Chapter 17
New Plans Formed
Emma led John to Lisa's bedroom where she had left her clothes earlier. "What is it you want to talk about Emma?" John asked.
"Us," she replied.
"Is there an us?" John said.
"Look John, if there is one thing I have learnt in the past 24 hours about your family it is this. No one holds back on what they want to say."
"No that's true."
"So I am just going to say it," she paused before continuing. "I think there is some chemistry between us, I don't know what exactly but I felt it as soon as we saw each other earlier. Am I right?"
"Chemistry or electricity I dint know which but yes there is something for sure."
"And it's not just that you want to fuck me is it?"
"Not just that no," John said, trying to make sure he said the right thing in this very weird conversation.
"So here's the thing John, I fancy the pants off you, if you had any on. And we could have sex right here and now if we wanted couldn't we."
"Yeah we can."
"But we aren't are we?"
"We aren't?" Replied John now lost completely.
"No we aren't, I want to get to know you first a lot better."
"Like you know Bill a lot better you mean."
"That was just for fun, I think we go deeper than that, or at least I think we will in time."
"So what you are saying is you want to have sex with me, but you want to be courted first?"
"Yes that sounds nice, is that your way of asking me out on a date John?"
"I suppose it was yes."
"Then I will be happy to join you for a date. But in the meantime there is no reason why either of us should stop having fun with others, I know I still will want Josh, and from the looks your mum has been giving more all afternoon, she still wants you."
John of course was oblivious to anything that had been going on between his mum and Emma, but knew enough not to question women about such things. "Yes I suppose she does."
"That's settled then, where and when are you taking me out?"
"How about a movie on Wednesday, I have a job to do in the afternoon but will be free later."
"Perfect, pick me up at our house about 7 ok."
"Ok, it's a date!"
"Yes it is! Now let's go and see what's cooking downstairs."
Hand in hand the two of them walked in to the kitchen to find Monica, Lou and Steph putting final touches to the salads. "You two didn't take long," Monica said with a big grin on her face.
"Sorry to disappoint you Aunty Monica, but we have just been talking," John told her.
"Oh right," she replied with a wink.
"Yes that right," Emma confirmed, "but we are going out on a date on Wednesday evening, we want to get to know each other a little."
"Oh that's nice," said Steph, "so you aren't taking my John away from me yet?"
"Mrs White, I have no intention of taking him away from anyone. I understand how the family works and I hope that if John and I get on ok we will carry on the traditions." Leaving the ladies in the kitchen the two young people walked out to the garden again.
"Well that told you my dear," Lou said to Steph.
"It sure did didn't it. She seems a very mature young lady for her age. I guess she has had to grow up quickly under the circumstances."
"Yes she is a perfect partner to John who has also matured well," Lou agreed.
"Right I think that's everything done here, let's take it outside and see how Pete is doing with the meat," Monica said picking up two bowls of salad and walking outside with them, the other two following with more food.
Outside everything had calmed down after the earlier excitement, all the family were now relaxing and chatting, except Peter who was busy around the grill cooking various meats. Lisa and Josh were sat with her grandparents, as although Lou had spent time with Josh the day before it was still the first time Paul had met him.
"So do you have any plans for the wedding yet?" Lou asked the couple.
"We have not really talked about it, but I have always dreamt of a nude wedding," replied Lisa. "And now that everyone in the family would be comfortable with that I think my dream could come true."
"But where could we do that?" Josh asked.
"There must be somewhere that would accommodate you," Lou said supporting her granddaughter.
"Hedo!" Paul said out of nowhere.
"What Grandpa?" Lisa asked him what he meant.
"Get married at Hedo. Didn't Sarah say she was there last year and there was a wedding," he asked Lou.
"Yes you are right she did," Lou agreed.
"But that's a long way for everyone to go for a wedding," Lisa said although the idea of it appealed to her.
"Well let's make it into a family holiday as well as your honeymoon, I am sure if we pooled resources we can get everyone who wanted to go be there. We will give you some towards the wedding just as we did your sister," Lou told Lisa.
Josh could see the excitement on his fiancee's face but was at a loss as to what they were talking about. "What are you talking about?" He had to ask finally.
"Hedo! It's a adult only resort in Jamaica that Aunty Sarah goes to. It has a nude side doesn't it Grandma, and any thing goes?"
"From what Sarah says when she gets back it certainly seems that way."
"And they will do a nude wedding there?" Josh asked.
"We will look into it, but I should think so. If that's what you want."
Lisa stood up and gave her grandpa a big hug, "grandpa you are a genius, yes I would love that." Looking at Josh she asked, "can we?"
"I don't see a problem with that darling."
Lisa turned into a different girl then, she became like a school girl who had been invited by the coolest boy to the school prom, all giggly and excited. She ran to her mum and dad as they were setting out the food, "Mum, Dad, we are all going to Hedo for our wedding!"
"Are we?" Monica asked.
"Yes it's grandpa's idea and he is paying for it all too."
"Is he? Peter asked.
"Yes and it's going to be a nude wedding!"
"Is it?" Peter and Monica aid together.
Josh had to pull Lisa away at that point, "Lisa I don't think that was what your grandpa actually said. Sorry Mr and Mrs Kirby, she is a little excited."
"So we see, well let's talk about it over some food," Monica said before she told everyone that the buffet was ready and to help themselves. She and Peter then joined her mum and dad to talk about these wedding plans that Paul had come up with.
Lisa sat with her sister and Bill and Patti whilst they ate their lunch. Telling them about the wedding plans too. When she had told them all their news Jenny looked at her grandparents and asked, "so how did you enjoy this afternoon Gran and Gramps?"
Patti was the first to reply, "well I think you know perfectly well that I enjoyed our little session, but I also enjoyed watching everyone else too. And you Lisa what a dirty girl you are peeing all over your grandma like that."
"Sound like you are jealous Gran," Lisa replied, "maybe we should try it out sometime."
"Maybe, it did look like fun," Patti replied.
"And what about you Gramps? Did you enjoy fucking Emma's young pussy?" Jenny asked Bill.
"Well I would be lying if I said no, but it was a little weird having everyone watching me, felt a little pressure to perform."
"Ah Gramps, don't worry about that, you were great from what I saw, and I think Emma enjoyed it too," Lisa told him. "But I have to admit that I was hoping that you would want mine first."
"Lisa, why you, I am the older granddaughter I should be first."
"No arguments now girls," Patti said, "I am sure your Gramps will be happy to serve you both now that he has sampled a young pussy. Won't you dear," she said putting her hand on his thigh.
"I am sure that would be fun."
"Ok then looks like we all have some plans for later, why don't you all come back to our place later and we can carry this further, it looks like Kev is happy with Josh and Emma over there, we can all go in your car Gramps."
"Sounds good to me Sis," Lisa said,"so long as gramps drops me off at Josh's on your way home."
"No problem Lisa," Bill said looking forward to what was in store later.
Once everyone had finished eating Monica once again took centre stage, "it has long been a tradition at family events for our family history to be told. And with so many new family members I think it is time again for Dad to tell everyone just how our family became the fantastic one it is today. So Dad you ready to do this again?"
"Thanks Monica, you could have warned me."
Paul then told the story that John had heard the week before whilst the two of them had painted the fence together. It was obvious that most of the family, like him, had heard the story before and yet they gave Paul the time to tell it once more for the benefit of those who had not heard how he and Lou had become to be nudists and when they decided to live an open lifestyle concerning sex.
John remembered that his Grandpa had suggested that there was more to the relationship between his grandparents and their college friends and so when Paul had finished his tale he asked.
"And what about the four of you up to the point when Aunty Monica was born, you did play together then didn't you, and they were the first couple you swapped with, can you tell us of that too?"
Paul looked at John, and replied, "yes that's right John we did, and I suppose there are even less who have heard that story, so now seems a good time to tell it if everyone wants to listen."
Seeing that everyone was more than a little interested in this part of the family's history Paul continued.
"Well after our first year at college we all decided to go on holiday together, but we were poor students so the best we could manage was a Butlins holiday camp in North Wales. We decided to share an apartment to save money but also so we could continue in the chalet as nudists like we had at our digs.
"Everything went great for the first couple of days, getting dressed only to go to the beach or other public areas. Then the girls start to compete with each other, didn't you Lou?"
"Juanita started it," Lou said in defence.
"They started to dare each other to show more and more naked flesh out in public," Paul explained. "Remember this was in 1967 and no one was used to topless women in this country yet. I can remember the first time Juanita took off her bikini top in the dunes, we were all excited and hoping she didn't get caught."
"The game came to an end after Juanita wore a top that left not much to the imagination, how would you describe it Lou?"
"It was a halter top shirt with no sleeves, she decided to wear it without a bra or bikini and the sides of her boobs were clearly on show to everyone. She walked through the resort that afternoon in this top and a pair of shorts. She had plenty of looks from everyone we passed, some approving but plenty of disapproving."
Paul chipped in again, "oh I should add that we all appreciate my wife's lovely boobs now, but compared to Juanita's hers are smaller. The way they swung about in that shirt left very little to the imagination."
"Well it didn't take long before she was asked by one of the red coats to return to the chalet and put on something more appropriate. And that's when it all started."
"What my husband just said about the comparative sizes of our tits was his fault back then too, what was it you said when we returned to the chalet?"
"I just said that if you wore the top you would have got away with it as your tits are not so big."
"Dad! You can't say that to a woman and get away with it!" Monica exclaimed.
"I know that now, but I was only 20 then."
"I couldn't believe he said it," Lou added. "I was put out completely and asked Bob if he thought my tits were smaller than Juanita's. He said something along the lines of they looked very similar but he could only tell by feel."
"Do you mean to say that in all that time he had never touched them Grandma?" Lisa asked.
"No never, it had never even crossed our minds really, but now it had been said it did not seem anything wrong so I told him to have a feel if he wanted. And that was the first time any man other than your grandad had felt my boobs, and I actually enjoyed it."
"He went from you to Juanita for about 5 minutes before he said he could not decide and maybe I should try to work it out," Paul said. "Of course I was more than happy to help him. As I was feeling both pairs I could not help my cock from getting hard, and I saw his was too."
"We noticed it too," Lou added. And it was not long before we turned the tide on them and started to make comments about the size of their dicks. And yes darling yours was the biggest."
"That afternoon was the first time we had sex in the same room as the other couple as we ended up shagging on the floor whilst they took the sofa." Paul told the rest of them, "and I suppose it was from that time we decided to be more open about sex, and how we are where we are right now."
"So without that shirt and the red coat telling Juanita to cover up I might never have had the chance to make love to you mum?" Steve asked.
"Maybe not."
"I do remember them coming over when we were kids probably until I was about 10, if I had known then I would have thanked her for wearing that shirt," Steve said.
"Well you may still get the chance son, it has been way to long since we have seen them, I was thinking after I told John about them that I should get back in touch.
"I thought they weren't interested in our lifestyle?" Monica asked her dad.
"Well not the family side of things but I expect they are still living a nude lifestyle. It's up to them if they join in at all, I know Uncle Joe will be pleased to see them, he always had a soft spot for Juanita."
"But did you ever get your chance with Juanita?" Peter asked, he of course had heard a little of this story, but never the whole thing, and had never met Bob and Juanita in all the years had known Monica.
"Yes I did Pete, not on that holiday, but by the time we got back to college we were very comfortable having sex in front of each other. It just kind of happened one night when Lou and Juanita were visiting us that we just looked at each other as we fucked our girlfriends and both knew what the other was thinking."
"I knew what they were thinking too, but I am not sure Juanita did, until I asked her if she fancied trying a different cock."
"Bob told her that it was ok if she wanted to, and she just moaned as he kept fucking her which we all took as a yes," Paul said. "So that was it Bob and I changed places and I took over where he left off and we both came in the other girlfriend for the first time that evening."
"I really enjoyed the feeling of having a second cock in me, but I am not sure Juanita felt the same. We talked about it afterwards and she was a little weird about it. I think if the truth be known Bob would have been more like us if she had let him, but she was very conservative and once we were married we never swapped with them again."
"Thanks Mum and Dad for telling us this story, I never knew the full details of when you decided to live as we do, but like Steve said, I am grateful to that shirt," Monica said. "It has actually got me quite excited again hearing you tell it, I think I might just need to cum once more this evening before everyone leaves, any one want to help me out there?"
Two hours later and Bill and Patti were back in their car driving to Jenny's house with their two granddaughters in the back. They had spent the last two hours at Monica and Peter's in different parts of the house with other partners, wanting to keep this particular foursome for now. As they drove they each told the others what they had been up to during that time.
Bill told them that Monica did get her wish and more. It was her dad Paul who first helped her out putting his head between her thighs and bringing her to orgasm with his tongue, before her husband and then her father in law took over with their cocks and she had another orgasm as each filled her with their spunk. By the end of the day she realised she had experienced four different cocks and had lost count of the number of orgasms she had enjoyed.
Patti joined Lou and Steph in the main bedroom of the house to discover more about sisterly love as the three of them explored, touched, licked and sucked each other's bodies for the best part of an hour. They each had multiple orgasms in that hour until John found them and the three of them descended on him like animals each craving his cock. At one time John was having his cock sucked by his mum, whilst his grandma sucked and played with his balls, Patti meanwhile was on all fours over his face and he was licking her cunt for the first time. It was not till after he had cum finally into his mums mouth that he told them that before he had found them he had been with Uncle Simon who had been desperate for John to fuck him having seen Peter and him earlier that afternoon. No one seemed to care that the cock that they had been so eagerly sucking had only minutes previously been fucking Simon's ass.
Jenny had joined her own husband with Josh and Emma and spent time with them talking about how they had felt about the family before the four of them took themselves off to Jenny's old bedroom and ended on her bed. Jenny and Emma lying on their back as they were fucked by Kev and Josh, who swapped over half way through and Jenny felt what it was like to been completely filled by Josh at last. She came almost immediately he entered her spreading the walls of her vagina wider than they had ever been. The two guys were soon shooting cum into the girls' pussies shortly after. When they pulled themselves out the girls moved to a 69 position with Emma above Jenny so they could suck out the cum form the others twat. Emma once more saying how much she loved tasting her brothers spunk out of a pussy.
Back in the garden Lisa had joined her uncle Steve and offered to suck his cock for him as she realised that he did not get a chance to cum during the games earlier. Steve of course had no problem with her offer and lay back on a sun bed his cock already hardening before she even touched it. Like all the women in the family Lisa was an accomplished cock sucker and knew how to make it last. Using her tongue, teeth and lips to entice his cock but then to hold back so he did not cum. After 15 minutes of this she asked Steve if he wanted to lick her pussy too. She swung her legs over him and together they fed on each other's genitals. Steve was still enthralled at the feel of a shaved pussy on his lips and decided he really needed to get Steph to shave soon. As he had this thought he could hold back no more and he began to fill his nieces mouth with his cum. Lisa did not miss a stroke and continued to suck on his cock as she felt him shoot cum down her throat.
By the time they had each described what they had done after dinner they had arrived at Jenny's house and she led them in for a nightcap. She had left Kev with Josh and Emma and expected him to be busy with them for the evening at their house so would not be disturbed here. As always the first thing she did when the front door was closed was to take her dress off again, closely followed by her sister and Gran. Bill was last in and saw the three naked ladies in the kitchen chatting as Jenny made a pot of coffee. Now no longer nervous about being around his family naked Bill was soon joining them, both in their state of undress and also in the kitchen.
Lisa was the first to turn and see him enter, "come on Gramps, I have been waiting for this moment for like for ever," she said as she got on her knees in front of him and put her mouth over his soft dick sucking it all into her mouth and letting it expand in it. When she let go of it the cock that came out was not the same that went in, now it was fully erect and standing proud.
"That's better Gramps," Jenny said pouring out coffee, "it's so good to have you both with us now."
"Darling," Patti said. "We have had so much fun in the past few days and being with you two now, is the final piece of the jigsaw."
"Yes I heard you made quite an impression on Dad the other night Gran."
"Lisa, I hope you and Josh will one day have a son and you will know exactly how I felt when your dad and I were together."
"Oh I do hope so too Gran."
"It's just a shame that Gramps and I didn't have a daughter for him to know what I mean, but I hope you two girls will help."
Jenny was first to reply saying, "we will do our best, two Granddaughters must be the same as one daughter."
"Believe me girls, you are far more than that," Bill said.
"Ok then Gramps let's show you just how it feels to fuck your granddaughters, are you going to watch Gran?" Lisa asked.
"Absolutely, I want to share in this with you all, I am looking forward to sucking Gramps' cum out of your two pussies afterwards."
"Mmmh I can't wait for that Gran," Jenny said as she grabbed her grandfathers arm and took him upstairs to the bedroom followed by the other two.
"First off Gramps, will you go down on me please, I want to feel what your hairy moustache feels like against my pussy, I hear it gives a very different sensation," Jenny said as she lay on her bed legs wide open for Bill to see her bald pussy opening up. Bill knelt on the bed between her open legs and started to tickle her pussy with his moustached top lip. "Oh yes Gramps! That feels so nice."
Bill began to lick her pussy lips, tasting his granddaughters wetness on his tongue. Whilst he continued to lick away, he felt Lisa crawl onto the bed and get under him so she could return to sucking on his cock. In the corner of the doom Patti sat on a chair and watched her husband and two granddaughters enjoying each other's bodies. Bill lifted his arms up so he could reach Jenny's chest and began to play with her nipples feeling the firmness of her tits in his hands. "Jenny's tits feel just like yours did at her age Patti," he said as he lifted his face off her pussy at last.
"Well I hope they look as good as Grans do when I am her age too Gramps," Jenny said.
"I am sure they will Jenny," he told her before he went back down to continue eating her pussy. Under him Lisa had not stopped licking and sucking his dick all this time but eventually she pulled herself away. "Jen, time to swap round, I need to feel Gramps' mouth on my cunt now."
"Ok sis, I think you will enjoy it too."
Bill lifted himself up again and made room for Lisa next to her sister; she spread her legs too so that one was draped over Jenny's. Moving to the younger sister Bill went back down and started giving her the same attention he had been giving Jenny. However, he did not forget Jenny and replaced his tongue with his fingers sliding two deep into her now soaking went pussy and using his thumb on her clitoris. As he gave pleasure to the two sisters they began to kiss each other, whilst their hands roamed over the others body until each was fondling her sister's tits as their Gramps pleasured their pussies with fingers and tongue.
Patti was finding the whole scene so erotic, she had a hand between her legs and was rubbing her own clitoris, the three in the bed were so wrapped up in their own moments none of them gave her a thought as she watched them.
Jenny was the first to have an orgasm, the combination of Bill's fingers in her pussy and Lisa's hand on her tits made her cum with wild convulsions pulling her sisters face against hers, moaning into her neck. "Oh Gramps that was amazing you certainly know what to do with your fingers don't you."
"He does indeed Jenny," Patti said from her chair, "I have always said he has magic fingers."
"Well his tongue is pretty special too," added Lisa. "But it is time to find out what he can do with that dick of his I think. Are you ready to fuck us both Gramps?"
"Both?" He asked, his face covered in their pussy juice.
"Yes, we have a special way that Dad always fucks us, we thought you might like it too Gramps," Jenny told him. "Your turn on top Lisa.
"Right!" Lisa said as she moved and rolled on top of her sister so that their tits pressed against each other. They both spread their legs again so that what Bill was presented with was their two open pussies next to each other. "When Dad does us Gramps he alternates between our cunts giving us each a few thrusts at a time. Then when he comes he shoots into us both. He loves it, I reckon you will too."
Bill looked at the two young pussies in front of him and knew that he would absolutely enjoy this. "Cum in them both Bill so I can lick your spunk out of both girls," Patti encouraged him, her own fingers now inside her pussy making slopping sounds as she frigged herself.
Bill took up position between the four legs and stroked his cock along both twats teasing the girls as to which he would penetrate first. The girls were back to kissing each other again waiting for their grandfather's cock to find a hole. Lisa was the first to feel him enter, and she gave a little moan when he did. "Yes Gramps that's it fuck your granddaughters tight pussies." Encouraged by Lisa's words Bill thrust as far in as he could four times before he pulled out and repositioned his cock at the entrance to Jenny's pussy and pushed into her next. The difference in position was noticeable, one being on her back the other on her front and it made the whole experience more intense than it already was. He got into a rhythm of thrusting into one girl before slipping out and entering the other on the next thrust. He managed to keep this cycle up for just over 5 minutes before he felt his cum rising in his balls. At the moment he exploded he was in Lisa's pussy his first load shoot into her and he just about managed to pull out and get back in Jenny's open cunt before the second and third loads shot into her. "Oh Gramps, I can feel your cum inside me," Jenny said.
"Give me some more Gramps," Lisa screamed, as he pushed back into her pussy that was already wet with his cum. Lisa used her vagina muscles to massage his cock milking out more of his cum into her before he started to go soft once more.
"Oh girls, you are both such dirty sluts," Patti said as Bill rolled off the bed.
"Dirty in more ways than one Gran, but you want to clean us up don't you?" Jenny said.
"I would love to, just wait there you two. I want to see your Gramps cum start to ooze out first." She did not have to wait long before she started to see cum drip out of Jenny's pussy onto her sister's. "That is so sexy girls, seeing your pussies filled with cum. I am going to enjoy licking that up." With that she put her head down between their legs and licked up from Lisa's pussy to Jenny's tasting Bills cum from them both. Her tongue returned to Lisa's and she pushed it in to open up her lips so she could suck out Bill's cum. She then did the same to Jenny's until she had a mouthful of it.
"Kiss us Gran, we both want to taste Gramp's cum," Lisa said when Patti had finished and Jenny had rolled off her sister.
The three of them knelt on the bed in a triangle and Patti kissed her granddaughters in turn sharing some of Bills cum with them both before they all swallowed together. Then they just looked at each other and smiled which turned into laughter. None of them were sure why they were laughing but it did not take long before Bill joined them and was laughing too. It had taken years for them to reach this stage in their relationship and the sense of fulfilment and relief was evident they laughed together.
The four of them remained on the bed for the next 30 minutes before Bill slapped his wife's bum and said, "well Mrs. Kirby, it about time I got you home I think, as nice as this is, and we have to drop Lisa off too on the way."
"Yes I suppose so Bill, but that was a great day. In more ways than one. Who would have thought any of this would have happened a week ago?"
"Not me for sure."
"Gran I still have not forgotten what I promised to do for you," Lisa said. "Maybe next time we can have a wet and wild time."
"Yes I will look forward to that, Lisa."
The three of them left Jenny still on her bed, waiting for Kev to return, whilst they dressed and left in Bill's car. A new sense of closeness shared between the four of them.