Page 08
"Your being a very bad boy, Scott. What would your father do if he saw you offering your meat to your mother?"
"He'd kill me," I croaked.
"That's right," Mom replied. "He's sitting right upstairs, eating crackers and drinking tea while his naughty son is trying to get his hard cock between his wife's legs. You are, aren't you?" she asked, wobbling her hips and bringing her pussy close enough to touch the underside of my shaft.
"Yes," I gasped. "I am. I want to get between your legs."
Mom rubbed her pussy up and down my shaft, teasing me with the slippery feel of her pubic lips.
"Do you like that, baby?"
"Yes. Oh, yes," I cried, thrusting against her pussy, trying to get my cockhead inside her slit.
"You want to get inside me, don't you?"
"Yes. God, yes." I was rubbing frantically now.
"Alright, baby. I'm going to ask you for a favor tomorrow. Will you promise to do it for me?"
"Yes. Anything. ... What favor?"
"Anything I want."
"Ok, anything."
"Done," Mom cried.
She liftied her hips, hovered agonizingly over my cock, then sank, lowering to let my cockhead split her lips, pausing to let her juice run over me, then enveloping my purple helmet and gradually sliding down until her pubes pressed into my own hair. She squeezed, then let go, and squeezed again. Twisting this way and that, Mom teased me, "Do you like this? Do you like it like that?" and so on.
Eventually, Mom began pumping up and down on my cock. She reached back to undo her dress and slipped it from her shoulders. I raised my hands to caress her tits and she put hers on mine and guided one to my mouth.
"Suck them. And keep sucking. Don't stop."
I sucked gladly. Mom fucked me. She was in no hurry. She sped up and slowed down, sometimes stopping completely, then grinding around before starting again. After a long time, she pulled her tit out of my mouth and nestled into my chest and starting bucking on my cock. I responded by thrusting long and hard, lifting my ass right off the floor. Faster and faster. Mom put her head beside mine on the couch, gasping and groaning, grunting with the effort of riding me. Her mouth turned to my ear.
"Fuck your mother, Scott," she whispered. "Fuck your mom."
"Come on," she urged. "Do it. Fuck me!"
My cock erupted, gushing, flooding, filling her so much I could feel it squeezing past my root, wetting my groin and thighs. My hips had stopped, almost. They jerked spasmodically, reacting to the twitches inside Mom's cunt. She was kissing my ear, her tongue flicking inside, then her lips sucking. She lifted her head and moved in front of me, her lips seeking mine, her tongue filling my mouth.
Mom pulled away and straightened up. She pulled her dress up, fitting her breasts inside, and reached around to zip it up. As she walked slowly away, her hips swaying in a slightly exaggerated fashion. I watched every nuance of her shifting dress all the way up the stairs and didn't look away until I heard her bedroom close.
I got up and went to Dad's room.
"Finished your tea?" I asked, poking my head in his door.
"What? ... oh yes. Has your mother gone to bed?"
"Yes. She said she was tired. Would you like some more, Dad?"
"Oh. Yes that would be nice."
I walked to Dad's desk and picked up the tray with the empty plate and the teapot. I was acutely conscious of Mom's fluids still drying on my cock and balls and wondered if their odor could be detected outside my sweats. I took the tray downstairs but didn't bother making another pot of tea for Dad. Instead, I went to bed. I didn't clean myself up. I just lay in my bed, covers off, and fell asleep smothered in Mom's aroma. The last waking moment I remember, my cock was stiff and pointed straight at the ceiling.
Dad was reviewing some papers as he drank his morning coffee. I took my empty bowl and picked his up to put in the sink as Mom mentioned that I was going to take her for a ride in my jeep because it was such a beautiful, sunny day. Now, Mom had never been in my jeep and didn't even like it so I was flabergasted by her announcement and actually stopped in mid-stride.
"That so?" Dad said, not looking up. "Well, you better drive safely, Scott, with your mother along."
Mom moved to walk past me but then stopped beside me. Her hand dropped in front of me and cupped my balls through my jeans, pressing the palm of her hand against my stiffening cock.
"Oh, I think he'll take care of me, Gordon. Won't you, Scott?"
I didn't answer. I was concentrating on not dropping the dishes. Mom moved past me, her hand dragging reluctantly along, sliding off my crotch. I could hardly wait to get Mom out of the house after that.
She made me take the top off and climbed in, looking very sporty with her hair tied back with a scrunchie. We pulled away from the driveway.
"Where to?" I asked.
"Just drive north, out of town."
I drove for almost an hour, taking two scenic detours along the ocean. We passed through the first town north of us and then the next. We were almost to the third little town when Mom directed me down a small side road.
"Here," she said, pointing into a parking area to the side.
"Here?" I asked.
"Here," she confirmed.
Bungy jumping. She had to be kidding.
Nope. She wasn't.
We went in. There were very few people there this early in the day. I was sure Mom would back out when she saw how high the drop was. I had thought about trying this and I had always chickened out.
"How much?" Mom said.
"The guy at the counter waved over his shoulder at the price list on the board behind him.
"I thought it was free for couples that jumped in the nude," Mom said.
I was blown away. So was the guy. I'm sure he thought we were mother and son but when Mom said that, he seemed confused, obviously reassessing our status by Mom's use of the word 'couples'.
"That's right," he said. "Sorry, but we've just opened for the season and we haven't had any nudes yet."
"No problem," Mom replied.
Ten minutes later, we were standing on a platform, naked except for the rigging tying our feet together. We were face to face, instructed to keep our heads together and hug each other tightly. I couldn't help getting an erection, more proof, I suppose, for the guy that we really were a couple. I let my hands stray over Mom's naked butt. The guy smiled and pushed us sideways off the platform.
We were gone, falling, falling, ... man, what a rush. I closed my eyes. Boing! Flying up. Eyes open, looking into Mom's wild ones as we bounced way up, then down and snapped up again. It was an incredible rush. Mom was screaming, then kissing me, then whooping again.
"Come back anytime," the guy said as we left, eyeing Mom's body with a new appreciation.
We stopped at the shop and purchased the movie they had made of our jump.
"I'm hungry," Mom said.
We drove homeward, retracing our steps, and chose a funky cafe on the first oceanside detour. There were only a few people there and they had left by the time our sandwiches arrived.
"You two look like you've had some fun today," the matronly waitress remarked, setting our order down.
"We've just been bungy jumping," I said, proudly.
"Bungy jumping? My god, I could never do that," the waitress said.
Mom laughed. "My son and I did it in the nude. I don't think we can show the movie they sell you to my husband."
I shot Mom a disapproving look but she just laughed harder. She must have been still be giddy from the jump.
The waitress said, "Wow, that's cool, doing something wild like that with your mother." She left us to eat our sandwiches but was back in a minute to top up Mom's coffee even though it was still more than half full.
"Would you and your son like to eat in our special viewing room?" The waitress looked meaningfully at Mom but stopped pouring coffee at just the right moment though she never looked at the cup.
"Special viewing room?" Mom asked, intrigued.
"Yes. Would you like to see?"
"Sure," Mom replied.
We got up with our sandwiches. The waitress picked up Mom's coffee but I had to carry my own juice. We followed her through a door into a small hallway and then through another door. There was a large, round bubble window facing directly over the water. It was tinted but I could clearly see the nearby dock and a boat slowly leaving the marina. A small bed was nestled next to the window, covered in a plush red comforter. There were no chairs. The waitress set Mom's coffee down on the small table at the head of the bed and turned back to the doorway.
"You can see out but nobody can see in," she said. "Take your time. There's no rush."
She looked at Mom again, engaging her with a steady gaze of apparent mutual understanding. "My son and I used to stay in here for hours after closing before we went home ... watching the boats go by."
She left, making a big production of locking the door from the inside and pulling it firmly shut behind her. Mom sat on the bed and started eating her sandwich.
"Mom, this is weird. I'm not very comfortable with this."
"Oh, Scott," Mom replied, kicking off her sandals and pushing back on the bed, resting her back against the wall. "Relax and live a little. You've got to learn to take things as they come. Go with the flow," she laughed.
I stood, looking out the window, sipping my juice and nibbling my sandwich. Mom finished hers and put the crust on her plate. She never ate her crusts. She leaned forward on the bed and reached behind to unzip her dress.
"Mom," I cried, as she pulled it down from her shoulders, pushed it over her lifted hips, and slid it down her legs and off her feet. "Are you crazy?"
Mom twisted and stretched out on the bed, now wearing only a brief pair of panties.
"Do you really think she let us use this room just to eat our sandwiches?" Mom laughed.
"But we can't ... it's a strange place, and she's right out there."
"Suit yourself."
Mom hooked her thumbs into her panties and, lifting her ass, pulled them up her thighs, over her knees to her feet and off. Planting her feet firmly on the bed, she opened her legs and smiled at me, trailing her hand over her breasts and down, settling between her legs. She lifted her hips, making love to her hand.
I was frozen in place, watching her caress her pussy. Her face wore a wicked smile. She scrunched lower in the pillow and lifted her feet, pulling her knees back to her chest and stretching her legs out until her toes hit the wall behind her. The soft arc of the back of her thighs was a wonder to see. Bending her knees, Mom's feet returned until her heels bumped against her thighs. She let her ankles bounce up and down a few times, curling her feet with her toes scrunched in tight. Her hands appeared beside her hips on the bed and slid up until they rested on the back of her thighs. Slowly, then traveled up toward her knees, pulling her legs apart as the went.
"Don't you want to make love to me?" she purred.
That did it. The remains of my sandwich were tossed toward the plate and my clothes were torn off. Mom chuckled at my urgency but stopped when she saw the size of my erection.
"Oh, my. That bungy stuff really makes you excited, doesn't it?" She was silent for a moment, eyeing my wobbling boner. "Hurry," she croaked.
I clambered on top and Mom welcomed me between her widely spread legs, pulling her knees even farther back and then locking them behind me so she could rest her feet in the small of my back. I slid deep inside her.
"Do me really well, baby. This place is special for people like us."
I grunted my concurrence.
"Do me, baby," Mom whispered.
I did my level best. We moved slowly after my first exhuberance, then quickly, and slowly again. We strained to get closer and closer, sweating in the effort, but I could never get as close to Mom as I wanted. I have never kissed a woman so intensely before or since. Drenched in sweat, we finally came and cuddled, gazing out at the harbor and the boats gliding serenely by. Little touches and smooches started everything anew. I worked my way down to Mom's breasts, lingered there for awhile, then kissed my way over her tummy and between her legs.
"Ohhhhhhh, yes, that feels good," Mom moaned.
My apprehensions about the noise disappeared when Mom's hands lowered to guide my head and her legs closed around my ears to help keep me in place. Her muffled sounds were no longer of any concern. The woman I licked for the next half hour was certainly not the despondent creature I had used for the past week. This woman was not shy about placing my mouth exactly where she wanted it and I had no illusions that I could leave that musky place until I had done my job, and done it right. I learned to appreciate and adopt the skill Mom had shown in breathing through her nose, a strange technical observation to under the circumstances.
Mom pulled me up when her orgasm had subsided and her hips stopped churning. She showered me with little kisses and murmurs of appreciation but when I tried to nudge my swollen cock inside her she shook her head. Her hands urged me higher so I slid my cock onto her tummy. I understood. We should be getting out of this place. I tried to will my erection down and sent a futile message trying to calm my animal brain, promising fabulous rewards in the future. The message was ignored; my hardon refused to subside.
Mom's hands on my elbows urged me higher. I slid up, lifting myself to clear her chest, then lowering so my cock could land between her tits. Ah, yes, that would do, would be wonderful in fact. I rubbed the underside of my shaft on Mom's chest to show I understood.
But no. Mom's hands still pushed up on my elbows, urging me higher. I lifted myself again and climbed yet higher, my cock dragging across Mom's solar plexus until it got trapped in the hollow of her neck under her chin. I pulled way up to dislodge it but it was captured as soon as it was free — by Mom's mouth.
Mom tipped her head up from the bed, swallowing half of my eager cock. Quickly, she drew back and jerked back up again, bouncing u and down bba dozen times, then sank back in the pillow and stayed still. After the briefest pause, I started to slowly fuck Mom's mouth, cheered on my the gentle urging of Mom's hands on my ass. I moved cautiously, not wanting to offend this newly responsive woman but she was even more accepting than the listless one she had replaced. In fact, she seemed eager for more and more. I didn't try to push into Mom's throat but she urged me further and further until I was pulled inside anyway. Shortly after that, I came. The whole thing was just too exquisite to bear and I was no longer inclined to hold back anyway. Surprisingly, Mom took it all with just the tiniest spillage.
It had been almost two hours by the time we re-entered the cafe, now busy with its early dinner crowd. Mom sought out the older waitress and thanked her profusely. She only smiled and told us to come back anytime, that our private 'table' was always there for us. We drove home, to my father, who wondered where his dinner was.
The next day was Sunday and Mom woke me up early, not even waiting for me to come donwstairs.
"Get up, I want you to take me out again."
"Can't I sleep in for a bit?"
"No. We have to get going. We've a long drive."
"To where?" I mumbled, trying to roll over, covering my head with the pillow.
"It's a surprise. Come on. I've made some snacks for the trip. We can eat on the road. Come on, sleepyhead, before your Dad gets up."
Mom pulled my pillow away and I looked at my clock. It wasn't even six yet. What the hell?
Mom was tugging me off the bed, yanking on my hands. She laughed when I tumbled onto the floor and rolled over, my morning hardon tenting my shorts. She bent over, reached into my shorts, and grabbed my cock, pulling me up.
"Come on," she said.
I was surprisingly easy to lift.
"I always wondered if that was true?"
"What?" I asked, shaking the sleep off.
"If you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow," Mom giggled.
I managed to get a t-shirt and jeans on. Mom was pushing me into the hall while I was still zipping up. Downstairs, she threw me a wind-breaker and handed me a pair of sandals. I followed her outside, barefoot. She was already at my jeep which had a picnic basket and blankets and stuff already in the back. Mom got in the driver's side.
"I'll drive until you wake up," she said.
I climbed in and Mom let the Jeep roll down the driveway onto the street, then started it up and we were gone. I didn't even know she could drive a standard but she drove it as if she did it every day. I watched her as she drove. I had met a whole new person over the last few weeks. There was so much I hadn't known about this person I took for granted and I wanted to know more, everything I could. A couple of miles down the road, we stopped and picked up a couple of coffees.
"Put some music on," she said, running inside.
Back on the road, we sped away, music blaring.
"Where are we going," I yelled over the wind and the din.
"Surfing," she yelled back.
"That's four hours away."
"I know."
"I didn't know you knew how to surf."
"I don't. You're going to teach me."
We stopped to eat from our picnic basket by the ocean on the way, sitting on logs, enjoying the scenery and the people passing by, without a worry in the world. Mom drove the whole way. She was really enjoying herself.
Surfing was a gas. We rented wet suits and boards for the day. We only rested once for the four hours were were there. Mom managed to stay up for about ten seconds only a half dozen times but she loved it. I had never seen her laugh so much. Before starting the drive back, we went to a funky little cafe to get something to eat.
I drove on the way back. Mom stuffed a bunch of stuff between the seats and tried to lay down with her head on my lap. It couldn't have been comfortable, and wasn't exactly safe, but she stayed like that most of the way home. She must have been exhausted. I drove extra carefully.
Dad was furious when we got home but Mom paid him no mind. He shifted his anger to me and I silently bore his assault.
I slept in the next morning. The sun shining brightly through my window woke me. Ah, what a great looking day. Suddenly, I realized it was Monday and I leapt out of bed. I was late for work!
I scrambled into my jeans and rushed down the hall, still pulling them up, hobbling down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mom was sitting at the table, calming drinking her morning coffee.
"Mom, why didn't you wake me up? I'm really late." I opened the fridge, searching for something to eat, grabbed a handful of sliced cheese and a jug of juice, and turned back to face Mom.
"Why aren't you at work?" I asked, sensing that something was wrong.
"I'm not going to work anymore," she answered.
"What? You quit?" I was shocked. Mom didn't work for the money, she worked to give herself something to do.
Mom got up, took the sliced cheese out of my hand, and threw it in the garbage.
"Don't eat that crap. I'll make you a proper breakfast."
"Mom, I have to go. I'm late."
"There's time," she replied, getting some eggs out of the fridge.
"Mom," I complained, exasperated.
"I want you to give me a ride somewhere," she said, getting a frying pan out of the cupboard and putting it on the stove. She popped a couple of slices of bread into the toaster but didn't push them down, turning instead to start the eggs. "Why don't you get yourself a coffee and sit down," she said.
I sat down without the coffee.
"What's this all about?" I asked.
"I'm leaving," she stated calmly.
"You're leaving home? You're leaving us?"