Chapter 16
This chapter does include some male bisexual activity, if you are not wanting to read that then I suggest you move on.
An Engaging Party
Monica and Pete had spent most of Saturday preparing for today's party, even before they had heard from Lisa that it was going to be an engagement one. This morning they had put the finishing touches to everything and were now getting themselves ready. For nudists this did not involve endless clothing changes to find the right outfit, but it did mean that they both needed to have fresh shaves, as no one wanted a 5 o'clock shadow around their genitals.
Since they had begun to shave they always did each other, making it part of their life as well as their sex life. Monica had already shaved Peter and his balls and cock were now as smooth as his chest as he was not a hairy man like his father in law, so except for the hair on his head he was bald all over. He was now giving Monica's groin his attention, using shaving gel and a razor to carefully remove the growth since the last shave.
"Can you believe our little Lisa has got engaged and looks like she is moving out too?" He asked his wife as he shaved.
"No, I thought she was going to be here for a long time still, the house will seem quite empty now."
"Yes, but look on the bright side, you have your brother back at last, and I get the impression Josh is going to be a great son in law for us."
"Judging by what I witnessed yesterday I am sure he will. That is a huge dick he has, no wonder Lisa always had a smile on her face when she got home from a date."
"So you are planning on sampling it today I assume?"
"Absolutely, and from what mum said on the phone last night it should be worth it, she wouldn't give me details but just said it would be like nothing else I have ever had."
"The rest of us guys better look out, else we will all be second class," Peter said as he wiped the remnants of the cream from around Monica's pussy, completing her shave.
"Don't you worry about that Pete, you are always my number one, always have been you know that."
Placing his mouth on her freshly shaved lips and kissing them softly, he replied, "and you are mine my love."
"No time for that darling, I have my make up to do before everyone arrives. I sent a text to everyone to make sure they are all here before Lisa and Josh arrive, so they could be arriving soon."
"Ok," Peter said reluctantly pulling his mouth away from her pussy. "But I will be back to finish this off later."
"You better be!" Monica said as she rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom to apply make up and tidy her hair.
Peter went downstairs and outside to fire up the grill ready to cook the food for everyone later.
The first to arrive were Jenny and Kev, after greeting her dad with a stroke and lick of his cock Jenny went straight upstairs to see her mum leaving Kev with Peter.
"So today's a big day Pete," Kev said using his father in laws first name as he always had done.
"Yes, this is a much bigger event than your engagement to Jenny."
"Yeah, but then we kept it all low key really, it was difficult because of my mum and dad."
"Oh, how did that go yesterday with Steve and Steph?"
"We don't know, they were going to meet for dinner last night and stay at their's but we have not heard anything from either of them today. Jenny thinks it's all ok, but I am not so sure, I thought someone would have phoned us by now."
"Well Steve and Steph will be here soon enough you can ask them yourselves."
"Yes, I suppose so. But I hear your mum and dad have converted to the lifestyle fully now?"
"Oh yes, they will be here later too, I don't know what happened to Mum, but she was incredible
other night, but Dad still needs some work I think."
"So what's it like making love to your mum?"
"Kev, I can't explain it, it's special for sure, you can ask John and Steve and I bet they will say the same."
"Well I hope they did ok with mum and dad as I really want to make love to her soon."
"What will be will be son," Peter said, "it has taken me over 25 years since I met Jenny's mum and and we had sex to making love to my mum."
"I hope I don't have to wait that long Pete, it's only been three years since I first met Jenny and then Monica a few months later, but I am so hot for my mum now I don't know how you managed to wait so long."
"It was not easy," Peter told him just as the doorbell rang twice.
"It's open!" Peter shouted towards the door, knowing that it was one of the family. The door opened and Paul and Lou walked in. "Hi Paul, hi Lou," he said to them both as they each have him a hug and a fondle.
"So you finally get the house to yourself I hear?" Paul said to his son in law.
"Yes, I was just saying to Monica earlier it's going to be strange to be here just the two of us."
"Where is that daughter of mine?" Lou asked.
"Still upstairs, Jenny went up to see her," Peter told her. Without a word Lou went upstairs too.
"What is it with women, they have to do stuff together?" Paul said. "So where's the beer Pete?"
"Come on outside there is some in the ice for you."
The two of them walked out to the back garden, which although was not as big as Paul's was still big enough to accommodate the family on various chairs and sun loungers today. Kevin was already out there drinking a beer.
"Paul I have a favour to ask," Peter said as they opened up beers for themselves.
"What's that then?"
"I wondered if you would mind doing a little speech later to welcome Josh into the family. You are the head of the family and it would seem proper coming from you. And you are so much better at that kind of stuff than me."
"I would be honoured Pete," Paul replied, "but don't let my wife hear you say I am the head of the family, I am not sure she would agree there," he added with a chuckle.
Lou had found her daughter and granddaughter in Monica's bedroom sat on the bed talking. "Grandma knows more than I do," Monica said as Lou walked in.
"More about what Monica?" Lou asked.
"About Josh's dick," Jenny said. 'Lisa has hinted to me that it is quite big."
"It's not quite big, it's massive. I have never seen one like it before."
"Oh Grandma, what did it feel like inside you?"
"Well I won't say too much, but it was the most incredible feeling I have ever had. You two are in for a big surprise, and that's Big with a capital B."
"It was not hard when I saw it and it was impressive then, so I can only imagine what it was like fully erect," Monica said.
"I doubt you will have imagined it accurately love," her mum told her. "I was still sore this morning from it, so much so your dad didn't even get his morning shag."
"Really mum? That must be a first for a long time."
"Well not really, he didn't get one last Sunday either when Steve and Steph stayed over."
"The family has got so big now, everything is changing, but I don't regret it one bit, I love everyone still," Monica said as she and her mum and daughter left the room to go downstairs.
When they arrived outside they realised that more had arrived and the garden was filling up. Peter's brother, Simon, had arrived with his mum and dad having picked them up on the way. He was talking to Steve and John whilst Steph was sat with Patti talking.
When Simon had greeted John it was the first time that a greeting from a male member of the family had felt quite like that. Normally the guys just gave a light stroke or quick squeeze of the balls, but Simon was completely different. He wrapped his hand right around John's cock and held it there for maybe 10 seconds before releasing it. John knew that Simon was gay, but there was something about that greeting that made John think that somehow Simon knew that he had a larger bisexual side than the other men in the family.
"Hello everyone!" Monica announced as she came out to the garden. "Welcome to our first full family party," she added as she put her arm around her brother and kissed him, before going on to kiss everyone else in the garden in turn, until everyone had been kissed and had either their cock or pussy stroked by her.
Lisa and Josh will be here soon so I hope you will all make him feel very welcome, I know I will," for which he she received a few cheers and laughs. "In addition they are bringing his younger sister Emma with them, now this will be a completely new experience for them so please bare that in mind if they seem a little awkward at first. Many of you will remember your first time all too well."
Peter joined his wife then saying, "I think we should also give official welcome to Bill and Patti, who are at their first family party too," he raised his glass to them in welcome.
The family settled back down to chatting amongst them selves waiting for Lisa to arrive with Josh and Emma.
The three of them were on their way over in Josh's car. Lisa could sense a lot of nervous tension in then car, as the other two had not spoken since they started driving. She had her hand resting on Josh's leg, and thought perhaps he needed to relax, so slipped her hand up under this shorts to feel his cock lying against his thigh.
"Just checking everything is in order down there," she said to try and make him smile.
"It's just fine Lisa," he told her.
"How about back there?" She asked Emma, turning around in the seat to look at her future sister in law on the back seat.
Emma looked so nervous as she said, "do you really think your family will accept us, we are so different to you all."
"Emma I know they will absolutely love you, and you know you aren't that different really. I mean you spent half the night shagging your brother. I reckon you will fit right in."
"No time to worry about that now Em, we are here and it looks like we are the last ones to arrive.," Josh said when he saw the number of cars on the drive and parked on the road.
Lisa led them into the house, not bothering to ring the bell or knock and took them straight to her room. "We can get undressed here in peace," she told them as she pulled her shorts and top off. Emma was looking out of the window that overlooked the garden and was amazed at what she saw. "Josh look at this," she said.
Josh came to join her his shirt already off, and together they looked out. Neither had seen so many naked people in one place. Emma had imagined that people would be having sex all the time, but instead these people were just sat or standing around talking to each other like any other party.
Emma looked at the different people there, a mix of ages from what she thought of as pretty old to a guy who looked the same age as her. Lisa saw her stare at John, and said, "that's my cousin John, he is not to different form you, until just over a week ago he had never been naked around others either, but look now he seems perfectly at ease. So you going to take that dress off then Emma we are ready to go down or are you going to stay staring at John?"
"Oh sorry, yes ok." Emma stuttered as she unzipped her dress and stepped out of it and lay it on Lisa's bed with her brothers clothes. The three of them walked out of the room and downstairs to meet everyone.
The greetings and congratulations seemed to go on for ever. It was just as well Lisa had told Josh and Emma about the special way the family greeted each other, and the reason why. Neither of them had ever been touched as much as they were over that 20 minutes. Ladies seems to take for ever to say congratulations to Josh, their hands holding onto his cock for a minute at least, not even letting go after they had said hello, but just holding on to it as they talked. It took all his effort not to get a hardon each time. Lisa's Uncle Simon also took a lot of interest in him, and it was not till after that she told him of his sexuality.
Everyone seemed so natural, Emma thought to herself her pussy lips were stroked by the 8th hand. No one had done anything to make her feel uncomfortable, but she was waiting to speak to John, she had seen him look at her too, and then look away. Lou saw the looks and realised these two needed an introduction, the fact that they were so close in age probably made things very different for them she thought.
"Emma, let me introduce you to my Grandson," she said taking Emma's hand and leading her over to where John was standing with Kev.
"John be a gentleman and say hello to Emma, I think you two will get on well."
"Hello Emma," John said holding out his hand to shake hers, completely forgetting everything he had learnt this week about greeting. Seeing her close up he was bowled over, she was stunning. Everything about her was gorgeous from her hair to her feet, his eyes stopping at her perfect breasts and then her strip of hair above her slit.
"John, don'tt be so rude," his Grandma admonished him, and don't stare, it's not like you haven't seen a naked woman before."
"Sorry Grandma, and sorry Emma," he finally said putting his arms out to embrace her this time. When she responded and they held each other, her tits pushed against his chest and he thought his cock was going to explode there and then. He had seen and touched many different women in the past week, but not one of them had made him feel like this, was he in love?
"You can let go now John," Emma said eventually, giving him a smile that melted him to the core.
John and Emma walked to a pair of chairs and began talking and very soon they found that they were both feeling very comfortable around each other. Lou and Steph looked over at them and Steph said, "am I about to lose my son Mum, after only just discovering him?"
"Let me tell you something Steph, when I first met you, I thought the same thing, and very nearly did. But I can tell you that even now Steven and I are as close as we were before you met him. Don't worry about John, he loves you, and he knows that you and him are a very special thing."
"Well I hope he has learnt something from my mistakes."
Pete gave Paul a nod telling him it was time for his speech. Paul clinked a couple of bottles together to catch everyone's attention.
"Family!" He started, "yes you are all family now, no one is excluded from being a part of this family if they want to be," he said looking directly at Emma, who had felt she was a little outside of the family. How did he know I felt like that? She wondered.
Paul continued, "and it is my absolute pleasure to welcome Josh into our family. I know they are not married yet, but to me that is beside the point. From now on I consider him my Grandson as I do Kevin." This caused everyone to clap their hands and Lisa to give Josh a big hug. "He has already made quite an impression on my wife, she has not stopped talking about you since yesterday Josh, so you have a reputation to maintain." Lou gave him a nudge pretending to be embarrassed, but actually the smile on her face told the real story.
"I have no doubt that you and Lisa will make a great couple, and we can all look forward to a wonderful wedding sometime. So raise your glasses with me and here's to Josh and Lisa!"
"Josh and Lisa!" Everyone else repeated.
When it settled down again, Paul continued, "now I have a couple of other announcements to make before I believe Monica has some sort of game planned. I want to invite you all to our Birthday party. It has been a long time since Lou and I have been able to have everyone together on our birthday, so this year we are going to make it extra special. You will all get invites soon enough and we are also pleased to say that Uncle Joe, my brother, and his wife Mary are going to be here too, it the first time he has been over in years, and Mary's first visit to the UK . They are coming over from Florida for a holiday which will coincide with our birthday's, so I hope you will all give them a special welcome when the arrive."
Everyone one was excited about this announcement. A party at Lou and Paul's was not to be missed and this was going to be a big one.
"Now for the bad news." He continued, "I have to go into hospital for a few days shortly, nothing to worry about just a routine op, but I am going to be fully recovered by the party don't you worry about that, but I hope as many of you as possible will be able to visit me that week, and take the pressure off Lou."
There were plenty of nods and assurances that they would be in to see him as often as they could from everyone.
"Now I will hand over to Monica."
"Thanks Dad," Monica started. "We will have to chat about this hospital thing, and why this is the first I have heard of it. Anyway now that the formalities are over the fun can begin. As there are a few new faces to our family we thought it would be good to get to know each other better. So we are going to play a game for head names. For those of you who don't know it, in this bowl are post its with a word written on it, either a food sorry a celeb. Each of you will pull one out at random and stick it to your head. You then have to find out who or what you are by asking questions. None of which is not allowed to be who am I. Yes Simon I am looking at you!"
Simon did his campest voice saying, "who me darling?"
"Yes you! Once you know who you are then you have to find your partner, so for example, fish will have to find chips. When we all have our partners we will move onto the next part.
She then moved around the group with the bowl until everyone had a post it on their forehead. "Ok let's start!" She said.
John went straight to Emma and saw she had vinegar written on hers, so he asked, "am I a food?"
"Yes," she said.
"Oh great I am in with a chance" he said.
"Do I go with chips?" Yes was her reply again.
"So am I salt?"
"Sorry John no you are not, does that mean I am vinegar?"
"Yes you are, you need to find salt I guess."
"And here I am," said Bill showing his post it to Emma.
"Sorry John, but it looks like I have a partner, I suggest you look for another."
"Ok, I'll see you later though," John said as he went off to look for his partner.
He went to his mum but found her partnered with his dad, "how did that happen you two, I thought you were supposed to meet someone else."
"I don't know John, luck of the draw I guess."
"Where's my fish? He heard Peter calling and it was then he realised that everyone else had found their other half and were settling down. He had not even though that he could end up with a guy, but looking at Peter he realised they were the last two.
"Looks like it's you and me John," Peter said as they sat down at the table.
"Ok, well done everyone," Monica said, looking very pleased as she was flanked by Kev and Josh. When she saw the look of everyone else, she said, "there is an odd number of us, had to be a threesome somewhere."
There were jeers of fix but only in fun.
"Now on your sticker is a number, I have a list here of those numbers as what you and your partner are to do. And yes in front of everyone else of course."
"Monica, you have such a wicked warped mind where do you get these ideas from?" Lou asked her daughter.
"I don't know mum, just comes to me," she said with a grin. "So who has number 1?"
Steph and Steve put their hands up.
"Oh you two will love this, you have the most honoured part. You two are responsible for cleaning up any cum after the other couples have finished."
"So basically we are the family vacuums?" Steve said.
"Pretty much, and your first clean up will be after this , who has 2?"
Paul and Simon stood up. "That's us Monica."
"Perfect. You are to wank each other so I suggest Steve and Steph get on their knees infront of you so you can cum over them."
After a bit of sorting out Paul and Simon faced each other whilst the other two got on their knees one on each side, ready to receive the spunk when it happened. Simon was first to get going, his hand wrapped around Paul's cock and bringing it to hardness. Paul looked down at his son and daughter in law waiting patiently and knew just where he was going to shoot when he did. He took hold of Simon's dick which was already erect and began stroking in time. Simon kept pushing his cock against Paul's as they wanked each other as if they were sword fighting. It was not the first time they had done this to each other of course but was certainly the most public display they had given and the rest of the family watched waiting to see who would cum first.
Predictably it was Simon, who never lasted long when a guy was playing with him. As he came he turned towards Steve and shot his load over his face and into his open mouth. It was a new sensation for Steve, but he did not mind at all and licked what he could off his face. Simon's attention to Paul intensified after he had cum and Paul turned to the other side and saw Steph there, her mouth open waiting for her father in law's cum. He did not make her wait long as very soon he was emptying his cum over her face and into her mouth. When the two guys had finished each other, Steve and Steph stood up and kissed sharing the cum between them and licking the excess of each other's faces.
"Well done to you all," Monica said when they all sat down again, "that was strangely erotic. So where is couple number 3?"
It turned out that this was Jenny and her Gran Patti. Obviously they were not new to each other, but up to now they had not been intimate with each other. "Well ladies it says here that you have to give each other oral stimulation. So let's see you get munching!" Monica was getting more into this and her language was making he sound more crude every time she said something.
Jenny took her Grans hand and led her to the centre of the group, "you have eaten pussy before haven't you?"
"Yes, but this week was my first time."
"She had a great teacher Jenny, Aunty Sarah was her first," Lou told them all.
"Oh well, if you have had that slut's cunt on your face you will have learnt all there is to know." Jenny laid on the floor her legs open for all to see her open shaved pussy and suggested Patti get on top of her and they could tongue each other. Bill watched as his wife got on top of his Granddaughter and saw how she dropped her pussy on the younger woman's face whilst at the same time began to lick and kiss all over jenny's pussy.
"Looks like we get a rest for this round", Steph said to Steve as they watched the show in front of them.
The older woman had certainly come along way in the past few days she was giving Jenny's pussy the licking of a professional, sucking on her clitoris, before nibbling it between her teeth. Her saggy tits were spread out and hung down the side of Jenny's slimmer body. At the other end Jenny had spread Patti's ass with her hands and was working her tongue deep in between the older lips which were now spread wide so everyone could see just how wet she was. Despite her age her lips were not saggy like her tits and Jenny had to spread them wide to get in as deep as she could.
The two women were now getting plenty of verbal encouragement from the audience who were calling out things like, "push your tongue in Patti", "fuck her old cunt", "pull on her clitoris with your teeth, she loves that". Hearing these instructions was not distracting but heightened the sensations they were both feeling and almost as one they both started to cum, neither letting go of the others face until they had both come down form a very intense orgasm.
The whole show had taken twenty minutes and the two of them were completely shattered now and could hardly move. It took another 5 minutes before they managed to get off the floor and back to their seats, feminine juices still sparkling on their faces in the sun light.
Peter stood up then and said, "ok Monica, it's John and I next I think, what do you have in store for us sweetheart?"
John was pulled back from looking at Emma again when he heard his name and Peter standing up. Emma and him had been exchanging looks since the game had started, both wishing that they had been partnered. They had only spoken for a few minutes today but John knew there was something very special about this girl.
"Well what do you know Pete," Monica told him. "It says here anal sex, but when I wrote that I never expected it to be two guys let alone you."
Both Peter and his brother said "shit" at the same time, neither realising the pun the had made. Simon was gutted that he did not get to partner John for this, "welcome to my world Pete," was all he said.
"You are serious aren't you Monica?" Peter asked his wife.
"Rules are rules darling, you know that."
"So Dad, are you going to give or take?" Lisa asked him.
Peter did not know what to say, he just looked at John, who up to now no one had ever thought about.
"Uncle Peter, to be honest I don't mind either way, if you want to do me that's ok."
"That's the spirit John," Simon said. "There Pete you have an invitation, and I can tell you a man's ass is pretty much the same as a woman's once you are in. And I assume it's your first time John?"
"Yes it is," John replied his eye catching Emma's who was looking at him with a worried look.
"Just remember to lube yourself and him up then Peter, just like you do for me," Monica told him throwing over a tube of lube that she had ready. "Steph perhaps you could help him out, looks like he needs to get hard."
"Would you mind if I did that instead," Emma said, she wanted to be involved in this with John in some way and if that meant lubing up his ass for another guy to fuck then that was fine. At least John would know she did not mind what was about to happen.
"Go for it Emma," Monica said "I am sure neither of them will mind.
Emma's first job was to get Peter hard, which actually had already started when she offered to help. She knelt infront on him and started licking on his semi erect cock whilst fondling his shaved balls. In less than a minute Peter was at full hardness, Emma then took the tube of lube and squeezed some out onto her hand and spread it over the erection she had created. She then turned her attention to John who was now on the grass on his hands and knees. With more lube on her fingers she began to spread it over his ass hole whilst the other hand spread his cheeks.
John was still getting over the shock of her wanting to help that when she touched him he couldn't help but moan out in pleasure. He was getting his ass lubed up by a girl he had only just met, but was sure he was falling in love with. Her finger probed past his slippery ring and she pushed it in whilst squeezing out more lube over his plugged hole.
"Ok he is all ready for you," she said as she pulled her finger out and looked back at Peter.
Peter had managed to keep his cock hard as he had watched the young woman finger John's ass, and now he was looking at it in a very different way. He saw it as a perfect place to relieve his cock, and standing behind John he spread his legs and dropped down and gently at first pushed his erection into John's rectum.
The feeling John got as Peter entered him was something completely different he had probed his ass with a finger whilst wanking, but it was nothing compared to having a cock enter him. There was pain but the overriding feeling was pleasure, and he showed it by moaning once more.
"That's it Peter fuck his virgin ass," Simon said encouraging his brother.
Peter began to slide in and out of John now, only slightly conscious that it was a man he was fucking. Around them everyone else was watching, most having never seen a guy fuck another. Bill and Patti watched wide eyed, they knew what Simon got up to, but seeing their other son doing it in front of them was a different thing. She looked at Bill from across the garden and blew him a kiss, and he remembered what she had said the other night about Simon fucking him, he still was not sure that was ever going to happen but blew a kiss back.
Steve and Steph were watching their son being fucked by a man, they knew he had bi sexual thoughts, he had not been backward in telling them this. "I can't believe how much he is enjoying this Steve," she whispered to him.
"I know, looks like he is almost cumming himself."
"Well I am looking forward to licking Pete's cum out of him when he has finished."
Peter was now pumping faster as John's sphincter had relaxed and he was able to take more. As he fucked John, Peter felt their balls slapping against each other, a sensation he had never thought of as being exciting before. As he realised just how much he was enjoying this he felt his orgasm. Between grunts he managed to say, "I am cumming inside your ass John."
John did not need to be told he could feel Peters cum inside him now, his own cock was hard now, but he could not cum like this, he just had to enjoy it. There was a loud plop when Peter eventually pulled his cock out of John's ass, and sat back on the grass. John was about to move when he felt someone else behind him, and then heard his mum say, "don't move, let me clean you up darling."
John then felt his mum's tongue glide over his back door before it pushed in and started to lick out the cum that was inside before John's sphincter had time to tense again.
When she was satisfied she had enough she stood up and looked around everyone looking for someone to share the mouthful she had. Her eyes came to rest on Emma and knew this was the perfect target, she went to the young woman and kissed her and was pleased when in response Emma had her tongue straight into her mouth and was sharing the cum with her.
John watched his mum and Emma kissing and knew that at sometime he was going to have to have a threesome with them.
"Well Peter, that was great," Monica said when they had all returned to their seats. "And it looked like John would agree with me."
"Totally," John said. "Anything you want to repeat that Uncle Peter."
"Is that an open invitation?" Simon asked, which made everyone laugh, but John just looked back at him and nodded.
"Now who do we have next?" Monica asked and saw her mum and younger daughter stand up. "Ah mum and Lisa what a lovely pair you make. I hope you have been drinking plenty this afternoon."
"I have a fair bit of wine," Lou said, "but I am far from drunk."
"That's not what I meant, it says here that you are to give each other a golden shower. For anyone who does not know what that means, they are going to piss over each other, it's just another activity we have come to enjoy in this family isn't it everyone."
"Grandma can I go first I am bursting already, I think drinking beer is not good."
"Of course Lisa," Lou said as she laid down on the grass on her back. Is this ok for you?"
"Perfect Grandma," Lisa said as she stood over her with her feet either side of her grandmothers hips. She put her hands between her legs and spread open her pussy just as a stream of pee started. It hit Lou on her ample chest first before Lisa moved slightly and was able to direct it up onto Lou's face. Lou caught some in her mouth before Lisa directed it back down and finished over Lou's tits again.
"Steve, my daughter's pussy needs cleaning up, would you mind?" Monica instructed her brother who was right there and used his mouth to lick any left over piss from her smooth lips.
"My turn now Lisa, where do you want it?" Lou asked her granddaughter, still licking piss of her own lips.
"Piss over my twat grandma," Lisa told her as she took up position on her back now.
Lou had a full bladder and it did not take long before a stream of liquid was flowing out and onto Lisa's pussy."
"Hey mum I just cleaned that!" Shouted Steven, making everyone laugh again.
Lisa used her hands to open up her lips so the flow landed directly into her pussy and everyone could see it bubble up as it filled her up. Very few of the audience had seen anything like this before, Josh was amazed in particular as he watched his fiancée being filled like this and wanted to make sure he tried it sometime with her as she obviously enjoyed it immensely judging by the smile on her face. Eventually though Lou's bladder was empty and she wiggled her hips to shake drops off her pubic hairs, but Steph was right there licking and sucking them clean, just as Lou had done to her a week before.
"A family that pees together stays together, isn't that right mum?" Monica said.
"Absolutely Monica."
The two of them sat back down both smelling of piss but not going to wash yes as they didn't want to miss what was going to happen next.
"So we are at the penultimate couple and by my reckoning that's you Bill and Emma, which is interesting as you are the eldest man and youngest woman. On my list here it says FUCK, up to you how you do it, but Emma I can see you are a sexy little thing, so I suggest you take the lead with this old fucker," she said grinning at her father in law who was looking less than comfortable now.
It was not the fact that he was going to have to shag Emma in front of everyone that worried him, but he was worried in case he did not perform up to her standard, after all she was obviously a lot fitter than her.
With the build up of sexual tension between her and John all afternoon, Emma was ready to fuck anyone and if this old guy wanted to fuck her then that's what she would make do with. "Come on then grandad," she said taking his hand, "I am going to fuck you till you cum!" She lay him on the grass on his back, Bill was already hard just looking up at his young woman as she straddled him and with no foreplay she lifted up his cock and sat down on it.
It had been a long time since Bill had been in such a tight pussy and the feeling he had when her vagina enveloped his cock reminded him of his first time years before. Emma was herself enjoying the feeling of a cock inside her once again, it may not have been as big as Josh's but was doing the trick as she started to ride it. Bill's hand went up to hold Emma's firm young breasts as they gently moved up and down as she bounced on his cock. Once again he was struck by how different they felt to the older ones he had been feeling recently. He looked around him and saw his family watching him being ridden by this young woman, and any reservations he previously had about fucking either Lisa or Jenny disappeared when he saw them and thought how tight their pussies would be too or firm their tits.
To make things even clearer he heard Lisa say, "go on Grandad fill her up with your spunk, she loves it in her cunt, don't you Emma."
"Yes I do Lisa, your Grandad has such a good cock, he is going to make me cum too."
No sooner had Bill heard them taking like this that his cock started to pulsate in her, he was moaning now as she continued to slid up and down on him even as he began to shoot cum into her. "Oh yes that's it Grandad fill me with your old spunk," Emma said as she speeded up, her hand rubbing against her clitoris. Bill was almost finished when he felt Emma's vaginal muscles tighten even more around his cock, and then scream a cry of pleasure as she came. Unlike Patti who at that moment normally stopped moving Emma kept going, her face screwed up in ecstasy as she continued to slide up and down on his cock. The effect was that Bull managed to remain hard for longer than he thought was possible after having coming, ensuring that she got the full feeling of him inside her until she had completed her orgasm too.
The garden exploded into a round of applause for the performance the two had put on, Patti in particular was pleased for her husband, pleased that he had made a young woman feel like he had her over the years, and also that he had not buckled under the pressure. Steve and Steph were completing their duties almost as soon as Emma lifted herself off Bill and lay on the grass next to him. Steve was licking cum out of her within moments whilst Steph was cleaning Bill's cock with her tongue, tasting the mix of his spunk with Emma's juices. When they were both satisfied they had completed their job they sat back down on their chairs again and kissed once more tasting each other's mouths.
As Bill walked back to his chair with Emma, he whispered to her, "thanks for faking it, you were very convincing."
"Who was faking?" She replied with smile.
Lou looked at her daughter as she stood up for the last time, how she had done it Lou did not know, but she was sure the result was a fix as Monica was partnered with her son in law and future one too.
"It's time for the finale at last," Monica said, "I don't know about the rest of you but I have been waiting for this moment all afternoon." She took the two young and hooked her arms through their's. "Before Peter gets the grill going for some food it is time for you two to enjoy a special treat. You get your very own spit roast, with me as the meat,"
Monica was obviously pleased with her little joke as she let out a big laugh whilst dropping to her knees on a empty sun lounger. "Come on then Josh let me feel that big cock of yours enter me."
The two young men took their positions Kev in front and Josh behind her. Monica had her mouth over the tip of Kev's cock before Josh was anywhere near her pussy, but as soon as he touched it with the tip of his dick she began to shake with anticipation and sucked more of Kev into her mouth. Slowly Josh eased his erect member in to her, as he waited for her to get used to his size.
Peter was loving seeing his wife being opened by Josh's cock, "nothing to say now Monica? First time you have been speechless all afternoon."
All Monica could do was mumble a few incomprehensible words as Kev was now deep in her mouth. She was starting to rock her body back and forth now in time with Josh. Kev remained where he was letting her swallow then release his cock with each movement. Her heavy tits were swinging under her as she moved adding a slapping noise as they hit each other to the sounds of her slurping on Kev's dick and the noises coming from her pussy as Josh continued to stretch it.
For nearly ten minutes Monica was fucked at both ends by the two men half her age and she was loving every second, she was now fully open and there was no discomfort as Josh pushed in as far as he could go. All she felt was an exquisite sensation as he stretched her vulva and his cock pressed against her clitoris. It was like having one continuous orgasm, she wasn't sure where one ended and the next one started.
Kev was the first to find relief, "I am going to cum!" He moaned, warning his mother in law of the impending explosion. She pulled back so that her mouth was over the end of his cock when he started shooting his spunk into it. Her mouth was full of his semen within seconds and she managed to swallow it without letting go of his cock, continuing to suck on it as it slowly deflated in her mouth.
Behind her Josh was still taking long thrusts, he looked down at her spread ass cheeks and saw her anus relaxing and then tightening with each thrust he made. He placed his thumb on it and used it to rub some saliva in that he dribbled down.
When Monica felt Josh's thumb on her ring she finally let go of Kev's cock and after 15 minutes of not saying a word finally managed something, "push it in Josh, let me feel you in both holes."
Josh was not aware of anyone else now except his fiancee's mother on her knees in front of him, but the rest of the family were enjoying this show as much if not more than the rest of the performances of the afternoon. In each of the temporary couples that had been formed earlier in the game they were touching each other as they watched. Peter was wanking John as he was one of the only guys left not to have cum this afternoon, Lisa and Lou were fingering each other's pussies, still wet with piss. Simon had Paul's cock in his mouth and was giving him a blowjob to rival any woman's. Jenny was cuddling up with Patti, arms around each other playing with each other's breasts not wanting to miss a moment of Josh's cock fucking Monica, and both wishing it was their pussies he was fucking.
Monica started to feel very strange, she was going dizzy and her eyes could not focus. Once again she was having a series of orgasms one after the other as Josh filled her ass with a finger and his cock just kept on pumping into her cunt. Then she felt him explode in her and any orgasm that she felt she had had so far paled into insignificance as the biggest rush of endorphin filled her brain and it all went blank.
She was gone for between 5 and 10 seconds, long enough for Josh to empty his balls into her. When she came round she realised her arms had given way and her face was on the lounger but Josh's cock had kept her legs up. She lifted herself up and everyone was relieved to see her move, and then saw the biggest smile ever on her face.
"Fuck Josh what the fuck do you do with that fucking thing?" Was all she could manage to say, sounding more like a dock worker than a school teacher. "I cannot even feel my cunt any more you fucker!" She said all this without losing the smile. Josh eased himself out of Monica and the other ladies, gasped when they saw that despite cumming his cock was still bigger than any of the other guys when fully erect.
Steve and Steph were back on duty immediately. Steve went to his sister as she rolled onto her back and let her legs drape over the side of the bed her pussy lips still wide open, he got down between her legs and just had to wait for Josh's cum to start to dribble out so he could lap it up with his tongue. Steph meanwhile was licking Josh's cock clean, she was able to get all of it in her mouth in this deflated state and could only imagine what it would feel like when fully erect.
The afternoons entertainment had definitely cum to an end when Monica had blacked out, there was a mix of sounds, there had been gasps of shock and concern, but also groans of pleasure as both John and Paul came, the first in Peter's hand and then Paul in Simon's mouth. Lisa and Lou both came on the others fingers, as they both knew exactly how Monica felt and would feel for the next few hours having both experienced the feeling themselves.
Licking John's cum off his fingers Peter said, "well I'm going to get cleaned up then get the cooking started I think we have all built up an appetite this afternoon."
Emma saw John finally on his own again, and excusing herself from Bill went to him. "Can we talk?" She said.
"Of course," Josh replied, making room for her on the lounger..
"In private," she added.
"Oh right yes, let's go inside," he told her and stood up, she took his hand and they left the rest of the family to find somewhere on their own. Steph watched her son leave with the girl and a small tear formed in her eye, but at the same time she realised she had a little smile too.