Chapter 08

I helped Ade move her stuff over Saturday -- mom was working a weekend shift and would come home late in the evening with Sunday and Monday off.

It really didn't take long. Two boxes of clothes, one with assorted makeup and toiletries, another full of seemingly junk and one just marked 'Private' I was not allowed to look inside of. She left, in her own words 'some random shit behind' but said she'd pick it up whenever. We had borrowed mom's car and piled her stuff in the back and as Ade cheerily said she'd drive I remembered the times I'd ridden a car with Ade and quickly negotiated the keys from her hands and drove us over to mom's while Ade sulked in the passenger seat.

Unfortunately we didn't really have a good place to set Ade up in. Mom and I shared a three bedroom apartment but over the years the third room had slowly converted from a haphazard 'work room' to a 'storage room' and finally into a place stuffed full of junk that mom didn't know what to do with and we mostly kept the door closed.

We'd briefly agreed we would clear it out and make room for Ade in there, but for right now mom had braved the chaotic hellscape of the junk room to retrieve an air mattress that would go on the floor of...

Well mom had intended the living room. Ade intended my room.

"We used to share a room" she said, simply. "What's the big deal?"

"I was eight and you were ten."

"I bet I'm gonna hate it a lot less now than I did then."

"You hated sharing a room with me?"

"Yeah. You were an annoying little shitbird when you were eight."

"I was not!"

"'Ade, Ade, come check out this cool manga I'm reading, Ade, Ade, come look at this gross bug I found! Ade, Ade this video game is-"

"Okay, fine, I get it. Fine, whatever." I said, surrendering. Sharing a room.

Well, let's be real here, we all knew what it was gonna lead to, didn't we?

With Ade 'moved in' we went out shopping for some odds and ends, which mostly consisted of Ade stopping to ogle expensive shit while I kept asking why I had to come along.

It was pretty late by the time we got back and I scavenged the kitchen for something for dinner, settling on a box of mac & cheese. We ate mostly in silence and when we were done Ade slipped out for a smoke while I cleaned up.

We settled in on the sofa to play some video games for a bit and by the we got bored it was close to midnight. Ade gave a big, theatrical yawn and announced she was tired. Nervously, I eyed the door to my bedroom.

"I'm gonna go to bed." she said and disappeared into the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out in pajamas (where had those been a few days ago, I wondered) and marched off into my bedroom. A few minutes later I followed; I brushed my teeth, went to the bathroom and went into my bedroom. Ade was curled up on the mattress facing away from me when I walked in and I stripped down to my boxers and got into bed. I stayed up for a little while, scrolling on my phone until I asked Ade if she wanted the lights off. She rolled over to her side and glanced up at me.

"This mattress is uncomfortable as shit."

"Sorry, maybe you should have taken that room at the Ritz after all." I replied.

"Eh, the staff are all snooty assholes." she paused. "You got room up there for one more?"

"Not really." I said, honestly.

"Well how about if you make some room, I'll let you fuck me?" I swallowed. Mom would be home pretty soon and I wasn't sure how she would react if-

"Earth to Dan, I said I'll let you fuck me."

Good point. I flung the covers open and Ade scurried up into bed with me. She snuggled up right next to me and instantly I felt my body react: My dick woke up as I felt Ade's breath on my neck and she purposefully pressed her chest up against me.

"Thanks." she said. "This is much cozier."

"Don't mention it."

"How do you want me?"


"Any way you want is fine."


"I can suck your dick if you prefer."

"Ade, please-"

"Dan I'm trying to thank you."

"Thank me?"

"For... helping me. Getting me out of that shithole."

" don't need to thank me. Or, well... not that way."

"I don't know any other way."

"Stop acting like a rude bitch for a day?"

"Fuck you."

"Eh, you won't get it on your first try." She slapped me playfully.

"You're a jerk."

"And you suck at thanking people."

"I know." she said and her voice sounded sincere. "I'm sorry.

"It's okay." We lay in the dark like that, quietly embracing each other for maybe a minute before Ade spoke again.

"You sure I can't do... something? To thank you, I mean." Oooooh man she was making this hard.

"I guess... I can think of something."

"What's that?" Ade's eyes lit up.

"You could give me another of those famous Ade-style blowjobs?"

What? I'm only human!

Ade didn't need me to ask twice. With a massive, eager grin she disappeared under the covers and moments later her mouth was on my dick. She did it all just like she had before; she stroked my shaft, kissed my tip and she sucked on my balls like a woman possessed. I placed my hands on her head as it bobbed up and down under the sheets and imagined pressing -- holding her down on my dick; letting it choke her...

The thought was actually too much to resist. I started gently, though. I placed my hand on the top of her head just as she was paying attention to the head of my dick and gave it a soft push -- more holding her in place than pushing her down. Ade didn't resist, but gave no other reaction. I pressed a little hard and suddenly she resisted -- I let go and she flung the covers off us -- my dick resting against her chin as she looked up at me.

"What you trying to do, Dan?"

"I- I don't know, I'm sorry." Ade grinned.

"Yeah you do. You know what you want." She leaned back down, gave my cock a long, lasting kiss, looked up at me with expecting eyes. I placed my hands on the back of her head again. She didn't resist. I pressed down, softly. She didn't resist, her tongue kept making tiny circles on my head.

I pushed her head down firmly, about halfway down my dick. She resisted just the tiniest bit and I heard a sudden gag stem from her but soon she recovered and accepted it -- I felt her tongue resume its motions around my shaft and head. I pressed down more and now Ade was struggling. Her lips were nearly at the base of my cock and I held there for several seconds until she pushed back a little -- I eased off and she pulled away, taking a deep breath; saliva dripped from her mouth.

"Fuck!" she said but her voice was excited, not upset.

"I guess you don't deepthroat?" I asked, smugly. Ade grabbed my cock and jerked me off while she answered.

"I do, just... usually I have to build up to it."

"I thought I wasn't 'too big'?"

"No, but I didn't say you were small, either." she smiled, then looked down at my cock. "Do that to me again." she said and placed her lips back where they belonged.

And I did. I pushed Ade's head down my cock until the entire length of it was in her mouth and I held her there and listened to her gargle and choke for a few seconds before she started breathing through her nose. Dutifully she worked her tongue as best she could with me filling her mouth, and I tightened my grip on her hair in response.

Muffled gulps and gargling noises filled the room and my own moans and soon I was getting close, but I had a wicked thought. I held Ade's head firmly in place and let her work her magic on me for another minute, holding myself back for as long as possible and trying not to give away how close I was. I gritted my teeth at the last moment and felt myself explode in her mouth before letting out a huge, deep groan. Ade jerked, but I kept her where she was and she started swallowing on instinct, I could feel the back of her mouth convulse just on the tip of my cock as she swallowed one spurt, then another and then she couldn't keep up and she slapped my hand away, pulled away and gasped for breath.

But I was still coming, and a big rope of my sperm shot straight up, hit her chin and splashed all over her pajamas and my crotch. She gave a little yelp and the next shot hit her on the face -- a big blast of white, sticky cum landing on her cheek. One last, small spurt stained her pajamas again and then I was done.

"Asshole." Ade said, but with a smile. I grinned at her, out of breath and took in her semen-stained face and pajamas. Then I looked over her shoulders to where mom was standing, her arms crossed and a not-so-amused expression on her face.

"Ahem." Mom said, clearing her throat and Ade whirled around, saw my mom, gave a little yelp and grabbed the bed sheets. She pulled them up over her chest even though she wasn't topless and retreated back to the top of the bed where she struggled to fit in next to me. My cock was still standing up, slowly going soft and cum dribbled down my shaft as mom approached us.

"So... I see you've settled in, Ade." Ade stared at mom but didn't say anything.

"If you're gonna be staying under my roof there are some house rules we need to cover." Mom said and sat down on the bed and started listing items on her fingers:

"One -- no smoking inside the house. Two -- leave mail on the kitchen table. Three -take out the trash when you notice its full and before it starts to stink." She glanced at me at that but then she looked first straight at Ade then at me. "Four" she grabbed something from under my mattress and tossed it at me -- one of my rubbers. "Condoms." I stared at the pack and then at mom but her face was dead serious.

"I mean it. If you guys are gonna fool around that's one thing -- but you will use protection. Understand?"

"For blowjobs?" Ade asked with a shit-eating grin and mom stared at her dead-eyed.

"No, not for blowjobs. But it's pretty clear I'm not gonna keep you two from doing... whatever you want. Fine, but that means he'll wear a rubber when... well, when needed." She looked sharply at the both of us. "Understand?"

"Yes mom."

"Yes aunt Abby."

"Good." mom glanced at my cock, gone soft by now and still sticky with cum before standing up. "Well... good night then."

"Night mom."

"Night aunt Abby."

The next morning I woke up on the floor. I'm not sure how, but at some point Ade ended up in the bed and I on the air mattress, which had mostly deflated during the night. I got up and looked over at Ade and only then heard the snores.

Ade had always slept like a fucking lumberjack and snored like one, too. As I got up and left I tried to be quiet, smashed my foot into the leg of the bed, cursed and Ade reacted not one tiny bit. I'm pretty sure I could have burst into song and had the same result.

Mom was in the kitchen and I walked carefully in, feeling very bashful.

"Morning." I said and mom glanced up from her phone. She wore her regular bathrobes today.

"Morning." I poured some cereal into a bowl with milk and sat down at the table. Mom's plate was empty and she sat scrolling her phone, neither of us speaking for a while. Finally mom put her phone down and sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry about last night." I shook my head.

"It's okay mom."

"No it's not, I... overreacted I shouldn't have... intruded like that." she studied the table surface for a minute. "I got jealous. I'm sorry Dan, I should be more mature about this." I felt like laughing. This was absurd! My mom was jealous of me fucking my cousin and not her! Man, my life had gotten weird!

"Did you mean that thing about the condom?" Mom's face turned serious.

"I did, Dan. You are not gonna get your own cousin pregnant." I detected no room for argument in her tone.

"Okay. But... with you and me-"

"That's different." Mom said, quite fast. "With me it's much safer."

"It's not- I mean is it... completely safe?" I asked.

"No." mom admitted. "No but I... I couldn't stand not having you finish inside me, Dan." she said and something wild flashed inside her eyes. We were both quiet for a moment.

"Is Ade still asleep?" Mom finally asked.


"Want to fuck?"

"Thought you'd never ask." I practically jumped out of my chair and mom quickly shoved the stuff on the table to one side, undid her bathrobes and bent over. I had already thrown my boxers off and quickly tossed mom's robes over her back, exposing her ass and entered her.

Doggy was quickly becoming my favorite position and as I started fucking her I slapped mom's ass and she rewarded me with a happy little squeal. I felt my dick fill her up and again marveled at the fact that I was fucking my own mom. I grabbed her ass firmly and listened to her cute little moans of pleasure as I fucked her, finding a rhythm that worked and would make me last an okay amount of time -- I was getting better at that.

"Oh! Oh Dan! Dan you feel so good ins-ah! Inside meee..." mom said in a quivering voice and I felt like the sexiest man on the planet. I pulled my cock out of her, pushed the head up and down her pussy lips and slid inside again, pushing my whole length into her big, beautiful ass in one thrust.

"Aaah!" was all mom could manage. I did it again. And again. The fourth time I did it and felt my balls slap against mom she practically screamed. I pulled out again but this time I paused. I ran my dick over her pussy, then slowly traced it up between her cheeks until it was resting against her asshole. My slippery dickhead slid over her sphincter and I felt a great need to push just a tiny bit...

"D-dan? Don't get carried away, honey." Mom said and I came around and quickly guided my dick back down towards her pussy and pushed myself back inside. This time I stayed in her and fucked her warm, wet pussy while mom moaned and whispered my name.

"Are you... ready... to... fill mommy up... again?" she rasped from below me and I said I was, struggling to speak I was so horny. I shoved myself as deep into her as I could one last time and erupted in her; my cum filled her and I found myself imagining it travelling all the way into her womb and planting a seed inside her against all odds....

"Ooooh mooooom!"

"Ffff- Daaaaaaan!" I stayed inside her until I was empty then slowly pulled out. My cock fell out of her with a soft, wet noise and I looked down to see a trail of sperm drip out of mom's pussy and pool up on the kitchen table. Mom barely moved, her body heaving with deep breaths. Finally she moved and slowly got up, her legs shaking. As she did I saw another drop of my cum fall out of her but then her robes fell back down as she stood up and took a hold of me. She kissed me deeply and smiled at me.

"I love it when you come inside me, Dan." I couldn't resist. I reached a hand down and squeezed her ass and told her I loved filling my mother with my cum. Mom kissed me again and we stood there, hugging, kissing and enjoying each other in our afterglow. Mom gave a soft moan as our tongues met and I did the same: I could already feel myself getting hard again.

"Fuck..." Ade whispered from the open doorway. I whirled around and mom grabbed her robes which had come partially undone and wrapped it tight around herself as Ade stared at us, her face full of shock, fascination and horror.

"Fuck." she repeated.

"Ade-" mom began and moved towards her but Ade threw up her hands and backed away before turning around and rushing off.

"Ade?" I asked, knocking as I slowly opened the door to my bedroom. Ade was sat on the bed, hugging her knees, still in her pajamas. She looked straight ahead as I walked in. My heart was racing, my legs shook. Ade had looked horrified seeing me and mom together.

"Ade?" I repeated. "Is... are you okay?" She continued to stare into space.

"Ade" I said, a pleading note in my voice. "please say something." I knew my mom was hovering near the door but she stayed out of sight.

"That" Ade finally said in a low whisper. "Was... intense."

"I... I'm sorry. I told you we-"

"I know, I know. I just hadn't... I imagined something more... mechanical. Like... I don't know." She paused. "But you guys, you... you fuck as if you're in love!" she looked at me and I felt trapped.

We did?

Was I?

Holy fucking shit, was I in love with my own mother? I hadn't really thought too hard about that. Until now I'd just... gone with the flow. Mom turned me on and I turned her on. I loved fucking her, loved her body, loved being with her, in her.

And I loved her, of course. But was I in love with her?

Some part of my brain leaned heavily towards yes, yes I probably was.

"It's... complicated." I said, truthfully, but evasively. Ade laughed.

"Yeah, no shit."

"I'm sorry if it freaked you out."

"It was weird." Ade said. "Hot, but weird."

"You thought it was hot?" I repeated and Ade nodded.

"I've never- I mean, usually when I-" Ade stopped herself. "Doesn't matter."


"Doesn't matter, drop it."


"That night" Ade began, slowly, carefully. "That we... 'made love'" she mimed bunny ears in the air. "Was so nice. It... meant- I..." she struggled. "You were so... I don't know, caring." she finally said.


"Yeah. Caring, loving, tender and other gay words like that." Ade said. "And I just... I didn't think it was like that with you and aunt Abby. I thought... I thought it was special."

"It was." Ade was quiet. "I... it's not less special because me and mom-"

"I know." she mumbled. "I just wish... I wish I... I wish I'd made different decisions, you know?"

", not exactly."

"Ugh... Aunt Abby, stop fucking hiding, just come in." Mom very bashfully walked into the room, her robes tightly tied together.

"Sorry honey." she said. "I was just worried about you."

"I know." Ade said. "I should leave. I was stupid for coming here, I'll get my shit and go back to Dave's." I was about to say something when mom sat down on the bed and placed a hand on Ade's knee.

"Out of the question."

"You don't want me here, aunt Abby-"

"Yes I do."


"Enough with the 'aunt Abby' shit, just call me Abby. And you said you wish you'd made different decisions? Let me tell you something, I know a thing or two about bad decisions -- I've made some real doozies in my time and... a lot of stuff I've regretted." mom glanced at me with a sad look. "And my stupid sister has just made one of the worst ones. But you can learn from your mistakes, and I have. No, I didn't particularly love the idea of you staying here, but you're family and you are not going to live on your own in some rat-infested shithole. Not on my watch."

Ade stared at my mom in deathly silence for several seconds before she threw herself at her, hugging her tight and wept openly. Tears streamed down her face and mom was taken aback at first but then wrapped her into a big hug and I heard Ade cry:

"Th-thank you... thank you... thank you..."

"There, there" mom said, patting her back. "It's alright. Everything's gonna be alright." I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, watching them, feeling it best to keep my mouth shut but also aware I was in my boxers and nothing else.

"But perhaps we should set some more ground rules." Mom finally said and gently pried Ade off her. Ade wiped her face on the sleeves of her pajamas and sniffed loudly.

"For example, if me and Dan... well, we should probably stick to my bedroom." Ade suddenly looked horrified.

"No no! It's your house! I-"

"Yes but it's no good you walking in on us like today if it upsets you."

"I... I just wasn't prepared for... for how... I just wasn't prepared for it."

"Honey, let's just... we'll just respect each other's privacy, yeah?" Mom said kindly but firmly. "A closed door here or in my bedroom stays closed, okay? And we don't... you know, we're only... intimate in our bedrooms." Mom was blushing but doing a really good job keeping a level head.

"...okay." Ade said and nodded. Mom smiled, leaned in and kissed Ade on the forehead.

"Good. Now, if you excuse me, I need to go shower and then Dan and I have things to discuss." I glanced at her in confusion and mom added: "About Professor Turnell?" and I nodded knowingly. Mom rose up and walked out the door but just before she closed it her head popped back in.

"Oh and Ade?"


"No smoking in the house." There was a beat before mom added, with a sly grind. "I can smell the cigarette smoke in here." And she closed the door.

Mom and I were sat at the kitchen table where hours earlier I had railed her. Mom had made us both a cup of tea as she laid out her plan for how to make sure her friend Harriet would do what she'd promised and help med get access to Shane's laptop so I could get rid of all the compromising videos and photos of mom.

Mom's plan was simple.


It was simple from her point of view: Harriet frequented the back rooms of the strip club 'Delight' where a lot more than just stripping went on. I would try to find out next time she planned on visiting from my access to her computer and once we knew that I would visit it. I would find out where Harriet would be, 'participate' in whatever she was doing, then we'd threaten to release the footage of Harriet having sex with a bunch of strangers, including one of her own students unless she helped us.

There were one or two trifling issues with this plan. The first one being, how exactly would I 'participate' without Harriet recognizing me? Mom said that was no big deal, it was perfectly normal for men (and women) to wear masks when they did this sort of thing.

"Okay" I said. "What about how are we gonna get footage of her?"

"Well, erm... I thought you'd just hack the cameras."

"'Just hack the cameras'?" I repeated.

"Yeah! You hacked Harriet's computer."

"It's a little different, mom. PCs and phones are relatively easy, but I've never looked into hacking a security camera system before. I'd need to do my research."

"Okay, well... you're smart, you can figure it out." I stifled a frustrated sigh and went on.

"Okay... sure, maybe, but how do you even know they have security cameras?"

"Well... these sort of places... used to." I stared at mom for a while. "What?" she said.

"Where do you think me and Harriet went to shoot some of those videos?!" she sounded defensive. I dropped it for now.

"Alright, but... I mean we would need to know if they have cameras in all the... rooms?"

"Can I help?" Mom looked past my shoulder and I turned around in my chair. Ade stood in the doorway, half-hiding behind the frame.

"...excuse me?" Mom said.

"Can I help?" Ade repeated.

"I... honey, I don't know that you should get involved in this."

"Why? You guys are giving me a place to stay, I'd like to help if I can."

"Well... how?"

"Well... I can tell you there are cameras in the backrooms."

" do you know?" mom asked.

"I've been."

"You've been?" I asked.


"What did you do there?"

"Dan!" Mom said.

"Stuff. There are cameras in all the rooms I've been to, at least."

"...okay. Okay, that's a start. What brand?"

"Don't know."

"Do they have any connector ports on the back?"

"Don't know."


"Don't know."

"Great." I said and leaned back in my chair, frustrated. "It doesn't matter anyway, mom. Even if I did know all this stuff I'd need actual access - if the individual cameras have USB ports. If they don't then maybe, just maybe they have Bluetooth and I can connect my phone to-"

"No phones." Ade said.


"No phones allowed."

"What? Why?!"

"Think it through, idiot."

"...right. No pictures." I placed my head on the table in frustration.

Mom was undaunted, however.

"Alright, so we need to recon."

"Excuse me?" I said.

"We need to scout the place out. So you can find out what brand the cameras are and if they have... those things... you said." She smiled at Ade. "And I guess we know someone who can get you inside easily enough." I swallowed and looked at Ade who shrugged and said sure, why not?​
Next page: Chapter 09
Previous page: Chapter 07