Chapter 05
Easy Like a Sunday Morning
Lou awoke the next morning with warm summer sun streaming through the window onto her bare breasts. She still felt Paul in bed next to her asleep his arm resting gently across her body. Rolling over to face him Lou kissed Paul's head waking him, "morning darling," she whispered. "Going for a shower in the bathroom, then start in breakfast. You can use the shower in the ensuite, don't be too long."
Opening his eyes fully Paul lifted himself up and kissed the nearest nipple to him and said, "Ok love, I won't take long see you soon." Lou pulled herself away from her husband's mouth and took herself to the bathroom, leaving the door open of course.
After using the toilet she turned the shower on over the bath and let the water run over her. As she expected it was not long before someone else entered the bathroom and she was pleased to see it was her son Steven. "Hi Mum, just like old times hey?"
"Yes it is, so you coming in here and washing me like you used to?"
"Try and stop me, just got to have a pee first."
"Didn't Steph tell you about that yet, no need to worry just come in here and do it if you want. I'd love to watch you." Steven pulled the curtain aside and said, "really?"
Lou replied by taking his hand and helping him into the bath tub, she then took hold of his semi erect penis and pointed it down as much as she could and said, "let it flow love. Let me see your morning pee."
It took a little while for Steven to concentrate on peeing infront of his mum but eventually the need outweighed his embarrassment and a stream of urine flowed out of his dick between Lou's legs and onto the bath floor. As his flow continued Lou started to lift his cock up and pointed it towards her pussy so that she directed it right over it with one hand whilst the other rubbed it in to her pubic hair and lips. When Steve had emptied his bladder his mum then bent down and licked the tip of his cock to taste the last few droplets. "Think you better ask your wife about new house rule I explained to her yesterday, now are you going to wash me like you said you would?" Still in shock Steve took the bottle of shower gel and began to spread the soap over her body producing a slippery lather that he continued to spread over her large boobs and then down to her belly and pussy.
"Oh I have missed our weekend mornings Steven, haven't you?"
"Definitely, but they have changed a bit from back then," he added finally recovering from his initial shock.
"Now let me wash you too son." Lou then took the gel and repaid Steven with a sensual wash with the lather over his body. They had grown into this routine back when he lived at home, it was rare that it would lead to sex or even an orgasm and it was all Steven could do this morning to maintain his composure, as he wanted to relive those Sunday mornings from his youth once more.
When they were both clean and the soap had rinsed off Lou turned off the shower and they both grabbed a towel from the rail and dried each other off, gently patting each other's bodies. Satisfied she had dried him enough Lou looked at her now grown up son and took his face in her hands and kissed him on his lips. "That was as beautiful as any morning we had back in the old days, thank you for reminding me how close we were and how well we knew each other darling."
"I have always loved you mum, and I know if John feels half as much for Steph as I do you he is a lucky man."
"Oh you know the way to your mum's heart don't you? Now let me go downstairs and prepare some breakfast for us all before Steph and I go out." Steve watched his mum walk out the bathroom before following her out and going back to the bedroom where he had left Steph waking their son with a morning blow job earlier.
Steph had evidently completed her job as both she and John were sat up in bed talking. John's arm was wrapped around his mum's bare shoulders and her breasts were resting on the top of the duvet. "Good morning you two?" Steve said as he walked in.
"Morning Dad, hope you have had as good a start to the day as I have."
"Certainly a different one John. Steph you could have told me about the new bathroom rules. Apparently mum told you yesterday?"
"Yes she did, but I thought it would be best to find out for yourself. What did you think?"
"Well certainly unexpected, but actually a little enjoyable too."
"What are you two talking about?" Asked John as Steph unfolded herself from his embrace and stepped out of bed."
"You will find out in time I think John. But for now I am going to get ready for breakfast, I can smell your mum has the bacon going already Steve."
"Not my mum anymore! Our mum Steph."
"Yes of course."
10 minutes later and the three of them had joined Lou and Paul in the kitchen and were sat at the breakfast bar tucking into bacon rolls she had prepared for them.
"So what are you three going to do this morning whilst Steph and I go out shopping?" Lou asked.
"I thought I would give those couple of fence panels a paint, they are looking a little tired," said Paul. "John would you mind giving me a hand? Then it will be done before the rest of the family arrive."
"Sure Grandpa, no problem."
"I have some work to do that I thought I would have done on Friday when I got home, but somehow got distracted," Steve told them. "I know it's sad on a Sunday but we do have to go back to the real world and work tomorrow," he added looking at his wife. "You go and have fun with mum at the shops."
"I will don't you worry."
"Come on then Steph, let's get ready to go, the boys can clear up the kitchen before they start their jobs," Lou said as Steph and her left the three men in the kitchen.
When they reached the top of the stairs Lou looked at Steph and said, "Aunty Sarah and I have a new rule whenever we go out, and she followed it yesterday."
"What's that then?"
"Never wear underwear. I obviously don't wear any at home as we are always nude, except when you used to come over. But now we don't bother when we have to dress. What do you think, want to join us?"
"What no bra or panties?"
"That's right; you will be amazed how many looks you will get from guys, who notice your unfettered breasts."
"Ok I am game if you want me to."
"Right I just have to do make up and pull dress on will be 10 minutes see you downstairs."
"Ok mum."
By the time they met downstairs the breakfast had been cleared away and Steve was just taking out his laptop to begin working. The three men looked at the ladies as they entered the room and all appreciated the view. "Show me then Lou?" Paul asked his wife as he went to give her a kiss goodbye. In reply Lou lifts her sun dress up to demonstrate she was not wearing panties under it.
"Me too Dad," Steph said as she lifted her skirt too. "Feels great, think I am going to throw all my underwear away when I get home Steve."
"Not all of it I hope?"
"Well might just keep some of the 'special' stuff," she replied with a wink. With that Lou and Steph kissed each of the men and left in Lou's car.
"Right then John, let's get out in the sun and finish this fence before anyone arrives. See you later Steve, enjoy working indoors," he said with a grin.
"Cheers Dad."
Paul and John set to painting the fence, it was John's first time actually doing something other than lying around whilst naked and was enjoying the feeling. "So am I right in thinking that you don't have a girlfriend at the moment John?"
"Yes that's right Grandpa, although I don't think I am going to need one now, do you."
"Oh I think you will, just look at your dad, he was having sex with his mum and sister and yet he still met your mum and settled down. I am sure you will find someone special sometime, and I hope you will be able to introduce them to our lifestyle then too."
"Too right I will, I am convinced it is the way forward already. How about you Grandpa? Did you have many girlfriends before you met Grandma?"
"Oh no John, she was my first real girlfriend, but then we met in 1964 I was just 16 and she was 15. Been together for over 50 years now. I suppose you have never heard that story have you?"
"No I haven't, can you tell me whilst we work?"
"Yes sure." For the next hour and a half as they worked Paul told his grandson how he and Lou had met fallen in love right up to the point where he had started on Friday afternoon, leaving no details out for John.
"Like I said it was 1964 I had just finished my first year in 6th form studying for my A levels and Grandma had just started her hairdressing apprenticeship in a little sea side town, going back to her parents pub at weekends to help out. Yes they were publicans."
"In the summer holidays my buddies and I would catch a bus to the sea side and hang out looking at girls and getting up to all sorts of mischief, you can imagine I bet."
"I reckon I can grandpa."
"We met a few girls and had some fumbles under the pier; you know the hand up their tops or inside a swimsuit, not much more. Although I do remember Jackie did put her hand in my shorts once and played with my dick. Had to hide a damp stain on my shorts the rest of the day."
"Anyway, eventually I saw your Grandma coming out of the hairdressers where she was working for her lunch break. Instantly I fancied her and was determined to get inside her top by the end of that week."
"Did you?"
"Shit no John, she was a hard egg to crack I can tell you."
"Not like now then?" John said laughing.
"Nothing like now no. Back then she was really slim with pure natural blonde hair, she was gorgeous, and still is of course. It took me three days to finally ask her out on a date, and we went to the pictures. Thinking that I could slip a hand up her top in the dark to feel her tit. She was having none of it. I know now that her mum had told her to watch out for boys like me and knew what to do to keep me at bay. The trouble is the more she resisted the more I wanted her. But I suppose that was her plan."
"So how long did it take Grandpa?"
"Three weeks of dates, before I was able to get my hand inside her top. We had started kissing by then but nothing else."
"How was it?" John asked now completely engrossed in the story and slowing down the painting.
"Fantastic, never felt anything like them before, I almost came in my pants like the time with Jackie, but without Grandma doing anything. She let me fondle her breast and even managed to get my hand inside her bra and felt her nipple. From then on her defences slowly broke down. But she was not going to give up anything until she had her 16th birthday. Which I am sure you know is in August a week before mine."
"Yes I do know that much, I remember all the joint parties we have had in the past. This year's is going to be extra special now I suppose."
"Actually yes you are right we need to get that sorted it's only a month away now. Anyway, she told me she would have a special present for me for my birthday. On her 16 the birthday she invited me to meet her parents at their pub, by now we were seeing each other every day after she finished work at the hairdressers and I would catch the last bus home. So that Saturday I caught the bus to their town and met her parents. My word her mum was a formidable lady, scared the living shit out of me that day."
"She was well built in the chest area, just like Grandma now, and wore deep chested top showing a lot of cleavage. It was expected of pub landladies back then. She told me that I had better look after her daughter or I would have her to answer to. I can still remember now trying not to look at her chest as she was telling me that. Looking back now it was a shame we never introduced them to our lifestyle before they passed away. I would have loved to have answered to her." Pauls face shone as he remembered his mother in law and the number of times he had fantasised about her.
"Grandpa! Back to the story."
"Oh sorry John lost in my thoughts then. Anyway the day at her parents went well and I asked if she could come over to my parents the next week for my birthday and I would bring her back on the bus in the evening. They said yes and we had a great week between the two birthdays back by the sea side. Grandma kept teasing me about my birthday present."
"Saturday finally came and she arrived at our house looking wonderful, of course. My parents were instantly taken with her. At the end of the day I still had not had my present, and we got on the bus back to her town. Now back then the top deck was for smokers, and as we neither smoked we always travelled downstairs, but that evening she took me upstairs and to the back seat. And it was there she gave me my present John."
"What was it grandpa?"
"No sooner had the bus left the stop were we kissing and I had my hand in her dress. Next thing I know her hand is on my lap and unzipping my trousers. She had never done that before."
"You must have been bursting"
"I was and told her to be careful. She stroked it a few times and then right there on the bus she put her head down and stuck my cock in her mouth. Apparently her girlfriends had told her what to do to make sure she did not get pregnant but still give your man a good time."
"What a birthday present?"
"Sure was, it was the first time for either of us and I have to admit I did not last long, what with the bumpy bus and her head bobbing up and down, I was soon cumming. Her friends had left out the bit about that and before she knew it she had a mouthful of my cum and not knowing what to do with it swallowed it."
"Fuck grandpa, you lucky bastard."
"Yes I know, when I told my mates they could not believe it, none of them had a girl who swallowed. Well it seems grandma enjoyed it as from then on she was sucking me off whenever and wherever she could. She must have drunk pints of my cum by the end of the summer."
"Anyway," Paul continued. "The summer came to an end and I was back to school. So we saw each other's at weekends either at my house or her parent's pub. That bus saw some action I can tell you during the winter. If she was not sucking my cock I was sticking a finger in her tight pussy, making her cum, but she still was not letting me fuck her."
"How long did she make you wait?"
"All the way through the winter. Was not until her birthday the next summer that she finally let me go all the way."
"Hey dad, do you two need a drink?" Steve called out to them from the house at that moment.
"I think that's a good idea don't you John. I will carry on telling you about that whilst we take a break, it's been a while since your dad heard this story."
Paul and John put their brushes down and went to the pool side where Steve had brought out three cold beers."
"How's the work going Steve?" Paul asked as he sat down.
"Better than yours by the look of it, I thought you would have finished by now."
"Yes well we have been distracted a little."
"With what?" Steven asked.
"Grandpa has been telling me about how he and Grandma met."
"Ah that old chestnut, not heard that for a long time, are you still embellishing the story dad?"
"Hey it's all true!"
"If you say so Dad. So how far has he reached John?"
"He was about to tell me how they both lost their virginity weren't you Grandpa?"
"That's right, but I guess you don't want to hear it Steve if you think I make it up."
"Oh no Dad, carry on. I love the story and not heard it for years."
"Ok then. By this time we had been going out for over a year, I had finished my A levels and was going to university in the autumn. Her mum and dad had grown to accept me I guess and had given me a job in the pub, I couldn't serve beer till I was 18 of course but I was what we called a bottle boy until then. The deal was I worked there and they gave me a room and meals free of charge and I kept any tips I made. They made it clear that I could work there each holiday during my three years at college as long as I was dating their daughter."
"So no more bus trips? That must have made it more difficult for you two?"
"Yes I think that was their plan, keep me in their sights." Paul agreed. "But we still managed to find time, that cellar was cold but your grandma could warm it up pretty well I can tell you. Anyway, back to her birthday, we were both given the day off and then we were to be back at the pub for a party in the evening. So it was back to the sea side for the day. We had a picnic with us and we sat on the beach kissing and cuddling most of the afternoon. Remember back then no one went topless but we did manage to give each other an orgasm without anyone seeing during the afternoon."
"Yes, you had turned mum into sex fiend by then hadn't you dad?"
"I wouldn't go that far, but she was on the road for sure," Paul told them.
"So it was about three in the afternoon that she said it was time to leave, I told her we had plenty of time to get back to the party. She just looked at me and said we're having our own private party first. I knew exactly what she meant but didn't know how. She told me that her friend had said we could go to her house as her parents were out for the day. Looked like grandma had it all planned. That hasn't changed either," Paul added with a laugh.
"So we turned up at her mate's house who opened the door and ushered us in to her bedroom telling us we had an hour before she would be back and to make sure we used the time wisely, and then she left. Now your Grandma was always a good kisser, but that afternoon she turned it up a notch, no sooner was the door closed than she was on me, her tongue exploring my mouth and her hands pushing my shorts down. I was doing my best to get her top off to get to her bikini underneath. After what must have been 10 minutes of that she pulled me to the bed and sat on the edge and pulled my cock out of my swimming trunks. She then gave me the best blow job she had ever done, not having to worry about being caught. She made me cum so much that time it was leaking out the side of her mouth as she sucked me dry. When we kissed afterwards I tasted my cum for the first time, and realised it tasted ok, and that's kind of where our rule about not wasting it came from."
"Well I love the rule grandpa," John told him.
"Yes I could tell that last night. Well up to now I had only ever fingered her but this afternoon she wanted me to use my tongue on her, she stripped off completely which was the first time I had seen her totally naked, and almost came again. She looked gorgeous boys you can't imagine; she laid on the bed with her legs open her full dark bush on display and said it was time for me to make her cum using my mouth. I was down there like a shot. I guess I didn't really know what to do or expect but it seemed to work as within five minutes she was squeezing my head between her thighs as she orgasmed."
"Having been between those thighs dad myself, I know what strength she has."
"Yes it was playing hockey at school I think that did it. Eventually she released me and we kissed and played with each other for a while longer before she said 'fuck me for my birthday Paul, I want you in me now.' I asked her if she was sure and she just smiled, what a smile! Lacking in any experience we did it the first time in the missionary position. We must have been at it for 15 minutes or so before we had both cum again. When we had finished we realised her friend would be back shortly, grandma said she didn't have time to wash properly and that I had to do it. And that John was not only the first time I shagged your Grandma but also cleaned her up with my mouth afterwards. What has become natural to us now was born out of necessity that afternoon."
"That is so hot Grandpa I had not expected that had been the way from the start, I thought it was something that happened later."
"No John, I can remember seeing your grandma and grandpa fucking when we were kids and it always ended with them kissing and sharing cum. Just seems so natural to me back then, when Aunty Monica and I began to play with each other we just did it like mum and dad did. Well I better get back to the laptop and you two better finish that fence off, time is running out."
"Yes I guess so, but believe me John the walk back that afternoon was the turning point in our relationship. We knew we wanted to be together for ever, and were going to make sure we were. By the time we reached the pub I had asked her to marry me and she had agreed, I just needed to ask her dad. We would wait until I had finished university and had a job but we were committed to each other's future from that day."
"Grandma's dad must have said yes then?" John asked as they picked up the brushes to restart painting.
"It took some convincing, but I told him we were going to wait till I finished college and that I loved her and would look after her. So that party turned into our engagement party too, but the best party was the one we had on our own at her friend's house. Which we visited as often as we could for the rest of the summer before I went off to college.
When John and Paul began painting the fence again John still had questions. "So Grandpa, that explains a lot, thanks, but how did you and Grandma become nudists, neither of you were brought up to be one were you?"
"No we weren't, let me continue then. That Autumn I went off to University as planned, whilst Grandma finished off her apprenticeship at the hairdressers. Our plan was that after she finished she would move to where I was and we could live together. We hadn't told our parents that though at that point. When I was at college my best mate was a guy called Bob. We hit it off right away and spent most of that year together, mostly drinking if I remember well. I did manage to get grandma up to see me once that term and we had a great weekend together, they got on really well too. By the time Christmas holidays came we were best friends, and he invited me to visit him at his parents for a weekend, and that was when he told me his family were naturists."
"Wow cool, you must have been excited?"
"In 1966 I had no idea what a naturist was, Bob had to explain to me. I was intrigued but scared too, his parents had discovered it about 10 years earlier whilst working in Europe and decided to carry on back here."
"So how was your first weekend Grandpa, was it sex, sex sex!"
"Shit no John, his family were 'true naturists' not in it for sex and everything was very much different to what you have experienced here, but it was a great weekend I really enjoyed the feeling of freedom that it gave me. I couldn't wait to tell your grandma all about it when I got back to the pub."
"How did she take it?"
"Sceptical at first, like you she thought it was all about sex."
"And it isn't?
"Not back then no, Bob and I just liked being nude. Anyway by the time we went back to college I was convinced, and we rented a flat together and made it a clothes free zone. So when grandma visited that term for the weekend she had to get used to seeing us both naked. "
"How long was it before you got her naked grandpa?"
"You are right, she did, but not till Saturday evening, a bottle of Pernod helped," Paul said laughing. "That was it from that weekend we were converted nudies."
"Do you still see Bob then?"
"Not much now. He was my best man when I married Grandma, and I was his when he married his wife Juanita; who we also converted to naturism. But it was when we each had kids that things changed."
"How come?"
"We all decided that we would bring our families up as nudists and hoped the children would all be friends too, but whereas they were traditional, we decided to be more open about sex and not let it be something to be ashamed of. Your dad might remember them visiting but it was never quite the same again from that point?"
"Ok, can I ask a question Grandpa?"
"Yes of course?"
"So in all that time at university living together, did you and Bob ever play around? I got the impression that was a new thing for you."
"Yes you are right we didn't with each other, but I couldn't say that the four of us didn't swap as it was called back then. But you will have to hear about that another time; if we don't get this done we will be still painting when your mum and Grandma get back."
"You are right, but thanks for telling me all this, I suppose everyone else knows."
"Yes they do."
"Talking about mum, I wonder what they have been up to this morning; they looked like they were going to have fun when they left."
"Yes, your Grandma does have a wicked side when she is out."