so there was no chance he was going to wake up even if a parade went by.
Out in the hall/Donnie's room Nikki and Amber came up the stairs. They were identical twins and both looked much like their mother and Aunt (also identical twins) with their dark brunette hair, large breasts and tan skin, outside of they were obviously almost 20 years their younger. They were also both on the swim team at the local community college they attended. They took all their classes together, had the same friends, loved the same music, wore the same clothes. In fact, the only real way to tell the difference between Donnie's sisters most of the time was just wait for one of them to speak.
"So slut," Amber said to her sister, "I'm gonna take a shower first. I called dibs."
"Hey I need one too!" Nikki said.
"Too bad!"Amber shouted and ran into the bathroom and shut the door. She wished there was a lock so she could dramatically lock her sister out but they were such an open family they didn't have locks on any interior doors in their house.
The major difference between Amber and Nikki was that Amber was cool, calculating, and most people who knew her might describe her as "kind of a bitch." But Nikki was the exact opposite, she was nicer, for sure, but also more naive and many people might call her "a bit ditzy."
Nikki pouted in the hall as she watched as her sister slammed the bathroom door behind her. Nikki then glanced around the hallway, she noticed that Donnie wasn't in his bed and wondered for a moment if he had fallen asleep in their Aunt's room again. Something he often did when she went out of town. Nikki didn't care though, if she was going to be locked out of a shower for half-an-hour (or longer, knowing Amber), she wanted to bug her mom about what happened with the dating lesson with Donnie yesterday. Amber turned into her mom's room and opened the door.
Inside, she gasped in shock. Nikki came face to face with two things right away. The first was the intense smell of sex, it literally smelled like there was an orgy in there the night before, and the second was the sight of her nude mother, lying against Donnie, Roxy's son and Nikki's brother, they were both lying on top of the covers so Nikki could see their attractive bodies in all their glory. Donnie was just as naked as Mom but also had the biggest cock she'd ever seen in her life, and he was soft!
Nikki questioned the scene before her. Everything about it said to her that her mother and her brother had sex the night before, she could even see what looked like partially-dried cum on Roxy's face and tits. Had Roxy walked in on any other two other people in the same situation, she'd assume they fucked, but this being two of the people closest to her, Nikki decided she was thinking wrong. She often felt that way anyway.
Nikki walked over to the side of her mom's bed, now that she was closer she saw the white gooey liquid that seemed to cover her mother's face and tits more clearly. Nikki's brain could only think of one thing, and just to confirm, she wiped up a large dollop of the stuff from her mother's face, and stuck it in her mouth without thinking. She moaned instintively as she tasted the salty substance. It was definitely semen, she'd gone down on enough guys in the past to know that, but it was a much more intense flavor than any she'd tasted before. It was somehow robust and savory, and she immediately just wanted more.
She swiped a bit more off her mom's face and immediately ate it, Nikki's pussy was starting to get very wet as she savored the flavor. Whoever made this cum was obviously potent, Nikki thought, as she swiped more cum off of her mother's tits this time and shoved it into her mouth. Despite all evidence before her, Nikki couldn't accept that this spunk all came from her brother's beautiful cock and had already decided that Mom had somehow gotten a midnight visitor, like an old boyfriend, not that her mother had ever done anything like that before.
As Nikki swiped for another taste, Roxy suddenly woke up from the movement across her gigantic tits. Nikki jumped back as she saw her mother's eyes suddenly open looking up at her.
"What are you doing?" Roxy asked her daughter.
"There's jizz all over you Mom," Nikki told her mom without even thinking about it, "it's yummy." She said as she at her brother's cum off her palm. "Why are you sleeping with Donnie naked with sperm all over you?" Nikki asked after she swallowed down her tasty snack.
"Wai-wha-" Roxy started to say, only to first see her naked son lying on his back right beside her on the bed, there was a pool of his cum on his chest where she had snuggled into him, his soft cock lying between his legs and she remembered all the pleasure it caused her the night before. She remembered how many times her son fucked his naughty mother, how many orgasms she had, she didn't know, but her sexual side, something she'd hidden away since her husband died over 15 years ago, had been fully reawakened by Donnie, her son, and she could already feel her pussy pulsate with need again despite being fully satisfied the night before. The memory of her grinding on her son's dick, him filling her cunt like no man could do before him, both of them too tired to do more than the slow pace of her grinding lazily against her son's abdomen, full of his cock until he announced he was cumming again. Roxy wanted it so bad on her face she begged him for it. And they used the last of their strength so Donnie could get on his knees on the bed and hosed his mother down once again. Roxy had wanted to eat his spunk but they both had to pass out, and she didn't, and now she was still quite a mess.
She couldn't help but be filled with a flood of guilt and regret. She was Donnie's mother! She couldn't have a sexual relationship with him! But still, something said inside of her, it was the most sexually satisfied she'd ever felt in her life... NO! She told herself, and quickly got out of the bed, she grabbed clothes without even looking from her dresser, and ran out of the room and into the bathroom. She thanked God that the person to find her with her son was Nikki and not Amber, she was sure she didn't suspect anything, no matter how much it would have been obvious to anyone else.
Roxy's Dilemma
Back in Roxy's room, Nikki stood there looking at her brother's nude, muscular body in front of her. But especially his cock, it looked like it was at least 9 inches and it wasn't even hard yet. She wondered if she could... No, that would be ridiculous, she realized, she was his sister after all. Though she still kept thinking about what it would look like at full length.
She noticed there was a small pool of cum on his chest though and wondered if maybe she could eat it up before he woke up, and for some reason, maybe it was just realizing that her brother was hung like a moose, Nikki leaned over and started licking her brother's cum, though she still didn't realize that's what it was, right off his chest.
"Hmm," Donnie moaned, "that feels good Mom."
Nikki stood back up and looked at him funny, Donnie opened his eyes and looked up at his sister. He smiled at her with like a cat who had just eaten a canary. Donnie himself had absolutely no regrets about fucking his mom last night and would like very much to start fucking her again as soon as possible.
"Hi Nikki," he said to his sister, he noticed she was wearing the shortest set of cutoffs he'd ever seen to show off her sexy legs and a t-shirt, the sleeves cut off and ripped almost just below her tits, Nikki and Amber liked dressing like sluts when they went out but usually conservatively at home. Donnie guess, correctly, that it was because he tended to ogle them nonstop when they dressed in ways that showed off their bodies as such, "You look really sexy Nikki." Donnie said.
Nikki didn't know why, but she blushed, "Wow Donnie, you definitely seem a lot more confident all of a sudden, did something happen last night?"
Donnie rolled his eyes, of course Nikki would literally catch him naked in his mother's bed and still not be able to put two and two together, "Nothing at all Nikki, why don't you get out of here, I'm naked after all."
"Yeah, why is that bro?" Nikki said, at the word "naked" her eyes went back to her brother's cock, and stayed there. Donnie noticed this and his cock started to get hard again. He wondered for a moment if his mother wasn't around maybe Nikki would... but realized that was ridiculous, his Mom loved him just like a mother should her one and only son, with all her heart. But his sisters weren't really close to him, there's no way he could convince them to do that... could he?
"Um, just hot last night, so I took my clothes off?" Donnie said without a lot of conviction.
Nikki shrugged, "K. Whatever." She turned and bounced out of the room, Donnie staring as her glorious ass in her tight cut-offs. He began thinking about all he'd learned the night before about dating women. He wondered if he could practice learning more somehow? Maybe he should ask his mom when she was out of the shower?
After Roxy ran into the bathroom, trying her best not to notice how much her bedroom smelled like sex or her whole body smelled like her son's cum. She needed this shower and she needed to get away from her son, at least long enough that she could think about what she should do next.
Roxy walked up to the shower where her other daughter was now showering, and pushed the black curtain open and got in.
Amber gasped, "Mom, you know the rules!" She shouted, the rule was anyone could use the bathroom while someone else was in the shower, but don't open the curtain, which was black so no one could see in. The bathroom-privacy rule was one of the few rules of the house that everyone did their best to follow.
"It's an emergency," Roxy said as she got in, "Someone called off sick and I need to go to work a lot earlier than before." She told her daughter Amber as she got in the shower with her "I need to shower now, I'm sorry we have to share."
"Wait, you have to go in 6 hours early?" Amber asked suspiciously, "You've never worked a 14 hour shift before..."
Roxy wasn't listening, she was already starting to feel a lot cleaner just standing under the shower then. She was feeling a lot better because of it, like it was washing away all her guilt and she could pretend that nothing was the matter for at least a little while. "Like I said it's an emergency."
"K," Amber said as she watched her mother soak her giant tits. Amber was always kind of jealous of her mother's large boobs, wishing her own were at least as big. But standing this close to them, part of her wanted to soap her mother's luscious chest for her. She shook her head, not sure where such a thought just came from, and went back to washing herself. They showered together in silence, both lost in their own thoughts.
While his mother and sister showered and Nikki went back to her room, Donnie grabbed his clothes off the floor which were still very much stained and smelling of his and his mother's cum, and tossed in under his bed. He then got under his blanket and fell asleep again, totally naked.
Amber came out first, dressed in a conservative outfit of tight black jeans and a long sleeved blue t-shirt. When she came out in the hall, she noticed something smelled very much like sex. She saw Donnie lying in the bed and laughed a little knowing it couldn't be him. But her mother's door was open. She stuck her head in and had to take it back out again, just by how surprisingly strong the scent was. "Wow," Amber said to herself, "Mom must have gotten lucky!" She chuckled softly as she walked over to her and her sister's room and went inside, thinking how Mom was teaching Donnie how to date yesterday, but Roxy was the one getting lucky. Donnie was such a lameass, she thought.
When she went in her shared room she was surprised at what greeted her. Nikki was sitting on her bed, completely naked, and openly masterbating with both hands, one furiously rubbing her clit while her other hand she used to pump three fingers in and out of her cunt with frantic abandon.
"Jesus, slut," Amber said as she came in, "calm down, what if Donnie came in right now?"
"Uh-huh," Nikki replied nodding frantically and not even listening to her sister as she was getting ready to cum, not saying that she was kind of hoping her brother would be the one to walk in and not Amber. "FUUUUUUCCCKKK!" She cried out as she saw Donnie's head of black hair outside on the bed and came thinking about his thick cock. She wished she had played with his dick some in Mom's bed if only so she could see it when it was hard. Nikki had a lot of sex, the reason Amber called her "slut" all the time was because she knew that she was one. She didn't care though, she loved sex, especially with a big cock. And she'd never seen a cock as big as her brother's. She was coming down from her orgasm now, but she couldn't shake the feeling she was going to need to see Donnie's cock again before the day was out.
Amber rolled her eyes at her sister, amused. Nikki was always such a horny girl, but it would have to be something major to make her so horny to jill off so openly in her room like that. She shut her door and admired her sister's body for a second as she breathed heavily on the bed, pushing her large tits out and Amber could see that Nikki was still quite wet and horny, "What's gotten into you? I haven't seen you like this since you found out Brad on the football team was hung like a horse."
"I found an even bigger dick," Nikki said without thinking about it. She knew she probably shouldn't tell Amber that the owner of said dick was their dorky brother.
"What? While I was in the shower?" Amber wondered if her sister had seen one of the neighbor's cocks, or was just watching porn on her phone again, "Well, whatever. You can get your shower in, I think Mom is about done now."
Roxy was done and came out of the shower, dressed in the outfit she grabbed, one of the many tight exercise outfits she had. When she got out in the hall, she got a whiff of the smell of her and her son's lovemaking, she saw that her son had moved out to the hall, and she could already feel her pussy moisten as she looked at her strong sleeping son in his bed. She glanced up at the door to her daughter's room, saw it was shut for the moment, and wondered if she could have a quickie with Donnie before either of her girls came out of their room, only to suddenly be mortified at herself for even having such thoughts. She was his mother! Even if Donnie had sexually satisfied her, something no man had ever done before him, she couldn't turn into his sex-starved slut, she just couldn't!
Roxy practically ran down the hall and down the stairs. She continued her quick pace until she was in her car, and she drove down the road with no destination in mind at all. She just knew she had to get away from her son before she did something she would really regret.
About a mile or so down the road, the street had a dead end. Roxy parked there and sat in her car with the motor running so she could at least have air conditioning while she sat and thought. She knew that once she saw her son again, she was going to have to tell him that they couldn't continue their little affair. It just wouldn't be right. But then she thought about how much she loved sucking her son's giant cock while she ground her pussy on his face and he made love to her with his tongue. Or how much pleasure it brought her when he stuck his dick up her sopping wet cunt for the first time and filled her up completely. How much her pussy longed for her to be filled up again...
Roxy was so conflicted now that she began to cry. Weeping long hard sighs wondering how the hell she was going to be able to face her son Donnie ever again.
Once her tears dried she decided she needed to call her sister. She wished she hadn't gone on vacation that week with their mother. But how was Roxy to know she'd be in the middle of such a crisis right then.
Roxy's sister, Candi, picked up on the second ring, "Hey sis," Candi's voice coming through the phone, "me and mom are working on our tans on the beach, there's a lot of hot guys."
Roxy sighed, Candi had the same sex-drive that she did, "That's fine Candi, but I need to talk to you."
Candi could tell that something was wrong, "What is it, sis?"
Roxy opened her mouth but no sound came out, she suddenly realized this wasn't the best idea. What was she supposed to say, "The problem is that I just had a full night of the best sex I've ever had in my life, but the problem is it was with my own son, your nephew!" No, there was no way she could admit to that. Not even to her sister, at least not over the phone.
After another moment or two of silence, Candi asked, "Are you still there Rox?"
Roxy sighed, "I just don't know how to tell you." she admitted to her twin.
"Hmm," Candi mumbled while she thought, "Do you need me to come home?"
Roxy sighed again, distractedly, "I don't know what I want." She admitted, not really talking about her sister in that moment.
"Hmm," Candi thought, "Well, mom's taking a nap on her towel right now but when she's awake again I'll ask her what she thinks about leaving a few days early. Okay, Rox?"
Roxy almost started crying again she was so grateful, "Thanks Candi, let me know what she says." Roxy sighed a third time, with relief, "You're the best, sis."
"No you are," Candi said, as cheerful as she always seemed to be. Roxy didn't know how she did it, "Love you!" Candi said.
"Love you too," Roxy replied as she ended the call.
Roxy sat in her miserable thoughts for half an hour before she got a text from her sister saying that their mom wanted to stay one more day to get more sun, but they'd come back early tomorrow. Roxy was glad Candi would be there by the next day but she was hoping she could avoid her son until then.
Roxy Confronted
After Nikki had her shower her and Amber watched TV together into the afternoon.
Donnie woke up feeling immensely horny. His hard cock greeted him from under the blanket as he tilted his head up. He didn't know it yet but he really did inherit his mother's sex drive and nearly boundless stamina, and after having a taste of sex, he didn't want anything to stand in his way of it anymore.
He got out of bed naked and went into his mother's room, his cock leading the way. He was immensely disappointed to discover that she wasn't in there though. He came back to the hall and put on clothes from his dresser. Then he grabbed his phone and texted his mom, "Where r u?"
Roxy was working out when she heard her phone beep in her bag on the floor behind her. She stopped doing yoga so that she could see who it was, but almost dropped the phone when she saw it was a message from her son. For some reason she thought Donnie would have the same reaction to the night before as she did and feel just as guilty and disgusted with himself. Then she thought that maybe he wanted to talk like adults so things could get back to normal. Yeah, Roxy decided, that must be it.
"I'm at work," she texted back, "I had to come in early." Roxy decided it was probably best to continue with the lie she told her daughters.
Back at home, Donnie got his mom's text. He was disappointed he'd have to wait to be able to fuck her again, but then he had an idea, "Maybe I should come in and see you?

Roxy saw the text, and despite the winky emoji at the end, felt that maybe Donnie just really wanted things to get back to normal between them as soon as possible. But before she could reply to him and tell him to "come on in," she heard a familiar voice behind her.
"Afternoon, Roxy." Roxy turned and saw the voice belonged to Officer Tanya Dallas, member of the local police force. Also came to her house the night before because of a noise complaint (caused by how loud she was screaming from her son royally fucking her brains out...) and then Donnie literally started fucking Roxy right in front of Tanya. And Tanya would have seen the incestuous coupling if not for the front door blocking her sight. To say the least, Roxy was feeling very nervous about talking to Tanya right then.
"Um...hi." Roxy stated pensively.
Tanya wondered how to broach the topic she had in mind. The tall, blonde, big-titted police officer had gone over last night and probably would have been convinced that Roxy wasn't fucking her son if she didn't then sit in her cop car right afterwards and listen to their sinful lovemaking for the next four hours. "We got some pretty interesting noise complaints last night." Tanya said to her friend, "I'm not entirely sure what to make of it."
Roxy dropped her phone back in the bag. She would have to have that talk with her son when she got home, "What, um," Roxy started to say but her nerves got to her and she wasn't able to finish her sentence.
Tanya smiled, one thing she liked about being a cop was her ability to make people squirm. Knowing what she knew about her friend and occasional workout partner, she was glad she could make Roxy sweat a little. "Roxy, I don't know if you know anything about this," Tanya said, choosing her words carefully, "But it's very likely someone in your neighborhood is doing something highly illegal."
"Oh, um, what might that be?" Roxy was temporarily distracted thinking maybe Tanya was talking about someone growing pot in their garage or something similar.
"They say," Tanya went on, enjoying how worried Roxy looked, "that one of the people in your neighborhood is involved in some kind of incestuous sexual relationship." Roxy noticably gulped, "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"
Roxy felt very much like when she was a little girl and her mother was scolding asking her if she broke her favorite mug, both of them knowing full well that she did it. "Uh, ugh, NO!" She shouted, the other people in the fitness center glanced at her, "Um, no," she said softer, "Nope, nothing like that. Definitely no one in the neighborhood would do something, so, so, naughty like fuck their own son! That's just, just, so, fucking HOT!" Roxy took a deep breath, suddenly realizing her pussy was soaked and she was probably making a big stain on the front of her yoga pants right there in front of Tanya and anyone else in the gym watching her, "I mean, no that's not what I mean, I mean, it's, um, hotly debated as a topic, that, uh, people shouldn't behave in such an, um, immoral way."
Tanya smirked, "I see," she said, "well, if you do anything, be sure to call me on my cell. I'd be very interested to know anything that you can tell me, Roxy." Tanya then walked away from her friend, though Roxy wasn't sure if she could consider Tanya a friend at that moment.
As soon as Tanya left, Roxy ran to the locker room for her spare outfit, but once she was there she decided to also take a very cold shower. The conversation was so nerve wracking to her, and made her think some really naughty thoughts, she totally forgot about the texts from Donnie until much later in the day.
Donnie Asks His Sisters Out
Back at the Brixworth house, Donnie stared at the open conversation with his mom on his cell phone. But after ten minutes decided she was probably with a customer and not going to be able to get back to him anytime soon. But he decided that he was going to go down there anyway. One way or another, he decided, he was going to fuck his mom again, and soon.
He went down the stairs into the living room where his sisters were watching some singing competition show. "Hey bitches, I'm going to borrow your car." Amber and Nikki shared a car that Roxy told them they had to let Donnie use when he needed to, but they never did anyway.
The twins both turned to their brother when he came in, Amber was not the least bit amused by his attitude, "I'm sorry," she said as she cocked her eyebrow, "but what the fuck did you just call us?"
The day before yesterday, Donnie would have apologized profusely before running up to his room to hide from his older sisters for several hours before daring to show his face to either of them, but after his night with Mom, he felt he could take on the world, let alone two jerk sisters, "Look Amber," he said calmly, "you may be hot as fuck but that doesn't give you the right to be a bitch all the time."
Amber's mouth dropped open in surprise, she'd never seen her brother act this way before, confident and totally full of themselves, basically the exact opposite of Donnie, "Um," she wasn't sure how to respond, "thanks, I guess, for calling me hot-as-fuck, Don, but I'm your sister and you shouldn't be talking to me that way." She turned to Nikki, "And can you believe he called me a bitch?"
Nikki's eyes hadn't left her brother's crotch since he came in the room. She was wondering how she never noticed before that his shorts just hugged the outline of his enormous cock, even while it was soft, and you could plainly see it despite the clothing. She couldn't believe herself that she never noticed before just how well-endowed her brother was. As Donnie talked to Amber he walked towards the couch and Nikki had to bite her lower lip as she thought about how much she wanted to rip it out of Donnie's pants and suck on it. Ever since she ate the jizz off her mom from Roxy's secret boyfriend, she thought, she'd been thinking an awful lot about how much she wanted to suck on a great big cock. And she knew someone close by who just happened to have one.
Amber's question snapped Nikki out of her dirty thoughts, "Um," she really hadn't been listening at all, but knew from experience the best way to distract Amber was with fuel to feed her anger, "Donnie was sleeping naked with Mom when we came home." She said, knowing Amber would pounce on that even though seeing Donnie naked was really all Nikki could think about since it happened.
"Oh my god!" Amber looked at her brother again, laughing her head off, "What, you get lonely last night and want to sleep with Mommy? What are you 4?"
Donnie felt like saying, "No, I actually fucked her beautiful body until we literally couldn't move anymore," but knew that probably wouldn't go well. So instead he said, "It was just something to do with what Mom taught me yesterday. It doesn't matter, just give me the damn car keys."
"Oh really, and what could Mom have taught you during her 'dating class' that could possibly mean you ended up naked in bed with her?" Amber's brain came up with an answer but Amber shook her head, knowing it was just too weird.
Donnie felt like he should come up with an excuse of some kind, but really he just wanted to use the car. "Tell you what, give me the car keys and I'll show you." He said.
Amber guffawed, "Show me? What, a date? Are you asking your sister out on a date?" She started giggling like a schoolgirl at her lame as fuck brother.
Nikki's thoughts were getting more and more sexualized the longer her brother was standing so close to her. She was trying to think of ways she could convince Donnie to both take his cock out and get it hard for her just so she could see how big it really was. But her fantasizing was interrupted when Amber asked her last question, "A date?" Nikki said, "I'd love to." Looking up in her brother's eyes and smiling as sexily as she could. She really wanted to impress him.
Amber stared at her twin sister in utter bewilderment, "What the hell are you talking about Nikki?" She couldn't be talking about the same thing she was.
Nikki didn't look at Amber, but she did look glance at her brother's cock before looking back into his eyes, she sat up and pushed her chest out, showing off her breasts for her little brother, "Donnie, I would love it if you took me out tonight." Nikki smiled sweetly at him, she bit her lip, suddenly nervous, "I mean, if you'll take me."
Donnie smiled back at his sister, "Of course Nikki," Donnie said, his mission to see Roxy was suddenly forgotten by the sexy way Amber asked him out. He really wanted to impress upon her all the skills their mother taught him yesterday. He looked down at himself in his crummy shorts and shirt that he had only grabbed in the haste to get out of there and down to the fitness center, "Um, let me go get changed, okay?" He ran back up the stairs.
Nikki stared after Donnie and checked out his back and ass as he ran off. She then noticed that Amber was still staring at her. "What?" She asked flatly.
"You know what!" Amber couldn't believe her sister or how she was behaving, it's like she actually wanted their dorky brother "What the hell are you doing? Donnie's not one of your stupid fuck toys, slut, he's your fucking brother? Why the hell are you asking him out like you actually want to do it?" It didn't make any sense to Amber in any way.
"Oh whatever, you're just jealous you didn't say yes when he asked you." Nikki said, sitting back and feeling triumphant for stealing yet another man out from under her sister.
"Nikki, please," Amber said rolling her, "this isn't like that time Jakob cheated on me with you, or that time that weird guy outside the bathroom at the pool offered me a towel and you blew him in the jacuzzi. Both of us know you're the horny slut, after all. But this is Donnie, your brother!" Amber wasn't sure why she had to keep saying that, "I refuse to let you seduce our brother." She decreed.
Wait?! Nikki's brain suddenly screamed at her, waking up after she did most of her thinking with her clit for the last five to ten minutes, is that what I'm doing? I'm seducing my brother??!! It was a shock to her system, she honestly just thought she was trying to get him to take his pants down so she could see how big his giant cock would get when it was hard, but she guessed that was the definition of seduction, more or less. Still, she rationalized, I can't back down now!
"Well," Nikki said to her sister, "why don't you come too? That way you can make sure I don't do anything seductive..." She said this last part as if she were a vampire in an old black and white horror flick, "Anyway, I'm gonna go and change. I wanna look nice for my date." She joked as she got up and walked out of the room.
Amber bitterly looked after Nikki, who looked positively bubbly as she joyously skipped out of the room and up the stairs to get ready for her their brother. Amber wasn't sure at all what was happening between Nikki and Donnie but she definitely wasn't going to let them go off on this date alone. She went upstairs too.
Donnie showered in the bathroom, just like his mother showed him yesterday, being especially sure to pay extra attention to his genitals. He felt he had a good chance of getting lucky tonight.
In the girls' room, Amber and Nikki helped each other pick out sexy outfits, even though Amber had convinced herself she was just going to chaperone. She took Nikki's advice and wore a shimmery, green, strapless number that showed off her "rockin' boobs and amazing cleavage" as Nikki put it, and Nikki didn't take Amber's advice to wear something extremely conservative, and instead wore a sleeveless mini-skirt that had the tiniest straps for the see through material of the top with only V-shaped triangled to cover her nipples which then spread down to the actual white material which made up the lower half of the skirt.
"Jesus," Amber said, shaking her head, "That's your sluttiest dress, why are you wearing that for Donnie?"
"Third sluttiest," Nikki corrected. She ignored Amber's question, "Come on, I bet our date is waiting for us." She smiled and the linked arms as they walked out the door.
Donnie's Double Date
Donnie was waiting on his bed in the hallway. When his twin sisters came out of their room, his jaw dropped open at the sexy sight before him, "Wow! Nikki, that's the hottest I've ever seen you! Amber, you look more beautiful than I knew you could even!"
Nikki blushed, "Thanks Donnie, you look very handsome."
Amber smiled beside herself at the compliment, and realized that Nikki was right, Donnie did look really handsome in his corduroy shirt and dress pants. He looked like a real man. "Donnie," Amber said, "Where are you taking us tonight?" She was trying her best not to notice how toned her brother was or how good-looking he was when he dressed up.
"Well, since I have some birthday money, and there's really only one fancy restaurant in town, how about there?" Donnie was right, there was only one fancy place nearby, and it really wasn't that fancy, an Italian restaurant named La Troie.
There were two ways to get to La Troie from the Brixworth house, one was just driving through town and took about 5-10 minutes depending on how many red lights you hit or how bad traffic was, the second way was to drive around the town and took about 20 minutes every time. The "scenic route," as their mom liked to call it when they'd go there on occasion for family dinners while they were growing up.
Amber got in the driver's seat and Donnie immediately got in the back of the car, thinking, just as Amber did, that Nikki would get in the front. Instead she got in the back right beside him and Donnie scooted over so their sides were touching and Donnie sat in the middle.
Amber was very suspicious of her sister and what she might be up to with her brother. And as she drove she adjusted the mirror so she could keep an eye on them, as she checked, outside of sitting awfully close to each other, the brother and sister in the backseat both looked a bit nervous and were looking away from each other, each out opposite windows. Amber decided that was fine, and glanced back at the road. Only to notice she passed the road she needed to take if she wanted to take the shorter route.
"Whups," Amber said, "Well, I guess we're taking the scenic route." That made her slightly uncomfortable about Nikki being so close to their brother for 20 minutes instead of 5, but she realized she was being waaay to suspicious. Nikki was a fan of sex, much more so than Amber, who did like sex but she wasn't obsessed with it like her sister. But there was no way Nikki was trying to seduce our brother, Amber thought, it's just too ludicrous.
In the backseat, Nikki loved being so close to her brother, as her bare leg rubbed up against is clothed on, she could feel herself getting somewhat aroused. She knew that she probably shouldn't be as attracted to her brother as she had become that day, but Nikki still just knew she wanted to see his cock hard, at least so she could masterbate to the image later. But she knew she couldn't just broach the subject with Donnie, it's just too weird.
Donnie liked having Nikki so close to him, the smell of her perfume, the smooth skin of her leg and the side of her boob when she shifted slightly and it rubbed against the skin of his arm. He was very nervous all of a sudden, which seemed odd to him. Even though before yesterday he had been a very nervous individual, after everything his mom taught him he felt like that part of himself was gone. Thinking about Roxy then, he thought about her lessons, how to be a good date. Girls love to be touched and they love compliments. Yeah, Donnie thought, I'll start there.
Nikki's sharp intake of breath caused Amber to glance at her siblings in the mirror again. She saw that Donnie had his arm around Amber now and they were also looking right in each other's eyes now. Amber bit her lip, not sure if she should stop this or not, but decided it was fairly innocent, probably just something Mom taught him yesterday.
"You're very beautiful, Nikki," Donnie told his sister. Amber heard this, and something inside her suddenly serged up that she hadn't known could even be there. She was jealous of her sister all of a sudden. She wanted to be the one in the backseat with Donnie right now. She shook her head, knowing just how stupid that thought seemed to her, but as she watched her sister blush at the compliment and whisper her thanks as Donnie held her close, and she could see that his other hand had started to rub Nikki's leg, though she couldn't see that far down, she could tell that's what he was doing by the motions of her brother's arm.
In the back, Donnie could tell Nikki was nervous, she was blushing, and though she was letting him rub her leg and put an arm around her, she wasn't returning his affections in any way. She turned back to the window, but he took his hand from her leg and put it on her cheek so he could lightly turn her beautiful face back towards him. Nikki looked her brother in the eyes, expectantly, Donnie seemed to know what she wanted. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips.
Nikki surprised herself by returning his kiss. She nibbled and sucked on his lip until she felt his tongue pushing forward to enter her mouth. She let him, and then she and her brother were French kissing in the backseat.
Amber had been distracted by the road then but the sound of wet smacking sounds made her glance in the mirror again. She saw that not only were her siblings making out, but Donnie now had a hand on one of Nikki's tits and was grabbing and fondling her breasts through her clothes.
"Ah!" Amber yelled out in shock and nearly slammed on the brakes but saw that there was a car behind them and didn't at the last second. Still this sound made Donnie and Nikki stop there kissing, they both looked at the front seat at Amber. Amber wasn't even sure what to say, but Donnie scooted away from Nikki in the backseat so they were now sitting apart from each other. Amber took a deep breath, they all drove the rest of the way to the restaurant in silence.
In the parking lot, Amber found a spot and they got out. She turned to her brother, "Okay Donnie, why don't you find a table for us? I need to use the bathroom first." She took a few steps away, Nikki approached Donnie, smiling sexilly as she slowly pushed her hair back around her ear. Amber turned and said, "Nikki?"
"Oh right, that kind of bathroom break." Nikki said as she walked after her sister.
Inside La Troie, it wasn't busy at all, probably not their busiest time at Tuesday afternoon. There were a few people at the bar but none at the tables. Amber and Nikki went straight to the bathroom as Donnie came in and sat in one of the tables in the back.
In the women's bathroom, Amber turned to her sister, angry, "What the hell Nikki!? I thought you said you weren't trying to seduce him and I literally caught you making out with him in the backseat! What are you thinking?!"
Nikki was still rather turned on by her taboo kissing only ten minutes ago. Nikki had a hard time thinking clearly when she was horny, "Oh, who cares? It's just some harmless fun."
"Harmless!" Amber snapped, "There's nothing harmless about it! He's your-"
"Date!" Nikki finished for Amber as she also demonstrated where her priorities were, "And he's a fucking sexy one at that. Personally I think you're jealous that I noticed before you just how hot Donnie is." Amber looked shocked at that and was about to reply but before she did Nikki cut in again, "Oh just keep it to yourself. You're only here as the chaperone anyway." And with that Nikki stormed out of the bathroom.
Amber looked at herself in the mirror. Maybe she's right, she thought, Nikki's never been as smart as me but I've never been as good with boys as she is. She would always know when other girls were doing something because of a man coming between them. Maybe she's right and I am jealous. Amber considered this. Nikki was correct in that Donnie had grown into a very handsome man, but he was still their brother and she couldn't let Nikki's lust (or her own, she realized) from letting either of them forget that. She went out to join her sister and brother at their table.
Amber and Nikki hadn't realized it, because the restaurant was so empty, but there was another person there in the bathroom. A waitress who worked there named Jade. She had been in Donnie's graduating class and was also one of their neighbors. Her and her mom lived in the house right next to theirs, actually. Jade was 5'3" tall and had C-cup tits, she and her mom both had red hair and blue eyes. When Nikki and Amber came into the bathroom, she had recognized their voices immediately since she heard them from her yard almost every day.
Though Nikki had interrupted Amber before she could say that the person they were talking about was their brother, she did hear them say the name "Donnie" who Jade knew from class and growing up next door to him. She figured that couldn't be it though, in high school she had always considered him to be something of a loser, she hadn't even invited him to her 18th birthday two months ago, despite him living right next to her. She decided there must be someone else they were talking about, it must be.
Then again there were a lot of strange noises coming from the Brixworth house the night before, Jade usually wasn't one to stick her nose where it didn't belong, but she had a feeling she was going to have to keep a closer eye on her neighbors.
Jade came out of the bathroom and saw that Nikki and Amber were now sitting at a table, and they were indeed sitting with their brother Donnie. Jade cocked an eyebrow, this was a strange development. Still, she walked over, "Hello, my name is Jade and I'll be your waitress." She told them as she eyeballed the group suspiciously.
Amber was too busy shooting daggers with her eyes at her sister while Amber stared longingly at her brother. Donnie, unlike his sisters, had heard the waitress, "Oh hi Jade," he said, "haven't seen you since graduation, I mean, aside from when I see you in your yard." He laughed at his own joke. Amber and Nikki both laughed with him, flirtatiously, though it was obvious to Jade neither sister was actually listening to their conversation. Jade was getting more and more suspicious of these siblings.
"So," Jade said, "You guys know what you want?"
"We might if we had menus." Donnie pointed out and the Brixworth siblings all laughed again at his lame joke.
Jade looked down at herself, realizing she hadn't grabbed any of the things she needed when she came out of the bathroom, "Oh god, I'll be right back," she had been too distracted thinking about what was going on between the familial trio that she had totally forgotten to grab her apron from the kitchen or bring menus over.
As soon as she left, Donnie took Nikki by the hand, and brought it to his lips and kissed her soft fingers. Nikki blushed, but Amber quickly put a stop to it.
"No, you can't do that." She said and Donnie took his mouth away from Nikki's fist but they continued holding hands on the table.
"Why not?" Donnie asked, "I thought you girls wanted to see what Mom taught me yesterday?"
Amber looked from where Nikki and Donnie were holding hands to Donnie's eyes. She could see that he was legitimately ignorant about why she was upset. She glanced around to make sure the waitress wasn't coming back before whispering harshly at them, "You're brother and sister! You are not allowed to, to," Amber was feeling such a mix of emotions she couldn't find better term so she shouted, "FUCK!" Just as Jade was walking up again with the menus.
Jade stopped for a second as Amber glanced back at her nervously. Jade walked up though, all she heard was the loud "FUCK" at the end, she was very mistrustful about what the group might have been talking about. Still she came the rest of the way up to them and placed a menu in front of each of the three people. She noticed as she did that Donnie and Nikki were openly holding hands on the table. "Um," she said, glancing around at the group, not sure what to make of it, "Well, I'll let you three look through the menus. I'll be back in a few minutes." Jade walked away again, glad to not be standing close to the Brixworth siblings.
As soon as Jade was gone, Nikki turned to her sister, "You don't have to worry sis," she said to Amber with total sincerity, "it's like Donnie said, he's only showing me what Mom taught him. That's the whole purpose for this date anyway." While she said this, Nikki reached up to her hair and took out her hairpin and let her hair down, Amber knew that Nikki only did this for two reasons, one was when she showered in the evening before she went to sleep, and the other was before she thought she was going to be making out with someone later so they didn't mess up her hair and get it tangled, "I still think you're jealous." She said as she put her other hand over Donnie's where her first hand was and started stroking his skin from his fingers to his wrist.
Anger flared up in Amber, "Fuck you Nikki, I'm not going to sit here and" Donnie suddenly reached out and took Amber by the hand as well, which greatly distracted her, "um, and, uh," Donnie to Amber's hand to his mouth and started kissing it as he had Nikki's a moment before. Nikki totally forgot what she was saying as Donnie ran his lips over her fingers to the back of her hand. He had a magic touch, she realized, and she wanted him to keep doing what he was doing. Amber moaned lightly despite herself.
Nikki was a little jealous at this. She could be aggressive too when she wanted to be. She slid her chair closer to Donnie's and placed a hand on his leg, Donnie didn't react to this and just kept on kissing Amber's hand, so Nikki reached up and placed a hand on his crotch. Which did make Donnie stop kissing their sister's fingers, but also made Amber gasp out in a sudden rush of lust. Though she had seen it only that morning and knew what to expect, it was an entirely different thing to actually feeling such a monster. She started to feel it through his pants, feeling as blood began rushing to it and her brother's cock began to grow into it's full hardness.
Amber gasped with her sister as she watched Nikki feeling up her brother right in front of her. She knew she should stop this, she should get angry again, or at least just say "stop" or anything! But instead she just stared longingly at her brother's dick as it became fully engorged within his pants. She could tell he was huge! Though she hadn't thought herself a size queen, like her sister totally was, she still couldn't help but be impressed with her brother's natural gift. Though her thoughts were quickly being clouded with horniness, she still put it all together in her brain. Nikki saw her brother naked in their mother's bed that morning, a room that smelled completely like sex, since then Nikki had been lusting after him like a dog in heat, and Amber was beginning to understand why.