Chapter 08.2
"I will do anything you need or want," Beth said slyly.
"We will break it to the coven, but first, I do need you," I smiled.
Beth rubbed her body against mine, stroking my cock between us. "Anything for my brother, my lover."
I pulled away slightly and led her to the bed. Beth climbed onto it and I followed. My hands were all over her, touching and caressing her. She laid on her back and I lowered my lips to her wet valley. I kissed her pussy before I licked and explored. She gasped in giggling delight as I enjoyed her taste. My cock was rock hard to her giggles. I broke away from her inviting slit and crawled over her. I grabbed a large breast and gently squeezed as the head of my cock touched her valley entrance. I pushed my hips and soon, I slid in like I always belonged.
Beth gasped and held onto me, every meaty inch sinking deep into her soul. I was over her, licking at her erect nipples and over creamy breasts. She shuddered as my hips moved. I held her down with my body, pushing deep and licking at her skin.
"I'll be your high priest, your brother and your father," I whispered.
"Yes," Beth cooed as she squeezed me.
Bodies moved to a primal and practiced rhythm. The moments drifted on until we both clutched at each other and climaxed together. I remained deep, pumping new seed into her abused womanhood. There was no soreness as we continued, drinking in the orgasms as we continued in intimate bliss.
The front door opened. I was at the top of the stairs as Theo greeted Nina. The sad eyed woman gave Theo a small smile before she hugged him. Theo hugged her back and led her into the castle.
The sun was setting outside and another dark evening was approaching. A memory of my seed leaking from Beth's pussy caused me to smile. The rest of the day was showering, eating and talking about the future. The coven was attentive and bright eyed, everyone relaxed and happy. We spent part of our time discussing finding a sacrifice to open the second rift. There were a lot of potentials, but we all agreed upon doing more research.
When I saw Nina and Theo, I had an idea on who we could use. Bits of conversations floated into my mind of Theo talking about his problems in the party scene and Nina unable to cope unless she saw Theo in the flesh. For a second in command of Theo's criminal and party activities, Nina was not strong enough to hold it together.
Of course, Theo might object. He did rely on Nina when he wasn't around. Maybe I wouldn't approach the subject tonight, since Theo needed her to set his activities straight, but perhaps soon. The gears of my mind began to turn. I didn't want to take too long, since I didn't want to disappoint the dark gods.
I made my way down the stairs to the main floor. I walked down the corridor Theo and Nina walked. I caught a hint of them as they turned into a side room. I walked over just as the door was going to close and stopped it with my hand.
Theo looked at me with wide eyes. "Gerald! I'm sorry, I didn't know you were behind us."
I smiled. "I thought I join the conversation, if you don't mind?"
Theo smiled brightly. "I could never deny you. My outside business is the family business."
Theo stepped aside and I walked in.
Nina looked at me as she sat on a small couch. I bowed to her and stepped over to a chair. I sat down as Theo walked over and sat on the same couch as Nina.
"Nina, you remember my cousins Gerald. He's going to helping us with some injections of money to help keep my partners happy," Theo smiled.
Nina silently nodded.
"Let's go over it and make sure we understand what is happening. It's important that you help settled down the partners," Theo said.
"I will do my best," Nina said in a small voice as she nervously glanced to me.
I could see it in her eyes. She was hiding something. The more I thought about it, the more it began to make some kind of sense. The night at club was odd all around, despite the relaxed atmosphere. My suspicions curled as a thought stabbed into my mind of Nina spiking my drink with drugs. She may have thought she was protecting Theo from me, or the business. No matter what she thought, I felt it in my bones that she was responsible. It only made further sense when Theo complained that she wasn't keeping their partners happy. There could be any kind of motive, from drugs to money, or even a deep possessive crush on my kind and gentle cousin.
I needed to know.
I spread out my mind as I sat. I could feel pinpoints of the coven members around the castle. When I felt Lily, my mind touched hers and she relaxed in her chair. I plucked her ability and dragged it to me. As the center of the coven, I could use any of their abilities and now, I needed Aunt Lily's ability to see into minds.
The ability settled into me as Theo talked and Nina listened. I pointed it like an imaginary rifle and pulled the trigger. My mind touched Nina's mind. I was ready to unravel secrets when a painful, bright light slammed into me. It burned white hot and let out a loud grunt. I was to my feet, my senses dazzled. I could barely make out shadows as two of them stood up. One rushed to me and grabbed my arms.
"Gerald?" Theo shouted with concern.
I couldn't speak as pain fried my nerves. The connection between me and my coven blazed bright. I felt all of them stop what they were doing and rushing to me with haste.
My vision returned and I looked past Theo to Nina. A sickening light singed my soul and I grunted in contempt.
"Gerald?" Theo asked again.
My gaze turned into a glare at the sad-eyed woman tend feet away. "Theo, get Harold and the others," I commanded.
Theo's eyes widened. Nina took a step back closer to the couch.
"Go!" I shouted.
Theo stepped back.
Nina's eyes remained the same as her lips parted. "Your dark crusade ends."
Theo stumbled back be fore he turned and ran for the door. I stood with heaving shoulders and smoldering eyes on the holy thing in my castle.
"You're not a hunter. You're a holy creature," I nearly spat.
Nina gave a small nod. "An angel, to be exact. You didn't think your dark designs would go further unnoticed?"
I smirked. "Drugging me isn't a holy thing to do."
"Drugs are not evil, but you are. I've come to slay the abominations and their high priest," Nina said with a soft voice.
The door slammed open, Harold with a pistol in his hand. He aimed in an instant at Nina, his finger over the trigger.
"Wound her!" I commanded.
Harold pointed at Nina's leg and pulled the trigger.
The pistol went off and the smell of cordite filled the air. Black wings flashed from Nina's back and curled around. They stabbed down as the bullet reached her. It struck black feathers and bounced off.
Harold didn't hesitate as he opened fire. The sounds of gunshots were deafening. I stepped back as Nina turned and advanced on the bodyguard and driver. When the gun clicked empty, wings flashed out and Harold dodged. I watched in slow motion as Harold moved like a short titan. His gaze was unwavering and unblinking as he dodged black wings. Nina pressed her attack, pulling back her wings and kicking out. Auras of light engulfed her hands and feet as she pressed her attack, Harold barely dodging her strikes.
From the corridor, Theo and Dana charged in. Dana saw the angel's wings and her surprised expression turned demonic. Green fire engulfed her hands and she charged. She leapt into battle and landed beside Harold. The pair turned the tide slightly, Nina blocking their blows and dodging demon fire. Theo rushed to my side as Dana and Harold continued to press their attack.
Nina's eyes glowed before light engulfed her. Dana slammed her shoulder into Harold. The bodyguard stumbled to the side as Dana pointed her hands and unleashed hellfire.
Green flames struck the glowing aura, burning away at it. Nina screamed before the light pulsed and flashed. Brilliant light struck all of us, sending us crashing onto the floor in different directions.
The flashbulbs slowly faded and I saw Nina standing over me about fifteen feet away. Dana was on the floor and Harold was struggling to get back up. A golden spear was in Nina's hand, the point down over the other me.
"You will never stop us!" the other version of me shouted in defiance.
"Your dark designs end here," Nina said plainly and stabbed down with the spear.
The point penetrated the chest and blood spurted. The other version of me shifted and Theo looked up, blood spilling from his mouth.
Nina's eyes widened a hair as Theo laughed.
I called on Dana's demon fire. Green flamed filled my hands before I pointed them and unleashed torrents of flames. Nina turned and her wings blocked the flames. She grunted as the fire burned at her feathers.
"The dark gods smile upon me!" I growled as I poured on the flames.
Nina tried to move, her wings getting eaten up by the flames. Behind her, three tall women appeared.
Aunt Lily lifted a hand. A dozen versions of me shooting flames struck at the angel. Nina's eyes glanced around, unable to find the real me as I poured on the flames.
Aunt Violet let out a shout as she charged the angel. She slammed her hip into the thin angel and sent her sprawling to the floor. I pulled back the flames as my mother lifted her hands and closed them. Shadows leapt up from under furniture and slammed down on the fallen angel. Black bands held Nina's arms, legs, and body to the floor as she struggled.
Aunt Violet grabbed the golden spear on the floor. It burned at her hand, but she didn't wince as she lifted it up and was ready to stab the angel in the back.
"Wait!" I shouted.
Everyone in the room stopped.
Beth rushed in and looked down at Theo as he was bleeding. She reached his side and touched her hands to him. Energy pulsed and sank into our bleeding cousin. Theo smiled as his lungs repaired and blood slowly faded away.
My mother grunted, "I can't hold her for much longer. Her light is burning at me."
I looked down on Nina as she struggled. "Can we move her to the sacred chamber?"
My mother nodded.
I smiled. "Good. I think we found out sacrifice."
Chains and shadows held onto the struggling angel with burnt wings onto the altar. The chamber was filled with my family and my coven. We surrounded the angel and I stood over her with a dagger in my hand.
Nina struggled as she looked at me. When she saw the murderous intent in my eyes, she stopped struggling and laid there like a broken doll.
"Your dark gods will swallow up the world and you with it. There is no return from the primal darkness. It is not too late to save your lives and all those who live and breathe," Nina said plainly.
I looked down with evil eyes. "You don't understand why we are doing this, do you?"
Nina simply blinked.
I smiled as I inched closer. "I'm not doing this to serve the dark gods. This is my path to becoming one.
"Once our dark work is complete and I hand over this realm, the dark gods will make me one of their own."
Nina shook her head. "They are filled wit lies and deceit. They will never share power, especially with a mortal."
I leaned my elbows on the edge of the altar and looked down on the angel with kind eyes. "The light says those things to strike fear into others. With fear, you cannot control the masses. You know as well as I do, your god has been angered and spread his wrath to many in history. For an all-loving god, he likes to hurt those he loves.
"Now, the dark gods know better. All work is rewarded, if you are faithful. The dark gods know my intentions and encourage my work. The universe is vast, vast enough to grant me unholy power.
"When the sixteen rifts are open, this realm will belong to my gods. I will become like them and I will take my chosen with me to whatever realm I create or lord over. There will be no place for your god anymore, as it should be."
"They will never make you god. The light and its followers will stop you," Nina whispered.
"You couldn't stop me and you're an angel. However, you will serve a true, divine purpose. Your sacrifice will ensure this rift is strong and stable enough to last many millennia. Thank you, for drugging me and trying to kill me. It made what we have to do very clear," I said with a sinister edge.
Nina stared at me for a long moment before she closed her eyes.
I began whispering the arcane incantation. My family repeated my words. They raised their hands as our voices echoed through the sacred chamber. Vibrations bounced off ancient walls, filling the air with dark magic.
I lifted the dagger with both hands over my head. I stared down as I spoke the words. Nina's expression was a mask of peace. She didn't struggle or plead. She accepted her fate.
Good. I was tired of hearing the cries of weaklings. I was tired of ineffective buffoons telling the world how it should be. It could be anything I wanted and, in this moment, I wanted blood and power.
I hissed the word of power and brought the dagger down with all my power. The tip stabbed between Nina's breasts before breaking bone. She didn't open her eyes or scream, glowing blood rising up as I sank the dagger down to the hilt.
Power bloomed and spiraled. My family chanted as I stared down with greedy eyes. Nina's body cracked and crumbled into dust. The dagger clanged on the altar amid what was left of the angel.
I stared down with intense eyes, not daring to blink. A crack formed in reality and it pulsed with primal power. Waves rippled from the tiny rift. I felt the spilling seed of the dark god drip into our realm. I smiled with manic glee.
My mother, aunts and cousins stopped their chanting. They came around to me. Proud eyes looked at me, but it was my mother who stepped closed and held me to her. I chuckled in mad delight as power caressed my senses and nerves.
"I'm so proud of you, my son," my mother cooed.
"I'm proud of all of us," I whispered.
My family closed in, everyone hugging us as we basked in the unholy power of the dark gods. Our dark crusade was just beginning and I licked my lips in anticipation for the future.
Twenty Two
I sat at my desk, looking over an arcane book. The study was quiet, only the sound of the occasional flipping page breaking the silence. A small fire glowed in the fireplace. The lights were medium brightness and long shadows danced against the walls.
A knock at the door woke me from my reading.
"Come in," I said loudly.
The door opened and Victoria stepped in.
I leaned back in my chair and looked at the castle caretaker with warm eyes.
"Victoria, what brings you by?" I asked.
Victoria crossed the room and stood to the side of my desk. She looked down on me with bright eyes. Her hair was in a bun, and she was impeccably dressed.
"Master Umbra, I wanted to take a moment to talk privately with you, if that is, okay?"
I smiled. "I'm in a very good mood and ready to talk about anything. What's on your mind?"
Victoria nodded. "Beth told me about the family crusade...and I wish to be part it, as does my sister."
I looked at Victoria with intrigued eyes. "You do understand what we are doing here? There will be mur*er, death, black magic, madness and bringing back the dead."
Victoria nodded. "I'm no stranger to everything you've mentioned and I fully understand what is at stake. My father loved the dark gods. He loved them so much, he pledged his soul to them."
Victoria's eyes softened. "I...wish to pledge my services and my soul to you, and the dark gods. I am fully capable of performing anything you need to ensure our work continues."
I eyed the caretaker as I touched a single finger to the side of my chin. "And your sister? I still haven't met her."
Victoria nodded. "Mina!"
The door opened a little more and something black stepped in. I looked over to the black figure as it stepped closer. It wore an old fashion maid's uniform. It had a feminine shape, but her skin was black as coal. Black, glassy, oval eyes slowly blinked as Mina stepped to Victoria's side and stood there. Her hair were thick and smooth black tentacles. They framed her features and she bowed at the waist to me.
"Master Umbra, pleased to meet you," Mina said softly.
"Pleased to meet you," I smiled before glancing to Victoria.
Victoria smiled. "Our father loved the dark gods and their minions to such a degree, he took minion as a love slave. After a year, my sister was born. We've kept her here at the castle because the outside world will not accept her.
"In your new world, I hope she will be accepted for who she is and live the true life she was meant to live."
I looked at Mina. "Is this what you want? Do you wish to serve me in our dark crusade and give this realm to the dark gods?"
Mina nodded. "I do, more than anything."
I nodded. "I think we can make some arrangements and a proper initiation. I will speak with the coven first. After that, I don't see why we can't add such honorable new acolytes to our crusade."
Victoria nodded before her hands reached up to her blouse and she began unbuttoning it.
"I hope a small gift will help ensure a place at your side," Victoria said as she opened her blouse and exposed her creamy white breasts. They defied gravity as tiny nipples pointed in desire.
I sat as Victoria knelt down between my legs. She pulled down my zipper as I looked at Mina. The black thing stared with glassy, oval eyes.
Victoria pulled out my already hardening cock and kissed the tip. I kept my gaze on Mina as the caretaker took several inches into her mouth and began sucking. Her lips ran down my throbbing shaft and tendrils of bliss reached further into my body. Wet sucking sounds rose up as Victoria ran her lips up and down my member.
"Sister, how does he taste?" Mina asked with a sultry whisper.
Victoria pulled my cock from her mouth and gasped for a breath, "Like the demons from our dreams."
Victoria resumed sucking on my member as her sister watched with hungry eyes.
"Mina," I said.
The dark thing looked at me.
I smiled. "After I come in your sister's mouth, I will need to know if you are just as dedicated as she is?"
Mina nodded. "I am ready to please you, Lord Umbra."
I nodded. "Good. It's a lovely night and I would very much like the company.
Mina watched as Victoria's head bobbed up and down in my lap.
I leaned my head back against the chair, taking in the tender and intimate sucking. My thoughts floated to my mother and I grew harder. I knew she was waiting for me, somewhere in the castle. I pictured her sultry cries and I simply wanted to bask in it. After two victories, we were closer to my goals. Imagined moments of ascending to godhood floated along my mind as Victoria's masterful sucking brought me closer. Images played out of a throne made of red stone and bones. A massive chamber spread out with my coven close and many others kneeling, ready to please my every whim. It would be paradise and I would be their ruler for all time. I would create great monsters and unleash them across worlds. I would love like a god, never tiring and spilling my seed for many to lick up and be blessed. I would spread madness to every realm and they would fall to my power, cursed to dwell in the deepest pits of my design.
It was quite a beautiful dream as Victoria upped the tempo.
My cock thickened and spurts of seed blessed Victoria's throat. She drank it down with long moans filling her throat. When she sucked down the last drop, she pulled away and looked up at me with adoring eyes.
I smiled and touched her hair. I then looked up to Mina and gave her a knowing nod.
Victoria moved aside on her knees as Mina knelt between my legs. She wrapped black lips around my member as Victoria watched with eager eyes.
"," I sighed as bliss coiled around my dark heart.