Claire noticed her first. She said, "Look, its Mrs. Knight," and waved. I followed Claire's eyes. Mrs. Knight was sitting with a man, presumably her husband. He saw Claire waving and said something to his wife. She looked at us and said something to him. He motioned us over.
That he had noticed Claire was not unusual. Everyone noticed Claire. She was strikingly beautiful. Her blonde hair reached her butt, which was nice, round, and a bit jiggly; she had a definite unaffected wiggle when she walked. She kept her slender body in shape, but she was not a gym rat. She loved the outdoors and her physique was the result of long hours hiking and spent in canoes, kayaks, and on surf boards. Her breasts were of moderate size, but perfectly shaped. Her sky blue eyes matched her light skin. As far as I could tell, she never wore make up.
Claire was not only beautiful. She was, and remains, the most extraordinary woman I've ever known. She had a force and richness to her. The weight of her intelligence was palpable. Although I thought she the smartest kid in our high school, she didn't finish at the top of the class. Grades didn't matter to her. Claire was a free spirit; she studied what interested her. Whether she was our valedictorian mattered not at all to her.
What was she doing with me? I'm still not sure. I met her at the local outdoors store shortly after she moved to town during the summer prior to our senior year. Her Mom had been hired as the minister at the local Unitarian Church. We shared a lot of interests, but what seemed most important to her is that I knew I didn't own her and never tried to tell her what to do. I had enough brains to realize I had stumbled into a good thing and I should take it for what it was. I was not her only guy. She was going to spend Christmas holiday with an old boy friend in Australia. She planned to spend a couple of years there and exploring Asia after she graduated high school. I was more conventional; I was headed for college.
It was the early 1970's and we were lucky enough to go to high school in a college town. The university offered a endless assortment of things to do and that day we were, blanket in hand, looking for a place to watch the Guess Who perform.
When we got to where Laurie and Rob sat he gestured to an empty spot next to them and invited us to join them.
I had not met Rob Knight, but the rumor at school was confirmed; he was a good looking guy. In that he matched his wife. Laurie Knight was about five feet, six inches tall, with a killer body and a magnificent pair of breasts in the days when they were almost always real. The rumor at school – it turned out to be false – was that she had put herself through college by working as a Playboy bunny. She has lustrous shoulder length brown hair which matched her smoldering sexy brown eyes. Her face bore a smattering of freckles. Her clothes always approached, but did not cross the border to, hot. There was never anything hanging out, but still, when she lectured a class you couldn't help but notice how well built she was. She, however, never got too familiar with the class and never flirted with the boys. She always maintained her place as the teacher.
While the stage was being set up the four of us chatted, but once the Guess Who started playing Rob focused more and more of his attention on Claire. That left me and Mrs. Knight paired up. Not that I minded. I, like all the school's straight guys, had fantasized about spending time with this hot teacher. At first she was a bit stiff – trying to draw the appropriate boundary with a student eager to be too familiar – but over time and under the influence of the festival atmosphere and a perfect fall day, she loosened up. The pot brownie that was passed over from the adjoining blanket and a desire to make a point with her husband, whose flirtation with Claire was becoming increasingly open, probably didn't hurt either. And, of course, there was my ready charm.
When the concert ended Rob invited us to their home, which was only a couple of blocks from campus, while the crowd dispersed and traffic died down. He did not check with his wife. I glanced at her; she looked slightly displeased, but far short of angry. She was gently stoned and feeling no pain.
The Knights' home was, for a grad student and high school teacher, impressive. It turned out his family had money. A porch ran along the back of the house, half of which was open and other half glassed in. The backyard was verdantly gardened and featured a small pool. Claire, Mrs. Knight, and I sat on the open porch while Rob headed for the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with a big bowl of popcorn and a pitcher of water to satiate our universal munchies.
When we finished the popcorn Rob pulled out a joint and lighter and said, "You guys cool with this? You indulge?"
Mrs. Knight and I froze. I had no idea what to do or say. Claire came to the rescue. She took the marijuana from Rob, lit it up, told everyone they had to keep it confidential – after all she was far too cool to smoke weed with a teacher – took a toke, and passed it back to Rob. He took a turn and gave it to me. I looked around, did the same, and handed it to Mrs. Knight. She hesitated, said, "Nobody can know about this," to which we all nodded our assent, and took a hit.
Soon we had the giggles. We chatted, munched, laughed, gloried in the weather, and when Rob pulled out another joint, no one objected. Mrs. Knight declared we were to call her Laurie. Rob took Claire's foot in his hand and started rubbing it. When Laurie saw him to that she plopped her foot in my lap and I did the same. Rob seemed to have no objection and I started to move up her leg, working on her calves.
Claire had noted several times what a beautiful home the Knights had. After working both her feet without resistance Rob asked if she'd like a tour. He did ask if I wanted to join them, but I knew the look in Claire's eyes. She wanted to fuck. My hands had worked above Laurie's knees and she was not putting up a fight. Her husband, whose attention was riveted on Claire, was giving me free reign.
"No, if it is okay with you, I'd just as well sit outside and enjoy the sunshine."
Claire and Rob left and I slid closer to Laurie, working my hands under her skirt. She looked down, her eyes bloodshot, her mood placid. She was passive, accepting.
"You know, you shouldn't do that," she said, barely suppressing a giggle.
"You're right," I answered. "On Monday, you'll need to write me up for detention."
She laughed. "Yes, I will. But you better remind me."
I kept working her leg and she mewled in satisfaction. That massage class Claire and I had taken and the hours I'd spent working on her were coming in handy. "Let's move over to the couch. That way I can do your back."
I stood and offered her my hand. She followed me to the couch, nestling between my legs and leaned back against me. In this position she certainly couldn't miss my erection, but she said nothing. I started to work her shoulders.
"Doesn't it bother you, the way my husband looks at your girlfriend? They've been upstairs awhile."
"Rob and I have several things in common. Among them is that we're with gorgeous woman; everybody's always looking at them, everybody wants them."
My compliment seemed to comfort her. Soon she was draped against me; all tension had left her body. I started working my hands down the front of her shoulders. The pot had taken the edge off whatever anger Laurie Knight was feeling about her husband's flirting with my girlfriend. For the moment she wanted to be comforted, cherished, taken care of. She wanted to know that she was as attractive and desirable as the gorgeous blonde who had grabbed her husband's attention. The slurred sensual tone of her voice also made it clear that this was one very turned-on girl. Claire and Rob had been gone ten minutes, they wouldn't be back soon. The path was open to me.
"Undo some buttons on your shirt. It will give me easier access."
She fumbled with her shirt. I took her hands in mine and we undid the buttons together. My forearms rested on her breasts. She leaned her head back on my shoulder. I worked my hands under the straps of her bra on her shoulders.
"So you think I'm gorgeous? Do you want me?" she asked
""Yes, you are. Every guy in school wants you, including me."
"Am I a pretty as Claire?"
"Drop dead gorgeous," I said, avoiding the question.
"I didn't know you thought that. You hide it well."
I was working down her spine towards the middle of her back.
"What did you expect, for me to deliver an apple with a love note? Lean forward, your bra strap is in the way."
She did and while I continued talking, I slid my hands up under her shirt, deftly unsnapping her bra. "Or would you prefer something a bit more aggressive? Maybe on one of those days when you wear that tight orange dress, the one that shows off your hot body, your legs, your butt, your beautiful breasts, I could come to your classroom at lunch, lock the door, pin you to wall, and say only 'prick teaser' before kissing you, hard."
Her breathing had flattened out; the idea of being taken was turning her on.
"But probably not. A liberated lady like you would reject such a cave man approach."
"Don't be too sure she said, even a liberated lady appreciates a man who can't keep his hands off her."
It was now or never. I slid my hands over Laurie's full breasts, kneading them. She turned to me. I kissed her, plunging my tongue in her mouth. As she twisted her body further, pushing her face against mine, I pulled my hands from inside her shirt. I ran one up her leg, placing its heel against her cunt and moving it in a small circle. The other undid another two buttons of her shirt and reached inside to a breast, thumbing the erect nipple.
This was no time to be shy. At the moment Laurie was passive and easily led. She wanted a man to pay attention to her. I took her hand and placed it on my erection. She ran her hands along its outline in my shorts. "It's nice," she breathed. Her fingertips played with it, but she went no further. "Take it out," I ordered. She undid the zipper of my shorts and pushed her hand inside. I couldn't remember my cock ever being hotter or harder. A few quick tugs freed it from my underwear. She then tried to undo my belt, but was having trouble. I could sense her growing frustration. I had my sexy teacher at a vulnerable moment – it might never be repeated. It was important to keep the momentum going.
I dropped from the couch to the ground, spread Laurie's knees, and pushed her skirt up. When I pulled her panties down I was happy to see how wet they were. My surmise was confirmed, this woman needed it. I roughly pushed aside Laurie's knees. She was now exposed to me in as vulnerable a position as imaginable, her naked cunt open to me and the sky. Her pussy hair was trimmed short and moist with dew. The lips of her pussy were already swollen with need; the pink inner lips turned outward and exposed.
I ran the tip of a finger between the pussy lips. My visual inspection was confirmed, she was already soaking wet. I stroked her pussy's inner lips with my finger. The muscles of her cunt flexed and quivered and she started squirming, moving against my finger, scrunching her bottom on the couch. I wanted her panting with need before I started. I pushed two fingers into her and wiggled them a few times. She squealed. I stuck them in my mouth, sucking the juice from my fingers.
She was staring at me, lips parted, breathing heavily. "Play with your tits," I commanded, "I like to watch a woman play with her tits."
Laurie's breasts were hanging loose in her bra, her shirt open except for the bottom two buttons. She reached inside, pulled her breasts free, and started squeezing. I could see the inner half of breasts, which were dotted with freckles, and the nipples. As she worked them they started to glow a rosy red.
"Lick them," I ordered.
She pulled a breast to her mouth, dragging her tongue across one and then the other nipple.
I sank three fingers into her, wiggling them around inside. She exhaled sharply. I held them up in front of her face. With her tongue fully extended she leisurely licked one side clean and, when I turned my hand around, the other. She then sucked the fingers into her mouth. She was putting on a little show for me. This was one very turned-on woman. I was going to take full advantage.
I spread her legs and, starting at her knees, began kissing, licking, occasionally nibbling, occasionally biting, her thighs. When I reached the outskirts of her cunt I lingered and then skipped over it and started on the other knee. By the time I had repeated this circuit another two times Laurie was moaning. She took hold of my head and tried to force it between her legs. Still I resisted, waiting until I thought she might burst open and, even then, hovered over her cunt for a beat of five before the first languid long lick. As soon as my tongue hit her pussy lips she jerked her hips forward, pushing them against my face, while unleashing a low long desperate moan.
I placed my hands on the inside of her thighs, spreading her wide open like a buffet. I gave her another super slow lick, starting just above the anus and taking it all the way to the fur. I let out my own groan, letting her know how I much I delight I took in eating her pussy. I kept going: maybe a dozen times. Her clit was standing up straight and protruding from its hood. Each time I ran over it her entire body convulsed. This chick was some incredible combination of turned-on and sensitive.
I didn't want her to cum yet, but I did want to show her who was the boss. I sucked her clit hard into my mouth and battered it with my tongue. I slapped it back and forth, ran over it hard with the flat of tongue, and trapped and jammed it against her body. Laurie placed her hands on the side of my head, holding me tight against her. The muscles of her legs flexed and relaxed.
I knew I'd come back to her clittie, but decided on a little more exploring. I inserted my index finger into her pussy and moved my mouth down, sucking on the wet lips of her labia. I slid the finger down the trail of juice that flowed across her perineum and coated the cleft of her ass. Keeping my eyes on her face, I fingered the outside of her anus. She jumped and for a moment I thought I'd gone too far, but she relaxed, settling her body against the finger. That was my go ahead; I continued to caress her asshole.
While I did so I licked and sucked on the lips of her vagina before slipping my tongue inside, exploring the inner lips of her cunt. She seemed to push against the finger playing at the opening of her anus. I took this as an invitation and pushed the finger tip into her butt. There was no resistance, the copious flow from her cunt now provided plenty of lubrication, and when she gasped in delight I took it as an invitation to push my entire finger inside. There I moved it about, teasing the nerves embedded in the walls of her asshole.
I started tongue fucking her. Laurie writhed on the couch. I thought about pacing myself, holding her on the precipice of an orgasm; the hours my mouth had spent between Claire's legs had left me adept at balancing women on the edge of an orgasm, but I also knew I would have only one opportunity to eat my sexy teacher for the first time. I wanted her to remember it, to want it again. I did not want her husband walking back into the room and ruining it. I'd better make sure to bring her off.
I returned to her clit, sucking on it, vacuuming it into my mouth. I caught it between my lips and worked it over, tonguing it in a variety of ways: with the flat of my tongue, with the tip of my tongue, left-to-right, up-and-down, in ovals and circles, memorizing how she responded to each motion. I mixed things up by releasing the pressure and drawing shapes around the sweet nubbin. When I returned to the clit she ran her hands through my hair and grabbed me. She was ready.
I sucked her clittie back into my mouth, pulling it free of its hood and forcing it to stand alone, and then gave it a relentless head smacking, moving my tongue up-and-down. There was nothing subtle about my approach. I was methodical, varying the attack not an iota. I vibrated the finger in her anus at the same rate my tongue battered her clit. Her groans became harder and sharper; there was no question about what has happening. Anyone in the house could hear us. I knew Claire didn't have a double standard, she didn't mind if I fucked other woman, and it was now clear that Rob had no problem with sharing his wife with me while he nailed my girlfriend.
Laurie was on the edge. I removed the finger from her anus and inserted it in her pussy, locating her g-spot. Her thighs started shaking and the muscles of her cunt clamped down. She arched her back and shoved her pussy into my face. As her shoulders pushed back into the couch, her hands, locked on the back of my head, drove me into her cunt. She was coming, squirting juice into my face. She shook, her body vibrated, and I slowed down not a bit, continuing to attack her cunt with a machine-like persistence as she was wracked by a series of powerful orgasms. She finally pushed my head away, gasping, "Enough."
I didn't give her long to recover. My dick was a piece of throbbing iron. I, and every other guy in the high school, had wanted to fuck this woman from the moment we first saw her standing in front of a class. Now she was laying before me, her body battered by the force of a string of powerful orgasms. Her legs were spread wide, her wet pussy inches from my face, her tits hanging loose in her open shirt. This moment might never repeat. If I was going to have her, this was the time.
I reached for her hand and guided her docile body, ripples of her orgasms still wafting through her, to the heavy carpet on the floor, angling her so that she lay on her back parallel to the sofa. I lifted her right leg so it ran up and against my shoulders and straddled her left leg, my erection inches from her pussy.
She looked at me and smiled. "Aren't you going to ask?"
I fitted the head of my penis to the splayed opening of her cunt. As I pushed into her I said, "Mrs. Knight, I've been meaning to ask, can I fuck you?"
Her head rolled back, her eyes closed, and she groaned.
"I'll take that as a yes."
I took hold of her hips, which allowed me to control her movements, and started to slide my hard cock in and out of her. She offered no resistance and after the first couple of thrusts she purred a soft, "On god, yes." Laurie's cunt was delicious. It was supple, it was wet, it clung to my cock like satin.
In this position I had to do most of the work, but I didn't mind. When I wasn't watching her boobs waggle in time with my thrusts, I watched her face; joy and complete acceptance were evident in her features.
We soon got into a steady pace. While I thrust in and out, Laurie primarily moved in a slight up-and-down motion, which rotated my cock around within her. Her cunt grabbed hold of my dick each time it pulled out. After several minutes I covered her clit with the palm of my hand and started pushing against it in time with our movements. In the position her entire body was laid out before me and it was easy to read from the way her tits flushed, from her gasps and grunts, the look in her eyes, the way she breathed and perspired the exact my thrusts had on her.
And I would be less than forthright not to acknowledge that the sight of my sexy teacher splayed out before me, absorbing my dick into her body, having capitulated to her lust for me, was an absolute turn-on. The best looking student and best looking teacher at my high school were now both my lovers and if that meant sharing Claire with Laurie's husband, well I could live with that.
Laurie was fully absorbed in what I was doing to her; her eyes were shut, her moans low, her body undulating. My cock had become her universe. When I moved the heel of my hand to the base of her clit and rocked it back and forth, the intensity and pitch of her moans deepened, her breathing increased, and then, suddenly, she came, letting out an otherworldly whimper while her body shuddered. I gave her a second to recover and then continued my slow patient fucking.
Laurie came again, her body twisting and writhing on the ground. I gave her another moment to recover, and then continued to fuck her. She came again, and then again, and then again. I was so distracted and fascinated by this orgasm machine at the end of my cock that I had a surprisingly easy time holding off my own orgasm, but nothing goes on forever. The velvety perfection of her cunt and the increasing power of her orgasms – her ladylike moaning had been replaced by almost animalistic snorting and her jerking now bordered on the violent – was heaven. Her cunt was twitching and spasming around my penis. The pressure was building in my balls and cock, rising and rising, threatening to overwhelm my resolve to stay hard and fuck this woman until she begged me to stop.
It was becoming unbearable. I couldn't hold it much longer. I looked at Laurie; her eyes had rolled back into her head, her voice was raspy. She was headed for the big one. I took her clit between my thumb and forefinger and started rolling it. Laurie dropped her hands to her side and leveraged her hips against my hand while emitting a series of short staccato grunts.
I placed my hand over her clit and started rubbing it into her body. With that Laurie said simply, "Oh fuck" and started shaking as she was consumed by the most powerful orgasm yet. And as she came so did I, shooting a load deep inside her. She calmed down for a second or two and then came again. I was right there with her, dumping a second load of cum in her cunt.
Although I was not about to blow another load, my dick was still hard and I shifted positions, laying Laurie's leg on the ground and rotating on top of her so we ended up in the good old missionary position. There, by patiently fucking her and rolling my pubic bone across hers I was able to bring her off several more time before I heard what I wanted. "Please stop, I can't take it any more."
I rolled off my sexy teacher, ending up on my back. She lay her arm across my chest, tucked her head against my shoulder, and purred.
I must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I recall is Claire's voice. She was wearing a tee-shirt and a satiated smile. "I always thought you were a little hot for teacher, honey." She extended her hand to Laurie, who had also dozed off, and handed her a tee shirt after she helped her to her feet. "I'm a bit hungry, why don't you show me what you got in the kitchen." And then to me, "We'll catch up with you boys outside."
I took the hint. I pulled on my shorts and headed for the backyard, Rob was there wearing a pair of swim trunks. He sort of apologized for fucking my girl friend and I reiterated what we both already knew, Claire did what she wanted; if you didn't like it you shouldn't hang with her.
Then he confessed a few things. Laurie, he said, was a good fuck most of the time, but when she got stoned she was an insatiable fuck. His plan had been to go to the show, smoke some weed, come back, smoke some more, and then spend the rest of the day in bed. He'd also been trying to talk her into swinging, as it was called at the time, for years. Today he had hit the jackpot. He wanted more.
We chatted awhile, although I mostly thought about what all this promised: Rob had given me open rights to his wife. Would Laurie agree?
Finally the ladies reappeared, carrying a bowl of humus Claire had whipped up – in addition to everything else Claire was a vegetarian and skilled cook – and the four of us ate, laughed, and smoked a little more weed. Claire then slipped out of her tee shirt and invited Laurie for some girls-only skinny dipping. Rob and I sat on the edge of the pool, our legs dangling in the water, watching these two beauties swim, talk softly to each other, and giggle, until Claire whispered something in Laurie's ear and pointed to Rob and I.
The girls dog paddled in our direction, lust burning in their eyes. Claire stopped in front of me and took hold of my shorts. I lifted my butt and she pulled them off, tossing them behind her in the water. I could see Laurie doing the same with her husband. Not to brag, but I was gratified that Rob, for all his charm and good looks, was not packing quite as much as I between his legs.
Claire kissed the head of my penis. It jumped to full attention and Claire pushed it back against my body, licking along its length. She then turned my shaft towards her face. Claire was a good cock-sucker. She focused on the head of my cock and its sensitive underside while taking occasional breaks to lick and kiss it while resting her jaw.
Laurie, on the other hand, was an absolutely voracious cock-sucker, alternating between taking most of Rob's dick into her mouth and then working the head with her tongue while frantically fisting the shaft.
The ladies continued for many happy minutes. I had started to feel the cum boil in my balls when the ladies, on some pre-arranged signal, switched, Claire making sweet love to Rob's dick while Laurie attacked mine, relaxing and adjusting her jaw to take on its girth and then shoving five inches in and out of her mouth. While Claire always stopped when her jaw started to hurt; she was not the type of girl to suffer pain unnecessarily, Laurie's relentless assault must have been making her jaw throb, but still she didn't stop. Watching my hot teacher repeatedly drop her face down the length of my dick was about the sexiest thing I'd ever seen and I started pumping my cock into her face. Laurie didn't mind, but instead started stroking my scrotum with a fingertip. That did it. My balls retracted and kicked out another load of jism. I could hear Rob growling next to me. He was pumping his cum into Claire's mouth.
I looked down at Laurie. A few drops of cum escaped her mouth and dripped down her chin, but she faithfully swallowed the rest. Claire's hand and arm snaked around the back of Laurie's neck and turned the brunette towards her as Claire drifted in her direction. Claire still held Rob's cum in her mouth. Laurie just stared at the sexy blonde, seemingly mesmerized. Claire took full advantage of our teacher's docility and kissed her, a deep sexy French kiss, while she pushed Rob's cum into Laurie's mouth.
Claire had long ago confessed her attraction to women as well as men and had reported several lesbian liaisons in her past, but I had never witnessed one, and my dick swiftly hardened. I then noticed that Laurie was rocking her hips. Through the water in the pool I could see that Claire was pumping several fingers in and out of our teacher's pussy. Claire took Laurie's hand and guided it to her own cunt. Laurie seemed content to follow Claire's lead in all things and inserted a couple of fingers inside Claire.
Rob and I sat there, both of us dumbfounded.
The two women kept kissing. Each had a hand buried in the other's cunt. Their free hand roved hungrily over each other's body, enjoying their slim forms, sexy curves, and full breasts. After several minutes Claire took Laurie by the hand and led her from the pool to a thick rug lying near by. She pushed Laurie onto her back and assumed the 69 position, centering her cunt over Laurie's face.
At first Claire's long wet blonde hair stayed plastered to her back and Rob and I watched as she started with nice long licks from Laurie's clitoris anus, through her labia, across her perineum, and ending at her anus. Then she concentrated on each area; anus, vagina, clit. At the same time Claire's fingers were ceaseless, working Laurie's perneum, asshole, and cunt. The effect on Laurie was patent. Her first orgasm was almost immediate and soon followed by a stronger, and then another, even stronger, on. Claire kept going and Laurie's body shivered and shook and glowed with arousal; her mellifluous growls reverberated around the back yard. You could smell their overheated cunts and feel the heat of their bodies.
Laurie made up for her lack of experience with an intense attack on Claire's cunt, interrupted only by the orgasms ratcheting through her body. She had sealed her mouth to Claire's sex, taking in her first taste of a woman, and then began tongue fucking her. Claire understood that Laurie might need encouragement and said, mixed with a long guttural moan, "So good, so nice, makes me feel so nice."
When Claire slightly shifted her position, Laurie began licking along the outside of Claire's labia and then continued up to her clitoris, finding the engorged throbbing sensitive bud. Claire kept working Laurie's cunt, but, sadly, her hair, disheveled by the girl-on-girl love, covered Laurie's sex, obscuring our view.
Ron and I directed our attention to the other end of the tandem, in time to watch Claire tilt her hips downward and offering her anus to Laurie. The clever teacher knew exactly what was wanted. Claire gasped with pleasure as the tip of Laurie's tongue found the rim of her anus.
"Oh yes baby, that's it, right there. Show me how much you love me, push your tongue into me, oh yes, that's it! Now, tease the rim, ooohhh, such a sexy woman."
Over the next few minutes Claire said very little, just the occasional moan and the odd word of praise. Both woman were driving their hips with increased ferocity; each pushing towards a massive orgasm. Laurie's tongue continued to probe, tease, lick Claire's anus. Claire had always liked it when I player with her back there, but had never let me inside. Was there now hope?
Laurie came again and Claire moved her hip backs, pulling her anus away and sliding her cunt across Laurie's face. Laurie placed her hands on Claire's butt cheeks, pressing Claire's cunt into her face.
Laurie drew Claire's stiff clitoris in to his mouth and slipped a pinkie into Claire's anus, twisting it around within her. Claire uttered a deep rasping moan and quaked with pleasure. A fire was blazing within her. She had controlled it while focusing on brining her sexy teacher off, but it was now burning out of control. Laurie sucked voraciously at Claire's clitoris and Claire came, suddenly and loudly, gripping Laurie's head between her thighs and forcing her face against her hungry cunt, squiring and soaking Laurie's face with her juices, crying out in ecstasy as she rode the wave of her climax. Claire's orgasm drove Laurie to the mountain top, as she started withing under the blonde in the throes of yet another orgasm.
Eventually the two bodies settled down and Claire rolled off of Laurie, laying next to her teacher. Both women's chests were heaving up and down, trying to suck in the air they both needed. Claire, however, still found time for the proper encouragement.
"Oh my darling, oh my that was so wonderful, so intense."
Rob and I watched in amazement. Each of us had a full erection, but were not quite sure what to do. It was Laurie who broke the ice.
"It seems a shame to waste those things. And for the second time that day I mounted Laurie Knight and fucked her while Laurie's husband crawled between my girlfriend's legs and reamed her out a few feet away.
* * * *
Claire and I left that evening. She was confident that this would not be a one time thing; I wasn't as sure. The next day, however, I followed Claire to Laurie's classroom, where she told us she had a special research project in mind which would require us to meet with her at lunch and at her home. That day the three of us went at it in her office while the rest of the student body ate. We spent many happy hours in her classroom and home over the rest of the year. Laurie's new found desire for an array of experiences and the fact that few men and woman could say no to Claire brought an assortment of new lovers into our circle. If you're interested, I will tell you more about that later.
Claire headed for Australia after graduation. We communicated some, but eventually lost contact. She is now a widely respected microbiologist and whatever man is in her life is one lucky dude. My sexual experiences since her have been broad and varied, but still the best sex of my life took place when I was eighteen.