Chapter 10

Author's note: As always guys I love reading your comments and so far your response to this series has me so excited, it really makes me wanna keep going! Hope you continue to enjoy the story!


Ade and I planned to meet after school. As soon as I walked out of final class of the day I texted her and asked where she was at.

>at delight waiting for u<


Delight was located in the bad part of town -- a stone's throw away from Ade's old apartment, in fact. Walking up to it it looked more like an old warehouse than a club except for the neon sign of a scantily clad woman clinging on to a pole. I took a quick look around and soon found Ade resting against the wall around the corner from the front door smoking a cigarette.

"Took you a while." Ade said when she noticed me.

"Sorry, had to dodge a couple of your old neighbours trying to sell me crack." Ade didn't respond, she just stubbed out her cigarette and looked around the corner.

"Alright, so I'm gonna head in -- you wait out here for five minutes before going inside."


"Duh, idiot -- so they don't see us coming in together, right?"

"Oh. Right."

"Hang out in the strip club for a bit, then head to the backrooms. I'll be in booth four, okay?"

"Okay." I said, trying to take it all in. "Booth four, got it."

"You got money?"

"Huh? Yeah, a little."

"Cool -- the cover charge to the back is eighty bucks."



"Could have fucking told me that before, Ade."

"I'm telling you now."

"Goddammit, Ade..." Ade just shrugged her shoulders and asked me to make sure I wasn't too quick to follow her before she disappeared around the corner. I got my phone out and texted mom to say we were about to start our little 'mission'.

>good luck honey and have fun ;)< mom sent back. Five minutes came and went and just to be sure I gave it a few extra minutes before heading in.

A serious-looking bouncer checked my ID in the door and grudgingly let me inside after telling me there was a two-drink minimum, another point Ade forgot to mention.

I pointed out I wasn't of drinking age and the bouncer gave me an exasperated look and told me to order two cokes, as if he cared

The front of the place seemed like a normal strip club -- not that I'd been to one before; a center stage where two beautiful but slightly bored-looking ladies were wrapping themselves around poles, both with their tops off to a crowd of maybe twenty or so. A bar at one end of the room had a few, mostly middle-aged men parked on stools watching the dancers. There were booths where more girls in lingerie danced for private parties. At one end of the bar a simple door labelled 'Video booths' caught my eye -- Ade had told me that was the euphemism for the club's back rooms.

I glanced over at the front door and caught the bouncer casting a look at me so I went over to the bar and asked for a coke. The bartender gave me a glass with ice in and a can and charged me a stupid amount. I sat down and took a few sips while looking at the girls. After a few minutes of staring at the beautiful, half-naked bodies up on stage I downed my coke and headed over to the door.

I stepped in and stepped into a small, crowded shop -- rows and rows of dusty porn DVDs and somewhat less dusty shelves of sex toys, lingerie, lube and other accessories. A bored guy roughly my age didn't even glance up from his phone.

Opposite the door I walked through a doorframe with a black velvet cloth instead of an actual door lead to the booths. I hurried through the shop and walked through the curtain.

The curtain lead to a tiny room with another, heavy door and a man behind a Plexiglas booth.

"ID." He said and I showed him my driver's license. "Phone." I looked at him questioningly and he tapped a sign on the glass that said 'Hand in your phone'. I fished my phone out of my pocket and he passed me a little envelope and asked me to write my name on it and place my phone in it. I did, slid it to him and he put it somewhere.

"Eighty dollars." He said next.

"Do you take cards?" I asked, pathetically. The man just tapped another sign with various accepted cards and I paid, he hit a buzzer and the door unlocked.

Finally I entered the back rooms. As soon as I stepped inside the sound of both the muted music from the strip club and the mixed sounds of sex -- some real, a lot of it sounding like it came from videos played on cheap sound systems -- filled the air. I was in some kind of anteroom and from here I could see several corridors. Signs pointed to bathrooms, booths and rooms. I peaked into the corridor leading to the rooms but another bouncer there glared at me and I quickly ducked out. I glanced around and spotted several cameras in the ceiling: I'd seen the man behind the Plexiglas with a computer monitor with several live feeds. No way I could take a closer look at them without rousing suspicion though.

To the booths I went. There were eight in total and as I walked down the row, one of them opened and a middle-aged man hurried out, avoiding my eyes and I his. I walked past booths one, two, three and four and glanced at the door. Each door had simple locks showing either red or green for busy or free and booth four which was the one Ade had told me she'd be in showed red. From inside the door I heard a man's voice moaning. I looked up and down the hallway, unsure what to do. Should I wait?

Then I noticed booth five had a green lock. It was the booth the man had just left. I stared at it for a while.

Well... I thought. I guess it would seem weird to just be standing here... I'm not supposed to know who's behind the other side, right? Sure, that sounded convincing. I opened the door and looked inside.

The booth was small -- about the size of a public toilet. There was a small, flat screen showing porn, a security camera in the ceiling, a door and next to it, of course, a hole in the wall. Black masking tape surrounded it and I very consciously did not think too much about how carefully -- or how often -- these places were cleaned. I paused, unsure for a moment before closing the door behind me.

On either side of me I heard moans from men mixed in with the sound of porn and still the muted music from the club. Even so I could only just tell there was someone on the other side of the hole from the shadows being cast.

Without thinking too much about it, I undid my fly and as I did I sensed movement on the other side. I took my dick out and slowly, feeling very nervous but also excited I stuck it through the hole.

Instantly I felt lips on my cock. Whoever was on the other side was eager -- incredibly eager. A tongue laid itself flat against the underside of my shaft and ran up until it reached my tip where it flicked against me, making me shiver in pleasure.

I pressed my stomach against the wall and they took advantage of it, opening their mouth fully and taking almost my full length into their mouth. I gave a light moan and breathed -- I knew I should save myself for Ade, but Jesus, whoever this was was incredible! I wasn't sure if it was the skills of the other person or the thrill of having no idea who was doing it but I was getting insanely close insanely quickly.

She knows her stuff! I thought to myself. I wish I could see who she is... I hope she's hot!

I strained to hear anything from the other side of the wall but there were too much other noise, all I could hear -- and feel -- was the slurping, swooshing sound of my cock being treated by a tongue swirling around my sensitive head. I pushed my palms flat against the wall, straining, trying to hold myself back but it was pointless -- I wasn't sure this was the best blowjob I'd ever had, but it was the most efficient -- whoever was doing this knew how to get a guy off quickly.

I came, groaning deeply as my cum rushed into the mouth on the other side of the wall. Every drop disappeared into that person's throat. They didn't stop, though -- even as I was done their mouth kept working my cock, my sensitive cock being treated like that made my knees buckle. The moment of it being almost unbearable passed and soon I could feel my dick slowly, gradually hardening again.

I heard a man's voice grunt loudly in the booth next to me and soon after that the sound of the door unlocking. Reluctantly I pulled away -- I almost had to fight for it because whoever was sucking me off did not want to stop and I heard a soft 'pop' as

I pulled my cock out, redid my fly and quickly headed out again. The door to booth four showed green now and I stepped in.

The booth was identical to the first one, and as I closed the door behind me I noticed a tiny, glistening trail of semen sliding down from the hole in the wall. I approached the hole, unsure exactly how to make sure it was Ade or not. Glancing up at the security camera I realized I remembered I still needed to look convincing so I undid my fly again, and as I did I whispered 'Ade?'

"Finally." Ade's voice whispered back. "Stick your dick through the hole, idiot." I did and Ade's mouth engulfed me greedily, as if she'd been longing for it. Just as before I pressed my naked crotch up to the wall and Ade worked her magic on my dick. I'd already come less than three minutes ago, but the way that other girl had sucked me off even after I'd finished had left me ready to go again already. I closed my eyes and drifted away into bliss as Ade teased my dick, working her tongue up and down my shaft, putting my head in her mouth, rolling her tongue around and occasionally deepthroating me.

After several minutes she stopped, and soon her hand emerged from the hole and she motioned for me to come inside. The door next to the hole unlocked and I stepped in.

The other side of the booth was another booth; about the same size but there was a chair, a shelf with more condoms, lube and of course another security camera. Ade was sitting on her knees, facing the gloryhole as I stepped inside; she was topless, her top and bra on the floor next to her and I could see stains of semen all over the floor. She smiled at me and without saying anything pushed me up against the wall and went back to working my dick. I moaned deeply, still lost in the pleasure when Ade whispered for me to look up.

Above me was the security camera, but from the angle I was at most likely I couldn't see me. It could probably see Ade, or at least most of her -- but I was hidden from view. Probably.

The brand was easy enough, the model a little harder. I'd taken a look at the most common models but I wasn't sure I recognized this one right away. I craned my head a little bit to get a good look at the connections and felt my heart lift a little. The camera only had a power cable connected to it, which meant it must be using Wi-Fi. I also saw a USB port. That gave an easy weak point to attack.

Ade's mouth departed from my dick and she stood up, put her arms around me and kissed me. She put her mouth up to my ear and asked me if I had what I needed.

"I do."

"Cool. Fuck me, then." she said, and kissed me again but I resisted.

"S-should we get a cond-"

"No!" she hissed at me and kissed me again. "Please, no. I hate condoms and I need you inside me."

"But mom-"

"She's not here."

"She's worried-"

"I told you I don't give a shit if I get pregnant." Her eyes flashed at me and this time when she kissed me I didn't resist. Her tongue and mouth tasted of cock and cum. Mine, yes, but I knew at least one other guy's, too. It excited me. "Please, Dan.... Fuck me? Fill me up?" I nodded and Ade stripped off her jeans, grabbed the chair and bent over it. She was wearing a black thong and it hugged the contours of her ass like it was painted on.

"Come get me." she whispered. I grabbed her waist and bent down, drawing in the smell of pussy before easing her flimsy underwear to one side. I leaned in and, taking a deep breath I buried my face in her pussy, tasting her. I moved my tongue over her lips, found her clit and flicked it. Ade gave a soft, deep moan and gripped the chair tighter. My nose was touching her butthole and I smelt that, too: A sharp smell of sweat and a hint of something... else. It should have grossed me out, I thought, but all it did was turn me on. I knew I wanted to fuck Ade's ass almost as badly as I wanted to fuck mom's.

"Fuuuck... quit teasing me!" Ade hissed and I got up, readied my dick and guided it into her and entered her from behind, her wonderfully tight pussy now naked against my member and I fucked her as hard as I knew how, happy I'd come earlier.

"Oooooh fuck yeah!" Ade cried as I pumped in and out of her; I decided to give it my all this time and took a firm grip on her waist and started going at it with everything I had. Ade was like a ragdoll -- I fucked her as hard as I could, shoving my dick all the way inside her with every thrust.

"F-fuck! Fuck! Ooooh fuuuuuck!! Ade moaned, loud enough to overcome the music from the club, at least in here. "Fuck Dan, oh fuck! Fuck me, Dan!" I fucked like a man possessed, the back of my head filled with the idea of finally filling my cousin's tight young pussy with my cum, knowing mom wouldn't approve. I leaned in, gripping her shoulders and whispered in her ear:

"You're such a fucking slut, Ade."

"D-do y-you like that? Do you- ah! L-like that I'm a- ah! Ah! Ah- a slut?"

"I do."

"You like f-fucking me like a slut?"


"Then leave your seed in me."

"You want it?"

"Please!" I stood back up, gripped her waist again and let myself go. I was building up with every thrust and for once I felt totally in control -- I knew I could come more or less whenever I wanted. Another thrust.

"Aah!" Ade moaned.

Another thrust.



"Oh fuck!"

And one more -- and I came. I blasted her pussy full of semen, my dick exploding inside her and Ade immediately screamed, stiffened and then came herself. She screamed my name; I didn't care. I kept pumping her full of my cum, still fucking her as hard as I could until finally she let go of the chair and pushed me away with one hand, forcing me out of her. I fell down on my ass, panting heavily, my cock sticky with cum and pussy juice. Ade sat down, curled up and hugged her knees, breathing heavily with eyes closed.

"Fuck..." she finally managed. I grinned.

"Was it good for you, too?" I teased.

"I love being in these booths..." she said with a smile on her face and I felt a little deflated, as if it wasn't me that did it... Slowly Ade got up and got into her jeans again. I pulled my own up from around my ankles and we dressed in awkward silence.

"You should head out first -- I'll meet you round back in a minute." Ade said after getting her bra and top back on." I nodded and left the booth. Outside there were several men awkwardly waiting in line and I quickly shuffled past them and collected my phone from the man behind the Plexiglas and headed out.

Ade came out a few minutes after me and by the time she rounded the corner she was already smoking another cigarette.

"Alright, we all good?" she asked and I nodded.

"Cool. Let's get something to eat, I'm starving." she said, took another long drag and exhaled. "So how come you stayed in the game so long?"


"Well most of the time you're kind of a pump-and-go kinda guy, except last night, but I just figured that was cause you'd... you know, just before. So what gives?" My face turned a bright shade of red as I looked around us, making sure we were alone.

"First of all, fuck you." Ade grinned. "Second, I'm... getting better. Besides" I added, grinning a little. "I actually spent a little time in one of the other booths before I went to yours." Ade's eyes opened wide in genuine surprise.

"Really?" I nodded. "Huh. Okay... kudos to you, I didn't think you were... you know... into that." I felt myself grow a little in Ade's estimation, and I liked it.

"Yeah. And whoever she was, she knew what she was doing, too." Ade raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"How do you know it was a she?"

"Ha-ha, very funny." Ade suddenly shot me a questioning look.

"Dan, you... you do know that nine times out of ten it's a guy, right?"

"...what do you mean?"

"I mean there are girls who like, you know, working a gloryhole, as you can tell, but nine times out of ten if you stick your dick in a hole and someone's there to suck it it's another guy."

"...shut the fuck up."


"You're just trying to fuck with me." Ade was barely containing a huge grin.

"Dan, come on, man, think it through for a second..." I did.

I gave it some serious thought.

"...shut up."

"Wow. Today was another first for you, huh?"

"Shut up. Let's go." I moved towards the car, Ade practically bouncing as she walked.

"They were really good, huh?"

"Shut up."

"Really knew their way around a cock?"

"Shut up!"

"You really enjoyed it too, huh? What was it? The tongue action? The suction? The stubble tickling your balls?"

"Shut the fuck up or walk home." I said, and mercifully Ade got in the car and we drove off without her making any further comments.

For about ten minutes.

I soon realized I would never live this down.​
Next page: Chapter 11
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