Chapter 06
Author's note
Another instalment! This one focuses more on Ade and Dan, a relationship I didn't know I was going to explore so deeply when I started writing - it was in part reading comments that motivated me to build her up originally and make her a bigger part of the story. Hope you enjoy!
True to her word, mom had seen me off to school with her belly full of my cum again and I spent the morning in school equal parts daydreaming and worrying. What would mom and Harriet talk about? What would mom say? Would she tell Harriet what we were doing? I doubted it, I just didn't know.
Whatever, mom needed the apartment to herself for the evening, so I texted Ade and asked if I could come over to aunt Christine's place and hang.
>better if u come ovr to my place< she replied.
>Since when do you have a place?< All I got in response was a google map address. It wasn't anywhere I recognized. Mysterious.
Harriet's class went by as normal, if she was bothered by everything going on she didn't show it, though I thought I noticed her avoiding looking directly at me. How much does she know? I kept asking myself. Once the class was over I started to head out when she called me over. My heart raced as she waited for the room to clear.
"I... just wanted to say I'm really sorry for getting you involved in all... this." So, probably didn't know it was all my own doing. "Your mom and I are gonna have a talk this evening and I hope we can clear it all up. But I wanted to tell you I'm sorry, it's got nothing to do with you." Oh, it's got something to do with me, alright. You lied to my mom. You hurt her.
I didn't say much, I just nodded and mumbled something non-committal and left. There was something not very convincing about Harriet, I thought. Everything sounded good, but I now knew she was a liar, and I found it very difficult to believe her. I hoped mom and her could resolve things -- I knew her friendship meant a lot to mom, but I had my doubts...
As I left the classroom, Lee was waiting for me.
"Hey man, what professor Turnell want?"
"Oh, erm" I searched for something. "You know, just complain about my paper."
"Man economics suck, man!" Lee said, but then quickly jabbed an elbow into my side. "Turnell's hot as shit though, isn't she?"
"Huh?" I said, I was so caught off-guard.
"Come on man, don't tell me you've never thought about having some 'private tutoring' with her? With that MILF bod?"
"Oh. Yeah" I said. "I- I guess so." Lee went on for a little while about how hot Harriet was before we switched topics to video games as we headed for the bus.
After school I headed over to the address Ade gave me. It was in a not-so-nice part of town and I had to dodge an ambulance racing down the street just as I crossed the street to Ade's place. The list of names on the ground floor had Ade's last name handwritten on an apartment on the second floor and she buzzed me in.
Ade opened the door wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants.
"Hey cuz." She said and showed me in.
"Hey yourself. What is this place?"
"It's my place. I moved out."
"Okay... and... whose place is this?" I studied the apartment; it seemed like a three-bedroom apartment like mine and mom's, but smaller and way more run down. I saw Ade's clothes scattered about the place: An armchair in front of an old TV was buried below piles of dirty laundry including a pair of flimsy-looking panties.
"I told you it's mine."
"Uh-huh." I said, pointedly flipping through a stack of old sports magazines.
"Fine" Ade finally admitted. "it's Dave's."
"Dave? Wait, aunt Christine's Dave?"
"Well, her ex."
"They broke up?"
"Yup." Ade sat down in the sofa and pushed some clothes and old food boxes out of the way to make room for me to sit next to her, which I did.
Dave was aunt Christine's boyfriend for the last two years. He'd moved into their place maybe a year ago, but this was the first I heard of them breaking up.
"When did that happen?"
"Few months ago. Dave moved out but he's shacking up with someone else right now so he said I could the apartment for a while." I leaned back in the sofa, rose up and dug out an old spoon that had attacked my ass from between the cushions and put it on the table. Above us someone flushed a toilet and the pipes made a creaky wooshing noise that lasted for at least twenty seconds.
"No offense Ade but this place sucks."
"Well, go fucking hang out somewhere else then."
"I mean why would you stay here rather than at aunt Christine's?" she shrugged.
"I was just ready to be out of mom's place, you know?" You're full of shit. I thought but instead I just nodded. "So how come you stooped low enough to come visit me in Shitsville?"
"Aah... mom and Harriet are having a heart to heart at our place."
"What about?" I explained how I found out that not only had Harriet lied to mom about deleting the videos, she'd also shared them to her boyfriend Shane and Shane had posted at least some photos that Harriet had also shared and Shane had posted online. And I told her mom had decided to confront her about it.
"Shit. Heavy stuff." Ade finally said.
"Mmhmm." I agreed.
"So... what you wanna do to pass the time?" Ade asked.
"What do you got?"
"Nothing else?"
"Sports magazines." Ade suggested, then shifted her position in the sofa. "Or we can mess around." I suddenly stiffened up -- in both senses -- and subconsciously moved a little away from Ade.
"I- wh- what is up with you?" Ade rolled her eyes.
"Jesus Christ Dan why are you being such a girl about this?"
"It's weird!"
"You jerked off to porn of your mom."
I did a lot more than jerk off...
"It's... it's... I just don't-"
"Look" Ade cut me off. "I want my pussy eaten and I'm sure you want your dick sucked cause you're a guy and guys always want their dicks sucked."
Can't argue with that.
"So?" Ade said, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I... I guess... okay." I said, unsure. Ade uncrossed her arms and quickly slid off the sofa and down on the floor.
"Good talk." she said and unceremoniously started undoing my trousers. Soon she freed my dick which was already hard and without any fanfare started sucking on it.
Ade didn't seem as good as mom to me, but she was eager. She worked her mouth over my dick fast and almost aggressively, like she was in a hurry. Soon I started moaning and in response she took my dick out of her mouth and spat on it. A big glob of her saliva landed on my dick and started trickling down the shaft and she grabbed the shaft and started stroking me. Then she stopped, stood up and began to strip.
"Take your pants off" she said, as she slipped out of her yoga pants and pulled off her t-shirt. "And lie down." I hesitated.
"Lie down?" I asked.
"Yeah, we're gonna 69."
"I've never-"
"Yeah I fucking know, dork. But you were pretty good at eating pussy" she slipped out of her panties and stood in front of me completely naked. "And I'm horny." She paused, waiting on me.
I did as told. I pulled my jeans off and took off my college hoodie and laid down, trying not to think too much about the disgusting sofa. Ade moved one leg over me and settled down with her crotch over my face and I stared up into my cousin's waiting pussy. I'd barely taken in the view when I felt her mouth engulf me again and I shivered in pleasure as her tongue started moving over my head again.
"Fucking waiting for an invite?" she said after a few seconds and I grabbed her butt with both hands and pulled it a tiny bit closer until it made contact with my mouth. I smelled her -- she smelled just like I remembered; less musky than mom but still that wonderful smell of pussy I had quickly come to love. I saw her tight butthole in front of me, too and in the back of my mind I started thinking about what it would feel like to be inside someone's butt. I pressed my mouth over her waiting pussy and started to work my tongue over it -- struggling to concentrate with Ade's mouth on my own cock. It was hot as fuck, but I felt like I was doing something wrong and Ade didn't really seem to respond.
"Wrong way, idiot." Ade said and I did feel like an idiot. Right, other way around. I re-oriented myself and moved my tongue the other way, probing until I found her clit.
"Mmmm..." Ade moaned in response, muffled by my dick and I started working her clit with my tongue, flicking it with the tip quickly. I felt her whole body stiffen in rapt attention, as if an electrical signal had passed through her. She moved her hips and pushed herself down -- just like she had the last time I ate her out and again my entire face was covered by her crotch -- I could barely breathe.
Well two can play at that game I thought and thrust my own crotch up into the air and felt Ade jolt and give a grunt: But her mouth stayed dutifully on my dick as I kept thrusting up into it, her meeting my every thrust.
We lay there for several minute, face-fucking each other until finally I couldn't take it anymore -- I was going to come and soon. Should I warn her? How? I couldn't make more sound than a moan. I slapped her ass. She moaned in response. I slapped it again, harder and grabbed it as hard as I could and then, with one last thrust upwards I forced my cock as far into her mouth as it could go and came. As I did, she came, too. I felt her pussy contract over my face just like before and on instinct I wrapped my arms around her ass and held it there. We came together, intertwined, me emptying my load into her mouth and her gushing pussy juice over my face. I don't think she meant to, but she let go of my dick and I felt myself shooting ropes of cum into the air as Ade deeply groaned my name.
"Dan! Daaaan fuuuuuuuck!" she screamed and for a moment I wondered how thick the walls here were -- probably not very.
Slowly, Ade got off me. She moved her left leg over me and tried to balance on the side of the couch but slipped and grabbed the sofa so she half-slid, half-fell onto the floor where she stayed for a moment, breathing heavily.
"Fuck... fuck... fuck!" was all she managed. I looked over at her. Her face and cum on it -- my cum. She had her eyes closed and slowly regained her breath. When she opened her eyes she turned around, located her pants and pulled them on (not bothering with panties) followed by her t-shirt.
"Wanna order some food?" she asked.
"You don't mind chipping in, do you?" Ade asked as the pizza guy handed her the pizza.
"Sure, how much?"
"$8.99." the guy said.
"So with tip that's... like $13?" Ade said and the guy nodded. "Cool. Can you swing $13?" I sighed and paid the pizza guy. He looked at me in a funny way and for a moment I wondered if he could smell Ade on me, but he just thanked me for the money and left.
We split the pizza between us and ate in silence. Ade had barely said a word since we got off the sofa. It was as if what we'd done hadn't happened. I wasn't sure how to handle it so I defaulted to talking too much. I talked about school, about my worst teachers, my dumb classmates and stupid topics. I talked about TV shows I'd watched, stuff from the news god help me I even talked about sports very briefly -- pretty much the only topics I steered clear of were sex, mom and Harriet.
Midway through dinner my phone buzzed with a message from mom.
>hey honey might b kinda late -- sorry -- can u stay out until late?<
>I can stay the night with Ade?< I texted back.
>If Christine dont mind would b great. Make it up to u 2morrow xx mom< I ignored both the part about aunt Christine and about mom 'making it up to me' for now -- I felt like it was dangerous to think too much about that right now.
"Hey mom just said she and Harriet might be kinda late, is it cool if I crash here tonight?" Ade had finished her slice and had just lit a cigarette and took a long drag from it before answering through a cloud of smoke.
"Sure. You take the couch."
"Yay. Do you have a can of Raid I could snuggle up with?"
"Well I'm not giving up my bed." Ade said and I nodded. I chewed in silence while Ade smoked.
"It's a double." Ade said after a while.
"It's Dave's bed. It's a double."
"If you want... you could have half." My heart started racing again.
"I... I mean... is that... a problem?"
"No. I guess. Do what you want." She said and stubbed out her cigarette in the remains of her last pizza slice.
We watched TV. Nothing in particular, just whatever was on. We still barely talked. Occasionally I stole a glance at Ade sitting next to me and my eyes usually were drawn to her chest. She hadn't bothered to put on panties after we 69d and she hadn't been wearing a bra when I first came over and I could see her pert breasts and nipples poking the fabric of her t-shirt. It stirred me and I spent the last hour or so before we went to bed with an erection.
It got to just past midnight when Ade announced she was tired, turned the TV off and said she'd head to bed. I spent a few agonizing minutes on the sofa while Ade went to the bathroom before she came out, dressed in a pair of white panties and the same t-shirt, waving a toothbrush around and sending spittle of agitated toothpaste flying as she spoke.
"You staying out here, or...?" I glanced down at her legs; the t-shirt only barely went past her waist and the tiny triangle of white fabric between her legs was hard to ignore. I felt like I was walking in a minefield. But I glanced down at the sofa and for a moment I was sure I saw something scuttle about between the cushions.
"I... I guess I'll take the bed if you're sure that's-"
"Whatever." Ade cut me off and about-faced back into the bathroom where she spat and rinsed. "You can borrow my toothbrush!" she called out as she walked into the bedroom.
I went to the bathroom and did my business as well as brushed my teeth with her still warm toothbrush. The bathroom connected the living room to the bedroom and I walked in. Ade was in bed, scrolling on her phone and keeping to one side. I quickly stripped down to my boxers and got in under the covers on the other side.
"Well, goodnight." Ade said and turned out the lights without any fuss. I lay on my back in a bedroom that clearly belonged to a middle-aged man and stared at the ceiling wondering what the fuck was up with Ade. Constant stop-start, stop-start. And why? What did she want?
"Can't sleep?" Ade asked. I looked at my phone.
"It's only been five minutes." I said. She rolled over to her side to face me.
"Want some help?"
"With sleeping?" she nodded -- I could just barely make her out in the dark.
"I can make you feel good." Fuck it, let's be bold I thought.
"Want to suck my dick again?" I more heard than saw Ade grin.
"Actually-" she said, then quickly got up from her side of the bed, whipped my covers off me and straddled me. "I had something else in mind." Her crotch rested on the bulge in my boxers, her pussy rubbing against it. "Let's fuck."
"You're crazy." I said, my brain struggling to catch on to why exactly I was not saying 'yes please'. I just wanted to know what the fuck Ade wanted. Except to fuck, apparently.
"Maybe." she shrugged. "But so what? Let's fuck."
"I- I don't have any rubbers."
"Yeah, why would you, not like a lot of people would want to fuck a dork like you. But that's okay."
"But -- I mean you could get..." I began. My eyes were adjusting to the dark now and I could see Ade more clearly. Her hair hung down over her shoulders, black like night and she cocked her head at me.
"Maybe I don't care if you get me pregnant." she leaned forwards. "Besides, don't you want to lose your v-card inside a woman and not a rubber?" I froze. She noticed. Her eyes widened and suddenly she tensed up.
"Wait... you... when? Fuck, who..." her eyes got wide like saucers. "No fucking way."
"No fucking way!" In panic I reached out to grab her but she batted my hands away. "You fucking -- you and... fucking hell! Your own mother?!" She shouted and I begged her to quiet down.
"Ade please keep your voice down!"
"Fucking hell! I fucking knew aunt Abby was a slut but fuck!"
"ADE FOR FUCK SAKE SHUT UP!" she rolled off and sat up in the bed and was quiet for several minutes. I barely dared to breathe.
"When?" she finally asked.
"Two days ago." I said.
"Fuck. Missed my window." Her voice was quiet, soft. She sounded vulnerable.
"Window?" I asked but she didn't answer.
"Mom kicked me out." She finally said after almost a minute.
"Mom kicked me out. For good, I mean."
"Wh- when?"
"'bout a month ago."
"Cause I sucked Dave's dick." Woah.
"Oh." There was a long pause while I searched for something to say. "So... they broke up because of that?"
"No. They broke up cause mom was fucking other guys."
"Aunt Christine was sleeping around?"
"She does that all the time. That's how she and Dave got together, she started seeing him when she was dating Paul." What? I remembered Paul -- Aunt Christine had been seeing him back when I was thirteen or fourteen. "Before Paul she was with Carlos and fucking some guy whose name I don't know." I remembered Carlos, too -- but that was going back almost eight years now. "She always does it. Took me a while to figure that out but yeah."
"Fuck." I said.
"Mmm." Ade agreed.
"So... wait, they broke up... and then you sucked Dave's dick?"
"Why?" Ade took a long, deep breath.
"Cause I liked him. He was a good dude. Boring, but a good dude, y'know? He deserved better than my mom."
"But why-" I began but Ade cut me off.
"Cause it's all I fucking know to do!" she shouted, her voice trembling. "I couldn't get into college, I can't get a job or a boyfriend cause I'm no good at anything except being a bitch and sucking dicks! And I thought that maybe if I sucked Dave's dick it would... help, somehow but all it did was make me homeless and even lonelier! And now I thought I could at least do this for you but I fucking blew that, too!" she was crying now; ugly crying, her voice shook and she turned away from me, wrapping the blankets around her and sobbing to herself. I stretched out a hand but she jerked away.
"Leave me alone! Get away from me before I fuck you up, too! It's all I ever seem to do!"
"I fucking love you! I love you like a brother and I just wanted to be there for you, to protect you to- to... to care for you and I can't even do that right!" Holy shit.
"I'm fucking my own mother, Ade." Wow. I said it. I told someone. "I'm fucking my own mother -- in the last week we've fucked or gone down on each other every single day. I don't know how much more fucked up a person can get." Ade laughed a little, half-crying still.
"Yeah, and even you won't fuck me. The one boy I ever felt like I could love and he won't fuck me, even though he'll fuck his own trauma-ridden deadbeat mom!" I leaned in, grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to me. I moved and straddled her; her eyes grew wide and if it was if I saw Ade for the first time: She looked vulnerable, scared. I'd never seen her like that.
"I love you, too, Ade." I leaned in and kissed her. She didn't really respond but stared at me as I withdrew. "But I won't fuck you." Her eyes stared at me, trembling and I could almost see defences re-deploy behind them.
"But if you want... I will make love to you." I said. Ade held her breath. So did I. I stayed where I was, my legs on either side of her. Finally a thin smile spread over her lips.
"That's the gayest shit you've ever said."
"I like to suck dicks." Ade's eyes went even wider.
"No. But now I've said something gayer." Ade laughed.
"Nah. That first thing was gayer." Then, to my surprise, she reached a hand up and ran it through my hair. It wandered through my hair before falling slowly down, caressing my cheek.
"Okay, Romeo." she said. "Make love to me."
I got the sheet away from between us and draped it over me, as if I was shielding us both from prying eyes. I leaned down and kissed her. This time she met the kiss; I pressed my tongue in between her lips and felt her do the same. I placed my hand on one of her breasts and felt her up for the first time; they were small, much smaller than mom's but firm. Ade gave a little gasp and then quickly threw her t-shirt off, peeling it over her head just like she had in the sofa. I stared down at her and her naked bosom.
"You've got great tits, cousin." I whispered.
"I know." She said with a wink. I smiled and leaned down. My lips wrapped around one of her nipples and I sucked on it like a greedy pig. She had tiny nipples and I felt it stiffen as I sucked. Ade's hand reached for my crotch and grabbed my penis through my boxers.
"I can't believe you fucked your own mother." She said.
"I'm about to fuck my own cousin, too."
"Make love to." She corrected me and smiled. She squeezed my dick gently, teasingly, and then snuck her hand into my boxers and started stroking it. I was already hard; I'd been hard for the last hour, and Ade smirked at me.
"You want to know what a young pussy feels like?" she said and I laughed.
"Can't wait." I awkwardly got my boxers off and tossed the covers off us. I took in the full view of Ade: Naked, save for her white panties. She held both arms up and cupped her own breasts, gently playing with them as we looked at each other. I took my cock in my hand and guided it towards her panties.
"Off or on?" I said and Ade drew a breath.
"On." I slid her panties to one side and entered her. Immediately I was struck by how tight she was -- much tighter than mom, I thought and felt a pang of guilt. She was wet and opened wide to welcome me but she was a much tighter fit around my cock than mom was. I slid in slowly, gasping as each inch of me disappeared in her and Ade did the same. Finally my whole dick was inside my cousin and I stared down at her. Ade's eyes were closed and she looked like she was in pain. Fuck, was I hurting her?
"Ade? What's wrong?" I said, terrified.
"Nothing." she said, her voice shaky, then she opened her eyes: Tears were welling up in them. "I'm just happy." She smiled. "Now please... keep going."
Don't need to tell me twice.
Ade's pussy felt amazing. I began to thrust in and out of her and each time I pulled halfway out it was if her body didn't want to let go; like it drew me back in. Ade lay on her back, playing with her tits, moaning in pleasure while I grunted, moving slowly in and out of her. If I hadn't already come a few hours earlier I probably wouldn't have lasted as long as I did, but I was glad I did. I wanted this to last, if not for my sake then for Ade's.
Soon, Ade started to squirm and moan. One of her hands left her tit and I felt her fingernail touch the top of my penis as she reached for her clit and started playing with it.
"Oh... oh Dan!"
"Ade... Ade jesus you feel so good!"
"Oh... aaah! Ahhh, you too! Oh Dan! Dan!" her voice got higher, more urgent and her fingers worked faster and faster and I tried to match her rhythm. I was finally getting close.
"Can I... are you sure you want me to finish in you?" Her free arm shot out and she grabbed one of my arms.
"Don't you fucking dare think about pulling out -- I need you to finish in me." Her eyes went soft. "I need it, Dan. Please finish in me." I promised I would and soon I was there. I held out as long as I could but Ade's tight, young pussy finally got the better of me.
"Ade I- ahh, aaah! I'm coming!" I moaned and in response grabbed my back with both hands and forced me towards her, pushing me as deep inside her as I could go and I came. She screamed, and I felt her pussy convulse around me as she orgasmed and together we grunted, moaned and screamed like wild animals as we both came. Finally, I made to move but she held me in place.
"No." she pleaded. "Stay inside me for just a little while." I obeyed, even though I was already going soft. Finally, after about a minute she reluctantly let go of me and I pulled myself out. My cock was sticky with our fluids and I lay down next to Ade who hadn't opened her eyes since I came. She seemed peaceful.
"Ade, are you alr-" I began but before I could finish Ade rolled over to her side and slung an arm around me. On instinct I did the same, and we held each other closely, Ade's naked body against mine.
"Thank you." Ade whispered. Within minutes she'd fallen asleep in my arms.