Chapter 12

A presence pressed down on me. My eyes fluttered to a murky, abyssal sky. Purple wisps of energy floated along the void. Water surrounded me as I floated. I slowly blinked a I put my hand down a few inches, and touched stone.

I slowly sat up, my body feeling like it was delayed. Eyes adjusted to the gloom, seeing unusual stone towers and spires nearby, and afar. Everything bled with ancient knowledge. It was alien, and familiar, at the same time.

I stood up and looked around. The water was only skin deep. I could see the stone floor underneath. The eldritch structures hummed with a sickening vibration. Colors I had never seen before, curled, and floated on, some going into buildings, while others flew up into the odd sky.

A shadow the size of a mountain appeared from behind a strange building. I shook in start terror as many eyes opened along the shadow, and long tentacles writhed. It moved on, walking on odd, trunk-like legs, but one alien eye stared at me for a long moment, before it closed.

"You have done well," came a voice from behind.

I turned to see a cloaked figure. They walked through the shin-deep water, barely making a ripple. The hood of their cloak cast an inky shadow over their features, but their yellow, cat-like eyes glowed with purpose.

I bowed slightly to the dark being. When I stood up, they stood before me, their gaze piercing my fractured soul.

"It has been a long time since the scales have tipped in our favor. Draygon is pleased, as are all the dark gods. They have noticed you, and your journey."

"I live to bring the dark dream to everyone," I said in a trance-like state.

"Indeed," the cloaked figure said.

My equilibrium seemed off, as the world around me felt like it was turning. I tried to ignore it, but its oddness sank deeper into me.

"We who serve the dark gods have felt your victories, but we have also felt those who dwell in the light, gathering to stop you, and your coven."

"I will stop them as I have always stopped them," I said.

The cloaked figure gave a single nod.

"Yes, you, and your coven wield great power, but you will need more before our victory over the light. Once the rifts are all opened, and the world falls to chaos and madness, you will have earned your place among the dark gods.

"You will have a greater destiny, one that will span to many realms, but that is a discussion for another time. For now, I have gifts to bring you. Rewards for bringing the dark dream to your world."

I stood as the figure lifted an arm. A scaled, three finger hand slid out from the sleeve.

The shard in my soul pulsed brighter. It contained my power, marking me as a true follow of the dark gods and the crusade. I swayed as a clawed fingertip touched my chest, right over my heart.

Power surged into me. My eyes and mouth widened. Energy poured into me like a purple river into my shard. When it touched it, I let out a silent scream.

In a blink, I was normal again. But I felt different.

The being pulled back their scaled hand, it vanishing into their robe sleeve.

"You have been given three gifts.

"The first gift is the power of a Chaos Song. It allows you to shift reality, destroying, or harming the fabric of reality. Anything you create, or destroy, will break down reality, adding chaos to the universe. It is a special gift, one not given lightly. It will drain you, depending on how much chaos you create. Which brings us to your second gift.

"The second gift is one called the Dark Blessing. As High Priest, you can choose who among your coven to become a fountain of power. When you are weakest, you may drink from them however you wish. It will not harm them, but grant layers of ecstasy. They shall love you further, wanting, needing you to drink from them. You may choose how they provide you with power, but you must give them power as well. They will become a vessel, carrying your power, ready to feed you as you need, or want it.

"Your third and final gift is called the Corruption. With a simple touch, you may corrupt the weak minded, or weak hearted. Chaos will reshape them into monsters, monsters loyal to you and those you choose. They will do what is commanded. They serve until their death, and perhaps beyond. It depends how deep the corruption takes root. In the coming battles between chaos and order, you will need armies to fend off the light, and its allies."

The being bowed to me.

"Six rifts are needed to take this realm. When it is finished, and we are victorious, more power will be granted. More flesh will surrender to you. The dark gods will smile upon you, and your chosen."

I fell to my knees in the water. Power caressed me is such a way, I could not decide to either scream, or weep.

"Wake, High Priest. Wake and indulge in your power," the being hissed as they floated into the darkness whence they came.

My entire body felt like it was being pulled upwards. Purple light flashed as I was drunk on new power. I struck something in the dark, and my eyes shot open.

The bedroom was dark. Starlight bled in from the windows, giving everything a gentle, pale glow.

I turned my head to my aunt's face, just a few inches away. She was on her side, a quilt partially covering her. She was still asleep, her naked body close to mine. Her body warmth continued to seduce me, but I was so filled with renewed excitement, all I wanted to do was tell the woman I have always loved.

I slipped out of bed. I grabbed my robe, and my phone. I hastily put on my robe, and silently dashed out of the chamber.

I moved with hurried steps. I could feel the pulse of power deep within me. It hungered to rise to the surface. The dark gods gave me more gifts, and a greater confidence filled my spirit. No more desperate battles with the followers of light and order. Our chances had improved, and I licked my lips in anticipation.

I reached the master bedroom door. I saw that it was slightly ajar. I moved to it and stepped in. I closed the door behind me, but I stopped in my tracks.

Starlight filtered in from the windows. Inky shadows writhed like living things along the corners of my vision, but my gaze was pulled to the pale figure on the floor, leaning against the foot of the bed.

My mother sat there like a broken doll. She stared at nothing. An empty bottle of wine was by her hand, as was a shattered wineglass.

My heart leapt in my chest. I tried to not panic as I took slow steps toward her.

My mother's eyes were the only things moving. They shifted and looked up at me.

"Gerald? Have you come to haunt me?" she said in a low whisper.

"Mother?" was all I could say as I looked down on her.

The room was warm as my mother sat on the floor, like a broken thing. I reached her feet and knelt down before her. She blinked, her eyes glassy. The scent of spilled wine filled my nose. My mother was wearing only a short, lingerie skirt. Her breasts and cleavage strained against the top, as the bottom barely hid her womanhood.

"Mother?" I said again, unsure what was happening.

She stared at me with distant eyes.

"You're not real...are you?" she whispered.

I took her hand into mine, and held it.

"I am real, Mom," I whispered back.

Her head shifted slightly, but didn't get up. Instead, her eyes shifted away in embarrassment.

"I feel strange, like I am waking from a dark dream," she said in a low tone. "Everything feels strange. My heart aches. My soul weeps. I feel...not like myself."

I reached out with my other hand. I took hold of her, and slowly pulled her to her feet. Since she was her normal height, and size, it was easier to help her up. When she stood, she leaned onto me. I held her close as we walked around to the side of the bed. I helped her to sit down. She weaved as she looked away.

"What happened?" I asked with deep concern.

Her mouth began moving before sound flowed into speech.

"I felt...a distance between us, like I was dead again," she whispered. "Memories are like shards in my mind. Some feel real. Others feel sinister."

My mother's eyes shifted upwards, staring into my eyes, my soul.

"I...wanted you. I needed you, but you weren't here. You were playing...with another."

Guilt struck me like a knife to the gut.

"I missed you," she whispered. "I missed you so much, wine was not enough. I went to Dana. I asked for one of her special pills. She gave me one. I took it, and I felt...relaxed."

"Mom, it's okay. The pill will wear off, but I must confess something to you," I said with an edge to my voice.

My mother's eyes glowed with loving warmth. She sat up, like a marionette on a string. She lifted her hands and touched the sides of my waist. Her face glowed with loving affection.

"I love when you come to me. You know you can come to me about anything. I will always be here to listen," she grinned.

Her gaze fell to just below my robe belt. "I am always suck your cock."

I could see it, and feel it. Her living and dead self were clashing. She was confused, not sure what was happening. It pained me to see her as she was. I had read that the dead can become lost after they return. The only way to settle her, was to help her focus. I had to engage her mind, and her body would follow.

"Mom, I'm sorry I've been distracted," I said in a small voice.

"Like when you stared at my tits?" my mother giggled. "Don't think I never noticed."

"Yes, Mom. Like when I stared at your tits, and your butt."

A faint giggle dripped from her. Soon, shadows began to drip from her eyes as they turned red.

"So many dreams of you coming to me. So many dreams of you pushing me down, and showing me how much you loved me. I basked in them...until I returned."

She ran her hand over her breasts, and down her stomach.

"How so much of your come has blessed my skin."

Her eyes became flames of red and back. She licked her full lips as she gave me a twisted grin.

"How I sucked your cock, gulping down your seed. Feeling it nourish me as I tried to drink every last drop.

"My son, do you like it? Do you like it when mother takes care of you?"

I sat down beside her. I put my hand on her thigh, and she put her hand over mine.

"I love everything we do. That is why, I want to tell you my secrets. You're the only one who would truly understand."

My mother's demonic eyes dimmed. She slowly became herself again. She looked at me with loving eyes.

"Gerald, I love to hear your secrets."

I gave a small nod.

"I love you, but I always want more. So much more, I made Aunty Lily my second mother."

My mother's eyes dimmed. "Am I...not enough?"

"Mom, of course, you're more than enough. I...just get greedy," I said and fished out my cellphone from my robe pocket.

I pulled up a short video, turned the phone to my mother, and let it play.

Light glowed against her pale features. She watched without emotion as Aunty Lily sucked on my cock, confessing on camera that she would also be my mother. Rose continued to watch as I came on Lily's face, professing her role to me.

When the screen went dark, I put the phone on the nightstand, and looked at my mother. Her eyes moved in odd ways, and I wondered if it was because of the drug, or she was ready to burst into tears.

A smirk stabbed into her pale cheek. Her eyes returned to normal, but they took on edges of hunger.

"Gerald, there is nothing to confess. You feel guilty, when you should know the truth."

Her hand touched my bulge, and gave it a playful squeeze.

"Lily, I, and Violet have spoken about this some time ago. It was during our time in New York, with the sixth rift. After you and your cousins were resting, we spoke at length about our roles in the coven.

"We felt we were well past the normal, familial titles. My sisters and I have become mothers to all of you, just as you are so close with each other. We accepted what it meant to be in the coven, and would always become that for you.

"If you wish for Aunt Lily, and myself, to be your two mothers, that is what we will become. That is what we are."

I stared at my mother, my lips trembling. I felt back a growing wave of laughter, because, my aunt deceived me, pretending it was my idea. She allowed us to play this out, so she would have me to herself, a dirty secret within the coven. It was just a grand move on her part, I fell for it.

Unable to hold back my laughter, I let it out with maddening glee.

My mother giggled as I laughed, her hand massaging my growing bulge.

"My sister lied to you, didn't she," my mother said with cool eyes.

My laughter died down, and I nodded. "She said, you would be cross with her if we spoke on it."

My mother's hand slipped into my robe. She grabbed my rock-hard manhood, and began stroking me. She revealed my cock, her hand gentle, but firm. Pleasure filled me, as she knew just how to stroke my member.

"Lily has always been devious, you know this. She likes to play games, even if she pretends, she's innocent," my mother said with a sultry tone.

"Mom, I love when you jerk me off," I said as I was falling into the moment.

"I know you, my son. I love feeling you so hard in my hand. It makes me wet every time."

I looked at her with loving eyes. "Are you, okay?"

Rose gave me a genuine, warm smile. "I am now. You know how to bring me back from the edge of madness. It warms my dead heart."

I felt relief, and a dash of annoyance. I opened my mind, and reached out. I touched upon two minds. They woke up to my thoughts. I commanded them to come to my bedroom. I felt them nod as they got up and began their journey to me.

I was back in my body, my mother gently stroking me. She leaned her head over my cock, and spit on it. Wet warmth spread down as she stroked me. It made it feel much better, letting her make me happy.

"Can mommy suck your delicious dick?" my mother asked like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Yes," I seethed.

Rose slipped from the bed and onto her knees. She opened my robe fully, my cock standing under its own power. Her full lips closed around the tip. She massaged the very head before her lips moved lower down the shaft.

The sounds of her gentle sucking were music to my ears. Her tongue ran along the shaft, as her lips moved along sensitive flesh.

I leaned back and enjoyed watching her. She moved on me like it was deep prayer, and my love only grew.

A short time later, the bedroom door opened. Aunty Lily and Theo walked in, side by side. They looked at my mother on her knees, her head bobbing as she dragged her lips up and down my member.

"Aunty Lily," I said with evil flair.

"Gerald, is there something I can do for you?" she asked with blank eyes.

I nodded. "Yes, there is."

I shifted my gaze to my cousin. "Theo, I'm glad you're here. I have need of you."

"Anything for you, Gerald," Theo said with questioning eyes.

I looked at my aunty with a devilish gleam. "Theo, I want you to change your shape into Lily's husband. I want you to fuck her, make her your own. I want her to watch me and my mother, as we lovingly fuck each other."

Theo's eyes gleamed with understanding.

I turned my gaze to my Aunty Lily. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"I love you Aunty, but you should know better than manipulate me. After tonight, you will be forgiven. You will take your place as my second mother, and I will love you deeply, and often.

"But for now, you will submit to Theo, and anything he desires," I said and exerted my will, and power, onto her.

"Gerald, I will always be true to..." she trailed off.

I could feel it, her willpower greatly weakened. Pleasure ran along my cock as Lily was powerless.

Theo's body shifted, taking the form of Dana's true father, Lily's husband who left many, many years ago. He was slightly portly, with thinning hair. He moved to her, taking hold of her robe. He pulled it off, and she stood naked. Heavy breasts defied gravity as he pushed her onto the bed.

I watched as my mother continued to run her lips and tongue up and down my shaft. Lily let out a weak gasp, as Theo in his new form, kicked her legs open. His fingers touched her slit, moving them around. I could feel what they felt, wetness touching fingers. Theo's mind glowed with new confidence and power.

I delved a little deeper into Lily's mind, and feelings. It didn't surprise me that she was turned on. She was powerless, and got off on being controlled. I could feel the darker parts of her mind, this moment being one of her ultimate goals. To be punished, and powerless.

Theo took his cock and pressed the head to her slit. Lily let out a low moan, before she gasped. Thick inches speared her cunt. Wetness surged, making it easier for him to reach the hilt. Theo smacked her ass. She winced. He then began fucking her, his hips hitting her bubble ass. The sound of flesh on flesh filled the chamber, Theo's hand on her back as he looked down on her with contempt.

I looked down on my mother as she continued her masterful work.

"Mom, let's get a little more comfortable, and watch the show," I said.

My mother let go of my cock. We climbed onto the bed. She was on all fours, looking down on her sister as she was fucked by her long-gone husband.

I moved behind my mother. I took hold of my cock and pushed it into her dripping slit. She squeezed me like a vice, not wanting to let me go. I began with a slow rhythm. I upped the tempo a little, the two of us watching Lily moan, and whisper feigned protests, as she was fucked.

"Let us enjoy this moment of punishment, before everything changes," I whispered as my cock thickened to Lily's whimpers.

I huffed as my hips worked. My mother was under me, her eyes fluttering as I pushed my soul deep into her. Sweat dripped from my chin as I speared her tight inner world. She squeezed me, but her eyes fluttered in velvet bliss.

Beside us, Lily watched with fascinated eyes. She was on her side, rubbing her clit as she stared at us. Come dripped down her skin from a night of torrid sex and punishment. Behind her, Theo was in his true form, passed out. I had to give it to him, he enjoyed punishing Aunty Lily many times, but even he had his limits. When he let out a deep groan, he pulled out, and came on Lily. He then flopped onto the bed and passed out.

I looked down my mother with adoring eyes. She bounced to every thrust, whispering for more. I had come so many times, she was drunk on my energy. Some of her whispers were incoherent. Other times, she begged for more.

My connected to her mind as I grabbed at her full breast. I ran my thumb over her erect nipple, my hips punishing her tender inner thighs, and tight pussy. I could feel the fuzzy tingling throughout her whole body. Toes curled as her mind and body dripped from ecstasy. We felt like we had become one person, like we were over two decades ago. The walls between us were broken, our love and urges pushing us to the brink, and the two of us jumping together into the unknown.

"Gerald," my mother said with a sultry exhale before her whole body shuddered hard.

I felt it, experienced it, when a river of orgasms shattered her senses. Her thigh trembled as I pushed to the hilt. I kept up the tempo as she rode the moment. Her eyes rolled into her head as a ragged moan escaped her lips. Pleasure flooded every sense, and she happily drowned in it.

It was enough for me to grunt loudly. My cock thickened before I painted her inner world with my seed. My abused cock continued to spurt thick come into her tight valley. I groaned again as she squeezed me, trying to milk my cock of every last drop.

I was caught in a loop of sensual bliss. I pulled out, and flopped onto the bed, between my mother and aunt. I gasped for air as my mother stayed on her back, come leaking from her. Her eyes continued to flutter as ecstasy continued to play its familiar song.

I huffed, when a hand wrapped around my half-hard cock.

"Have I been fully punished? Am I forgiven?" my aunt said just before she ran her tongue up the shaft, my dick covered in come and honey.

I looked at her as I slowly regained my breath. I couldn't hide my small smirk. Lily spent the last number of hours being punished for her deception, and yet, she still knew me enough to know it was simply part of our game. Despite her omission, she knew this would happen, and wanted it to come true.

"You have been partially forgiven," I said with an evil smile. "I will forgive you, after you show me, you can be a good mother to me."

"I'll do anything for you," Lily said before closing her plump lips around my still half-hard cock and sucking on it.

I couldn't hide my chuckle as she made long, slow strokes with her lips. Soreness filled my spent member, but she didn't seem to care, taking her time to suck and lick my cock.

My mother moaned as she turned to me. She moved closer, pressing her body to mine. Her hand was on my chest, as her thigh was on my leg. She snuggled close, but giving more than enough room for Aunty Lily to perform a little cock worship.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked.

Rose gave me a weak nod. "I always feel better after you give me attention," she said and then looked down at her sister. "What about Lily? What should we do with her?"

I relaxed as my aunty slowly breathed life into my member. The soreness began to fade away as I was once again possessed with the need to fill her throat with my seed.

"I think she still needs to earn my forgiveness. She should remain my second mom. You will be first, or course, but we should keep her here, with us."

My mother nodded with tired, almost drunk eyes. "She and I will look after you? That sounds lovely. We can even punish her together."

I nodded as Mama Lily slobbered on my standing cock.

The dark dream I had earlier in the evening came back to me. I was enjoying the attention, but there were still things that needed to be addressed.

"Mom," I said as I looked at her, "The dark gods spoke to me in my dreams."

My mother's eyes widened a little as she remained close.

"Tell me everything," she whispered.

I told her every detail of the dream. Lily continued to bob her head, her lips firmly around my cock. I knew she was listening, but I wanted her to know because she was going to be a part of it.

When I was finished, my mother partially sat up and looked down on me with dreamy eyes.

"This is the tipping point, where we herald a new age. I am proud of us. I am especially proud of you."

My heart thudded with purpose as please ran up and down my cock.

"I am sure you will want to experiment with your new abilities, and we are here for anything you need," my mother said with a dreamy whisper.

I looked into her proud eyes, my heart pounding in my chest. "Mom, I want you, and Mama Lily, to be the first to have my dark blessing."

She gave me a knowing, wicked smile. She ran a fingertip along my chest as the sounds of sucking sang by us.

"I would be honored, my son. I'm sure Lily would say she is honored too, if her mouth wasn't full," my mother laughed.

Her laugh was infectious, and only made the moment warmer.

"It will mean, you wouldn't have to drink my energy to survive. As long as we spend time together, you and Lily could feed off each other."

My cock thickened as Lily upped the tempo.

"I'm...sure there will be some extra benefits, but we won't know until I have given you both the dark blessing," I managed to say as I was getting closer.

Mother looked at me with adoring eyes. "We stand by you, my son."

She then looked down at her sister. My mother laid down again, running her hand over my chest.

"It's okay, my handsome son. You can come in her mouth. Make her drink it, like the secret whore she is."

My mother's words were enough to light the match. I let out a deep grunt. My aunt barely slowed down as thick spurts struck the back of her throat. I could feel her swallowing, and sucking on me. Pleasure sank into every muscle in my body as my hips pushed up a little. She milked me, swallowing each volley of seed. When there was nothing left, my body relaxed.

My aunt lazily sucked on me as I let out a long exhale.

"I love seeing you happy," my mother said as she snuggled close.

I put my arm around her, keeping her close.

A small silence filled the bedroom as I enjoyed the tender attention from my two moms.

"Gerald, we should speak about Nana," Rose said.

I nodded, concern filling me. "I want her as a member of the coven, but I don't wish to force her into it. But she has told me a few times how she enjoyed being taken. How the men on both sides of the family enjoyed keeping her to themselves. I wondered, will our coven be enough? Should we grow it more, so she will be happy?"

"Nana will be fine with us, or more," my mother sighed as she snuggled against me. "She has her appetites, like the rest of us, but she adores you. She won't say no if you simply take what you want. She wants it too, and that is her way of telling you."

I looked at my mom with a raised eyebrow. "She would? I felt that from her, but I wasn't completely sure. I wouldn't feel right if I just brought her into the coven. She seems like she wants more."

"She has always been ambitious," mother yawned. "Give her duties, a title, and she will be very happy. You may not know this, but she was a favored priestess in the Umbra Coven for a long time. Everyone went to her to speak on delicate matters. They also went to her to spill their desires. She told us many stories of helping the coven with their urges."

My mind spiraled on, imagining Nana sucking cock to help a family member feel better. I must admit, it did turn me on.

My mother continued, "Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure she will be very open to it. She has been lonely for a long time. I think, she wants to be close with the family again, but wishes to take her time."

I mulled over what my mother said.

Lily's lips let go of my cock. She sat up from between my legs, taking hold of my cock and gently stroking it.

"Make the moment special. She always loved ceremonies. She's very traditional in that way. She would welcome it, if you ensure she is important."

Me and mom looked at Mama Lily with interested eyes. What she said was true, and our way. Nana needs to know, she will be the center of the family, even in our blood coven.

"The sun will be up soon. We can plan after we rest," I said as exhaustion began to set in.

Lily laid down on the other side of me. They snuggled closer as I felt sleep's pull. A small plan began to form, but I was too tired to verbalize it. It would have to wait. My eyes closed as my mother whispered sweet nothings. A calm fell over me as I drifted back to the dreamlands, a sense of ark hope filling my broken soul.​
Next page: Chapter 13
Previous page: Chapter 11.2