Chapter 13

I woke up Sunday feeling well-rested for the first time in what felt like forever. It took me a moment to realize why and when it hit me I felt my whole body smile.

I had my bed to myself again.

It was glorious. No more fucking air mattress that deflated slowly over the course of the night and no more Ade snoring like a broken jet engine next to me.

Of course, sharing a room did have some advantages...

Unfortunately mom had work Sunday and Monday and she'd been out of the house bright and early, but Ade was around. I could hear her from across the hall.

I mulled it over for a little while but figured if I woke up she wouldn't be in the mood anyway. Instead I got up and had breakfast. Ade showed up about an hour later when I was sat in the living room playing on the console. Her hair was a wild mess and she looked like a zombie: So, normal morning edition Ade, in other words.

"Morning!" I said.

"Grrrnngh." Ade replied and went to the kitchen. She returned with coffee and over the course of the next ten minutes slowly morphed into some kind of human. It was an amazing trick she performed every day.

"Aunt Abby out?"

"Yes, work."


"You sleep okay?"

"Fine, now that you're not in the room with me tossing and turning and talking in your sleep."

"I don't talk in my sleep!"

"Do, too!"

"What do I say?"

"Well the other night you were definitely mumbling about getting your dick sucked." I grinned. Well no wonder.

"You were all 'Oooh that feels so good, oh my god that's so nice.'" Hey, this was starting to turn me on a little. Maybe I could convince her to-

"'Oh when I finish I'll suck yours!"

God fucking dammit! I hurled a pillow at her as she giggled at my blushing face.

"It was cool of aunt Abby to buy me a new bed and all though." she said, staring into the floor for a second before raising her head and looking at me. "I kinda thought she was real low on money?"

"She used to be, but not so much these days."


"Yeah. I mean her job's kinda shit for hours and stress and stuff but it pays well. It's just when she started out she basically had nothing except a disability check and a lot of debt. And me to house and feed."

"Is that why she's still in this place?"

"Hey there's nothing wrong with this place!"

"Sure but it's... you know, a bit small, and renting..."

"Yeah. But it was just us two, you know? And she's paying for college."

"Really?" Ade's eyes went wide. "Like, full-on paying? You're not taking loans?"

"No. She insisted so I wouldn't do something stupid."

"Like what?"

"Join up."


"Being in the military killed my dad and fucked up her legs and back forever. She's real strict about it. She can get pretty intense about it."

"She got pretty intense yesterday." Ade said and my mind flashed back to the previous day: In my head I saw mom pouring my cum into Ade's mouth and then leaning it to kiss her and felt my dick stiffen further. Ade must have noticed because she pulled a huge, shit-eating grin and got up.

"I'm gonna hit the shower so we can get going?"


"To the club, idiot. I booked a booth in an hour." she leaned in, grabbed the outline of my dick through my jeans and whispered. "And then you can put this inside me without any fucking rubbers."

I dropped Ade off while I circled around to find a parking spot -- there seemed to be a much bigger crowd this time, though really the problem was that Delight's car park was tiny an several spots were occupied by trash, boxes, mattresses and other junk.

"Don't take too long." she said as she checked her makeup, half-way out of the car. "Sundays are way busier, sometimes there's a queue." She said with a wink.

I parked, made damn sure nothing was left in the car that looked inviting and checked twice that I locked it and headed in; past the bouncer, went by the bar ordered another stupidly expensive coke, drank half and poured it out then on to the backrooms. Different guy behind the plexi this time and I left my phone: My thumbdrive was in my trouser pocket. He buzzed me through.

Instantly I walked into another dude -- middle-aged, his face flushed and looking embarrassed. Which probably made two of us. The little waiting area was not exactly crowded but I heard voices all around and could smell sweat and BO. Today was a hell of a lot busier than a few days ago had been and soon I saw the reason why. There were two corridors that both radiated outwards from the little waiting room; both had four booths each along one side but both also ended in another door. In one corridor today there was a serious-looking, beefy dude stood guard in front and I realized that room was in use today. And with another, thrilling thought I realized it was probably in that room that, if all went well, a week from now I'd be fucking Harriet.

I was sorely tempted to check it out, but I knew from Ade that those rooms you had to book in advance to go into, regardless of gender. You couldn't just walk in. But men were coming and going both from that room and from the booths; not a ton, but at least once every minute someone was leaving and there were three guys already milling around, waiting their turn. All the booths were taken, including Ade's. She'd picked number four, just like last time.

My heart skipped a little as I watched someone walk out of booth four and I started heading towards it when another man, probably in his mid-forties cut me off with his big, meaty arm.

"Wait your turn, jerk." he said and marched down the hallway, slipped into the booth and locked it. I stood there, fuming, thinking of Ade having to... deal with him on top of that other guy, too. If only I'd been a little quicker.

Minutes passed and two other booths emptied and the two other guys in the room with me went inside. I stared at the door to booth four as if it would make the guy finish faster. Finally amidst the music from the club and the various porn videos playing I heard a groan and someone slamming their hand against the wall and moments later the door opened and the same guy walked out.

"All yours, kid." He said with a grin and slapped me on the back as we passed each other and I resisted the urge to punch him. I went inside and locked the door.

"Ade?" I whispered and heard her sigh in frustration.

"Is there some part of 'don't take too long' that fucking confuses you?" she whispered back.

"Sorry!" I said as quietly as I could, afraid someone would hear us.

"Well? What the fuck are you waiting for?" her voice called out through the hole in the wall and I undid my jeans. Soon Ade's mouth was around my cock and she was working me eagerly. I thought about how she'd been sucking someone else's dick moments ago and found myself thinking it was hot... my cousin, her mouth still warm, as it were, from two other guys' dicks... I started wondering to myself: Had she swallowed? Did she have the semen of two other guys in her belly right now? Did she still taste them on her lips? How big had they been? Had she enjoyed it? Had she deepthroated?

I was interrupted by the sliding of the lock as Ade opened the door and let go of my dick. I stepped inside. Ade was naked already -- her clothes a mess on the floor. Her perky tits greeted me as I stepped inside and Ade, still on her knees reached for my dick.

"Ngh... fuck!" I moaned as Ade kept diligently working my dick.

"Don't fucking come, asshole." She said, pausing only for a moment and then went right back to it. I closed my eyes and focused on breathing. Ade stood up, pushed me against the wall and put her face right next to mine. She stared into my eyes.

"Will you fuck me? Will you put your seed in me?" I looked at her eager, pleading face and thought for a second before asking:

"Did you suck both of those guys before me?" Ade stared at me in silence, then answered 'Yes'.

"Did you swallow?"


"Kiss me." She did. She leaned in, opened her mouth and we kissed. I tasted her mouth and imagined I could sense all those cocks and all that cum; I could picture the loads of two strangers swirling around in her belly.

Suddenly, Ade pushed me back against the wall. Her breasts pressed against my shirt and her tongue probed aggressively into my mouth.

"Camera." She whispered and for a second I was confused, then I remembered the whole point of us being here. I glanced up -- the camera was almost directly above me so it probably couldn't see me -- maybe the top of Ade's head but that should be it. I reached into my pocket, fished out the thumb drive and reached up. Ade kissed my neck as I craned my head up to see what I was doing, then fell to her knees and started blowing me again.

"Oh fu- Ade, don't- ah!"

"Mmm... mmm... just hurry up, dickhead." I could only barely reach the back of the camera and it took me a few tries but I got the damn thing in at last.

"There. Done." Ade made a wet, slurping noise, stood up, turned around and bent over.

"Good. Now fuck me."

Once back home Ade jumped into the shower and I sat down at my desktop to see if the hack and done its job.

The thumb drive contained a program that would copy the data being sent on the network in the club to a private server -- mine. I'd had to install a piece or proprietary software to read it but once I did and I configured the server suddenly there it was -- every single camera feed from the club at my fingertips. I moved from camera to camera and they all worked.

As I flipped through the different feeds I went from booth to booth and in most of them I saw only men -- either receiving or giving. I checked the streams from both of the side rooms, too and when I did I felt myself get excited.

One room was empty, but the other one -- the one that had had a guard outside it earlier today -- was not.

There were some chairs and a sofa; presently all filled with guys, most of them naked and stroking themselves. In the centre of the room there was a table and on it lay the focus of the entire room: A young, petite, naked girl, on her back and legs spread wide. A huge, fat, middle-aged man was stood at the end of the table, fucking her while another man stood by her head as she eagerly sucked his dick.

"Damn." Ade said from behind me and I sighed.

"Don't you ever fucking knock?"

"That girl is having fun!" was all she offered in reply.

"Yeah? You jealous?"

"Pfft!" was all she said, which I found highly suspicious. "I guess plan B is a go?"

"Guess so." I said.

"...soooo... it's a little fucked up spying on totally innocent people like this though, isn't it?" I nodded. Sure was.

"Well, we know it works. And nothing that's being streamed is being saved -- it's all deleted as soon as it's read. I'll just make sure to save it when... well, when Harriet is there." I said, and closed the program.

"You're really gonna go through with it?" Ade asked.

"I guess. Why? You think it's too messed up?"

"...nah." Ade said after a while. "Bitch is trying to fuck over aunt Abby. Fuck 'er."

"That's the plan." I grinned and Ade shook her head and went back to her room. I stayed at my computer for a while, making sure everything was working and making sure I could record -- I just saved a five minute section of the waiting room to make sure everything worked, then closed it.

Can't wait to tell mom. I thought.

Mom was ecstatic when I told her and actually kissed me on the cheek.

"Good work, honey." she said. Ade was standing awkwardly in the doorway and mom looked past me to her. "You too, Ade." Ade mumbled something and turned around.

"Wait!" mom said and walked up to her and then, to my surprise, gave her a peck on the cheek, too.

"I'm very proud of both of you." she smiled. "Now, I'm hungry and I need a shower. You mind ordering food?"

"Sure thing mom!"


Me and Ade ordered food while mom showered and got dressed. It arrived just as mom finished and we sat down to a nice family meal. For a little while, it suddenly felt like we were a normal if slightly complicated family.

As we were clearing the table, mom ruined that image somewhat.

"So" she said. "Did you two fuck today?" I froze. Ade glanced at me.

"W-we did."

"Did you use protection?"

"Of course we did, aunt Abby!" Ade piped up and mom turned around and stared at her.

"Bullshit." She walked up to Ade who suddenly looked nervous. "You seriously expect me to believe you two were in a sex club, fucked and you-" mom's face was inches from Ade's. "Who are so desperate to have Dan's sperm in you used a condom?" Ade was quiet for a long time before answering.

"No." she said.

"Didn't think so." Mom turned back around and looked at me.

"Naughty, naughty boy."

"Mom, I'm sorry, I-" mom held up a hand to silence me.

"Shush." She looked back between the two of us. "Both of you, go to my bedroom and strip down to your underwear. I'll be along to deal with you in a little bit." I glanced at Ade who looked nervous. Mom seemed serious though, and stood still, watching us with her arms crossed. I shrugged, and walked out of the kitchen. Ade followed. We walked into mom's bedroom and I started taking off my clothes.

Ade did the same, but while she shimmied out of her jeans she asked me if she thought mom was serious.

"I think so."

"What she gonna do?"

"I have no idea." I said as I finished stripping down to my boxers. Ade sat down next to me in bra and panties and we waited. After a few minutes mom walked in. She took a long look at the both of us and shook her head.

"No respect. You don't respect my rules. You-" she pointed at Ade. "Think that you can just do whatever you like no matter what. And you-" she pointed at me. "You think that you can get away with it just because we're fucking. Well listen, buster! I'm still your mother and this is still my house, and when I give you a rule, I expect you to do what I say."


"Quiet." Mom cut me off again. Her face looked stern and serious. "Now" she said, and started taking off her shirt. "You broke the rules and you're gonna have to accept the punishment." She undid her bra and revealed her big, beautiful breasts before she slipped out of her trousers.

"Make room." She ordered and me and Ade awkwardly made room between us.

Mom finally pulled off her panties, sat down between us and looked at me, glancing down at my crotch where a bulge was clearly visible. She lifted her hand and caressed my face.

"My naughty, horny boy." Then she laid down on the bed, spread her legs wide and looked down at us.

"Ade, take off your bra and come over here." Ade moved slowly, unsurely undoing her bra and sat on her knees, facing mom.

"No..." mom said. "Come here." There was a pause and then Ade crawled up to mom until she was standing on her hands and knees over her. Mom gently put her arms around her and pulled her closer and before I knew what was happening they were kissing. I watched them kiss each other, tentatively at first but then mom became more insistent and then they were making out. Their breasts touched each other and I felt my dick straining against my boxers.

"Aunt Abby-" Ade began but mom held up a finger to her lips.

"I told you before I don't want that 'aunt Abby' crap. It makes me feel old."


"No. For tonight, while I'm punishing you, you call me mom." Ade froze. I'm pretty sure I saw her brain short-circuit. Mom kept staring at her and held her firmly in place. Slowly, Ade's mouth opened again.

"Mom... I'm sorry."

"Good. Now, get down between my legs and show mommy how sorry you are." Ade moved in slow motion, inch by inch, staring up at my mom the entire time until she leant down between her thighs.

I was absolutely mesmerized as I watched Ade start eating my mom out.

If this was punishment, I should break the rules more often. I thought. Mom was on her back and had started playing with her tits and gave a low, soft moan.

"Dan... Dan come here..." she finally said and I quickly made my way to her.

"Take your cock out." I threw my boxers away and mom looked over at my hard, erect dick.

"Ooooh there it is -- I- ah! Aaah... oh Ade, you lick mommy's pussy real well..." she whispered, looking down towards her crotch before turning to look up at me again. "Dan, I want you to jerk off for me. I- ah! I want you to- to come all over my tits..." I nodded, and dutifully started stroking myself.

This really wasn't too bad. I thought to myself again as I jerked myself while looked down at mom. I turned my head to look down at Ade but mom shot a hand up to my chin and moved my head.

"No, honey you- ah! You, mmmm... you have to keep looking at me!" I did, and as my eyes locked with mom's she hit me with the real punishment.

"Dan, tonight was supposed to be the night."

"What?" Mom smiled at me, wickedly.


"I was gonna-ah! I was... gonna let you fuck my ass, Dan. Tonight."

"Mom, no..."

"I'm sorry, Dan... I'm sorry, I- oooooh fuck! Oh, Ade... you're really good!" her eyes closed and for a moment she was lost in bliss before she gathered herself and spoke again.

"I was ready, Dan... good to go."

"Mom, please!"

"And I can take it, Dan. You were gonna get to do it all the way..."


"Jerk your cock, Danny. Jerk it for me and think about pushing that whole, thick, long cock all the way into mommy's asshole."


"If you hadn't broken the rules you- ooooooh... Oooh fuck fuck fuck... fuck! You... you could... could have been balls deep in mommy's tight butthole by now!" I could have fucking cried.

"Keep jerking off, Danny!" Mom said, insistent. "I want you to come on my tits while you think about fucking my asshole."

"Mom, I'm so sorry."

"So am -- aaah! Ahhh! So am I, Dan-oooh! I really wanted to h-have oh god, oh god... I really wanted to have you in my ass toni- Ooooh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Mom started coming and as she did I came, too. I busted straight into the air and felt mom grab my dick and aim it down so I started covering her breasts. Ade gave a muffled noise and I looked down to see mom's thighs clamping around her head. Mom screamed and shook in ecstasy, holding my dick firmly against her tits until I'd finished coming and finally let out a long, deep breath. She relaxed and Ade rose up, looking pale and almost terrified.

For a while nobody said anything, the only sounds were mom and mine's heavy breathing as we both came down from our climaxes. Mom's hand moved up to her chest and with eyes closed she started smearing my semen over her breasts, moaning softly as she did. She opened her eyes.

"Have you... learned your lesson?" Mom finally asked.

"Yes mom." I said.

"Yes aun- yes mom." Ade said.

"Good. And the next time you break the rules you know what the price is. Now go get some sleep."

And with that, mom was done with us. She shooed us out of her bed room and for a moment me and Ade stood in the living room naked, holding our clothes in our hands in shock. I looked over to Ade who was staring into space. She glanced over at me and then quickly looked away.

"'Night." She said and disappeared into her bedroom.

What the fuck just happened? I thought to myself and walked slowly back to my own bedroom.​
Next page: Chapter 14
Previous page: Chapter 12