Chapter 07.2
I reached up and placed my hand on Theo's shoulder. I gave it a squeeze as we smiled at each other.
"Gerald, my feelings have grown for our entire coven," Theo said in a low tone.
"I think we all feel the same way. We can talk more after tonight's ritual."
Seeing Theo happy warmed me. Seeing my entire coven happy sent spirals of bliss through every part of me. The closeness was like a dream and my soul grinned. After tonight, we will be stronger and the world will know it, one rift at a time.
Lantern light flickered as I stood before the altar. The air was warm as my family and coven stood before me. Thick, red robes covered their bodies as we formed a circle. To my right, aunty Violet stood and Theo was next to her. To my left, Aunt Lily stood, followed by Beth and then Dana. Across from me stood my mother. Rose smiled as the robe clung to her shapely body.
The sun had set when we made our way down. Harold stood guard at the sub-level entrance. We made our way into the ritual chamber and I locked it from the inside. I stuffed the key in my robe pocket before myself and the coven began preparing for the ritual.
I looked down to my family's hands, each of them holding a rolled-up scroll. I had memorized the aspect ritual until I knew it by heart and could recite every line without hesitation. The ritual was designed to open a person's inner connection to an aspect of power. It required a lot of energy and focus. If the coven wasn't strong, one or more members could burn up from the deluge of mystical energy. It was a hard ritual to perform if there wasn't a degree in confidence with everyone involved. One weak link could change the flow of energy and it would burn away a soul without hesitation.
I was confident in my coven and family. It is why blood covens ae so close. There is always a connection and strength. No hidden motives because the blood bind all of us. My new dark gift made sure we were of one mind, my mind.
After the ritual, all of us will have a certain mystical power and strike terror in any hunters or enemies that would come for us.
My heart thumped in my chest, not in fear, but in excitement. I had planned this for a while. Once we achieved our aspects, we would celebrate as one, loving coven, like in the old world.
I lifted my chin and spoke, "The ritual will require concentration and a true heart. Everyone knows when to read and we must do it in unison. Let the mystical energy explore your bodies and it will reward all of us with new gifts. Ayre we ready?"
All heads nodded once unison.
"Let us begin," I said before arcane words spilled from between my lips.
The ancient chamber took on a dreamy haze as magical words filled the air. My coven watched me. I felt myself slowly slip from my body and looked down on myself. My eyes turned white as I rattled off mystical words and phrases. Energy pulsed under my skin and along my spirit.
I found myself smiling as I looked at myself and my coven. Rituals were not often like how they were portrayed in movies. There was no endless prattling on to reach some mystical nirvana. It was simple, like finding a secret message or code in a shifting puzzle. The elements and pieces would move, but the proper placement and order sang to those who knew what to look for.
The lanterns flickered again as a deep, dark energy rose up from beneath our feet. I looked at everyone gathered, their eyes turning white and lips moving to the magical chant. Arms rose up and unfurled scrolls. Each one had the exact phrases, but different runes to signify a different aspect for each being present.
The chants slowly reached their crescendo. I watched as the scrolls burnt up into ash and each ash faded away. Invisible tentacles grabbed at my spirit and forced me back in my body. When I uttered the final phrase, energy bloomed and flared.
Sickening green auras surrounded and penetrated us. For a brief moment, all of us gathered became one. There was no thought or feeling, only pure power and knowledge. White eyed widened and when the song of mystical power bloomed, it instantly shrank back and slipped into our hearts, minds and bodies.
The flickering lantern light stopped and the ancient energy sank back into the rug covered stone floor and depths below.
Eyes slowly returned to normal and I looked around.
Smiles bloomed as everyone looked at each other. It was by cousin Dana who lifted a hand and green fire engulfed it. The flame danced in her eyes as she stared at it with unblinking eyes.
"Demon fire," Dana said with wicked edge.
I nodded before several mirror images of myself appeared in the center of us. They all turned and bowed to me. I glanced over to Aunt Lily as she smiled.
"I have the power of the mind and illusions," she informed.
"What powers of the mind do you have?" I asked with genuine curiosity.
"I could always peer into minds, but it has been enhanced. I can see and feel what others know. I can cut away at their sanity and they would never realize it," Aunt Lily said and bowed her head.
Black shadows leapt up from dark spots along the chamber. They formed into sharp points in the air before bolting down and slicing each illusion, shattering them.
I looked across to my mother as she smirked.
"I can control shadows," she said with a haughty smile.
"Did you have to slay my illusions?" I grinned.
My mother let out a small laugh. "There can only be one of you. All others are just pale imitations."
Theo looked at his hands, a maddening grin across his lips. I looked over and before my eyes, Theo's form melted and reformed into his mother. The shape shifted again into Aunt Lily and then into my mother, before he shifted back to himself.
"I can shape change," Theo grinned.
Aunt Violet stepped into the middle and faced Dana. "Throw a demon fireball at me," my aunt commanded.
"Aunty?" Dana said with a raised eyebrow.
Violet smiled wider. "The mark of Cain is upon me, my sweet niece."
Dana nodded before lifting a hand. A green fireball filled it. She reared back her arm and threw it across the short distance. The fireball slammed into my aunt's chest and flames roared. We all took a step back as the green flames died.
Aunt Violet stood, her red robe ruined and burnt. Smoke rose up from her body, but not a single hair on her head was singed. Her skin was unmarked as she took hold of the destroyed tattered robe and threw it aside. Violet stood in her naked glory with her legs apart and hands on hips.
I nodded and turned to my cousin Beth. She was smiling at me when she lifted a hand and a glow surrounded it.
"I can heal," Beth said with a warm glow.
The coven nodded before turning their gazes to me.
I looked at them as knowledge whispered to me. I felt them close as I lifted both of my hands. Green fire filled one hand, a glowing aura filled the other. My body shifted into each of my family in turn while I spoke across their minds.
"When I come close to any of you, I can use your gifts. I have become the web of our coven and aspects. As a coven, we have grown stronger and more divine," I said before I pulled back and let each gift subside.
My coven, my family, rushed me. Hands and arms lifted before they swarmed me. Lips touched my neck and face, triumph fueling the mad frenzy. I couldn't stop smiling as I was surrounded and loved like a god among them.
I called upon my dark gift and my voice struck all of them. Hands lingered as they all looked to me with attentive eyes.
"I am very pleased at what we have achieved, but my heart longs for something else. I feel we are close, but we can become closer. I know I've been distant the last week, but I wish to tell my everyone here, tonight will be different. I want all of us to bask in our victory, loving each other like we should. There is no taboo or rules, only desire and acceptance. The only law is my word and my word says, let us be free."
My mother's eyes trembled. A heated gleam filled everyone's gazes as they stared at me, lost to my voice.
I simply looked at them with warm eyes. I had my own agenda with this celebration and I would explore it to the fullest. The secrets within everyone gathered would be free for me to sip on. My coven would hold nothing back as we enjoyed our small victory and move closer to our dark lord's design.
A thought dripped along my mind, secret to everyone save for myself. I would not just become a high priest of Draygon. I will become a dark god and stand among the rest of our unholy pantheon.
"Theo, please bring me my chair," I commanded.
Theo broke away and stepped to a wall. A red and gold chair stood. It had a high back and runic symbols carved into the edges. It didn't have armrests, but it had a velvet back and comfortable seat.
Theo lifted it up and brought it over as the coven backed away. Dana let out a small exhale, her eyes filled with heat. Beth looked at me with dripping lust. She looked away as she took off her glasses and put them on a table by the wall. Violet stood naked, her heavy chest bouncing slightly with each breath and her eyes on my neck. Aunt Lily let her own hand touch her robe between her legs and pushed against the fabric to her covered womanhood. My mother stood with endearing eyes. I could feel how proud she was of me and she licked her lips at the thought.
Theo put the chair behind me and stepped over to the rest of the coven. I sat down in the chair and looked at my gathered family. Heat pulsed under my skin as I could feel the hunger from their bodies and souls. It had been too long and they waited with bated breath for my next command.
"When I call you, come to me. For now, I want to see you all loving each other," I said as I looked upon them with warm and dark eyes.
Heavy exhales fell from lips as hands rose up and took hold of thick fabric. Robes were opened and slipped off shoulders. Pale, naked bodies glowed in the comfortable light as robes puddled at feet. My mother stood across from me, her gaze never wavering as everyone else moved to each other.
I watched as Beth and Dana moved to their mother. Aunt Lily held out her arms and welcomed them into her embrace. Each daughter latched onto her pale pink nipples. Dana suckled as Beth licked. Lily lowered to the comfortable floor with her daughter's close. She held them as they were on the rug. Dana and Beth reached between their mother's parted thighs and rubbed at her womanhood. Lily gasped with half-closed eyes, her daughters rubbing and massaging her. A scent drifted up and even from this short distance, I could taste it. The three of them didn't hide, licking and sucking on their mother and touching her sacred valley. Lily's body trembled as she never stopped them.
Theo moved to his mother. Violet sank down and so did Theo. He crawled closer as his mother curled her arm around him. Her other hand was already on his hard shaft, stroking her son and smiling at him with proud eyes.
"Mom, I love your touch," Theo whispered.
"Do you love my lips?" Violet said before bending her head down and taking her son into her mouth.
"I love your lips," Theo seethed as his mother's head bobbed on his manhood.
I looked across the small distance, my mother sinking down to her knees. She looked at me as a hand snaked between her thighs. She rubbed her pink slit, moaning her pleasure before fingers parted lips. Fingers swirled around her clit and she sighed her pleasure. I could see she wanted to show me her love and I enjoyed the display. The temptation rose like a sea serpent from the ocean depths and my cock stood under its own power under my robe.
I wasn't ready for my mother yet. I had a feast of secrets to partake.
"Dana, come to me," I commanded.
Lily pulled her arm away as Dana looked at me. My thin cousin crawled away on all fours, making her way to me. She knelt before my knees and looked down at my cock trying to be free.
"Uncover me," I commanded.
Dana reached up and pulled my robe open. My bare chest was uncovered, as was my stomach and my standing member. It throbbed to be touched as Dana stare at it.
"Take what you want," I said simply.
Dana licked her lips before she closed her mouth around the tip. Her eyes rolled into her head, savoring my taste. Lips moved down thick inches as she let out a muffled moan.
"You like my cock?" I asked with a wry smirk.
Dana nodded as she sank down, her tongue pressing along the underside and making her mouth tighter.
I tapped my dark gift, my words and mind washing over her. "Let me in."
The room darkened as Dana's body trembled. Her mind opened and our minds became one. I pushed through, seeing into Dana's mind and the heat began to rise between us.
I blinked and saw that I was in an alley. Slick wetness covered everything. The air smelled of precipitation and the air was cool. I looked down the alley to see someone in a hoody sitting on a stone step. Behind them was a close, metal door. There was barely any light. A rat scurried past and trash filled the corners of the alley.
I stepped along. I noticed I was wearing a trench coat. My hand reached into an inner pocket, a roll of bills inside.
The figure sitting on the step turned their head and watched me approach. My heart quickened when I saw Dana's face. She was as beautiful as ever, despite the wet hood covering her head. My brow wrinkled as I stepped closer. Why was she here? Her family was not as wealthy as ours, but they did have plenty of money. She looked lost, like she had run away. Her eyes gleamed in the dim light and I remember seeing that look when I was out and discovering the darker parts of society. She wasn't helpless. She was hungry. She was craving something more than money.
I approached and stood over her.
Dana gave me a small smile. "One thousand and no haggling."
I nodded and my hand slipped into my coat. I pulled out the wad of hundred-dollar bills and counted out ten. I handed them her and she snatched it from my hand and placed it in a back pocket.
"Only the mouth. Anything else will cost you extra," Dana said plainly. "Pull it out."
I reached down and pulled down my zipper. My cock spilled out, already getting harder. My cousin looked down on it and licked her lips. I noticed she was a little glassy-eyed. I assumed she was on drugs.
My cousin took hold of the base of my cock and licked the tip. I let out a small exhale as she wrapped her lips around it and began to suck. Bliss flowed up my cock and into my soul. Each stroke of her lips was magical and her tongue undulated against my cock. I knew she gave fantastic blowjobs, but this was beyond what she showed me. My thoughts touched deeper into her mind and I saw the pattern she loved. The dark and dank alleyway, the drugs, and a perfect stranger wanting to come in her mouth.
My hand touched her head and she moaned. Dana closed her eyes and sucked on me in long, slow strokes. Her tongue spoke a language of its own, coaxing me closer and closer to release. I wanted nothing more than to spill my soul down her throat. Her head leaned into my touch as my hips pushed my cock deeper. She didn't gag as her lips touched the hilt of my manhood. Her entire mouth had become a doorway to paradise and my seed was the key.
"Dana," I said before my cock thickened and come surged into her throat.
Dana looked up, bobbing her head as she drank down my molten seed. Her eyes watered, not in sadness, but in a happy glow of sharing a connection with a perfect stranger.
"Come home with me," I said as she continued to suck on me.
Dana didn't say anything, her mouth full and lips tight.
"Let me be the man who takes care of you," I whispered through the bliss.
Dana pulled back. My cock slipped from her mouth and she took hold, stroking it with tender firmness.
"You're only saying that because I know how to suck cock," Dana said darkly.
I touched her cheek as she stroked me. "I'm saying that because I want to be your father. Let me take you home. I'll keep you warm. I'll hold you in my arms. I will snuggle with you and I will fuck you until you beg me to stop."
Dana eyes widened as she stroked me. "I...I have a father."
"He's not the one you want. You want a father who lets you be the demoness you always were. The demoness you are now."
Dana stood up and let go of my cock. I saw that she was wearing a leather skirt as she stepped back and pressed her back to the metal door behind her.
"Is this a trick? No one truly loves me anymore. The only one who did is dead and gone. There is no one else," Dana said harshly.
I stepped closer and grabbed her. Dana didn't fight as I was against her, my cock throbbing between us.
"Look closer," I said inches from her face.
Dana's eyes focused and she saw me, the true me. She gasped as I looked at her and smiled. Her head shook like she thought she was in a dream. I grabbed her waist and lifted her up. She clutched to my shoulders as her legs wrapped around my hips. The tip of my cock touched her dripping slit and I slowly drove it within her tight valley.
Dana let out a long, sultry moan. My hips worked, driving myself deeper and deeper. Dana clutched to me as my cock spread her inner world to the breaking point. I kept the tempo as she breathed by my ear.
"Gerald?" Dana whispered as she shuddered to my invasion.
"I see your secrets. I feel your lust. I know your love. I am the man you need and I will be the father and lover you always wanted," I hissed.
Dana's eyes rolled into her head and her pussy squeezed me like a vice.
Dana and I woke up from the trance. Her mouth was halfway down my cock as it thickened. We looked at each other before come spurted into her mouth. She moaned as wetness dripped from her spread thighs and onto the rug. Orgasms bloomed between us and we moaned in unison.
The sensations were too much. Dana pulled away, come leaking from the corner of her mouth. She fell back and tried to crawl away, wetness spilling down her inner thigh. Beth broke away from her mother and rushed to Dana's side. The sister held her as Dana trembled in ecstasy. Dana grabbed her sister's hand and brought it to her wet slit. Beth nodded as she made gentle swirls along Dana's clit, keeping her in the throes of paradise.
I looked down on my cock. It was still throbbing and standing on its own power. I glanced around and saw Theo caressing his mother's head as she lazily sucked on him. My mother was on her hand and knees, massaging herself into small shudders.
I looked at my Aunt Lily and she nodded. My blonde aunt stepped over her daughters and stood before me. Wetness streaked her inner thighs as she knelt down before me.
"Let me in," I said.
Aunt Lily stood up and stepped closer. She spread her legs and sat down on my raging hard on. Inches parted her wet world. When she reached the hilt, she stayed there, looking down on me with devilish eyes.
The moment she moved her hips, the room darkened. In a blink, I was sitting by a pool. My arms rested on thick wooden armrests. My legs were reclined on the long pool chair. Black swim trunks covered my waist and manhood as I was reclined on the sturdy pool chair. Sunlight bathed the world in brilliance. The scent of chlorinated water touched my nose and a relaxed feeling filled my body.
I was wearing sunglasses as I turned my head and saw my aunt approaching. She wore a silky, see-through robe with nothing underneath. Blonde hair glowed in the sunlight. Ruby red lips were curved into a mischievous smile. She held a little black case in one hand as hips moved with caged power. She approached and looked down on me, nipples pressing outward against the sheer fabric.
"I love play time," Aunt Lily said before bending down and kissing me on the lips.
Tongues swirled as I looked at my aunt. Her eyes were closed and she looked like she did before she died. When she pulled back from our kiss, she stood up and I noticed she wasn't seven-feet-tall. She was her five-foot eight inches tall. Pale alabaster skin glowed in the sunlight. She placed the black case down on a nearby glass table and sat on the edge of the chair.
Her wicked gaze lowered to my chest. After a small moment, she looked up to the clear sky.
"Before we begin, will you rub some lotion on me?" Aunt Lily asked.
I simply nodded, my gaze falling to her body covered in the sheer fabric. She shifted and a pink nipple was exposed. I wanted to lick at it and taste her again. Lily picked up a bottle of sun tan lotion. She stood up and turned. I watched behind dark sunglasses as she lowered her round ass on my lap.
I took in a small breath, my cock thickening to her touch. It strained against my trunks, begging to be free. My aunt moved and settled down on my bulge. She acted like she didn't notice, but I could feel her moving to entice me some more. She took my hand and squirted lotion onto my palm. She put the bottle down on the table before shrugging her sheer robe and pulled it off. It drifted down to the floor as she waited, her hands on my thighs.
I sat up and rubbed the lotion between my hands. When my hands were covered in it, I rubbed it onto her shoulders. My aunt let out a soft moan and moved her ass against my raging hard on. Hands spread lotion over her shoulders and along her sides. I curled my arms under her arms and grabbed at her firm breasts. She giggled as wet fingers slid over pert nipples. She continued to move, rubbing her valley against my tight trunks. Wetness seeped through, which only made me harder.
"Edward, you feel so hard. I think you want to fuck me," Lily said with a dripping sultry tone.
My eyes widened a hair behind the sunglasses. Edward was my father's name. Was this really happening? Did my aunt have an affair with my dad?
My eyes half closed as I finished rubbing lotion on her large breasts. My hands trailed down her soft stomach and then to her thighs. They were spread, her ass and valley rubbing on my member. Fingers touched Lily's tender, inner thighs and soon, my fingers spread her pussy open. Fingertips explored her and when a finger grazed her clit, she let out a deep moan.
"Edward...this is wrong," Lily said with a dripping edge.
I continued, not stopping what I wanted, what I needed. After a small moment, my aunt lifted her self up and grabbed my trunks between her legs. She pulled them down a little and then pulled at the waistband. My cock was free for barely a second before she sank down, her wet lips spreading to my firm thickness.
"Oh Edward, you foul demon," Lily moaned as thick inches speared her tender valley.
Honey flowed down my member as it was slowly engulfed. I rubbed her nipples as my aunt reached the hilt. She gasped and began to move, her ass rising up a few inches and slamming down. The sound of skin on skin filled the air around us. I could hardly believe how hard I was, knowing my aunt fucked my father. I knew we were all close, but this was a deeper secret then I had anticipated.
Lily let out long moans as her body bounced on my cock. Her blonde hair glowed in the sunlight as he moans were like a symphony to my soul.
"Stay hard for as long as you can," Lily moaned before she sat down and turned.
I watched with amazed eyes as my aunt's legs lifted up and turned her body like a spider on a web. When she faced me, she settled on my lap for a moment before bouncing again. The tempo caused her breasts to bounce and her mouth open. She gasped for air as she was lost to the thickness filling her soul. I grabbed at her breast again, tugging and pulling her closer. She leaned forward, humping my cock and smothering my face in her chest.
I was lost to the intimate bliss between us. She rode my cock like she was no stranger to it. My caring and beautiful aunt was just as demonic as the rest of our family. The kind and understanding mask were just that, a mask. She wanted more and the way she slammed down on my cock, or my father's cock, spoke volumes.
"If you tell my wife, this will end," I said, but those were my father's words.
"Our...secret," Aunt Lily moaned as wetness dripped down my cock and inner thighs.
"Good girl," I said as I leaned back and watched her.
Lily's mouth wrinkled as she fought through the waves of bliss. She reached over and picked up the small, black case. She unzipped it and opened it before me. I watched as she pulled out a syringe with black and purple liquid swirling within.
Lily didn't hesitate as she held up her own arm. She settled down on my cock before pushing the sharp needle into a vein. She pushed down the plunger and the swirling liquid slowly vanished into her vein. Her eyes fluttered. She put the needle down on the table and pulled out another full syringe from the small case.
I was lifting my arm. I looked at it as my aunt took hold and pressed the sharp needle into my arm. The pain was quick and gone. Black and purple liquid swirled before it was slowly pushed into my vein. I thought at first, it was heroin or opium, but I was mistaken. This was something created, magical in nature. My senses glowed like a dozen suns. My aunt's pussy squeezed me with every small bounce. She huffed with a demonic grin as we were both caught in the gravity of magic and lust.
"See me," Aunt Lily whispered before her skin turned black.
I stared as scaled rippled down her now black body. Black nipples leaked blood. Her face took on a demonic, serpent appearance. A tail rose up and then down, caressing my leg.
All I could think about was how beautiful she was.
I sat up and latched my lips around one of her bleeding nipples. I suckled down the metallic taste as she cooed her approval. She clutched to my head, keeping me to her firm breast as our bodies moved with reckless abandonment.
The blood tasted like nirvana. My eyes widened and I looked up to red, slitted eyes. The demon version of my aunt rode me as the sun turned a blood red.
"My handsome nephew, you're a little bigger than your father," Lily hissed like a serpent.
I pulled my mouth back, blood dripping down between us. "Aunty," I said as I was lost to dreamy bliss.
The demon looked down with endearing eyes. "Your father was a strong, virile man, dedicated to the arts. He showed me things I never thought possible. It was my desire to fuck him when I could. I still dreamed of his cock, until I tasted yours."
"How long?" I asked.
Aunt Lily moaned and licked her lips. "Years. I told your mother after the first time and she didn't mind sharing him. We kept it a secret from your father, playing with him as he thought he was in control. It made him a hungry beast and I lost count to the many orgasms between us."
My cock began to thicken. "What was in the syringe?"
My demon aunt whipped her head back as she rode my member. She hissed at the blood sky before looked down on me, milk and blood spilling from her black nipples. It poured down between us, our bodies wet with desire and lust.
"An elixir for binding us," Lily giggled before she moaned.
My cock thickened further, my willpower reaching the breaking point. "What happened today? Why is this moment so important?"
My demon aunt moaned as she continued to bounce on my lap. Her slitted eyes stared at me as her pussy gripped me like a vice.
"I wanted something my husband didn't want to give me anymore," Lily whispered before she let out a long moan.
Shudders rippled along my aunt as she couldn't stop herself. Nerves lit up in magical explosions. Wetness surged, drenching the base of my cock and lap. She cried out with an inhuman voice as I grabbed her waist and held her down on my lap. My willpower shattered as bolts of come filled her tiny space. My fingertips dug into her hips, keeping her in place as I pushed my soul into her tight valley.
Movements slowed, but the blood sun remained.
I turned my head slightly and saw Beth standing not too far away. She stared with a hunger in her eyes and slowly licked her lips.
Lily's body changed back to her pale, voluptuous self. Smooth, creamy breasts bounced against my cheek as I looked at Beth. A stark realization filled me and I was at a loss for words.
Aunt Lily kissed the top of my head as I stared. She milked my cock with slow, snug strokes before her ruby lips parted.
"Meet your half-sister," Aunt Lily smiled and then moaned.
The dream melted away and I was back in the ritual chamber. Moans rose up around me as my supernaturally tall aunt was on my lap, my cock buried between her thighs. She looked down on me with a mischievous gleam.
I looked down at our connection, come and honey spilling from our union. I looked back up with demonic eyes as Lily brought her face close to mine.
"When this is all over, love me, and punish me," Aunt Lily said with an evil grin.
I watched as my aunt stood up. Come leaked down her thighs as she knelt before me. Her tongue snaked out and licked at my throbbing manhood, it refusing to wilt at knowing Beth was my half-sister. No, not half. She is my sister.
Lily cleaned my cock with her mouth before pulling away.
I stared at the room and my coven before me. Theo was sitting on a couch, his mother kneeling between his legs and her head bobbing on his cock. My mother was on the floor and rubbing her nipples as Dana's head was between her creamy thighs. My cousin licked and kissed my mother's slit. Dana looked like she regained her strength as she continued to lick my mother into submission.
Beth was sitting on another couch, watching her sister and my mother. Her hand was between her parted thighs, rubbing herself to the sights, sounds and scents of unrestricted lust.
Lily stepped over and sank down beside my mother. My mother turned to her and they both kissed as my cousin licked at my mother.
I looked over to Beth again and she looked to me, her eyes filled with desire.
"Come to me," I commanded to the sounds of moans and wetness.