Page 04

Mom's eyes were still closed but she was smiling. I realized with constrained glee that she was going to let me do this. She was going to even things out between us. Just then, my cock stiffened into full length, popping out between the front pee slit in my pajamas. If she opened her eyes now, she'd see my bare cock. Would she stop me?

I kept pushing back and forth. I couldn't take my hands away from Mom's face to cover myself because she might open her eyes. I just kept rocking.

Suddenly, Mom grabbed the bottom of her sweatshirt, flipped it up, and trapped my stiff cock underneath as she pulled it down against her abdomen. My cock lodged between her bare breasts. I was still in shock when I felt Mom push them together, pressing tightly around my long cock. She opened her eyes.

"Is that what you want?" she purred.

Her lips seemed suddenly thick and pouty.

"Is it? Is this what you want to do, with your father right upstairs?"

If she thought mentioning Dad would make me wilt or chicken out, she was wrong. I grew harder and started sliding my cock through her clenched tits.

"Oooohhh, that's it. You'd better hurry, he could come down any minute."

She pouted her lips teasingly at me and I fucked her tits faster in response. Mom kept watching me, teasing me with her flashing eyes and pouting mouth. I tried to pull her head up and shoved my cock higher but she quickly moved her left hand up and clamped the neck of the sweatshirt close to her chest, blocking my path. I dropped my right hand to replace her left on that tit, pushing it in to tighten the sheath.

A few thrusts later, I dropped my other hand and slid both inside to grab her bare tits, flipping the sweatshirt up far enough so I could watch my cock sliding between them. Mom curled her right arm behind her head and began whispering to me, urging me on with words I couldn't hear but whose sound was terribly exciting.

My cock suddenly unleashed its torrent. I hunched over, watching my thrusting prick empty itself onto Mom's chest. I pulled back a bit and watched it fill the valley between her tits and then drip down her sides. I was gasping for breath. I think for a moment I had forgotten to breathe.

"That was awesome, Mom. Just awesome!"

I leaned forward to kiss her. This time she didn't shy away and after a few seconds, she kissed me back. My tongue found its way into her mouth and entwined in hers. Then we were sucking each other's mouth. We both gasped for air when the kiss was finished and I could see that Mom was very excited. We were about to kiss again when Dad's door opened.

I rolled off Mom and she snatched the blanket, feverishly spreading it over her legs and then pulling it up to cover her chest. She looked down at me in horror and I realized my cock was still hard and poking out of my pajamas. Dad had started down the stairs and was almost to the landing. Mom flung the blanket at me but it fell short of covering my cock. Frantically, I grabbed a pillow and stuffed it onto my lap just as Dad turned the corner. He went straight into the kitchen, as he usually did, and we spread the blanket out to cover us both. I put the pillow over my lap for good measure. Dad exited the kitchen to join us for the few moments it took for the kettle to boil.

"Ah, a real chick flick then?"

I nodded and Mom just watched the movie, ignoring him, much as he did when the news was on. I was amazed by how calm she looked because I knew how excited she had been. There was something wild in her eyes in those last moments that I never wanted to lose. I wanted to see it again, now.

Dad stepped forward a bit, thinking the kettle was done but it wasn't so he stayed to watch the movie. I took advantage of his forward stance to move my hand onto Mom's tummy and started undoing the button at the top of her jeans. She moved to stop me and turned to flash a stern look but when our eyes met she relinquished her hold on my wrist. She acquiesced while I fiddled with her button, staying quite still and gazing into my eyes while I undid her pants, lying there covered in my cum under her sweatshirt at her husband's feet. I spread my fingers and the old zipper easily parted. I slipped my fingers onto her panties and she pressed up to meet them.

The kettle boiled and Dad moved into the kitchen. As soon as he passed through the doorway, I sat up, put both hands under the blanket, and jerked Mom's jeans down over her hips and pulled them halfway up her thighs, momentarily lifting her knees from the ground. Mom was taken aback by my move but there wasn't anything she could do but quickly cover herself again before Dad returned.

She looked surprised when Dad turned back into the living room instead of going upstairs. I was certainly surprised. Why did he want to watch a chick flick? Bugger off, I thought. Then, I realized this was perfect. Mom would likely call it quits as soon as he was gone. I had to take advantage of the few brief minutes he was here. He hadn't sat down. He was standing where he'd been before going into the kitchen, so he wouldn't actually see anything unless he looked down and back. I stretched my hand onto Mom's tummy and pushed down toward her panties.

They were gone. They must have slipped down with her jeans. My fingers moved over soft, puffy skin and a light sprinkle of pussy hair. I was sure I had felt more hair last time. Mom must have trimmed most of it away. My cock surged at the thought of her fixing up her pussy and I knew that she must have been thinking of me while she did it. It's going to be mine, I thought, electricity bolting up and down my legs.

I found it. Mom's bare, wet pussy. I didn't push my fingers in right away. Instead, I started to tease her, brushing lightly back and forth across her lips, then tracing my fingertip slowly around the edge of her pubes, circling several times. I let my palm rest lightly atop her mound and stretched my finger down her crack, reaching toward her darker hole but not reaching it, then scratching back along her perineum.

As I dragged my finger back up onto her pussy I faked as if to go around the edge again then quickly moved back into slit and dug my way up the length of her soaking groove, then flicked my fingertip out before inserting it into her pink hole and plunging it in as far as I could. I kept the depth and started wiggling my finger around and around, scraping as much of her inner wall as I could. I didn't pull out until Dad looked like he was about to turn around to say goodnight. Instead, he just walked away and climbed the stairs.

He couldn't have covered the four short stairs from the landing to the hallway before I had flung the blanket off Mom and positioned myself under her legs.

"Oh, no. Scotty, don't. Don't fuck me. Don't," Mom gasped.

"I won't," I cried, equally breathless. "I'll just do what I did last night."

To prove it, my fingers found her pussy again and slipped inside. Mom protested but after a few journeys in and out of her wet cunt, her effort became quite feeble and quickly petered out. Dad's return had worked out perfectly. Mom was too excited now to quit without some kind of release. She was ready for a good fingering, but I had other ideas.

While one hand was busy inside Mom's pussy, I used the other to slide her jeans and panties off. I used my left arm across the underside of Mom's knees to shove her thighs back onto her tits keeping her very exposed, which was a fantastic sight, and unable to see that my cock was once again bursting through my pajamas. I pushed Mom's legs back firmly and used her stretched condition to work several fingers inside her already soaking cunt. I don't think this woman had been fucked in anything but the most boring way for years.

As tight as she was from sparse sex, she opened eagerly to the thick thrust of my fingers. I was working most of them inside her now, twisting about more than thrusting in and out. When I did push in, I did it slowly, allowing her to accommodate my invasion, letting her invite me further. I hadn't intended to, but the way she welcomed the thickness of my fingers in up to the top, past all my knuckles, made me think she wanted more and I pushed slowly forward until I was halfway to my wrist.

I expected it to be too much but Mom moaned and whispered a name. Donny.

I pulled back slowly, then twisted back in, pushing all the way.

"Oh, god. Donny. Don't, don't."

There was no way a woman making the mewling sounds she made as my hand moved in and out really meant don't. I kept twisting slowly in and out, in and out. Then suddenly, I started pushing in and out very quickly. Mom went wild, her hips bucking to meet my hand. I stopped. Mom moaned.

I grasped both hips in my hands and lifted Mom's ass up, then leaned forward, pressing my chest against the back of her thighs, and shoved my cock inside her, all the way until I was plugged in as deep as I could get. She didn't fight me. She was too far gone. If I had to be this Donny guy to fuck her, then Donny I would be.

I started pumping my beautiful, wild, free mother, her haunches bent back, thighs pressing against her chest.

"God, baby. You feel good," I cried.

I hadn't meant to say that, or anything, that could wreck the illusion that I was Donny. I leaned into Mom, fitting an ankle past each side of her head and humped her quickly as if to put distance from my outburst. She looked so awesome, her whole body jerking up and down from my pounding. I slowed down and stretched forward between her legs, trying to kiss her. Mom's arms reached up to grasp my face and she stretched up to kiss me, sucking my tongue into her mouth.

I grasped her ankles and spread them wide, relishing in the sight of my cock moving slowly in and out of her cunt. I stopped, fully inside, then drew slowly back, paused, and shoved even more slowly back in. I loved the way she arched her back in response, her head tilting back, a silent moan painting her face. Back, then in, and slowly back again, and in. Fuck this was great.

I drew back and slammed in hard, jerking an audible gasp from Mom's lips. Out and back in fast again, and again, and again. I slowed down but shoved in hard, pushing Mom up on the pillows, raising her head onto the middle of the seat cushion. Holding her there, I quickly slammed in and out a dozen times, then let her fall back down with me as I pulled completely out. I pulled her legs together again, pushed them back onto her chest, and reached around to firmly grasp a tit in each hand, leaning in to tilt her ass up toward me. Inserting the tip of my cock inside, I paused.

"Fuck me, baby," she cried. "Please fuck me."

I responded with vigor, slapping into her thighs, now thoroughly wet with her copious juice. I was mad with desire. This was beyond my wildest dreams, even as wild as they had been the past week.

"That's it, baby," she urged. "Fuck me really hard."

I was jackhammering into her now. I was almost there. A few more strokes and I would be done, I would have tricked her into fucking me, her son, instead of the Donny of her past her mind told her she was once again spreading her legs for. This was, in Mom's terms, blowing my mind.

Then she blew mine.

"Oh, Scotty. Fuck me good. Fuck me. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."

I blew my wad, I burst her sunflower, I spunked her silly. It wasn't like with other girls, or when I jacked off. I didn't' spurt. Instead, I released a steady flow of jism. I just unloaded a gushing stream of cum until I was empty and collapsed onto her. Mom began to stroke me from my shoulders to my ass, her fingers trailing sexily up and down.

"That's it baby. It's ok, son. It's ok."

When I could breathe again, I pulled up and Mom rose to give me a quick kiss on the forehead.

"I think that's enough for tonight, don't you?" she asked, just like she had the other night except this time, she had a big grin on her face.

Mom pushed me off and got up. She gathered the blanket together with her jeans and panties and walked toward the stairs.

"Don't forget to turn off the TV and the lights," she said.

I watched her go up the stairs holding her bundle tightly to her side, bare ass jiggling beneath her sweatshirt, the fleshy bits sagging down at the outer bottom edges of her pearish bum which swung invitingly with each step. I wanted her again. Already.

It was Friday night. Mom had made a dinner for Dad and I to warm up.

"I'll just take a taxi, you don't need to wait up for me," Mom was saying to Dad.

"Well, that'll be expensive," Dad complained.

"I'm not coming home before ten just to save money on a taxi," Mom replied in a strained voice.

"Hey Mom, I'll pick you up," I offered.

"There. Scott will pick me up." Mom turned back to me. "Are you sure? I don't know how long I'll be. I might be ready right after dinner, and then again, I might want to stay out for a few drinks."

"I don't care Mom. I'll come as soon as you call, however long it is."

"You're so sweet to me," Mom smiled, stepping forward and stretching up to give me a kiss on the cheek.

I was surprised and pleased when she changed direction at the last moment and put her full mouth on mine, slipping her tongue quickly, and briefly, inside. She stepped back with a big smile, "Ready?"

She didn't even look around to see where Dad was. Fortunately, he was out of sight in the kitchen.

"I'm taking Mom downtown, Dad."

"Take my car," he called. He came out of the kitchen, holding his keys out. "Your mother doesn't want to be seen in that Jeep of yours."

I smiled to myself. You mean, you don't want your wife to be seen in and old Jeep. But I took the keys. I followed Mom out to the car, realizing Dad was right as I watched Mom's slender legs click down the sidewalk in her high heels. It would be hard for Mom to keep her dress at an appropriate level getting in and out of my Jeep. The door closed behind us; Dad hadn't even given Mom a kiss goodbye. Mom walked to the passenger side of the car. I rushed to open the door for her.

"Why, sir. Aren't you the chivalrous one," Mom smiled and batted her eyes.

I helped her into the car, admiring her legs, though she kept the dress at a reasonably proper level. Mom asked me to stay for a few minutes until she had met up with Jena. She didn't want to be stuck downtown by herself if something went amiss. I pulled up in front of the hotel and let Mom out of the car. I told her I'd wait until she popped out of the lobby to let me know everything was fine and to call me when she wanted me to come back. I said to just give me a wave and I'd be gone.

Mom disappeared into the hotel for three or four minutes before she reappeared. Instead of waving, Mom walked toward me. Two women followed her out of the hotel, one about her age and a girl, a very pretty one, about mine. They were obviously mother and daughter. The mother was a more buxom version of herself, as I had now seen her many times in pictures. Jena.

I rolled the passenger window down and Mom popped her head inside. She was happy and excited.

"Park the car, honey. Jena and Jenny want to meet you."

Jena came joined Mom and poked her head inside too.

"Come on, young fella. You're coming with us." She stood and waved at the doorman. "Park this thing," she dismissed Dad's prized Lexus offhandedly. He ran around the front of the car to my door. Jena leaned down again, "Come on. Do as your mother says."

I got out of the car and joined Mom and Jena, and Jenny. Jenny nodded and smiled at me but Jena was talking to Mom.

"No, no. We'll go to a pub. This place is too stuffy." Assuming agreement, she started walking down the street. Mom smiled a me, shrugged, and followed. Jenny took my arm and pulled me along. "There's no use arguing with Mom," she said.

As we walked down the street, I realized my picture of Jena was not quite accurate. I had visualized a sexy but quiet earth goddess but she was anything but. True she was still good looking but quiet she was not. She was a very outgoing and boisterous person.

I had never been to the pub Jena took us to. It had great food and was a lot of fun. I declined a drink but Jena insisted that I could have one or two before driving home. Dinner would take hours she said. She was right. It was over three hours before we left the pub and I had had more than a couple. We returned to the hotel and went up to Jena's room. She and Mom talked all the way back and in the elevator too. They had barely stopped talking enough to eat in the pub but they showed no sign of running out of things to say.

As soon as we were in the room, Jena pulled out several bottles of wine.

"No, no, I can't have any more. I have to drive Mom home," I protested.

"You can't drive now, you've had too much to drink," Jena insisted outrageously. "And your mother's going to stay here tonight because have lots more jawing to do."

"Oh, Jena. I can't," Mom cried.

"Why not? There's two kingsize beds right here," Jena waved her arm in a sweep across the room. "It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before."

Mom blushed. "But I didn't bring anything."

"So? When did you ever need more than a pair of jeans, or even that?"

Mom giggled. "But Gordon will freak out."

"Call him and tell him you're staying with me tonight and Scott is staying too to make sure you're all right. Scott, you call for your mother. The phone's over there."

With that, Jena dragged Mom over to the bed by the window and they began talking again. Jenny pushed me toward the phone. I called Dad. He was upset but his logical mind told him there was nothing he could do, especially when I told him I'd had a few to drink. That settled it; he didn't want me driving his car. I had the feeling he was only angry because he would have to use Mom's car or my Jeep instead of his Lexus if he needed to go anywhere the next morning.

I put the phone down and Jenny handed me a glass of wine. I smelled marijuana. Turning around, I saw Mom and Jena sitting cross-legged on the bed, each with a wine glass in their hand, passing a joint. Jena held it out to Jenny and she took a hit, then handed it to me. I shook my head.

"Come on, Scott," Jenny said. "You can't leave me alone with these two and it will kill you to be the only straight one in this room.

I acknowledged her logic and took a puff. Half an hour later I was much more adept at toking. We were all sitting in a circle on the one bed and I was trying to convince myself that the dope had no affect on me but intrinsically knew I was losing that argument. I didn't have any more weed, which is a good thing, but I was already well on my way.

We were laughing and giggling at everything anyone said. Jena had taken her slacks off and was sitting in just a blouse and panties. Mom still had her dress on but it was pulled up to her hips and she had removed her pantyhose. It was a wonderful, casual show of womanly legs. Jenny and I were still fully dressed. We started another bottle of wine.

"Home made," Jena answered with pride when I asked what kind it was since it didn't have a label.

"We make it right on the farm," Jenny added.

"The farm?" Mom asked.

"You know," Jena said. "The old commune."

"The commune?" Mom was clearly surprised. "I thought you went back east?"

"We've been back for eight years, haven't we Jenny? Since my divorce."

Jenny nodded.

"I'm surprised it's still there," Mom said, incredulously.

"So was I," Jena concurred with her disbelief, "and even more that some of our old friends were still there, too. Quite a few, actually."

Mom was shocked. "You didn't say anything about this when you called, or tonight."

"I had to wait until it felt right," Jena explained. "I couldn't just blurt it out."​
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