Chapter 11
Bill and Patti Come Clean
It had been over 24 hours since his parents had spent the afternoon at Peter's in law's house. He was starting to get worried now though as he had not heard anything from either set of parents. Monica had tried to find out from her mum how the visit had gone, but she uncharacteristically said nothing about it. All she said was that they need to hear it from Bill and Patti themselves if they want to tell them anything.
"I don't think it went to plan," Peter said to Monica as they sat at home that evening. "We would have heard something by now surely?"
"You could be right, but I can't imagine Aunty Sarah letting your Dad escape that easy."
"No there is that, but he can be quite stubborn at times." The two of them were on tenter hooks the whole evening until finally a text came through on Peter's mobile.
'Can you two come over tomorrow evening please, we have things to discuss, Mum and Dad. X'
"What do you make of that?" Peter asked Monica when he showed her the message.
"Not sure, it's quite curt, but it does finish with a kiss."
"Oh I do hope we have not expected too much from my Mum and Dad. They are not like your parents."
"It's no good fretting about it, we will just have to go there and see what they have to say I suppose." She picked the phone back up again and typed, 'that will be fine, c u @ 7 if that's ok?'
'Fine!' Was all they got back in reply.
"It's not good is it Monica?" Peter said with a frown.
Friday evening took for ever to arrive and the two of them drove to Bill and Patti's home. Still unsure what to expect when they arrived, even though Monica had tried getting something from her mum and dad again with no luck, they had chosen fairly conservative clothes for the time of year. Peter wore a pair of trousers, foregoing shorts which he usually lived in when away from home in the summer, and a collared shirt. Monica had chosen a pair of cotton trousers and a blouse, even putting a bra on to hold her large boobs under control. When Lisa had seen them leave home she gave them a questioning look but they said nothing except that they would explain later.
When they arrived and knocked on the door Peter was so nervous, like he had the first time he had gone to Monica's parent's house to meet them; but this was his parents, he shouldn't feel like this.
The door opened and his mum welcomed them in, "hello you two, a little over dressed aren't you?" She said as they came in and realised that Patti was naked. When she gave Peter her usual hug he was shocked and amazed that her hand went down and squeezed his cock through his trousers. "Aren't you going to say hello properly then Peter?"
"Mum what happened on Wednesday? We thought you brought us here to tell us bad news, but I guess that's not the case."
"Whatever made you think that son, Bill said as he walked in and gave Monica a warm welcome his hand touching the top of her legs through the cotton of her trousers. She was ready for it though and her hand stroked the length of his exposed cock in reply before kissing him on the cheek.
"Hi Dad," she said. "Looks like we have some catching up to do since we saw you last," She added as she began to undo her blouse. "I assume you don't mind us being nude then?"
"Come on in to the lounge and make yourself comfortable, I have some Martini's prepared." Patti said leading the way.
"You had us so worried Mum, we thought there was a problem. I even thought that you were splitting up or something at one point as I know Dad has never been as keen as you on our lifestyle choice," Peter said as Monica and he undressed.
"Oh far from that darling," Patti said, taking hold of Bill's hand, "we are closer now than ever. I know I can say this without embarrassing you, but we have had the best sex ever since we left your mum and dad's on Wednesday Monica."
"Really?" Said Monica.
"Oh yes, that's why we didn't message you till last night, we have been a bit busy," Bill said with a grin at his son.
"So what exactly happened on Wednesday then?" Peter asked his parents. They then told them the whole story, from the original plans of Lou and Patti to get dad involved more right up to the moment they left.
When they finished telling their story Peter looked at Monica and they smiled at each other. Then stood up and went to the older couple and pulled them from their chairs and the four of them hugged each other, ending up as a group hug.
Peter took his martini glass and raised it and said, "here's to you Mum and Dad, it has taken a long time. But I am so happy that you have fully accepted our lifestyle at last. A toast to family!
"Family!" The other three repeated clinking glasses together.
Bill then shocked his son even more, "funny you should say that Pete, that brings us nicely onto the next subject we want to talk about."
"What's that Dad?"
"Well how do I put this?" Bill was struggling to say what was on his mind now he was here with his son and daughter in law.
"What Dad is trying to say is, that we know just how close Monica's family is, and indeed how close you are with Jenny, Kev and Lisa."
"We know, you found that out a while ago, mum."
"Well we want in too, at least I do," said Patti looking straight into her son's eyes.
"Mum? Are you saying what I think you are saying?"
"Yes dear I am, I want you to make love to me like Lou's son does with her."
Peter looked at his mum, then his wife and then his Dad. "How do you feel about it Dad?"
"It's what your mum wants, and I am happy to go along with it."
"Just that?" Asked Monica, "or do you want to join in too, I am sure I could entertain you whilst mum and Peter are busy. And if you had told us we could have brought Lisa too, I have no doubt she would be most accommodating too."
"I am not sure we are ready for that Monica, that's why we invited you here. But if you don't mind I would be more than happy to get to know you better after all this time."
Peter had already led his mum back to one of the sofas and were sat together on it and he had his hands on her sagging breasts teasing her nipples with his finger tips. As he played with them he saw just how big his mum's nipple got when excited, bigger than any other in the family. Patti was running her hands over her son's face feeling every inch of it, as if she needed to know all there was to know about him, rediscovering her son after nearly 30 years of distance.
"Come on Dad, let's make ourselves a little more comfortable shall we?" Monica said as she took Bill's hand and they sat on the other sofa. Bill was still nervous around her but she took control of the situation leaning down and kissing his nipples then suggesting he did the same to her. Bill put a hand on one of her breasts then kissed it lightly on the nipple.
"You are so gentle Dad, kiss them properly now." Bill knew what she wanted and had started to relax and sucked and kissed Monica's nipples feeling them harden as he did.
Peter was now doing the same to his mum's tits sucking on her long nipples like a baby and she was holding his head close to her, feeling every movement of his tongue and lips on her sensitive nipple. Looking down Patti saw her son's dick had filled with blood and was now fully erect. She had seen it many times over the years but this was the first time she had seen it in this state and she was not disappointed. "Peter, you are bigger than your dad, may I touch it?"
Lifting his head away from her tits Peter said, "of course mum."
Patti wrapped her hands around her son's erection. Her hands were the oldest that had touched him but they were still soft to the touch as if she was wearing silk gloves. "It's gorgeous Peter, if only I had known what I had been missing all these years."
"We did our best to give you chances mum, but don't think about the past, it's he here and now and the future ahead that matters."
Monica had progressed further with Bill and she was now sat on the floor by the side of him as he lay on the sofa and was sucking his cock deep into her mouth getting as much as possible into her throat. Bill was immediately taken back to Lou and Sarah and realised this was a family skill.
Patti looked over and saw her daughter in law in action and wanted to taste her son's cock too, so she leant down and put her head in his lap and took the tip into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it.
"Mum, that feels good, suck me Mum, make me cum in your mouth."
Patti could not respond except a little nod of her head and began to suck on her son's cock like it was the last thing she would ever do. Her free hand had taken hold of his smooth balls and was playing with them, rolling them between her fingers as she sucked. Peter was amazed at her skills, having never thought of his mum as a sexual woman before, and now he too was regretting the lost years they had had.
On the other sofa Monica was giving her father in law a lesson in cock sucking and he was not going to hold back long. Just as she pulled up to the tip one more time he felt his balls tighten and then he was shooting cum into his son's wife's mouth. Seeing his dad cum like that was all Peter needed and he too followed shooting spunk into his mum's warm mouth. The two women sucked on their cocks drawing every drop of spunk from them.
When they were dry the two ladies lifted off the cocks and they both had a mouthful of cum. "Monica come here and let me taste dad's spunk," Peter said, and he and Monica kissed and shared the spunk between them as they did.
Patti looked at her husband on the other sofa and raised her eyebrows to him, as if to say shall we? Bill just shrugged which was enough for Patti to go to him and kiss him on the lips, he did not open his mouth immediately, so she had to push her tongue in between them to open them before she could pass some of their son's semen in and then he was with her and they kissed deeply sharing the taste.
When both couples ended their kisses the four of them looked at each other and the began to laugh. Not just giggles, they laughed full belly laughs, as the tension of over 25 years rolled away from them.
"Well I think that broke the ice don't you?" Said Monica when they had finally stopped laughing.
"Definitely," agreed Patti. "You can stay a while longer can't you?"
"Of course Mum, tomorrow's Saturday, no work for us."
"Good then. Why don't we go upstairs and you two can fuck us senseless!"
"Patti!" Bill exclaimed, still shocked at his wife after all their years together.
"What? Don't you want to fuck Monica?"
"Well yes but language?"
"Shit to that Bill, you two don't mind do you?" She said looking at Peter and Monica.
"I am sure we have heard a lot worse over the years," Monica replied.
"Actually mum I find it quite a turn on to hear you swear like that," Peter told her.
"Well come on then lover, forget I am your mum for the next few hours and fuck me like some old slag you have just met. You two can do whatever you want, but my son is going to fuck me every which way he can, aren't you Peter?"
"Yes Mum, I mean you old slag, let's get upstairs and I will fill you with cum." Peter said getting into the role his mum wanted him to play easily, as if he had played it many times before. He slapped her large round ass and said "now get up there and get on the bed I want to lick your cunt before I fuck it."
Monica and Bill looked at each other and she smiled at her stunned father in law. "We can stay her if you rather?"
"I think so if you don't mind."
"Course not."
Over the next two hours Bill and Monica stayed downstairs listening to their other halves upstairs. The stream of profanity that Patti knew even surprised Monica. They themselves made each other orgasm a further two times in that time, but Patti seemed to be on one continual orgasm. When Peter finally came downstairs to his wife and Dad he told Bill that mum was insatiable and was now asleep at last. He warned his dad that she may be a little sore in the morning so don't be too expectant of getting any pussy, but hopefully he had enjoyed time with Monica tonight.
"Yes a most pleasurable evening."
"Always so formal dad," said Peter as he and Monica dressed and made ready to leave.
"We shall see you on Sunday won't we?" Monica asked as she kissed Bill goodbye.
"For the party? Yes I should think so."
"It's going to be a great party, better save yourself up dad."
"Huh, sound like I don't have a choice if you have tired your mum out like you said."
"True, we'll see you Sunday," Peter said as he and Monica turned to the car and got in before driving home.
Bill locked up the house and went upstairs to find Patti lying sprawled out on their bed. When he looked closely Bill saw cum oozing from her pussy and also her ass, there was also strands of it in her hair and on her tits. Just what had his son done to her, he wondered, and how did he keep going like that? He was going to have to find out his secret.
He crawled on to the bed beside his sleeping wife, the smell of sex still filling the room, one more taste won't hurt he thought as he licked up some of the spunk from her tits and swallowed it before dropping off to sleep too.