Years ago I knew this classy, pretty, smart, sweet, outgoing doctor. Everybody loved her. I happened to run into an article about her recently, started spinning a yarn around the memory of her, and this story emerged. Little of it, sadly, is true.
I don't have any plans for a sequel, but welcome all suggestions. I can always use a good idea.
Next up is a three chapter tale of a precocious young man who uses subliminal messages to restructure his family. He likes older women, none quite so much as his mother. Unfortunately it will be awhile; a boatload of editing is required.
As always, all story characters involved in sexual activities are eighteen years of age or older.
* * * *
As I pulled into the limestone parking lot I double-checked the clock on my dashboard. I was on time; where was everybody? Dr. Fulton's office was dark, but there were several lights on in what everyone called the pool house. Her group's medical practice, located in a large rambling antebellum home, had become so successful they'd purchased the small modern home next door, using it for the firm's administrative functions. It had a pool, thus the pool house.
I knocked on the door. It opened immediately. Whomever it was heard me pull up.
"Hello Jimmy."
"Hey Dr. Fulton. Is this the wrong day?"
"You didn't get the text?"
"No. I was up in the hills this afternoon, hiking, my phone battery died and I forget the car charger. I went home, took a quick shower, hurried here. There was no time to charge the phone. What happened?"
She motioned for me to follow her inside; I did; I checked out her ass.
Dr. Fulton was step-mother to Patrick, a Boy Scout buddy. His dad, now in his mid-fifties, had founded this medical practice and, four years ago, brought in Dr. Fulton. He was a widower, old school, stern and uncompromising, and smitten. Despite the twenty-plus year age difference, they'd married.
When our boy scout troop organized a water safety/life-guard class, she'd volunteered the pool. The rumor was that she'd help put herself through college and medical school by working as a life-guard; several boy scouts had signed up hoping to see her in a bathing suit.
You see, she was pretty, very pretty. Straight dark brown hair cut short, light skin, oval face with large bright-brown eyes, ready smile, and, in contrast to her husband, up-beat and outgoing. Her personality merged with her looks in a way that left her more sweet and cute than over-the-top sexy.
As to the bathing suit, when she wasn't wearing formless green scrubs she dressed conservatively, fashionably, but conservatively. We all wanted to check out the bod and while at the moment her torso was covered in a wrap, I was looking at a firm butt twitching in a tight one-piece swim suit. Her waist was narrow, her legs nicely muscled and, I was thinking, five feet six inches tall, 125 pounds, 34-25-34 or so.
She led me through the house and outside to the pool, where she picked up a glass of wine and turned to face me.
"Your scout leader called about half an hour ago, said there was a family emergency, he had to cancel. He was very apologetic, said he'd text everyone. I told him I was already here, that I'd wait around in case someone didn't get the message, then poured a glass of wine. I'm glad I did."
I looked around. Chairs and tables were neatly lined up, several plastic tubs of life-saving gear were situated at one end of the pool, and a bowl of fruit and ice chest full of drinks sat outside the door leading into the house. Dr. Fulton, who always made sure the gang felt welcome at Patrick's house, had done so again
"You went to a lot of trouble. The least I can do is help you put some of this stuff away."
"You don't have to do that Jimmy, I can handle it."
"I'm sure you can handle it, but still, I'd like to lend a hand."
"Well thank you, I'd appreciate that."
I broke down the grill, moved it and associated gear into the shed, emptied the ice from the cooler, lugged it into the kitchen, put the fruit and drinks in the frig. I also took the opportunity to check out Dr. Fulton. As she worked the wrap hung loosely around her neck, exposing her body: nice and compact, good muscle tone, flat stomach, small round breasts. She must have noticed me looking for, brown eyes sparkling, said, "Wondering about the suit?"
I'd been wondering about what was in it, but I said, "Yes."
She laid the wrap aside, took a sip of wine, and said, "After I agreed to host this course I started digging through an old trunk from my life-guarding days, found this. It was back when Baywatch was in its heyday. People expected life-guards to wear those bright-red swimsuits so the county modeled its suit on them. I was wondering whether it would still fit, so I tried it on."
"It sure does. You look great."
She said, "Thank you," and not bothering to put her wrap back on, walked towards me, took a sip of wine, and, eyes gesturing to the counter, said, "I also found some of my old training manuals."
Putting the glass down, she flipped one open and said, "Let me show you." The pages were small and we had to lean over the counter - our arms and shoulders pressed together - to see as she, using a fingertip, walked me through the drawings illustrating what she called the basic rescue, then said, "I wonder if I can still do it."
"I don't see why not. It might be like riding a bicycle, you never forget, and you're in great shape."
"Not bad for an old lady?"
Was she fishing for a compliment? I'd oblige.
"If you're hiding an old lady here I haven't seen her."
She laughed, turned the page, explained a few more drawings. There was a wistful tone to her voice. She was enjoying memories of life on the beach.
"It sounds like you loved your time as a life-guard."
"I did. Except for the emergencies, times of gut-clenching panic and out-of-control adrenaline, it was fun, carefree. The people I worked with were wonderful, we had great times, at work and after hours. You didn't have to be responsible twenty-four hours a day."
I said, "Well, if you want to see if you still have it, I can drown as well as the next guy."
"That's sweet Jimmy, but I'm sure you have better things to do."
At that I laughed. "Actually the better thing I have to do is come here for life-guard training."
She cocked her head to the side, as if evaluating my logic, looked at her glass of wine, decided she hadn't had too much to drink, and clearing some hair away from her forehead said, "Okay, I'd like that. It should be fun."
Saying, "I'll be right back," I ducked into the bathroom, leaned way forward so I could pee with a full hard-on, considered jacking off (there wasn't time), thanked god I'd worn loose-fitting swim trucks, moved my erection so it lay flat on my belly, and headed for the pool.
She was waiting at the deep end. I joined her, took my shirt off, laid it aside. She placed a hand on my back.
"We'll start with the basic rescue. Eventually you'll learn to deal with people who are struggling, but right now the person in the water should be passive so we can focus on technique. Pay attention to the details of what I'm doing, especially my hands, and always remember the first rule of life-guarding."
As I said, "What's that?" she pushed me and I flew into the water. I popped out, shook my head to clear the water from my eyes, and saw Dr. Fulton laughing, glee written on her pretty face.
"The first rule is no horse-play."
Splashing some water on her I said, "I'll remember," back-pedaled away, said, "Come rescue me."
She slipped into the water, reached me with a single stroke, then, hand on my shoulder to steady me, slipped behind me, slid her hands under my arms and up to my shoulders, grasped them from behind, tilted me backwards, lifting my head from the water, and ferried me to the edge of the pool.
"Got it?"
"Think so."
"Okay, we'll do it again, then you do me."
The second time, more relaxed, knowing what to expect, I dug Dr. Fulton's body pressed to mine, thinking this is great, I have the lovely Dr. Fulton in a swimming pool all to myself.
After she brought me to the edge she said, "Your turn," and pushed off the wall. I climbed out, dove back in, slipped my arms under hers, and moved her to the side. Once there she said, "Remember to first take hold of my shoulder to steady me and focus on technique, especially getting my head out of the water. You're strong, but not everyone you rescue will be as light as I am."
We did it twice more, she complimenting me and pointing out areas for improvement. When done I climbed out of the pool, offered her a hand, pulled her from the water.
Impressed, she said, "You are strong, and you've done real well so far. Let's try the underwater rescue, then call it a night."
She turned on the lights that flooded the pool - it was getting late - and joined me at the kitchen counter, our arms and shoulders, and now our legs, pressed together as she illustrated the rescue with her fingers. I pointed to several spots, asked questions, our fingers interlocked and touched as she answered, I felt her breath on my hand.
Thanking god for the receding light - my dick was hard - I jumped in.
"Okay Jimmy, when you reach the deep end, drift to the bottom. Don't react at all. In an underwater rescue a person will likely be unconscious. To get them up you've got to use your entire body like I showed you in the drawings."
Doing my best to keep my eyes on her face (were her nipples erect - there was a nip in the air) I emptied the air from my lungs, let my arms and legs float before me, felt my butt hit bottom.
Dr. Fulton, approaching under water, placed a hand on my shoulder, moved behind me, slipped her hands under my arms, but instead of taking hold of my shoulders she wrapped her arms firmly around my upper chest and pulled me to her so my body sat atop hers, my back pressed to her chest, both of us at a 45 degree angle to the bottom of the pool. I felt her breasts flatten against me, thought I felt her nipples, when, with a kick of her legs, we shot upwards. On the surface she switched to the basic rescue and brought me to the side, then, climbing out of the water, said, "We'll try it again, then it's your turn. Any questions?"
Yeah, "What about my hard-on?"
No, best keep that one to myself.
"No, not for the moment."
I sank to the bottom of the pool, thoroughly enjoying it when Dr. Fulton, cradling my body to hers, rescued me.
At the edge of the pool she patted my arm, said, "Your turn," and swam to the deep end. I climbed out, ran the drawings through my mind, focused on details and technique, felt my dick deflate, turned to Dr. Fulton, who shouted, "Remember, my back should rest on your chest. As strong as you are you could get me off the bottom anyway, but you'll rescue heavier people than I and you don't want to develop bad habits. Ready?"
I said. "Yes," and when she reached bottom dove in, secured her in place, slipped my hands under her arms, wrapped my arms around her chest and on her firm round wonderful breasts, pulled her towards me, and...
...her butt was heading for my rapidly hardening dick.
Panicking, I moved her upwards, towards the top of my chest, but her rump grazed my erection. I kicked off the bottom but our ascent was rickety and at the surface I, too quickly, switched to the basic rescue - she momentarily slipping from my arms - then brought her to the side.
I readied myself for a tongue blistering.
"Could you feel what was wrong?"
There was no anger in her voice.
"I, unhh..."
Placing her hand on my upper chest she said, "You held me here, way too high up," then ran her hand to the center of my chest and said, "my back should be right here."
She had a great touch.
"Yeah, we were off balance."
"Exactly, let's try again."
Did I dare? I was flaccid as overcooked spaghetti. It seemed safe.
When she reached bottom I jumped in (tried not to think about how hot she was/thought about how hot she was), wrapped my arms around her chest (tried not to think about her breasts/thought about her breasts), pulled he to me, her ass pressed to my half-erect dick.
Then she squirmed; her butt rubbed my rod; I was fully erect.
I kicked off the bottom, but, my mind scrambled, forgot to switch to the basic rescue, instead carrying Dr. Fulton to the side with my arms folded over her breasts and my erection pressed to her backside.
I let go, she ducked her head under the water, I thought oh fuck, what was she going to say, heck, what was I going to say, she emerged, opened her eyes, placed a hand on my shoulder, and said, "I'm sorry."
I said, "Huh."
She said, "I didn't mean to embarrass you. I was supposed to stay still, but when I felt something on my rump, I wiggled. I didn't realize what it was until well, until it responded. I feel terrible."
"I'm sorry too Dr. Fulton. I didn't, I mean..."
She leaned into me, gave me a little hug, and said, "No need to apologize Jimmy, it made an old lady feel appreciated, but you still had to rescue me. After all, an erection is not an acceptable reason for letting someone drown. There is one thing..."
"What is it?"
"My step-son tells me you can keep a secret, that you're not a gossip."
"I try."
"Can we keep this to ourselves."
"Yes, I couldn't agree more."
She climbed out of the pool, I followed. She still had a great ass.
* * * *
After we finished picking up Dr. Fulton said, "Why don't you take the first shower."
"I figured I'd shower at home."
"Bad idea, you'll get your car wet and I loaded enough chlorine and disinfectant in the pool for an entire boy scout troop, not the two of us; you need to get if off your skin. Did you bring a change of clothes?"
"I'll get some of Patrick's together, they'll fit you just fine."
* * * *
I considered jacking off, but Dr. Fulton was waiting outside. I stroked myself a few times, that didn't help, turned off the water, pressed my erection to my chest, wrapped a towel around my waist, cracked open the door.
"Dr. Fulton, are the clothes ready?"
She said, "Are you decent?" I said, Yes," and she opened the door. Like me, she was wrapped in a towel. I stepped past her into the room, looking back only when she said, "The clothes are on the desk in the corner," and caught a glimpse of her naked butt as she stepped in the shower.
"Jimmy there is no shampoo in here. Did you wash your hair?"
"Yes, I used the bar-soap."
"Men! Would you check the counter, I thought I saw shampoo and body-wash there."
I did. There was.
"I found them."
"Jimmy, are we still operating under that promise of confidentiality?"
"Of course, you can trust me Dr. Fulton."
"Good, then come in here. I'll do your hair, right this time, then you do mine."
Her face, dripping water, popped through the shower curtain.
"Don't worry, I won't bite and don't dwaddle. We need proper shampoos and the hot water heater won't last forever."
Not quite sure what was happening, after she pulled the shower curtain shut, towel wrapped around my waist, I stepped in. Eyes closed, she was letting the water run over her face. Except for a smattering of birth marks across her chest, her skin was smooth. Her breasts sloped to the side, ending with large nipples which, at the moment, were distended and pointy. Her pubic hair was thick and unruly.
I looked back to her face. She was looking at me with a sly smile that told me she knew I'd just checked her out. Placing a hand on my chest, she ran her fingertips through my light smattering of chest hair, sucked her lower lip into her mouth, and said, "Well, did you like what you saw?"
No reason to prevaricate.
"Very much."
She slipped two fingers over the top of my towel, undid it, it fell to the shower floor. I was naked.
"Well I did show you mine..."
But she didn't look. Instead, even as my swaying dick bumped her stomach, she stood directly in front of me, her eyes on mine, said, "Bend over," and worked the shampoo into my scalp. Her hands and fingers, a doctor's hands and fingers, were strong, it felt good. When done she handed me the shampoo and said, "Now me."
While I shampooed her hair she captured a handful of suds in her hand, reached down, and using the suds as lubricant, twisted her hand on my erection. I finished her hair, she knelt, said "Would you mind rinsing me off," and as I directed the showerhead to spray onto her head she licked the underside of my erection, kissed and rolled her tongue on the cock-head, stood, ran her hands through her hair and said, "You have a nice cock. You did such a good job with my hair, would you mind getting the rest of that nasty old pool water off me."
Filling my hands with body-wash I said, "No, not at all."
"I was hoping you wouldn't."
Starting with her shoulders, I worked my way down her back, made sure no pool water remained. When I was done she turned around, said, "Thank you," and held out her hands, which I filled with body-wash. After she cleaned her face she said, "Would you do the rest of me. You have a nice touch."
After her upper chest came her breasts. Each a perfect handful, I took my time, kneading the flesh, rolling her nipples between my fingers, listening to her low soft contented moans, used the suds that had accumulated on her breasts to clean her stomach, then stopped.
I covered her sex, the hair was thick, and worked it until she was emitting a steady flow of happy murmurs and moans, then turned to her ass, gave it a thorough cleaning and, feeling emboldened, reached between her legs, covered her sex with my hand, ran a finger up and down her ass crack. Finally I washed each leg, encircling her thighs with my hands, half-scrubbing, half-massaging, until, as the hot water petered out, I hurried through her calves and feet.
As she turned off the water I stood and said, "I think you're clean." She said, "I think I am too, thank you," then, as my hungry eyes openly drank in her form, added, "You've been looking for years, is it as nice as you imagined?"
She was superb, skin soft, body lean and well-muscled.
"Better actually, you're amazing. Have I been real obvious?"
"No actually, a girl knows when she's being admired, and likes it so long if its respectful. Just a quick look, telling us you noticed. You've been good. Some of Patrick's friends, they leer, undress me with their eyes, it's creepy. But Jimmy, if you don't mind, but I think you and I have been talking way too much. Would you kiss me, please?"
I lowered my head, covered her mouth with mine, and I kissed her, tentatively at first, but when she pressed her face to mine I slid my hands down her flanks to her firm ass, pulled her tight. The kiss deepened; she moaned into my mouth and, leaving one hand on her ass, I cupped the back of her head, held her in place, my tongue, moved inside her mouth, found hers; they danced, probed, tasted, devoured each other. I pressed her to the wall, delivering a powerful kiss driven by years of illicit fantasies.
When done she slipped her hand inside mine and said, "Come with me, I have something to show you."
I followed her down a hall into a small room. In it were an assortment of items, several boxes, and a day bed big enough for one. When she saw me staring at it she, with a burst of laughter, said, "It's the only one available."
"It will do just fine Dr. Fulton."
She closed her fingers around my prick, lightly squeezed, and said, "I think you can start calling me Mary...," but was interrupted by her own soft moan when, cupping her sensitive breasts, I teased her nipples. She turned into me, clung to my shoulders, steadying herself as I guided her to the bed, replaced my fingers with my mouth, nursed on her breasts, slurped on her nipples, sucked them into my mouth, rolled my tongue on them, moved down to her flat belly, tongued the belly button, went lower, my head between her thighs, kissed her sex, started to graze.
Dr. Fulton buried a hand in my hair and, looking between her breasts, watched me immerse my face in her pussy, tease her clit, and lap up the sticky fuck juice, she was dripping wet. As I continued to eat her she humped her sex on my face, fucking her horny pussy on my mouth, and sang her approval, "Oh, Jimmy... Oh god... Ooooh, feels so good. Ohhh... yesssssss. Oooo yes... lick my pussy... ah... ooo... stick your tongue in there... ahh."
Burning with desire to please this woman, I caught her clit between my lips, licked it, opened her cunt-lips with my fingers, exposing the glistening wet pinkness, pushed three fingers inside - they slid easily through the copious fuck-oil - twisted and turned them. Dr. Fulton, whimpering with delight, encouraged me each step of the way. "That's it... right... right... right there... yes... oh, yes... lick my clit... good and hard... oh, yeah... fuck yeah... right there... right there."
I licked her swollen clit with the tip of my tongue, sucked on it, dragged the flat of my tongue over it. As waves of pleasure coursed through her aroused, sexually-charged body, I pursed my lips on her ultra-sensitive clit, pumped my fingers in her cunt, found her g-spot, worked it hard. Dr. Fulton squealed in delight, yelped, her sex contracted on my fingers, and I feasted on the fool of cunt juice cunt juice as a powerful climax buffeted her exquisite frame.
"Oh, fuck. YES Jimmy, ohhhh yesssssss, I'm coming."
When her body finally settled down I rolled to my side, slotting myself between her and the wall, draped an arm over her. Purring, she nestled herself to me, reached for my shaft, fiddled with it, mumbled something. I brought my ear to her mouth and, spreading her legs, she said softly but distinctly, "Fuck me." I rolled over, straddled her, fit my cock to her wet slit, pressed down. Her pussy lips slid over my crown and I sank into her warm moist hole, experienced the exquisite warm wet soft tight interior of her body.
She reached for the back of my head, fiddled with my hair, moved her hand to my butt, lowered my body to hers. We were still for a moment, enjoying the joining of our bodies, then she undulated her frame against mine, brought her mouth to my ear, and in a quiet happy voice, said, "I need you to fuck me."
I raised myself on my arms, looked between us, enraptured by the sight of my prick - slick and glossy, covered with her pussy cream, glistening in the dim light - moving in and out of her. I returned my gaze to her face and she, with a grin, said, "Why are guys fascinated by their own penises?"
Sinking all the way inside her I said, "I don't know, but they feel so damn good."
She squeezed her cunt muscles on me, said, "Yeah, I get that," and I cupped her fine ass, pulled her into me, fucked her in long smooth strokes. Soon we were in perfect sync and blistering heat, born in cock and vagina, spread through our conjoined bodies.
I picked up the pace, the small bed creaking under my assault. Dr. Fulton, giving as good as she got, fucked her sex into me as I drove into her, flexed her pussy muscles, massaged me in her hot wet vise-like grip. Changing my motion, I rolled forward, mashing her clit on my pubic bone, and covered her mouth; our tongues danced a desperate lewd carnivorous tango. We were soon lost to anything but our coupled bodies, desperate to placate our rampaging lust. She grabbed my ass cheeks, pulled me to her, arched her back, drove her pelvis into me, and roared, "Oooohhhhhhhhhhh FUCK YYYEEEEEEEEE SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS," as she came.
Her jaw locked, head jerked, and even covered by my weight, her body contorted and gyrated. When she finally ground to a halt, her hands slumped to her sides, her head fell back on her pillow, her lips quivered, she sucked in air and I held her to me. She opened her eyes and with a radiant smile said, "That was amazing. You're good at this."
"I try, you're pretty good yourself."
"I'm glad you like," then running her tongue along her upper lip, she said, "I'm sorry, I'm sure you have other things on your mind, but suddenly I'm dying of thirst. Would you mind getting me a glass of water."
"No, I could use one too. Ice? No ice?"
"No ice."
I was in my bare feet so she did not hear me return. She was pulling the chaotic sheets and blankets into some semblance of order and she was so beautiful: straight nose that flared at the end, clear bright eyes set wide apart, smallish mouth, but what was most striking was the elation on her face. She'd be a terrible poker player. Her intelligent demeanor reflected her mood and that mood was one of happy joy. I cleared my throat.
"I didn't hear you come in. What are you staring at?"
Handing her the glass of water I said, "You. Your face is so alive."
Patting the bed next to her, she said, "Thank you."
I sat, she leaned her body into mine, and I said, "That was so... so... so... wow."
"Not bad for an old lady?"
"Even if we drop the 'old lady,' that doesn't begin to describe it."
"You're sweet."
I leaned in, kissed her and said, "So are you, you taste good."
She placed the empty glass atop a box near the bed and, with a cat who ate the canary look in her eyes, said, "That reminds me, there's something I've been wanting to taste." Her hand on my chest, directing me onto the bed, she slid to its edge, took my dick in her hand, and said, "Remember, this is between us," flexed her jaw, and, closing her eyes, clamped her lips tight on my shaft, then dragged her tongue on its underside, swirled her tongue on the cock-head, lapped up the pre-cum and, cheeks puckering, bobbed her head up and down, fucking her face on my dick.
She was intense; Dr. Fulton was no high school girl doing her boyfriend a favor, she loved the taste, size, and meaty feel of my dick in her mouth. Her face flushed near crimson, she quickened the rhythm, approached the base, moved back up, wrapped one hand on my shaft, pumped and twisted it, cradled my bloated balls with the other, pulled her head off my dick and, chin and cheeks covered with spittle, lips slightly swollen, said, "Ready stud, me on top this time."
My, "Go ahead cowgirl," elicited a laugh and she straddled me, dragged my dick along her cunt-slit, lowered her hips, stuffed her slick sex my with hard dick. When she reached bottom she closed her eyes, her mouth fell open, and she said in a long fluttery breath, "Ohhh fucckkkk yessssss," then lowered her upper body to mine, her breasts flat on my chest, and kissed me, did it again, and again. The kisses, which began soft and warm, heated up, and soon her lips, flexible, passionate, and supple, were pressed to mine, her tongue in my mouth. She tightened her cunt muscles, slid them on my dick, whispered, "Ready cowboy," and, her small hands splayed on my chest, pushed herself upright, sliding her pussy up and down my length, moving in circles and ovals.
Dr. Fulton, sweet and amiable, gentle and beautiful, had morphed into a sexual beast, breathing fire and heat, smelling of primal desire.
"Oh fuck Jimmy yeah... fuck my fucking cunt... yeah... fuck yeah... fuck my pussy... oh fuck yeah... your cock is so fucking good. Is my pussy tight enough? Is it? As tight as you imagined?"
"It's fricking perfect."
She slithered and bucked, wiggled and waggled, gasped, moaned, uttered words vulgar, depraved, exciting. She threw her head back, rode me hard, her breasts bounced in time with her gyrating body. Her sex itched, her cunt spasmed, pleasure flowed through her body, through my body, incredible, over-powering, intense, divine perfect pleasure.
I grabbed her hips, jammed her on my pole.
"Fuck... fuck... oh... oh yeah... give it to me... hard... hard... fuck me hard... oh... oh... oh... ah... oh... yeah... fuck me... hard... hard."
I brought her down so her chest was again pressed to mine, her breasts slid on my sweaty skin, moved my hands to her ass, cupped her cheeks, slid her on my cock. Her mouth open, she moaned, grabbed my shoulders, pressed herself to me; her hard nipples dug into my skin.
Then, suddenly, without warning, she jerked back up. I rammed my over-sized cock into her clinging wetness, raised my knees, helping to hold her upright as she leaned backwards towards my feet, placed my hands on her thighs. Repeatedly engulfing my stiff prick, she thrust her hips faster and faster. I thumbed her clit. She closed her eyes, threw her head back, and babbling incoherently, rode out an intense orgasm, then collapsed atop me and, cheek resting on my shoulder, between hurried breaths, said, "That... was... the... greatest."
Now fully confident in my appeal, I pivoted ninety degrees until my feet were on the floor, sat up, took firm hold of her ass, and stood.
"No, this is going to be the greatest."
Walking forward, I pressed her to the paneled wall. We ground our sexes into each other, mashed her clit on my body, swirled my dick in her depths, and as need and hunger multiplied, fucked ever harder. I drilled her with long powerful strokes that held her to the wall; she wrapped her legs around my waist, locked her ankles together, met my every thrust with her own, driving her pussy onto my cock. Tossing her head from side-to-side, she was hit by another orgasm, short and powerful, her body shuddering fiercely. I started to slow and give her the chance to recover, but she said, "No, no, fuck me, fuck me hard," and pushed her hand between us, worked her clit, arched her back, slammed her sex into me. Her body went rigid, her breathing sputtered, while another orgasm washed through her.
"Fuck me. Fuck my cunt. Fuck me."
She dropped her eyes, watched my cock slice in and out of her cunt, hammering her pussy with relentless speed and power, each stroke bringing a grunt of pleasure from deep within her gut. I was riding a twin high, loving both the tightness of Dr. Fulton's sex and the feeling that came from not only fucking my friend's beautiful forbidden unobtainable step-mother, but stripping her to her sexual core. I tightened my hands on her ass, jerked into her, pounded her cunt. The walls shook, the ceiling fixtures rattled.
She met my every stroke, tightening her legs on my waist.
We were a unity, lost in the indescribable pleasure of our fuck, bucking and humping, horny pussy merging with aching dick. The room filled with moans, gasps, and sighs, the sound of pelvises colliding, the squishing noise of juicy drooling pussy clinging to hard penetrating cock.
Voice burning with sexual fervor, she moaned, "Ooohhh... yeah, fuck me. Ooohhh... oohh yeah... oohh... oh God... oohh... that's it. Harder, harder, harder. Fuck me harder, fuck my pussy. Close, so close, I'm so close. Fuck me. Fuck my horny cunt... hard and fast."
My balls were swollen, ready to burst.
And then, whining in animal ecstacy, Dr. Fulton screamed, "Oh God. Oh God... yeah... yeah... yeah... fucking cumming... don't stop... don't stop... please don't stop... oooohhhh... aaahhhh... ooooooooooo," and came.
My knees buckled as I spewed rope after hot white rope of sperm into her, somehow managing to support her as I stumbled backwards and fell onto the bed, jamming my cock even deeper into her. As it did Dr. Fulton, her body quaking and shuddering, was whipsawed by a final exquisite orgasm.
We tumbled to the floor, our chests rising and falling, our lungs struggling for air. I slid my arm under her head, kissed her. After awhile Dr. Fulton, a cocktail of cum and girl juice dripping from her pussy, said, "You were right, that was the greatest."
* * * *
We were quiet awhile, enjoying the closeness and warmth of each other's bodies. Then she reached for my flaccid penis, cradled it in her hand, stroked the underside with her thumb.
"Now Jimmy, you need to understand. No one can know about this, if word got out it would destroy my marriage and my reputation, possibly my career."
Life was, somehow, returning to my penis.
"Of course Dr. Fulton, I won't tell anyone."
Twisting her hand on the cock-head, she said, "I think its time you start calling me Mary Susan, but I'm afraid I did not make myself clear. Our state, because of those teacher-student sex scandals, adopted a caretaker law. Even though your eighteen, because I'm seeing you under the auspices of the Boy Scouts, a position of trust and authority, I could go to jail."
"I understand Mary Susan," the words did not come tripping easily off the tongue, "you can count on me, I won't let anyone know."
She dropped her head, licked the crown of my fully erect penis, straddled me, reached for my dick, placed it on her sex, and said, "No, you still don't understand, best I be absolutely explicit. As long as you keep this to yourself you can blackmail me, force me to have sex with you whenever you want, and not only will I, but I'll have to make sure it's so good you'll never be tempted to tell anyone and lose the chance to fuck me whenever your horny little self desires."
I might be a little slow, but I got it.
"I see your point Mary Susan," the words felt more natural this time, "you've been a bad girl and there are consequences. And you know how we teen-age boys are, we're always thinking about sex."
Sinking down my rod, she said with a low moan, "Oh yes Jimmy, I'm counting on it."
"From now on it's James."
"Yes James, let's fuck."
* * * *
After Patrick, I, and our friend Vincent were initiated as Eagle Scouts, Patrick's dad threw a small outdoor party. He was unusually gregarious and outgoing, greeting everyone with a pat on the back and a joke.
It didn't go unnoticed. Vincent said, "Pat, your Dad must really dig your being an Eagle Scout, I've never seen the old grump this happy."
"Well guys, it ain't me and you gotta keep this a secret, but we just found out I'm going to be a big brother, my step-mom's pregnant. They've been trying for awhile but - I'll have to kill you if you repeat this - his sperm count was so low they had their doubts."
Vincent delivered a high five and an animated, "Fuckin' 'A'"
I feigned surprise, I believe convincingly.