Chapter 06.1
I stood on a stone floor. I lifted my gaze to see I was in an immense cathedral. It held all the hallmarks of a church, but the longer I stared, the more I noticed how different it was.
Strange runes were carved into every piece of stone from the walls to the floor. There were no pews, but an altar stood at the far back. Stained-glass windows glowed along the walls. They were gigantic with symbolic images of demonic and grotesque monsters among them.
A dark gloom pressed down on me the longer I stood in the strange church. Whispers touched my mind, imparting shadow knowledge and slipping away as quickly as they came. My heart thudded in my chest as the sound of my pulse pushed at my ears.
I wanted to feel awful. Instead, I felt perfect, like I always belonged here. My senses tingled as I stood. I looked down and saw a thin mist slid across the stone floor. It grew thicker with each passing moment until the floor was covered in a shadowy mist.
The fog around my ankles writhed. I looked over and watched a gray and green tentacle rose up. It swayed in the air as another emerged, followed by another. Soon, I was surrounded by writhing tentacles.
"My handsome nephew," came a voice.
I turned and smiled. On the other side of the writhing tentacles, my aunt Violet stood. She smiled as she looked to me. Her hair was a dark, wavy purple. She was as tall as my mother and aunty Lily. A tight, purple dress hugged her voluptuous curves. It was so tight; I could see her nipples pointing through the almost sheer fabric.
I took a step closer and the tentacles curled toward me. I stopped my advance and watched as the tentacles returned to normal.
"Aunty Violet," I whispered.
My pale aunt gave a small, slow nod as she never broke her gaze. "I miss you terribly. I miss my sisters as well. The dream cities have been so lonely without my sisters."
I gave her a small smile. "Theo is with me. I think he will help us to bring you back."
Violet looked away, a sudden sadness filling her eyes. "My son is not strong, unlike you. He listened to my final wish when he should have ignored it. The only way we could return is if it is against our will and wishes. It is the truth path of Draygon. Take what's yours and love it."
"Aunty, Rose and Lily miss you. I miss you. I want you to return, but we need Theo. I want him to join my coven. I want all of us to spread the dark word to the world."
Aunt Violet nodded. "I know, my love. You were always so loving and strong. But you must listen to me. Do not give my son a choice. He must help bring me back. Draygon has been pleased with your progress and wishes for it to continue. Summon me and we can continue with our work."
"I will. I will make sure you return to us," I said firmly.
Aunt Violet's eyes shined like a pair of onyx gems in the dark. "I always knew you would lead us. It is why my sisters and I loved you so much."
My shoulders relaxed as I looked at my aunt. A small, nagging thought touched my spirit and I relented to it.
"Aunt Violet, will you be cruel to Theo?"
My aunt's eyes narrowed as a seething aura glowed around her. I could see she was agitated and it didn't come much as a surprise. When we were all younger, my aunt Violet was a force of nature. She would come into parties and gatherings with a boisterous flair. She always became the life of the party, but we all knew her dark side. She was often overbearing and sometimes cruel with Theo. I remembered some of the family whispering to each other that she hated her son. He was the cause of her unhappiness, dragging her down and keeping her away from her party lifestyle.
The aura faded away and my aunt lifted her hand and looked at her nails. "My son must become stronger, like you. When he is stronger, he will gain my respect and love. He knows what he must do, he just doesn't have the spine to do it."
Aunt Violet turned her gaze to me and an evil smirk formed. "But you are here and he is not. Tell me, my nephew, when I arrive, will you do what you have done for my sisters? Will you love me? Will you let me suck on that delicious cock of yours?"
It was my turn to smile. "Tell me the truth, have you desired me?"
Violet's eyes flashed with a heat. "I have all my memories from my past life. I remember our little secrets, me letting you drink from my wine glass when you asked in private. I remember how you grew into a teenager and wanted to touch my breasts to see how they felt. I knew the lust in your eyes for all of us, just as we knew it in you. It is why it calls to me, a dark light in the distance."
I nodded. "Aunt Violet, we will do what the rest of our family and friends could not. We will bring dark knowledge to the world and realms beyond."
My aunt nodded with a wide grin. She slowly stepped back into a growing darkness as the tentacles closed in on me. Inky shadows covered her form until only her eyes shined in the dark. Tentacles caressed my body as I stood. I watched her disappear and a gentle laugh emerging from the darkness.
My eyes slowly opened as cool air touched my face. I blinked as I was gently pulled from the limo. I stood on my own feet as hands helped keep me up. Energy filled my muscles and with each passing second, I felt better.
The front doors were open. My mother, Aunt Lily and Victoria stood. The wind began to pick up and soon it was howling like we woke the dark gods themselves.
"Quickly, inside," my mother said authority.
Spirals and wavy motions caressed my mind and soul. Drugs and dream sang with a mystical song. Every blink was terribly slow as every moment in time filled my senses. I felt every step up the stairs, every tendril of wind across my face and every one gathered staring at me with concern.
The next thing I knew, I was inside and the door was closed. Heat and warmth washed over me as the chill began to recede. My mouth with twisted in a smile and my eyes were wide. I weaved on my feet, trying to keep it all together as everything else began to melt and drip away. The world had become an ever-shifting ocean of movement, light and sound and I swam for deeper waters.
My mother gave me her full attention as Harold helped to keep me standing. "My son, are you well?"
I parted my lips to speak, but no sound came out. I was overwhelmed by drug addled reality.
Dana turned her angry gaze to Theo, "What happened in there? Why were drugs in his drink?"
Theo shook his head, "Like I said, nothing would have been added to his drink unless he asked for it. It must have been a mistake."
Rose's eyes remained cool as he stared at Theo for a moment. I watched and felt my mother, trying to gleam some truth from Theo. After a short moment, she turned her attention to Aunt Lily.
The room continued to curl as my mother gave my aunt a small nod.
Aunt Lily moved to my side and curled her arm around mine. I found myself leaning to her touch, her scent filling my nose.
Rose addressed everyone in the foyer, "I don't sense any dark truths. Theo is telling the truth."
Aunt Lily nodded. "We have to take care of Gerald until the drugs have left his system. I will take him to his bed chamber and watch over him."
Rose nodded and looked at Theo, Dana and Beth. "The four of us will have a private sit down and talk for a while. We can catch up and discuss the future. Since what happened to Gerald seems to be some kind of accident, we will wait until he feels better to decide what to do next.
"But for tonight, Theo will be our guest," my mother smiled.
Theo bowed his head. "I will be happy to spend as much time needed. It has been too long Aunty Rose and Aunty Lily."
I watched as my mother moved closer to my cousins. They were very small compared to my mother's seven-foot-tall height. Victoria and Harold stayed close, waiting for more orders. The room began to spin and my legs were turning to jelly again.
"Come with me," Lily said softly and led me away.
Hushed whispered touched my ears before they faded away. The hallways and corridors bled together like a very long painting. Colors glowed across my senses and before I knew it, I heard a door close behind me.
I slowly spun around, seeing that I was in the master bedchamber. The lights were low and the howl of the window outside pressed against strong glass. I turned my gaze up to see my aunt standing before me in her red dress. Blonde hair framed her face as she looked down with caring eyes.
"We have to help you be comfortable," my aunt said with a small, genuine smile.
Her pale hand took my hand and she led me to the bed. When we reached it, we faced each other at the edge of the bed.
"When Dana was a teenager, she often came home late at night, intoxicated, drugged or both. I have had some experience with calming and soothing her addled mind.
"Dear nephew, I want you to know that under the influence, we can often become different people. You never have to worry about your true self coming out to me or what you desire. I'm here to comfort you and listen."
I weaved as I looked at her. My inner demons growled as I stared. My body pulsed with eager and hungry needs, but her words cut through the fog and touched my mind. I knew as a high priest, I could say and do as I wish, but I still held back. There is something to be said for being too honest or too hungry. But the way Aunty Lily looked at me, I knew she spoke the truth.
"Aunty...It's hard to think," I managed as I breathed.
"Don't hide yourself. It will only further create stress," my aunt said as she stepped forward, bent her head down and kissed me on the lips.
We lingered in the kiss and the unusual sensations subsided a hair. When she pulled back, I saw my aunt whom I knew and loved. My thumb touched the mystical ring on my finger and tired thoughts swarmed my mind.
"I...want to rest. I want you to help me rest," I said and took off the ring.
I turned my body and placed the ring on the nightstand. I then turned back to my aunt as she looked at me with warm eyes and a dash of concern.
"Gerald, what if I..." Lily trailed off.
"I trust you," I smiled.
Aunt Lily blinked as she looked down on me. I tried to step toward her for another kiss when my leg weakened. I fell sideways and onto the bed. My senses were reeling as I couldn't find my balance. I barely sat up, the room beginning to spin.
Hands touched me. Fingers hooked under my shirt and helped pull it over my head. Pale hands touched my belt and moved methodically, unbuckling it and undoing my pants. Reality swam into odd waters as shoes and clothes were pulled off of me. Gravity pulled harder and I resisted. I turned my attention to my aunt.
Aunt Lily looked down on me with warm, demonic eyes. I felt her gaze on my standing member. It was as rigid as stone and nearly as hard. It pulsed with my needs and made no attempt to hide it.
"Undress," I said simply.
Aunt Lily lifted her pale hands and took hold of the red fabric over her shoulders. She pulled them down before taking hold of the top and snaking her body out of it. I watched with devilish joy as her large breasts were free and bouncing. Pink nipples stood erect as she pulled the dress down over her wide hips. The red fabric spilled onto the floor and she stepped out of it.
I took hold of my cock and stroked it as I looked at her. She stood naked before me. My gaze fell to bare, budding slit. Pink lips glistened and a drop of honey slid down her inner thigh. I stroked harder as I watched her finger touch her pearl and began making a swirling motion.
"Gerald, is this what you like?" Aunt Lily asked.
I looked up to her expression as her eyes half closed. Slivers of bliss crawled along her body and yet, she was still worried about pleasing me.
" see into my mind?" I asked as I stroked to her beauty.
Aunt Lily kept her sultry gaze on me. "I can see your thoughts, if you allow me too."
I nodded. "Read my mind and comfort me."
My body was on fire. The hunger grew into a maddening song. I had fantasized all the women I loved, but my Aunt Lily was different. She was always so kind and loving, but my darker perversions leaked into heavenly moments. The many times she held me and comforted me, thoughts and urges flashed of me pushing myself into her. How she would try to push me away, but her own urges betrayed her. How I wanted spray my seed on her, just like her daughters, marking them and making them lick it up.
Aunt Lily touched my shoulders and looked down. The moment her mind touched mine, I let out a small sad exhale.
"Aunt Lily, I'm a monster," I said plainly.
Lily's eyes widened. "You're not a monster. You never were."
I shook my head. "My urges. My desires. They overpower my reason. I love our freedom, but I hate what I'm allowing out of its cage. It's always hungry. I'm always hungry."
Lily nodded slowly. "It's the drugs showing your true self. Lay down and we can talk."
I slumped and fell into the bed. The thick blanket was pulled from underneath me. I crawled and shifted on the bed, everything taking more effort because of my shifting senses. It didn't take long before I settled down and my aunt was beside me. She pressed her body to my side as I lay on my back. Her hand touched my stomach and remained. I looked over to her. Lily's expression was attentive and a bit dreamy.
"What is this monster nonsense you speak of?" my beautiful aunt whispered.
"You always had time to comfort me, no matter what was happening in your life. Dana and Beth always told me that when they were hurting, you were there to make sure they were alright."
My aunt nodded. "I love all of you. I will always be here to comfort, especially you."
I looked away as a darkness touched my eyes. "When you used to comfort me, I wanted more. I..."
Lily snuggled closer. "You can tell me anything."
I looked at her and nodded. "You were always so warm and I just want us to feel good. When we were alone, I wanted to show you my love."
"I always felt your love," Lily said and her hand trailed down my stomach until she grazed my hard cock.
My cock bounced to her touch and fingers glided along the sensitive flesh of the shaft. She teased me with her fingers while her eyes remained innocent.
"You have a hard time controlling yourself, around me and the rest of the family you love, is that it?" Lilly said as fingers wrapped around my cock and stroked me.
"It's a sickness," I said through the haze.
Lily nodded. "It is a sickness, a poison deep within."
I felt my aunts mind touched my mind again and sink deeper into it. Invisible tentacles moved across my inner mind, touching and probing. When she touched a cage, the tentacles took hold of the bars and broke them apart.
A dark heat rushed into my psyche. My heart quickened as something was unleashed. It quickly took control as my aunt pressed her breasts to the side of my face. Her body gave off a thickening heat as she stroked me. Her gaze remained on mine, a sinister light glowing behind her innocent eyes.
"What if I told you to sleep and we can talk more in the morning?"
"I don't want to sleep," I said firmly.
"Gerald, come for your aunt. I will help you, but afterwards, you must sleep," Lily said in a near dismissive tone.
My cock bounced in her grasp.
"Let the poison out and you will sleep better."
I grabbed at my aunt's large breast and squeezed. She let out a whimper and tried to shy away. She continued to slowly stroke me, but her face shied away and pink touched her pale cheeks.
"Gerald..." My aunt whined.
"It's not poison," I growled.
"Monsters don't know love. They only know pain, torment and poison. Come and you will feel better."
I growled louder before I pushed at her shoulder. Aunt Lily gasped as she was on her back and I was over her. She looked up at me with terrified eyes as I looked down on her like she was prey. My knee was between her parted thighs and pushed it against her wet slit. Wetness touched my knee as I rubbed it against her. She let out a moan and a whimper as she stared into my eyes.
"Gerald, we can't do this. It's not natural. You have to stop," Aunt Lily said quickly.
I felt her hips betray her, moving and rubbing herself against my knee. Wet sounds rose up between us. My cock bounced every time it touched her burning hot skin. Waves of heat pulsed against me as I looked down on her terrified gaze.
"We don't have to stop. We never have to stop," I said and leaned closer, my mouth to her ear. "You know this is love. Say it."
"This is wrong," Lily said as her hips moved against my knee like a rutting animal.
I reached down between us. My fingers touched her sobbing wet valley and rubbed her clit. Fingers moved and touched her thin, tight valley. Wetness coated my fingers and I pulled them back up to my hand was visible. Lily looked at my wet fingers and whimpered.
"You're doing this to me," Lily whispered.
"No, I'm not," I said and pulled my other knee in between her thick thighs.
My aunt whimpered as my knees forced her legs further apart. I lowered my hips and pressed the tip of my cock to her wet valley.
"I'm going to show you my love," I hissed and pushed.
My aunt's eyes widened and she bent her head back. A long moan escaped her lips as my thick cock speared her tender flesh. She was tight as I pushed harder. Hands rose up and clamped onto my back as my hips worked. Her hips moved, allowing me to push deeper in her snug womanhood.
I looked down with demonic contempt as her eyes rolled into her head. "You feel my love?"
Lily's mouth gaped for a moment before words formed. "I feel...your love."
My hips began to move, slowly at first. Moans grew as she moved to my tempo and motion. The scent of our union floated up and I grabbed her breast. Fingers stabbed into my back, but didn't penetrate flesh as we moved as one. Her valley was tight as a vice, trying to keep me deep within her. She moaned and sighed as I thrust to hilt and pulled back wet inches before thrusting again. The sound of our union floated up as a primal song. My rigid manhood forced her inner walls to the breaking point as I took what I wanted without a care in the world.
My aunt's gasps turned into an evil smile. She let out a long, deep moan as my hips slammed between her inviting thighs.
"My silly nephew, thinking you are a monster," Lily hissed like a sultry serpent. "I unlocked that dismal cage and let your true self come out."
I grabbed her breast, squeezed and suckled on her pointed nipple. My aunt looked at me and moaned her approval as I stabbed her with my manhood over and over again. The shy woman I have always known was gone and here true self rose to the surface.
"You think my daughters are the only ones with healthy and monstrous urges? Everything they are, they gained from me. We have always loved you and often talk about how you would fuck us until we couldn't stand anymore. How your cock would destroy our will for anyone else," Lily whispered into my ear as I rammed into her deep.
"I always wanted to fuck you," I huffed as my hips slammed into her with power.
"I always wanted to fuck you, my nephew. How I loved to finger myself, thinking about your hugs. How I would deny you and you would attack me, force me down and fuck me. How I would try to escape, but you would hold me down and force that delicious cock into me for hours and into days.
"You're a monster, our monster. You can fuck my wet pussy with that monster cock. How I love I need it. How I..." Aunt Lily trailed off her and her pussy tightened around my cock.
I continued with my invasion, pushing into her flowing river as her eyes rolled into her head.
"Gerald...I'm close. Keep fucking me. Keep fucking me," Lily cried out as her whole demeanor continued to change.
I let go of her breast and looked down on her. Her body writhed as my hips drove my love home. She hissed and cooed as her eyes fluttered. She squeezed me again and a long, loud moan escaped her parted lips.
I watched as pink-ish heat rushed into her chest, neck and cheeks. Her mouth gaped and her eyes closed. There was a spark and then my senses were blasted with heavenly bliss.
I cried out as I felt a new connection between us. She channeled her orgasm into both of us. Nerves flared and exploded. Shocks and trembles awed our frayed senses. The effects of the drugs fell to the background and pure, distilled bliss crashed into me and I drowned in it.
My cock thickened and before I knew it, I pulled my wet manhood from her and stroked it hard. My aunt writhed and gasped as spurts of come splashed on her tit and trailed down to her stomach. I roared as I stroked it and another spurt struck her pale skin, followed by another.
An evil grin formed as Lily writhed. Her hand moved up and rubbed my come into her very flesh. She giggled and moaned, enjoying the intimate moment before lifting her hand to her ruby lips and licking my soul off each finger.
"You naughty, naughty boy. You fucked me so hard and now all I want is more. You taste so good, I can drink from your cock until the end of time," Aunt Lily giggled.
My cock still throbbed. It remained hard and without another thought, I pushed it back into her wet pussy. It was still tight, nearly strangling my cock, but I couldn't stay away.
"Ooooo," Lily said, her lips a perfect oval. "My monster wants more?"
"I'm taking more," I growled.
Lily's thighs parted a little more as she cackled. "You see? You're no monster. You're my love."
"No aunty, I'm not a monster. I want to spray my love in that tight pussy until it leaks out. I want your daughters there to lick it from you as I fuck each of them from behind. I want all of you to cry out my name as I drive my urges and come into all of you. I swear it to the dark gods. Our power will only grow!"
My aunt's arms wrapped around me and pulled me to her bountiful chest. She held me close as my hips punished her.
"That is my high priest. That is my nephew who I love dearly. You held back for so long and now, you can unleash your love and power on us."
I was unleashed. I rammed into her as she held me. My demons wanted more and so did I. I growled as I drove my thick cock deeper. The effects of the drugs began to wear off, either from all the activity or my aunt slowly healing me. Either way, I felt more my self and I wanted more.
"My nasty nephew, make me come against my will," Aunt Lily whispered as I licked at her breast and along her nipple, feeling like this is where I always belonged.
I sat on the edge of the bed, Aunt Lily kneeling before me and her lips wrapped around my cock. It had been hours and we couldn't stop ourselves. My hands gripped the edge of the bed as her mouth tried to suck my soul through my cock. I lost track to how many times we came, either at different times or together. Just when I thought I had nothing left, but body seemed to produce more.
Aunt Lily drank enough of my come that she was giddy and glowing with power. She needed to drink me to survive, but now she was fat with energy and lust. Her body glistened in the dim light, drops of come and honey on her pale white skin. She massaged her clit as she lazily sucked on my cock.
I smiled as I looked down on her ruby red lips moving along my shaft. The dirty words and comments were like an obscene song. She begged for me to stop and would change it to never wanting me to stop. She whispered her fantasies as I fucked her from behind, all of coven pleasing me and each other, following my every command. Thinking about our coven, I was surprised that I hadn't done it yet. I think I was waiting for all of us to be together. Aunt Violet was the last one to bring back from the Dreamlands and I wanted us to grow closer as we celebrated our past, present and future.
"Drink my beautiful aunty," I said as my cock grew thicker.
Lily ran her tight lips over my cock until they touched the hilt. My cock thickened and spurts of come painted the back of her throat. She quickly gulped it down, her tongue coaxing my cock and her other hand squeezing my balls. She looked up as she sucked down every last drop.
For a tiny moment, I thought she would pull away. I chuckled as she gulped down the rest of my seed and began sucking on me once again.
"You fucking dirty whore," I grinned.
Lily moaned and nodded slightly as she resumed her lustful desires.
A sudden weakness filled my body. The last of the drugs effects vanished some time ago and I felt like myself. I looked down and admired my aunt's work when the world began to darken around me.
"So...tired," I whispered.
My aunt ignored me as muffled moans rose up between us.
"So...tired," I repeated before darkness enclosed around me.
I stood in several inches of water. Temple walls surrounded me. I glanced around and saw Aunt Violet in a corridor entrance, her eyes staring blankly at the water.
From another dark corridor, a robed figure moved entered the watery temple floor. I glanced down to tentacles moving under the robe's hem as a humanoid figure moved closer. A hood covered their head and shadows covered their face. Two oval glowing blue eyes stared at me as they approached.
I turned to the robed figure and bowed my head. They bowed their head with unblinking eyes.
"Welcome, I bring tidings from Draygon itself," the figure said with a small, dark whisper.
I stood in the ankle-deep water, staring at the robed figure. My aunt Violet continued to stand in a nearby corridor entrance, her gaze on nothing like she wasn't mentally home.
The inner temple walls dripped with shadows and madness. Thoughts began to vibrate along my mind as I tried to keep my sanity together. A weight pressed down on my soul and I found it difficult to stand.
The robed figure glided over the water and approached me. Oval yellow eyes with black slits stared at me. Sharp teeth bloomed in the darkness of their hood. Despite the dim glow of the eyes and stark white of the sharp teeth, shadows continued to hide the beings features as it slowed and stopped before me.
I kept my gaze on the robed thing before me. The yellow eyes moved in independent directions. I couldn't tell if it was all in my mind, or the being was doing it on purpose.
Weakness crawled into my limbs and before I knew it, I fell onto my knees in the water. Ripples spread out in all directions. Thoughts grew more and more jagged. I was losing myself and I couldn't remember any of my spells to keep my sanity whole.
"High Priest, you are strong, but Draygon's will is stronger. Your time here will be short, but needed. I will attempt to be brief."
The figure placed a clawed, black hand on my shoulder as it continued, "Draygon is pleased. You have done what many other chosen have been afraid to accomplish. You opened the first gate and Draygon rewards those who serve."
" to serve...the dark gods. to serve...Draygon," I said with a distant voice.
The robed figure nodded and squeezed my shoulder. Pain flared and some of my sanity returned.