Chapter 06.2

"The tasks before you are grand and so should your power. Draygon knows much and has seen your use of the ring for your blood coven. The trinket is necessary to keep your flock in line, but no longer," the being said as it looked over to my dead aunt and nodded.

Aunt Violet moved along the water, the hem to her purple dress drifting behind her. A small darkness filled her gaze as she approached. When she stood beside the robed being, she looked down with a twisted smile and darkness bleeding from her eyes.

"Inner power is greater than power achieved through trinkets, wouldn't you agree, High Priest?"

I nodded. Thin thoughts filtered into my mind, trying to explain to myself that trinkets helped keep magic constant. Unlike the magical energy within, which requires time and rest after use. I could have used spells to keep my family and coven in line, but once I tired, they could break the spell, if they wished. I needed them chained to me so our power would remain constant.

The robed being made a seductive hiss as it felt my thoughts against its mind. "You know the truth. Knowledge and Control is what is needed to break the many barriers between worlds. That is why, Draygon will bestow a gift.

"The dark god knows you seek power. You were correct to think of an aspect ritual for your coven."

The being pointed an open black hand to Aunt Violet, "Once you have your Shadow Guardians, you and your coven will be strong enough to continue opening gates and rifts, allowing madness and darkness to seep into your world."

The being looked at my aunt, "Give him the gift."

Aunt Violet nodded and sank down to her knees. I stared into her warm eyes as she stared into mine. She was just as tall and voluptuous as her sisters. She leaned forward and pressed purple full lips to mine.

My eyes fluttered as something dark and worm-like spilled into my mouth. It snaked down my throat like lightning and before I knew it, it had curled around my heart.

Aunt Violet pulled back and smiled. "I look forward to coming back, my dear nephew."

I weaved as tendrils of energy snaked into my mind.

"The gift has been passed. Return to your world and use Draygon's gift. The more you used it, the more the veil between worlds will be shredded thin. Be the High Priest we have come to know and admire," the being said and bowed.

Darkness closed in, snuffing out what little light was in the temple. I looked over to my aunt Violet and she smiled with madness in her eyes before it all faded away to the abyss.

My eyes shot open and I groaned loudly. My aunt Lily's lips had touched the base of my cock. I grabbed her head and held her in place as the most powerful orgasm I ever had was unleased. Lily's eyes widened as thick spurts filled her throat. She moaned as her eyes half closed and swallowed. I held her to me, pushing every drop of my soul into her waiting throat. I huffed like I had been running all night. Bliss curled along my entire body as inner tendrils caressed my mind and heart.

Aunt Lily pulled away and her body shuddered. " tasted different."

I looked down on her as she tried to stay sitting. I glanced over to my ring on the nightstand and knew, I didn't need it anymore. The gift pulsed under my skin and I could feel my power and influence grow.

"Sleep, Aunt Lily," I whispered.

My aunt's eyes closed. She weaved for a moment before falling onto her back on the rug. Her chest rose and fell as she lay, sleeping peacefully.

I stood up and walked over to the nightstand. I lifted up the ring and looked it over in my hands. Dark mana moved through me and the ring was no longer needed. I stepped over to the fireplace and threw the ring so hard into it, it shattered against the back of the stone fireplace. Small, lit embers flashed with sparks as pieces of the ring fell onto them. The magic was broken, but my control was not.

I walked over to my sleeping aunt. In the dim darkness, I could see the black tendrils crisscrossing her body. Those tendrils and lines faded away as I looked down on her pale skin. I sank down to my knees and took hold of my cock. I stroked it to her prone body as my inner monsters sang.

"Stay sleeping until the morning," I said as I was over her.

Aunt Lily stayed sleeping as I knelt down and pushed my cock into her dripping wet valley. She let out a small moan, but didn't wake. I pushed to the hilt and watched her, seeing if the command would break. It remained strong.

My hips began to move, pushing myself inside her. Seeing her unable to resist my commands, I grew bolder, thrusting hard. My eyes glowed with purple light, seeing her body full of my energy and hungry for more. I was so excited, my cock thickened and spurts of come filled her tiny space. I pulled back and watched as she remained sleeping. I glanced down to seeing my seed spill from her.

I looked over to an old clock, and saw that there was still two hours until sunrise. I thought I would be tired, but instead I was revitalized with new energy. I stood up and grabbed a robe from the wall. I put it on and left the master bedroom.

The castle was dark. What few lights I could see, were turned low. I assumed everyone had gone to sleep, but knowing my family and coven, they were never truly asleep. I glanced down to one of the rooms further down the corridor and saw a dim light under one of the doors. I walked over, my foot passing over a cold spot. I had spent most of the night drugged and sleeping with my Aunt Lily. Now, I felt clear headed and hungry. My urges cried out for more and as High Priest, I didn't have to deny myself anything.

I walked up to the door and took hold of the knob. I listened to small moans on the other side. I smiled before I opened the door and stepped inside.

The bedchamber had a single dim lantern glowing in the corner. On the wide bed, Beth was leaning against the headboard, her creamy thighs separated and Dana's head between her sister's legs. Dana slurped and licked like a rutting beast. Both were naked, Beth whimpering to her sister's advances. Dana's ass was on the air, her head moving with urgent need to lick at her sister.

Beth looked up and her gaze connected to mine. There was no shame in her eyes, only a sick need to orgasm.

A muffle whimper was to my left. I looked over to see Theo naked and tied to a chair. He made small moans as his cock stood under its own power. He didn't look at me, his gaze caught in the gravity of our cousins on the bed.

Dana lifted her mouth from between Beth's thighs. Wetness dripped from her chin as she looked at her sister like a carnal monster.

"Your orgasm tasted so good," Dana said darkly before she turned her head and looked at me.

I kept my gaze on them, seeing the lewd private party. My cousins were breathing heavy, a night of extremes having played out.

Dana turned on her knees and bowed on the bed. "I'm sorry, Gerald. We couldn't sleep and had to play. We knew mother was taking care of you."

I simply nodded as I stepped further into the room.

"Where is my mother?" I asked plainly.

"She said she was going to wander the castle and grounds. She wanted to make sure no one was trying to hurt our family after what happened at the club," Beth said submissively.

I opened my senses and could feel my dark power under my skin. What I could not feel was my control over my cousins. It wasn't like with Aunt Lily. There was a connection that needed to be made before I could truly have them under my power.

An image of coming into my aunt's mouth filled in the connection needed. Much like the blood of Christ, they needed to be baptized in the seed of their high priest. I couldn't hide my devilish smirk as I knew I had to reaffirm our connection.

Beth looked down at my hand. I could see she noticed I wasn't wearing my ring. She kept her legs spread. She reached between her legs and rubbed herself. Her gaze shifted to my neck and her fingers swirled with new and eager intent.

I glanced over to Theo tied to the chair. My thin cousin whimpered again as he couldn't move.

"Dana," I said with soothing tone.

Dana bowed her head, wetness dripping off her chin. "Yes, Gerald," she said softly.

"Why is Theo tied to a chair?" I asked like a stern parent.

Dana looked down and to the side. "Aunty Rose questioned him. We didn't know how much he could be trusted or if he was being used by others to get to you. Since you were with our mother, we thought it best to tie him up until you were ready to question him."

I gave a smile nod. "Dana, untie him."

Dana slid off the bed. Her lithe form moved quickly to Theo. She stepped around it and took hold of the rope knots. She untied them, one at a time. When the ropes slackened, Theo let out a groan and feel off the chair and onto his knees.

I looked down on him and as he took hold of his cock and stroked it. A demonic need had taken hold, I assumed spending hours watching his cousins licking and sucking on each other.

Theo let out a small, inhuman cry. He stroked himself vigorously and white seed spurted onto the carpet. He continued to stroke himself, thick spurts splashing on the rug until he slowed and huffed. His eyes rolled into his head and he collapsed on the small come puddles slowly seeping into the rug.

I looked at Dana with a hard gaze. "Theo is still family. Look what you did to him."

Dana bowed her head. "I'm sorry, but he likes to be tortured."

Beth stopped rubbing her clit and moved to the edge of bed. Her sticky fingers laced into mine and she gave my hand a squeeze.

"Theo didn't object to us tying him up. We were going to lock him in a room, but the drugs were still making him crazy," Beth explained.

I looked down on my cousin and gave her a small smile. "Even if that's true, we need him to bring Aunt Violet back."

I turned my gaze to Dana, "I need you to be kinder to him."

Dana looked away. "Theo just...makes me so angry. He doesn't have to be so weak."

"He isn't weak. He simply needs time to grow his confidence. No one in our family is weak. No one in our coven is weak."

Dana folded her arms over her breasts. "He hasn't joined the coven yet."

I was about to say something when Beth's hands parted my robe slightly. One hand took hold of my half-hard cock and she began to stroke it. Her touch was tender, but her eyes spoke to her own inner demons.

"How was time with our mother?" Beth asked.

I looked down on her and smiled. "It was pleasant. She helped me to purge the drugs from my body."

Beth looked up with endearing eyes. "We were worried about you."

Dana unfolded her arms and walked over. She stepped over Theo as he moaned with his eyes closed. My thin cousin moved to my side and wrapped her hand around my cock with her sister.

"I'm too wired to sleep," Dana said as she leaned on me and stroked my cock.

The warmth from Dana and Beth was overpowering. To a degree, they were pushing their demons on me, but I had to resume my control. They needed to be baptized. Even without the ring, I knew they would submit. The beautiful thing about being a high priest, I didn't have to tell them anything I didn't want to. As coven leader, they followed me or they were punished. You never leave a blood coven once the bonds are made.

Beth slipped off the bed and knelt onto the floor. She and Dana stroked me, but it was Beth kissing the tip of my cock. Her tongue slipped out and gave the end tiny licks.

"You're normally harder than this," Beth said as I was not completely hard in her hand.

Dana nodded as she leaned on me and helped stroked me.

I looked down with an amused smirk. "Aunty Lily was very hungry."

Beth gave a small nod before she closed her lips around the tip of my cock. Warmth flowed along my member, Beth's lips slowly sliding back and forth on the end. It was enough to cause my cock to twitch and my urges growing with each slow suck.

"Is Beth better than me?" Dana asked with playful jealousy.

"It depends on the time and place," I joked.

Dana's eyes hardened as she let go of the base of my cock. Beth moaned as she slid her lips to the base and pressed her tongue under the shaft, making her mouth tight.

My thin cousin laid her arms on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes as her sister sucked on manhood.

"I love what we have. Can I suck on your cock next, my high priest?" Dana asked sweetly.

"I won't say no. You may have to suck on it for a while. My balls feel empty," I smirked.

"I doubt that very much. Even if you were empty, I would suck on you all night," Dana said like a naked devil.

Muffled moans rose up as Beth slid her lips over my now rigid cock. A supernatural energy filled me and I felt I could fuck and come all night and well into tomorrow. Was it the dark gods or my own insatiable need to orgasm? I couldn't answer that, but I knew I needed to bless my cousins with every drop.

"Kiss me," I said to Dana with an otherworldly voice.

Dana's eyes took on a dreamy edge. My voice came dark and commanding. Dana stepped closer, unable to resist my command. I felt a connection between us from my dark gift, but it was tenuous, as if she really tried, she could break the command.

Instead, Dana pressed her lips to mine and our tongues slipped into each other's mouths. My thin cousin continued to kiss me as our tongues swirled. Her body gave off a heated glow and her hips moved as if she lost control of her own body.

Beth continued to suck on my cock, a loving hum rising up her throat. My willpower was strong, not wanting to come yet. I enjoyed my cousins as they stayed close, sucking and kissing me.

A stray image of my mother touched my thoughts. I pictured her naked and approaching me with a loving smile. My willpower was shattered in an instant as my cock thickened.

Beth's eyes opened wide as my cock thickened in her already full mouth. She moaned louder as spurts of come splashed against the back of her throat.

I pulled my lips away from Dana and looked down on Beth. "Suck it all down."

Beth sucked harder on my throbbing cock, another spurt filling her throat and sucking it down. Beth's heavy breasts bounced as she continued to milk me. When the last drop slipped down her throat and into her stomach, her eyes glazed over. My cousin pulled her lips from my cock and fell back onto her ass. She looked dazed and confused.

Dana fell to her knees by her sister and took hold of my cock. She looked up with a hunger in her wicked gaze and engulfed my cock in her mouth. Her hand wrapped around the base of my cock as she vigorously sucked and stroked me. I let out a soft hiss, the sensitivity already fading away. There must be another power at play here, because I felt I could stay hard for hours.

Dana gave heated, muffled moans as she kept me hard with her lips and mouth. She fell into her element, sucking like a professional and I couldn't deny her skill.

Theo lifted his head and looked up. I looked down on him, our cousin sucking on me like the last drops of water on the planet were hiding within me. Theo's gaze remained as he slowly crawled over. When he was close, he stayed on his knees and watched as Dana moaned and sucked on me.

"Are you okay, Theo?" I asked.

My thin cousin looked up with defeated eyes. "I'm never okay. Dana and Beth thought I may have put your life in danger. I never wanted you or any of us in danger. I'm..." Theo trailed off.

I looked down with dark eyes. "You never said if you wanted to join our coven."

Theo blinked. "I will join if you want me to join?"

I shook my head. "Theo, it is your choice."

Theo looked away. "If I join, you will bring back my mother?"

I nodded. "I want her to return. Is that not what you want?"

Theo's shoulders sank down a few inches. "I miss her more than anything in my pathetic life...but Gerald...I'm scared of her. Aunty Rose and Lily came back like how they were when they were alive, but taller and hungrier. I'm afraid of what my mother will do to me if she comes back like them."

Bliss curled along my cock to Dana's robust sucking. I kept my gaze on Theo as he kneeled beside Dana and before me. He took hold of his now hardening cock. Theo began to stroke himself, unable to stop himself. There was no shame of oddness. I noticed he was letting his true self out and I admired him for it.

"What if I keep Aunt Violet under my control? What if I can stop her if she is too rough or demanding?" I asked.

Theo looked up as he stroked himself. I could see his cock getting harder at the thought. It excited him.

I glanced to Beth in her stupor and then back to Theo. "What if I can show you my power as high priest?"

Theo parted his lips to say something when I cut him off.

"Beth, suck on Theo's cock," I whispered.

Beth blinked as she was back in her body. She crawled around us on all fours and moved to Theo. He looked at our cousin as she pulled his hand away from his cock, bent her head and took it between her lips.

Theo let out a long, blissful sigh. Beth lowered herself to the floor, her head moving up and down Theo's cock.

The moment of power turned me on and with a small grunt, my cock thickened. Dana moaned loudly as spurts of molten seed splashed against her throat. Dana stayed on her knees, milking my cock and coaxing more into her throat.

The moment was blissful as I felt the connection between myself and Dana bind like a thick metal chain.

Dana's eyes glazed over and she moved on automatic, sucking on my still rigid cock.

Theo looked at me as his eyes fluttered. "You're baptizing us. I can feel the energy sinking into Beth and Dana."

I nodded. "Does it bother you?"

For the first time in a long time, Theo smiled. The sucking and slurping on his cock grew as Beth continued her work.

"It doesn't bother me. I have fought for too long and I don't want to fight. I want to serve the people I love. I don't want to be alone. I want to be close, like I always dreamed."

Theo gasped as he was getting closer to orgasm. "My mother was embarrassed by me. She kept me away from everyone. I wished I had a close relationship like you do with Aunt Rose."

Theo looked down on Beth and Dana, "And how they are close to Aunt Lily."

I reached over and pressed my hand on top of Theo's head. "You will never have to worry about that ever again. Join our coven and everyone will be treated fairly. You, just like everyone else in our coven, will serve me and the dark gods."

Theo's eyes took on a wet shine as he looked up to me. "Before I answer, I must say something first."

I smiled. "You're in love with me. I always knew."

Theo's eyes trembled. " does not bother you?"

I grinned. "Should it? We are family."

Theo's eyes calmed and a sense of relief filled his thin face. "What do I have to do?"

I looked down on my cousin with her lips wrapped around my cock. "Dana, you can stop."

Dana pulled away and huffed, gulping down air and licking her lips.

I turned my gaze to Theo. "Suck on my cock until I bless your throat."

Theo didn't hesitate. He latched his mouth on my still wet and dripping cock. He made muffled choking sounds as he took every inch. Beth continued to suck on him as he sucked on me. The waves of ecstasy bloomed as I felt everyone in the room. The scents of our unions were intoxicating. I felt dizzy, feeling so much love around me. The night seemed to stand still as happy moans rose up from Theo, Dana and Beth.

Theo was so entranced, sucking on my rigid cock, I felt his body tense. My connection with Beth opened and I felt what she felt. Her eyes widened as a thick surge of come filled her throat. She quickly swallowed in almost self-defense, but more came.

Theo was lost to my taste, sucking on me. I could touch his mind, feeling his needs to taste me. I was impressed, feeling his skill was nearly as good as Dana's. My Dana was sitting down with her legs spread, rubbing her clit as she watched with demonic eyes. She moaned loudly as she was trapped in a bliss spiral.

I touched Theo's ear and had him look up as he sucked on my cock. He stared at me like I was an angelic demon and I couldn't look away myself.

"Swallow and you will be part of the coven," I whispered.

Theo moaned with his mouth full as my cock thickened. His eyes rolled into his head as another surge of come splashed in his throat and tongue. I felt the connection blaze bright, as yet another of my family joined us in our dark work.

I released all the connections. Dana sank down in exhaustion. Theo pulled back as he licked his lips and fell on his ass. Beth collapsed on the floor with labored breathing and moans.

I stood over my cousins with power moving under my skin.

It had become too much. For the first time in hours, I felt very weak. I didn't realize how much it took out of me and now, I was paying for it. I stumbled away from my cousins. My shoulder slammed into the door and I pulled it open hard. I stumbled into the hallway, my robe open and drops of come falling to the floor. I fought through the weakening haze as I rushed back to my room.

I saw the door was open and I stumbled inside. I managed to glace to the bed, my mother sitting on the bed and Aunt Lily under the covers, fast asleep.

My mother rose up as I weakly stumbled toward her. My legs didn't work and I fell forward to her out-stretched arms. I fell into a dream. Warmth enveloped me as my mother held me close and guided me to the bed. She helped me onto the bed from the other side.

"Mother...the dark god...Draygon..." I whispered weakly.

My mother gave her twisted smile as she slowly pulled off her dress. Heavy breasts were free and she snaked her hips out of the dress. The dress fell and she crawled into bed next to me. I could barely move as she was next to me, pressing her body to mine.

"I know, my son. I was praying to the dark gods and a whisper from the dream lands spoke the truth. I'm so proud Draygon has rewarded you," Rose's voice dark and silky.

"I...had to...baptize everyone. Theo...joined us. Aunty Lily...Dana and Beth...are now blessed," I said with a growing weakness.

My mother's eyes flashed with knowing. "All that is left is for me to connect to your power and soon, Aunt Violet."

I gave a small, weak nod.

My mother's dark red lips remained in a knowing smile. "Well well, a mother's work is never finished. You stay there while I help you relax and rest."

Rose's eyes shifted to my still half-hard cock. "Mother needs to drink from her high priest."

I let out a soft sigh as my mother slid down. Time slowed into moments as I stared at the ceiling. When my mother's lips wrapped around my cock, my eyes grew heavy. The last thing I felt was my mother sucking on me and the wet sounds from our union as I drifted off.

The wind howled outside the window. The ritual circle was across the nearly empty room. My mother, Aunty Lily, Dana and Beth stood along the outer edge. Theo stood by me with an unusually calm demeanor. I looked at him, seeing that he had accepted his role and place within our family and coven. Much like everyone gathered, I was proud of him.

I turned my gaze to Beth. She looked at me with loving eyes. Dana was all smiles as she stood at the ready. Aunty Lily slowly blinked at me. My mother gave me a small, approving nod.

A memory washed over my mind. All of us had slept most of the day and woke in the last afternoon. When we rose up, me, Dana, Beth and Theo were ravenous. Meals were prepared for us and we couldn't stop eating, talking and laughing. Last night was a happy memory and we basked in it as my mother and Aunty Lily were close by and smiling.

After we were finished, we gathered everything we needed for the ritual. After the sun had set, we were ready for the next steps.

I held a golden dagger in my right hand. The Book of Night was nearby on a stand, the pages opened to the incantation. With the return of Aunt Violet, our coven will be complete. After this, we will perform the aspect ritual and then finally, open another rift for our dark gods.

I cleared my throat as the cold wind outside rattled the windows in the ritual chamber. "My coven, my family, tonight, we summon our final member from the dream lands. With the return of Aunt Violet, we will be strong enough to fight against the light and its servants. We are a step closer to achieving our sacred and unholy work."

Heads nodded in agreement.

I turned to Theo. "Put out your hand."

Theo lifted up his hand and held it out, palm up.

I began speaking the incantation. A dark energy slowly began to rise as each word fell from my lips. The windows shuddered as the wind. The energy began to grow with each mystical word. When the magical words reached their zenith, I held Theo's hand by the wrist with one hand and slashed the golden dagger across his palm.

Theo didn't make a sound as blood welled up. I continued to speak the words as I turned Theo's bleeding palm face down. Long drops of blood fell and splashed on the center of the ritual circle. The light in the room dimmed and flickered. Dark energy sank into everyone's heart and it was then when Theo gasped.

The lights stopped flickering and the wind outside weakened.

I said the last words and bowed my head.

"The ritual is complete," I said.

Aunt Lily crossed the circle and took Theo's hand into hers. She lifted it to her mouth and licked it. The angry wound closed up.

"Follow me," I commanded as I put the dagger down and made my way to the chamber door.

The coven followed. I lead the group as we made our way through the castle. We reached the stairs and made our way down. I was happy, my soul was much lighter. We reached the bottom and stepped toward the front doors.

The coven hung back a little as I reached the front doors. I unlocked them and pulled them open hard. The doors swung and a small, cold wind spilled into the room.

A shadowy figure stood by the entrance. Shards of darkness pulled back and a light purple dress glowed in the foyer light. A purple, wide brimmed hat was on a tall figure's head. Large breasts and cleavage bounced in the tight dress as the seven-foot-tall figure stepped in. Pale hands rose up and touched each side of my cheeks. I looked up into my Aunt Violet's porcelain features. Violet colored painted lips smiled as dark, purple hair framed her dead white face.

"Dear nephew, how long I wanted to be here with you and our family," Aunt Violet said with wicked eyes.

"Welcome home, Aunt Violet. We have a lot to do," I said as my inner demons licked their lips.
Next page: Chapter 07.1
Previous page: Chapter 06.1