Page 06

Immediately, it began twitching, tapping on that moist groove. Mom sighed. I dipped and swung forward on my arms, increasing the urgency of my tapping dong. Bong, bong, bong.

Mom's ass twitched on each tap and she sighed again. Was she dreaming, dreaming of a time long ago, reviving faint tactile memories? Her ass was definitely moving to maintain contact with the tip of my cock. She wasn't just twitching now. The beginnings of a pelvic roll was in evidence. I pushed forward, trying to pry my way into her slit. Mom's ass lifted from the bed to accommodate my polite request. My tip poked into her wet bowl.

"Where's your father?"

I almost fell off my arms. I had thought she was asleep.

"Uh, he's, uh..."

"Did he go out?"

"No, he's around somewhere."

"Jesus Christ. Scott!"

"He asked me to bring you some hot chocolate with Bailey's in it." I nodded toward the bedside table as if she could see me or would look if she did.

"Do you think this is what he had in mind?"

Well no, of course not, I was about to reply. Then I noticed that Mom hadn't pulled away. In fact, she was still rolling her ass around in tiny movements in response to my still arching cock whose head hadn't left its insertion inside her slit. Now, I recognized that strange excitement in Mom's voice, seething under her words.

"I thought so. Do think I'm wrong? I could ask him?"

Mom didn't expect that. She laughed out loud and that caused the whole head of my cock to slip inside. Mom let out a little moan.

"What was that? You want me to ask him to be sure?"

There was a muffled 'no' as Mom turned her head into the pillow.

"It's no problem. I'll be right back. I think he's right across the hall in his office."

That was an outright lie. I knew Dad was downstairs or outside, given his warning to me not to do anything that would disturb Mom. But I was convinced Mom got off on such danger and my words had an immediate effect. Mom cocked her ass up and my cock slid halfway in. Man, that felt fucking awesome!

Mom's head turned to the side again. "He's right across the hall?"

"Yeah, I think so," I grunted, shoving all the way in, soaking up the exquisite joy of her spreading tunnel, the best resistance a man could experience.

"Then stop it. Get off me right now, Scott."

"Stop what," I moaned, pulling out and shoving in deeper. "Stop fucking you from behind?" I put extra emphasis on behind and thrust harder to make my point. Mom moaned.

"I mean it," she cried. "Get off me!"

"I am getting off on you."

Mom reacted by snapping her legs shut, clamping down on my cock, tightly trapping it deep in her pussy.

"That's not what I meant."

I quickly dropped my knees by Mom's hips and pulled my feet into the side of her legs. She couldn't open her legs now if she tried. I was now sitting on the back of her thighs, pressing her into the bed.

"I can't get off. You're holding me too tight."

I felt her try to open her legs.

"Scott, get off. Please." The cauldron of excitement was rampant in her whispered plea.

In reply, I started moving my cock the little bit I could manage with her clasping me so tightly. Mom's whole body started rocking into the mattress.

"You have the most awesome ass, Mom. You can't believe how good it feels to do you from behind."

I grabbed Mom's cheeks and kneaded them as I rocked into her behind. I wondered what it would be like to fuck her in the ass. I pulled her cheeks apart to look at that forbidden little hole, opening it in a little 'O' the size of a penny. For the life of me, I don't what possessed me but I drooled some spit onto her hole. I had never done this before with anyone. I moved my thumb into her crack and pushed my saliva around. Mom let out a long, low moan and that made me start really rocking into her.

"Slow down, slow down."

I did. "Am I hurting you?"

"No. But do me slowly like you did Jenny or your Dad will hear."

I was elated. She was going to let me fuck her, she wasn't going to try to stop me anymore. I released her cheeks and pushed her dress as high as I could, then leaned forward and slipped my hands under her belly and up to grasp her tits. I rocked slowly and steadily against her ass while I kneaded her tits, gradually paying more and more attention to her nipples. Before long, I was rolling and pinching and tugging her nipples while we fucked. She was loving it as much as I judging by the periodic release of a restrained grunt or moan.

I pulled up for a change, sitting upright on her thighs again but I didn't stop moving. I reached back and grasped her feet pulling them up, forcing her to bend her knees. Her sound changed as she reacted to the different feel that produced in her pussy. I fucked Mom like that for a couple of minutes, holding her ankles, then released her legs and grabbed her hands, pulling them up and back.

It was an awkward position for Mom but she didn't complain. She just moaned and grunted differently. So did I. I liked the look of her back arching up like that. I dropped her hands and leaned forward to grasp her hair, twisting it into a long rope, and then used it to pull her head up. That looked so great I started fucking her faster. Her head moving back as her shoulders were thrust forward made me fuck her even faster but Mom didn't complain. She seemed to be getting off on the wildness of it as much as I.

We were getting louder now but Mom didn't caution me to slow or quiet down. On the contrary, she was getting noisier and noisier. I had to release her hair and clamp my hand on her mouth but she twisted her head, almost making me lose my grip. She didn't try to get away. Instead, she sucked my fingers into her mouth and chewed on them, but not hard.

I lost it. I started rattling on her ass. I knew I was about to come and I went into gallop mode, hammering her into the mattress. I put both hands on her head and tried to put fingers from each into Mom's mouth. Oh god, oh god, I was coming, coming. It felt like every fluid in my body was draining out of me through a pipe that was too small, making it gush like a fire hose.

I slowed as my come subsided and released Mom's head. She fell into the pillow and my hands slid down to her narrow waist, circling it with my fingers, emphasizing the flare of her hips and ass. I held her firmly as I pumped my last few strokes and felt her come, moaning into the pillow, legs quivering between mine.

Before I got off Mom to get dressed, I leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"You don't need to wait another twenty years for that. You can have it from behind any time you want."

I turned to look back at the door. Mom was lying the same way as when I first came in with her right leg already back to its pulled up position. Only now, my cum was seeping out of her pussy.

Dad did take Mom out for dinner that night. I was still awake when they came home and I could tell Mom was angry. As it turned out, Dad hadn't been worried about Mom being pulled away by her old friends. Evidently, he had been talking to his boss the night we were out and invited them for dinner on Sunday. This kind of thing had happened many times in the past but Mom seemed to be less and less willing to put up with it for the sake of Dad's career. At least that was the gist of the terse conversation I overheard before all the lights went out and silence settled on the house. I had been toying with the notion of enticing Mom out of her room after Dad had gone to sleep but soon gave up on that.

Mom was not in a good mood the next day. I tried to be as helpful as I could, offering to run to the store, and so on. Mom's mood didn't seem to improve through the day but when Dad's boss and his wife arrived, a woman Mom didn't particularly like, her demeanor changed. She was quite unexpectedly all smiles and sweetness. I could tell Dad was mildly surprised but simply counted his blessings rather than trying to understand it. He probably thought her earlier mood had just been a 'woman' thing.

After dinner and dessert, while everyone was in the living room having coffee, the boss's wife mentioned how pleased her husband was with how much work Dad did, inserting herself in an implied superior position over Mom. Dad beamed, taking her words at face value, unlike Mom. He passed off his efforts as ordinary accomplishments that any good employee would gladly contribute in a way that acknowledged how extraordinary they truly were.

It was at this point that I understood Mom's strange mood change. She interceded before anyone else could respond to Dad's comments by stating that her husband really felt he wasn't doing enough for the company and had the time to do so much more. Dad, who slaved many extra hours at home, gave Mom a funny look but when the boss said he was really pleased to hear that because he was considering Dad for a major new project, Dad was thrilled.

After the guests had left, Dad fell all over himself congratulating Mom on the wonderful dinner and how he couldn't have won this new confidence from his boss, which was sure to be followed by a promotion and a raise, without the little bit of extra help from her. He wasn't put off at all by the strange smile on Mom's face the whole time she busied herself cleaning up, basically ignoring everything Dad said. I helped Mom clean up as Dad followed Mom around talking excitedly and I didn't miss it but I didn't know what it meant. She had put Dad up for even more hours than he currently worked which would probably take up his weekends in addition to his evenings, and Dad was thanking her profusely. What was she up to?

Monday was one of the days that we all worked so dinner was a simple affair. Dad ate quickly because he had been given the first tasks on the new project that day and was keen to get started. He disappeared upstairs to his study without even watching the news. Mom took her time cleaning up and shooed me out of the kitchen, saying she didn't need my help, that I was working early tomorrow and she didn't work until Wednesday. She told me I should get ready for bed and then come down to watch a movie with her.

I ran literally upstairs, had a quick shower and hurried back down dressed in t-shirt and sweats. I had half thought our evenings in front of the couch were over but Mom's request suggested they weren't. Mom was still in the kitchen but I sat in front of the couch, leaving room for her to sit on the end. I pilled up a couple of pillows for her to rest against and peeked around the end for the box of pictures. They weren't there. I guess she would bring them down as soon as she got changed into her hippy outfit.

I was surprised and disappointed when Mom turned the light out in the kitchen and came to sit on the floor beside me without getting changed. She took the remote and switched it to a movie channel with a chick flick already in progress and proceeded to watch it. I wasn't sure what to do. This wasn't what I had expected. I was at a loss for how to proceed with Mom without the pretext of the picture game.

"Would you like me to get a blanket?" I finally asked.


That terse reply didn't sound promising.

"Aren't you a little cold?" I asked, suggestively.


Mom kept watching the movie. She hadn't even glanced at me. I watched the show too for several minutes, then got up.

"Well, I'm a little chilly," I said, and fetched a blanket.

Returning, I sat down and spread it over my legs.

"Want some?"


I watched the movie for a few more minutes, then turned to look at Mom. She ignored me. She was wearing a starchy white blouse tucked into a pair of black slacks, her normal work outfit. I spread the blanket out over her legs, making sure to cover her feet too which were bare. Mom didn't pay any attention. This was really strange.

I didn't look back at the movie. Instead, I watched Mom. She just watched the movie as if I wasn't there. Tentatively, I reached out and bumped her right breast from the side. Nothing. I did it again without any response so I turned my palm up and took the weight of her breast in my hand. Mom watched the TV. For a while after that, I held one breast and then the other, lifting them as if to take their measure and gently squeezing like she had worked the dough for the bread. Mom paid me no mind.

This was fine with me. I didn't understand this new game but I was willing to learn how to play. I unbuttoned the top three buttons on Mom's blouse and slipped my hand inside to caress her breasts through her bra. Mom was fine with that too, she just acted as if nothing was happening. I got up and straddled Mom's legs the way I had the week before to tickle her face. This time, I simply unbuttoned the rest of her blouse and started to fumble with her bra.

Mom's hand stopped me. Her other hand appeared and brushed mine aside. Casually, she twisted her bra undone and let her hands fall to her sides. I took her bare breasts in my hands and began to play. Mom's strange, listless behavior was making me quite hard. It was wierdly exciting. She seemed willing to put herself at my disposal, there for the taking. I decided to test this theory.

I pushed my sweatpants down, letting my hard, errant cock spring free. It wobbled proudly in front of Mom but she ignored it, watching the movie without giving it the benefit of even a cursory glance even when I grasped it and waved it around, tapping it onto the top of her tits. I pushed it down between them and pulled her swollen globes up, pressing them tight. I started sawing my cock back and forth through her tits. Mom's only reaction was to stretch her neck to one side so she could continue watching the movie.

I began to chafe between Mom's tits so I leaned down and drooled saliva on her chest, then pushed her tits back together and started fucking them again. I looked at the stairs nervously. I had lost track of time and wasn't sure how close we were to Dad's first break. I strained to hear anything coming from that direction, like the sound of a door opening. I couldn't stop now unless it was an emergency, it just felt too good, but I began moving faster so I could finish. I moved closer to Mom and tried to push my cock higher to tap against her mouth. About every fourth or fifth shove, I managed to rub the underside of my tip across her lips.

I don't know how I heard it but the click of Dad's doorknob twisting rattled through my brain. I jerked myself off Mom and sat down beside her, scrambling to pull the blanket over me. I was about to pull my sweats up when I saw Mom's bare tits bouncing on her chest. She wasn't making any effort to cover herself. I let go of my sweats and pulled the blanket up to Mom's shoulders, stretching an arm behind her head to hold it up on her far shoulder.

Dad was already coming down the stairs, mug in hand. He walked straight into the kitchen without looking our way. Looking down to check how well we were covered, I was horrified to see my cock making a pyramid under the blanket. I pushed it down but it simply sprang back, proud of itself. I heard Dad putting his mug in the microwave; I guess the project wasn't leaving enough time for a proper kettle-produced cup of tea. I pulled my right knee up and twisted toward Mom a little to hide my erection. The microwave dinged. God, I hoped he wouldn't come in to watch. I wasn't sure I could pull this off. I was scared.

Dad emerged from the kitchen and turned upstairs without saying a word or looking our way. I breathed a sigh of relief and took a few deep breaths before turning to Mom, expecting to see a similar reaction from her. I was amazed to see Mom staring blankly at the TV as if there had been no danger at all. Worse, the blanket had slipped from my grasp and fallen to her waist. Mom was sitting there, blouse and bra wide apart, tits hanging out in all their glory. If Dad had stopped to watch for a few minutes like he usually did, or even looked our way on his way out of the kitchen, all hell would have broken loose, but Mom was oblivious to it all.

I looked at her tits. They were indeed hanging out in all their glory. I leaned over to drool some more saliva between them. Mom put her hands on my head and pressed it down, looking over it to watch the movie. I resumed my straddling position and started thrusting between her slick tits again. I quickly regained my former momentum and, even better, managed to rub my tip across her mouth every second or third time.

It wasn't long before I came, erupting all over Mom's neck and getting some onto her mouth. When I was finished and had fallen back onto her thighs, Mom continued watching the TV despite the cum covering her chest and the little bit hanging off her chin.

I pulled up my sweats and fetched a dish towel, damped one corner of it, and returned to clean Mom's face and chest. She was listless and uncaring as I reconnected her bra and buttoned her blouse. I even tucked it into her slacks, making her perfectly presentable.

What had happened to my foxy, teasing, fun loving Mom? I didn't know who this person was and found it quite unsettling. She wouldn't talk to me and I finally gave up and went to bed, sure she was just in a strange mood.

The next morning and suppertime, Mom was her normal self. However, as soon as Dad went upstairs, she propped some pillows against the front of the couch, sat down, and started to watch a movie. I hung back and watched her, then sat on the couch at the far end. Mom, at least the woman sitting there that looked like Mom, continued watching TV as if I wasn't there. I got up, angry now, and started upstairs. If she wanted to play this shit, then she could do it on her own.

I turned at the stairs to see if she was looking, to catch her out in her silly game. But she wasn't. She was still sitting there in her white blouse and black slacks, staring at the TV. Despite myself, I began to get hard. She wasn't herself but she was still a good-looking woman and I was certain I could go in there and have my way with her.

It was too good to ignore. I got the blanket out of the hall closet, returned to the living room, and spread the blanket over Mom's legs, then fetched a dish towel. I kneeled down, straddling her legs and started to undo her blouse, then stopped. I had a better idea, one that was sure to draw a response from Mom. I pushed my sweats down over my ass and got up, then leaned down with bent knees until they rested against the seat cushion on either side of Mom's head.

Holding my cock in one hand, I held Mom's hair in the other and directed my cock to her mouth. Silently, it opened and I pushed the head in. I had expected shock and a violent reaction, at least some reaction. I didn't expect her listless compliance to let me go this far. I almost pulled out as if this had just been a test but the exquisite feeling of Mom's warm, wet mouth surrounding my helmet zoomed through my rod, hurtled up my spine and crashed into my brain.

I slipped my other hand behind Mom's head and started dipping my cock in and out of her mouth, gentle and slow, in and out. I took my time, now expecting no resistance from Mom and received none. I slipped in and out of her mouth as if I had all the time in the world. This time I had started very soon after Dad had gone upstairs so I knew I had lots of time on that front.

I watched my cock bulge Mom's cheek out as a dispassionate observer but soon tired of that. I started pushing deeper, taking quite an interest in how much of my shaft I could bury in Mom's face. I couldn't push much more than half way in. Mom gagged every time I hit the back of her mouth but I quickly pulled back. I found that I could slip back in almost right away as long as I was gentle. As I continued, Mom gagged less and less. I also discovered that I could keep my cock pressed in tight for several seconds if I pulled back to let her gulp in fresh air. This too led to longer and longer presses as Mom got used to it and I learned when to pull back.​
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