Chapter 10.1
I sat back, my stomach full from pancakes, eggs, toast, and fruit. A fuzzy feeling fell over me, taking a moment to relax, and think about Aunty Lily. The mood was still there, floating along my dark spirit. I often glanced at her at the table. She ignored me while she nibbled on some fruit. Her eyes trembled a few times, fighting the urge to return my gaze. Our new secret made our connection that much more tantalizing.
The rest of the family sat on either side of me at the long table. I sat at the end, shifting my gaze to everyone seated. My mother was on my right, happily speaking with Violet. It was odd to see my Aunt Violet was also the same size and height as when she was alive. No one seemed to notice, or care, as far as I could see. Lily sat across from them, while my cousins were a little further down, talking about some of the videos they posted to the private server.
Our game excited them. It excited me as well. The memories of running, and fighting, fell to the background. We were enjoying our bonding time, and I looked forward to more of it.
I continued to feel like I was light as a feather, but my hunger for more began to grow. It was nice to have small lewd trysts, but I wanted deeper, long-lasting sessions. I wanted to do things that would make me question myself. It was a vicious cycle, one I enjoyed spending time in. What good was power, if you never used it? My mind began to work, wondering who else I would enjoy spending time with.
My mother stood up and tapped a fork against a glass. Everyone stopped talking, and turned their attention to her, including me. I was eager to hear what she had to say. She was being very mysterious.
"I wanted your attention for a moment," my mother smiled brightly, but her eyes still held a hint of madness. "I must make a small journey. There is an errand I wish to run, but it may take a few days to complete."
I listened intently, wondering where she needed to go.
My mother looked at me with warm eyes. "I wish I could tell you why, or where I was going, but it must remain a secret for now. All I can say, this journey is for the family's best interests."
I eyed her, wondering what she was playing at.
She turned her attention back to everyone at the table. "That said, Aunt Lily will be accompanying me on this errand."
Lily looked up at her sister with questioning eyes.
My mother continued, "Since we are taking a holiday, I don't wish for Gerald to be taxed during our rest. That is why, while Lily and I are gone, Beth will be in charge."
Everyone turned their attention to my sister. Beth had a small smile, but her eyes shined with knowing power. Dana blinked at her sister. Theo simply nodded. Aunty Violet smiled and nodded.
"Beth will be the only person allowed to contact me. As I said, we should only be a few days. When we return, I will assume my duties once again."
My mother turned to me with understanding eyes. "Gerald, my son, please take this time to rest, and enjoy yourself. We need you to be rested and strong as we continue our dark crusade."
I simply nodded. I could have asked where she was going, but that would ruin the surprise.
"Lily and I will leave within thirty minutes. After that, we will see you in a few days," my mother finished and sat down.
Dana nodded before she spoke up.
"I have to go into Dublin tonight. I am seeing a friend about a request. I will stay at a hotel and return in the morning."
"Someone should go with you," Aunty Lily said.
Dana smiled at her mother. "Harold can drive and protect me."
"We could all go with you?" I brought it up.
My cousin kept her smile. "No need. It's going to be a boring errand, not worth the time. As Aunty Rose said, you should stay and rest. I will be back with some things to help us enjoy our time at the castle."
I chuckled, knowing she was going out to shop, and not for normal items.
My mother looked at Lily. "Let's get ready to go. I would very much like to return as soon as possible."
Lily nodded and rose to her feet.
Part of me wondered if this was some odd way for my mother to interrogate her sister. Since we just came up with our game this morning, I couldn't see how she would suspect just yet. Lurid thoughts filled my mind, making love to Aunty Lily and calling her "Mother," while my real mother watched. If things escalated, that would be a moment to enjoy for all of us.
My mother and Aunty Lily each gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before they left. Soon, Dana also said her goodbyes before leaving. I caught Beth looking at me with hungry eyes, before she stood up and left. Violet also left. When I was finished with my meal, I stood up to leave, when Theo spoke up.
"Gerald, can we speak on something?" he said with a shy tone.
"Of course. We can talk any time," I smiled.
Theo got up from his chair, walked over, and sat down in my mother's chair. He leaned in, while glancing over his shoulder, ensuring no one was walking in. When he turned his eyes back to me, a mischievous gleam filled them.
"You know my mother and Dana enjoy torturing me some nights."
I nodded. "I've seen the video. It looked like you were all having fun."
Theo grinned and looked away. "As fun as it is, I wish to turn the tables, as it were. My mother has confided in me that she misses being dominated, and treated like an object, no matter how much I fuck her. She just doesn't see me in that way, but she sees you like that."
I smirked. "You want us to dominate her."
Theo nodded as he shifted his gaze back to my eyes. "I do, but I want to do something different. I spoke with Beth, and she is interested in joining this session, if you agree to it. She and I talked, and she says she wants to be the object of our desires.
"When we talked it out. You and I would use her as we wish, while my mother was forced to watch. She would be tied down, or, you can use your gifts to force her to sit and watch us as we have our way with Beth. Knowing her, she would be tortured if we had fun and she couldn't join us, at least, not right away. I even came up with a phrase she would have to say to surrender to us, but even if she said it, we would still decide when she could crawl to us."
I couldn't hide my smile. My perverted cousin was ready to teach his mother another lesson. A lesson she would most likely enjoy. But I didn't want to just be a participant.
"This sounds fun, but I want do more than just teach her a lesson."
"How so?"
A wicked gleam filled my eyes. "I want us to love her how she wants to be loved. She likes being treated like an object, as long as we show her attention. You have the ability to shapeshift. I don't see why we shouldn't use it to take things further."
Theo's eyes widened a hair, before his own inner demons licked their lips.
"I'm interested," he smiled.
I put my arm around his shoulders, and we walked side by side toward the dining room door.
"I will tell you what I have in mind. Afterwards, I will talk to Beth, as you bring Violet to my master bedroom."
I grinned like a madman. "Let's enjoy the day like it should be enjoyed, in the throes of perverted ecstasy."
I stared into Beth's eyes as we laid on the bed. We both wore black robes as we were on our sides, a foot of space between us. It was lovely to simply stare at her. She did the same, looking at me with such a longing in her eyes, if we weren't going to have a session, she would have attacked me by now.
The light beyond the windows was a miserable gray, but the bed chamber was warm and relaxed. I had the curtains parted because I wanted plenty of light as we enjoyed ourselves. I had a feeling this session would last the rest of the day, and well into the night. I informed the servants to check in on us every few hours, ready to serve anything we need as we push our bodies to the brink and beyond.
"I like that you're in charge," I whispered with happy eyes.
Beth's eyes shined from behind her glasses. "Aunty Rose surprised me, but now, I'm fine with it. I just want to help you relax, but this power may go to my head."
My eyebrow raised. "What would do, with so much power?"
Beth giggled. She then reached over and touched my covered arm.
"Use every excuse to keep you close," she stated simply.
"You would just want me around you more? Such a simple thing, when you can have so much more."
Beths's eyes flashed with shy heat. "It's simple, but what I want. To have you close, taking your anger, your love, or both, on me. To have us use each other until we pass out again and again. You're my true lover, my brother, and I want you to be my father. I would be very happy."
I looked at Beth with warm eyes. She was always shy, but she was coming into her own. I had chosen my mother as my high priestess, but maybe, I should have Beth as a priestess to serve my whims. She would sleep with me, and mother. She could hand out my will, as our blood coven, and followers grow.
A knock at the door woke me from my thoughts. Beth and I sat up and looked at the door.
"Come in," I bellowed.
The door opened, and Aunty Violet stepped in.
I couldn't hide the wicked gleam in my eyes as she walked in. She wore her signature silky-purple dress. The hem was at to her knees. The top hugged her more than ample chest, her cleavage nearly spilling out. Her dark purple hair was down, framing her features. Her dark purple eyes gleamed in the gray light coming in from outside. Her hourglass figure was a turn on, just as much as her slutty true self. She had no qualms about sex in any fashion. She didn't seem to have any limits either. It was like she was born a succubus, and now, even after she returned from the dead, she was hornier than ever.
"You summoned me?" my aunt asked as a sly smile formed, seeing me and Beth in bed together.
"I did. Please, have a seat," I said as I pointed my hand to the sturdy wood chair on the left side of the bed.
Violet looked over at the chair. It was strong, but comfortable. She stepped further into the chamber, looking at me with wicked eyes.
"Have I been naughty? Are you and Beth here to interrogate and judge me. I can assure you, I'm guilty," she laughed.
I called upon my dark power, channeling it through my voice.
"Sit down, and remain seated," my voice coming out other-worldly.
My aunt's eyes widened as she walked directly to the chair, turned around, and sat down.
"Nephew, is everything okay? I can assure you, I haven't done anything to cause your wrath."
I smiled as I sat. Beth leaned on me a little, also facing my aunt from the bed.
"Everything is fine," I said with happy flair. "I just thought, since we are home for the next few days with little to do, we should enjoy our time together."
My aunt's eyes half-closed with heat. "Of course, my nephew. What can Aunty Violet do to help you relax?"
I kept my knowing smile as I spoke with dark power in my voice. "I want you to sit there. You cannot get up. You cannot pleasure yourself. I want you to sit there, and prove to me how much you love a certain person."
Violet eyed me with a questioning gaze. "A certain person?" she said and turned her attention to Beth. "Have I offended you in some way?"
"Not me," Beth said simply.
Violet blinked. "Have I," she began when the door to the chamber opened.
We all looked over to see Theo stepping in, closing the door behind him. For the first time, he stood with a confidence we hadn't seen before. It was strange to see, considering how meek he was most of the time. I wondered, did some of my advice and presence rub off on him?
"Hello, mother," Theo said, wearing a black robe as he walked toward us with a new swagger.
Violet looked at with wide eyes. "Theo, what is the meaning of this? I thought all was well between us?"
Theo walked right up to his mother, and looked down on her with a fire in them.
"We have healed some things about us, but you continue to not believe me to be your dominate, no matter how much I proved it to you."
Violet's eyes cooled as she leaned back in chair, relaxed. "Theo, my son, you have shown your dominance from time to time, but it's not you, not all the time. You need to be nurtured. You like to be tortured. I'm just trying to be a good mother to you, fulfilling your desires."
"What if my desire is to make you mine, to do as I wish," Theo said with confidence.
"You wouldn't have to say it. You would just do it," Aunty Violet said sternly.
Theo smiled wider. "That is why you're here. Gerald is keeping you here because I don't have the power to control you, but we're going to change that."
Violet turned her attention back to me. "Gerald, this is a misunderstanding. Release me, and I will suck your cocks for as long as you like."
"No, mother. Gerald isn't in charge right now," Theo said with a sinister edge.
Aunt Violet looked at her son, a concern filling them. I could tell, she wasn't used to her son being so assertive, and it played with her mind and emotions.
"Theo, have Gerald release me. I will play with you for as long as you want," my aunt said.
My cousin ignored her as he turned to the bed. He climbed onto it, and moved closer to me and Beth.
Violet looked at me with concerned eyes. "Gerald, release me so I can help show my son how much he means to me."
I shook my head. "Sorry Aunty. Theo is in charge."
Her eyes widened a hair before shifting her gaze to her son.
Theo opened his robe and shrugged it off. It pooled around him as he stayed on his knees, his cock defying gravity. He looked down on Beth with confident eyes. He then reached over, and pulled open her top. Large breasts spilled out, Beth letting out a hungry sigh. Theo grabbed her a free breast, his fingers pressing into her soft flesh. He allowed his thumb to smooth over a standing pink nipple, and Beth let out a shudder.
"Get on your knees, and stroke my cock," Theo growled.
Beth did as she was told. She stood up on her knees, and took hold of his cock. She gently stroked him. Theo reached his hand around her neck, pulled her close, and kissed her on the lips.
I sat back into the pillows. My cock was getting harder, not because Theo was being confident, but because I glanced over to see Aunty Violet letting out a heated gasp. Her hips and thighs moved against her will. She didn't blink as she gazed upon Theo being dominate, and assertive.
It was all going to plan. Theo and I agreed to let him run the session. I was there just to aid me, and keep Violet in line. My control over every member of the coven, allowed me to do as I wished. But the power can be fickle at times. There were a few instances where my control slipped, allowing my mother to break my control. The connection was like a swinging door. Most of the time, it swung toward another, but sometimes, it could be pushed back to me, under the right circumstances. Even now, I felt Aunty Violet's primal power pushing the door back. She wanted to break free. She wanted to join in, and not just watch. I could feel she was turned on, wetness leaking from her and seeping into her dress.
Theo pulled his head back from Beth's lips. "Get on all fours, and be sure to suck my cock, nice and slow."
Beth let out her own moan as she lowered herself onto all fours. She barely parted her lips as Theo pushed his cock into her mouth. She gave a muffled moan, veiny inches pushing past her full lips.
I was behind her, seeing her pussy. Wetness already dripped from her. My hand opened my robe, and I took hold of my standing cock. I stroked it as Beth was being a good girl.
"That's good. You suck cock better than my mom," Theo said with a heated tone.
The cousin looked down with half-closed eyes. Beth moved her whole body slowly, sucking on his hard member. The tendrils of our bonds floated to me. I could feel Theo and Beth enjoying themselves. But my Beth's pussy called to me, like a siren on the rocks.
Violet let out a low moan as I was up on my knees. One hand grabbed at Beth's hip, while my other hand held my cock. I pushed it to her thin, valley opening. I slowly invaded her. I was rewarded with louder muffled moans, and sloppy sucking.
"Gerald, Theo, please...release me," Violet said in a low tone.
Theo's fingers curled into Beth's hair. He controlled the tempo as he fucked her mouth.
"I see why Gerald likes to fuck you. Your mouth feels so good, I could come in it all day, and all night."
Beth pulled her lips from his cock, but took hold with her hand, and kept stroking.
"I love your cock, Theo," Beth said before she closed her lips on the end, sucking and stroking him.
My hips slowly slapped against Beth's large ass. I was silent, enjoying my sister. She leaned into my repeated invasions, and squeezed me.
"Please...I'm sorry," Violet said as her urges and inability to move broke her down, piece by piece.
I didn't expect her to start giving in so quickly. She was always so strong, but she always craved to be the center of attention. Moments floated into my mind how we often watched a movie as a family, and she had to get between my legs and suck my cock nearly every time. It reached a point that I would get hard just watching movies because my aunt would worship my dick until I came.
Now, she was a prisoner to my cousin's power. I was helping him, and I very much liked what he was doing.
"How's her pussy?" Theo asked me with a wicked smile.
"Fucking nice," I said as I pushed into her again.
"Good, I will fuck her next. But I need you to get her ready. Come in her, so I can fuck her and fill her with my come as well."
I nodded as I held Beth by the hips. I looked down at our connection, my cock wet from her honey.
Beth moaned louder as we fucked both ends. I glanced over to my aunt. Sorrow painted her eyes as her hips moved. She moaned. I could feel her thoughts. She wanted to be in the middle of it. She wanted to be spit-roasted. She pictured us coming on her, in her.
The door of my control pushed back to me. She was trying to break my control.
"Gerald, please, release me. Let me suck on your cock, like a good aunt. I want my son to fuck me. He can put me in my place, you both can," she said softly.
"He won't do it, unless I say so," Theo said as he moved his hips, his cock appearing and disappearing deep in Beth's mouth.
Violet looked at her son. "Theo, please, I will be good to you. I will let you do as you wish. I will be on my knees for you. Just let me go, so I can yours."
"I don't believe you," Theo growled.
Violet looked down. "It's difficult for me, my son. I love you, but there have been many times where men in the family just took me. I loved it, but you were so timid around me.
"You're better now, but it's hard to not feel that way. I'm so horny all the time, but I also like making come when you don't feel like it. I like making you suffer with pleasure. I love when you look defeated after I made you come a few times. I love when you get hard when I talk down to you. It brings me joy that you can't fight me."
Theo held Beth's head as he sank his cock to the hilt. A loud grunt floated up from his lips. Beth closed her eyes, come painting her throat. I felt all of it, as Beth gulped down Theo's come as his cock thickened with more. It was enough for my cock to thicken. I pushed to the hilt, spurting thick ropes of come into my sister's tight pussy. Some of it surged back, dripping out from our connection.
I pulled out. My wet cock hung as white seed dripped from my sister's slit.
Theo pulled back, come dripping from his cock. Beth sat down, come dripping down the side of her mouth, and come leaked onto the bed. She huffed for air, a glazed look in her eyes.
Theo moved to the edge of the bed, sat down, and faced his mother. Violet looked at him with hopeful eyes. I could feel her thoughts, a hope coloring her thoughts that her son had come to his senses, and would release her.
Theo kept a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Beth, sit on my cock. Face my mother, so she can see everything."
"Yes, master," Beth said as she crawled over.
Violet and I watched as Theo's cock barely wilted. It stood up, covered in come and honey. Beth slid out of bed, and moved to Theo. She faced our aunt. A distant stare filled my sister's eyes as she sat down, slowly impaling herself on Theo's cock. Inches spread her lips as she sat down. Eyes closed and she moaned loudly. Beth put her legs over Theo's thighs, showing their connection. She moved as Theo kissed her neck.
"You're such a good cousin," Theo whispered between kisses. "Maybe me and Gerald will keep you in chains, fucking you at every chance."
"I would like that," Beth said softly.
I sat on the edge of the bed and watched. Beth's large breasts bounced as she moved on Theo's cock. It was almost hypnotic. I was very much enjoying the session. It was nice to not be in charge sometimes. Seeing my sister and cousin enjoy themselves, while torturing Aunt Violet was a bonus.
I stroked my cock as I thought back to my quick discussions with Theo and Beth. Theo really liked the idea of showing how in charge he was. He wasn't sure I would allow it, but what kind of high priest, and family member would I be if I didn't let everyone play out their fantasies? As for Beth, she loves everyone in the family. If I told her to suck my cock every morning, she would. She enjoyed being a toy, especially my toy. She also liked doing whatever I ask, even if I told others to fuck her. She was half of my soul.
"Your cock feels soooo good," Beth moaned as she bounced.
"So does that pussy of yours," Theo said darkly. "It's so tight, I could like fucking you instead of my mother."
Violet let out a sad moan. "I'm sorry, Theo."
Theo ignored her as he talked to Beth. "You know, with my shape change ability, I can control my size."
Beth's eyes widened as Theo's cock grew thicker. It didn't grow too much, but it was enough to spread her inner world a little more. Her body quickened its bouncing, feeling her inner valley, stretched to the limit.
I smirked. Since everyone in my family had a dark gift from the elder gods, it made our lives much better. I had the ability to use any gift from a family member, as long as they were within range of me, which I figured out to be roughly a mile. Which also meant, I had the shape change ability as well.
Violet's eyes shifted to me as I stroked my cock. It was already big, but now, I was making it bigger. It throbbed in my hand as I stroked with Beth's honey.
Violet looked at her son and Beth. Come and wetness leaked from their union. Beth bit her lip as Theo stared at his mother. He sneered as Beth's moans grew louder and louder. A depraved gleam filled them as his mother writhed in the chair, still being held by my power.
"I think we should throw the bitch a bone. Gerald, come on my mother," Theo ordered.
I stood up and stepped closer to the chair. My aunt licked her lips. I stopped a foot away from her, stroking my erection. I looked down on her, but didn't touch her.
"It's okay, Gerald. Put it to my lips. I promise to suck the life out of it," she pleaded.
I said nothing, stroking my cock to her hungry eyes.
"He won't do it. You should stop asking him anything," Theo said over Beth's moans.
Violet eyed her son. He grabbed at Beth's breasts as his thick cock sank into her. My sister bounced with urgency. I could feel her getting closer to climax. The sounds and scents of their union filled the air. It was all music to me, as I slowly stroked my cock to my aunt's defeated eyes.
"Theo, you want me to beg?" Aunt Violet asked.
Beth sank down as her eyes rolled into her head. She let out a primal moan as her leg twitched. Soon, her entire body shuddered, hard. Theo held her to him, my sister spasming to a flood of exploding stars. She let our ragged breaths as her body shuddered again. Wetness surged and squirted, drenching their union. I could feel every moment, my sister thinking of me as she came on Theo. I wouldn't say anything, not that I needed to. I like that she only had eyes for me, even when she was being fucked my someone else.
"Theo...please," Aunt Violet whimpered.
My cock thickened as her head hung forward. I let out a grunt, thick spurts of come firing like a cannon blast. The spurts splashed on my aunt's cleavage and covered breasts. She let out a whimper as I moved closer. I held my cock a few inches from her skin, pushing out more come onto her. Seed dripped on her lap. Her whole body trembled, like she as trying to lift a building up with her urges.
Theo let out his own groan as Beth rode him. His cock thickened, causing Beth to moan louder. His cock throbbed, snug within my sister's valley. I felt his orgasm across my spirit. Come leaked from their union, Beth moving slow and milking more of it.
Theo turned and pushed Beth onto the bed. My sister fell onto her back, breathing heavy. Theo stood up and walked over to his mother. We both stood before her, our cocks dangling, dripping with come and honey.
"What was that?" Theo asked with hard eyes.
Violet looked up as come dripped down her front. "Please. Please my son, let me be free. I promise to be good to you."
Theo eyes narrowed. "Yes, you will. When I say it, I want you to know your place. I want you to always know, you're special to me. When I command it, you will be a good mom."