Chapter 10
Helping a Neighbour
By the time Thursday had arrived John had prepared himself for whatever lay ahead this day. Mum and dad had been teasing him since Monday that Mrs Packer was going to seduce him, but he was sure that she just wanted to watch him work in his shorts. She seems so old fashioned whenever he had seen her wearing long skirts and dresses. Steph had said that she was an active member of the Women's institute locally, a real twin set and pearls lady. Steve had said that you never know what goes on under those dresses though perhaps she wears sexy underwear. Perhaps today John would discover if dad was right or not.
John had put all the necessary tools in a wheel barrow and slipped on a pair of rugby shorts before leaving for Mrs Packers house. At the door he rang the bell and waited for an answer, he had to wait a couple of minutes before Mrs Packer opened the door.
"Hello John, I am so glad you are here," she said, opening the door and putting her head around it.
"Hello Mrs Packer, mum said you wanted me to work in your garden."
"Yes that's right, but first I have a problem indoors I am hoping you can help with. Leave your tools out there and come in." Opening the door fully Mrs Packer stepped back and for the first time John saw why she had been hiding behind the door, she was wearing a purple satin dressing gown which was tied at the waist.
"What do you need me to do?" John asked.
"Well it's a little embarrassing really, I was getting ready this morning and for some reason I cannot open my draw in the bedroom, I have been trying for ages it's just stuck, so I am sorry that's why I am not dressed properly."
"That's ok Mrs Packer, I think you saw I was not dressed at all on Monday."
Mrs Packer flushed at this and said, "yes I did, I am sorry I watched you, I hope you don't see it as an invasion of your privacy."
"No its cool Mrs Packer, I don't care if I am seen."
"Oh really? Well I wont tell your parents ok."
"Really it does not matter, they know. We are all nudists, so someday you you might see us all out there."
Mrs Packer took a big swallow when she heard John say that as she realised that Mrs White must have known that she had been watching John naked in the garden and invited him over because of that not because he did a good job. But the ball had started rolling and she could not back down now.
"So where is the drawer Mrs Packer?" John said as he realised she had quite forgotten he was there.
"Oh yes sorry John, upstairs. Follow me."
Mrs Packer led the way up the stairs and as he followed John looked at her legs and saw the inside of her thighs with every step she took. The movement up the stairs must have loosened the belt around her waist because John noticed that when they reached the top it was a little more open than before and he could see more of her chest and a little cleavage too. She did not seem to notice, or had she done it on purpose, he wondered.
Following her to the master bedroom she showed him the chest of drawers and pulled the top drawer to show that it would not budge. John tried too and it was definitely stuck. She sat on the bed watching him pull on the drawer, when he looked at her to say that he would need to take out the drawer underneath as there is something wedged at the back he got an stunning view of her legs as she had crossed them and her robe was draped on either side. "Maybe mum was right after all" he thought to himself.
"Oh ok, if you must John, but don't be embarrassed at seeing my underwear in the drawer."
"It's ok I won't." But in his head was thinking that he would probably be excited at seeing it.
When he pulled out the second drawer what he saw was not what he had expected at all, he thought it would be full of sensible white knickers and bra from M&S but instead the drawer was full of lacy lingerie in a variety of colours. Turning around to put it on the bed he was further surprised as she was now sat with legs uncrossed and the robe now was open enough that he could see the edges of her tits and the swell of her belly. His head was so full of wanting to jump on her at that moment and fuck her, but mum and dad had warned him that he had to take it carefully, she may just want to tease him, and if he pushed too hard it could become very nasty for him. Taking in the view and smiling he went back to the drawer and put his hand up around to grab what was causing it to stick.
Mrs Packer could not believe how hard her heart was pounding in her chest. She knew she was being unfair to John, teasing him like this, but she just could not stop, and she knew exactly what he was going to pull out when he did, as she had put it there that morning.
John had his hand on the item and it felt like a box of something, eventually he managed to pull it out from the back releasing the drawer. What he had in his hand was a box from Ann Summers with a purple vibrator still in it.
"That should be ok now Mrs Packer, it was this that was stuck," he said passing the box to her, his own heart now beating so much he could feel it. She took it from him and pushed it under a pillow.
"Sorry about that John you must think I am terrible to have such a thing," she said pulling her robe tight around her again.
Remembering what mum had told him Mrs Packer had said on the phone about her husbands tools being rusty he thought of a suitable response. "Its ok, Mrs Packer we all have needs, I know mum has one too, like most women I guess."
"Thank you John for your help and for being so mature. I will get dressed now can you start in the garden and I will bring you out a cold drink when I am ready?"
"Sure, no problem. I am always happy to help a lady out anytime."
"My hero," she said as she planted a kiss on his cheek before he left the room.
Was that the subtle smell of alcohol John could smell on her breath when she kissed him he wondered as he went down stairs and walked through to the back of the house. On the way he looked around and came to a stand still when he saw a photo of Mrs Packer with another lady who he recognised straight away. 'That's Miss Williams the business studies teacher from school there' he thought to himself. As he looked closer he could see it was at Miss Williams' retirement party last month. Now how does Mrs Packer know one of the sexiest teachers at John's old school, over whom he had wanked many times, he wondered.
Back in the bedroom Mrs Packer took another drink form the gin bottle she had brought up earlier. It was usual for her to drink this early in the day, but today she needed the Dutch courage. As she dressed she looked out her window and saw John out in the garden starting up the mower to begin work. She was disturbed by her mobile beeping a message. Looking at the screen she saw it was form her older sister Linda.
'How is it going?'
Was all the message read.
It had all been Linda's fault that she was now watching a young man mow her lawn after teasing him for the past 20 minutes. Linda had confided in her the fun she used to have before she retired from teaching, teasing the 6th form lads at the school, and how she missed the thrill of it. Having never married Linda got her kicks by being a bit of an exhibitionist it seemed. Not that she was a 60 year old virgin but nowadays she felt no one wanted her so just teased.
Linda had been so jealous when Cathy told her about watching John in the garden on Monday, and told her to make the most of it, giving her some help along the way.
Cathy typed a message back.
'Going to plan, my heart is beating so fast, but I love it.'
Straight away it beeped again.
'Still ok for me to come over later?'
Part of Cathy did not want to share John with her sister, but she also felt she owed her this one.
'Sure come over after lunch'
The answer was an immediate smiley face.
Cathy had put on a black strapless bikini and pulled shorts on over the bottoms but her large breasts were just about managing to stay in the cups of the top. The tattoo that she had done a few years ago on her left breast clearly on view. I bet he never thought the WI would have ladies with tattoos as members she thought when she checked herself in the mirror.
In the kitchen downstairs she prepared a jug of cold squash for John before taking it out to the garden and calling him over to have a drink.
"It's a hot day isn't it John?" She said when he sat down to have his drink.
"Yes it is."
"Those shorts look hot too, I know from what you said earlier you would rather not wear them."
"Yes that's true Mrs Packer."
"Then take them off John if you feel happier. It's not as though I have not seen you naked before as you know."
"Oh right, well if you don't mind then I will thanks, I have been working on my all over tan this year will be a shame to mess it up now."
"The tan looks good on you John," she told him, the gin now making her braver than ever. "I think I might lie and soak up some too this morning. You won't mind will you that I am doing nothing whilst you are working."
"You're the boss Mrs Packer, you can do what you like."
"Yes I suppose I am aren't I," she giggled. "And you have to do whatever I say or you won't get paid."
"Sounds fair enough to me Mrs Packer."
"Well first things first, rest of the day you work naked ok?"
"Brilliant, the day just gets better and better," he stood up and pulled his shorts down and sat back down again.
"Yes but I am paying you to work not sit here so off you go." John stood up again and felt Mrs Packers eyes on him as he walked back to the mower to finish off the lawn. Her eyes did not leave him the whole time and he was more conscious of his dick swinging about as he moved than when he had worked in his own garden Monday. Eventually he had finished the lawn and tidied up the mower before asking Mrs Packer what else she needed doing.
"You don't call that mowing the lawn do you John? What about the edges? They need clipping too and all around the stepping stones too."
"Oh right, I did not think of that, sorry."
"It's ok, you are only young I know. But I like a tidy garden. But before you do that would you mind going to the garage and taking out a couple of the sun beds that are in there. I think I need to lie down for a while, this sun is so hot."
"Tell me about it Mrs Packer, I am getting hot out here too." Thinking that the second bed was for him John was more than happy to bring them out.
Cathy told John where she wanted them placed, she had chosen the perfect spot to watch him work, but also meant that John would be able to see her too. When he realised that she was not offering him a sun bed to rest on John got back to work, using the shears to tidy up the lawn edges. Cathy lay on her bed and watched this perfectly built young man work naked in her garden. She watched his bum flex and move with every step and when he used the shears the muscles on his back all tightened too. As she lay there looking at this perfect specimen she realised that he had no embarrassment about being nude in front of her, he just carried on with his work, and she began to wonder if there was any other way he would become useful. The WI were always looking for new ways to raise funds, she was sure John could be hired out as a nude gardener. She decided to talk to Linda about it later when she came over.
John himself was enjoying himself, it was not particularly hard work and the fact that he was naked doing it made it extra pleasurable, and if Mrs Packer wanted to watch that was fine too. In fact he was enjoying watching her too, when she had laid on the bed she had taken her shorts off and was it on purpose that as she pulled them down her bikini bottoms moved a little with them too. He had caught a flash of her white bum before she pulled them back up. Now she was lying on the bed her legs apart and whilst John worked near her he could make out a few stray pubic hairs poking from the side of her gusset.
It was time to up the stakes of this game again for Cathy. She went to her bag and pulled out the bottle of sun cream. Whilst John was working near her she squeezed out some of the cream onto her legs and began to massage it in making sure she made the most of it. John was not even pretending to work now but was watching her massage the cream up her legs until she reached the top of her large thighs using both hands to rub it in now. As she rubbed she made sure a finger of two moved over her bikini bottoms and she shuddered as it touched her clitoris through the material. Cathy was pleased to see some reaction from John's dick, noticing it twitch ever so slightly before starting to rise a little as it filled with blood.
Squeezing out more Cathy started working on her top now. She spread the cream over her shoulders and then down on to the top of her chest before moving to the soft skin of her boobs. This time her fingers didn't just run over the material she slipped her hands under her bikini top and she felt the hardness of her nipples. As she worked the cream into her tits her eyes were fixed on John who was watching without blinking.
After the past week John was surprised just how exciting it was to watch Mrs Packer. Even though he had spent the weekend nude with his family there was something different about Mrs Packer, was it because she was teasing him, or was it because she was not nude and he knew she was not available like the women in his family. Either way she was definitely having an effect on him and he felt his cock become full size as two of them locked eyes.
"Have you finished tidying up the lawn then John?" Mrs Packer asked him.
"I think so."
"Looks like you have something else to deal with now," she said moving her eyes down to his erection.
"Yes, well you can't blame me can you? You do look very sexy there massaging your body like that."
"Oh John! You naughty boy, you shouldn't say that to me I am old enough to be your mother." John just smiled knowing that made no difference to him, he was fucking his mum and his Grandma.
"Just saying it as it is Mrs Packer."
"Thank you even if you don't mean it." she said with a smile, "well go on then,"
"What do you want me to do?" John asked.
"You want to play with yourself don't you John? Well go on, I would like to watch you."
Yes Mrs Packer certainly was different to the women in his family, John thought. Any one of them would have offered to make him cum, but here she is in front of him telling him to do it himself whilst she watched. Well if that's what she wants!
John stood at the end of the sun lounger and took hold of his erection in his right hand and began to slowly pump it making the foreskin pull back with each stroke. He used his left hand to massage his balls as he began to increase the speed. Mrs Packer had not taken her eyes of his cock since he started but her hands were telling him that she was enjoying what she saw. One hand was back inside her bikini top and was obviously pinching and pulling the nipple, the other was between her legs, she wasn't playing with herself like he expected she just had it there, the way she might if she was trying to stop herself peeing. The effect on John seeing this, was so different to anything he had experience in the past week, and he found it truly stimulating, and it was not long before he was shooting cum out over the freshly cut garden lawn.
Cathy enjoyed watching John cum so much, she could not believe how it made her feel. It had been a long time since she had felt like that. "Thank you John," she said. "I enjoyed that, now I think we need a chat don't you? Come and sit down."
John sat on the other lounger, "is everything ok Mrs Packer?" He asked.
"Everything is fine, I think I just need to explain a few things to you."
"First off I appreciate that you are prepared to work for me and to do it in the nude is really good. I should tell you though that under no circumstances am I going to let you touch me and I will not touch you."
"Right," John said, feeling a little disappointed.
"I love Mr Packer John, but he is not able to satisfy me anymore but I am not going to be unfaithful to him. You understand that don't you?"
"Yes I think so".
"He knows you are here today, and that's ok. But it does not mean we can't have some fun can we, I think we both enjoyed being watched and teasing each other."
"Mrs Packer you have been doing that to me all day since I arrived haven't you?"
"Yes I confess I have. And I hope we can continue."
"I think we can."
"Good, now after lunch my sister is going to be here, she is like me and likes to tease and watch, so I hope you will behave yourself then."
"I will do my best Mrs Packer."
"So we have a deal John?"
"Yes I guess we do, you get to watch me and I can look at you as much as I want, but no touching."
"That's it. Now you have done a good job here this morning and I want to thank you by giving you lunch. But first why don't you pop upstairs and have a shower. You look all hot and sweaty."
"Thanks, I will."
The house was the same design as home so John knew just where to go, John had a pee first before he stepped into the bath, turned on the shower and let the water wash away the sweat and grime of the morning. As he washed he saw the door open and Mrs Packer walk in, "there's a towel for you John," she said as she put a fresh on the rail before taking another look at his bronzed body with the soapy water running over it.
"Thank you Mrs Packer."
After he had dried himself John listened out for Mrs Packer and heard her downstairs in the kitchen still. Instead of going to in her straight away John went to the master bedroom because he wanted to check out the drawers again and look at the lingerie in it.
Opening the top one first he found it full of panties, they ranged from large ones to small g strings, but not a single pair of the cotton ones that he had expected before today. These were all either lacy or satin ones, some would be sheer enough to see through too.
Closing the top drawer John left the second one as he had seen the bras in it, so went to the bottom drawer. What he found in this drawer was nothing he had expected from the prim and proper woman he had thought Mrs Packer was. In this drawer were carefully laid out different basques, John ran his hand over them and felt the satin and lace on the one on top, he just had to take a better look, taking it in his hand he lifted it up. It was red and black satin with suspended straps hanging down.
"Ah there you are! What the hell do you think you are doing John?" Mrs Packer said as she opened the bedroom door.
John felt his face go red and his hands tremble trying to put the basque back in the drawer. "Mrs Packer, I was just checking the drawer was still ok," he lamely lied, knowing full well he was not convincing. What was it about this woman that made him act like a frightened school boy rather than the confident young man he had been with his family last week.
Mrs Packer walked over and closed the drawer, "I think it is working just fine don't you".
"Now John, you shouldn't have come back in here, but it looks like you liked my lingerie collection."
"Mrs Packer, I meant no harm its just that I was surprised this morning that you had such sexy underwear, I just wanted to check I had not imagined it," John's confidence was returning now.
"Wearing nice lingerie is very important for a woman, makes her feel good about herself, particularly if her husband is not able to give her the attention she needs."
"You must look great in them Mrs Packer."
"I don't know about that, but I do feel great, maybe I will put something on for you sometime John. But lunch is ready downstairs and we should eat it before my sister gets here."
John led the way downstairs knowing that Mrs Packer was watching his ass all the way, just as he had watched hers earlier that morning on the way up. They sat in the garden eating the lunch she had prepared. "Sorry I made you jump just now," Cathy said to John. "It was a little shocking to see you holding my underwear up like that, but given what we have been up to today I can't blame you. You are a young man after all."
"I am sorry too, can we put that behind us?"
"Yes John, but I meant it, I will let you see me in something some time. But now we have this afternoon to talk about. You have done a wonderful job this morning my garden looks lovely now, but there is just one more thing I need doing?"
"Anything I can do, I will," John said.
"See the fence at the bottom of the garden, it really needs to be painted. Could you manage that?"
"Shouldn't be a problem."
"Well after lunch you can find the paint in the garage, have a rest for a hour first, you have deserved it."
"Thanks Mrs Packer. Will you join me?
"For a while I will yes." Finishing their lunch the two of them went to the beds and lay down to rest. Cathy watched John's body as he lay there, she saw that his eyes were closed and he could not see her. Which was just as well because as she looked over his young body her hand had gone between her legs again, she had almost had an orgasm earlier whilst she watched him play with himself, now she was at risk of it happening again. Her thumb was pressed against her clitoris through the bikini and her breathing was getting heavier. When she could hold back no more her orgasm washed over her and she almost stopped breathing so she would not make a noise.
John had heard enough female orgasms in the past week to know just what was happening on the next bed. He was pleased that Mrs Packer had found an outlet at last for the tension he felt from her. He did not let on that he knew what she was doing, but his cock may have given the game away as it started to grow once more. He imagined what she would look like giving herself an orgasm and was determined now to find out today.
When it had gone quiet again John opened his eyes and saw that Mrs Packer had now dropped off after her orgasm, but before she had put her bikini straight. What John saw was the crotch of her bikini pulled slightly to the side so he could see one off her pussy lips on show. She must have been playing with her big tits too he realised as the bikini top was also messed up and she was showing part of her areoles. John had to fight the urge to pull the top down more and kiss her gorgeous big tits, but remembered the no touching rule, so just lay there watching her tits rise and fall as she slept.
It was nearly an hour later when Cathy woke up, the combination of gin and an orgasm had kept her asleep that long. She looked over at the other bed and saw John was gone. Cathy hoped he had enjoyed the view she had left him before she dropped off. She watched as John came out of the garage with the pot of fence paint and a brush. "This the one Mrs Packer?"
"That's right," she said as she straightened her bikini and stood up. Sorry I dropped off, I had not planned on being there that long, I should get lunch cleared away." She piled up their dishes on the tray and took them indoors. Standing at the kitchen sink washing up she could still see John working, a sight she was not getting tired of.
As she stood there admiring him the door bell rang, reluctantly she pulled herself from the window and went to open the door to her sister Linda.
Before she said anything else Linda said, "is he still here, is he still naked?"
"Yes and yes," Cathy replied as Linda walked in.
Linda was 2 years her senior, and had always been a bit bossy towards Cathy, maybe that's why she was such a good teacher. They did not look the same but there were some similarities, Cathy was a size or two bigger than her sister but they had both inherited a good bust from their grandmother. Linda though showed hers off more than Cathy did, with less conservative clothes, often wearing low cut tops which displayed her cleavage well. She had known she had lots of looks form the students at school, and would sometimes lean over a poor lad who we ogling her to make him feel uncomfortable, but at the same time she had enjoyed being watched.
"Come out to the kitchen Linda." When they reached the window the two sister looked out at the young man painting the fence at the bottom of the garden, his tight ass towards them.
"You lucky bitch," Linda said. "You have been watching that all morning?"
"Yes that and more."
"Wait till you see his bits."
"I can't wait,"
"Oh and he has seen a fair bit of me too."
"You been teasing him whilst he is in that state? Did he get hard?"
"Yes, and then I watched him play with it till he shot his load over the lawn."
"Oh Cathy, do you think he will do that for me too?"
"I am pretty sure he will Linda. He seems to have plenty of energy, shall we say. Oh and one other thing, his whole family are nudists so he has no problem being seen naked. I was wondering if we could use him at the WI?"
"As what?" Linda asked without taking her eyes of John.
I was thinking of renting him out as a naked handyman, 50/50 he gets half and the WI get half of the cost."
"Something to think about, but how many of the members would hire him do you think?"
"We will just have to find out. Anyway I think it's time to introduce you to him."
"Oh please." The two sisters walked out, Cathy still in her bikini, and Linda in a summer dress that displayed her cleavage off perfectly.
"John!" Cathy called, "let me introduce you to my sister."
John turned round when he heard Mrs Packer calling him and looked up the garden. He had forgotten all about the photo he had seen in the morning, but now it all made sense. Mrs. Packer's sister was Miss Williams. Once again he was that nervous school boy, and his hand went down between his legs and covered his cock and balls."
"That's strange, I did not think he would be shy like that," Cathy said. "He has been so open about his nudity all day."
"I reckon I know why," Linda said. Then plumping her chest out like she had at school called down to the garden. "John White! Come here at once."
Cathy looked at her sister aghast.
"I know him, he was one of the pervs who was always checking me out at school."
John did not know what to do. Part of him wanted to run home, but then he had a built in response when hearing that voice and he walked up the garden his hand still covering his crotch. When he reached the two sisters Mrs Packer said, "it seems you know my sister already."
"Yes, hello Miss Williams," John managed to say.
"Hello John."
"My sister tells me you used to look at her all the time at school, is that right?"
"Yes Mrs Packer, we all did she was the best looking teacher there."
"Well now it's my turn," Linda said. "I am here for the afternoon and am going to watch you work. So you better move your hand away as you are not going to get much work done one handed.
Realising that he was not in trouble now and that the afternoon was going to be just like the morning, but with two sets of eyes watching him John let go and stood naked in front of his old teacher.
"That's better John. Now I think my sister is paying you to work, so you better finish that fence off."
"Yes Miss Williams," John said as he turned away and walked back to the paint pot at the bottom of the garden.
"Oh this afternoon is going to be so much fun Cathy." Linda said as she turned to her sister.
Over the next hour Cathy filled Linda in on all that had happened since John arrived, whilst they drank more gin. She told her about the jammed drawer, the hidden vibrator, seeing John in the shower and catching him looking in her drawers. Finally she explained about the no touching agreement as she was not happy being unfaithful to her husband.
"Well I don't have that problem do I?" Linda said as she watched John bed over to dip his brush in the paint his cock showing between his legs as he did.
"You would let him touch you?"
"Oh I don't know about that, but I wouldn't mind touching him," Linda said with an evil grin. "So you think he likes sexy undies then, if he was looking at yours?"
"Yes I think he does, when I said I would put some on for him sometime I saw a twitch."
"Good job I chose some nice ones today then isn't it?" Linda replied unfastening the top two buttons on her dress so Cathy could see that her sister was indeed wearing a sheer white balcony bra under her dress that was pushing her breasts up and her nipples were visible through the material.
"Such a hussy!" Cathy said.
"Takes one to know one, you there in your bikini not leaving more to the imagination."
I can do better than this, I think I will go and put on some underwear for John. It will be time for him to take a break soon." Cathy stood up and left her older sister watching John finish off the last panel of the fence. When she turned with refreshments she had changed out of her bikini and was now wearing the red and black basque that John had been holding before lunch. To go with it she had also added a black thong and a pair of stockings held up with the the straps of the basque.
"You are going for it aren't you Cathy?"
"It's now or never I think."
"Well in that case!" Linda said unbuttoning the rest of her dress and letting it fall to the sides so she was in just her bra and a matching pair of sheer panties.
John had finished the fence just before Cathy had come out and was in the garage putting things away. When he came out he could not believe his eyes. There were Mrs Packer and Miss Williams pouring drinks out in the most sexy underwear he had seen. After a week of being around nude people John had forgotten just how exciting a scantily clad woman can be, but his cock soon reminded him as it started to fill with blood.
"What do you think John? Does it look better on than it did in the drawer?"
"To right it does Mrs Packer, you look fantastic. And you too Miss Williams, I had often imagined you in your underwear at school, but it was never this good."
"Come and sit with us and have a drink, I have a cold beer here for you, I think you have earned it today."
"Thanks Mrs Packer." John said taking the beer from her and looking form one sister to the other.
"We have a proposal for you John?" Linda said.
"Ok?" He replied.
"We think you could make some serious money doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"The nude gardening silly." Cathy explained. "We know lots of ladies like us who can't do so much in the garden anymore or other jobs around the house. We could get plenty of work for you."
"Ok, beats working in a shop to earn some cash before Uni I guess?" Just how much are we talking?"
"Well I was going to pay you £10 an hour, how does that sound? £50 for the day's work?"
"Sounds fair to me."
"Well here's the thing, we will charge double that to everyone else, but take 50% of it to go to our club funds, the rest is yours. You can work as much or as little as you like."
"Ok, but it has to be nude otherwise it is not as much fun for me.?"
"Of course John," Linda agreed. "That is the point of it. And any extras you receive or give is up to you."
"Extras Miss Williams?"
"Now don't be coy with me young man," Linda said back in herschool mistress voice again. "I know all about what you did for my sister earlier."
"Oh that!"
"Yes that, it's up to you if anyone asks for extras, ok?"
"Ok I guess."
"So we have a deal? Naked Handyman is in business!" Cathy said.
"Yes." John said the three of them shook hands but his eyes were fixed on the two sets of tits that were bursting over bra and basque.
"Well John, I have one more job for you today," Cathy said as he finished his beer. "But I think it will be your best one so far."
"What's that then Mrs Packer."
"My sister wants to see you masturbate too, don't you?" She said looking to her sister.
"Yes I do John, but this time don't go wasting it on the lawn. I want it on my breasts, do you think you can manage that?"
"I will do my best," John replied grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
"Come here then," Linda instructed him.
Cathy and Linda sat next to each other on the side of one of the loungers and John stood in front of them and began working on his cock. The two ladies looked at each other and nodded then pulled their tits out over the top of their bra and John couldn't believe how good that looked and his strokes became faster.
"Take your time John," Linda said, "there's no rush."
"You two are not making it easy you know." He replied as he slowed down. "And this time Mrs Packer don't stop yourself, if you want to cum too, then do it. Just like when you thought I was asleep."
"You knew?"
"Yes and I saw your pussy after too, you dirty girl."
"Oh I had hoped you did," Cathy smiled as her hand went down to her thong and this time pulled it to the side so John could clearly see her bush and pink lips before she covered it with her hand and began to rub.
Linda was enthralled at the sight of John pulling on his cock infront of her and it did not take long before her own hand was inside her panties and she was fingering her pussy, her tongue licking her lips as she watched John.
John could not have imagined this was ever going to happen. He had wanked countless times to thoughts of Miss Williams, but here she was in front of him now in a sheer lingerie set with a hand in her panties whilst he stroked his cock for her and her sister.
"Ok ladies here it comes," he said as he felt his juice rise from his balls.
"Give it to us John!" Miss Williams said between heavy breaths. "Shoot it on our breasts."
Not needing the instruction John's first shot landed on Miss Williams' chest before he moved to the left so that the second one hit Mrs Packer just above her tattoo.
What happened next shocked both John and Cathy. Linda took hold of John's cock with her free hand and pulled it back to her in time for another load to hit her chest. She continued to stroke it then making sure she got it all out before she used it to massage the cum over her breasts.
"Oh you tart," Cathy said, but the sight of it was turning her on so much that she felt her second orgasm of the day build and she let it out with a long moan.'
"I told you I don't have a no touching rule, just didn't tell you did I John?"
"No you didn't Miss Williams. But it felt fucking awesome." John said forgetting for a moment who he was talking to.
"Language John, there is no need for that."
"Sorry Miss Williams. But that was just amazing, I have had my fair share of women, but you two are something quite different."
"In what way?"
"All my other women have been nudists," John though better of saying they were family. "And to be honest they will do pretty much anything with me, but you two are sexy in such a different way."
"Linda I think that was a compliment," Cathy said.
"Yes it was Mrs Packer." John looked at the two of them, his cum on their tits and thought how many in his family would love to lick it of them, and smiled to himself.
"You know what John?"
"What's that Mrs Packer."
"The thing with grass is it keeps growing, can you come back next week and cut it again?"
"I can manage that."
"so long as 'the nude handyman' has time." Linda added.
"I will always have time for you two, my business partners." John told them.
"Thanks again John, but we better get cleaned up before Mr Packer comes home. You can pick up your wages on the way through the kitchen they are on the table."
"Thanks Mrs Packer, it's been a fun day."
"Yes it has."
John left the two ladies in the garden and walked through the house picking up a pile of notes from the table. He went to the lounge and saw once again the photo of the two of them and before he pulled his shorts on and left he put his wet cock to the photo frame leaving a smear of cum on them.