Chapter 07

"Sorry for being so weird and weepy last night." Ade said as I groggily walked into the kitchen -- which, unsurprisingly, was a bomb shell. Ade was eating a box of crackers and handed me some, even going so far as to place them on a semi-clean plate for me.

"Hey, don't worry about it." I said. I was a little... well maybe not worried, but weirded out by it. I'd never seen Ade so emotional before. Part of me wondered if she was still the same cousin I knew. "I... I got a little worried there are first, like maybe I was hurting you or something."

"Hurting me?"

"Yeah, like... I dunno, maybe I was too big?"

Cracker crumbs flew through the air as Ade badly tried to stifle a laugh. "Jesus, Dan! You wish!" she looked at me with a huge grin, then quickly checked it. "Sorry! I mean... look you got nothing to worry about, you're a good size and all, but 'too big'? Come on."

Yeah, it was the Ade I knew after all.

I had some crackers and checked my phone. A message from mom from about thirty minutes ago.

>had a long talk with Harriet, cum home soon miss u and ur fat cock xx mom<

Well, that's hard to ignore.

"I'm gonna head home." Ade looked up at me and nodded.

"Right. Say hi to your mom. Tell her we should get together sometime, compare notes on if you're a good lay or not." I stared at her as she bit another cracked in half and crunched at it quietly.


"Dan, chill the fuck out and learn to take a joke."

"You can't tell anyone, Ade, you get that, right?"

"I know, I know."

"About you and me, too."

"Please, as if I want people to know I slept with a los-" she caught herself and looked away for a second. "I won't tell anyone, Dan, I promise. Will you tell aunt Abby about us?" Good question.

"Should I?" I asked. Ade was quiet for a moment.

"Up to you." she finally said. Thanks a lot. Although... fair, I guess.

I came home and dropped my backpack on the floor with a heavy thud.

"I'm home!" I heard mom move around in the kitchen and poke her head out.

"Good timing, breakfast will be done in just a moment!"

Holy shit, mom's making breakfast? I could smell fresh coffee and bacon, but something else, too... what was it?

Oh. Oh crap.

It was me. I hadn't showered since yesterday and I smelt of... well, of Ade. A faint whiff of her was still on my face, my five o clock shadow ingrained with her smell. The rest of me probably smelled of her, too. Would mom notice? I walked into the kitchen just as mom served up bacon and eggs. She wore a black negligee that I'd never seen before and ended just below her ass and was actually humming a song as she whirled around the kitchen, pretending she knew how to cook.

Well, slightly under-done bacon and runny eggs were better than a box of crackers, I supposed. I sat down and started chowing down and as I did mom came over and gave me a kiss on the head before returning to her own bacon.

"So I take it from your mood that your talk with Harriet went well?"

"It went very well, thank you!" mom declared, humming between sentences. "I told her you'd found pictures of me and her together online and that you didn't know who had posted them -- just like you said I should - but you knew the username which I told her and she confessed it belonged to Shane." I nodded, eating my bacon while watching her ass cheeks peek out from below the negligee. "She told me everything" mom continued. "How she kept videos and photos that we'd taken and she was terribly sorry." Mom paused to transfer bacon strips from the pan to her own plate and sat down at the table.

"She cried, told me all about how Shane had promised her she would never show them to anyone else bla bla bla. I told her I was very angry with her and she cried some more -- I cried, too." She took a bite of bacon and chewed on it for a little while before continuing.

"Anyway... after we'd both calmed down a bit I asked her to help us fix this." I waited eagerly to hear what Harriet had said. "She said she wasn't sure she could, but promised she'd try." I nodded.

"Well that sounds good. I can talk her through what he needs to do but it's not difficult."

"Mmm." Mom said. "Trouble is, I'm not sure I trust her."


"No. She lied to me before and it would be easy for her to pretend she tried but it didn't work, wouldn't it?" I agreed. It would be the easiest thing in the world. What I needed for her to do was to put a thumb drive into Shane's computer -- desktop or laptop, assuming he had one -- and leave it there for about a minute at most. If all he had was a phone that would require a little more coaching for Harriet to figure out what to do. Either way she could lie and say she did it and nothing happened -- which could actually be true for a thousand different reasons.

"But" mom said with a smirk. "Luckily, I have a plan for that."


"After we'd hashed it all out, we got to talking about old times. You know, reminiscing about the good old days when we used to shoot those videos." I nodded, my mind suddenly full of images of mom and Harriet when they were young, screwing random guys and each other and if mom's text message and outfit hadn't already made me horny this certainly did the trick. "And she told me a little secret."

"What's that?"

"She frequents a sex club in town." I nearly spat out a mouthful of egg.


"There's a club called 'Delight' near where she lives. It's a strip club, but there are back rooms where there are... well... other stuff going on and she's a frequent figure there." My mind raced, now full of images of present-day Harriet doing... well, I wasn't sure exactly what, so I improvised.

"If there were pictures of her in... compromising positions... she might be more motivated to help us, don't you think?"

"But there's already pictures of her out there." I said.

"Sure, from ten years ago. And it would be embarrassing for her if people knew about those. But something more recent... maybe featuring her having sex, with saaaay... one of her own students?" I gulped. Wait. Did mom mean...

"She's got more to lose than me." mom stated, matter-of-factly. "I've got a shitty, exhausting job that no-one knows about. She's a professor trying to get tenure. Did you know that?" I did not.

"So" mom said. "What do you think of my plan?" I thought about it for a moment. It sounded a bit convoluted and not a little tricky. But it could work, and my guts told me mom was right not to trust Harriet without some sort of hold over her. Besides...

"Well there's one part of the plan that really speaks to me, for some reason." I said with a grin and mom smiled.

"I thought you might." she put her knife and fork away. "Done with your breakfast?" I nodded. "Good." she stood up, hitched up her negligee over her ass, revealing a pair of bright-pink panties and turned around, bent over her chair and turned her head over her shoulder. "Then come over here. Mommy needs your big, fat cock inside her."

I stood up and walked over to her. Her ass was sticking up in the air, her belly resting on the seat of the chair and I ran my hands over her back, down towards her ample cheeks. I'd never seen her quite in this position and her ass was wide, plump and inviting. I pulled her panties off her down to her ankles and spread her ass cheeks to reveal not only her eagerly waiting pussy but also her tight, dark asshole. Just like yesterday with Ade I wondered what it felt like to push myself inside there...

Later. I told myself. I ran a finger over her lips and was reward with both a shiver from mom and with her pussy opening up for me. She was wet already.

She's wet. I'm hard. Easy math.

My jeans came off, then my boxers and I slid my dick into her and again I thought about the difference between her and Ade. Ade was so much tighter, yet with mom it felt wonderful all the same; she felt eager, receptive and her pussy was warm and soft but more than anything I realized it was because she was my mom.

"Oooooh fuuuuck..." I moaned as I entered her. "I missed you, mom."

"Aaah... I missed you, too, Danny..." I inched inside her and felt how I could go deeper this way -- I pushed and pushed until my pelvic bone was flat against mom's ass. I looked down at mom's ass and stared at my dick buried in her and again my eyes focused in on her puckered butthole.

"Aaaah... oh fuck mom you feel so good!"

"Fuck me Danny, fuck me!" she cried out and I did as told. I started thrusting in and out of her again and again. "Oh Jesus!" she practically screamed. "Fuck y-you f-fill me up so fucking good!" I had a firm grip on her ass and rammed myself into her again and again, fucking her hard; almost violently. Every stroke brought me closer and closer and before I knew it I was filling mom's pussy with my cum again. As I did mom let out a shriek that turned into a quivering moan as she came around my exploding cock; her grip slipped and she caught herself on the floor but I slipped out of her and the last spurts flew out over her back, staining her negligee and leaving droplets of sperm all over her naked skin.

"Thank you, Danny." mom said when she'd recovered and sat back on her chair, still catching her breath. "I needed that."

"Any... time... mom." I said with a grin.

My afternoon lecture passed with me barely noticing. I was thinking of a thousand different things; how to get Harriet to give me access to Shane's devices, what the hell mom's plan was exactly with the sex club, the thought of going to a sex club, the thought of having sex with Harriet, last night with Ade and as always in the last week mom also figured in my daydreaming.

Soon as the lecture was over I checked my messages and found one from Ade:

>can u come ovr?<

>OK is something wrong?<

>no just lonely<

>You can come over to our place if you want<

>no I lso want to suck ur dick< Good argument. I texted mom that I might be a little late.

>Ok honey plz hurry back tho want 2 suck ur dick< she replied.

Talk about a rock and a hard place...

I headed over to Ade's place and she answered the door wearing a tank top and jeans.


"Hey." I said back and closed the door behind. "Is everything-" Ade had already dropped to her knees.

"Everything's fine" she said, and added; "Get your dick out." Even though she didn't wait -- she was already undoing my jeans.

"Ade, what the- aaah!" She really didn't waste any time -- I'd been through the door for maybe fifteen seconds before my cock was in her mouth.

"Mmm... what?" she asked.

"Wh-what the- oh fuck! What's going on with you?"

"Mmm... mmmm..." for a while Ade didn't answer and all I heard was my own heavy breathing and the wet sounds her mouth made on my member. "I'm bored and got nothing to do so I wanted to suck your fucking dick what's hard to understand about that?" she finally said, taking a break from sucking me off long enough to answer before diving back in.

"Nngh... aaah... wh- okay..." I gave up and reached for a wall to catch my balance. Almost as soon as I did she stopped sucking and with a loud 'pop' my cock fell out of her mouth. Instead she started stroking me and then I felt her mouth on my balls. I looked down and saw Ade, her eyes closed, her hand stroking my shaft in quick, hard motions and watched as if in slow motion as she closed her mouth on one of my balls. It felt absolutely amazing and I groaned deeply.

"You like that, cousin?" Ade said in a hoarse whisper. I could only grunt something back -- Ade responded by switching to my other ball and gave it the same treatment. She took my ball in her mouth and gently, carefully sucked on it -- I'd never felt her be so delicate with me ever before but she treated my balls with tender love. With a deep breath she stopped and looked up at me.

"Doesn't aunt Abby take care of your balls?" she asked, while stroking me and I grunted something vaguely negative. "Shame on her. You should ask her to." She smiled at me, then she kissed the tip of my cock. And then she did it again. And again. Over and over she kissed my dickhead, leaving little trails of sticky precum strung between her lips and my dick and I tensed up. I grunted I was close and Ade gulfed me back into her mouth and I came.

I felt Ade's throat muscles move as she swallowed every drop of cum I deposited into her mouth and just as I reached the peak of my orgasm she cupped and gently squeezed my balls. I nearly lost my balance; my knees were giving out under me but I stayed upright until I finally stopped coming -- not that Ade cared, her mouth stayed exactly where it was and her mouth probed around my head and my shaft as if searching for the smallest drop of semen she hadn't swallowed already. Finally I had to push her off me and I fell backwards against the door to her apartment and slid down onto the floor, my pants around my ankles and instinctively protected my groin as if she were a predator attacking me. It took me a full minute before I could even talk again.

It was, in short, the best blowjob I had ever had.

"You alright?" Ade asked and through closed eyes I heard the flick of a lighter and when I looked up she was standing with a lit cigarette in her hand. I stared at her in disbelief.

"Want one?" she said and held the cigarette out to me. I accepted it and took a long, deep drag while she lit another one.

"That was... fucking insane, Ade." Ade just shrugged.

"Thought I'd show what I can do when I really try." My head was still spinning, both from the cigarette and from the afterglow. I slowly got to my feet and took another drag.

"Is this what you used to behind the gym in high school?" Ade stared at me in silence for a second before looking away.


"I always told people it was bullshit."

"Sometimes it was."

"Like you sucked the gym teacher's dick?"

"Nah, I didn't do that. He was a fucking creep."

"What about-"

"Why are you being a jerk?" she snapped at me.

"Sorry." Ade looked around for somewhere to put out her cigarette and found an old piece of cardboard behind the shoe rack. I stubbed mine out on the same and suddenly noticed something in the air. I sniffed and suddenly something awful filled my nostrils.

"Oh fuck what's that?" Ade drew a quick sniff and sighed.

"That's the plumbing, sometimes it does this if someone's taken a nasty shit it backs up and the smell goes up through the shower drain."

"Fuuuck!" I pulled my hoodie over my nouse. "How often does that happen?"

"I dunno, maybe once a day. It goes away after like an hour."

"An hour? Fuck, Ade you can't live like this."

"Cool, where should I go, dipshit? Mom won't let me back."

"I could talk to mom, maybe? You could come stay with us." Ade looked at me with an incredulous smile.

"Really? You think I wanna lie in bed listening to you and your mom fuck?"

Or you could jo- NOPE! Not going there.

"...okay so it might be a bit weird but Ade there's things in here that are like, gonna give you parasites just from breathing. This place is shit." Ade looked around then back to me and suddenly she looked nervous.

"Do... do you really think aunt Abby might be okay with it?" she sighed. "I fucking hate it here, Dan."

"I'll ask, okay?"


Mom lay on the bed, her legs spread wide before me and encouraging me with her moans.

"Ooooh Dan... Dan... oh fuck Dan..." I loved it when mom said my name. "Dan just like th- fuuuck! Fuuuuck!" The taste of her pussy and the sounds she made and things she said were making me harder and harder. She'd met me at the door and for a second I thought she would do exactly what Ade did but instead she asked if I wanted to go to the bedroom and get my dick sucked. I'd told her no, first I wanted to eat her out and she had squealed like a little girl and led me by the hand to her room.

"Dan! Daaaan..." mom writhed and wiggled about on the bed as my tongue worked her clit over and over again. Her earthy musk drove me crazy and I felt like I could have spent hours with my face between her legs -- but I could tell I didn't have hours, only moments.

"Dan! Daaaan... oh you're gonna -- gonna -- I'm- DAAAAN!" Her legs clamped shut and her body convulsed as she came on my mouth and I lapped at her pulsing vagina until, just like I had with Ade, mom pushed my face away from her.

"Jesus, Dan... you're... that was... amazing." I grinned, feeling insanely proud. A few moments later, when mom had recovered a little she got up on her knees and gently, slowly pushed me down onto my back.

"Your turn." She said with a grin. I leaned back and just before mom's head descended on me I asked in a quiet whisper if she could suck on my balls. "With pleasure, honey." mom replied and went to work.

As mom wiped her lips clean and we got dressed I asked mom if we could talk.

"Of course honey, what's up?"

"Is it okay if Ade comes stay with us for a while?" Mom raised an eyebrow as she re-did her bra.

"'For a while'? As in a couple of nights?"

"No, maybe longer."

"W-why?" And so I told her. I explained about aunt Christine kicking her out, about Dave and how aunt Christine had cheated on him, about how Ade lived now and how I was worried about her staying there all on her own. At the end mom stared into space for a while.

"Holy shit... Chrissy... I knew she sometimes played a little... fast and loose with guys but... and to kick Ade out like that, I-" she turned to face me. "I would never do that to you. Ever. No matter what."

"I know, mom." I said.

"Okay... well, erm... I suppose Ade can't live like that. But you realize this means we might not... I mean without privacy, we-"

"Ade knows, mom."


"Ade knows. About us."

" told her?" mom said, barely masking the fury in her voice.

"Actually she kind of guessed."

"She guessed?" Mom repeated.

"Yeah, she did."

"How did she gue-" her eyes went wide. "You two didn't- oh my god you did!"

"That's kind of how she figured it out, too." I said, trying to diffuse the tension. Mom sat quiet for at least a minute.

"I'm... so angry with you right now."

"I'm really sorry, mom."

"...Jesus Christ if Chrissy ever finds out she is going to kill me."

"How is she gonna find out? Unless she literally walks in on us."

"Fuck, Danny this isn't funny!" Mom roared at me and got up. "Give me some time to think this over, Dan, alright?" she said and as she walked out I heard her grab her coat and head out. I was left alone in her bed, feeling miserable and worried I'd ruined things.

Mom came home about an hour later, I was sat in my room and waited to see if she was going to come in and a few minutes later she knocked on my door.

"Hi honey." She said as I let her in. She sat down on my bed and sighed.

"Honey, you understand we have to be careful, right? I mean you understand what would happen if people found out about us?"

"I do mom, I do. I swear, I didn't tell Ade- she figured it out."

"She knows about the videos?" mom asked and I answered yes she did, and told her she'd literally walked in on me when I first found them. "She's a real brat -- always was." Mom commented, then drew a deep breath.

"Truth is... I trust you to be careful. And the real... what really upset me wasn't that you told Ade -- but please Dan make sure nobody else ever finds out."

"I will, mom."

"The real thing that upset was... I was jealous."


"Yeah. Of... you and Ade. I mean, I get it, it's not like..." her voice trailed off and she abandoned her train of thought. "It's not like I expected you to... I just felt jealous, that's all. Ade is so young, so pretty -- she doesn't have fucked up knees or stretch marks or a beer gut and I'm sure you prefer-" I stood up from my desk and sat down next to her on the bed. I touched her cheek and pulled back a loose strand of hair and kissed her. Deeply, passionately. She answered, and our tongues intermingled. I put my arms around her and hugged her as we shared a deep, romantic kiss.

"I love you, mom." I said. Mom was crying.

"I love you, too."

"I love Ade, too. But it's different... you're both very different and I feel different about you. But I love you. And I keep telling you you've still got a killer body." Mom smiled through the tears.

"You're so sweet. I don't know how I ended up with such a sweet boy. God knows I did more than enough to mess you up." I told her to stop talking like that.

"Okay" mom said with a deep sigh. "Ade can some stay with us." I kissed her again and told her she was the best. Mom smiled and got up to leave but I held her arm.

"Hey mom, can I ask you something?"


"A favor."


"Can you... not shave?" Mom stared at me, her jaw open and totally dumbfounded. I grinned apologetically and I could tell I was blushing as I explained. "I... think I prefer you... hairy." Now mom blushed, but she smiled through it.

"Whatever my boy wants. Good night."

"Good night, mom."​
Next page: Chapter 08
Previous page: Chapter 06