Chapter 12

The Bike Ride

Saturday morning arrived and Josh pulled up outside his girlfriend's house. She had told him that they were going out for a bike ride with some of her family, and he had his bike already on the back of his car. Since meeting Lisa six months ago he had fallen in love with her and knew she was the one. They had talked about moving in together and even marriage, but she had always diverted the conversation, but then this week when he mentioned it again she said that before they make any plans She wanted him to meet more of her family. He had met Lisa's parents a couple of times when they had gone out for a meal together or had drinks at the pub.

Lisa had explained that her family were nudists at home, after he had complimented her on her all over tan one night when they were in his bed. He guessed that was why he had never been invited into their house. Nudism was not something he had ever thought about until Lisa had mentioned it that night, but the idea that a family could spend time together in the nude and not be embarrassed about it intrigued him.

Josh had very little family himself; there was just him and Emma now, his younger sister, since his parents had died in a car accident when he was 19. For the last three years he and Emma had lived together in the old family home. He had managed to finish his degree and was starting work in a months time as a sales rep, Emma was off to university in September so it was the perfect time for Lisa to move in with him.

As he waited on the drive for Lisa, he saw her dad walk out the front door, thankfully he was clothed. Josh stepped out of the car keen to make a good impression on Mr Kirby.

"Hi Josh." He said to him. "Nice to see you again."

"You too Mr Kirby, how are you and Mrs Kirby?" Josh asked as they shook hands.

"We are actually very good thanks," Peter said, still thinking about the night before with his mum and dad. "Lisa mentioned to me that you might have something to ask me before you went out today."

"Do I?" replied Josh, before he realised that Lisa had dropped him right in it. "Oh yes I do," he said as he recovered the situation. "Mr Kirby, I would like to ask your blessing to marry Lisa, if she will have me."

"Well done Josh, that was not too hard was it." Peter said he clapped Josh on the back. "Of course you may ask her, you seem like a decent enough young man, and she seems to be happy with you. I have one request of you though?"

"What's that Mr Kirby?"

"Wait until you bring her back here today, because I know Mrs Kirby will want to be the first to hear the news." What Peter really meant was, wait until after you have discovered what our family is really like and if you can deal with it before you ask her.

"Of course I will Mr Kirby."

"What's going on here?" Lisa asked as she came out to meet them from the back pushing her bicycle.

"Oh just guy talk honey, nothing to worry about," Peter said smiling at his daughter.

Josh only had eyes for Lisa now, she was wearing a pair of cut off shorts and a vest top with no bra under it and he could plainly see her nipples making an appearance through the vest material. He looked at her dad who seemed to be oblivious to them, but then he saw them all the time Josh realised with a smile to himself.

Once Lisa's bike was fixed to the back of his car they got in and kissed before driving away, Lisa giving him directions to her grandparents house. "You look great today Lisa, but not normal cycling gear is it?"

"You don't mind do you, I don't go in for all that Lycra and stuff, it makes me all sweaty and uncomfortable."

"No I don't mind so long as your pussy does not get sore on the saddle."

"Don't you worry about my pussy, if it gets sore it won't be from the saddle I can assure you" she said with a little giggle.

When they arrived at the house Josh saw a guy younger than himself fixing two bikes to the back of a large 4x4. "Oh good my cousin John is coming with us, you will like him, he's cool and good fun, even if he is younger."

"Hi John," she called out the window as they pulled on to the drive.

Turning around John waved at his cousin as she got out the car, long legs first. "Hi Lisa, and this must be Josh?"

"Hello John, nice to meet you, I'd like to say I have heard so much about you, but to be honest Lisa doesn't talk about the family much."

"Probably for the best," John said laughing and helping Josh take their bikes off his car and adding them to the ones on the 4x4. "Grandma's inside Lisa I think she wanted you to help her with something."

"Oh right." Lisa said and went on indoors. When she reached the kitchen she found her grandma putting the finishing touches to a picnic hamper. "Hi grandma!" Lisa said when she saw her.

"Hello my dear, are you ready for today?"

"Yes grandma, not thought of much else since Sunday. Josh has no idea what's in store for him today, actually neither do I, but I have a better idea than him." She said as she flung her arms round her grandma and said, "thanks for doing this for me you are one in a million."

"I am sure it will be my pleasure too. Do you think he will like what I am wearing? Not too obvious is it?"

"Grandma you look hot, I hope I look as good as you when I am your age."

"Cheeky, no need for that." They both laughed when Lisa realised Lou was just teasing her. "Now let's go out there and see what your young man is made of." Between them they carried the hamper out to the car.

Josh almost fell over his own feet when he saw the two of them walk out, he was struck not only by the family resemblance between them but also just how good they looked, he saw John looking too, and thought he must be thinking the same thing. Lisa's grandmother was wearing a short denim skirt and a tight Lycra top that pushed her huge tits up causing a deep cleavage between them. Feeling very conscious in his cycle shorts Josh hid himself behind the car so neither of them would be able to see what was developing in them.

"Josh, come here and meet Grandma," she says she knows the perfect place to go for a leisure ride." Emerging from behind the car Josh joined his girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you Josh. Looks like you are a serious cyclist, judging by your gear." Lou said as she looked him over and not missing the very large bulge at the front of his shorts.

"Pleased to meet you too Mrs Kirby."

"It's Mrs White, Josh. Lisa's mum is my daughter."

"Of course, sorry, I should have guessed." Josh said before he realised what he had said, as he was looking g right at her buxom chest as he said it.

"Yes Lisa and Monica get their boobs from me."

"Oh grandma!" Lisa said, but smiling as she noticed just how red Josh had gone. "I think we should get going, Josh get in the back with me."

Within a few minutes they were travelling along the dual carriageway, John and Lou talking in the front. John was telling her about his new business opportunity as a handyman. Josh could tell there was something unsaid between them but could not make it out. Lisa held his hand and mouthed 'I love you!' to him. He squeezed her hand and mouthed the same before he pulled her close to him and the cuddled on the back seat.

"What do you think of Grandma?" Lisa whispered to him as she snuggled up to him.

"She is very nice."

"Just nice? It looked like you thought something more than that from what was going on in your shorts."

"Lisa, that's your grandma."

"Yeah, so what, I think she is sexy and don't mind saying it."

"Well yes she is I suppose."

"Hey Grandma, Josh thinks you are a sexy GILF." Causing Josh to look at her hard and unimpressed.

"I never said that Mrs White, she is teasing me."

"What, don't you think I am sexy Josh, I am disappointed, I tried so hard this morning."

"It's ok Grandma, I think you are sexy," said John putting his hand on his Grandmas leg, which was not unnoticed by Josh.

When they had been on the main road for 20 minutes Lou pulled off the road and followed a narrow track till she reached a small car park which was surprisingly hidden away and no other car was there.

"How did you find this place Grandma?" John asked.

"Oh your grandpa and I have known it for years, when we were your age we used to come here with friends to have some nude time away from the world. Lisa has told you we are nudists hasn't she Josh?"

"Yes she has Mrs White."

"Good, ok boys take the bikes off we will go for a ride first before we come back and pick up the hamper for lunch."

Josh and John worked together to take the bikes down, talking about colleges and Josh's new job which sounded like a good one considering he was only 22 and was earning a good salary and a company car.

When the four bikes were ready they all got on, as she lifted her leg over her bike Lou made sure that Josh got a quick flash of her bare ass under her short skirt, and smiled at Lisa.

The four of them set off John leading the way with Josh after Lou had told him where to go. They followed the road they had driven in on for about a mile before they came to a turning off to the right down an old farm track with grass down the middle of the road. All the while John and Josh continued to talk about their lives, Josh told John about losing his parents and how he had supported his sister Emma since then. John asked a lot of questions about Emma, his interest in his new friends sister obvious to Josh.

"Well I hope you will meet her yourself soon if everything goes to plan today John," he told him.

"i would like that mate."

After cycling along the track for another mile and a half the two lads realised that they had left Lisa and Lou way behind them, so stopped and waited for them. The sun was beating down and John was feeling it, "shit it's hot Josh," he said as he pulled his t shirt off and stuffed it into the waistband of his shorts.

As Lou and Lisa approached John watched Josh, his eyes switching between the two women moving form one pair of tits jiggling in Lisa's t shirt unfettered, to the other bouncing over the top of Lou's Lycra top.

"What a pair." John said.

Josh just nodded and agreed.

"I meant what a pair of women, but I think you mean what a pair of tits don't you?"

"Yes I did."

"But whose Josh? Lisa's or my Grandma's?"

"I shouldn't be looking at your Grandma's like that."

"Well I won't deny I was Josh, they are amazing"

Before Josh could reply the two women caught them up. "What's amazing?" Lisa asked.

"We were talking about yours and Grandma's tits actually Lisa."

Lou heard this and said "well seeing as you have your top off I don't see why we can't too, do you Lisa?"

"I think you are right Grandma," Lisa replied as she pulled her vest up over her head and threw it at Josh. "You don't mind carrying that do you?"

Josh was stunned, of course he had seen Lisa's tits many times but never outdoors like this. He was even more stunned when her Grandma unzipped the Lycra top she was wearing and let her big older tits fall out. "Well Josh what do you think? Do mine match up to my Granddaughter's then?"

"Oh Grandma leave the guy alone," John said in Josh's defence.

"No it's a fair question John," Lisa said. "Come on Josh whose are best?" She asked as she put her arm around her grandma's waist and pushed her left tit against Lou's right one.

Josh had time to think of a good answer now thanks to John, "I can see the family resemblance clearer now. And although your tits are firm and young Lisa, you wouldn't have them without your Grandma's genes, so I have to give them credit for that too Mrs White."

Lou and Lisa looked at each other and smiled, "that's a good answer Josh," Lou said. "You will do well in sales young man. Now ride with me a while so I can get to know you better."

"Ok Mrs White." The two of them started of side by side leaving Lisa and John to follow. They watched the two in front of them talking and noticed Josh look sideways often whenever he spoke to their grandma, getting another look at her tits as they swung.

"What do you think then John?" Liar asked her cousin as they followed.

"He sees a nice guy, and does not seem too phased by Grandma."

"No I am so pleased. Just don't know how he's going to react as things get heavier."

"I think he will be fine, when I asked about his sister he gave a really good description of her. Got the feeling he was very close."

"Yes they are but not as close as mum and your dad."

"maybe not, but does not mean he has not thought of her like that."

Looking ahead again Lisa had to smile at her Grandma, she was doing her best to give Josh as good a look as possible at her body. With her little denim skirt on she must have been riding with her pussy up against the saddle, and when there were bumps in the track she would lift herself off the saddle letting Josh and the other two get a clear view of her ass again.

"Isn't it weird seeing Grandma teasing your boyfriend like that Lisa?"

"Not really John, this is all petty new to you I suppose, but it's been my life since I can remember."

"Time to turn things up again John?"


Lisa pulled her brakes on, got off her bike and before Josh noticed they had stopped she pulled her shorts down, leaving herself in just a thong. She got back on her bike and looked at John." Let's catch them up."

The two of them cycled faster now to close in on Lou and Josh. When he saw that Lisa was naked but for a thing Josh could not hold back, "fuck Lisa, what the hell are you doing? What if we meet someone?"

"It's fine Josh, don't worry. If we do then I am sure they will not say anything will they Grandma?"

"Probably not dear," Lou agreed. In my experience one of two things tend to happen when textiles catch nudists in the countryside. The first thing is they completely ignore it, pretending that they have not noticed. And the second is they say something along the lines of enjoy yourself."

"How many times has it happened to you grandma?" John asked.

"Oh I have lost count now John. Must be over 20 times over the years."

"See Josh, it's no big deal," Lisa told him.

"In that case let's all do it," suggested John. "How much further till we get back to the car Grandma?"

"Another 20 minutes cycling I guess John."

"Ok, whose with me then?" He said stopping in the track and taking his shorts off and tying them and his shirt to the handlebar of his bike. Lou and Lisa stopped with him and it took only a few seconds until they were out of skirt and thong respectively. The three of them looked at Josh expectantly.

"You lot are all freaks," he said, and Lisa thought she had failed at that point. Then Josh got off his bike and saying, "if you can't beat them join them I guess," standing with his back to them he took his top and shorts off before sitting back on his bike.

Lisa was so happy she went straight to him, flung her arms around him and kissed him passionately. "What was that for?" He asked when she let him go.

"You just don't know what it means to me to have you join us."

"Hey I am not saying I am nudist you know."

"I know Josh, but it is the first step on the journey."

"That's right Josh, and it's the most difficult one in fact," added Lou who had very quickly noticed just what Josh had been hiding in his shorts. He had the biggest dick she had seen in a very long time. Even in its unexcited state it was longer than Paul's. It's was definitely the biggest in the family. "I think there are going to be a lot of our family who are going to want to see you nude Josh."

"Right lets ride back to the car park now. No stopping for anything, and no putting on clothes till we get there ok?" said John.

With that the four of them cycled away, Josh feeling the fresh air on his body for the first time since he was a young boy, and actually enjoying the sensation.

It was a little over 25 minutes before they turned into the car park once again, to Josh's relief there was still no other car apart from Lisa's grandma's. He had actually enjoyed the last part of the ride more than he would have expected, although his ass was sore from not having the same padding he had in his cycle shorts. How Lisa was feeling he could only imagine but then he had been imagining he pussy rubbing against her saddle for most of the way, wondering if her pussy lips were being spread apart by it. His answer came shortly after she passed him her bike to put back onto the car. There was a clear smear of her pussy juices over the saddle. "Oh sorry Josh, didn't realise I left that there," she said when he pointed it out to her. She used a finger to wipe it off and then offered her finger to him to lick off. It tasted good when he licked it off her finger, making sure that the other two had not seen him do it.

John came over with his grandma's bike and when Josh looked sure enough there was some on her saddle too, not as much but it was there. John had obviously seen it too and before he picked up the bike to put on the carrier he bent over and licked it off directly. "Seems a shame to waste it Josh," he said licking his lips. Josh just smiled but could say nothing as he watched John lick his own grandma's pussy juice off a bike saddle.

"Right lets go and find a quiet spot for this picnic," Lou announced when the bikes were all loaded up." The four of them were still nude, no one had mentioned it yet, and Josh was not going to say anything in case they thought him a lightweight. "I think there is a nice place just up here along this footpath if I remember correctly," she told them as she started off up a path between the trees.

John went off with Lou leaving Josh with Lisa for the first time all morning. As they followed Lisa asked, "so what do you think?"

"About what Lisa? Your grandma, your cousin, being naked out here or seeing you and them naked too."

"All of it!"

"It's all good," he said after a minute thinking. "They both seem cool, if not a bit weird. And I don't seem to mind being naked around them as much as I thought I would."

"What do you mean weird?"

"Oh I did not mean it nasty. It's just, oh I don't know I can't put my finger on it."

"Would you like to?" She said as she took his hand and put it between her legs as they walked.

"Stop it Lisa, they could turn around any minute, but yes I want to put more than my finger on it right now."

"Well maybe you will."

Lou had stopped in a clearing and turned around just as Josh pulled his hand away from Lisa's crotch. "Come on you two no dilly dallying."

"We weren't Grandma."

"No I know exactly what you were doing," Lou said as she and John laid a rug out on the grass.

"See I told you Lisa." Josh said, but Lisa just smiled at him.

Lou pulled out of the hamper basket the food she had prepared for lunch and the four of them sat on the rug eating. Josh noticed that Lisa sat crossed legged her pussy lips open and on display to not just him but Josh and her grandmother too. They did not seem to take much notice of it however. Her grandma though sat more demurely her legs folded under her bum so she was not on display like her granddaughter.

After lunch Lou stood up and announced, "I need a pee now, all that water I drank on the ride has filled me up. Would you excuse me."

Josh expected her to go off into the woods to somewhere they could not see, but no. Lou walked only to the edge of the clearing before squatting down and with her back to them peed on the grass. When she returned she still had a few drips on her pubic hair. "That's better, sorry Josh hope you did not mind but there was no way I was walking in the woods."

"Its ok Mrs White, when you got to go! And its not like I have not seen a woman have a pee before."

"Isn't it Josh, you have not watched me," Lisa said, for the first time today Josh had turned the table on her.

"Hey I have a younger sister remember, there have been plenty of times one of us has needed to go to the toilet whilst the other is in the bath or shower."

"You never told me?"

"Well until now its never really come up before."

"Shit Josh, what else haven't you told me?"

"Ah it all makes sense now Josh," John said. "I thought you gave a pretty good description of Emma earlier, you have seen her in the bath then?"

"Yes plenty of times, and after mum and dad passed away we used to sleep together."

The look on the others faces was a picture when Josh realised what he had said. "Oh I don't mean like that," he quickly added. "Emma was nervous at night and had bad dreams so would often come into my room for a chat at night and she would get under the covers with me for warmth and comfort."

Lou looked at her granddaughter who gave her a very small nod. "But were you ever tempted Josh?" She asked, her bright blue eyes looking straight at him defying him to lie to her.

Josh looked back at her and knew there was no point not telling the truth now he had gone this far. "We never did anything honestly, but yes I did lie there some times with her in my arms wondering what it would be like."

"Thank you for your honesty Josh," Lou said. "I was right earlier Lisa you have a good one here. But as you have been honest with us it is time for us to be honest with you."

Josh looked at Lisa for some kind of clue as to what her grandma was talking about. But they had decided it was best coming form Lou as she was the oldest and most experienced at this.

"Firstly Josh I want you to know that I am telling you this because Lisa loves you, and I can see you love her, if after I tell you you want to have nothing to do with us anymore we understand but we would ask for you to keep our secrets as such."

Josh had no idea what he was about to hear but agreed to her terms. "Secondly, what you just admitted to us is no big deal and we do not judge you badly for it. However."

Here it comes Josh thought, I should never have said anything.

Lou continued, "if you had told us that you and your sister had been having sex, we still would not have judged you. In fact it would have made the next thing I say a whole lot easier. I hope you have seen that we are close family." Josh nodded that he had seen that, and as she continued noticed that John was holding Lisa's hand whilst she held his with the other.

"Good, then our closeness goes much further, we are completely open about all sexual matters and have no taboos. Do you understand what I mean Josh?"

"I think I am getting the idea."

Lisa joined in, "what Grandma is saying Josh is that you are not my only sexual partner. And never will be. I have had sex with both John and Grandma, and with just about everyone else in my family."

Josh stood up immediately, dropping Lisa's hand and looking daggers at both her and John. "You fucking Slag!" he shouted at her and turned and stormed off back down the track they had walked.

"Well that went better than I expected," Lou said when he was out of sight.

"What do you mean Grandma, he hates me and everything about my family and lifestyle." Lisa said as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

"No he doesn't Lisa. He is just shocked that's all. If he is not back in ten minutes I will go and find him. He did not seem to judge me the way he did you two.

Josh was so angry, to think he was going to ask her to marry him today, the whore. He carried on walking but as he got closer to the car park tears were streaming down his face. He loved Lisa he knew that, but she was two timing him. Well no not two timing she was having sex with anyone. No not anyone he realised just her family. Was that supposed to make him feel better? But somehow it did as he thought of Emma and the times he had held her in his arms at night.

By the time he reached the car Josh had calmed a little and realised that he could not leave anyway as his clothes were in the locked car. His heart had stopped pounding and his eyes had dried a little and he decided he had to walk back, he had so many questions he needed answered. He was half way back when he saw Lisa's Grandma walking towards him. Seeing her walking along naked her big old tits swinging around, he realised everything that had happened that morning had been leading up to that announcement.

"Are you ok Josh?" She asked when they met on the path.

"Honestly I don't know."

"Do you want to talk to me for a while before you face Lisa again?"


Taking Josh's hand in hers Lou walked back to the car and they talked, well mostly Lou talked answering his questions. She told him that the basis of the family was love, how her husband and her had brought their family up to respect each other, but to love more than anything. Explained that sex was just an outward display of your love, and that in the family their was no jealously or guilt.

As they talked Josh came to slowly understand how the family worked. "So if I want to marry Lisa I have to accept all this?" He asked.

"That seems to be the sum of it yes. I am not sure that Lisa is able to not be part of our family lifestyle it has been her life since she was born."

"And I have to stand by and let her fuck anyone she wants?"

"Crudely put, but yes, but you don't have to watch," Lou said trying to add a little humour now to relax him. "Quite this opposite in fact, I said it before but now I will say it again clearly. You are a fine young man and that is a very wonderful thing you have between your legs, you will not be spending too much time alone, I can guarantee. Everyone is going to want a piece of that Josh."

Josh smiled and looked down at his cock which was actually starting to grow now that Mrs White was talking about it, "do you think so Mrs White?.

"Call me Grandma, I have a feeling you and Lisa are going to be just fine don't you?"

Josh realised that very subtly Lisa's Grandma had turned his view a complete 180degrees and now he was not thinking about Lisa shagging everyone but him getting shagged by different women with not guilt.

"I think we will Grandma," he said.

Lou put her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. "Welcome Josh, now let's go let Lisa out of her misery shall we."

Josh did not let go of the mature woman in his arms now and kissed her back, but not on the cheek, he kissed her on the lips. Lou responded to his kiss but pulled away after 10 seconds. "There will be time enough for that, let's get back. Ok?"

"Thank you Grandma, will you be the first family member to have me?" He asked as they walked back to the clearing.

"I was banking on it Josh before I saw your cock. Now it's a sure thing."

John and Lisa were still sat on the rug when they entered the clearing again. He had his arm around her shoulder and her head was resting on his chest, the streaks of her tears still visible on her cheeks. When Lisa saw Josh and Lou walking hand in hand she instinctively knew that her Grandma had done something special, she jumped up from where she was sat and ran across the grass to them. Before she could throw her arms around Josh however he knelt down right where he was and took her hand.

"I am so sorry for what I said before, can you forgive me Lisa?" He asked her.

"Of course Josh, you have had a lot to deal with."

"Thank you. Now I know I promised your dad I would wait till we got home later, but I think I know why now. Lisa Kirby will you do the honour of becoming my wife?"

"You know what you are asking don't you Josh?"

"Yes I do. I want to be your husband and be part of your wonderful family."

"Then yes I would love to be your wife, now get up off the floor and give me a kiss," Lisa said as she pulled him up. Josh put his arms around her waist, and they kissed their tongues dancing together in each other's mouth. The kiss lasted nearly two minutes before Lisa broke off and looked at her Grandma who was still standing next to them, tears forming in her eyes.

"Grandma, I don't know how you did it, but thank you. Come here and join us." Lisa and Josh put there arms out and Lou joined them in a hug as the two youngsters kissed again.

Josh felt a hand on his rising dick as he kissed his new fiancée and could tell it was not hers looking into Lisa's eyes she gave him a wink as she felt Lou's hand between them. He pulled away from Lisa's lips and looked at the older woman and moved in closer, she moved too until their lips met once again and they resumed the kiss they had begun earlier.

Seeing her grandma kiss the man she loved made Lisa so happy and knew that their life together would be shared with the family like her mum and dads had been. Kneeling down on the grass she licked the end of his cock whilst her Grandma slowly stroked it until between them they got it to its full 11 inches.

"Look at the size of him now Grandma, I need some help down here please." Lou looked down at the monster in her hand and had never seen a bigger or more beautiful specimen of manhood in her life, it was not only the longest she had seen but had a width to it that would dwarf a standard courgette.

John had made room on the rug and called over, "why don't you make yourselves more comfortable here."

The other three looked at him, and together walked back to the rug, Lou not taking her hand from Josh's dick as they crossed the clearing. When they reached John the two women went back to their knees and together gave worship with their mouths to Josh's erection. Their was so much of it that they hardly came into contact with each other at all as they licked their way from balls to tip. Lou tried to take as much as she could in her mouth but was soon gagging on it and realised that she was going to have to learn a new technique for dealing with this monster cock.

John was watching them too and hoped that some day he would get to suck on Josh's cock, but knew today that would be too much for Josh to take in, he had had enough shocks for one day. Instead John concentrated on the two women on their knees in front of him. He put his hands between their legs and stroked their very different pussies at the same time. Lisa's smooth and tight lips felt different to his Grandma's hairy fleshy ones in so many ways, but they were both wet and he could slip a finger into each as they continued licking and kissing Josh's cock.

"Josh I want you to make love to my Grandma right here whilst John does me, you ok with that?"

Josh looked down at Lisa and Lou on their knees in front of him and just nodded.

"Do us from behind boys," Lou told them as she pushed herself up against her granddaughters body and the two of them shared a kiss as the guys positioned themselves behind them.

Lou felt the tip of Josh's cock touch her lips and it sent a shudder through her body, and for the first time in her life she wondered if she could take such a big cock. As he slowly pushed in she felt her vagina stretch to accommodate it.

"Don't worry Grandma, he knows what he is doing with that thing," Lisa told her when she saw the look on her grandma's face. It seems that he did too, as he waited for Lou to open up before he pushed any more in.

Josh knew that his cock was big and Lisa and shown him how to wait until she was ready for more and he had to push an inch at a time into her tight cunt. Now though he was amazed how quick an older woman's pussy opened up for him and he was sliding in a couple of inches with each push until very quickly he was balls deep in her.

Beside him John was already fucking Lisa and Josh watched, as another man slid in and out of his fiancée there was a slight pang of jealousy for a second or two until he remembered what Lisa's grandma had told him and he looked down at his own cock deep inside her pussy.

Slowly Josh began to slide in and out of Lou's body and she could feel the walls of her vagina being stretched wide almost as if she was giving birth again. She could not believe the sensations, she often had to play with her clitoris whilst having sex to get an orgasm but Josh's cock was so wide it was pushing against it as he slid past. Between gasps she managed to say, "Josh I have never felt anything like this I can't wait to feel you cum inside me."

Josh looked down at his cock as it slid in and out of the old woman's pussy and knew it wouldn't be long before she got her wish. He looked at John as he was now pumping hard and fast into Lisa. "Go on Josh fill my Grandma with your cum just as I will fill your fiancee's."

Hearing John call her Josh's Fiancée sounded good to Lisa and she had her first orgasm on hearing it.

Josh loved to hear Lisa cumming and it spurred his own orgasm on and he felt his balls start to empty and pushed in as deep as he could into Lou, until his cock was resting against her cervix.

Lou was not expecting what happened next, when Josh stated cumming she felt his spunk shoot right into her womb, she could feel the warmth of it fill her up. He restarted thrusting into her and emptied his cum. The next thing she knew she was cumming herself, but not like ever before. Josh was taking her to a completely new place she was moaning and screaming now like a wild thing then at the peak of her orgasm it all went blank.

John saw his Grandma collapse onto the rug still impaled on Josh's cock. He stopped fucking Lisa and said, "what the fuck have you done Josh?"

"It's ok John it happens to me almost every time Josh fucks me, Grandma is fine she will come round in a second." Sure enough Lou moved as Josh pulled out and then very slowly she rolled onto her back her eyes still closed up but her legs open wide. John looked at her pussy and it too was open wide still stretched by Josh's cock so much that he could see directly in to it. John had never seen a cunt so used and he was immediately shooting his own spunk into Lisa as he looked down at his Grandma's open hole.

When he was empty he pulled out and let Lisa roll onto her back too. "welcome to the family Josh," he said smiling at Josh and looking down at his cock still wet with his grandma's juice and wishing he could lick it off, but once again he held back. Instead he leant down to his grandma's still open pussy and pushed his tongue inside trying to lick out Josh's cum. No sooner had his tongue entered her, Lou cried out again "no more John I can't. Just wait a moment please."

Respecting her wishes John lifted his head from her pussy again. And lay down between the two women as they recovered, and Josh cuddled up to Lisa on the other side, and the four of them dropped off in the sun, a new bond formed between them that Lisa wanted to extend to the rest of her family as soon as possible.

It was an hour later that Josh awoke as he felt Lisa moving beside him. What he saw happening amongst the other three came as a surprise. Lisa was on her back still but her grandma was now back on her knees between Lisa's legs and she had her head down and was obviously licking her granddaughters pussy, which must have still been full of John's cum. The he saw where John was, he was lying on his back his head under his grandmother, whose pussy was dripping the last remains of Josh's spunk into his open mouth.

Josh did not move or let on that he was watching them, but he found it strangely exciting to see this. Another example of just how freaky this family he was joining truly was. Eventually he could not hold back any more and rolled onto his side and faced Lisa. She looked at him and kissed him. "Hello sleepy head," she said. "You looked so peaceful we didn't want to wake you."

"I can see you had other things on your mind," he replied.

Lou heard them talk and lifted her head up from eating Lisa's pussy as John pulled himself out from under her.

"Josh, what we told you earlier was just the tip of the iceberg. There are far more things about our family that you need to know. But these are negotiable, unlike joining in with the family sex,"Lisa told him as she sat up and poured a drink.

"Tell me everything," Josh said.

And so for the next half an hour the other three explained the various family traditions and rules that Josh needed to know about before he met everyone else the next day at the formal engagement party Lisa's parents had planned expecting this news.

"So you had no doubt about me?" Asked Josh when Lisa told him the plan.

"Not really, but if you had said no, then we still would have had a family get together, but now we have a real excuse to party."

"Will you bring Emma to the party Josh?" John asked.

"I would like to, but I will need to speak to her first, but will your parents mind Lisa?"

"They wont mind at all bring her," said Lisa.

"I think it's time we got back to the car don't you?" Said Lou.

"Oh but it's so peaceful her Grandma," Lisa said.

"Well now you know it's here you and Josh can come anytime you like can't you."

"I guess so." With that they packed up the hamper and rug and walked back to the car and dressed before Lou drove back to her house and they could go their separate ways, each with a story to tell back at their homes.​
Next page: Chapter 13
Previous page: Chapter 11