Chapter 02

Author's note:

The response to part of my first ever incest-themed story "Down for Repairs" has been amazing! I just had to write more parts. I hope you continue to enjoy it. :)


The next morning I spent a long time in bed, waiting to hear mom get up. It was a Sunday, and even though she'd worked a night shift on Friday mom had a knack for going to sleep at a moment's notice so she handled her weird sleep schedule alright. She always said going to sleep instantly was a trick you had to learn in the Army if you weren't going to insane.

Still, today it took some time before I heard her get up.

Mom always showered first thing after getting up, even before getting breakfast and soon I heard the water running from the bathroom. I stayed in bed, listening, thinking. I thought about last night; I'd been thinking about last night pretty much all through the night -- I'd barely slept. I had been trying to bring back the sensations in every sense of the word.

The physical part had been incredible. I'd never come so hard, never felt so much pleasure. But the thing that kept me in bed, the part I struggled to put my finger on was the emotional aspect.

Mom and I had always had a barrier between us -- we both pretended it wasn't there and we both loved each other but if you walk out on your kid for the first seven years of their life, it is going to leave a trace, there's just no way around it.

Last night I had felt closer to my mother than ever before. I felt cared for, and... loved, in a certain way that I had never felt before from mom. Last night she put me first, which obviously she had not always done.

I also thought about her in a more direct way. I imagined her right then -- in the shower. Her naked, wet body and how I would love to...

Stop it. I told myself. Mom had been clear: Last night was a one-time thing. I had to respect that.

But fuuuuck to walk in on her right now, to see her naked, to have her accept me there and to be close to her: To caress her breasts, to touch her, to maybe even have her-


The sounds from the bathroom had stopped and I slowly got up and got dressed, waiting until I heard mom go to the kitchen and I quickly slipped into the shower, too.

I usually didn't, but I guess I was a little... scared? I really wasn't sure what to expect from mom this morning so I put it off.

I showered, dried, dressed and then, steeling myself I entered the kitchen. Mom sat with her back to me, scrolling through her phone with an empty plate and a cup of coffee in front of her.

"Hi mom." I said.

"Hi honey!" she answered, a little too quickly. "I made coffee, have some." she quickly added. "Would you- do you want me to make some pancakes?"

"I'm fine mom, I'll have some cereal."

"Okay! Just tell me if you change your mind."

"I will." I got a bowl and poured milk and cereal, grabbed some coffee from the pot and sat down at the table. Mom kept her eyes firmly on her phone and said nothing for ages as I ate.

"So I spoke to Harriet." She said and I coughed and splattered milk all over the table. Mom pretended like nothing, and continued. "She assures me she's deleted all her own copies" Liar. I thought. "and she wants to know where you found that one video." Mom finished, her voice as neutral and controlled as possible; which let me tell you, for an air traffic controller can be pretty darn neutral.

Luckily, I'd thought of this during the night -- in between... well, thinking of other things.

"Reddit." I said. "Found it on Reddit. But I checked this morning and the post got deleted."

"Can you... erm... do you know who put it up?"

"No, the post got deleted so you can't even see the user anymore." Mom said nothing but tensed up very obviously.

"Mom, listen -- I really don't think there's any problem. It was one video and to ninety-nine point nine nine nine percent of the world you're just some random woman they've never seen. It was just dumb luck that I found it."

"Bad luck." She corrected, firmly and I felt my heart sank. So she regretted last night. I guess that wasn't too unexpected. But I kept my mouth shut.

"Okay. Well." Mom said, as if that was the end of a conversation. "I have some business in town today. I will see you later." And she got up and left. I sighed, deeply and tried to resign myself to the thought that last night was indeed the only night, but even as I thought it I glanced at my mom's rear as she left the kitchen and thought to myself how I would love to see her ass as she bent down in front of me and let me slide inside her.

I went back to my room as mom gathered her things and left, shouting 'Bye!' as she closed the door.

Christ what have I done? How badly have I fucked things up? I sighed, feeling miserable and self-pitying. I glanced at my burner phone and noted several new text messages -- Harriet must have been texting with mom, I figured and checked.

Yep, lots of messages between mom and Harriet, mostly mom explaining that someone -- she didn't say who -- had found one of her videos and asking Harriet to confirm there weren't any copies left anywhere. And then there was Harriet promising my mom that she'd deleted every single video years ago and there was no way anyone could have gotten hold of them. Liar.

But then there was another text chain. Between Harriet and someone in her contacts called Shane.

>Hey I need to check something with u< Wrote Harriet.

>What's up, babe?< Shane replied.

>u haven't put those videos I gave you online, have u?<

>no way babe, those r for me only u said.<


>Promise, babe. Why do u ask?<

>I'll explain later. Love u.<

>Love u 2 babe.<

So Harriet was lying twice. Not only had she saved copies of those videos for her own, I guess sentimental reasons, but she had shared them with someone else on purpose. And since she asked this Shane guy specifically, that meant she must have shown him not just the videos of her but ones with my mom in them, too.

Somewhere out there some asshole named Shane had seen porn featuring my mother, that Harriet had shown him even though she knew my mom wouldn't want anyone to see it.

That made me angry, even though I recognized it was a little hypocritical. Still, I'd made an honest mistake!

...after I hacked into my teacher's computer, fine, but even so! I had no idea what I was going to find, and once I found it okay I took a look for myself, but that wasn't the same! Harriet was my mom's friend and mom had trusted her. This was a betrayal of that trust, and I felt furious.

But what could I do? I asked myself. Very little, probably. I couldn't confront her about it. For one, it would reveal I'd hacked her home network and for another, mom had purposefully kept from her that it was I who found the video. Clearly she didn't want Harriet to know that. And I probably didn't want Harriet to know that, either, I reckoned.

So, I doubted I could do much. I'd keep mulling it over in the back of my brain though, maybe something would come to me.

I was thinking about it in the back of my brain, and so I was barely conscious of my hand's movements as I opened up the folder on my own PC where I'd copied the videos. But there they were.

I should delete them. I thought.

Yes I really should. I really, really should. Mom wants them gone.

But even if I did, they'd still be on Harriet's computer. I could delete them from her computer, too, but if I did it would be obvious someone else had access to her computer. I reckoned I could grab them, reformat them to be unplayable and re-upload them to her computer. They'd look identical, they just wouldn't play ever again. A non-computer savvy person like Harriet would probably just think it was a random bug.

Shane still has them, though. I thought. Plus, the timing would be mighty suspicious.

Also, you want to watch them. a voice inside my head said, and yeah, I did. I really, really did.

So I did.

Yesterday I had watched the videos in the folder in chronological order, so I started up the next one. Mom wasn't in it and I breathed a sigh of relief, while feeling disappointed. Harriet's face smiled at the camera. I felt strangely blasé as I watched her and her cameraman do some flirting before Harriet stripped and spread her legs eagerly. She played with herself for a while before the cameraman joined her and they fucked.

That one wasn't very good. I told myself, and played the next. This one featured Harriet and the girl in the red bikini from a previous video. They fooled around, played with each other's breasts and ate each other out and I watched it all in a daze, barely registering it until it stopped and I played the next one, and the next one.

I knew what was going on, of course. In that one video mom had said she was about to ship out to Iraq. She spent almost two years there before she came home --she might have had some leave in between but of course there wouldn't be many videos of her.

But mom had strongly suggested there were at least two. So I started going through them one by one, quickly checking if mom was in each video before skipping to the next.

I'd gone through maybe a dozen videos like that until finally my mom appeared again.

She and Harriet were sitting on a bed -- I recognized the setting from several other videos, I assumed it was Harriet's bedroom at the time. Mom looked almost the same as in the last video, if a lot more tanned and a touch more haggard. I checked the date of the file: December 2003. Mom must have gotten to go home over Christmas.

"Heeeeeeey" Harriet sang. "check it out, my girl is back from Iraaaaaaq!" Mom smiled and waved.

"You alright, honey?" Harriet asked and mom smiled and said she was doing great. "I missed you, girl." Harriet said.

"I missed you, too." Mom said.



"How much?" there was an edge to Harriet's voice.

"A lot." Mom said as they moved closer to each other.

Oh fuck. I thought.

"Then let's make up for lost time." Harriet said and kissed her. My mom and her friend started making out on camera and I started getting hard again. I watched my mom's tongue -- the same tongue that yesterday had played so tenderly with the tip of my penis -- enter Harriet's mouth and soon they were fondling each other's breasts. Mom stripped. Harriet stripped. My mom's breasts were much bigger now -- but they were still impressive enough back then. Harriet's were small, and pert by comparison. I stared at them, transfixed, wishing with all my heart to touch them, to feel them, to play with them. My heart pounded as they stopped playing with each other and mom laid down on the bed. She shimmied out of a pair of white panties and suddenly I was looking at my mom's naked pussy. She was perfectly smooth, clean-shaven. I'd barely caught a glimpse of it before Harriet put her face between mom's legs and started eating her out and I paid rapt attention.

Mom squirmed and moaned and I pressed my headphones tighter, absorbing every noise she made and in my head I imagined her today, her slightly huskier voice now moaning under me as I pleased her in the same fashion. Soon they switched places and mom went down on Harriet and for a moment I felt disappointed but then I realized the camera was now exposing my mom's naked ass for me to see. I stared at it, imagining touching it, running my hand up her thighs and-

"Whatcha watchin'?" Adelaine sang out behind me and I screamed like a girl, jumped out of my chair, accidentally tore my headphones clean out of its jack and my speakers started broadcasting moans and groans into my room. Panicked, I closed the video and spun around to face my cousin.

"WHAT THE FUCK ADE!" Ade was doubled over laughing, her face beet-red and as she laughed she sat down on my bed.

"Oh my god you should have seen the look on your fucking dork face! Oh man that was incredible!"

"Don't you ever fucking knock?!"

"I did! You were busy, I guess." she grinned, paused, looked down. "Oh yeah." she added. "I can see you were real busy." I looked down. I hadn't been fully aware of it, but at some point I'd pulled my trousers down and pulled my dick out. There it was now, standing straight out, hard like a steel rod.

"FUCK!" I screamed again and pulled my pants back up while Ade had another laughing fit.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted at her which just made her laugh even harder and she practically rolled over on the bed, now fighting for breath. Finally she settled down and sat back up, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Oh jeez, cousin that was just the funniest fucking thing." She mimicked my scream and pretended to jump up from a chair and flail around while wagging her index finger around her crotch like a dick.

"Shut. Up."

"Hahaha- aaah... seriously though, what was that?" I shook with anger and embarrassment.

"The fuck do you mean 'what was it'? Porn!"

"Yeah but it looked kinda old, like from before OnlyFans."

"Fuck do you know about OnlyFans?" I asked but Ade just smiled at me.

"Seriously, what was it?"

"I- just porn, what do you care?" Ade shrugged.

"Just curious. Come on, show me!"

"W-what? No!"

"Why not?"

"I- why are you being so fucking weird?!"

"Why are you?"

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

"Because I don't want to watch porn with my cousin?!"

"No. You're just acting kind of... off." She cocked her head and looked at me and I started thinking frantically.

Fuck fuck fuck could she tell? Fuck what the fuck do I do? She must be able to tell something is off.

"I- fine!" I said and sat back down. I looked at the folder and quickly scanned the 'safe' ones -- the ones that didn't feature mom. I picked one from that batch and played it. Harriet appeared and ran through the usual rigamarole before starting to suck the guy's cock.

"Noooo that's not the one you were watching before." Ade cooed and I swore inwardly.

I'm so fucked. Then Ade said:

"Show me the one with Aunt Abby in it."

I was quiet for probably a minute. Then, without looking at her I asked how long she'd been watching me before announcing herself.

"A while. Maybe a minute."

"You're a fucking bitch." She grinned at me.

"Come on Dan, stop being such a miserable cunt and show me." I sighed and with trembling hands I played the video I'd been watching before. We watched in total silence as Harriet and mom said hello, started making out, stripped and my mom laid down on the bed. Ade said nothing. They switched and mom went down on Harriet. Just about the point where Ade had first interrupted me she finally said something:

"Damn, your mom seems like she knows how to eat pussy."

"And what would you know about it?" I asked.

"More than you might think. Damn sure more than you know about it, nerd."

"Shut up." Well... I did in fact not know anything about that, I had to admit.

Mom ate Harriet out until she came and then they switched back, Harriet finishing mom off the same way. I was hard as a rock again by the time the video ended.

"Shit that was hot." Ade said from the bed. "Where did you find this?"

"It, erm..."

"Oh wait! Shit, is that your economics professor?!" Ade cried out, pointing at the frozen image -- the last screen of the video was the two of them smiling at the camera, topless.


"Shit! You found her homemade porn stash!" Suddenly I caught on how loud she was being and held up my hands.

"Ade, please -- you can't tell anyone about this!"

"What? Who the fuck would I tell?"

"I- just, you get why, right?"

"Sure. Hey, cuz, don't worry -- I get it."

" do?"

"Sure! I'd be curious, too." I stared at her, dumbfounded. "Especially" she added. "if I were a virgin dork loser like you."

"You're such a fucking cunt." Ade laughed, then stared at me.

"I have one, too."

Wait, what was that? Ade spread her legs on the bed. She wore jeans, but suddenly she put her hand on her crotch and made a slow movement over it like she was touching herself.

"Apparently family members turn you on."

"Shut up!"

"Oh Dan, oooh!" she made fake little moans while rubbing herself over her jeans.

"Ooooh fuck me, Dan!"

"Shut up!" I said and turned around, aware of my raging boner once more. Ade laughed and got up.

"You need to chill out, nerd."

"And you need fucking psych meds." Ade shrugged.

"Whatever. You're boring. See ya later." And then, without another word, she left.

My cousin is fucking crazy. I thought. Then the image of Ade rubbing her pussy and asking me to fuck her flashed through my head and I literally gave myself a slap.

Nope. I told myself. We are not gonna let that idea fester.

...I'm not good at letting go of ideas like that, in case you hadn't noticed.

Mom came home late afternoon, carrying some light shopping and barely addressing me before going to her bedroom to unpack.

In our house, since I was about twelve, Saturdays were mother-son movie night and Sunday was takeaway night, so for dinner we got Chinese food. If one was responsible for eating dinner in silence it was usually me being sulky or bored but today it was mom. I tried different approaches, different venues of conversation -- nothing worked. Mom ate her food mechanically, quickly and then put away her leftovers before getting up and leaving.

Oh boy I've really fucked things up, haven't I? I thought.

It was later in the evening that mom finally came knocking on my door. I called for her to come in, and she popped her head through the crack and said we needed to talk and would I please come out to the living room.

"We have to talk about last night." Mom said firmly once we were both say on the sofa and I nodded quietly, a leaden feeling of dread in my stomach.

"I... want you to be honest with me and you have been." Mom said and I felt a buzz of guilt wash over me. Not entirely. "So I should be honest with you. I've been doing a lot of thinking today and trying to examine my feelings. I felt awful about last night. What I did is... it's not something a mother should ever do."

"Mom-" I began but she held up a hand to hush me.

"But then I realised that all that really mattered is that you were okay." she looked at me straight. "Are you? Okay?"

"I am, mom." I said.



"Good. Then... it was just a one-time thing."

"Yeah" I said, leadenly, trying to contain the disappointment in my voice. "just a one-time thing."

"That's... fine then." Mom said and I nodded.

"Well..." she then continued. "it's getting late. You've got school and I'm working day shifts Monday-Tuesday. Time for some rack-time." I gave a brave smile.

"Love you, kid."

"Love you too, mom." I said, meant it but at the same time wanted to say more -- so much more.

I tried to distract myself. I didn't go to bed, I stayed up for hours playing video games, trying to put my mind off things, mostly unsuccessfully.

A million thoughts kept buzzing around in my head, chief among them being how I wanted anything but for last night to have been a one-time thing. I kept imagining different scenarios, different ways I could somehow get mom to agree to do it again -- and maybe more.

In the end, and after hours of pretending I was distracting myself, I decided I needed to come clean.

I walked into the living room, crossed it and stood in front of mom's bedroom door. I gently knocked on it -- I knew for a fact mom could sleep through just about anything, so if she wasn't already awake I wasn't going to wake her up. For a moment there was nothing, and I thought about heading back to bed -- she'd fallen asleep already. Then her voice came from inside.

"Come in." mom's voice called out, softly. I opened the door and looked inside. Mom's bedroom was the usual mess -- not too dissimilar from mine. The curtains were drawn but the lamps from my own bedroom with its door open cast a little light in here, too and I could see my mom sitting up in her bed: she wore old, faded t-shirts to bed and I could see some old band logo in the pale light. "Is everything alright, Dan?" she asked. "Is everything alright?"

"Fine. Can I talk to you?" Mom nodded and sat up a bit straighter, wrapped her arms around her knees.

"What's up?" I sat down at the foot of the bed.

" wanted me to be honest." Mom said yes she did. I took a deep breath.

"I am not okay with what happened last night." Mom's face turned to horror and I quickly continued:" I am not okay with that being the only time."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I mean last night was amazing. And I don't mean it when I say it was just a one-off thing or... some kind of mistake. I'm sorry, I know that makes me... I don't know, a bad son? But I- I can't pretend I don't think about it -- about you -- constantly now. All day yesterday, all day today all I can think about is you and how... how good, how close I felt to you last night." I was quiet for a moment, hung my head and mumbled I was sorry. Mom said nothing for a long time.

"You're not a bad son. And I wasn't honest, either." My heart leapt. "I... told myself it had just been so long, so long since I... was with someone. But I was full of shit. I just wasn't prepared for how... how good it would feel to be- to do that for you. It felt... it felt like I was taking care of you, caring for you in a way I'd never been able to before." I felt like I was walking on glass and that one false move could ruin everything, but I had to know.

"What... exactly are you saying, mom?" She looked me dead in the eyes.

"I'm saying if you want another blowjob you can have one. And... I think you can have one whenever you want." I sat motionless for a moment, my head spinning. Finally mom asked me if I was okay, I nodded but still couldn't think of anything to say.

"Sooo..." mom finally said again, awkwardly moving her arms up and down her legs. Finally she shrugged. "Want me to suck you off?" I woke up and said yes, please.

I think mom tried to play it cool at first as she nonchalantly asked me to lie down next to her -- for a moment I realized I was sharing my mom's bed, but I soon got distracted as mom pulled off my boxers and my erect penis was in her face again. Without a word she engulfed it and once again I felt her warm, wet mouth on my dick. She was lying alongside me halfway down the bed and sucked me slowly, tenderly, as if to give me comfort. Her tongue played over my head and I moaned in pleasure. That seemed to encourage her because she sped up, moving her tongue faster and started to move her head up and down my cock again.

Suddenly she stopped and for a little while just lay there, staring at my dick and breathing heavily. She got up, crawled on her legs and knees up to me until she hovered over me. Her t-shirt hung loosely over her body and a strand of hair fell over her face and brushed against mine.

"Do you like it when mommy sucks your big cock?" she asked and I thought I might pass out. Her voice was husky; full of desire and challenge. I felt like I was being dared.

"I do."

"Is there anything I can do to make it better?" I breathed heavily, a million thoughts passing through my head.

"Can I see your breasts?" I asked. Mom said nothing, she simply rose up and pulled her t-shirt off, tossing it across the room. She was straddling me, her panties resting on my waist and I could feel my hard cock just barely brushing up against her ass, and I looked up to see my mom's naked breasts.

They were much bigger than in the videos -- mom had been far skinnier then and a lot of her excess fat had gone to her bust. They sagged a little and in the dim light I though I could see stretch marks. Her nipples were hard, but small. Without thinking, much less asking, I reached up and grabbed them, and mom gave a surprised yelp in response but didn't stop me. Instead she closed her eyes and breathed heavily as I started to massage her tits, running my fingers over them, feeling their weight and caressing her stiff nipples.

"Oh... oh Dan..." she moaned and I thought I might come right there and then as mom moaned my name. "Do you like them?"

"They're huge." I said.

"They're all yours." She said but then she gently peeled my hands off them and smiled. "But I wasn't finished." And then she crawled back down until her mouth hovered over my dick again. She kissed it and started jerking it gently, slowly.

"It's been a really long time since I did this, Dan, but I'm gonna try."

"Try what?" I asked.

"Deepthroating." she said and before I could process what she'd said my cock disappeared into her mouth. Inch by inch she worked her way down my member until to my astonishment my five and a half inches was inside my mom's mouth. She held me there for a little while before slowly retreating up it again and giving it a little kiss as she departed it. She looked up at me and her face beamed with pride.

"Like riding a bike." she said with a grin, then licked her lips. "Would you like me to finish the job, honey?" A part of me wanted to say no, a part of me wanted to say what I really wanted was for her to take off her panties, bend over and let me slide my dick into her pussy and blast my mother full of my cum.

But I didn't say that. Instead I nodded.

"Can mommy swallow your load this time?" she asked and I almost fainted but managed to croak a yes -- I had barely said it before mom went back to work. I lay back on the bed, closed my eyes and swam in the sensation. Mom was amazing -- she sucked in her cheeks and made constant motions with her tongue over my glans, and I desperately tried to hold back -- I wanted this moment to last longer - hell I wanted it to last forever. I held my breath and tried to brace myself.

Mom, as if she could read my mind, pulled herself away from me again and from below my crotch whispered to relax and let it happen.

"But... it feels... so amazing. I don't want it to end." She never entirely stopped paying attention to my dick, she kissed the shaft and flicked her tongue at the head as she spoke in a soft, caring whisper:

"I will suck your cock whenever you want from now on, Dan. You don't have to hold back." She glanced up at me and licked her lips. "Mommy wants you to come." I breathed in deeply, nodded, and for the last time that night mom put her lips back around my cock. Moments later I came. I grunted and my grunt turned into a brief scream as I exploded into mom's mouth. I felt -- and heard -- her throat gulp down my first shot as the next filled her mouth, and then the next and the next. Gulp after gulp until finally I was done and lay there with quivering legs. Mom detached herself from me finally and stood up on her knees, breathing heavily.

"Good boy." she whispered. She gently, carefully stroked my cock a few times and seemed delighted when I shivered and moaned in response -- I was so sensitive, I'd never felt anything like it. I couldn't speak for almost a minute.

"You should go to bed now, honey." Mom finally said, but I could see she was panting, her breasts were heaving. And I realised she was horny. I wanted to stay, I wanted to ask her if she wanted me to... well... I'm not sure what. I just wanted to stay. But again, as if she could read my mind she nodded at the door.

"Go on, shoo. School night." I nodded, got my boxers from the floor and left. I paused at my bedroom door, though and stood as still as I could, listening intently.

Within maybe a minute I started hearing soft, quiet moans from mom's bedroom. I stood there for minutes, enthralled, listening to my mother get off and felt my dick stiffen. A single loud yelp escaped before she caught herself and I waited until the sounds had died down before quietly closing my door and going to bed.​
Next page: Chapter 03
Previous page: Chapter 01