Page 05
"Who ..."
"The best ones," Jena broke in. "And him." Jena glanced quickly at me. "Donny."
"I know about Mom's old boyfriend," I said.
"He wasn't a boyfriend ...," Jena started to say.
"Yeah, yeah, we were all just close friends," Mom broke in.
"Very close," Jenny added a rare comment.
"So tell me about it," Mom said.
"I have to go pee," I announced, crawling off the bed.
The women all burst out laughing as I stumbled to the washroom.
Jena yelled after me, "A gentleman always runs the water when he's goes."
What was that supposed to mean, I wondered going into the the bathroom and pushing at the door behind me which didn't click all the way shut. I turned on the tap anyway, feeling kind of silly, and took a leak.
When I was done and had opened the door, in the fog of my brain, I heard Jena say, "He looks just like his father."
That had to be my mother but it sounded like Jenny had joined in too. Another long burst of giggles. Women.
What was she on about? I didn't look anything like Dad. A little like Mom, but not much. I could have been adopted and sometimes wondered because of my birth just a few months after Mom and Dad were married but just figured that Mom and Dad had married while she was pregnant. A forced marriage explained a lot about the way they were. What the hell, I thought, I needed another glass of wine, and maybe another hit. They already had another one going. This was going to be a hell of a night.
I was the first go go. At some point, I must have stumbled over the free bed and crashed. I woke up to the sound of muffled voices. The room was lit only by the city lights from outside and the red lights on the clock radio on the bedside table. I looked across the gap between the two beds and saw two female figures sitting on the bed. I looked harder. They both seemed to be naked. I strained my eyes. They were. I recognized the profile of my mother's breasts and the meaty size of the other woman's guaranteed that they belonged to Jena.
Where was Jenny? I couldn't turn my head without giving away that I was awake. I strained for a sound that would indicate her whereabouts. Was she in the bathroom? No. There was silence from that quarter. Was she lying on the bed behind our mothers? I couldn't be sure. Maybe she had gone out. I returned my eyes to consider Mom's breasts and Jena's larger ones. They were almost touching.
Suddenly, they did. My mind blazed back to full clarity. Jena had said something and they both laughed quietly, leaning forward, and that's when their breasts touched. Another quiet giggle. Jena shook her tits against Mom's and Mom wiggled hers back. More laughter, then Jena reached out and cupped the bottom of Mom's left breast, the one closest to me. Mom's breath sucked in sharply and she glanced toward me. Jena turned to look at me too.
I froze but tried to breathe quietly and regularly, as if sleeping, but watched through slitted eyes. After a moment, the women turned their gaze to each other. Jena's far arm moved, I suppose to take hold of Mom's other breast. Mom's arm rose to let her hand caress Jena's face, then slid down to her neck and over her chest, brushing over the upper swell of her breast and then down until it finally cupped Jena's tit the way she held her own.
They kissed. Quietly, slowly. It was one long kiss rather than a series of short, ever longer ones. I was disturbed by the sound of breathing that wasn't coming from the other bed, and didn't seem to be mine. There was a rustle behind me and I realized that Jenny hadn't gone out, she was lying on the bed behind me. She was changing her position. Would she see her mother and mine? Would she think I was asleep? I stayed very still. I hadn't moved, so if she was awake she probably thought I wasn't, especially since I must have been out when she went to bed.
My cock was rising. Jesus Christ. I wasn't dressed. I didn't remember taking off my shirt and jeans. I knew I was wearing underwear because my stiff cock was straining uncomfortably within its boundaries, but I daren't move lest I show Jenny I was awake. I didn't want anything to stop this show. I couldn't believe Mom was bi. Nothing I had ever experienced with Mom in my whole life — not a comment, a look or anything — gave the slightest hint. This was incredible.
Mom and Jena stopped kissing. They fondled each other for a moment, gazing into each other's eyes. Jena leaned forward to renew their kiss but Mom pushed her back, following and crawling on top as Jena opened her legs and accepted her in a feminine embrace. They kissed and as it lengthened, their torso's twisted slowly in a bid to become one, Mom's bottom grinding down between Jenas thighs.
More rustling, then a hand curling over my hip, reaching down, grasping the front of my shorts, squeezing my cock. It was all I could to not to cry out. If she thought I was sleeping this was a sure fire way to find out. Why else would I have a huge hardon?
"Aren't they beautiful?" Jenny whispered.
I didn't respond.
"Obviously you think so, or your cock wouldn't be so hard."
I started to whisper back but she shushed me.
"Shhhhhh. They'll hear you. They can't see or hear me, I'm behind you and close to your ear, but you have to stay quiet and still. Here let me get this for you."
Jenny released her grip on my shorts and pulled the top out, releasing my rock hard cock. She stretched the elastic waistband down under my balls and pushed the back down off my ass.
"Nice," she whispered. "If you don't ruin it, I'll let you put this in me after they go to sleep."
Jenny's small hand circled around my cock and squeezed, then started slowly stroking up and down my shaft.
"Wouldn't you like to fuck them? Look at them rubbing their pussies together. See how tenderly they kiss, how sweetly they touch, how carefully your mother suck's my Mom's tits? That's how a woman wants to be loved. Slow and languid, in no hurry. Well, sometimes," she added, squeezing my cock hard.
We watched as our mothers made love, their bodies slowly twisting and turning, rubbing against each other until they were moving more urgently but not quickly. Despite the lack of frantic movement, their whole coupling screamed intensity. Jenny stroked my cock, holding when she sensed I couldn't take any more, squeezing my balls hard a couple of times when she knew she'd let me go too far, stopping my explosion just in the nick of time. One of those times was when she pushed herself against my butt, letting me know by the press of her pubic hair that her pussy was ready and waiting.
The moaning finally stopped. Our mothers were done. When the gasps had long subsided and there were no more soft murmurs, when the sound of heavier, steady breathing filled the room, and only then, Jenny urged me to turn around. I rolled right on top of her between her spread legs.
"Quiet. You have to do it really slow and gentle so they won't wake up."
I was already pushing inside her. I started slow but it was so hard. Every time I quickened my pace, Jenny pushed down and out on my hips, forcing me back into line. But she was very naughty because she would then bite and nibble my neck and ears, whispering urgently for me to fuck her harder. As soon as I sped up, she'd slow me down, then laugh and urge me on again. It was frustrating and exhilarating at the same time. I was writhing and grinding on her instead of pounding like I wanted to, much like Mom had made love to Jena.
Jenny couldn't stop me on the final run. Nothing could. I tried hard but when the final release was ready to go up the pipe, I just let go. Thankfully it was of short duration and didn't wake our mothers. I stayed on top, loath to pull out of her silky sheath but finally succumbing to her shoves and rolling to the side. I started to talk but she put her hand over my mouth. That's the last thing I remember. I fell asleep.
When I woke up it was lighter but still relatively dark. I craned my neck to see the clock. It was just after four in the morning. The moms were still sleeping, Mom just across from me on the near side of the bed. I turned over to look at Jenny. She was sleeping on her stomach with the covers down to the small of her back. Casting a glance over my shoulder to make sure the moms were asleep, I turned back and pulled the covers down to reveal Jenny's stunning little butt. I ran my hand gently over it, tracing my finger along her crack and dipping my hand between her legs, reaching for the back of her pussy. Her eyes opened, startling me. She smiled, and opened her legs, eyes sparkling.
With another quick look over my shoulder, I shifted over between her open legs and lowered myself down until my cockhead was nuzzling her muff from behind. I pushed and slid easily into her wetness, shoved harder and forced my way completely through her slick tunnel. Lying on her back, I began slowly thrusting in and out, my head sideways, facing our moms, ready to roll off at the first sign of wakefulness.
Jenny knew how to tease without whispering. Every wrench of her hips, each arch back and tug forward, clenching my cock in a fierce grip, was perfectly designed to thrill and torture. Exquisite sensations followed by painful restraint and, just when I thought I couldn't hold back any more, Jenny would cock her ass back, squeeze my cock hard, and pull so hard on it I thought she was trying to rip it off at the root.
She turned her head the same way as mine but pulled back so she could whisper in my ear, urging me on, goading me to come, asking me if I loved the feel of her cheeks and wouldn't I like to be inside them one day. I sensed that she could make me come whenever she wanted with just a few whispered pearls. I was putty in her hands.
I started thrusting deeper without withdrawing my cock, just bulging insider her, exerting every muscle in my thighs to the utmost in the effort. Jenny obviously loved the pulsing feel of my bulging, swelling cock. She turned her face into the pillow and I knew she was ready. I, too, was almost there, ready to fill her again. I closed my eyes with the strain and clamped my mouth shut tight to kill the gut-wrenching moan that welled up in my throat with tidal wave of sperm shooting up my shaft into Jenny's unprotected cunt. One, two, three giant spurts. I opened my eyes as several minor floods followed ... and looked right into my mother's eyes.
Mom smiled and blew me a kiss but otherwise she lay still, feigning sleep as I had the night before. I smiled back and then just enjoyed this very special moment. When Jenny stirred beneath me, Mom closed her eyes.
Jena and Mom were the first up for showers, then Jenny and finally me. We went downstairs for breakfast in the hotel and then said our goodbyes. Jena insisted that Mom come out to the 'farm' and to bring me. Jenny chimed in her support on that note. I said I would definitely come whether Mom did or not and that prompted a promise from Mom to give it serious thought.
When Mom and Jena hugged each other one last time, Jenny walked over and threw her arms around me and gave me a big kiss, right in the hotel lobby. Then, she pulled back and said, "Whew, I've never done that before. I bet that even tops Mom's shenanigans," she said, looking over her shoulder at our moms.
"What? Kissed someone in a hotel lobby?"
"No, silly. Incest. I just fucked my brother."
She turned and ran past her mom to the elevator. Mom was waving and turning toward the door. I was dumbfounded.
"Come on Scott. We've got to go. Come on," Mom urged as I just sood there, staring at the elevator that had just consumed Jenny and her mother. Mom tugged at my sleeve. "Let's go."
I was speechless most of the way way home. Mom didn't notice at first, she was so bubbly talking about Jena and all the people they had talked about, especially the ones that were still there and how it would be so cool to meet them again. Eventually, she saw that I was distracted.
"What's wrong, Scott." Mom looked at me more intently. "Are you sad to see Jenny go? We can visit them if you want. I know you had a pretty good time last night, or at least this morning," she laughed.
I was unresponsive and Mom stopped laughing. "What's wrong, son?"
"Jenny said something about me being her brother."
"Oh. I see," Mom said, her voice suddenly quiet.
"What do you see?"
"I see you want to know more about it and why you didn't know about it until now."
"That's right."
"The first part is simple, really. Jena and I slept with the same guy at the commune and we both got pregnant. I left and met your father. As for the second part, your dad didn't want anyone to know that you weren't his child and I promised him I would never tell anyone, not even you. He's been a decent father to you, Scott." Mom reached over and put her hand on my knee.
"I know, Mom, but it's a pretty big shock."
"Yes, but you're a big boy now. Don't dwell on things, just take them as they are."
"Like you and Jena and the rest of them at that commune would do?"
"That's right. And it's a farm now," Mom tried to lighten me up.
"I need time to adjust to this, Mom. I mean, Jenny is my sister and we...,"
"I know. But, you do have a little experience in that direction."
"Mom! Yeah, well...,"
Mom changed the direction of the conversation. "Did you really like doing Jenny that way?"
"Well, I'm just curious." She turned and looked out the passenger window. "I haven't done it that way for over twenty years." Mom turned back to me and smiled.
"Really?" I smiled back at her. "Who was the last one to have you like that? Donny? My real father?"
Mom's smile disappeared. "One of your fathers," she corrected me.
"Of course, one of my fathers. The fun one."
"Yes," Mom agreed. "The fun one."
We decided not to speak the rest of the way home.
Dad was surprisingly cheerful when we got home. He thanked me for looking after Mom and being there to take care of her. Evidently, Mom had gone straight to her room before Dad could ask if she had enjoyed herself, and to apologize for his abruptness the night before.
"Did she have a good time?" Dad asked.
"Yeah, Dad," I said. "She had a great time."
"That's good. "I've making hot chocolate and Bailey's for her." He smiled and waited for an acknowledgement of his kindness.
"That's really thoughtful, Dad, but I think she might want to be alone for awhile. It was a pretty intense visit and she may need to go over it in her mind."
Dad nodded. "Hmmm, you mean, she may need a little space right now?
"Yeah, something sixties like that."
"Ok. I'm cool with that. Are you going upstairs?"
I nodded.
"Can you just pop this in to her? Just say I asked you to drop it off and that I'd like to take her out for dinner tonight so she might want to rest this afternoon."
"Ok, Dad."
I didn't didn't want to disturb Mom because I thought she really did want to think about things. Dad was trying to be thoughtful, even if he did want a reward for it. I think he knew how much Mom's old friends meant to her and he might be worried about it, maybe even felt threatened. I was surprised at his sensitivity, realizing not onliy that she might want to be alone but that she might not want to see him in particular.
"It'll be ready in a minute," he said, pleased by my response.
Dad handed me a large thermos and a mug when it was ready. "I think I'll go putter around," he said. "Maybe you should do the same. Don't do anything that will disturb your mother. Ok?"
"Ok, Dad."
I didn't knock, I just went right in with the large coffee thermos of hot chocolate and Bailey's Cream. Dad had insisted I carry it on a tray with a mug. I closed the door softly because I could see that Mom was lying on her bed and might actually be sleeping since she'd had so little the previous night. I carried the tray over and set it on Mom's dresser, then transferred the thermos and mug to the bedside table.
It looked like Mom was sleeping. She must have flopped onto the bed as soon as she came in because she was wearing the dress she'd worn last night, sans pantyhose and shoes. I tip-toed, belatedly, around the bed and started toward the door but something caught my eye and I turned around.
What was it?
I looked at Mom. She was lying on her stomach with her left leg straight out and her right pulled up with the knee stretched out to her side. The dress was quite high up, putting her legs almost completely on display. I admired the taper of her thighs and how well-muscled her calves were. It reminded me of how her toes had curled when she came. There was a stirring in my groin and my eyes were drawn up Mom's legs to the point where they nearly joined, disappearing under her dress. Her bottom rose and fell slightly with her even breathing. She really was asleep.
I approached the bed, walking around to the other side, behind her. I leaned over, careful not to put any weight on the bed, or even to bump it, and gently pulled the dress higher, onto her bottom. Quietly, I returned to the foot of the bed and examined Mom's legs again. This time I could see all the way to the joining point.
Mom wasn't wearing panties. I stiffened into hardness and covered it with my hand over my jeans. I could just see the bottom of Mom's pussy. It too moved with her breathing, a tiny movement that was nevertheless an enormous tease. It made my cock hurt so I unbuttoned my jeans and pushed the zipper down. Ah, that was better.
Geez, her pussy seemed to be calling to me. I returned to the side of the bed and cautiously pulled Mom's dress higher, depositing the material in the small of her back, completely exposing her legs and bottom. I returned to the foot of the bed and examined her crack and pussy. Her right leg, stretched out like that, had pulled her lips slightly apart. I had to push my jeans and shorts onto my thighs to relieve the pressure from my ever stiffening cock. I took it in my hand and started stroking myself.
God almighty! If Dad changed his mind and came up to talk to Mom I would be caught red-handed with no possible way of talking my way out of it. Rather than dampening my rod, the thought made me even harder. I was like my mother. She got off on the potential of getting caught. Did she learn that on the commune, with so many good-looking young people in such close proximity 24/7?
Mom's behind, rising and falling with her breathing, was really beckoning to me now. I loved her ass, especially that bit on the bottom where it pouted out that extra bit. To think Dad had access to this all the time. But, no. What was that Mom had said, about seeing me with Jenny in the morning? Yeah. She said she hadn't done it that way for over twenty years.
Quickly, I shoved my jeans down the rest of the way. I started to get on the bed but stopped to take off my socks and shirt. If I was going to get caught, I may as well be caught doing it right. Carefully, I put a knee on the bed and gradually let my weight settle, then did the other knee. I crawled slowly up behind Mom.
Leaning down, I brought my face close to her bum and starting breathing hot air onto her bare pussy. It took some time but eventually Mom's breathing quickened. A little longer and I was rewarded with a couple of tiny beads of moisture on her pubes. I directed my breathing between them, blowing a little harder. Mom moved her left leg out a little, opening her slit a bit more. I blew and blew.
Her moisture content convinced me that it was time to make a move. I pulled up and reached for the zipper on the back of Mom's dress. Gently, I pulled it down. Placing my hands on either side of Mom, I stretched my legs out and held myself up on my toes. Carefully, I lowered my hips until my long cock dipped between Mom's legs, then pushed with my toes, transferring my weight forward until my cock grazed the bottom of Mom's ass and the rear of her pussy.