Chapter 04

Author's note:

Hi everyone!

The response to "Down for Repairs" has been insane -- I've never had so much positive feedback before, and I'm just thrilled you've enjoyed the story so far!

I've been hard at work writing more and I've got several parts coming up. This first one is a little short, but I know the ending is something a lot of you have been waiting for. ;)

I hope you continue to enjoy them and please -- keep leaving comments, I love reading them.


I woke up only vaguely aware that something was happening to me but unable to tell exactly what. Something moved over me and as I came to I realized I had just woken up from my mom sucking me off. At some point she'd snuck into my room, crawled in under the covers and gone to work. Muffled both my dick and the covers, mom's eager mouth made wet, smacking noises as my dick hardened in it.

"Mmm... good morning, sleepyhead." she cooed as I lifted the bed covers a bit to see. "You're finally up. Well... the rest of you, I mean." She smiled and returned to her work. I groaned and laid back, my head still groggy from waking up but the feeling of mom's mouth sending me off into blissful pleasure and I allowed myself to drift away until minutes later I exploded in her mouth.

Mom rose up with a satisfied smile on her face and I noticed she was in her work clothes. "Sorry" she said, smiling innocently like a little girl -- the sight of which was enough to make my dick stir again. "but I knew if I didn't get that wonderful cock of yours in my mouth before work I wouldn't be able to think of anything else all day."

"You're saying my dick could cause an accident?"

"Could do, could do." Mom said in a severe tone before pulling out a pocket mirror and checking her makeup. "Gotta run, honey. Have a good day at school." she leaned in and pecked me on the cheek. She paused for a moment, probably a little aware of the weird shift in tone but with an embarrassed grin from both of us the moment passed. I wished her a good day at work and she headed out.

Slowly I got up and showered. Part of me didn't want to -- I could still smell the aroma of mom's crotch on me, and I wanted to preserve it. But, well... I had to shower.

I had classes late on Tuesdays so I had plenty of time in the morning, and I spent most of it thinking about Harriet.

No, not like that.

...okay yes, also like that.

Obviously since I found the videos with mom and her my biggest focus had been on mom, but Harriet was hot as fuck, too. But mostly I was trying to figure out what I was going to do.

Harriet had lied to mom about deleting the videos; she'd said she had but in fact she kept them on her PC the whole time -- hardly secure. But if that was all maybe it wouldn't be so bad -- a small lie. But in fact she'd actively shared them with someone -- her boyfriend Shane. And Shane had shared them with his buddies. Now it was perfectly possible that the white lie I'd told mom about finding one of her videos online would soon come true.

And that made me angry.

So I set about to do something.

First off, I needed to know a bit more about Shane -- Harriet's probably by now ex-boyfriend. Basic stuff was easy; Harriet's phone contained his contact details including two email addresses. Searching for those online revealed a bunch of social media accounts as you'd expect. From there I correlated with several usernames and bingo -- an account on reddit which almost only posted in a NSFW-subreddit. Specifically it posted pictures. Even more specifically it posted nudes. No videos, but naked photos. Most were of Harriet and very recent, but not all. Scrolling back about three months I found one of Harriet and mom, naked, kissing each other. It was obviously an older picture, though not twenty years old -- maybe ten. Mom looked a little older but not her current age. Mom and Harriet were locked in a passionate embrace, their breasts pushed together and mouths interlocked. Oh to have been in the room when that happened...

But what mattered right now was that what mom was terrified of -- what Harriet had promised her would never, ever happen and in fact already happened. Yes, it could be worse -- but it was already bad.

Shane had used Harriet's PC to log in to his email at some point and Harriet's browser remembered the password, luckily, so using my access to her home network I could log in to his email, too. It was the one he used for Reddit. One password reset request later and I had access to his Reddit account and then all his posts were deleted. Yeah he'd be able to figure out he'd been hacked, but whatever -- point was the pictures were gone. Although he still had access to them and could re-upload them -- and more.

And there was no way I could fix that without getting access to his PC, and slim chance of that.

I was betting on him being the only one with access to them -- he'd told Harriet he'd shown them to some friends and one of them 'leaked' it but that was clearly bullshit -- he'd posted them to Reddit himself.

So I needed access to Shane -- and I only knew one way to get that, which was to go through Harriet.

Could I approach her with this? Maybe threaten to reveal everything if she didn't help me get access to Shane's computer? No, because what I could threaten her with would harm mom, too. She'd never buy it. Guilt trip her, maybe? Yeah, maybe, but hard. I didn't know Harriet well enough.

Mom did, though.

And so, slowly, I arrived at the terrible conclusion that I was going to have to come clean to mom.

Mom sat perfectly still on the sofa and stared into space.

"So..." she began but then nothing else. Another minute passed. "So when you said you'd only seen that one video of me, you'd actually seen all of them?"

"Not exactly." I said.

"What does that mean?"

"I haven't actually gone through them all." I said, choosing not to add the word 'yet'.

"Oh." was all mom said to that. I'd come home a little after her and soon as possible I'd told her we needed to talk. I'd asked her to sit in the living room sofa and I'd laid it all out: How I'd hacked Harriet and found not one video but hundreds, how I'd lied to mom about where I found them and how Harriet had lied to her. I told her about Shane and the photos he'd posted online and how I knew he had the videos, too.

"So." she said again after a while. "The thing I was most worried about happening -- the thing both you and Harriet promised me couldn't happen could totally happen?"

"Yeah but mom we can fix it!" I said. "All we need is some help from Harriet!" Mom shook her head.

"I can't believe she would do this to me." Suddenly she burst into tears and I very awkwardly moved to put a hand on my shoulder but the second I did she grabbed me and pulled me close.

"She promised! She promised! She swore to me those videos were all gone!" she sobbed into my ear. I held her tightly while she cried, feeling helpless and guilty. Finally she calmed down.

"Sorry, Dan. I just... when I was... I asked her to get rid of those back when I was trying to get my life back on track and get you back. I always worried someone would find them and they'd-" her voice cracked and she buried her face in her hands. "That they'd take you away from me."

"But no-one did, mom. I'm here, and no-one can take me away from you. No-one." Mom nodded and calmed down again.

"I... I just can't believe Harry would do that to me." She took a deep breath. "I'm gonna have to talk to her. Oh god, what the hell am I gonna say to her?" she stared into space for a moment and then her face changed. "Jesus Christ what is with me?! I am gonna tell her I'm fucking pissed off! That fucking bitch!" She spat out the word 'bitch' and I genuinely flinched as she got up from the sofa and started pacing around.

"The nerve! The fucking nerve on her! She put my- I could have- she fucking promised!" she stared at me, clearly expecting me to agree so I just nodded. "She told me, she swore she'd deleted them all that nobody would ever see them ever again- 'Don't worry Abby, I got rid of all of them' -- fucking lying cunt!"

"Mom..." I said and she whirled around on the spot and stared at me, her eyes full of fire. She caught herself and drew another deep breath.

"Sorry honey. I... I should be mad at you, too!" I braced myself as mom stared me down but then relaxed and sat back down. "You should have told me the truth, Dan." she finally said. "I thought we were honest with each other." she added, reproachfully.

"Since when do you play the 'I'm not angry, I'm disappointed' -card?" I asked. Mom gave a quiet laugh.

"I've been trying a new parenting technique lately."

"Oh? What's it called -- the Guilt and Blowjobs technique?"

"Something like that, I guess." Mom said, and smiled.

Something came over me. I'm not sure what or why, but in that moment I leaned in and I kissed her. My lips met hers and for a moment she froze before she pulled away. We stared at each other in dead silence and then mom kissed me back. Our lips locked and then I felt my mother's tongue push past her lips and against mine. I parted them and my tongue met hers and I closed my eyes.

Time seemed to slip as we sat on the sofa, making out. My hands travelled almost subconsciously to her breasts and gently cupped them. Mom gave a soft moan and broke the kiss.

"Dan..." she began. "How far do you want this to go?"

"All the way." I said, firmly. She looked at me for a long time, then stood up and reached out a hand.

"Then come with me."

She led me to the bedroom, closed the door and kissed me again.

"I won't let you fuck me." She whispered between kisses and my heart sank before she continued: "Tomorrow you can fuck me, if you like. Tonight we're going to make love." another deep kiss, her tongue forcing its way far into my mouth and her breathing grew quicker. My hands were wandering over her breasts, her tummy, her butt. I started to undo her work blouse. She grabbed my t-shirt and pulled it off me. Her blouse fell to the floor. She moved her hands down to her waist and undid her jeans. I followed suit. My erection almost wore a hole in my boxers and it brushed against her leg. She smiled.

"I love you, Dan."

"I love you, too, mom." Her hand moved down to my crotch and I felt it wrap around the outline of my penis.

"Tell me one last time -- are you sure you want this?"

"I'm sure."

"And I'll.... Will this be your first time?" she asked, awkwardly and I blushed.


"Then tell me how you want it to happen." I swallowed nervously, my mind racing. How did I want to have sex with my mother? How did I want to lose my virginity?

"I... I don't know." I stammered out and mom grinned.

"Then let me help you." she gently moved me to the bed and I laid down on my back. She undid her bra and then slipped out of her panties. I glanced down at her crotch, my heart beating like a jackhammer and then my eyes went wide as my mother spread her legs and brought a hand up between them.

"Do you like it?" she asked and I said yes, breathless. She'd shaved her pussy.

The semi-wild bush I'd seen the day before was gone. She was smooth and hairless now, with just a tuft of hair left atop, much like in the videos.

"I haven't had a reason to in ages but I wanted to keep it nice for you." I couldn't say anything -- I was too stunned to speak; mom's hand was moving over herself, splaying her pussy open for me to watch. She slowly climbed on top of the bed, stroking herself the whole time. She moved up and straddled my waist, the bulge in my underpants now pulling the elastic away from my body. Her hands found the hem and pulled them down and then awkwardly she moved her legs so she could pull them off me and my naked cock stood up, free, and rested against the mound of my mother's pussy. Her hand wrapped around it and she started stroking me while her other hand travelled back down between her legs. I stared straight into her eyes and watched her eyes go wide as we made eye contact. She breathed heavily and I felt her hand slow down around me, taking longer, more intentional strokes.

"Are you ready, honey?" she finally whispered and my whole body wanted to cry out 'yes' but some tiny, rational part of my brain stopped me.

"Wait, mom should we- ah, I have rubbers..." mom's face broke out into a grin.

"Oh you do, do you?" she winked at me. "Don't worry, honey."


"Don't worry about it, Dan." She said, leaned down and kissed me. "What kind of mom would I be if I let my boy's first time ever end inside a condom?" and then, with me barely aware, she guided my dick up between her legs and I entered her.

I was inside my mother. I was actually, finally inside a woman -- and it was my own mother! Mom gave a little gasp then slowly rose up, her hands resting on my chest. She sat upright and paused for a moment, taking me in.

"Ooooh... oh Dan." She whispered. Then slowly, slowly she started moving. Her body rose until I was about to fall out but just before she stopped and then lowered herself down again. I cried out and nearly came there and then but suddenly my mom's hands were on either side of my face.

"Breathe, Dan -- focus on breathing. Hold on." she said between breaths herself. I did. I started focusing on drawing regular breaths and holding myself back -- it still wasn't going to take long, I knew but Jesus I wanted this moment to last at least a little longer.

I looked up at my mother riding me; her big breasts heaved with her movements and every time she lowered herself I felt the weight of her: I watched her round belly jiggle with the movements as she started to writhe on top of me.

"Oh... oh... oh Dan!" she cried out, moaning deeply.

"Mom! Oh mom, mom!"

For minutes I lay there as if in a wonderful dream as my mother rode me, until finally I couldn't hold it back anymore. I mumbled something and before I knew what was happening mom was kissing me deeply, passionately.

"Come in mommy, honey. Fill me up with your seed. Shoot it deep inside me, please. Come for me, Danny." I was in no position to argue.

"Oh fuck, moooom!"

I came inside her.

I shot my mother's pussy full of cum; spurt after spurt entered her as I writhed in ecstasy, finishing inside a woman for the first time in my life. Mom came too, or if she didn't, she was nice enough to pretend she did. She rode me until I was finally done and I'd completely emptied myself.

Mom leaned down again, kissed me and slowly, gently climbed off me, making me give tortured little moans. She curled up next to me and held me as I caught my breath.

"Was it good?" she finally asked and all I could do was kiss her in return.

Was it good? It was better than I could possibly have imagined.​
Next page: Chapter 05
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