Chapter 03
Family Reunites
John awoke the next day with his usual morning glory, he rubbed it a little then thought why waste it. He heard someone downstairs and guessed it was him mum. Wanting to make sure that he had not dreamt last night, or that mum had changed her mind. He rolled out of bed and without getting dressed walked downstairs to see what the new day would bring.
As John entered the kitchen he stopped at the doorway, and knew that not only was last night not a dream, but his mother had not changed her mind either. There she was at the coffee machine pouring herself a cup and she was totally naked still. John watched her ass move as she poured the coffee, before she realised he was there and turned to face him. "You want one too?" She asked him
"Yes but I have something else in mind first," he replied and walked over to her and put his arms around her waist and kissed his mum. She responded and they were kissing like lovers for almost 5 minutes before they broke away from each other's mouths. Kissing and feeling her bare skin against his had caused his cock to rise up again and was pressing against her. John turned her and lifted her onto the kitchen table so she was sat on the edge. "Lie down Mum," he told her. When she had her back on the table John opened her legs and sat on the chair between them and then pushed his face onto her pussy beginning to lick her and taste her once again.
John was still lapping up her juices when his dad entered the kitchen. "Having a nice breakfast John?" he asked.
"Yes Dad, comes highly recommended," John replied as he lifted his face, covered in juice, from between his mum's thighs. "You want some too?"
"Sure, make room for your Dad," Steve said as he gently pushed his son out of the way and replaced him on his wife's lips.
"John, come here and let me have my breakfast too," Steph said grabbing hold of Johns cock, and pulling it towards her mouth so she could suck on it. John watched as his mum gobbled him up hungrily. Whilst his dad ate her pussy, John noticed that he was stroking his own cock too. Steph was the first one to cum tightening her legs around her husband's head to ensure he did not move and sucking hard on her son's dick. When she finally let Steve go he lifted his face and moved to the other side of the table to John and continued to wank himself, pointing his cock at Steph's tits.
"Do the same John lets cover your mum in our spunk son."
Reluctantly John pulled his cock out of his mum's mouth and took over stroking it by hand. Together father and son wanked their cocks and when they came they shot their spunk towards each other directing it over Steph's chest covering her in their juices. When they had both emptied their balls, Steph used her fingers to mix the two together before licking it off them.
Steve and John then bent down to use their tongues to lick her tits clean of the mixed spunk.
"That's a great breakfast mum," John said as he licked his lips after finishing. "Can I have that every day?"
"Not sure we will be able to make time every day John, but maybe at weekends," Steph replied. "Now it's time we all showered, and made ourselves ready for going to Grandma and Grandpas."
An hour later the three of them were in the car. Steph had taken a shower and had been joined by her son and husband one after the other as she washed her hair. Rules 1 and 2 now firmly lodged into their daily routine.
"Is it just me, or are you two excited too?" Steve asked as he turned into his parents' driveway.
"Excited yes, but also a little nervous too" his wife said.
"What's to be nervous about?"
"Well I have not been the nicest daughter in law over the years. I know I was wrong now but still your parents have every right to be upset with me."
"If there is one thing I know about my mum and dad, and that's that they don't hold a grudge. I bet that before dinner you will have shared orgasms with both of them, and the past 18 years will be forgotten by us all."
"I hope so, darling." Steph replied.
The three of them walked to the front door but before Steve had time to ring the bell the door flew open and Lou was there beaming with a smile.
Of course she was naked and came out to the porch and flung her arms around her son, "Welcome home Stephen," she was the only one who called him that nowadays.
"It's not been that long since our last visit mum,"
"I know, but this feels like a real homecoming, now you are back in the family properly." Turning to Steph she said, "And I thank you Steph for bringing him home at last."
Before Steph could say any of the things she had planned her mother in law put her arms around her and kissed her, then said, "I don't want to hear you say sorry or explain anything. You are here now and that's all that matters."
Steph flushed as she realised that Steve had been right and she had nothing to worry about.
"And as for you young man," she said to John, "I suppose I really should be thanking you too for being so adult about everything and showing your mum and dad the light." This time when she hugged him John's hands went down onto her bare ass and held her cheeks, "oh you are learning well John."
"Any way let's not stand here gassing, come in get undressed and grab a drink, dad is out on the patio already. We weren't sure if you needed two beds or if just one was ok, but the two spare rooms are ready, you can decide amongst yourselves."
In the end they decided to use the two bedrooms although John had a feeling he would not be in his much this weekend. They undressed together in his parents' room and then went downstairs to the back garden where it had all begun for John the day before.
As soon as they walked out Paul was up from his lounger and walking to them with arms out stretched. He went straight to Steph and wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her, not the usual peck on the cheek John had seen him give her every other time. This was a full on kiss on her lips and John saw his mum was responding and guessed that there were tongues involved too.
Paul's hand went down between Steph and himself and he stroked her pussy as he pulled away from their kiss. "You did tell them there were some new rules and traditions that they need to know about, didn't you Lou?"
"Not had chance yet Paul."
"New rules?" Steve asked, "We have only told John a couple of the old ones so far."
"Yes, Steph just experienced one of them. No longer do we shake hands in welcome. Now each member of the family is greeted with either a stroke of their pussy or a cup hold of their balls, depending on their gender."
Steph reached for her father in law's balls and cupped them in her hand, "Like this you mean?" she asked.
"Perfect," Paul replied.
"So Mum come here and let me say hello properly," said Steve to his Mum. They embraced once more and this time Steve ran his finger along the opening of her pussy as she cupped his testicles in her hand and they kissed each other. "I think I am going to like this tradition mum."
Next up Lou went to John and they did the same, John's hand almost shaking with nervous anticipation of being so close to her pussy as he stroked her and her soft old hands felt his tight ball sack. Then when her lips touched his to kiss him he was amazed and just how soft they were and he could not help but shoot his tongue into her mouth and explore inside it before she broke away. "Patience John, plenty of time for that later."
She then moved to Steph and John watched his Mum and Grandma not only embrace but also kiss and stroke each other's hairy pussy with a finger as they did so.
Finally Paul went to his son Steve, "It is so good to have you back in the fold once again son, he did not kiss his son, but he did grab hold of his balls in his hand, Steve had not expected that but responded after the initial surprise before holding his father too.
"It is such a more intimate way to greet, we find, and is a way of showing that you have 100% respect for that person and trust them completely." Lou explained to Steph as they watched.
"So Grandpa, looks like it's my turn now then," John said as he stretched out his hand and held his grandfather's balls for a few seconds as he in turn held his then pulled him into a full embrace and slapped him on the back.
"Welcome to you all, finally the family is complete again," Paul said as he passed out the drinks he had prepared.
John looked around at his family all standing completely naked and sipping wine and felt like his world had turned upside down in the past 24 hours, and yet now made complete sense for the first time in his life.
Lou excused herself as she had to prepare some lunch for them all, Steph asked if she could help, and the two of them left the three generations of guys sat around the patio table talking.
"So Dad, what else has changed since Steph and I were last naked with you and Mum?"
"Quite a lot actually Steve. For one thing the family has grown." As he said family he raised his hands up using the hand sign for quotation marks.
"Oh right who else has joined then?"
"Well, you know your nieces Lisa and Jenny are now fully involved, having been brought up in Monica's nude household."
"Yes I got that impression from John after he was here yesterday," Steve said giving John a wink.
"John you made quite an impression on Lisa yesterday and I know she is hoping to finish what you two began yesterday when they come over tomorrow."
"I would like that too Grandpa."
"Jenny of course is married now and her husband Kev is a great guy and took the family in much the same way as Peter did when Monica met him. I think Steph will enjoy time with him, but not before I have some time with her again."
"You won't be disappointed Dad, she has just improved over the years despite only being with me. At least until last night, hey John?"
"Well I don't know what she was like when she was younger, but now she is fantastic Grandpa."
"Can't wait then lads," Paul told them.
"Is that it then Dad?" Steve asked.
Oh not at all, do you remember Peter's brother, Simon?"
"Yes I think so; Steph always said he was good looking."
"She is going to be disappointed then, turns out he is gay. Apparently he and Peter had a few moments as they grew up. He is still single but does join in with the family fun; in fact it was him and Peter that started the whole introduction thing."
"So are you telling me you are bisexual now Dad?"
"Hey don't knock it till you try it son."
"Was not knocking just asked out of interest."
Yes Simon and I have had a few moments over the years, as I have with Kev and Peter too."
"Cool'" exclaimed John who had enjoyed feeling his grandpa's balls earlier and wondered if it ever went further than that.
"Oh Simon is going to adore you John." Causing Steve to laugh.
"We have even had their parents Bill and Patti join us for nude afternoons, they are ok with that, but although they know about the other stuff that happens have not joined in yet. Talking of parents I know Kev has been talking to his too about our lifestyle and he says they are interested, and have been at Jenny and his house when they have been naked. They are called Diane and Robert you would have seen them at the wedding of course. I expect you will get on perfectly with them, we have only met them at the wedding but they look good fun and about your age. So who knows where that will lead?"
"Wow Dad things have expanded a lot in the last 18 years; it must have been difficult for you and Mum when we came round not to tell us about all this."
"Yes it was but we decided as a family never to put anyone under pressure, and so it was a relief when you came round of your own accord yesterday John."
"I am so glad he did too." Steve said.
"There is one extra person to tell you about, but she is coming over later today so I will not spoil the surprise for you, but it will be a nice one I can promise you," Paul said to both his son and grandson with a grin.
Meanwhile in the kitchen Lou and Steph were preparing some lunch. As they worked Steph spoke up, "Lou, I cannot believe how I have behaved over the last 18 years."
"I told you earlier I don't want or need explanations."
"I know but now that John and I have experienced what you and Steve had before I met him, I really do understand how you must have felt when I pulled him away."
"So it was good last night then?"
"Absolutely Lou. I never thought it would feel so different than with any other man."
"I did tell you didn't I back then?"
"Yes, but I did not believe you, I just thought you were trying to justify things Lou."
"That's twice you have done it now."
"Done what?"
"Called me Lou. If we are going to be a complete family then please call me Mum, just like Peter does."
Steph nodded, "Ok Mum"
As soon as she said those words, Lou turned to her daughter in law and put her hands to her face and kissed her on the lips. "That makes me so happy Steph; I have missed having another daughter around here all this time. But I am going to make sure we make up for lost time."
"I have missed having a mum too since mine passed away."
"Well let me be your adopted mum then?"
"I would like that Mum," and Steph returned the kiss back on her new mum's lips, but this was not a quick peck like before, this time she did not let her go and very soon she was pushing her tongue into Lou's open mouth as she did the same back to her. Lou's hands slid down from Steph's face and reached her breasts and she cupped them in each hand pushing against the nipples that were stiffening as they kissed. At the same time Steph's hands moved down Lou's back to rest on her soft fleshy bum cheeks and massaged them with her fingertips.
"Your boobs feel as good now as they did 18 years ago Steph, still just as firm and pert as ever."
"Oh I don't know about that, I am over 40 now and they are starting to sag a bit."
"Nonsense my love," said Lou as she bent down and ran her tongue over one of Steph's hard nipples causing Steph to moan gently. Steph brought her hands around to take a hold of Lou's breast as the hung down now whilst she kissed and licked her nipples. "Yours feel great too Mum, I think John is going to enjoy getting his hands on them later. He certainly liked mine and yours are so much bigger than mine."
Lifting her head from Steph's chest Lou said, "I can't wait to feel his hands and tongue on them too."
"I suppose we better take this lunch out to them, they will be wondering where we have been all this time."
"I guess so; we can continue this later love."
"I certainly hope so Mum."
Five minutes later they were carrying trays of food out to the garden for everyone's lunch.
As the family enjoyed their lunch Steve updated his wife on how the extended family had grown over the years and who was now involved in the various aspects of family life. John looked around do the table as he ate and realised that his grandpa was running his hand up and down Steps thigh and was getting no resistance from her.
Steve finished his his update then looked at his own mother, "I have not been able to say this over the last few years mum, but I think you have maintained your looks and now I see you properly again well what can I say".
Lou smiled at her son and stood up and did a twirl, and asked "do you really think so Stephen?"
"Of course mum, and I am sure John thinks so too, don't you John? "
John looked a little bit embarrassed but had to agree with his dad. "So you don't think my boobs are too saggy then boys?" she said as she pushed them up and together in front of their faces.
"They are perfect grandma."
"I hoped you would think so, why don't the two of you come here and touch them?" she said as she sat back down.
Father and son smiled at each other and walked across to the family matriarch, then standing either side of her they began to massage her breasts. From the other side of the table Steph watched them enjoy having her mother in law as her father in law finally reached the top of her legs and with his fingers. She opened her legs to allow him to push on in between her already moist lips. Reaching over she took Paul's dick in her hand and began to stroke him as they watched the other three. "That feels good Steph, not lost your touch I can tell," he told her.
"Thanks Paul, and or should I call you dad if I am calling Lou Mum?"
"I would like that Steph."
"Right then Dad let me suck your cock before you fuck me, just like you used to." Without waiting for him to reply Steph got down to the floor at his feet and began to kiss the tip of her new dad's cock. After kissing it until it went fully erect she started to move her open mouth down over the shift taking his full length between her lips.
"John, I know your dad wants to fuck his old mum once again, why don't you go down there and get my pussy ready for him," Lou told John. She turned her head to the side and pulled Steve's cock into her mouth, as John knelt between her legs and used his tongue to stimulate her clitoris before opening her outer lips with it and licking her inner ones. John knew he was preparing it for his dad and made sure he had it really wet before he pulled away.
Steve saw John lift his face from his grandma's Pussy and could see a mix of her juices and his saliva on his face so knew she was ready for him now. Lou knew it too and let go of Steve's cock, then moved to one of the sun loungers and knelt on it on all fours. "I assume you are still like your father and prefer it doggy style?"
"Yes I do mum, but right now I could take you any way you want, but this is perfect," he told her as he stood behind her and lined his hard cock up with her waiting cunt. John watched as his dad pushed past his own mothers lips and into her vagina and began thrusting away in and out of it with deep smooth strokes. Once again he watched his grandma's tits swing under her as she was fucked from behind, just as he had the day before when grandpa had been the one fucking her. Looking at his grandpa now he saw his mum sat on his lap with her back to him, but it was clear she was riding his cock as she bounced up and down on him and he was playing with her firm fits as she did.
Steve was thrusting faster into Lou now and the words she was coming out with as he did surprised John as he had never heard his sweet Grandma swear so much before. "That's it Steve fuck your mum's cunt, you son of a whore."
"Yes my mother is a cock loving whore," Steve moaned back at her as he fucked her whilst watching his wife ride his father's cock then saw his own son watching them all with his own hard dick in his hand. "Dad, fill my wife up with your spunk so John can suck it out of her pussy when you are done."
"Oh I will son don't worry about that her cunt is as tight as it was when she was 20, you have been taking good care of it I can tell. How's your mum's for you?"
"Just perfect Dad, let's fill them together, ready ladies?" Both Lou and Steph groaned out a yes at the same time, just before first Paul and then Steve began to shoot their cum into the two pussies.
John could not take his eyes of the two couples as he saw his dad and grandpa start to cum shortly followed by his mum and grandma. He just held onto his cock now so he did not waste his erection as he knew it was going to be used by his grandma as soon as she had finished with his dad.
Sure enough as soon as Lou had finished her orgasm from Steve she looked over to her grandson and instructed him to lie on the sun bed next to her. John did as his grandma told him and then she beckoned Steph over to join her, "let's see what your son is made of then Steph." She moved up the lounger she was kneeling on so that her own son's shrinking penis slipped out of her twat, but before any of his cum could leak out she expertly straddled John and lifting his cock up with one hand dropped her used pussy onto him.
Steph knew just what was expected from her and she lifted herself up off Paul's lap and cock and keeping her legs closed moved over to her son, as his grandma sunk his erection deep inside her, and placing her knees either side of his head she spread her legs and moved down over it until her pussy was above his face. As she reached this position Paul's cum just started to ooze from between her lips and the first drop fell into her sons waiting mouth.
John tasted his Grandpa's cum for the first time as it dripped from his mother's open twat. He swallowed the cum as it dripped into his mouth before lifting his head up slightly so he could lick it directly from between Steph's lips as it oozed out. By now Lou was slowly riding his cock with long deep movements; spreading Steve's cum over it as she did so.
Lou herself was thrilled at feeling her young Grandson inside her after her son had filled her with his cum. In front of her she could tell Steph was enjoying John's tongue too. Reaching out she placed her hands on her daughter in laws breasts and began to massage them. "Play with me too Steph, please," she told her.
"Ok Mum." And Steph reached over and pulled Lou towards her so she could get her hands on her large pendulous tits. As they leaned towards each other their mouths met and they kissed with open mouths and tongues exploring just as John's was doing to Steph below them.
By the side of them Steve and Paul watched their respective wives kiss and play with each other over John's body. They were amazed at how John was managing to not cum with all this going on over him, but in truth he was concentrating on him mum's pussy so much he did not know what else they were doing. Both of the older men were stroking their cocks as they watched the scene, bringing them back to hardness.
When they were both recovered they moved over to beside the main activity and their wives turned and each took a cock into their mouths to suck on. Whose it was did not matter but as it was they were sucking on their husband's.
John had now cleaned out his mum's pussy of Paul's cum and could concentrate on what his Grandma was doing on his cock. She was grinding down hard on him now, no longer sliding up and down on it and he realised that his dad and grandpa were standing to the side and he guessed they were getting blown by the two women. As he came to this conclusion he felt his own conclusion arriving too and he shot his first load of cum into his Grandma as she pushed down on his groin.
Feeling John explode inside her made Lou let go of Paul's cock and she let out a moan and cried out, "yes John fill me with your young spunk," as she came too over his cock.
When Lou spat out his cock so she could scream Paul was left hanging so he took his Son's hand and placed it on his dick and said, "Finish me off Steve over these lovely tits."
Steph pulled away from Steve too and said, "Yes do it Steve, and Dad do the same to him, make him cum over me before we let John out from under us."
It was the first time Steve had handled another man's cock but he instinctively knew what to do, and together they stroked the other cock as if it was their own. It was not long before the two dicks were shooting strings of cum over Steph and Lou's breasts.
When the two, of them had emptied each other the two women lifted themselves off John who had the craziest grin on his face despite being almost suffocated by his mum's pussy for the past 15 minutes. Looking up he saw that they both had cum dripping over them and before they sat down they were kissing again but this time not on their mouth but kissing and licking cum off each other tits.
"Now that is the way to welcome you back into the fold," Paul said to Steve as he patted him on the back before they sat back down on their chairs and poured out a beer each.
The sun was now at it zenith in the sky and the afternoon temperatures were rising as the family lay back and enjoyed the sunshine on their bodies. In time most of them had dropped off to sleep leaving Steph and Steve awake and holding hands. "Are you happy?" Steve asked his wife.
"Yes, I am fine. I feel so stupid that I made you leave all this behind, but your parents are so forgiving. They are amazing."
"I know what you mean, but they have changed over the years. Only for the better it seems, I was shocked when Dad began to stroke me earlier."
"That was your first time wasn't it?"
"How was it? Your Mum and I both enjoyed watching you two I can tell, and I know you always enjoyed it when we got it together too."
"I have never given much thought to other cocks before, but now it just seems natural. I think there are going to be more times like that for us. John seemed happy to explore that side too; I am so pleased he has taken to this so easily."
"I think he will enjoy tomorrow too when Jenny and Sarah are here as they are more his age. Not that he minds being with older women like Mum and me."
"He will learn a lot from you two for sure." Steve looked at his son asleep on a longer and saw that his cock was hard. Laughing he pointed at it, "Think he is having a good dream don't you?" Steph smiled too.
"Fancy a swim Steve? I am getting a little hot here. If that's still there when I get back I might just need to do something with it."
"Would love to my darling, come on beat you in." With that Steve leapt up and ran to the pool and jumped in whilst Steph was more sedate and sat on the edge of the pool and dropped in and swam to her husband as he emerged from under the water. Steve grabbed Steph as she came up out of the water and pulled her against his body and kissed her. She responded with her tongue darting into his mouth and they stood in the water like that for nearly five minutes exploring each other mouths as their hands ran over each other's body.
When they finally broke apart Steph looked over at John, "looks like John is still dreaming, I have cooled down in one way, but now I am hot for that cock of his. Come on let's get out and you can help me."
"Help you?" Steve asked, "How?"
"I am sure you will work it out Steve," she replied as she swam to the pool steps and made her way up them. Steve followed his wife and by the time he reached the sun beds she was already on her knees by the side of John's. Steph pointed at John's hard dick and motioned that she needed Steve to hold it up so she could get her mouth over the end. Until earlier Steve had not touched another cock, but after feeling his dad's he went straight to Johns and carefully lifted it up to a right angle. Steph had her mouth over it as soon as it was up and was licking and sucking on the tip as he watched.
"Tastes good," she whispered. "Want to taste too?" Keeping hold of John's cock Steve leant down and flicked his tongue over the exposed head just as Steph was doing. A droplet of pre cum escaped out the top as they tenderly tease their sons cock and Steve was she first to lick it off. Seeing him do that Steph nudged him away and dropped her mouth over the shaft completely, taking the length deep into her and then fucked it with her mouth.
John was moaning in his sleep his dream getting hornier and dirtier unaware of what his parents were doing to him in real life. Steve held onto John's balls as Steph continued to slide up and down his pole. When she felt he was about to cum she lifted right off and told Steve to get ready, and they both put their mouths over the end as they massaged his cock and balls waiting for the inevitable.
John woke from his dream of fucking Lisa and Jenny to see his parent's open mouths over his cock as he shot his load out into each one. He realised that it was not just been Jenny and Lisa that had been sucking him in his dream but his mum and dad had been doing it for real, and he loved them for it. He watched as they licked the remains of his cum from his cock and then shared a kiss, passing their son's cum between them before swallowing together.
"That was awesome guys," said Paul who had awoken and watched with Lou. "You have come a long way in 24 hours."
"Yes Dad," Steph said. "And I for one am so happy."
"I think we all are Steph, aren't we John?" Added Steve. John just nodded with a huge grin on his face as he looked around at his parents and grandparents.