Chapter 14
Naked Introductions
After the cycle ride John had driven home, he had enjoyed his day very much and particularly meeting Josh. As he drove he thought more about the size of Josh's cock and how lucky his Grandma had been to enjoy it properly. It was the biggest John had ever seen and he was getting hard thinking about getting the chance to suck it someday he hoped. To take his mind off it again he checked his phone for messages and saw two missed calls. Dialling his voice mail he heard the that there were two messages.
The first message was from Miss Williams.
"Hello John, Miss Williams here. I was very impressed with your work at my sisters house and wondered if you could come to my home on Wednesday as I have some jobs that need doing. I have spoken to the WI president and she thinks our idea may work, but would like to check your standard of work first. Please call me to confirm Wednesday and I will give you my address."
Well that was fast John thought to himself. She must be very keen for me to do work for her and the other ladies. The second message was from his Mum.
"John, in case we don't see you when you get home. Just a warning we will be having guests tonight. No need to dress up, but please be a little discreet do not want to upset anyone unnecessarily. Love you, hope you had a fun time. Byeeee!"
Now I wonder who that could be, surely not Kev's parents they are supposed to be staying at Jenny and Kev's the night. Well at least I don't need to get dressed I suppose.
John did not have to wait for an answer too long when he arrived home as his mum and dad arrived shortly after him.
"Did you get my message John?" Steph asked as she gave him a hug and stroked his cock whilst he helped her out of her dress so he could run a finger along her pussy.
"Yes I did, who is coming over?"
"Kev's parents, Robert and Diane," his Dad told him as he walked past and they exchanged cock strokes. "But not till later, we are meeting them for dinner first. So plenty of time to catch up on how your day went."
John then told them about Josh and that Lisa and him got engaged. When he got to the part about the size of Josh's cock he told Steph that she was going to have to fight him for it as its huge. He told them how it made Grandma pass out too which excited but scared Steph at the same time.
"He has a sister too, hoping she will come to the party tomorrow, but we will have to see how she feels about it all. But tell me how come Kev's parents are staying here."
Steph and Steve then told their story.
When they had arrived at Jenny and Kev's house his parents were already there. The plan was for Steve and Steph not to strip off straight away but to get to know the other couple first. So when Jenny opened the door naked it was quite a surprise. "It would have seemed a little strange for us not to be nude," she explained, "we always are when they visit."
"Ok" Steve said, putting his hand between his nieces legs and sliding his finger along an already moist pussy. "Feels like you are excited at what this day will bring."
"I have to admit I am yes. Come in and let me introduce you to Mr & Mrs Walsh," she said as she ushered them into the lounge.
"Oh Jenny, I keep telling you it's Diane and Robert," the lady sat on the sofa said.
"Sorry Diane, I am still getting used to it. Anyway Diane and Robert this is my Uncle Steve and Aunty Steph, you may remember them from our wedding, but they were not there long."
Robert stood up and shook both Steve and Steph's hands saying, "I think I do remember you, Jenny tells us that you have been a little estranged from your family. It seems that you have sorted things out now?"
Steve looked over the couple and noticed immediately that although Diane wore clothes that did nothing for her body, she had very bright eyes, and her greying hair was tidy, he reckoned that hidden beneath the frumpy clothes was a vixen dying to get out.
"Yes that's right, a few things have been straightened out for sure." Steve replied, causing Steph and Jenny to giggle a little at his pun.
"Tea or coffee?" Jenny asked her aunt and Uncle.
"Coffee please Jen," Steph replied for her and Steve.
Jenny and Kev left the two older couples together in the lounge whilst they went to the kitchen to make the drinks. Diane and Robert were a few years older than Steph and Steve, but in fact had things in common, Robert having actually gone to the same school as Steve, but about 10 years earlier, and they were soon talking about different teachers that they both remembered. Whilst they talked Steph and Diane were getting on well too.
Moving in close to Steph, Diane whispered, "so what do you make of this nudity thing? I find it all a bit strange, but you seem to take it in your stride."
Whispering back as if she was copying Diane's embarrassment Steph said, "it's fine with us, we are nudists too."
Diane did not know what to say, she started apologising saying that she did not mean that they were weird or strange, just that the situation was strange. Steph just smiled and put her hand on the other ladies arm and said, "it's fine, we have been called worse than that I am sure. It's just not a big deal really, is it Steve?"
"What's that?" Steve asked being drawn away form the school boy reminiscing with Robert.
"Being naked," his wife replied.
"Oh no, it's actually weird being clothed around Jenny and Kev, but they asked us to not strip off as a sign of respect to you. I suppose you are used to them by now."
Robert looked at him, and said, "I am not sure used to it is the right phrase, we dread coming here to be honest. But we need to accept their choices otherwise we might loose them, and that would be a shame if they give us our first Grandchild."
Steph then told them a little about how they had lost contact with the family over the family nudity, leaving out the sexual relationships, and how it affected everyone. So she was glad that Diane and Robert had been wiser than she had been.
"How are you guys getting along?" Jenny asked as she came in with the coffee and some cake.
"Just fine thanks Jen, turns out Robert and I went to the same school," Steve told her.
"Oh wow, what a coincidence Dad," Kev said.
"And I was just telling Diane that we are nudists too," Steph told Jenny.
"Yes Jenny, you didn't tell us that there were others in your family that do this too," Diane said.
"Oh didn't I? I am so used to it I forget that it's a big deal to others," she said. "I was brought up a nudist as was my mum and Uncle Steve before me. It was my grandparents that started it all off, didn't they Uncle Steve?"
"That's right," Steve confirmed.
"Jenny, you really should have told us all this from the start, it would have made a lot more sense to us, wouldn't it Robert."
"Well maybe a little, I still find it strange sat here with my son and his wife naked though," Robert said.
"Would it make it any easier for you if Steve and I were nude too?" Steph asked him going to buttons on her blouse.
"I don't think it will really Steph," he said, "but if that's what you normally do, who are we to stop you."
Steve started laughing, "that's the worse attempt I have ever heard from someone wanting to see another guys wife naked Robert," he said giving Robert a friendly punch on the arm.
"Oh no I didn't mean it like that."
"You better not had done!" Diane told him.
"Honestly love I didn't mean that. But if Steve and Steph are used to being naked we should respect them just as they did us when they arrive."
"More coffee anyone?" Jenny asked sensing that things were getting a little awkward now. Which made everyone relax and laugh at her vain attempt to break the tension, yet it worked.
"So I guess you have never tried it then?" Steph asked, not giving up on it.
"You're joking, I don't even remember Mum going topless on our holidays in Spain as a kid," Kev replied before his mum or dad could say a word.
"Kevin Walsh!" Diane said, " can speak for myself you know. And for your information young man I have gone topless, just not when you were about."
"Really Mum?"
"Yes, you don't know everything about me and your dad."
"So it seems, so it's been a day of revelations then."
"Hey Aunty Steph you won't have seen the Wedding Album will you?" Jenny said as she poured out more tea and coffee from the pots.
"No, I would love that," Steph replied with that look on her face all women get when looking at wedding photos.
"I'll just pop upstairs and get it." Jenny said, and with that she was almost running up stairs, her tits wobbling about in front of her as she did, knowing that all eyes were on her.
After 5 minutes she had not returned and and Steph asked Kev if everything was OK. "I expect she is checking them first," he said. Then after 10 minutes he said that he better go and check on her.
The two couples looked at each other a concerned look on all their faces waiting for Kev to come back down.
"Jenny apologises to you all, she got upstairs and we don't know why, but she has been hit by one of her migraines, she has had to go to bed. She feels really bad as she was looking forward to spending time together."
"Kev, don't worry," his mum told him, it's no joke when a migraine attack happens. Look maybe it's best we don't stay the night like we planned. If we leave soon, we will be home before it gets dark."
"Mum, there's no need for that, she might be ok in a couple of hours."
"No it's for the best," Diane told him, "it will only put more pressure on her if we stay."
"Look I don't know how you feel about it Diane, but why don't you stay the night at our place," offered Steph.
"Oh we couldn't impose on you like that," Diane replied.
"It's no imposition," Steve told her, "you are family."
"Robert, what do you think?" Diane asked her husband.
"Well it sounds better than driving the two hours back home this afternoon to me. But only if you let us take you out for dinner as a way of thanking you."
"Ok, we can manage that I think Robert," Steve replied.
The four of them made plans to meet later that evening. Robert and Diane left to go to the shops, making the most of being near the city. Whilst Steph and Steve returned home to make up the spare room for them. On the way Steph phoned John and left a message on his voicemail. Just as they arrived home she received a text from Jenny.
"I am fine, thanks for playing along, I am sure mum and dad will have a fun time with you two tonight. Xxx" the plan had worked better than they had expected.
When they told John how they had planned this with Kev and Jenny, he laughed and said "Kev's mum and Dad have no idea what they have let themselves in for have they?"
"Well they know we are nudists at home, but maybe they forgot that when they agreed to stay here," Steve said to his son with a wry smile.
It was an hour and a half later that Steve and Steph were sat in the bar at the restaurant with Diane and Robert waiting for their table to be ready. The shopping trip had evidently been successful as Diane was wearing a new dress this evening she told Steph. Gone were the jeans and old fashioned blouse, they were replaced now by a dress that although would not be called sexy was definitely less conservative than Steve would have expected. It was just below the knee in length with a full skirt, the top of it was figure hugging and pushed Diane's chest up a little more and she was showing just a little cleavage to be of interest. It was a contrast too to what Steph was wearing, her dress being very short and tight, the skirt stopping mid thigh and the neckline plunging down between her tits clearly showing she was braless beneath it. A fact that Steve could tell Robert had noticed immediately.
Over dinner their conversation flowed as easily as the wine, talking about growing up in the same city. Robert and Diane asked more about how it was growing up in a nude household although they kept whispering it, as if there were people listening in on their conversation. Steve was as honest as he could be as they questioned him saying that it was just normal, and it was not until he was at senior school that he realised that his friends had not see anyone else naked let alone their family. He had been teased about his all over tan in the showers but a few close friends had repeatedly asked about what his older sister looked like naked.
"And what about you Diane?" Steph asked, "you said earlier you have been topless when was that?"
Diane had been drinking her wine all the time they had been at the table and was now very relaxed, "did you see Kevin's face?" She replied. "His prim and proper mum showing her breasts off like that," she said a little too loudly causing some looks from other diners.
"It was on holiday about 10 years ago" Robert told them, when Diane could not say anything from giggling too much. "We went to Tenerife for a week without Kevin, he was still at school and stayed with my parents. It was a good week when I think about it wasn't it Di?" He said with a wink at her. She immediately blushed and said no more about it.
When they had finished their meal it was obvious that Robert was in no state to drive, Steve had kept to soft drinks so they decided to put Robert and Diane's overnight bag in their car and go together. Steve would bring Robert back in the morning to collect his car.
Steve helped Diane into the back of his car as Robert held the front door open for Steph, she couldn't help herself and as she swung her legs in she made sure her skirt rose up and Robert got a clear view of her pantieless pussy before he turned away and got in the back with his wife.
Arriving at the house Robert was at Steph's door once more, opening it up hoping to get another view. Steph did not disappoint him as she exited the car, making sure he knew that she was aware of him watching this time.
Once indoors Steph showed the guests their bedroom and bathroom. Passing John's room which had the door closed. Dropping their bags off in their room Steph told them to make themselves comfortable and come back down stairs shortly, there was plenty more wine to be had.
"By comfortable, do you mean nude?" Diane asked.
"Well that's up to you, but comfortable for me is naked yes, I will be getting out of this dress before I go back downstairs," Steph replied, leaving them to mull that over. She went to her room and indeed take her dress off before going back downstairs where Steve was already nude and pouring out wine.
"I assume our guests will be back down," he asked.
"Yes I think so, we will have to wait and see in what state of dress they will be in though, I left them in no doubt about ours, and I could hear them talking as I passed their room again."
They heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looked to see Diane and Robert enter the kitchen. Although they were not completely naked they had made a compromise it seemed. Robert was in just a pair of boxers whilst Diane was wearing a black sleep suit of lacy shorts and top, the material was quite sheer and it left no secrets as her nipples were clearly in view and her bush was also visible beneath it.
"We thought we would compromise," Robert said, "not sure about being naked around anyone."
"Like I said whatever you are comfortable with," Steph said.
"Here have a drink, I took the liberty of poring for you," Steve said passing a glass to Robert and Diane. With each of them having a glass in their hand, Steve toasted, "welcome to our house! To new friends!"
"New friends!" the other three repeated and they each clinked glasses.
"Now let's take these into the lounge and get a little more comfortable," Steph suggested, and lead them out of the kitchen.
"It's so good of you to welcome us like this Steph," Diane said as they sat down. "Part of me wishes I could be as comfortable as you two are naked."
"Do you know the strange thing Diane," Steve told her. "Being naked is not really about sex or eroticism."
"Yes that is what Kevin says to us," she replied.
"What you are wearing now is far more erotic than Steph being here naked. Don't you agree Steph?"
"Oh 100%"
Diane looked at Robert, "you are quiet, what do you think? Me in this or Steph naked?"
"That's a little unfair Diane," Steve said. "For Robert he sees you all the time, but Steph is a new subject for him. Is that about right Robert?"
"Yes that's a fair assessment Steve."
"Well let's make us less of an enigma, how about a little game to get to know each other better?" Steph said.
"What do you have in mind?" Diane said.
"Ever payed spin the bottle?" Steve asked.
Laughing, Diane said, "not for a very long time."
"Ok get the bottle Steve, it's truth or dare, ok?" Steph said looking at the other two who were getting nice and relaxed with the amount of wine they had consumed tonight.
Steve came back with an empty beer bottle and put it on the table. Steph put her hand on it and said "ready?"
Robert and Diane nodded as Steph spun the bottle. The four of them watched it spin round and then come to rest pointing towards Robert. "So what's it to be Robert, truth or dare?" Steph asked.
Robert knew that if he said dare she would have him take his shorts off, and although he was enjoying looking at Steph's nude body he was not sure he was ready to show his. "Truth," he said at last.
"Ok, but you cannot choose that next time, has to be a dare if it chooses you again."
"Oh right," Robert answered.
"It has to be totally true no lies or half truths," Diane told him, she was seriously getting into the game Steph realised.
"Robert if Diane wanted to get nude, would you mind, or would you actually like it?" Steph asked him, hoping by asking this it would open up possibilities for Robert and Diane to be honest about what they really think.
Robert was pretty sure that Diane had no wish to get naked now or ever, but he did have this deep desire to see her naked with others. "I wouldn't mind if she wanted to, it's up to her I suppose."
"But would you like it if she did?" Steph pressed again.
"I think I would yes," Robert mumbled as he took a big gulp of his wine.
"There, that was not so bad, and now Diane knows exactly what you think too," Steph told him, looking at Diane who was quite amazed at her husband's revelation. "Your turn to spin it then Robert."
When the bottle stopped this time it was facing Steve, who knew exactly what he was going to say, and said "dare!" Before Robert could ask him.
Robert was not sue what to ask Steve to do as Steve was naked any way could not ask him to take anything off which was the normal dare. Playing it safe he told Steve to kiss Steph I front of them.
"Too easy Robert," Steve replied as he took Steph's face in his hands and kissed her fully on the lips. Steph responded and very soon they were kissing like teenagers tongues flicking at each other. Robert and Diane looked at each other, both hearing the slurping sounds as their hosts carried on kissing, they also noticed Steve's cock start to twitch too.
"Ok I think that is enough now Steve," Robert said.
"Well you didn't tell me how long to kiss her for, so I just carried on," Steve responded as he and Steph broke apart again. His hand was on the bottle in moments and it was spinning but once again it ended up facing Robert. "It's dare time now Robert."
Robert was sure that Steve would make him loose his shorts and had his hands on them ready in fact, "hey what you doing Robert, that's not your dare," Steve told him. "I think you should do the same as me."
"What kiss my wife? I can do that. Like you said its easy."
"That's not what I meant no, I want you to do the same as me. Kiss Steph."
Robert looked at Steve as if he had landed from a different planet. He then looked at Diane expecting her to stop the game there and then.
"Go on then Robert, it's the rules, you got to do it," she said. "You know you want to, you have been looking at her since we got here."
To make it easier for him Steph went over to Robert and sat next to him, he could feel the warmth of her skin next to his as she leant until her mouth was just inches from his. Robert closed his eyes and then crossed the space and their lips touched, then he pulled back considering the dare complete.
"That's not what Steve did is it Robert, come here," Steph said grabbing him back and placing her slightly open lips on his again this time using her tongue to open his mouth and pushing it in. Robert had not been kissed like this in years but soon remembered how good it felt and was responding to Steph with his lips and tongue too. After 30 seconds he felt his cock pulse in his shorts and knew he would have to break the kiss before he went further.
"That was more like it Robert, you are a lucky woman Diane he is a great kisser."
"Do you think so?" Diane asked, "I suppose I don't have a lot to compare it with."
When the bottle stopped spinning the next time it was Diane who was now looking at the open neck. "Oh right Truth please Robert," she said when he asked her the question.
Robert had hoped he would get this chance it was time to get her back, and shock Steve and Steph too. "Diane how many naked cocks have you seen in your life?"
Diane didn't know what he was doing and thought this was easy. "Well I am looking at one right now," she said looking directly at Steve's. "Then of course yours; you were my first of course, and since Kevin married Jenny I have had to see his too. So that's three by my count."
"That's not true is it Diane?" Robert wanted her to admit to something he knew but she had never told him. "What happened on our holiday in Tenerife on the beach?"
"How did you know about that?"
"I was watching, but until now had never had the nerve to speak to you about it."
"Hey don't keep us hanging what happened?" Steve asked, filling Diane's glass again.
"We were on the beach, and like I said I was topless, my first and only holiday I had done it. Robert went for a walk and left me there. I was actually enjoying the feeling of being topless , maybe a little too much as I have to admit my hand went between my legs and I started to rub myself. I was getting a little too far, further than I had expected when I saw this guy watching me. But I couldn't stop now, I had to carry on."
"Oh you little minx," Steph said.
"Yes she was looking right at him as she played with herself, and did not see me on the other side watching too," Robert told them. "Tell them what then happened."
"I can't believe you have never mentioned this in 10 years Robert. Well then the guy pulled his dickI out of his shorts and began playing with it. I watched him do it as he watched me. It was the strangest thing to watch and be watched, we both came at the same time, then he left. Robert turned up almost immediately but I had never thought he had seen me, you bastard!" She added giving him a sharp slap on his leg.
"So the answer was 4 then Diane?" Steve asked.
"Well no, it is 6 actually. He came back the next day with a couple of mates and they all played with themselves as they watched me when Robert was gone. Now you didn't know that did you Robert?"
"Of course I did, the first guy saw me with you and asked if he and his mates could do the same again, I said yes as long as they didn't touch you."
"You two are as bad as each other. Look at you all this has been hanging over you for 10 years and until now never spoke about it. I am so glad we played this game," Steph said, and Robert and Diane had to agree. Neither of them could apportion any blame as they had both been willing to do things and keep them secret form the other.
"Right no more lies, actually Diane you did lie at first so I think you should be punished, don't you Steph?" Steve said.
"Absolutely, it was her who said no half lies. I think you should take off that sleep suit you are wearing Diane and spend the rest of the game naked. And let that be a lesson to anyone else that lies."
Since Robert had admitted he would not mind Diane being naked she had been hoping for the chance and it now presented itself perfectly. Without thinking too much about it Diane stood up and pulled the black top off over her head and then dropped the knickers, it happened in less than a minute and she was naked. The first time she had ever been fully naked in front of anyone other than Robert. Whether it was the wine or the company she did not know or care all that mattered was that she felt at ease and not at all embarrassed by it. Although she was conscious now of her tan lines from her swimming costume, comparing herself to Steph's body that did have some but not as pronounced after her weekend nude at Paul and Lou's. She sat back down again knowing that Robert was looking at her as were Steve and Steph. "Let's play!" She said as she spun the bottle before anyone could say a word.
The bottle finally came to rest in front of Steph, who told Diane that she would have a truth too this time round. "Well you now know the extent of my sex life, having only ever had Robert, and I don't include the events on the beach in that, but how many sexual partners have you had Steph?"
"Oh that's a good question Diane," Steve told her, "do you have enough fingers to count them on Steph?" He joked.
"Shut up Steve, I am counting." They watched as Steph counted off the different family members she had had sex with not just in the past week, but back before John was born too, first was Steve, then Paul, Peter, Simon and most recently John. "5!" She finally said as her answer.
"Wow Steph, did you know about them all Steve?" Diane asked him.
"Oh yes, you could say I know about them for sure. But she is lying you know."
"No I'm not," and without thinking she reeled of the names. Fortunately Robert and Diane did not pick up on the fact that they were all names of her family otherwise that could have been awkward she realised as soon as she aid it.
"Yes but that's just the guys, the question was how many sexual partners have you had, what about the women you have been with?"
"Shit, I did not think of them. Ok, that's another three then isn't it, so 8 then Diane."
Robert and Diane were looking at each other again, not quite believing their ears as the other two talked so openly about sexual partners. Diane remembered what Steph had said about lies and punishments, "well according to your rules Steph, lies have consequences. Therefore, you have to be punished too."
"Damn you Steve," Steph laughed.
Diane told Steph that her punishment was to sit where she was with her legs wide apart so Robert and her could both see her spread pussy. "Shouldn't be too much of a problem for a tart like you," she added with a grin.
"Hell no," Steph said as she slowly opened her legs and exposed her lips to them conscious of a little moisture that was probably showing on them too. "How long do I have to sit like this for Diane?"
"What do you think Robert?" Diane asked her husband.
"It's perfect," he said.
"That's not what I meant, but yes it does look good, quite different to my saggy one isn't it?" The wine now fully relaxed her she spread her legs to compare her pussy to Steph's.
"Diane, yours is pretty too, I have seen enough twats to know a good one when I see it."
"Ah thank you Steve."
Steph asked, "shall we continue?"
Robert was first to answer saying, "yes, like you said it is certainly helping us get to know one another."
"Ok then," Steph said as she spun the bottle once more. This time it was back to Diane again who was due a dare having had a truth the first time. "Well seeing as my husband seems to find your pussy so nice I think you should let him touch it don't you?"
Diane did not even look at Robert as she rose of the armchair and stood in front of Steve, her feet apart so that he could clearly see her slit infront of his face. Steve looked at Steph and smiled, their plan was working far better than they ever imagined. They had not been sure they would have got this far when they talked about it earlier, but here he was about to put his fingers on and hopefully in Diane's pussy. He lifted his hand up and gently stroked his finger tips over her lips, feeling the soft hairs covering them. Diane shuddered at his touch and she felt her knees tremble but had no intention of moving except to spread her feet wider so her lips opened a little inviting Steve's finger in. Taking the hint, Steve used his fingers to spread them more before slipping one into what was in fact a far wetter pussy than he had expected. "You are quite excited aren't you Diane?" He said as he pushed in a little further before taking his finger out and showing Steph just how wet she was. "And I was right too, you do have a gorgeous twat."
"Is that all I get Steve?" Diane said as she realised he was not going to touch her more, I was enjoying that."
"One can have too much of a good thing Diane," Steve said passing her the bottle to spin once more. When it stopped and was pointing back to Steve, Diane said "It's a truth for you this time isn't it?"
"Yes go for it Diane."
"Right, when did you loose you virginity and to who?" She asked him.
Diane could not have chosen a better question to ask him, as he had Steph had not worked out how they were hoping to approach the families lifestyle, but this was perfect. "I was 14," he told them.
"Oh an early starter then," Robert said. "Do you remember her?"
"Yes of course we are still doing it."
Diane looked at Steph and said, "you were very young."
"Oh it was not me, we didn't meet until I was 17."
"But you said you still do it with her, so who was it?" Robert asked again.
"Well you know her too," he started, "it was your son's mother in law Monica, my big sister."
Robert almost spat his wine out when Steve said this. Diane looked at him waiting for the smile to break on his face as he admits he was joking, but the smile did not come. "Oh you are good Steve, you almost had me going then," she said eventually.
"Oh he's not lying or joking," Steph said. "It's the whole truth."
"Well I know it happens sometimes as a one off, but still?" Robert said.
"Yes, the last time Monica and I had sex was last Sunday."
"You obviously know about this Steph?" Diane asked still unable to take it in.
"I was there too. I can see you are shocked, but I hope you are not disgusted with us and our family."
"Family?" Diane asked, and through the fog of her wine she remembered what Steph had said earlier when she was counting her partners and realised the names had all been familiar to her. "Robert dear, I think we have stumbled into something we have no place in."
"What do you mean Diane?" He asked.
"Let me ask you one question Steph."
"You have been with Monica's husband too, haven't you."
"Yes I have."
"How did you know that Diane?" Robert asked her.
"Those names earlier are all men in this family. Paul is Steve's dad I assume."
"Yes, he is, and before you ask, Simon is Peter's brother."
"I thought he was gay?" Robert asked.
"Yes he is, but when we first met them he obviously had not come out of the closet, I got to him once," Steph replied.
"And the last name was," Diane paused as she realised who this must be.
"Yes our son John, we have followed the family tradition."
Diane and Robert did not know what to do or say at this point. They just sat in their chairs confused and the wine they had been drinking all evening did not help them work through it.
Steve and Steph did not say a word, letting Robert and Diane digest all that they had heard. It was Diane who finally broken the silence.
"So basically your whole family is having incest together."
"Yes. But we don't think in terms of incest. Just an expression of love."
"Well at least Kevin was not on that list he has some sense of decency," Diane said.
Steph and Steve looked at each other, seeing the look between them Diane broke down at last, through tears she said, "no not my son, he is not a pervert."
Steph went to Diane's side and softly said, "no he is not, he is a fantastic young man, who loves his wife dearly, I have seen that. Just as Steve isn't either. I know he loves me, and I love him too, it's just that we express our love for others in the same way we show our partners. Jenny and Kev are the same."
"But family? It's not natural," said Robert.
"In the eyes of most people that is true, but I can tell you my first time with Monica was the most natural thing in the world for me."
Diane was rapidly sobering up and she was suddenly embarrassed about now being naked, and tried to cover her breasts with her hands. "Look it's been a bit of a shock for you two we know that, but Kev wanted you to know about his lifestyle, and asked for our help. We had not imagined we would share this with you tonight, but things just lead that way," Steph said standing up now. "Perhaps we should all go to bed and if you want to talk more in the morning we can, or if you want to just leave, that's fine and we will never talk of it again."
"I think that is for the best," Robert said, taking his wife by the hand and leading her up to the guest bedroom.
Steve and Steph shared a look, both worried that they had overplayed their hand. But tomorrow was a new day and they had no idea what the fallout from tonight was going to be.