Chapter 15

Josh awoke the morning after he and Lisa had told Emma everything and knew today was going to be a good day. It wasn't just because of the party later and the opportunity to meet more of Lisa's wonderful family, it was also because he could feel two mouths working on his cock right now. Opening his eyes he looked down and saw his fiancée and sister with their tongues out licking his morning erection from top to bottom, kissing each other over the tip when they reached it.

"Morning my beautiful girls," he said to them.

"Hello sleepy head," Lisa replied lifting her head up for a moment. "We have been doing this for 5 minutes, didn't think you would ever wake up."

"Well don't let me stop you now," Josh told her closing his eyes again and enjoying the sensations whilst remembering what had happened the night before.

When the three of them reached his bedroom, the two girls had pushed him onto the bed and lay down next to him. Together they began kissing him, covering his face with kisses as he tried to kiss them both. It was not long before they had their hands on his dick and were stroking it together. His hands were running over both their bodies, finally getting to feel his sister's tits after so long. Although not as large as Lisa's they were just as firm and her nipples were as hard as bullets as he rubbed them. Lisa had eventually left Emma to look after his cock whilst she straddled his head and gave him her pussy to lick, covering his face with it. Unable to wait any longer Emma moved over him and lowered herself onto his cock. Was it because they were so closely related or was it for some other reason, but Emma had no problem taking his huge cock inside her as she squatted on to it.

"Oh fuck Josh, your cock feels so good inside me, why did we wait so long. I am going to fuck you till you cum inside me brother."

Lisa was watching Emma as she rode Josh and was amazed just how easily she had accepted his cock, leaning forward she began to kiss and lick the other girl's tits, nibbling gently on her hard nipples. Emma lifted Lisa's head up from her chest and kissed her, their hands massaging the others tits as thy kissed.

It was Emma that first orgasmed, the feeling of Josh's cock inside her was like nothing else she had ever felt, and with Lisa stimulating her too she could not hold back. She was moaning and screaming in ecstasy for two minutes as wave after wave of pleasure ran through her body. When she finished and had her breath back she said, "that was amazing Josh, you are lucky woman Lisa to be able to enjoy his cock whenever you want."

"I told you before you can enjoy it whenever you want now too," Lisa told her. "But right now let's swap and let me fuck him too." Josh just lay where he was as the two girls swapped and he felt Lisa's pussy drop onto his cock whilst he looked up and saw Emma's pussy above his face, still spread and open from having his cock in it moments before. With his tongue out he licked her labia before pushing it in between them and tasting his sister's cunt juices for the first time. The girls were back to kissing above him and Lisa rode his cock with long slow rises and falls, feeling him fill her with each stroke.

Emma was beside herself with sheer joy, her brothers tongue deep inside her pussy where his cock had been before. And soon enough she had a second orgasm, her juices running out over his face as she came.

Josh was ready to cum too now and Lisa could feel it starting and almost jumped off his cock. "Cum over us both Josh," she told him as she knelt on the bed next to Emma as Josh stood up and began to wank his cock in front of them. The two young women waited with mouth open both hoping to get a mouthful of his spunk when it came. The first string of cum landed on Emma's face, before Josh pointed his dick at Lisa and shoot a second load onto her tongue. He was not done and he had two more spurts into Emma's mouth before he had to squeeze the remainder out over their tits as they kissed and shared his cum between them.

"Now we are one'. Lisa said.

"I am so happy, I hope we will always be like this," Emma said.

"I think we will Em," Josh said kissing her once more, and tasting his own cum still on her lips.

Josh came back to the here and now as his two lovers were now stroking his cock fast and furious together, Emma massaging his balls too.

"Ok Josh, can you cum one more time for us?" Emma said.

"I hope so, but you did drain me last night, I must have cum three times at least before we fell asleep."

"Only three?" Emma said, you and Lisa made me cum twice that number. You two are amazing."

"You don't do bad yourself Emma," Lisa said. "One more orgasm for us Josh, then you better save some for the party, mum won't be pleased if you can't cum for her."

"Ok Lisa, get ready then because here it cums."

Lisa put her lips over the tip of his cock and she felt his spunk shoot into her mouth as Emma continued to stroke it squeezing out as much of his cum as she could. The night before they three of them had shared his cum many times and now with a mouthful of it again Lisa kissed brother and sister making sure they each had some of it before they swallowed together.

The two girls then left Josh in the bed as Lisa had been telling Emma all night that they were going to shower together in the morning before they had to get ready for the party in the afternoon. Josh listened to them in the bathroom, hearing lots of giggles mixed with moans and groans imagining the fun they were having in there.

The situation at Steve and Steph's house the next morning could not be any more different. Steve woke to a quiet house and assuming no one else was up, probably nursing hang overs in addition to everything else, he went downstairs to make a coffee. When he arrived in the kitchen he found Robert fully dressed sat at the kitchen table.

"Morning Robert," Steve said.

Robert looked up and without any expression said, "can we go and collect my car please?"

"Yes sure, let me get showered and dressed I will be 10 minutes." Foregoing his coffee Steve returned upstairs and had his shower and pulled on a t shirt and shorts before going back to the kitchen. Robert was still sat in the same place the same look on his face.

"Ok let's go then Robert," Steve said unlocking the door and walking out to his car. The drive to the restaurant where they had been the night before took 20 minutes and for the first 10 no one spoke a word. Then out of no where Robert said, "so have you fucked Jenny?"

Steve was caught of guard, and said "yes I have, last weekend was our first time though."

"Oh ok," was all Robert said.

"Do you want to talk about it Robert?"

"Yes I do, I had been sat in the kitchen for about an hour before you came down this morning trying to work out what to say to you."

"Ok, let's park up again and there's a coffee shop round the corner from the restaurant it should be open Sunday mornings."

And so 10 minutes later Steve was sat in the corner of the coffee shop waiting once again for Robert to speak. "What happened last night Steve?"

"You don't remember?"

"I am pretty sure I do remember everything, I just am having trouble believing it that's all."

"And yet here we are still talking? So at what point did it get weird for you."

"Let's see, I had no problem kissing Steph. And when you started playing with Diane's quim I was cool with that, in fact I was about to burst out of my shorts. I could even accept that you and your sister tried things out when you were kids. It just felt strange to think of you still at it now, with you both being married and that."

"So back up a bit, you didn't mind me playing with your wife? And yet it's strange me playing with Peters wife? And that's because she is my sister. But that was ok when we were kids, even though we were brother and sister then?"

"When you put it like that it doesn't make any sense does it?"

"Not really no."

"Then when I was in bed last night I kept thinking of Jenny, I suppose I can tell you now that when we have been there and her and Kevin have been naked, I have found it difficult not to look."

"Well I know for a fact that if you hadn't looked then Jenny would be very disappointed. I mean she has a great body doesn't she?"

"Oh yes she does, and you say you did her last week?"

"Yes and I can tell you her mum has taught her well."

"This is just so weird talking about my daughter in law like this."

"It maybe, but if we went there now just you and I and she offered herself to you, would you accept, knowing that Kev wouldn't mind a bit."

"Yes I suppose I would, any man would."

"Well that ain't going to happen, because until both you and Diane are agreed on this then no one in the family will jeopardise your marriage."

"oh I see."

"And that's because although we all play around with each other, there is nothing hidden, no jealousy and no cheating. It's just one of our rules."

"That kind of makes sense," Robert agreed and Steve saw that slowly he was resolving some of the issues in his head that he had.

"Now what about Diane then? Where is she in all this?"

"Dammed if I know," Robert replied. "When we got to bed last night she was really upset just going on about how Kev had let her down, how he wasn't the man she thought he was. She didn't really talk about any of the stuff that happened before that moment. I mean at one point I thought I was going to get it in the ear for never telling her I saw those guys and her in Tenerife."

"Oh yes, that was quite revealing about you two."

"But nothing. Anyway I went to sleep eventually only to be woken up a couple of hours later by her."

"She was still upset."

"I wouldn't say that Steve. I realised very quickly that she was bringing herself off."

"She was playing with herself?"

"Yeah, and whose name was she saying as she did? Yours!"

"No way?"

"Yes she was. She was saying things like that's it Steve finger my wet twat, make me cum and stuff that she never used to say when we made love?"

Steve picked up on the use of the past tense, "used to make love?"

"Yes Steve, we now manage sex about three times a year I suppose. So I was really surprised when she got that stuff on last night."

"Well she looked good in it Robert."

"She did didn't she. Anyway she must have realised that I had woken up as she stopped playing with herself and she started playing with me."

Steve looked at Robert with raised eyebrows. "Long story short Steve we had sex last night, no actually we fucked like animals last night. She has not been like that for years."

"So something got her going then?"

"Yes and it seems to be you."

"How do you feel about that?"

"Honestly, I was excited by the fact that she was thinking of you. I think you can tell I have a bit of a voyeur streak in me and I would actually enjoy watching her and you together."

"I am so glad we had this chat Robert, because Steph and I really enjoyed your company yesterday, and we had hoped that we may get the chance to take things further with you sometime, but we thought the opportunity was lost after last night, but you have given me hope again."

"It will all depend on Diane now then. I hope Steph is talking to her this morning and helping her like you have helped me Steve."

"I hope so too. We better get a move on and drive home they will be wondering where we have been."

Back at the house Diane had stayed in the bedroom for as long as she felt was polite but now she needed the bathroom. Putting on her dressing gown Diane walked down the landing to the bathroom. As the door was open she was surprised when she reached it to see a young man, obviously John she thought, towelling himself down after having had a shower. John made no attempt to cover his nakedness as he dried himself and in fact his movement accentuated the swinging of his dick between his legs.

"Good morning Mrs Walsh, I'm John, I won't be a second. Feel free to come in and wait if you like."

"No it's ok, I will come back when you are finished," she said but made no attempt to move, she seemed to be stuck to the spot watching the young man drying. John was already quite dry but he didn't rush as he enjoyed being watched like this, so he spent an extra couple of minutes drying himself than he would normally.

"There you go," he said as he hung the towel up and passed her on his way to his room, giving the older woman plenty of time to watch his naked body. "All yours. Mum will be getting some. breakfast soon, so see you again in a few minutes."

Diane rushed into the bathroom and closed the door behind her and leant against it. Her mind was not getting any less confused. She had just met a young man, who in any other situation she would have thought was very well mannered for his age. But instead she had been the ill mannered one as she realised she had not taken her eyes off his body the whole time. Then she was thinking about the fact that this very same young man was regularly having sex with his own mother if what Steph had said last night was true. The dampness she was feeling between her legs betrayed the fact that at some level she was excited by this. Just as she had been in the night when Robert had woken up to discover her fingering herself.

Diane used the toilet and as she did thought it was just as well Robert had woken up when he did, not a little earlier when it was not Steven's name she was moaning but her own son's. She was saying one name but picturing a very different person in her mind, an image that did not die when she and Robert had sex. Robert had been like a stallion last night, and she had the biggest orgasm for a long time. Neither of them spoke about why they were both so sexually alive last night, but she had a pretty good idea that it was to do with the truth or dare game they had played.

After her shower she put her robe back on and heard voices downstairs. It was John and Steph talking, John was telling his mum how he had not thought to close the bathroom door, having become so used to it being open all the time. But he had the impression that Kev's mum didn't mind as she stood there watching him until he finished.

"Really?" Diane heard Steph say, "I am surprised."

"Whys that mum?"

Steph then told John all about the previous evening, Diane could not believe that she left out nothing that happened. Steph seemed to be at ease talking about anything with her son, who in turn did not seem embarrassed by what he heard. In fact he didn't say anything through the whole time.

Diane realised that although she loved Kev more than anything else in the world she did not have a closeness with him like this. Had Steph and John always been like this or was this a result of them sharing everything and trusting each other she wondered.

She needed to find out for herself and walked downstairs to the kitchen where she heard them. Entering the kitchen she discovered why Steph was doing all the talking. Steph was sat on one of the kitchen stools her legs open John's head between them and he was giving her pussy a good kissing and licking.

Steph saw Diane enter and tapped John on the shoulder, he stood up and looked round. "Oh hello again, you seem to have a knack of finding me in compromising positions Mrs Walsh."

"So it was all true then wasn't it?" Diane said when she managed to get the words out.

"Yes Diane, we had no reason to lie to you," Steph said standing up and and walking to the kettle to switch it on.

"I think I need to talk to you alone Steph, something happened last night and now I am all confused about my feelings."

"Feelings about what, or should I at who?" Steph asked.

"Everything and everybody," Diane replied. "Can I talk to you in private?"

"You can of course, but John and I have no secrets and in fact he might be able to help you too."

"Ok then if you think so."

"Just start at the beginning," Steph suggested.

"If only I knew where that was," Diane told her and John. "Last night I was having fun, it all seemed so harmless and we were all getting on great, Then I totally flipped out when you told us that stuff."

"Yes you did a bit."

"I am sorry for suggesting that Steve or you in fact were perverts. That was unfair of me."

"It's ok honestly."

"You realise that if that had not happened I would have probably ended up having sex with Steve," Diane said, then looked at John and said sorry again."

"No need to apologise to me. I am sure Dad would have enjoyed that too."

Diane flushed a little at what John said but continued. "When we got into bed I kept thinking about that, and imagined what it would have been like, and then I started to see Kevin there instead of Steve. But I did not stop thinking it. I felt so guilty, I was playing with myself thinking about my son. So when Robert woke up and saw what I was doing I made him think it was Steve in my thoughts. We had sex then, I thought that would stop me thinking, but it didn't. I kept picturing Kevin but now we were having sex, him and me."

"Did the guilt go then?" Steph asked.

"At the time yes, I had such an awesome orgasm, I am surprised you didn't hear me."

"No we didn't hear you. But I can tell you something I do know from our own experience and also from what Steve's mum has told me. The orgasm you had last night just thinking of having sex with Kevin, is nothing compared to what you would feel if you and him were actually doing it. Don't you agree John?"

"Oh yes definitely, let me tell you something, there is a special closeness between mother and son, we all feel it. But the bond that I have now with Mum since I first had sex with her is indescribable, so I am not going to try."

"And I will tell you another thing too," he continued. "Kevin is desperate to have that bond with you too. He told me last week that he has loved being a part of the family, but he wished that he could feel, like I do about my mum."

"He said that?" Diane asked.

"Yes he did."

"Well I would never have thought of it like that. It does not sound as dirty or wrong as it did last night now."

"My suggestion to you Diane, is to give yourself and Robert time to talk about it, because he has to be ok with it too."

"Yes I think you are probably right. But I have come to one decision as I have been sat here talking to you two this morning."

"And what's that?" Steph asked.

"I don't think I need this anymore," Diane said as she untied her dressing gown and let it fall off her shoulders so she was sat at the table as naked as Steph and John.

"Well done Diane that's a brave move, and look here's the boys back at last, let's see what Robert has to say," Steph told her.

Steve and Robert walked into the kitchen to find they're of them sitting at the table completely relaxed and totally nude drinking coffee. "Well Robert it looks like Diane has had a chat this morning too."

"Yes we have darling," Steph told him. "You two too?"


"I have suggested that Diane and Robert spend some time talking about how they feel, and not make any quick decisions."

"It looks like you have made one decision already Diane," Robert said to his wife.

"Yes, and it feels great. But come up stairs with me we need to talk."

"Take as much time as you need guys, we are not due out until after lunch," Steph told them as she watched them go back up to their room.

"You two are amazing, Kev is going to be so happy when we tell him later," John said to his parents.

"Let's just wait and see what they decide when they come back down later."

John stood up and spread his mum's legs once more and said, "Can I finish my breakfast now Mum?", and without waiting for a response he was back to licking her pussy once more. Not to be left out Steven was naked in seconds and Steph began sucking his cock, their small family unit complete once more.​
Next page: Chapter 16
Previous page: Chapter 14