Chapter 01
Author's note:
This is my first attempt at an incest/taboo story. I've never felt comfortable writing in this genre, mostly because I wasn't sure I could write something that resonated emotionally, but I recently had this idea for these two characters and their relationship that I felt I wanted to explore. I hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment if you'd like to read a part two.
"And that's chapters twelve and thirteen for next week's class and remember your essay is due at the end of the month." Professor Turnell closed her laptop as the class got up and started filing out of the auditorium. I lingered a bit, my phone in hand and my heart racing a bit. Needlessly, really -- worst thing that could happen was nothing. I headed down to the lectern.
"Excuse me, Professor?" She looked up at me and smiled. She glanced at the door but we were practically alone already.
"You can call me Harriet when we're alone, Dan." She said. I nodded and placed my smartphone on the lectern while I fished out my textbook.
"I had some questions about chapter eleven I didn't get to in class." I went through something from our chapter today that I had only bothered to skim through so I could feign ignorance convincingly. Turnell -- Harriet -- patiently explained some basic concepts to me about economics.
I was taking a computer science degree but the only stupid college nearby forced you to minor in any of a bunch of bullshit subjects. I'd chosen economics precisely because of Harriet, although it hadn't turned out quite like I'd hoped, so now I was reverting to plan B.
After a few minutes I heard a gentle buzz from my phone and thanked her for her time.
"Of course, any time." I packed away my textbooks, grabbed my phone and headed out. "Say hi to your mom!" she called out.
"I will!"
Once out in the corridor I quickly checked my phone and stopped myself from punching the air in victory -- so far so good.
Once home I dumped my backpack of books on the floor of my room and went straight to my PC. I plugged my phone in and started looking at the results in more detail when there was a knock on the open door.
"Hey! What you up to?" My cousin Adelaine said. She wore sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt and looked like she just woke up.
"Didn't know anyone was home." I replied, curtly.
"I was asleep." She said, groggily.
"How come you're here?"
"I don't know... I was bored and no-one was home at my place so I came over."
"No-one was home here, either."
"Yeah but I didn't know that until I came over. What you up to?" she sat down on my bed and glanced at my computer screen. "What's all that stuff?" she asked, staring at my half-assed build.
"It's a program I wrote."
"What's it do?" I sighed.
"It brute-forces an open Bluetooth connection to accept unknown devices despite-" Ade made a loud, drawn-out snoring noise, demonstrably.
"Well why d'you ask, then?" I cried out.
"What's it for?!"
"It's a hacking tool."
"Hacking? Like..." she searched for something then disregarded it and instead her eyes lit up excitedly. "Cool!" she said. Ade was a troublemaker and always had been. She had smoked, gotten into fights, hung out with boys and shoplifted all throughout her teenage years, driving my aunt crazy. My aunt and my mom were both of the opinion she was a bad influence on me. They weren't entirely wrong. I smoked my first cigarette because of her and she taught me how to shoplift, but I'd never really kept up with her. She had probably not been a great teacher of morals, though, and as we'd grown up essentially as siblings I'd seen her as my cool, rebellious older sister and tried to emulate her. At least for a while.
"Who are you gonna hack?" she asked, excitedly.
"I've already hacked someone."
"Harriet. Erm, professor Turnell."
"Cool! Why?"
"I thought I'd get away with picking economics because she knows mom -- thought she'd let me slide. But she doesn't."
"Sooo... why did you hack her?"
"To see if she can give me an in to the school system."
"But why her? Why not one of the other teachers?"
"My other teachers teach computer science. Way too dangerous. Harriet probably doesn't that much about cybersecurity."
"So you hacked her laptop?"
"No, actually I hacked her watch."
"Her watch?"
"Yeah. She has a smart watch and smart watches tend to have easier security than phones -- but they connect to your phone using Bluetooth. Once I was into her watch I'm into her phone."
"And then?"
"And then I wait for her to come home, her phone will connect to her Wi-Fi and then I can access whatever device that connects to her Wi-Fi. Or, well, I should be able to."
"...aaaand?" Ade said.
"And from there I get access to her work laptop and her login credentials to the school system. Where I can find grade details and change them!"
"That's a lot of work just to cheat."
"I can't waste my time on fucking economics!" I cried out. "It's so fucking boring."
"Then why d'you pick it?!"
"Because I thought Harriet would be cool about it! Fuck!" Ade laughed like she always did when she was irritating me.
"Are you sure you didn't pick economics because she's hoooot?" she sang.
"Fuck you." I suspect a lot of my classmates had picked economics for that reason, though. Harriet was hot, there was no doubt about that. Tall, slim but with curves in all the right places.
"Well whatever, is she home yet?"
"No not yet."
"Then come TV or play something with me, I'm bored!" I sighed.
Later in the evening when Ade had gotten tired of me kicking her ass in Smash Bros and went back to her place I sat down in front of my PC again and took a look. My program reported it had discovered a Wi-Fi network and spotted three new devices connected to it -- but it wouldn't start running a hack attempt for the network itself without my input. I studied the settings of her home network -- all I could see from the outside. Nothing too surprising; basic encryption using an off-the-shelf router, probably the one her ISP provided. Usually those came with a default password based on the name of the Wi-Fi-network itself, but Harriet had at least changed the name of her Wi-Fi to 'Harriet's Wifi' so no joy there. My program couldn't grab the password from her phone even if it was stored, but it could run a hack from her phone and since her phone was connected to the Wi-Fi it was trying to hack the router or whatever security program she was using shouldn't register it as a threat.
So I set it off to do its work -- I had no idea how long it might take so I knew there was no point in just sitting around waiting.
But I had other things I could do. I grabbed my phone and ran another program I'd built to transfer the data from it to my 'burner' phone -- just another smartphone without a sim card; it didn't need one. Then I used that phone to 'clone' Harriet's phone contents; text message, phone call logs, apps, gallery the works. Anything password-protected on her phone was still off-limits unless she had an active login that she never refreshed but I could pick and choose what I wanted to access later and try to brute-force those passwords one at a time.
Seeing as it was downloading stuff from Harriet's phone to my phone and then to my burner phone this would also take forever though. Luckily tomorrow was a Saturday so I had all day to go through it all. With everything running I went to sleep.
"Look, he rises." Mom said as I entered the kitchen the next morning. I knew she was just back from her night shift and was making herself a light dinner before heading off to bed. I grumbled in return and she put a hand to her ear.
"I'm sorry what was that, Frankenstein?"
"I said 'hi mom'."
"Morning, honey. How was school?"
"You doing alright in your classes?"
"Good. And you're enjoying them alright?"
"What's the weather on Mars like today?"
"Fine." Mom sighed and went back to scrolling through her phone. I felt a twinge of guilt, she was just trying to be nice but I could tell she was trying too hard to be 'mom-y' and it often annoyed me.
I should tell you about my mom, to explain.
Mom came from a normal, boring middle-class family and joined the army when she was 19. She qualified to become a helicopter pilot and went to Iraq in '03. She met my dad there while he was working as a flight engineer, and the way my aunt tells it they fell instantly in love and had an intense love affair. I have no idea what the truth is because mom won't talk about him. Anyway, mom got pregnant in '04 and got shipped back to the states, dad was supposed to join her just before she was due.
Then my dad's truck ran over an IED and that's why I've never met him and never will.
So mom had to raise me herself. And I think we would have been okay if it weren't for one thing: She didn't raise me. She gave birth to me and when I was five months old she placed me in my aunt's care and went back to the Army. This time she got shipped to Afghanistan and apart for a few months when she was back home on leave she spent the next five years there until one day her helicopter developed a technical fault right after lift-off. It was fifteen feet up in the air when the rotor suddenly sheered clean off and the whole thing dropped straight down like a stone.
Her copilot was paralyzed, and mom broke both hips. She spent three months recovering and then they sent her home with a medical discharge and a pain killer addiction.
Back in the states she stayed with us at my aunt's place for a few months before she left again. She spent two years doing I don't know what before returning. At some point during those two years she'd cleaned up, gotten into a veteran's program for dealing with trauma and was doing much better, though she had about a hundred dollars to her name. This time, finally, she actually stayed and tried to play mom to me.
It took a really long time -- I was seven years old and I had practically only seen pictures of her. But to her credit she really did try. After a while we got along and eventually I came to love her and started calling her mom. When I was ten we had a long talk where she finally gave me a genuine, honest apology for leaving me with my aunt. After that I started spending more time with her and eventually I moved in with her.
We were happy. Sort of. Mom was poor and really couldn't afford to take care of me, but my god did she try. She worked herself to the bone taking late shifts at the airport as an air traffic controller for years to keep me clothed, fed and comfortable. She was making up for past sins.
Remembering this I drew a deep breath and apologized.
"Sorry mom, I don't mean to be grumpy. School's okay, I'm just a bit frustrated with some classes." Her face lit up as I actually engaged with her.
"Well if it's not hard work someone's probably playing you for a fool." She said and I nodded and pulled a juice out of the fridge and looked over at her.
I often tried to imagine my mom the way she must have been when I was little -- a badass helicopter pilot - but couldn't quite picture it. I'd seen photos of her of course, but they were usually pretty crappy. And years of reduced physical activity had taken its toll -- she used to love running but her legs didn't heal right after the accident and if she tried more than a light jog around the neighborhood they would start hurting her and not stop for days. She wasn't in terrible shape, though; she did yoga and tried to keep to a diet -- but she carried more weight than she liked and her belly poked out over her waist no matter what she wore. She usually had bags under her eyes, too and rarely put on anything except professional make-up and wore her hair in a tight bun. I ate breakfast and she finished her dinner while we talked a little about nothing in particular.
"Okay, well I'm down for repairs." Mom said. "But we're still on for that movie tonight, right?"
"Yeah we are. Sleep well, mom."
"See ya. Love you."
"You too, mom." I finished my breakfast and then went back to my room. We lived in a three bedroom apartment; a rental. My mom would never own her own home -- for all her hard work that would never happen.
My program to break her Wi-Fi was still working, but at least her phone was done copying. I started going through the phone contents.
I'll admit this was mostly for my curiosity -- I didn't expect to get anything from this -- but there was always a possibility she'd used her phone to log in to the teacher network. I read through some of her text messages and found a few messages for my mom, mostly just the two of them setting up lunch dates and alike. After maybe twenty minutes I'd found nothing so I put it to the side for now and thought about going out for a swim or something when my program cracked her Wi-Fi password.
I'd honestly expected for it to work all weekend and maybe longer -- I must have gotten lucky.
With access to her home network I could now see all her connected devices; apart from her smart watch and phone her laptop was accessible to me now, as well as her home computer. I hadn't entirely expected to see a home computer to be honest, but there it was. A little curious, and already a little warmed up from snooping around her phone I decided I'd have a quick peek in there.
Nothing special at first glance. She used her personal computer for emailing her parents, keeping a diary, storing photos etc. I perused dozens of folders containing different personal documents and looked at one or two but I was just messing around -- I wasn't all that interested.
That is until I found a folder called 'Vacation snaps 2000s'. What caught my eye about that, you might ask? Nothing, until I glanced at the folder info: Fifty-four gigabytes.
Unless she'd gathered tens of thousands of photos from vacations over the 2000s something was up. I opened the folder and found not tens of thousands of photos but several hundred video clips. Old video clips. They were all untitled and I opened one at random.
Yes, I'd be lying if I hadn't expected -- or rather hoped -- to find what I found as soon as I saw the size of this folder. But even so, my heart leapt and my throat ran dry as the video started playing.
The video was pretty low-quality, probably filmed on a camcorder. I hastily fumbled with my headphones and made sure my door was closed and locked before putting them on. There was a poorly captured techno beat in the background as the scene started out; Harriet was in center frame wearing a simple, black bikini and laughing and dancing in the middle of some garden party. She was younger but I honestly couldn't tell much difference- Harriet had aged beautifully, plus the quality was so low it probably made it less obvious. The cameraman walked up to her, said something that I couldn't make out and Harriet nodded eagerly, then dropped to her knees and engulfed the cameraman's naked penis with her mouth. Two other guys in the background watched and high-fived each other while drunk people milled about behind.
I watched in rapt attention as my Economics Professor performed fellatio until the guy popped and shot ropes of semen all over her face. Harriet laughed and waved at the camera, one eye closed because of the semen running over her eyebrow and down her cheek. The whole video was less than three minutes long.
I sat in dead silence for a moment, thinking about what I'd just found. I looked at the file count. Two hundred and twelve videos. They were all named only dates and stretched from 2003 to 2010. The later ones were on average much larger in file size, either because they were longer or because they were higher quality, I didn't know yet.
I clicked on the next one. It seemed like it was from the same party, or maybe another one in the same place and Harriet was wearing the same bikini. She danced around, her modest boobs jiggling around in beat with her dancing. Someone walked up behind her -- a woman in a red bikini. They leaned in to each other and kissed and then the kiss turned more passionate and they undid each other's bikini tops and pressed their chests together while they kissed and drunken frat boys hooted and hollered.
"Should we go upstairs?!" The cameraman said and Harriet looked at the camera. 'What' she mouthed and the cameraman repeated his question, this time shouting over the noise and Harriet laughed and said sure.
There was an edit and the next shot the camera was on a tripod facing a bed. Harriet, the girl in the red bikini and, I assumed, the cameraman. Harriet and her friend both went down on their hands and knees and gave the man a blowjob together for a few minutes before Harriet whispered something to him. They changed position and I watched as Harriet, one of my mom's few friends who'd stuck with her through all the bullshit and was now a college professor got railed from behind while her drunken friend watched and played with herself.
The video ended with the man coming on both of their faces, though with the camera as far from the bed as it was you could barely see anything.
Holy shit. I thought to myself. I've struck fucking gold!
I spent most of that day thinking. I watched two more videos before I realized I had to stop: My head was spinning with ideas and what to do next.
The first thing I did was take a copy of the entire folder and move it over to my own secure storage. I figured odds were really slim Harriet would discover I was doing anything but just in case she did now I had the goods.
Next I asked myself what the hell I was doing?
Listen, if you think I was behaving terribly from the start I get it, but let me explain to you in detail what my plan was:
With access to her internal school account I wouldn't actually need to do anything in her name. See, I happened to know something about our school's IT system -- because it was a college that featured a major and pretty well-regarded computer science department they had, as you might expect, pretty robust security. But the college also featured a bunch of computer science teachers who knew better than some stupid twenty-something IT administrator and so they had insisted on being given admin rights within the system. And the IT administrator, not really caring, had not given just the computer science teachers those rights but all teachers. Including Harriet.
So, once I was in I could use Harriet's account not to change my grade but to create a new user, give that user rights to change grades and then use that user to change my grade. Except obviously I'd change a bunch of other peoples' grades, too, and not just in her class but in a bunch of classes; ones she had nothing to do with. Yes, there'd be a record saying that she was the one who assigned that user the admin role, but I felt certain I could delete that record or at least muddy the waters.
She wasn't going to get into trouble. And even if it got traced back to her she hadn't broken any rules. There were no campus rules about smart watches or not having Bluetooth turned on (never have your Bluetooth on in public settings, folks), she hadn't acted careless or told someone her login details or anything like that. I had used a method that only required close physical proximity to one of her smart devices, something no teacher at the school had any realistic way of avoiding.
I hadn't wanted to get her into trouble.
So what exactly was I thinking about right now... what, blackmailing her?
I tried the thought on for size. I won't deny it excited me. I saw myself in front of Harriet, holding my phone up to her with a video of her playing.
"Get down on your knees or tomorrow morning the whole school will know." I imagined myself saying and then Harriet's trembling voice begged me not to before she finally, reluctantly put her mouth on my dick and went to work.
Yes, the thought had appeal...
...but there were limits. Harriet didn't deserve that. Nobody deserved that. No. Harriet was my mom's friend, to boot. A good friend, from what little I'd picked up over the years. Mom didn't have any friends left from when she grew up except Harriet, I think. Hell at first when she came back from Afghanistan Aunt Chrissy barely wanted to speak to her, she kept up a façade for my sake until mom fucked off again. When she came back mom had to do a lot of groveling and a lot of repair work. Aunt Chrissy had told me some of it a few years ago and explained that mom had wanted to patch things up sooner but she kept refusing, saying she needed to focus on making things right with me first.
But Harriet had stood by her through it all, at least that's what I'd come to understand.
No, no way I could do that to her. I would just leave this alone. Forget about the whole thing. Let it go, find some other way of passing my Economics class. Maybe I could just do the work. Really just hunker down and focus. Fuck all this bullshit.
...since the videos were right here anyway...
I was a red-blooded male, after all. What do you expect me to do, just ignore the huge stash of porn I found of my hot professor?
So I watched another one.
This one wasn't at a party -- all four of the ones I'd watched so far had been at, if not the same party then the same kind of party. This one was more intimate. It started with Harriet sitting in a dark-green sofa in jeans and a tight tank-top. You could see her nipples through it and she smiled at the cameraman.
"Hey there, honey." She smiled.
"Hi. Whatcha doin?" the cameraman asked.
"Nothing. Whatcha doin'?"
"Oh, you know, just thinking about you." Harriet laughed.
"Oh yeah? Thinking about what?"
"Your body."
"You wanna fuck me?"
"Then fuck me." She whispered. From first-person view I watched Harriet get down on her knees again and, predictably, started sucking the guy off. Only this was different from the party vids. In those she was wild, crazy (and I assume drunk). In this one she was totally different. She closed her eyes and closed her mouth on her partner's dick as if it was the thing she wanted most in the whole world. Her lips engulfed him and she sucked on him slowly, tenderly.
Soon, however, she stopped and looked up at the camera with eager eyes.
"Fuck me now?" she asked, sincerely and turned around. Soon he was fucking her doggystyle and for the first time in any of these videos I got a good view of her ass.
She looked incredible. Her ass was curvy and thick and just above where the guy's cock entered her I kept staring at her tight, exposed butthole and instantly I started thinking about fucking her there.
Getting more and more excited, I played the next one. This one was back at a party, the same generic techno music playing in the background. There were one or two people milling about in the background but Harriet appeared in front of the camera sitting together with another woman on a green couch; the other lady was blond, slim and shapely and dressed in a tight t-shirt.
"Hi!" Harriet cried and the other woman laughed; she was clearly a bit drunk.
"This is my friend." Harriet said and the other woman caught her breath between breaths long enough to say her name was Abby.
"And tonight's a special night for you." Harriet said and Abby nodded.
"Yeah, I'm shipping out tomorrow!"
Wait I thought. That voice... that face...
"Where are you going?"
"Iraq! I'm gonna fight for democracy and liberty!" she said and laughed again.
N-no... no way.
"So it's your last night in the country?"
"What do you wanna do to make it memorable?" Harriet said and Abby laughed and hid her face for a few moments, then looked up at the camera.
"I want to suck some big, fat American cock! Woooo!" she shouted. And stripped down to her bra. And leaned forwards and like magic a dick showed up in frame and she gobbled it down greedily. But I didn't look at that. I looked at her exposed shoulder.
She had a tattoo. A coat of arms featuring a single white wing with a yellow lightning bolt behind it. It looked pretty new. The one my mom had in the exact same spot was faded.
Probably super-common, probably thousands, tens of thousands of people get tattoos like that when they join up. It's probably a branch of the army that hundreds of thousands of people have served in since '03. And Abby is a common name and lots of people joined the military after 9/11 and Jesus Christ that's my mom.
My mom made happy, smacking noises with her mouth on the video while Harriet pulled back her long, blonde hair -- hair that I know knew was gray and cut much shorter and I closed the video.
I sat still, considering the situation carefully.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck Jesus Christ fuck fuck fuck.
This was a tricky, multi-faceted position, indeed.
Motherfucker sonnuvabitch fucking ass shit!
Well I'm sorry -- did you ever find porn featuring your mother giving blowjobs to strangers together with her friend, your college professor? No? Shut up then. I had some processing to do.
After a few minutes I'd calmed down a bit and was starting to think again. But mainly what I thought was did I want to watch more?
Of course not!
Yeah you do. a voice in my head said.
...maybe just a little more. Maybe it wasn't really mom? The girl in the video looked totally different! Different her, different clothes, different makeup.
That's right, and people never change their hair, clothes or makeup over the course of twenty years so it's probably not even her! Give it another look.
I did. I watched the rest of the video. By the end when Abby smiled at the camera her face now plastered with cum and Harriet and her gave each other a quick kiss before both waving goodbye at the camera I couldn't even lie to myself anymore. It was mom, one hundred percent. Yes her hair was blonde, not gray and she didn't have any crows' feet and wore makeup that was more attractive than professional, but it was mom. No doubt.
I sat perfectly still and silent for a minute, feeling the rapid beating of my heart. Then I played the video again. I watched mom leave the sofa and drop down to her knees.
I watch the guy's dick disappear into her mouth. Through my headphones I heard her make smacking sounds and stop for a moment and then my mom's voice congratulated the guy for having such a nice dick. I watched her run her tongue down his shaft and by the time Harriet leaned in to help her suck him off my hand was down my sweatpants.
I was pitching an absolute tent and I wasn't thinking about what I was doing too hard -- I was sure I'd stop if I did. I lied to myself, said I was focusing on Harriet but no -- my eyes were on mom the whole time. I'd watched a lot of porn (duh) and rarely -- maybe never -- had I seen anyone so enthusiastic about blowjobs. I'd had a blowjob, too, though only once and the girl had not liked it anywhere near as much as Abby seemed to love sucking this guy off. As the guy blasted her face with cum I came, too -- quietly, biting my lip not too make a sound. Mom was a heavy sleeper but still.
With a mess in my pants I sat, breathing heavily with the video paused on my mom's cheery, semen-stained face and knew, without a shadow of a doubt that it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen in my entire life.
"That looks so fake!" Mom cried out in objection. "Not realistic at all!"
"Hmm?" I said, my mind suddenly brought back to the moment.
"Look at that! What moron thinks that's real?"
"I- err what's wrong with it?" I asked.
"First of all no sane pilot would ever fly that low and secondly at that bank angle that chopper would lose control and Mister Musclemass and his little girlfriend would all turn into pastasauce on the side of that skyscraper- oh good now the bad guy's got a fucking RPG- aaaaaand it's somehow a magic heat-seeking RPG-7, of course. God, what trash!" she grinned at me and I nodded quietly.
I couldn't focus on the movie even a little. Every time I tried within moments my mind (and eyes) wandered to my mom. I noted her gray, once blond hair. I noticed how she had gained a lot of weight in twenty years and that a lot of it had gone to her breasts and her ass. I studied her curves; far less slim and her belly was certainly more noticeable but man did she have stuff where it counted, I thought. And then I would look at her mouth and imagine-
And then I would realise what I was doing, snap out of it and pay attention to the movie for another five or six seconds before repeating the process again.
Also, I had a raging hard-on that I struggled to hide.
A few more minutes elapsed before my mom reached for the remote.
"Okay" she said and paused the movie. "what's going on?"
"H-huh?" I asked, panicked.
"What's going on? Usually when we watch these dumb action movies half the fun is ripping into them together but I can tell your mind's somewhere else, so what's going on?"
"Bullshit, I know something's up. Let's hear it."
"Mom, please, it's nothing."
"Nothing my ass -- Dan, come on."
"Mom, I... look I don't wanna talk about it."
"Talk about what?"
"Fucking drop it, Abby!" I snapped and instantly regretted it. I only called mom by her name when I was mad -- a hangover from when she first came back into my life and I didn't call her mom for almost a year. Mom closed her eyes for just a moment but it was enough for me to see she was keeping herself in check.
"Okay. Okay. Okay, Dan. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, you... you don't have to tell me what's going on if you don't want." Mom resumed the film and we watched in silence for a while. Finally I reached over and grabbed the remote and paused it.
"I found something online and... it... upset me, I guess." Mom looked at me, clearly not understanding.
"Something that upset you?"
"Yeah. I guess."
"Like wh-" her eyes suddenly opened. "Oh. Oh. Oh I think I know." She sat up straight and faced me and I couldn't help but notice her breasts -- mom's choice of relaxed wear for movie night was a low-cut comfy top that just happened to show off her cleavage. Until today I'd never paid any mind but today... I had to tear my eyes away.
"I... I've been waiting for this. I knew you'd find out some day."
"You did?!"
"Of course. It's... only natural."
"Mom-" I said, starting to suspect.
"It's okay, Dan. I... I obviously wish I could have told you but it's... it's hard for me to talk about."
"So, what did you find?"
"...I found out about dad ages ago, mom." She blinked.
"You... you did?"
"Yeah. When I was sixteen I did some serious googling one night and I found two articles that talked about what happened. It even mentioned you by name as his..."
"...fiancée." Mom filled in.
"Mmm. It said he, erm... it said he was pronounced on the scene and some stuff about his family."
"Yeah." Mom said, quietly. I said nothing.
"He was really excited to be a dad, you know." Mom finally managed. I didn't know what to respond to that.
"Okay, so... if it wasn't that what was it you found?"
"I... it doesn't matter."
"No, come on honey, talk to me."
"It's fine."
"I found a video."
"Video? What video?" Mom sounded confused.
"I found a video... online... of... Harriet. And you." Mom kept looking at me with her face scrunched up in confusion. Then it dawned on her and she suddenly stood up.
"Oh god."
"Oh god. Oh god. Oh god no."
"You mean it's... it's out there?"
"Er- just the one video." I lied.
"Oh god what if someone from work-"
"Mom, relax! No-one's gonna see it and even if they did they won't recognize you!"
"You did!"
"You're my mom!" Mom's face took on a new kind of terror.
"Oh my god. Oh my god Dan, I-" she buried her face in her hands and was quiet for several moments, breathing heavily.
"I am so sorry, Dan." she said, her voice breaking. "I'm so embarrassed I'm-" she was practically crying now." "I never wanted-"
"Mom, it's okay!" I said, standing up and awkwardly just stood there. I wasn't sure what to do. Hug her? I guess.
"Mom, it's okay." I repeated.
"How can it be okay?!" she said, tears now streaming down her eyes.
"It is! I-" I began, faltered, then slowly, carefully proceeded. "I... didn't mind. I mean don't mind."
"What do you mean you don't mind it?" mom said, looking at me confused.
"I mean I kinda liked it." Fuck. Did I just say that? Mom stared at me in silence.
"What do you mean you 'liked' it?"
"I mean... I mean it was... I don't know you just looked so... seemed so... like... energetic. It was... nice."
"I need to sit down." She did. I sat down, too. She stared into space for a while.
"What... what video was it?"
"It was-"
"No, wait I don't want to know!"
"Okay." Another long silence.
"How... when- okay what video was it?"
"I think it was from just before you went overseas."
"Okay." She was quiet again for a really long time. "I was very young then. Young, and stupid... I'm probably still stupid."
"I was a fucking moron. I don't want- I didn't want you to ever know the woman I was then."
"Because if I did I might turn out stupid, too?" She laughed at that and it broke some of the tension.
"You didn't mean... when you said you liked it, you don't mean..." she looked at me, the first time we'd made eye contact in a while.
"I... I just... it was just... I couldn't... stop watching."
"Do you mean to tell me you actually watched the whole thing?"
"I'm sorry, mom, I couldn't help it!"
"I am your mother!"
"I know, I just... I couldn't help it! It was hot!"
"Oh shut up!"
"It was! You were- you are hot!"
"I'm a dumb bitch who couldn't take care of her son!"
"Mom, don't say that!"
"I'm in my forties and I've got hips like a goddamn seventy-year old! I've got back problems, gray hair and a son who I barely met until he was seven." I froze.
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"You hate me for it, don't you?"
"No, mom."
"How could you not? I fucked up everything in my entire life and that includes you!"
"You didn't fuck me up."
"You just told me you liked watching me-" she stopped herself and looked away.
"Is... I... I'm sorry, mom. I... it surprised me, too?" I said and to my great relief mom laughed a little. Then a little more. Then suddenly she was giggling and I was giggling, too. We giggled like morons for I'm sure a full minute before it passed.
"I..." she began. "Thank you for being honest about it." Well... sort of. I thought. Seventy percent honest, or thereabouts.
"But that was the only video you found?" she asked.
"Yeah. I... I looked around a bit but that was the only one."
"Does... that mean there were more?" Mom mouthed a curse word.
"Yes." she admitted. "But don't be getting any ideas! I hope the rest are long gone. Harriet swore she deleted them all forever." Sorry, no such luck. Harriet lied to you.
"Why- erm... how did you get into it?"
"Into what?"
"I... I don't know. Porn?" Mom laughed.
"I never thought of it as that. They were just... I don't know, Harriet and I both liked to party. Sometimes her boyfriend and her would fool around in front of people and sometimes they brought a camera. They talked me into it."
"Did you like it?"
"It was stupid." she said. I waited. "Sure. At the time I thought it was fun. Exciting."
"It looked exciting." Mom blushed.
"Honey, I... I really never wanted you to see that."
"I'm glad I did. I can't stop thinking about it."
"Sorry. Only... it's true. I've been thinking about it all evening." I couldn't resist but glance down at my mom's chest. She caught my eye and covered herself with her arms.
"You're hot, mom. And that video was hot as fuck."
"Dan, don't talk like that!"
"I keep imagining what it would feel like-"
"Stop!" her voice was forceful. "Don't say it. Don't. You can't think about it like that, can't think about me like that!"
"But I am." I stated, flatly. Mom stood up.
"Well fucking stop it! I'm going out, I need some fresh air and to clear my head." She walked past me into the hallway, grabbed her coat and walked out.
I heard her come back from my bed late that evening, nearly midnight. I had waited for a few hours to see if she would come back but eventually gave up and got into bed, feeling miserable.
Well what did you think would happen, genius?
Yeah, what did I think would happen? Nothing, really. It's not like I'd gone in with a plan, I just... I'd just been honest. Or maybe stupid.
There was a knock on my door.
"Honey?" Mom's voice called out from the other side. "You up?"
"Yeah." She opened the door gently and looked in. I still had my reading light on.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure." She walked inside and sat on the bed. I studied her closely, wondering if she'd been drinking, but I didn't think so. She very rarely drank these days but I did know what she looked (and smelled like) drunk.
"Sorry for storming out." She said after a long silence.
"It's cool."
"It's not." She said firmly. "But you... you really caught me off guard today, honey, I hope you realise that."
"I do. I'm sorry, mom." Another long silence.
"Did you actually mean what you said?" My mouth went dry.
"W-what part?"
"The part where you... when- did you really imagine what it would be like?"
"Yeah. I did." I said, suddenly feeling very hot and very embarrassed. I wore boxers only and the covers were up to my chest, but I'm sure she could tell I was growing a boner. She said nothing, just stared at me for the longest time.
"Have you ever... had one?" she asked and I felt even more embarrassed.
"Susan. Last year."
"I fucking knew that girl was a slut!" Mom said and shook her head.
"She... wasn't really into it." I said, pathetically. Mom smiled a little.
"And if you had a chance... even if it was just the one time and then never again... would you really like to know?"
"Y-yeah." Mom looked at me sincerely, questioningly.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"I am."
"You're kind of a fucked up kid."
"Got kind of a fucked up mom." She smiled and took a deep breath. She stood up and took her top off. Underneath she wore a dark bra; not particularly sexy but it made her breasts look even bigger.
"I'm not getting that top stained." she explained with a shrug. "And I can't stand on my knees for long these days so you're gonna have to make room in bed." In a daze I schooched myself up until I was sitting upright, my back against the headboard and mom got into bed with me. She pulled the covers off me and glanced down at my crotch.
"Want to show me what I have to work with?" her voice had an edge to it and I awkwardly pulled my boxers down -- my dick jumped out like a coiled spring and mom look a little startled. She soon gave me a comforting smile, though.
"Not bad, honey." Then, to my absolute delight she wrapped a hand around it and gave it a slow, gentle stroke. I couldn't help myself -- my whole body shivered and I gave a little moan.
"Some ground rules." Mom said, firmly. "Number one, you're gonna be a gentleman and tell me when you're getting close. Number two, you will never, ever, ever tell anyone we did this. Number three, tomorrow you are gonna make sure there are no other videos online. Deal?"
"Deal." I said.
"Then sit back and relax." Mom said and then I watched as if in slow-motion as my mother lowered her head down and put her lips to my penis. She gave the head a gentle kiss, then opened her mouth and engulfed my dick. I moaned with pleasure as her lips and mouth made contact and mom started working my shaft with one hand while propping herself up with the other. I felt her tongue start to dance over the tip and grabbed a pillow and squeezed it hard.
I looked down and felt my head spin. My mom was giving me a blowjob. It was really happening. Her breasts were hanging down, kept in place by her bra but I kept envisioning what it would be like to touch them; to play with them, suck on them. The bedroom filled with my moans and soft, slurping and smacking noises coming from mom as she worked my dick with her mouth.
Then she stopped. She kept her head low and breathed heavily before looking up at me.
"Are you... alright, honey? Is this... am I okay?" My voice quivered when I said I was fine.
"It feels amazing, mom... incredible."
"You're-" she stopped herself. "You sure? You sure this is... you want this?"
"Please keep going, mom." I pleaded. Without another word she did: She leaned back down and planted a kiss near the base of my shaft; then another further up and another and another until finally she was back at my head and she opened her mouth and again my cock disappeared inside it. I couldn't take my eyes off it. She started bobbing her head up and down, taking maybe the first two inches of my dick inside her. I was just a shade over five and a half inches and from what I remembered in the video the guy was definitely longer than me and my mom had fit much more of him in her mouth. As if she could read my mind she paused again and gave an embarrassed little laugh.
"I'm a bit rusty. Hang on." She took a deep breath and went down again and this time about two thirds of my member disappeared into her. She held it there, played her tongue over the underside of my shaft for just a second before slowly pulling her head back up, sucking her cheeks in all the way. Slowly, slowly she inched her mouth up and up until her lips parted with my dick with a soft 'pop'. She took another deep breath and mumbled 'That's more like it.' She stared at my dick as she stroked it for a moment before going back, this time focusing on my head. Her tongue made tiny circles over it and I lost my mind.
The warm wetness of her mouth; the fact that it was my own mother and just how seriously she was taking it was driving me crazy and I desperately didn't want it to end but fuck I wasn't going to last much longer. I held my breath and tried to relax but could tell it wasn't working.
"Nnngh... mom, mom!" she stopped and looked up at me, concerned.
"I'm... I'm close."
"How do you want to end it?" was all she said, her voice shaking.
"I... I don't know. What... what would be okay?" mom didn't say anything, she just kept gently stroking my cock for a while before answering.
"I guess you whatever you want, honey." She finally said and my head span around: I was crazy horny and I wanted to come on her face. I wanted to see her stained with my semen just like in the video.
"Then... can... can it be on your face?" Mom actually snorted a little then stifled a laugh.
"Boys will be boys." She said but leaned back down. It only took a few more seconds when her lips made contact again.
"Mom! Mom!" I grunted and her mouth let go of me. I came. A huge spurt of cum erupted from my cock and hit mom straight on the mouth; then another and another as my cock twitched and I emptied my load. When I opened my eyes finally mom was sat up on her knees, breathing heavily. Thick, white globs of sperm rested on her chin and was dribbling down onto her bra and cleavage. I watch it pool between her breasts. Mom's eyes were closed and for a moment I saw her flick her tongue out to catch a tiny droplet on her lips. She opened her eyes and looked down at herself then at me.
"I... was I okay?" I couldn't talk; I was still spinning. I had never orgasmed like that before in my life. My own hands, Susan's mouth, that one other girl who once gave me a handjob -- nothing compared to this.
"Amazing." I finally managed. "That was... amazing." I rasped between ragged breaths. Mom looked away and I could have sworn she was blushing. Then she got up, retrieved her tank-top from the floor.
"I'll... get some rest, honey." Before I could say anything she walked out the door and I was left there, my cock still dripping with cum, my body still coming down from the best orgasm I had ever had, barring none and my head spinning with thoughts. Two immediately pushed themselves to the front, however:
The first:
Was mom okay? Was she upset? Had we made a mistake? Had I?
The second:
Was there any chance of us doing this again?
This is my first attempt at an incest/taboo story. I've never felt comfortable writing in this genre, mostly because I wasn't sure I could write something that resonated emotionally, but I recently had this idea for these two characters and their relationship that I felt I wanted to explore. I hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment if you'd like to read a part two.
"And that's chapters twelve and thirteen for next week's class and remember your essay is due at the end of the month." Professor Turnell closed her laptop as the class got up and started filing out of the auditorium. I lingered a bit, my phone in hand and my heart racing a bit. Needlessly, really -- worst thing that could happen was nothing. I headed down to the lectern.
"Excuse me, Professor?" She looked up at me and smiled. She glanced at the door but we were practically alone already.
"You can call me Harriet when we're alone, Dan." She said. I nodded and placed my smartphone on the lectern while I fished out my textbook.
"I had some questions about chapter eleven I didn't get to in class." I went through something from our chapter today that I had only bothered to skim through so I could feign ignorance convincingly. Turnell -- Harriet -- patiently explained some basic concepts to me about economics.
I was taking a computer science degree but the only stupid college nearby forced you to minor in any of a bunch of bullshit subjects. I'd chosen economics precisely because of Harriet, although it hadn't turned out quite like I'd hoped, so now I was reverting to plan B.
After a few minutes I heard a gentle buzz from my phone and thanked her for her time.
"Of course, any time." I packed away my textbooks, grabbed my phone and headed out. "Say hi to your mom!" she called out.
"I will!"
Once out in the corridor I quickly checked my phone and stopped myself from punching the air in victory -- so far so good.
Once home I dumped my backpack of books on the floor of my room and went straight to my PC. I plugged my phone in and started looking at the results in more detail when there was a knock on the open door.
"Hey! What you up to?" My cousin Adelaine said. She wore sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt and looked like she just woke up.
"Didn't know anyone was home." I replied, curtly.
"I was asleep." She said, groggily.
"How come you're here?"
"I don't know... I was bored and no-one was home at my place so I came over."
"No-one was home here, either."
"Yeah but I didn't know that until I came over. What you up to?" she sat down on my bed and glanced at my computer screen. "What's all that stuff?" she asked, staring at my half-assed build.
"It's a program I wrote."
"What's it do?" I sighed.
"It brute-forces an open Bluetooth connection to accept unknown devices despite-" Ade made a loud, drawn-out snoring noise, demonstrably.
"Well why d'you ask, then?" I cried out.
"What's it for?!"
"It's a hacking tool."
"Hacking? Like..." she searched for something then disregarded it and instead her eyes lit up excitedly. "Cool!" she said. Ade was a troublemaker and always had been. She had smoked, gotten into fights, hung out with boys and shoplifted all throughout her teenage years, driving my aunt crazy. My aunt and my mom were both of the opinion she was a bad influence on me. They weren't entirely wrong. I smoked my first cigarette because of her and she taught me how to shoplift, but I'd never really kept up with her. She had probably not been a great teacher of morals, though, and as we'd grown up essentially as siblings I'd seen her as my cool, rebellious older sister and tried to emulate her. At least for a while.
"Who are you gonna hack?" she asked, excitedly.
"I've already hacked someone."
"Harriet. Erm, professor Turnell."
"Cool! Why?"
"I thought I'd get away with picking economics because she knows mom -- thought she'd let me slide. But she doesn't."
"Sooo... why did you hack her?"
"To see if she can give me an in to the school system."
"But why her? Why not one of the other teachers?"
"My other teachers teach computer science. Way too dangerous. Harriet probably doesn't that much about cybersecurity."
"So you hacked her laptop?"
"No, actually I hacked her watch."
"Her watch?"
"Yeah. She has a smart watch and smart watches tend to have easier security than phones -- but they connect to your phone using Bluetooth. Once I was into her watch I'm into her phone."
"And then?"
"And then I wait for her to come home, her phone will connect to her Wi-Fi and then I can access whatever device that connects to her Wi-Fi. Or, well, I should be able to."
"...aaaand?" Ade said.
"And from there I get access to her work laptop and her login credentials to the school system. Where I can find grade details and change them!"
"That's a lot of work just to cheat."
"I can't waste my time on fucking economics!" I cried out. "It's so fucking boring."
"Then why d'you pick it?!"
"Because I thought Harriet would be cool about it! Fuck!" Ade laughed like she always did when she was irritating me.
"Are you sure you didn't pick economics because she's hoooot?" she sang.
"Fuck you." I suspect a lot of my classmates had picked economics for that reason, though. Harriet was hot, there was no doubt about that. Tall, slim but with curves in all the right places.
"Well whatever, is she home yet?"
"No not yet."
"Then come TV or play something with me, I'm bored!" I sighed.
Later in the evening when Ade had gotten tired of me kicking her ass in Smash Bros and went back to her place I sat down in front of my PC again and took a look. My program reported it had discovered a Wi-Fi network and spotted three new devices connected to it -- but it wouldn't start running a hack attempt for the network itself without my input. I studied the settings of her home network -- all I could see from the outside. Nothing too surprising; basic encryption using an off-the-shelf router, probably the one her ISP provided. Usually those came with a default password based on the name of the Wi-Fi-network itself, but Harriet had at least changed the name of her Wi-Fi to 'Harriet's Wifi' so no joy there. My program couldn't grab the password from her phone even if it was stored, but it could run a hack from her phone and since her phone was connected to the Wi-Fi it was trying to hack the router or whatever security program she was using shouldn't register it as a threat.
So I set it off to do its work -- I had no idea how long it might take so I knew there was no point in just sitting around waiting.
But I had other things I could do. I grabbed my phone and ran another program I'd built to transfer the data from it to my 'burner' phone -- just another smartphone without a sim card; it didn't need one. Then I used that phone to 'clone' Harriet's phone contents; text message, phone call logs, apps, gallery the works. Anything password-protected on her phone was still off-limits unless she had an active login that she never refreshed but I could pick and choose what I wanted to access later and try to brute-force those passwords one at a time.
Seeing as it was downloading stuff from Harriet's phone to my phone and then to my burner phone this would also take forever though. Luckily tomorrow was a Saturday so I had all day to go through it all. With everything running I went to sleep.
"Look, he rises." Mom said as I entered the kitchen the next morning. I knew she was just back from her night shift and was making herself a light dinner before heading off to bed. I grumbled in return and she put a hand to her ear.
"I'm sorry what was that, Frankenstein?"
"I said 'hi mom'."
"Morning, honey. How was school?"
"You doing alright in your classes?"
"Good. And you're enjoying them alright?"
"What's the weather on Mars like today?"
"Fine." Mom sighed and went back to scrolling through her phone. I felt a twinge of guilt, she was just trying to be nice but I could tell she was trying too hard to be 'mom-y' and it often annoyed me.
I should tell you about my mom, to explain.
Mom came from a normal, boring middle-class family and joined the army when she was 19. She qualified to become a helicopter pilot and went to Iraq in '03. She met my dad there while he was working as a flight engineer, and the way my aunt tells it they fell instantly in love and had an intense love affair. I have no idea what the truth is because mom won't talk about him. Anyway, mom got pregnant in '04 and got shipped back to the states, dad was supposed to join her just before she was due.
Then my dad's truck ran over an IED and that's why I've never met him and never will.
So mom had to raise me herself. And I think we would have been okay if it weren't for one thing: She didn't raise me. She gave birth to me and when I was five months old she placed me in my aunt's care and went back to the Army. This time she got shipped to Afghanistan and apart for a few months when she was back home on leave she spent the next five years there until one day her helicopter developed a technical fault right after lift-off. It was fifteen feet up in the air when the rotor suddenly sheered clean off and the whole thing dropped straight down like a stone.
Her copilot was paralyzed, and mom broke both hips. She spent three months recovering and then they sent her home with a medical discharge and a pain killer addiction.
Back in the states she stayed with us at my aunt's place for a few months before she left again. She spent two years doing I don't know what before returning. At some point during those two years she'd cleaned up, gotten into a veteran's program for dealing with trauma and was doing much better, though she had about a hundred dollars to her name. This time, finally, she actually stayed and tried to play mom to me.
It took a really long time -- I was seven years old and I had practically only seen pictures of her. But to her credit she really did try. After a while we got along and eventually I came to love her and started calling her mom. When I was ten we had a long talk where she finally gave me a genuine, honest apology for leaving me with my aunt. After that I started spending more time with her and eventually I moved in with her.
We were happy. Sort of. Mom was poor and really couldn't afford to take care of me, but my god did she try. She worked herself to the bone taking late shifts at the airport as an air traffic controller for years to keep me clothed, fed and comfortable. She was making up for past sins.
Remembering this I drew a deep breath and apologized.
"Sorry mom, I don't mean to be grumpy. School's okay, I'm just a bit frustrated with some classes." Her face lit up as I actually engaged with her.
"Well if it's not hard work someone's probably playing you for a fool." She said and I nodded and pulled a juice out of the fridge and looked over at her.
I often tried to imagine my mom the way she must have been when I was little -- a badass helicopter pilot - but couldn't quite picture it. I'd seen photos of her of course, but they were usually pretty crappy. And years of reduced physical activity had taken its toll -- she used to love running but her legs didn't heal right after the accident and if she tried more than a light jog around the neighborhood they would start hurting her and not stop for days. She wasn't in terrible shape, though; she did yoga and tried to keep to a diet -- but she carried more weight than she liked and her belly poked out over her waist no matter what she wore. She usually had bags under her eyes, too and rarely put on anything except professional make-up and wore her hair in a tight bun. I ate breakfast and she finished her dinner while we talked a little about nothing in particular.
"Okay, well I'm down for repairs." Mom said. "But we're still on for that movie tonight, right?"
"Yeah we are. Sleep well, mom."
"See ya. Love you."
"You too, mom." I finished my breakfast and then went back to my room. We lived in a three bedroom apartment; a rental. My mom would never own her own home -- for all her hard work that would never happen.
My program to break her Wi-Fi was still working, but at least her phone was done copying. I started going through the phone contents.
I'll admit this was mostly for my curiosity -- I didn't expect to get anything from this -- but there was always a possibility she'd used her phone to log in to the teacher network. I read through some of her text messages and found a few messages for my mom, mostly just the two of them setting up lunch dates and alike. After maybe twenty minutes I'd found nothing so I put it to the side for now and thought about going out for a swim or something when my program cracked her Wi-Fi password.
I'd honestly expected for it to work all weekend and maybe longer -- I must have gotten lucky.
With access to her home network I could now see all her connected devices; apart from her smart watch and phone her laptop was accessible to me now, as well as her home computer. I hadn't entirely expected to see a home computer to be honest, but there it was. A little curious, and already a little warmed up from snooping around her phone I decided I'd have a quick peek in there.
Nothing special at first glance. She used her personal computer for emailing her parents, keeping a diary, storing photos etc. I perused dozens of folders containing different personal documents and looked at one or two but I was just messing around -- I wasn't all that interested.
That is until I found a folder called 'Vacation snaps 2000s'. What caught my eye about that, you might ask? Nothing, until I glanced at the folder info: Fifty-four gigabytes.
Unless she'd gathered tens of thousands of photos from vacations over the 2000s something was up. I opened the folder and found not tens of thousands of photos but several hundred video clips. Old video clips. They were all untitled and I opened one at random.
Yes, I'd be lying if I hadn't expected -- or rather hoped -- to find what I found as soon as I saw the size of this folder. But even so, my heart leapt and my throat ran dry as the video started playing.
The video was pretty low-quality, probably filmed on a camcorder. I hastily fumbled with my headphones and made sure my door was closed and locked before putting them on. There was a poorly captured techno beat in the background as the scene started out; Harriet was in center frame wearing a simple, black bikini and laughing and dancing in the middle of some garden party. She was younger but I honestly couldn't tell much difference- Harriet had aged beautifully, plus the quality was so low it probably made it less obvious. The cameraman walked up to her, said something that I couldn't make out and Harriet nodded eagerly, then dropped to her knees and engulfed the cameraman's naked penis with her mouth. Two other guys in the background watched and high-fived each other while drunk people milled about behind.
I watched in rapt attention as my Economics Professor performed fellatio until the guy popped and shot ropes of semen all over her face. Harriet laughed and waved at the camera, one eye closed because of the semen running over her eyebrow and down her cheek. The whole video was less than three minutes long.
I sat in dead silence for a moment, thinking about what I'd just found. I looked at the file count. Two hundred and twelve videos. They were all named only dates and stretched from 2003 to 2010. The later ones were on average much larger in file size, either because they were longer or because they were higher quality, I didn't know yet.
I clicked on the next one. It seemed like it was from the same party, or maybe another one in the same place and Harriet was wearing the same bikini. She danced around, her modest boobs jiggling around in beat with her dancing. Someone walked up behind her -- a woman in a red bikini. They leaned in to each other and kissed and then the kiss turned more passionate and they undid each other's bikini tops and pressed their chests together while they kissed and drunken frat boys hooted and hollered.
"Should we go upstairs?!" The cameraman said and Harriet looked at the camera. 'What' she mouthed and the cameraman repeated his question, this time shouting over the noise and Harriet laughed and said sure.
There was an edit and the next shot the camera was on a tripod facing a bed. Harriet, the girl in the red bikini and, I assumed, the cameraman. Harriet and her friend both went down on their hands and knees and gave the man a blowjob together for a few minutes before Harriet whispered something to him. They changed position and I watched as Harriet, one of my mom's few friends who'd stuck with her through all the bullshit and was now a college professor got railed from behind while her drunken friend watched and played with herself.
The video ended with the man coming on both of their faces, though with the camera as far from the bed as it was you could barely see anything.
Holy shit. I thought to myself. I've struck fucking gold!
I spent most of that day thinking. I watched two more videos before I realized I had to stop: My head was spinning with ideas and what to do next.
The first thing I did was take a copy of the entire folder and move it over to my own secure storage. I figured odds were really slim Harriet would discover I was doing anything but just in case she did now I had the goods.
Next I asked myself what the hell I was doing?
Listen, if you think I was behaving terribly from the start I get it, but let me explain to you in detail what my plan was:
With access to her internal school account I wouldn't actually need to do anything in her name. See, I happened to know something about our school's IT system -- because it was a college that featured a major and pretty well-regarded computer science department they had, as you might expect, pretty robust security. But the college also featured a bunch of computer science teachers who knew better than some stupid twenty-something IT administrator and so they had insisted on being given admin rights within the system. And the IT administrator, not really caring, had not given just the computer science teachers those rights but all teachers. Including Harriet.
So, once I was in I could use Harriet's account not to change my grade but to create a new user, give that user rights to change grades and then use that user to change my grade. Except obviously I'd change a bunch of other peoples' grades, too, and not just in her class but in a bunch of classes; ones she had nothing to do with. Yes, there'd be a record saying that she was the one who assigned that user the admin role, but I felt certain I could delete that record or at least muddy the waters.
She wasn't going to get into trouble. And even if it got traced back to her she hadn't broken any rules. There were no campus rules about smart watches or not having Bluetooth turned on (never have your Bluetooth on in public settings, folks), she hadn't acted careless or told someone her login details or anything like that. I had used a method that only required close physical proximity to one of her smart devices, something no teacher at the school had any realistic way of avoiding.
I hadn't wanted to get her into trouble.
So what exactly was I thinking about right now... what, blackmailing her?
I tried the thought on for size. I won't deny it excited me. I saw myself in front of Harriet, holding my phone up to her with a video of her playing.
"Get down on your knees or tomorrow morning the whole school will know." I imagined myself saying and then Harriet's trembling voice begged me not to before she finally, reluctantly put her mouth on my dick and went to work.
Yes, the thought had appeal...
...but there were limits. Harriet didn't deserve that. Nobody deserved that. No. Harriet was my mom's friend, to boot. A good friend, from what little I'd picked up over the years. Mom didn't have any friends left from when she grew up except Harriet, I think. Hell at first when she came back from Afghanistan Aunt Chrissy barely wanted to speak to her, she kept up a façade for my sake until mom fucked off again. When she came back mom had to do a lot of groveling and a lot of repair work. Aunt Chrissy had told me some of it a few years ago and explained that mom had wanted to patch things up sooner but she kept refusing, saying she needed to focus on making things right with me first.
But Harriet had stood by her through it all, at least that's what I'd come to understand.
No, no way I could do that to her. I would just leave this alone. Forget about the whole thing. Let it go, find some other way of passing my Economics class. Maybe I could just do the work. Really just hunker down and focus. Fuck all this bullshit.
...since the videos were right here anyway...
I was a red-blooded male, after all. What do you expect me to do, just ignore the huge stash of porn I found of my hot professor?
So I watched another one.
This one wasn't at a party -- all four of the ones I'd watched so far had been at, if not the same party then the same kind of party. This one was more intimate. It started with Harriet sitting in a dark-green sofa in jeans and a tight tank-top. You could see her nipples through it and she smiled at the cameraman.
"Hey there, honey." She smiled.
"Hi. Whatcha doin?" the cameraman asked.
"Nothing. Whatcha doin'?"
"Oh, you know, just thinking about you." Harriet laughed.
"Oh yeah? Thinking about what?"
"Your body."
"You wanna fuck me?"
"Then fuck me." She whispered. From first-person view I watched Harriet get down on her knees again and, predictably, started sucking the guy off. Only this was different from the party vids. In those she was wild, crazy (and I assume drunk). In this one she was totally different. She closed her eyes and closed her mouth on her partner's dick as if it was the thing she wanted most in the whole world. Her lips engulfed him and she sucked on him slowly, tenderly.
Soon, however, she stopped and looked up at the camera with eager eyes.
"Fuck me now?" she asked, sincerely and turned around. Soon he was fucking her doggystyle and for the first time in any of these videos I got a good view of her ass.
She looked incredible. Her ass was curvy and thick and just above where the guy's cock entered her I kept staring at her tight, exposed butthole and instantly I started thinking about fucking her there.
Getting more and more excited, I played the next one. This one was back at a party, the same generic techno music playing in the background. There were one or two people milling about in the background but Harriet appeared in front of the camera sitting together with another woman on a green couch; the other lady was blond, slim and shapely and dressed in a tight t-shirt.
"Hi!" Harriet cried and the other woman laughed; she was clearly a bit drunk.
"This is my friend." Harriet said and the other woman caught her breath between breaths long enough to say her name was Abby.
"And tonight's a special night for you." Harriet said and Abby nodded.
"Yeah, I'm shipping out tomorrow!"
Wait I thought. That voice... that face...
"Where are you going?"
"Iraq! I'm gonna fight for democracy and liberty!" she said and laughed again.
N-no... no way.
"So it's your last night in the country?"
"What do you wanna do to make it memorable?" Harriet said and Abby laughed and hid her face for a few moments, then looked up at the camera.
"I want to suck some big, fat American cock! Woooo!" she shouted. And stripped down to her bra. And leaned forwards and like magic a dick showed up in frame and she gobbled it down greedily. But I didn't look at that. I looked at her exposed shoulder.
She had a tattoo. A coat of arms featuring a single white wing with a yellow lightning bolt behind it. It looked pretty new. The one my mom had in the exact same spot was faded.
Probably super-common, probably thousands, tens of thousands of people get tattoos like that when they join up. It's probably a branch of the army that hundreds of thousands of people have served in since '03. And Abby is a common name and lots of people joined the military after 9/11 and Jesus Christ that's my mom.
My mom made happy, smacking noises with her mouth on the video while Harriet pulled back her long, blonde hair -- hair that I know knew was gray and cut much shorter and I closed the video.
I sat still, considering the situation carefully.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck Jesus Christ fuck fuck fuck.
This was a tricky, multi-faceted position, indeed.
Motherfucker sonnuvabitch fucking ass shit!
Well I'm sorry -- did you ever find porn featuring your mother giving blowjobs to strangers together with her friend, your college professor? No? Shut up then. I had some processing to do.
After a few minutes I'd calmed down a bit and was starting to think again. But mainly what I thought was did I want to watch more?
Of course not!
Yeah you do. a voice in my head said.
...maybe just a little more. Maybe it wasn't really mom? The girl in the video looked totally different! Different her, different clothes, different makeup.
That's right, and people never change their hair, clothes or makeup over the course of twenty years so it's probably not even her! Give it another look.
I did. I watched the rest of the video. By the end when Abby smiled at the camera her face now plastered with cum and Harriet and her gave each other a quick kiss before both waving goodbye at the camera I couldn't even lie to myself anymore. It was mom, one hundred percent. Yes her hair was blonde, not gray and she didn't have any crows' feet and wore makeup that was more attractive than professional, but it was mom. No doubt.
I sat perfectly still and silent for a minute, feeling the rapid beating of my heart. Then I played the video again. I watched mom leave the sofa and drop down to her knees.
I watch the guy's dick disappear into her mouth. Through my headphones I heard her make smacking sounds and stop for a moment and then my mom's voice congratulated the guy for having such a nice dick. I watched her run her tongue down his shaft and by the time Harriet leaned in to help her suck him off my hand was down my sweatpants.
I was pitching an absolute tent and I wasn't thinking about what I was doing too hard -- I was sure I'd stop if I did. I lied to myself, said I was focusing on Harriet but no -- my eyes were on mom the whole time. I'd watched a lot of porn (duh) and rarely -- maybe never -- had I seen anyone so enthusiastic about blowjobs. I'd had a blowjob, too, though only once and the girl had not liked it anywhere near as much as Abby seemed to love sucking this guy off. As the guy blasted her face with cum I came, too -- quietly, biting my lip not too make a sound. Mom was a heavy sleeper but still.
With a mess in my pants I sat, breathing heavily with the video paused on my mom's cheery, semen-stained face and knew, without a shadow of a doubt that it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen in my entire life.
"That looks so fake!" Mom cried out in objection. "Not realistic at all!"
"Hmm?" I said, my mind suddenly brought back to the moment.
"Look at that! What moron thinks that's real?"
"I- err what's wrong with it?" I asked.
"First of all no sane pilot would ever fly that low and secondly at that bank angle that chopper would lose control and Mister Musclemass and his little girlfriend would all turn into pastasauce on the side of that skyscraper- oh good now the bad guy's got a fucking RPG- aaaaaand it's somehow a magic heat-seeking RPG-7, of course. God, what trash!" she grinned at me and I nodded quietly.
I couldn't focus on the movie even a little. Every time I tried within moments my mind (and eyes) wandered to my mom. I noted her gray, once blond hair. I noticed how she had gained a lot of weight in twenty years and that a lot of it had gone to her breasts and her ass. I studied her curves; far less slim and her belly was certainly more noticeable but man did she have stuff where it counted, I thought. And then I would look at her mouth and imagine-
And then I would realise what I was doing, snap out of it and pay attention to the movie for another five or six seconds before repeating the process again.
Also, I had a raging hard-on that I struggled to hide.
A few more minutes elapsed before my mom reached for the remote.
"Okay" she said and paused the movie. "what's going on?"
"H-huh?" I asked, panicked.
"What's going on? Usually when we watch these dumb action movies half the fun is ripping into them together but I can tell your mind's somewhere else, so what's going on?"
"Bullshit, I know something's up. Let's hear it."
"Mom, please, it's nothing."
"Nothing my ass -- Dan, come on."
"Mom, I... look I don't wanna talk about it."
"Talk about what?"
"Fucking drop it, Abby!" I snapped and instantly regretted it. I only called mom by her name when I was mad -- a hangover from when she first came back into my life and I didn't call her mom for almost a year. Mom closed her eyes for just a moment but it was enough for me to see she was keeping herself in check.
"Okay. Okay. Okay, Dan. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, you... you don't have to tell me what's going on if you don't want." Mom resumed the film and we watched in silence for a while. Finally I reached over and grabbed the remote and paused it.
"I found something online and... it... upset me, I guess." Mom looked at me, clearly not understanding.
"Something that upset you?"
"Yeah. I guess."
"Like wh-" her eyes suddenly opened. "Oh. Oh. Oh I think I know." She sat up straight and faced me and I couldn't help but notice her breasts -- mom's choice of relaxed wear for movie night was a low-cut comfy top that just happened to show off her cleavage. Until today I'd never paid any mind but today... I had to tear my eyes away.
"I... I've been waiting for this. I knew you'd find out some day."
"You did?!"
"Of course. It's... only natural."
"Mom-" I said, starting to suspect.
"It's okay, Dan. I... I obviously wish I could have told you but it's... it's hard for me to talk about."
"So, what did you find?"
"...I found out about dad ages ago, mom." She blinked.
"You... you did?"
"Yeah. When I was sixteen I did some serious googling one night and I found two articles that talked about what happened. It even mentioned you by name as his..."
"...fiancée." Mom filled in.
"Mmm. It said he, erm... it said he was pronounced on the scene and some stuff about his family."
"Yeah." Mom said, quietly. I said nothing.
"He was really excited to be a dad, you know." Mom finally managed. I didn't know what to respond to that.
"Okay, so... if it wasn't that what was it you found?"
"I... it doesn't matter."
"No, come on honey, talk to me."
"It's fine."
"I found a video."
"Video? What video?" Mom sounded confused.
"I found a video... online... of... Harriet. And you." Mom kept looking at me with her face scrunched up in confusion. Then it dawned on her and she suddenly stood up.
"Oh god."
"Oh god. Oh god. Oh god no."
"You mean it's... it's out there?"
"Er- just the one video." I lied.
"Oh god what if someone from work-"
"Mom, relax! No-one's gonna see it and even if they did they won't recognize you!"
"You did!"
"You're my mom!" Mom's face took on a new kind of terror.
"Oh my god. Oh my god Dan, I-" she buried her face in her hands and was quiet for several moments, breathing heavily.
"I am so sorry, Dan." she said, her voice breaking. "I'm so embarrassed I'm-" she was practically crying now." "I never wanted-"
"Mom, it's okay!" I said, standing up and awkwardly just stood there. I wasn't sure what to do. Hug her? I guess.
"Mom, it's okay." I repeated.
"How can it be okay?!" she said, tears now streaming down her eyes.
"It is! I-" I began, faltered, then slowly, carefully proceeded. "I... didn't mind. I mean don't mind."
"What do you mean you don't mind it?" mom said, looking at me confused.
"I mean I kinda liked it." Fuck. Did I just say that? Mom stared at me in silence.
"What do you mean you 'liked' it?"
"I mean... I mean it was... I don't know you just looked so... seemed so... like... energetic. It was... nice."
"I need to sit down." She did. I sat down, too. She stared into space for a while.
"What... what video was it?"
"It was-"
"No, wait I don't want to know!"
"Okay." Another long silence.
"How... when- okay what video was it?"
"I think it was from just before you went overseas."
"Okay." She was quiet again for a really long time. "I was very young then. Young, and stupid... I'm probably still stupid."
"I was a fucking moron. I don't want- I didn't want you to ever know the woman I was then."
"Because if I did I might turn out stupid, too?" She laughed at that and it broke some of the tension.
"You didn't mean... when you said you liked it, you don't mean..." she looked at me, the first time we'd made eye contact in a while.
"I... I just... it was just... I couldn't... stop watching."
"Do you mean to tell me you actually watched the whole thing?"
"I'm sorry, mom, I couldn't help it!"
"I am your mother!"
"I know, I just... I couldn't help it! It was hot!"
"Oh shut up!"
"It was! You were- you are hot!"
"I'm a dumb bitch who couldn't take care of her son!"
"Mom, don't say that!"
"I'm in my forties and I've got hips like a goddamn seventy-year old! I've got back problems, gray hair and a son who I barely met until he was seven." I froze.
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"You hate me for it, don't you?"
"No, mom."
"How could you not? I fucked up everything in my entire life and that includes you!"
"You didn't fuck me up."
"You just told me you liked watching me-" she stopped herself and looked away.
"Is... I... I'm sorry, mom. I... it surprised me, too?" I said and to my great relief mom laughed a little. Then a little more. Then suddenly she was giggling and I was giggling, too. We giggled like morons for I'm sure a full minute before it passed.
"I..." she began. "Thank you for being honest about it." Well... sort of. I thought. Seventy percent honest, or thereabouts.
"But that was the only video you found?" she asked.
"Yeah. I... I looked around a bit but that was the only one."
"Does... that mean there were more?" Mom mouthed a curse word.
"Yes." she admitted. "But don't be getting any ideas! I hope the rest are long gone. Harriet swore she deleted them all forever." Sorry, no such luck. Harriet lied to you.
"Why- erm... how did you get into it?"
"Into what?"
"I... I don't know. Porn?" Mom laughed.
"I never thought of it as that. They were just... I don't know, Harriet and I both liked to party. Sometimes her boyfriend and her would fool around in front of people and sometimes they brought a camera. They talked me into it."
"Did you like it?"
"It was stupid." she said. I waited. "Sure. At the time I thought it was fun. Exciting."
"It looked exciting." Mom blushed.
"Honey, I... I really never wanted you to see that."
"I'm glad I did. I can't stop thinking about it."
"Sorry. Only... it's true. I've been thinking about it all evening." I couldn't resist but glance down at my mom's chest. She caught my eye and covered herself with her arms.
"You're hot, mom. And that video was hot as fuck."
"Dan, don't talk like that!"
"I keep imagining what it would feel like-"
"Stop!" her voice was forceful. "Don't say it. Don't. You can't think about it like that, can't think about me like that!"
"But I am." I stated, flatly. Mom stood up.
"Well fucking stop it! I'm going out, I need some fresh air and to clear my head." She walked past me into the hallway, grabbed her coat and walked out.
I heard her come back from my bed late that evening, nearly midnight. I had waited for a few hours to see if she would come back but eventually gave up and got into bed, feeling miserable.
Well what did you think would happen, genius?
Yeah, what did I think would happen? Nothing, really. It's not like I'd gone in with a plan, I just... I'd just been honest. Or maybe stupid.
There was a knock on my door.
"Honey?" Mom's voice called out from the other side. "You up?"
"Yeah." She opened the door gently and looked in. I still had my reading light on.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure." She walked inside and sat on the bed. I studied her closely, wondering if she'd been drinking, but I didn't think so. She very rarely drank these days but I did know what she looked (and smelled like) drunk.
"Sorry for storming out." She said after a long silence.
"It's cool."
"It's not." She said firmly. "But you... you really caught me off guard today, honey, I hope you realise that."
"I do. I'm sorry, mom." Another long silence.
"Did you actually mean what you said?" My mouth went dry.
"W-what part?"
"The part where you... when- did you really imagine what it would be like?"
"Yeah. I did." I said, suddenly feeling very hot and very embarrassed. I wore boxers only and the covers were up to my chest, but I'm sure she could tell I was growing a boner. She said nothing, just stared at me for the longest time.
"Have you ever... had one?" she asked and I felt even more embarrassed.
"Susan. Last year."
"I fucking knew that girl was a slut!" Mom said and shook her head.
"She... wasn't really into it." I said, pathetically. Mom smiled a little.
"And if you had a chance... even if it was just the one time and then never again... would you really like to know?"
"Y-yeah." Mom looked at me sincerely, questioningly.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"I am."
"You're kind of a fucked up kid."
"Got kind of a fucked up mom." She smiled and took a deep breath. She stood up and took her top off. Underneath she wore a dark bra; not particularly sexy but it made her breasts look even bigger.
"I'm not getting that top stained." she explained with a shrug. "And I can't stand on my knees for long these days so you're gonna have to make room in bed." In a daze I schooched myself up until I was sitting upright, my back against the headboard and mom got into bed with me. She pulled the covers off me and glanced down at my crotch.
"Want to show me what I have to work with?" her voice had an edge to it and I awkwardly pulled my boxers down -- my dick jumped out like a coiled spring and mom look a little startled. She soon gave me a comforting smile, though.
"Not bad, honey." Then, to my absolute delight she wrapped a hand around it and gave it a slow, gentle stroke. I couldn't help myself -- my whole body shivered and I gave a little moan.
"Some ground rules." Mom said, firmly. "Number one, you're gonna be a gentleman and tell me when you're getting close. Number two, you will never, ever, ever tell anyone we did this. Number three, tomorrow you are gonna make sure there are no other videos online. Deal?"
"Deal." I said.
"Then sit back and relax." Mom said and then I watched as if in slow-motion as my mother lowered her head down and put her lips to my penis. She gave the head a gentle kiss, then opened her mouth and engulfed my dick. I moaned with pleasure as her lips and mouth made contact and mom started working my shaft with one hand while propping herself up with the other. I felt her tongue start to dance over the tip and grabbed a pillow and squeezed it hard.
I looked down and felt my head spin. My mom was giving me a blowjob. It was really happening. Her breasts were hanging down, kept in place by her bra but I kept envisioning what it would be like to touch them; to play with them, suck on them. The bedroom filled with my moans and soft, slurping and smacking noises coming from mom as she worked my dick with her mouth.
Then she stopped. She kept her head low and breathed heavily before looking up at me.
"Are you... alright, honey? Is this... am I okay?" My voice quivered when I said I was fine.
"It feels amazing, mom... incredible."
"You're-" she stopped herself. "You sure? You sure this is... you want this?"
"Please keep going, mom." I pleaded. Without another word she did: She leaned back down and planted a kiss near the base of my shaft; then another further up and another and another until finally she was back at my head and she opened her mouth and again my cock disappeared inside it. I couldn't take my eyes off it. She started bobbing her head up and down, taking maybe the first two inches of my dick inside her. I was just a shade over five and a half inches and from what I remembered in the video the guy was definitely longer than me and my mom had fit much more of him in her mouth. As if she could read my mind she paused again and gave an embarrassed little laugh.
"I'm a bit rusty. Hang on." She took a deep breath and went down again and this time about two thirds of my member disappeared into her. She held it there, played her tongue over the underside of my shaft for just a second before slowly pulling her head back up, sucking her cheeks in all the way. Slowly, slowly she inched her mouth up and up until her lips parted with my dick with a soft 'pop'. She took another deep breath and mumbled 'That's more like it.' She stared at my dick as she stroked it for a moment before going back, this time focusing on my head. Her tongue made tiny circles over it and I lost my mind.
The warm wetness of her mouth; the fact that it was my own mother and just how seriously she was taking it was driving me crazy and I desperately didn't want it to end but fuck I wasn't going to last much longer. I held my breath and tried to relax but could tell it wasn't working.
"Nnngh... mom, mom!" she stopped and looked up at me, concerned.
"I'm... I'm close."
"How do you want to end it?" was all she said, her voice shaking.
"I... I don't know. What... what would be okay?" mom didn't say anything, she just kept gently stroking my cock for a while before answering.
"I guess you whatever you want, honey." She finally said and my head span around: I was crazy horny and I wanted to come on her face. I wanted to see her stained with my semen just like in the video.
"Then... can... can it be on your face?" Mom actually snorted a little then stifled a laugh.
"Boys will be boys." She said but leaned back down. It only took a few more seconds when her lips made contact again.
"Mom! Mom!" I grunted and her mouth let go of me. I came. A huge spurt of cum erupted from my cock and hit mom straight on the mouth; then another and another as my cock twitched and I emptied my load. When I opened my eyes finally mom was sat up on her knees, breathing heavily. Thick, white globs of sperm rested on her chin and was dribbling down onto her bra and cleavage. I watch it pool between her breasts. Mom's eyes were closed and for a moment I saw her flick her tongue out to catch a tiny droplet on her lips. She opened her eyes and looked down at herself then at me.
"I... was I okay?" I couldn't talk; I was still spinning. I had never orgasmed like that before in my life. My own hands, Susan's mouth, that one other girl who once gave me a handjob -- nothing compared to this.
"Amazing." I finally managed. "That was... amazing." I rasped between ragged breaths. Mom looked away and I could have sworn she was blushing. Then she got up, retrieved her tank-top from the floor.
"I'll... get some rest, honey." Before I could say anything she walked out the door and I was left there, my cock still dripping with cum, my body still coming down from the best orgasm I had ever had, barring none and my head spinning with thoughts. Two immediately pushed themselves to the front, however:
The first:
Was mom okay? Was she upset? Had we made a mistake? Had I?
The second:
Was there any chance of us doing this again?