Chapter 07.1
Aunt Violet crossed the small distance and stood before me. Her arms lashed out, grabbed me and hugged me to her bountiful bosom. I leaned my face into her cleavage, remembering her hugs and basking in the small memories. The women in my family were rubenesque, but Aunt Violet was thicker than my mother and Aunt Lily. Her breasts were slightly larger, as were her ass and thighs. She held it all well, her body dripping with social and sexual energy.
"It has been so long, my dear nephew," Aunt Violet hummed as she kept me close.
I struggled and pulled my head back just enough to breath and talk, "Aunt Violet, I just saw you in the dream city."
My aunt pulled back, but kept her hands on my shoulders. She blinked in slight confusion before a wide smile appeared.
"Was that recently? I must say, time is so strange in the dream cities. It felt like it was years ago. I'm happy to see it was a short time. My memory can be a little off some times.
"But not to fret, we are together again!" Aunt Violet said with boisterous energy.
My aunt lifted her gaze to her sisters. She kept her smile as she let go of my shoulders and walked to them.
I turned and watched with a warm heart as the three sisters embraced each other. They held each other for a long time, basking in the reunion. When they broke apart, they each kissed each other on the lips and their eyes shined in cheery excitement.
Theo was to the side, his head bowed and shadows covering his eyes. Dana and Beth were nearly jumping in place, seeing Aunt Violet returned from to our realm.
Aunt Violet pulled away from her sisters and looked at Dana and Beth. She held out her arms and beckoned with her hands. My cousins rushed our now tall aunt and mobbed her. She held them close, kissing the tops of their heads like when we were younger.
"You two have grown to be such beautiful women! I always knew you both would be stunning and I'm happy I wasn't disappointed."
"Aunty Violet," Dana said shyly.
"We missed you," Beth smiled.
"I missed you both so much!" Violet said and gave them an extra big hug.
When they broke their embrace, Aunt Violet looked over to her son and her smile weakened. She stared at him for a moment, her smile melting into a small frown. Theo didn't look up as I could tell he felt his mother's gaze.
"Aunt Violet turned away and looked at everyone else, "Are we to celebrate? To come back to my loving family is enough to celebrate for a few nights?"
I nodded and smiled.
From a side corridor, Victoria stepped out. She had her hair in a bun and dark rimmed glasses rested on her nose.
Victoria bowed as she spoke, "The dining room is ready. It is well stocked with food and everyone's favorite drinks. If you will follow me."
Victoria stood up, turned on her heels and began walking.
The whole group followed. Beth walked beside Aunt Violet and leaned on her. My aunt put her arm around my cousin, telling her how beautiful she was.
It didn't take long for us to reach the dining room. It was one of the smaller, cozier ones on the main floor. It has a lit fireplace, a long table and many paintings on the walls. Unlike the dining rooms back at the mansion in the states, this one has stone walls instead of wood. They had been sealed from the elements a long time ago, but the cold air from outside still dripped in from the stonework. The fireplace roared, chasing away the cold and keeping the room comfortable.
Bottles of wines and spirits crowded the table. Among them were glasses and robust plates of food. The energy in the room only grew as Violet crossed the chamber, snatched an open bottle of wine and began to drink from it. My mother and aunt Lily giggled as their sister continued to be the life of the party.
Violet put the bottle down and let out a burp. Everyone laughed as she treated the burp like it was the most aristocratic burb in the world.
I looked around at my gathered family and smiled. "Everyone, eat and drink."
Victoria bowed as she left the room and closed the doors. The rest of the family moved to the table. Drinks were poured and food nibbled on. No one sat down at first, treating the moment like a small party.
My mother walked over with a glass of red wine and pressed it to my hand. I took it and took a ling sip.
"You did this. Your will brought us back from the dead. I have never been so proud than I am now. You understand what it meant and followed through," my mother said softly to me.
I watched as my family laughed and talked. Drinks flowed and hearts lifted in chests.
"We still have to prepare for the aspect ritual, but we can do that in a night or two. For now, I think we all earned our family reunion," I whispered to my mother.
"Understanding and wise. You have become a great high priest and we are happy to serve your will and the will of the dark gods," my mother whispered back.
I looked over to my mother. Her beauty captivated me as she sipped on wine and looked at the family with loving eyes.
"What if I make you my High Priestess?" I asked in a low voice.
My mother's eyes shifted to me and a dark gleam filled them. "You don't mean that," she said playfully.
"I'm serious. They all look to you when I'm not around, I know it. Even Aunt Lily looks to you for guidance. It only seems natural for us and our coven."
My mother turned to me with endearing eyes. "It would have to be made official at some point, just so the coven is clear on the hierarchy. I did wonder if you would choose a high priestess. I had thought it might be Violet."
I let out a small laugh. "I love everyone here, but I love you the most."
"And I love you too. Let's enjoy the gathering and we can talk about it in bed," my mother smiled and sipped her wine.
Time slowed as the dining room grew hazier. I noticed the drinks were hitting harder. I thought I would be exhausted after last night, but after a long sleep and plenty of food, I felt fine. There was no soreness of oddness. The drugs had long left my system and I felt completely normal. I did, however, feel my urges growing with each passing drink. My happy gaze turned darker as I pictured everyone in the room fucking, licking an sucking on each other. My demons were rattling the cage once again and I was relaxed enough to let them out for a few hours.
"There is no wine in the dream cities! It was the only thing I truly missed from this realm. I had to ask a few powerful denizens and all they could give me were foul concoctions. Sure, they opened my mind and send me on long weeks of bliss, but it wasn't the same as a tall glass of red," Aunt Violet said with boisterous energy.
Dana and Beth laughed as they were entranced to our aunt. Lily giggled and drank deeply from her glass. My mother was picking at a plate of raw meat. She lifted it to her lips, bit into it and tore it like wild animal.
At the other end of the table, Theo sat with his head bowed and shadows covering his eyes. He said nothing the entire time and sat quietly to himself. I kept my gaze on him, seeing that he was unhappy. He just wanted to make me happy. I don't know if he truly wanted his mother to return and only did it for me? His love for me was overpowering. It was strange for me. I had had my experiments with men and women in orgies, but I was straight, or at least slightly bi-sexual. Sometimes the mood took me and I went with it. If someone sucked my dick, I would let them. I was turned on when others worshipped my cock. Slaves at orgy parties were there for everyone to enjoy. The drugs and drinks turned it all into a blur. I always had flashes of bodies writhing. My cock was often buried in a pussy or ass. Who they belonged to was a mystery never to truly be unraveled? I just spilled my seed until I was satisfied, which is odd because I never felt completely satisfied. The journey was to find nirvana through sex. I had only come close a few times. Maybe with my family and coven whole, I could search again for that mystical place.
I stepped over to my cousin sulking. I sat down in a chair beside him. Theo glanced to me, his eyes dripping with sorrow.
"Are you not happy to see your mother?" I asked kindly.
Theo looked down. "I'm happy she's back. I don't think she is happy to see me."
I was about to say something when a shout filled the room.
"My beloved nephew!" Aunt Violet said loudly as she swept closer.
Theo and I looked up to her as she made her way over and stood beside my chair. She rested her hand on my shoulder as she gulped wine from her glass. I lost count to how many she had. She was drinking like a fish in the ocean.
Violet put her empty glass down on the table and looked down on me with devilish eyes. "You mother and aunt were just telling me how good your cock tastes."
Theo looked away.
I continued to look up and smile. "Aunty Violet, you were always forward."
My aunt nodded. "You have to be to get anything done! I have often dreamed of you when I was living and when I was dead."
Violet looked over to Theo and her smile melted away to a small frown. "And my good for nothing son. Gerald, I understand why you needed him to bring me back, but the coven is less for it."
Violet's eyes narrowed as she looked down on Theo. "Why couldn't you be as strong and determined as your cousin Gerald! He didn't wait long to bring his mother back. I was told he waited the year and loved his mother enough to enact the ritual.
"What did you do? Party your life away while Gerald was doing the dark god's work!"
Theo's head bowed a few inches.
"Aunty, that is enough," I said in a calm voice.
Violet looked at me and her eyes widened. "Please forgive me, nephew. My son has always had a weak spine. Never strong enough to do anything more than whimper and hide."
Violet glanced to Theo again. "Some of us are blessed with strong children and others are not."
I stood up with a mild heat in my eyes. Fingers curled as I had heard enough.
"Aunty, silence!" I said with an angry edge.
Violet smiled and bowed her head to me.
All conversation in the room stopped. My mother, aunt Lily, Beth and Dana looked over to me with wide eyes.
I looked up into my seven-foot-tall aunt. "Aunty, you and my mother, come with me," I commanded.
I turned and walked toward the dining room doors. I could feel my aunt and mother follow. I glanced over my shoulder to Dana, Beth and aunt Lily moving to Theo and trying to comfort him with touches and small hugs.
I stepped out of the dining room and made my way down the hall. I spotted a slightly ajar door to the side and stepped in. Aunt Violet and my mother followed me in.
"Close the door," I commanded.
My mother closed the door.
The room was a simple sitting room. It had small couches and comfortable chairs. The small fireplace within was cold and the room was dark. Outside light spilled in from a wide window, giving the entire room an ethereal and magical glow.
I made my way to a chair and sat down. My aunt stepped closer and stood before me, a sadness in her eyes.
"Nephew, I must again apologize. It infuriates me that my son has not risen to his true strength. I have been away for so long and he barely searched for me in dreams. It burns me that he no longer tells me he loves me."
Violet looked over her shoulder to my mother. "I was always envious your relationship. I always wanted what the two of you had. Even Lily has a wonderful relationship with her daughters and yet I could not have the very thing I always wanted."
My mother stepped around her sister and stood beside my chair. She placed her hand on my shoulder as she looked at her sister with dark eyes.
"Aunty," I said softly, "It has taken much for us to come to this point. Blood and lust have been spilt to bring our family together. Theo is part of the coven and I want the past behind us."
"The past will always be with us," Aunt Violet said defiantly.
My eyes narrowed. Violet was always a firebrand. Quick to temper and not easy submit. Her husband left a long time ago and we all knew why. Violet was demanding in everything in life. She demanded the best and to be the center of attention. It was a drug for her and it seems even death and resurrection were not enough to sate it. Her needs pressed down on everyone around her, even her son.
I tapped my finger on the armrest as I thought it over. My coven needed to be loving, nurturing and caring. I didn't mind the perverted and kinky moments, but through all of it, everyone had to love each other. If I didn't stop this now, it would continue.
"Aunty, do you love me?" I asked.
Violet gave me a small smile and nodded. "I have always loved you."
I nodded. "Take off your dress."
Violet blinked before a wicked leer formed. She took hold of her tight dress and pulled. It began loosening on its own, under her mystic power. It fell to the floor as her heavy breasts defied gravity. Purplish nipples stood erect as pale skin glowed in the dim light. Her hips showed her power. Smooth skin ran along her body and her light purple slit budded. I continued to stare at her, remembering all my fantasies. Out of my two aunts, I was sure if I asked Violet to suck on my cock, she would, just for the thrill of it. Looking at her now, I could see it in her eyes. She didn't hesitate to undress. Her gaze held a manic wanting that seemed to stretch from well beyond the grave.
"Kneel before me," I said.
Violet stepped closer and sank down to the floor.
"How long I waited for this. My powerful nephew taking what he wanted," Violet said in a euphoric whisper.
I remained silent as my aunt grabbed at her own breasts. She ran fingers over her nipples and moaned her delight. The pulse in the room grew as light moans fell from her lips. She was like a thick succubus, wanting to please her demon lord. Who was I to stop her, but we were going to do it my way.
"Pull out my cock," I commanded.
Violet crawled closer on her knees. She took hold of my zipper and pulled it down. Her hand snaked in and took hold of my already hardening member. She pulled it out and gasped as it was thick and veiny in her hand.
I needed to bless her so she would be under my control. After that, she would bend to my will anytime I wished it. I thought about Theo and a small smile crept into my cheek.
"Nephew..." my aunt gasped before she licked the tip.
I rested my cheek against my knuckles. "Suck on me until I tell you to stop."
"Yes, nephew," Violet whispered before closing her luscious lips around my head and gently sucked.
Inches throbbed against her lips as she moaned her delight. The gentle sucking rocked back and forth, a few more inches slipping past her lips. It was euphoric and I couldn't fight my own blissful exhale. I didn't have to control her, she wanted to suck on my cock. It was dreamy in the dim light, seeing my boisterous aunt sucking on me like a piece of candy.
I put my other hand on her head and ran my fingers through her dark purple hair. "See, isn't this nice? Your true place on your knees."
I settled into the chair as my aunt ran her plump lips up and down my rod.
"You're very good," I said, treating her like a pet.
A soft, muffled moan rose up as she tightened her lips.
"My sister should be. I remember her sucking a lot of cocks at parties," My mother said with a wry grin.
I looked up as wet sounds rose from my aunt's full mouth. "Tell me about them."
My mother nodded and her grin grew. "One of the reasons she was so popular was how much she liked to sucked anyone's cock. The men often talked about her skill. I think that is why our little Dana developed her own taste for cock. The men were all smiles and when she entered a room, they smiled brighter."
I nodded. "I heard the rumors whispered. I must admit, I always wondered and now I know."
Violet's tongue explored the ridge of my head and along the shaft. Her full lips massaged my cock as her tongue gently touched sensitive spots. Her head bobbed at a slow, steady pace, enjoying every inch with love and lustful tenderness.
My mother bent down and kissed my cheek. "In the dream cities, she often asked me about you. We shared minds and I saw that she wanted nothing more then to suck on my son."
Lips touched the base of my cock and Violet's tongue writhed like a snake against my rock-hard shaft.
I looked down on her. Her hands were on my hips and her mouth full. She made small noises as she ran her lips up and down my shaft. I looked down to her large breasts and as if she read my mind, she hoisted them up and engulfed my cock in her cleavage. Her mouth was tight around the head of my cock as she stroked the shaft with her tits. The warmth and closeness caused my urges to rise higher.
"Mother, I want our coven to be a warm place. What should I do about Violet and Theo," I said as if my aunt wasn't there.
My mother bent down to her knees and moved her lips to my ear. "You know your aunt Violet. I believe you already know what needs to be done."
"I just hearing it from you," I said as I was getting closer.
"Those who step out of line of what the high priest wishes should be punished," my mother said with a darkness in her eyes.
I nodded as my cock thickened.
Aunt Violet slid her lips to the hilt. My cock thickened and I let out a small grunt, spurts of come painting her throat. She pulled a little, the head of my cock in her cheek. I spurted a thick glob of seed and she played with it with her tongue and keeping it in her cheek. When more spurted, she gave a muffled moan as she played with my come and cock.
I watched as she slowly drank down my seed. She lingered with long, slow strokes, never breaking the connection. She was so good, I was still hard as she played with my cock in her mouth.
"Mother, bring Theo in," I whispered my command.
Rose stood up and made for the door. I reveled in my aunt's masterful mouth, the connection between us forming a thick chain and anchoring to our cracked souls. She belonged to me now. I could influence her any way I wished and she would have to do as I say. She was now officially part of the blood coven and my cock vibrated to my power.
"Aunty, you are the light of our lives. The way you sucked my cock was everything I hoped it would be. I know you need me to feed, but I want you to know, you can suck on my dick anytime you want."
For the first time since she wrapped her lips around my manhood, she pulled away and continued to stroke my cock with her breasts. She looked up with hungry and weak eyes, lost in a daze.
"You taste so good, my nephew. How I waited so long for this. I would be honored to suck on my high priest's cock. Abuse me, fuck me, be the powerful monster I know you to be. You are strong enough to tame my fire," Violet whispered in a trance.
The door opened again, my mother holding Theo's hand and leading him into the room. Theo looked down with wide eyes, his mother kneeling between my legs and her back to her.
"So good to see you, Theo," I smiled.
Aunt Violet turned her head, a look of concern in her eyes. I noticed it, seeing that she didn't expect this. She didn't expect anything more then pleasing her high priest. My inner demons laughed as I was determined to make us one big, happy coven.
My mother stepped to my side, Theo beside her. He looked down as his mother was stroking my cock with her tight cleavage. The head of my cock appeared and disappeared as Aunt Violet gave a lusty exhale.
"Your mother sucks cock really good. Have you every wondered what it was like?" I asked my cousin.
He was frozen, eyes blinking as I could see and feel he didn't know what to say. His mind was a jumble, but with out connection, I could feel the blood moving through his body and draining into his cock.
"Gerald, he's not strong enough," Violet said with weak eyes.
My ark gift pulsed and I pushed it to our connection and my voice. "Theo, tell me the truth."
Theo gave a small nod. "I remember accidently my mother giving men blowjobs. She was so into it, sucking like her life depended on it. Sometimes, I would watch from a secret place, stroking my cock and coming on my feet as she moaned and deepthroated men. Some of them were strangers, others were family, but all of them loved it."
I nodded. "I have a gift for you."
Theo stared at me with wide eyes.
I smiled before pushing my dark gift into our connections and my voice. "Aunt Violet, until sunrise, you are Theo's slave. You will do as he says and you will love every moment of it."
Violet's eyes glazed over as my dark gift sank into her mind. Even if she was resurrected from the dream cities, she was still under my power. Now that she was blessed, she would have to follow everything I say, if I chose it.
Theo's eyes trembled before a small, sinister smile formed. I could sense his heartbeat quickening as he looked down on his mother with new eyes.
"Do you mean it?" Theo asked to be sure.
I nodded.
Theo's smile faded a touch. "What happens after the sunrise? Will she return to normal and treat me like garbage again, never living up to her expectations?"
I looked over and rested my chin on my hand. "I will not have infighting or disrespect in my coven. I want us to have free will for the most part, but if she treats your terribly, I will make this chance much longer until she has learned her lesson. We all love Aunt Violet, but now, you can show her just how much you love her."
I kept my small smile as I looked at my cousin. "Theo, it's time for our family and coven to be what it was meant to be."
Theo nodded as he looked down on his mother. "Mom, come to me."
Violet pulled away and crawled to her son. She stayed on her knees, looking at him with warm eyes.
"Mommy loves you," Violet said with endearing eyes.
Theo nodded and his brow hardened. "Help me undress."
Violet lifted her hands and took hold of his belt.
I watched with my mother at my side. My dick pulsed and bounce, enjoying the show as Theo pulled off his shirt and his mother pulled down his pants. Theo seemed excited, rushing to kick and toss clothes away. When he stood naked, his cock was hardening before all of our eyes.
"Nurture him," I commanded my aunt.
Violet looked up to her son as her hands took hold of his cock. She gently stroked him and looked upon him with a kindness she never showed him before.
"What can mommy do for you, my son," Violet said with a loving whisper.
Theo's body trembled as his mother made slow, long strokes along his cock. It was big, but not as big and thick as mine. It didn't seem to matter as he looked down on her with adoring eyes.
"Tell me the truth, have you always wanted to suck my cock?" Theo asked his mother.
Violet smiled before she kissed the tip. "I just wanted you to be strong enough. I would have always sucked on your cock. All you had to do was show me and be proud. I would have made you happy."
"Mom..." Theo's voice dripped with painful sorrow and heated needs.
"Yes, my son," Violet said and kissed his cock again.
Theo turned away, walked to a couch and sat down. His cock was standing straight up and it pulsed with need.
"Crawl to me," Theo commanded.
Aunt Violet did as she was told, crawling over until she was between his parted legs.
"Suck on my cock," Theo said with an excited whisper.
Violet grinned before taking hold with her hand and her lips. The moan that fell from Theo's mouth was like the greatest weight was lifted off his shoulders. He watched with unblinking eyes as his mother's lips slowly ran up and down his cock.
I looked at my aunt's ass as her head bobbed slowly. I could see the sultry gleam from her slit as it dripped with lust. She moved her entire body, lips running down and up as Theo watched. It didn't take long for him to grab her head and lean his head back, pushing her down to the base of his cock and helping her keep the tempo.
The scent of sex was thick in the air. I felt my cock grow, seeing my cousin so happy as his mother gave muffled moans and sucked on his member.
"I'm coming," Theo grunted before he threw his head back again.
I felt shockwaves through out connection as Theo had the biggest orgasm of his life. It blinded him, a lifetime of frustrations spurting into his mother's throat. A proud energy filled my aunt as she tasted her grown son's come. Her eyes rolled into her head as she moaned and drank down his seed. More spurted and she let it stay in her mouth, slathering along her son's shaft.
"You...fucking bitch," Theo heaved as a fire lit across his soul.
He snapped his head forward and looked down with greedy eyes. "Make me hard again with your lips. I want to come a few more times."
Aunty Violet gave a small nod as she moaned and sucked on him. I could feel he was half-hard for a moment before he was solid again, his mother taking care of him.
My mother sank down beside my chair and watched her nephew and sister share their not so intimate moment. She reached over and took my cock in her hand. She gently stroked me as we both watched.
Theo looked over and smiled. "Thank you, Gerald."
I nodded and smiled.
The door to the room opened. Aunt Lily was first to enter, followed by Dana and Beth. All three looked at the scene before them and smiled as if it was just another night.
"The party moved, so we thought we would come join it," Aunt Lily said in a soft voice.
"We brought drinks," Dana smiled with bottles in her hands.
Beth lifted up glasses in her hands.
I settled in my chair as my mother stroked me. Dana poured into Beth's glasses and they were handed out.
Thoughts and feelings slid along my mind as I watched the lewdness before me. Despite Aunt Violet's meanness to Theo, I could feel her heart beat with desire. Her thoughts whispered to me, speaking to her son's strength as he had become important to me. They were all important to me.
A glass of red was placed in my hand. I sipped from it, the gently warmth sliding down my throat. I was hard as iron in my mother's hand.
"Mom, I need you," I said softly.
My mother moved around on her knees and knelt between my legs. There was no hesitation as she wrapped her lips around my manhood and gently sucked. I looked down on her, her loving eyes half closed as her head bobbed.
Aunt Lily, Beth and Dana sipped on their drinks and talked. I caught the occasional glance over to me and to Theo. A hunger glowed in Dana's eyes and she licked her lips. I was content to let them watch. I had plans for the whole coven, after we performed the aspect ritual. We needed a celebration, but I wanted all of us to earn it together. The bonds between us were close, but I wanted them so tight and close, we all didn't know where we ended and began.
Theo let out a loud grunt. I glanced over and watched as he pulled his mother by the hair and off his cock. His manhood stood under its own power and spurts of creamy white come shot into the air and some splashed against Aunt Violet's face. A madness consumed Theo as he gripped his now wet cock and slapped it against hit mother's cheek. Everyone looked over as Theo grunted and another spurt splashed against his mother's lips.
I felt aunt Violet's dark soul waver as she was overcome with seductive lust. She moaned like an animal and licked at lips. Theo held her by her hair, watching her like a cruel master.
"It's more then what you deserve. I've wanted to do that since I as far back as I could remember. Lick it up. When your done, sit on my cock like a good mother," Theo growled with a menace I never seen before.
"Yes, my son," Violet whispered before her tongue slid out and licked at thick globs of come.
Theo smeared the come on her face and smiled like an evil demon. He degraded her and her soul sang to it. Wetness dripped between her legs and onto the floor. Her body quivered and in an instant, I felt a small orgasm explode within and she had never even touched herself. Her body heaved as she slathered and licked. Theo grinned.
My cock thickened. My mother slowed her tempo. She made long strokes as my cock pulsed and spurted. I was so turned on as I watched my cousin and his mother be how they always wanted to be.
When Violet finished licking the last of her son's come up, she stood up. Wetness streaked down her inner thighs. She moved her knees onto the couch. Theo's head was nearly engulfed in her large breasts as she settled down on his still standing cock. When his cock pierced her dark purple lips, she let out a deep moan, sliding down an inch at a time. Her ass trembled when she reached the hilt. Her hips moved a few inches at a time, keeping their connection firm.
"Does mommy feel good?" aunt Violet asked.
Theo nodded as he licked at her standing nipple and kissed it.
"You're so hard. I don't know if I can take all of it," Violet cooed.
"You will," Theo said with an edge.
I sipped my wine as I watched. My mother continued to stroke her lips over my cock. In the small distance, Dana started talking to her sister and mother about how nice it was to be around family.
I lifted my cup and took another drink. Indeed, it was very nice.
The ancient stone corridor stretched on. I was walking at a steady pace, Victoria at my side. Old lanterns glowed, lighting our way. In the small distance, an old and heavy door stood, iron bands running along the top and bottom of it.
We approached it and Victoria pulled out an iron key with a skull at the end of it. A cool draft touched my hands as I waited. Victoria inserted the key into the lock and gave it a small twist. The ancient lock turned and the heavy door opened a few inches. I grabbed the edge and opened it. I bowed slightly to Victoria and she smiled. She stepped in and I followed.
"It's good to know it will be used again," Victoria said as I stepped past her and drank in the large chamber.
Smooth carpet lined most of the floor. Tables stood along the edge of the tall and roundish chamber. Mystical tapestries with arcane symbols hung from the walls. Lanterns glowed with a comfortable light. Small cabinets were in between some of the tables, but my gaze was drawn to the center.
A stone altar stood. Even at the small distance, I could see the grooves in the weathered stone and drainage holes along the sides and down to the base. The gray stone was stained a deep red in small places. Runes covered the base and a sense of history washed over my senses.
"I had my sister fill the lanterns with oil and deep cleaned all the dust away. The cabinets are stocked with every kind of spirit and wine that would fit. I'll have my sister and Harold bring down some soft couches and the chair you requested. It will be ready before this evening," Victoria informed.
I looked over to see Victoria step to a cabinet and opened it. Inside were many vials, daggers, books and an assortment of items for rituals.
"I followed your list to the letter. This cabinet will have everything you need for the aspect ritual. Once everyone is inside and comfortable, Harold will guard the tunnel entrance and make sure you are not disturbed."
"Thank you, Victoria," I said as I looked around.
I gazed upon the ancient ritual chamber, hundreds of years hold. This place existed first before the castle was built over it. It was used to carry out all manner of rituals to the dark gods, going back for many generations. I had heard about it many times in passing from older relatives, but never saw it with my own eyes. I felt humbled to be in such a place and proud to bring my coven and family closer here.
I looked over to Victoria as she stood patiently, "Victoria, I haven't met your sister yet."
Victoria nodded. "She is a little shy. I can arrange a meeting with her, if you wish?"
I shook my head, "Maybe another time. For now, I have to notify the coven about tonight and get everything ready. You have done an amazing job."
Victoria smiled. "I live to serve House Umbra."
Victoria turned her attention up to a small vent high in the chamber, "I know it gets cold down here sometimes. A heating system was added to keep the chamber warm. Everyone should be quite comfortable."
"Good. I want the coven to be free and comfortable in this amazing chamber."
I turned toward the door, "Time to let everyone know."
Victoria nodded and joined my side as we left the sacred ritual chamber.
The walk back caused my mind to drift. It had been seven days since aunty Violet returned to us. The castle was swimming in excited warmth as the family basked in it. The days were spent spending normal family time together. It was a nice change of pace, everyone leading a normal life of eating, talking, reading and drinking. I had purposely not allowed myself to be the center of attention and quickly stopped anything becoming too intimate. It was my own little game, making the coven crazy as I denied them my body. With my dark gift, I could sway them away. With each passing day, I saw the hunger grow in their eyes and at night, I could hear them turn on each other for release.
I found myself smiling with each passing day. I wanted them to be hungry. Hunger, much like sex, was a great motivator. My aunts were pawing at me when they could, and I eased them away with simple words. It was difficult at first for them, their appetites insatiable, but they started to hold back their advances. They did weaken a little with each day, but not enough for them to feel starvation. They needed my seed to fuel them, but judging from my aunts getting fat on my energy for a time, a little hunger would be good for them.
Dana and Beth often hovered around me as well. My cousins would often hint as spending time and I ignored them. I could see the frustration grow in Dana's eyes. Beth was a little more neutral. I think she was bidding her time, knowing that I would not deny them forever.
The biggest surprise noticed by everyone was Theo and Aunt Violet. Mother and son appeared to kindle a re-ignited love. I had thought I would have to keep aunty Violet in line, not allowing her to torture Theo, but I had nothing to worry about. The pair were around each other constantly, laughing, giggling and talking. My aunt couldn't feed on Theo like she could with me, but it didn't stop the pair from taking each other at any given moment. There were a few times I walked in on them, caught in compromising positions. They liked to sneak to parts of the library or barely used rooms. They didn't hide their intentions, moans and grunts touching ears. Many of us smiled as they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. There was once or twice where I walked in on them and simply watched, my aunt moaning as her son thrust between her parted thighs. It felt good to see them reconnect and enjoy each other after so many years of pain and cruelty.
Despite denying everyone else, I couldn't deny my mother. She was the only one who slept with me every night, her lips wrapped around my cock and sucking down my seed. It was tender and slow. We didn't have sex, other than her sucking on me for her own nourishment. It was a simple feeding before we slept in each other's arms, my face pressed against her warm breasts.
Victoria and I entered the sublevel of the castle and up the stairs onto the main floor. After a short time, we parted and I walked toward the wing where most of the family relaxed.
As if she always sensed me, my mother appeared from a dark shadowy corridor and walked along with me. She didn't wear her hat, only her silky white dress. Her tall size had become normal to me and we walked down the corridor in small, knowing comfort.
"The coven is excited for tonight. Lily, Dana and Beth haven't stopped talking about it," my mother said softly.
"Violet and Theo?" I asked with a small smile.
My mother smiled. "When they are not on each other, they both have expressed looking forward to it."
"It's good to see them both happy," I said simply.
My mother nodded and changed the subject, "I've noticed you haven't enjoyed the coven for a week. You're so naughty to have them wait."
I kept my smile. "The ritual will become more powerful if they're hungry."
"You have a keen mind and spirit for our work. I will enjoy tonight, as will everyone else," my mother whispered.
I stopped in my tracks. My mother did the same. We turned to each other and I looked up into her dark eyes.
"Tonight, will be a first for many things. I will declare you my High Priestess. You will only have to answer to me and the dark gods. The coven will follow you in my absence."
I took her hands into mine, "I have wanted this for a long time."
My mother slowly blinked, pink touching her pale cheeks. "Gerald, this means everything to me. I have loved you for so long, and to serve at your side will be a divine honor."
"We have our lives back and a purpose to fulfill. After tonight, we will open a rift here, under Castle Umbra and bring us a step closer to changing the world."
I was about to kiss my mother when I heard a harsh voice in the small distance. My mother and I looked over to see a shadow moving along the floor by an open doorway. I let go of my mother's hands and we walked over. We peered inside to see Theo pacing back and forth, a cellphone to his ear and an agitated sorrow in his brow and eyes.
"I'll let the rest of the coven know about tonight," My mother said before kissing my head and walking off.
I stepped into the room and looked at my thin cousin. He was haggard and pacing. He looked over to me and made a small nod.
"I'll talk to you later, Stop the bleeding before it gets worse," Theo said and tapped the phone off.
Theo turned to me and lowered his head. "I'm sorry, Gerald. Since I've been here, the parties I host have been falling apart. In a week, my empire has started to crack. The drugs that are moved through the parties have slowed. I haven't had a chance to pay off officials and some of my contacts in certain syndicates haven't been pleased. Some money has gone missing too."
"Is this something we have to worry about?" I asked.
Theo shook his head. "Not at the moment. Nina is trying to relay my directives, but she is telling me certain deals aren't being made unless I'm there. Some of my clients are worried about me since that night we all left. I've called them to soothe their worries, but they want to see me in person."
Theo took a deep breath and let out a small exhale. "I know tonight is important. My problems won't interfere with it, but I would like to know if I can Nina come over tomorrow night so we can discuss a few strategies and future meetings?"
I gave a small nod. "Theo, you're not a prisoner here. You can go as you please, as long as we keep what we do secret."
Theo nodded and smiled. "I know, but I haven't wanted to leave. Gerald, it has been magical being here with my mother. We talked like we never did before. She has asked for my forgiveness and I couldn't be happier. Our bond has grown and it's thanks to you. We both feel great. I feel great. It's like a weight has been taken off my soul."
I smiled. "It is why we're here, to do the dark work and be close."
Theo nodded. "Thank you, Gerald."
I nodded. "How long will you need Nina here?"
"An hour or two, nothing more," Theo smiled.
"It should be fine. Get your affairs in order with your clients and business. After tonight, we will have to discuss opening a rift here at the castle and I may need your knowledge of Dublin on gaining a proper sacrifice."
Theo grinned ear to ear. "I might know a few people with questionable backgrounds and no family that might make a good blood sacrifice."