Chapter 13
I stood before a door, deep in thought. I felt different, changed in a way, but, still the same. Dark power crawled under my skin, and I hadn't truly used it. The anticipation of using it soothed my often-frayed nerves. We were much closer to victory over the forces of light. When our rest was over, I will send out word to the rest of the family to come, and bend their knee to me. After that, we would continue with opening the last six rifts. Once it was completed, my coven and I will enjoy a long rest, as the world wakes to the dark madness to come.
I stared at the door, feeling better with each moment. I lifted my fist, and knocked on it.
A short moment ticked on, before the door opened with my Nana giving me a warm smile.
She was dressed in a dark blue dress, with a symbolic pattern of a large lily on it. It hugged her form. It still astounded me that she was so fit at her age. She could easily pass for a sister of her own daughters. But to me, I loved every perfect imperfection. She was always beautiful, much like her daughters. They were all beautiful, but for now, I wanted her all to myself.
"Gerald, so pleased to see you," she said with a bright smile.
I reached out and took her hand into mine. Her warm hand was intoxicating, as she gave me a loving squeeze.
"I thought we spend some time alone, and talk about the future," I said simply.
She looked as me, while keeping her smile. "Do I have a choice?"
My eyes narrowed, not in anger, but in amused knowing. She started the game with that question, one I was going to thoroughly enjoy.
"No, you don't," I said firmly.
I squeezed her hand enough so she wouldn't escape. I then turned and started walking, my grandmother at my side and keeping pace.
I glanced at her, seeing her excited eyes looking down, and a happy smile across her lips. I didn't need my gifts to know she enjoyed this. Considering everything my mother, and aunts told me, she was always like this. Defiant, but only just enough to get the blood pumping, and lighting that spark. She liked a little resistance, before she pleasing others.
I glanced at her again, seeing her warm cleavage. I wanted nothing more than to snuggle to her, before I pushed myself deep into her. It clawed at my inner demons, but I knew, I had to be patient.
We walked along the corridor for a time. When we reached a doorway, I opened it with my other hand, and stepped in. Nana followed me in, and I closed the door behind us.
The room was a large, lavish bedroom. A canopy bed stood with the headboard to the wall. There were plenty of finely crafted chairs, and a small table with bottles of wines and spirits. An armoire took up another wall. There was a side door opposite the bed. The curtained windows glowed with the afternoon sun.
"Is this place where you will defile me?" Nana asked with a shy look in her eyes.
I looked at her with loving eyes.
"This is the place we will discuss the future. Would you like a drink?"
Nana eyed me for a moment.
"No thank you, my grandson. I rather be alert of mind as we discuss the future," she said, keeping her smile.
I walked over to the table, picked up a bottle of bourbon, and poured into an empty glass. I filled it before putting the bottle down. I then picked it up and took a sip.
"Care to sit at the table, or on the bed?" I asked.
Nana stared at me. I could see her mind churning as her body betrayed her. Her cheeks grew a little pinker, and her eyes barely blinked.
"Nana," I smiled. "There is plenty of time before I hear you moaning in my ear. Let's enjoy this time before I claim you."
My grandmother let out a sultry giggle.
"You have grown into the strong man I always knew you to be."
I gave her a wicked smirk. "The bed then."
I walked over and sat on the edge of the comfortable bed. I sipped my drink as Nana stared at me. I patted a spot next to me.
"Sit," I said simply.
Nana moved to the bed, turned, and sat down. Her hands were on her lap, as her dress hem was at her shins. My eyes kept drifting to her cleavage, and she made no attempt to hide herself from me.
"I want you as the coven Advisor. You will listen to any of the coven members about what their thoughts, or troubles are. You would only report to me, and Rose, keeping everyone else's secrets. You could also advise anyone in the coven on how to be better, with each other, and what we wish to accomplish."
Nana gave a small nod. "So, you want me to do what I have always done. The only difference would be spilling their secrets to you."
I nodded. "I know I can get whatever I want from their minds with a command, but if we are to grow our blood coven, I know my limitations. Despite my power, I cannot watch everyone at the same time.
"My plan is to have you as our coven's advisor, and Beth as a priestess. If other family members wish to join us, they must respect what we are putting in place."
"And it has nothing to do with your perversions, and hearing lewd whispers from all of our family?" Nana said with a wicked, shrewd tone.
I looked into her eyes with a growing heat.
"I could never hide anything from you. I don't think anyone can."
"Not in this family," Nana laughed. "I have seen it all, done it all. I know what lurks in our hearts. I have been on my knees enough times, come dripping from the corner of my mouth as your uncles sobbed over their wives. They could never resist our calling, even when I seduced their wives in front of them."
Nana put her hand on mine as she continued, "How those men stroked their cocks as I made their wives moan from my tongue. Your father was the only one who never felt shame for what we are. There were some regrets with others, but not with him. Not with you. I can sense your power, and desire. It fills me with hope. A hope I hadn't felt in a long time because the family talked about bringing the dark gods closer, but never actually doing it."
She squeezed my hand as I was mesmerized by her honesty.
"I've wanted this for a long time, to become more than this aging shell. To love you, as we all should be loved. The only thing I fear, is I may be unable to satisfy your demands. Rose has told me how much you need to spill your seed, and satisfy your urges. Even now, I'm wet thinking about it, but I fear, you may have to be gentle."
My eyes glowed with power. "Nana, I can help you regain some of your youth, and vitality. It is something I can give you, but only if you submit to our love."
Nana's eyes gleamed with joy. She reached up and touched my cheek.
"Gerald, you never had to say such a thing. You know in your heart, I would never turn you away. Even if you said I would have nothing, I would part my thighs for your love. I would drink it from your cock. You're my grandson, and I would be a vile thing not to take care of you."
My heart hammered in my chest, as my manhood began to strain against my pants.
"Nana, I know. This time together is not about urges and desires. It's about respect. I respect you with every part of my soul. I want you to know how important you are to me. That is why, I want you to be in charge of our fortress to be built in Maine."
Nana's eyes widened in disbelief.
"Gerald, I'm not sure what to say. This is wonderful. I...didn't expect this."
I smiled. "You're the only person I can trust to see it through to the end. Myself, and the rest of the coven will still have to leave here to open the remaining six rifts. It will be a long, dangerous journey. Victoria, and Harold will be your aids. Victoria can help with calls, planning, and being your assistant. Harold will be your driver and bodyguard.
"When we finish our dark work, I know I will have the future of our family in your hands.
"I may have to fly you out from time to time, just so we can spend time together."
Nana's eyes trembled, before a single tear streaked down her cheek.
"Gerald, you have made me very happy. I no longer have to be just a toy for others to play with. I can help build our legacy for the future, and beyond."
I smiled. "It's what I want for you, for all of us."
My grandmother reached over and hugged me so tight, I nearly spilled my drink. I held her with my arm, keeping her close. I could feel her happiness, and it warmed my broken soul. When she pulled back, she looked at me with happy eyes. She wiped away the tear as she smiled.
"You have impressed me, my grandson."
I pulled my hand back and looked at her with loving eyes.
"All you have to do, is be mine," I said.
Her demeanor shifted, inner demons licking their lips. She eyed me like a skilled huntress, seeking her favored prey. She leaned a little closer, and put her hand on my thigh, giving it a warm squeeze.
"To be yours, would be a wonderful honor," Nana said as she looked into my eyes.
Blood drained from my mind as my manhood grew harder. It strained against my pants like hungry serpent.
I shifted my gaze down as I felt fingers touch my bulge.
"The urges most be so terrible for you," Nana whispered in my ear. "I know the urges of young men very well. It's so hard to think when your needs are not met.
"Has your mother, and coven tended to you, regularly?"
I nodded, unable to speak as her touch distracted me. A haze fell over me, her fingers running along the outline of my covered cock.
Nana looked down as she touched me. "Even with so many, your urges continue to sing. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Always be proud of your hungers. They keep you young."
I pulled my gaze away to look at my grandmother. She looked so youthful, and warm. I could see the hunger in her own eyes, enjoying my moment of weakness. My mind barely worked as a thought slipped in.
"Nana, I want to show you my power," I whispered.
She nodded as she took hold of my zipper, and slowly pulled it down.
"Show me anything you desire," she hissed.
My spirit pulsed with a new vibration. I could feel the tendrils of chaos magic flowing into me, ready for my command. The dark gods had truly blessed me, and it would dishonor them if I didn't use such gifts.
Nana's fingers slipped past my open pants, when she looked down at her own dress. A slash ran up the side in a blink. Her blue dress peeled away, slipping from her curves.
My grandmother blinked as her dress curled into itself and fell from her body.
I slowly stood up and faced her, her hand slipping from my pants. I didn't blink as I looked at her now nude form. Heavy breasts defied gravity as brown nipples stood erect. I could still see her hourglass figure as she sat. Thich thighs were slightly parted, brown and gray curls of hair surrounded her pink slit. Wetness gleamed as I saw that she was telling the truth.
My gaze continued to drink in her body. Small stretchmarks ran along her thighs, hips, and stomach. They were barely noticeable, but I noticed them. I looked down on her, she becoming my favorite prey in my eyes.
Nana sat back with her palms on the bed behind her. She made no attempt to hide her naked form. Instead, she parted her thighs a little more, and looked up at me with a knowing darkness.
"Grandson, what will you do to me?" she asked as one of her hands moved between her thighs, massaging her clit.
My eyes gleamed with a deepening hunger. I took control of chaos. Invisible energies slashed across my clothes without touching my skin. That is the beauty of chaos magic, it defies the natural order of things. To use my mind and power, instead of my hands, go against order's way. The light uses the power of order verse chaos, but with my power, they will be hard pressed to challenge me for long.
Torn clothes fell away to the floor, before turning to dust. I stood naked before my grandmother, my cock throbbing and hard at the sight of her.
"I will show you the proper love, before I take what is mine," I said and lowered my body.
Nana watched with warm eyes as I moved my head between her tender thighs. I licked at her slit, tasting her dripping honey. She gasped in delight, before I buried my face and mouth between her thighs. I closed my mouth over her pink lips, my tongue stabbing and searching. When I grazed her clit, she let out a heated whimper. Her hand touched my head, fingers moving through my hair.
"That's my good grandson. Lick Nana. Lick her into submission."
I curled my arms around her thighs, keeping them parted as I licked and suckled at her engorged clit. Wetness bloomed along my lips and chin as I sucked and licked her clit.
I could feel her open her mind and body to me. I was able to slip in, and feel what we were both feeling. Her nerves fired with rosy heat. She tilted her head back with closed eyes, gently breathing through parted lips. Sensations tugged and pushed along her entire body. Her hips moved against me, rubbing her clit against my invading tongue.
Nana's eyes squeezed close as I licked her in just the right way.
"You' good at this," she said with a sultry whisper. "I...I know why my daughters talk so highly of you."
I listened and felt her. She trembled as I could feel her control slipping away. My fingers dug into her fleshy thighs. Her breathing grew ragged as her pulse grew.
"Grandson...I know you will treat me well. But...I want you to can fuck me. Make me yours. Make me your slut. The more your fuck me, the wetter I will get when you just enter a room."
I stayed to task, licking her with my eyes closed. Wet heat dripped along my soul. I could feel her sopping wet joy as I abused her clit with my tongue.
Sensations grew hotter. Nana flopped onto the bed, her legs hanging over the edge. Her breathing quickened as I felt her getting closer to the point of no return.
For me, it was wonderful just to kiss and lick her to my will. But I could feel years of frustration crashing down on her soul. Her breathing quickened. Moans floated up as she shivered again. There was a pressure building that was blinding her.
"I know you love me, Gerald. I love you so much, I...I can't stop," she managed to say before she let out an earthshattering moan.
I felt our souls become one as a river of explosions shattered our senses. I continued to lick as my grandmother's thigh and leg trembled. Wetness surged and I lapped at her. Tingling sensations roared across our connection, and we basked in it.
Nana trembled with closed eyes, her entire self, lost to bliss's touch. Paradise rained down as she writhed in velvet heat. Her soul quivered as she moved her hips to my mouth. I continued to lick her sensitive clit, but just as the moment dimmed, her hunger began to grow for more.
I pulled my face from between her thighs, and marveled at my work. She dripped with joy between quivering thighs. I could hear her gasp for breath, as a velvet hue clouded her senses.
I stood over her, taking my cock in my hand. I stroked to her beauty, as she fought to regain control of her senses.
I climbed onto the bed and stood on it. I looked down as Nana slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at me with fuzzy joy.
"You're ready," I whispered with loving eyes.
Nana turned and climbed onto the bed. She was on her knees before me, looking at my throbbing cock in my hand.
"Bless my throat, Gerald. Make me part of your coven, and your life," she said as she looked up with loving eyes.
I nodded.
She reached up and took hold of my erection. Her tongue snaked out and licked at it. I touched her cheek, and she closed her lips around the tip, sucking on it like a piece of candy.
Sensations rolled against me. I called out to the rest of the coven, who were just in the other room. I wanted them to witness it.
A side door opened. My mother led the way in, the rest of the coven following her. Smiles bloomed as they saw me standing on the bed, and Nana kneeling before me, my cock in her mouth. She sucked in inches at a time. Her tongue pressed under my shaft to the roof of her mouth, making everything tighter. Her head moved along my rigid manhood.
The coven moved around the bed. They all watched with warm, affectionate eyes.
My urges were driving me crazy. I had been so hard for Nana, for so long, I wanted to bless her throat the moment her lips touched my head. Instead, I kept my control as she tried to suck my willpower away.
"Grandmother Tulip," I announced.
My mother, aunts, and cousins, looked at us with adoring eyes.
My willpower cracked as the sensations, and sounds of her sucking began to overwhelm me.
"I bless you, as a true member of our blood coven," I managed before all control was lost, and I grunted hard.
White touched the edges of my soul as my cock thickened. Nana looked up with demonic eyes, as spurts of come painted the back of her throat. I groaned louder, pushing every drop of my soul into her. Her hand cupped my balls, and gave them a gentle squeeze. The moment caused me to let out my own moan, as she milked my cock with her mouth. My heart thudded in my chest as a piece of me broke away, pulsed into Nana's mouth, slipped down her throat, and curled around her heart, mind, and soul. She continued to gently suck on me, before my own legs began to tremble.
I pulled my cock from her mouth. Nana looked up at me with endearing eyes. My manhood bounced, unable to wilt because I was still turned on.
My grandmother stuck out her tongue, some of my come still pooled on it. Her tongue disappeared in her mouth, and she grinned.
"You taste so good, grandson," Nana said with warm affection.
Madness consumed me as I lowered down to my knees. I put my hand on her should and pushed her onto her back. I crawled over her as she looked up at me with heated eyes.
There was no ceremony as I was instantly on her. She spread her arms and thighs to me, and clamped down as my body was on hers. She let out a soft coo as my cockhead touched her dripping slit. A loving moan touched my ear as I pushed in.
"You're so big," she whispered and moaned as thick inches spread her inner world.
I could feel lust drip from the minds of everyone present. I looked through their eyes, seeing me pushing into Nana, and she moaning for more. She was not delicate as she pretended to be. She squeezed my cock like a vice every time I pulled back, Wet inches appeared and disappeared between us as I thrusted with a mountain of desire.
The connections within us grew with each passing moment. I felt her thoughts mingle with mine. We became one, just like the rest of the coven. I dove a little deeper, seeing long moments play out in her life. Treasured memories surfaced, of being fucked by many of the men in the family, all night long. She pretended to protest, only to keep the fire of lust burning longer. There was tremendous hunger for more, and not so strangely, Nana reminded me of Aunty Violet at times.
Nana held onto me as I invaded her thin inner valley. She let out wicked moans as my hips worked.
I was lost to her scent, her touch, and her horny desires. Her body tingled as I stuffed my cock to the hilt. Her moans grew louder. A shrill cry escaped her parted lips as her body shuddered hard from another river of orgasms.
Wetness flashed between us. I thrusted deep before my cock thickened again.
I pressed my lips to Nana's, our tongues swirling as thick spurts of come flooded her tight pussy. My hips moved of their own accord, pushing every drop of my love into her. When the flame of lust ebbed, I pulled up a bit, my cock slipping from her.
I stood on my knees and looked down on Nana. Her thighs were parted as she gasped for breath. Come and honey spilled from her slit. Her body quivered as she was lost to spirals of magical bliss.
I looked at the rest of the coven, our family. They looked at us with proud eyes, our coven growing by one.
I looked down on Nana as I spoke, "Everyone, welcome Nana to the coven, and show her our love."
Beth, Dana, and Theo began shedding their clothes. My mother and aunts simply looked at me with loving eyes, our family becoming that much closer.
The world beyond the windows was dark. Ethereal moans sang as heat and dim light filled large room.
I sat on a couch, facing the large bed. My mother was to my right, and Lily was to my left. Violet was between my legs, sucking on my half-hard cock. All four of us were naked. The three of us watched as Nana sucked on Theo's cock. She was on her back, sucking on Theo who was on his knees by her head. Nana's legs were spread as Dana licked at her abused clit and pussy. Beth was close by, watching the moment as she made soft swirls around her own clit.
Plump lips ran along my cock as I enjoyed the show. My mother leaned close, her full breasts against me arm, and her hand on my thigh. Lily was close as well. She let out a soft gasp as my finger massaged her clit.
The coven had been at it for many hours. I had thought Nana would have been exhausted by now, but she never seemed to tire. Our connection glowed hot as she lost count to the numerous orgasms that filled her.
"I fear, the rest of the family may not be so eager to join us," my mother said as she squeezed my thigh.
I nodded. "When they start arriving, we will have to use other methods to keep them in line."
I pulled my hand from between Lily's thighs and held it up. Mother and Lily looked at my raised hand. I concentrated as chaos filled my soul. I poured it all together, and a before our eyes, a black shard appeared.
"Mother, Mama Lily," I said as they snuggled closer. "We must always have control, one way, or another. If they won't join us willingly, then we will ensure they are servants to our will."
I turned to my mother and smiled. "I grant you a dark blessing," I said.
The shard left my hand and hovered closer to my mother. Rose shifted her upper body and looked at the floating shard. In a blink, the shard stabbed between her breasts, and sank into her pale flesh. She gasped, not in pain, but ecstasy.
I could feel the shard break into two, and float deeper until they each stabbed into her broken soul.
I created a second shard in my hand. In a flash, it shot for Lily, stabbing between her cleavage. Again, it broke in two and penetrated her broken soul.
Rose and Lily writhed against me as Violet's head bobbed in my lap. Tendrils of ecstasy lashed to all of us, and I explored the connections.
I looked at my mother's naked breasts. They grew a little bigger, a little firmer. She heaved with dripping ecstasy, her eyes half-closed. She reached up to her erect nipples, and began to massage them with slow circles. She panted as I could feel her getting closer to an orgasm.
Lily gasped next to me, her whole both writhing as she rubbed her sensitive nipples.
"I feel it, my son. I feel your blessing," mother moaned before she let out a small cry.
I watched in devilish delight as black milk began to leak from my mother's heavy breasts. She let out a louder moan as orgasmic tendrils made her quiver.
I lowered my mouth to her leaking nipple. My tongue slathered on black milk, before I closed my lips and began to suck.
Energy, heat, and vitality touched my tongue, before my entire form was flooded by it. My half-hard cock grew thicker in Violet's mouth. She moaned her approval as I was beyond rigid in her mouth now.
I sucked down more black milk, my mother clutching my head to her as orgasms shattered her mind and body. She whimpered in joy as I sucked energy and life from her full breast.
"Gerald, it feels so good," Lily moaned as black milk leaked from her nipples as she massaged them.
I pulled away and latched onto her nipple. She let out a wicked giggle as I drank from her as well.
I felt incredible, power welling up in me. My muscles filled with new strength. My mind worked like it was clear of all doubt. The more I drank, the better I felt. When it reached its zenith, my cock thickened before thick ropes of come filled my aunt's throat. She moaned with her mouth full as she drank obscene amounts of seed.
I pulled my mouth away and heaved. The energy was still there, and I was still hard as diamond. Violet didn't stop, sucking on me like it was a dream.
I turned to my mother as she looked at me with adoring eyes.
"To those in our blood coven, your black milk with re-vitalize and renew any who drink from you.
"To those not of the blood coven, one taste and they will do anything to drink more. The need, and hunger, will be insidious. They will want your milk, and do as we say, but a hunger will grow after a time. A madness will consume them, break them down to whimpering beasts. They will never raise a hand to you, or us. They will be enthralled to your milk, and under our control."
Rose gave a weak nod, black milk leaking from her heavy breasts.
"It's beautiful," my mother sighed.
I looked at her with knowing eyes. "Once we have more of the family under our control, we will open the remaining rifts, and end this dark crusade. A new kingdom will rise, as we bring the old ways back to this realm. I swear it."
"I'm so proud of you," my mother said weakly.
"We are all proud of you," Mama Lily whispered.
Moans from the bed played on like a midnight symphony. I took in the moment, feeling time slip by, and slowly replaced with a new dark destiny.
"Please, my son. Suck on my tit. Suck on momma," my mother begged.
"Anything for you, Mom," I said as I clasped my lips around her leaking nipple, dark dreams painting a new future, and heralding the coming of the old gods.