Chapter 18
As the story grows it may be helpful to have a list of characters so here it is for your reference as you read.
Paul White – 67
Lou White his wife – 66
Monica their daughter – 46
Peter Kirby her husband – 48
Jenny Walsh their daughter – 22
Kev Walsh her husband – 24
Lisa Kirby their daughter - 20
Steven White their son – 44
Stephanie White his wife –44
John White their son – 18
Joe White – Pauls brother – 63
Mary White – his wife – 62
Sarah Waters– Lou's sister – 60
Bill Kirby –69
Patti his wife – 68
Peter Kirby their son - 48
Simon Kirby their son - 45
Robert Walsh – 54
Diane Walsh his wife –52
Kev Walsh their son - 24
Bob Jungman college friend of Paul's –69
Juanita Jungman, his wife – 68
Mrs Cathy Packer, a neighbour - 58
Miss Linda Williams – her sister - 60
Sister Ann Rushton, a nurse – 62
Nigel Rushton her husband – 43
Josh Carter Lisa's boyfriend – 22
Emma Carter his sister – 19
Two Dates for John
As planned John pulled up at Emma's house for their date on the Wednesday evening. He had been looking forward to this evening since he left the party on Sunday. Only slightly distracted that afternoon with the job at Miss William's home. When the door opened after he had knocked it was not Emma that opened it, but her older brother Josh. "Hi John, come on in. She won't be long apparently."
"I see you have adopted a nude life style here too," John said as he followed Josh in, watching his naked ass in front of him, and actually still able to see his cock swinging below him through his legs.
"Oh yes, Lisa was quite insistent actually, but I am more than comfortable with it now," Josh said as they entered the lounge.
"Well I guess I should say hello properly," John said and put his hand out to feel Josh's cock, his own getting a little twitch as he touched it for the first time.
"Get your hands off my Fiancé John," Lisa said as she walked in the room, but the smile on her face betrayed the fact she was joking.
"Hi Lisa," John said as he put one arm around her and used the other hand to run fingers over her smooth pussy. "Settled in ok I see, converting everyone to your way too."
"Heck yes, there was no way I was going to life a textile life, I don't know how you all did it for so long."
"Neither do I now," Josh admitted as he sat down with Lisa on the sofa. "So where are you taking my sister John?"
"Oh is this the big brother talk?" John asked.
Laughing Josh said, "I think we are beyond that don't you mate?"
"I hope so, I thought we would go for a meal at the Italian restaurant before seeing what is on at the cinema next door afterwards."
"Well don't be too late John," Lisa said, "we want to hear how things have gone with you two when you get back."
"I am sure we will tell you whatever time it is," Emma said to them as she came down the stairs. John was floored by how stunning she looked today, he had spent the day with her on Sunday when she was nude, but now in her clothes she was even more beautiful. Her dress finished mid thigh, just long enough to be decent but short enough to be sexy. The neckline was similar in that it swept down between her breasts to show her roundness and tan, but still keeping enough covered. Emma's firm tits needed no support at her age and John could tell that she was braless this evening.
Standing up John went to his date and said, "Emma you look amazing, I am going to have to fight guys off you tonight."
"Ah my hero," she said laughing. "So ready to go?"
"Sure am,"
"Enjoy yourselves!" Lisa called out as they walked off together, "don't do anything I wouldn't do."
"That does not leave much then," Josh teased her and getting just a wink back form her.
John led Emma out to his car and even went to the passenger door and opened it for her, as she slid in she made sure that her dress was high enough for John to get a view of her white panties, giving him a smile as she did so.
During the drive to the restaurant they chatted about what they had been doing the past three days since they saw each other. Both agreeing that mostly they had been thinking about this evening more than anything else. When John started to tell her about his job that day at Miss William's home, he realised that he had not told her about what sort of work he was doing, or about the afternoon at his neighbours house.
Very quickly he explained about how this work had come about and that they were hoping that he would get lots more opportunities for work from Mrs Packer and Miss Williams' friends at the WI.
"So you have been parading yourself around some old woman's home in the nude all day?" She asked when he finished explaining.
"Yes that's about it. Do you mind?"
"It's up to you, but here's the deal, whenever you have a job like this we meet that evening for a date and you tell me everything. Starting right now."
"Let's wait till we are in the restaurant, and I will tell you all."
"Ok that's a good idea."
When they sat down at their table John began to tell his story.
"I had no idea what Miss Williams wanted me to do, I assumed it was gardening like I had done for her sister. But when I arrived at the address she had given me I realised that was not going to be the case as she lives in a block of apartments, not a garden in sight."
"I rang her buzzer and she answered quickly telling me to come on up, and the outer door unlocked. Her apartment was on the third floor so I took the stairs and when I reached her door I found it already open. I called in and she replied, 'come on through John.' I followed where her voice came from and found her in the lounge at the back of the apartment. I had seen her before in her lingerie last time of course but this time she was wearing something far sexier."
"For a nudist, you still find lingerie sexy?" Emma asked him.
"Oh yes, I am still a guy you know, sometimes hidden is more exciting than the easily accessible. Just like seeing your knickers earlier," he added with a grin.
"Ok so what was she wearing that was so sexy then?"
"It was not just what she was wearing it was how she was sat too. She was reclining on her sofa, with one leg bent, she was wearing a satin gown which was only loosely tied, so I could clearly see the short silky nighty thing she had on under it and a pair of lacy knickers, and hold up stockings, all in white with a pair of red stilettos on her feet."
"Very classic," Emma said, "not surprising for a woman of her age."
"Whatever it was I was already getting hard seeing her like that, bit like I am now remembering it again."
"Naughty boy," Emma said as her hand dropped down to feel if he was telling the truth. And smiling when she discovered he was.
"She did not move as she said, 'I hope you don't mind the way I am dressed John?' I told her no it was fine by me, if that's how she felt comfortable. She then said she knew how I like to be comfortable and I should take my shirt and shorts off straight away."
"And I suppose you did not complain at that?"
"Of course not, that was the longest I had worn clothes since Sunday I was keen to get out of them again. When I was naked she said that was better, and that was what she was paying me for. I asked what job she had for me, and she pointed at a box on the floor. 'I bought this flat pack book shelf but I need someone to erect it for me' you wouldn't believe the way she said erect Emma, almost like it was naughty."
"She must really enjoy teasing you like that."
"Yes, she was just the same at school, but back then I had to imagine her lingerie, today I could see it for myself. Anyway it was not a difficult piece of furniture to put together and within an hour I had finished it. It would have been quicker I guess if I had not been watched by her every minute, and I kept looking at her too whenever she moved. She made sure I got plenty of looks up her legs from where I was on the floor, right up to her panties that stretched over her pussy, I am sure I could see a little dampness on them."
"I will tell you something John, if you were to look at mine you would see they are too, this is so sexy hearing about this, I would never have expected it to be."
"Well there is more so prepare yourself."
"Oh really?"
"When I had finished the book case she finally stood up from the sofa and thanked me with a kiss on my cheek, as she did this my cock rubbed against the satin of her gown, making it start to grow again, but this time I could not hide it in my shorts. 'Oh John, you seem to like the feel of satin on your penis,' I told her it felt nice. She took her gown off then, and you won't believe it she told me to put it on."
"Really? You put her gown on? You perv," Emma was laughing so much now.
"I had to, she was paying me to do whatever she wanted, but actually it did feel nice and my cock was fully hard as I could feel the material against it and smell her perfume too. You know what she wanted me to do next Emma?"
"Not put on more of her underwear?"
"No, although at first I thought that was where it was going too. No, she told me to play with myself as she watched like last time, she then said that she wanted me to wrap my cock up in her dressing gown and to cum in it too."
"Oh she is a sexy old bird isn't she?"
"Yes I reckon she is, I stood infront of her and took the gown and wrapped it around my cock like she wanted and began to stroke myself. The feeling of the satin against me cock was pretty good, and with her intently watching me too in her nightie it didn't take me long to start to cum into the dressing gown."
"Did you cum loads?"
"Yeah I did, I had been saving it for tonight, you know just in case."
"In case of what?"
"Well if our date went well I thought I might need some cum."
"Oh did you now? Well let me tell you the date is going perfectly. So was that the end of your job for Miss Williams?"
"Hell no, she was intent on getting her monies worth out of me. After I had cum she told me to take the robe off again, and you know what? It had my spunk all over it but she just put it back on as if it was clean."
" 'John,' she said, 'I have another job for you if you think you can do it?'
"I told her I would try anything, and she said 'I have a bush that needs trimming?'" Emma began laughing as soon as John said that, "yeah I know what you are thinking, but I have to admit I was a little slow on the uptake, and asked her where as there is no garden. She just laughed like you are now, and opened he legs on the sofa and pointed to her panties and said 'right here John.'
"Are you serious?" Emma asked.
"100%, my old school teacher wanted to pay me to trim her pubes off."
"Shit John, have you ever trimmed a woman's bush before?"
"Hell no, I only started shaving my face a couple of years ago. I told her I had never done it before, but she did not seem to care and just told me to go to the bathroom and fetch the equipment she had prepared for me whilst she made herself ready. In the bathroom she had laid out a towel and on it were scissors, a razor and shaving gel."
"I have to admit I was shaking when I returned to the lounge. She had made herself ready alright, she was sat on the sofa still but her legs were now wide apart and she had taken off her panties. I know I have seen plenty of pussies recently, but this one was different."
"Why what was wrong with it?"
"Nothing, it's just that I was not prepared for it, and I had fantasised about it so many times before. It was clear that she had trimmed it before, I mean it wasn't a forest down there like I expected, but a neat triangle. She told me then that she had heard about a Brazilian and wanted one herself."
"Like mine?"
"Exactly, in fact yours was what I was thinking of as I looked at Miss Williams there in front of me."
"Oh John, you are getting me excited again. Tell me more I love hearing this."
"Ok, I knelt down on the floor between her legs and looked closely at her pussy, and realised that it was not as neat as I had first thought. I could see why she had left scissors as it was a little tufty above her slit. I told her to relax, but my hand was still shaking as I put it on her for the first time and began to snip away the long hair. She laughed and said it was me who needed to relax. Once I had finished with the scissors I took the shave gel and began to spread it around her pussy leaving a strip of hair about the size of yours I thought. I spent the next 15 minutes shaving her, she told me more than once that she wanted it smooth except where the strip was, and she pulled her fanny lips to each side to make sure I got in all the areas.
I thought I had done a pretty good job when I finished, if I do say so myself. I watched as she used her hand to check my work and seemed satisfied with it. Watching her use her fingers over her pussy like that was making my cock hard again."
"At last she said to me, 'so what do you think, do you like the look?' I told her it was very sexy, but more importantly did she like it? 'Yes it feels real nice' she replied. She then told me that my work for her today was done and I could dress now. As I dressed she told me that she had mentioned the idea of the naked handyman to the president of the WI and she seemed interested. And now that she could tell her that I was happy to do anything I was sure to have a full diary for the rest of the summer."
"Wow John, I cannot believe it."
"It's all true honest."
"Oh I don't mean I don't believe you," Emma explained. "I cannot believe how horny you have made me telling me about your day."
"Really?" John said.
"Yes totally, I could fuck you right here on the table now, we don't have to go to watch a film do we?"
"No way, we can do anything you want," John told her.
"Right then pay the bill and take me home as I am going to fuck you like crazy, who was I kidding that I could wait, I have been so pent up wanting to call you and tell you to come on over but I wanted it to be the right time, and now it is."
John paid the waiter, he had not even noticed what the food had been like as he had told Emma about his afternoon, but he guessed it must have been good. They left the restaurant and he drove them back to her house, her hand on his crotch rubbing his cock through his trousers the whole time.
By the time John pulled up outside Emma's house the bulge at the front of his trousers was starting to become uncomfortable. "I don't suppose I need to ask if you want to come in for a nightcap do I?" Emma asked.
"I think we can safely assume I do," John replied as he opened his car door, Emma did not wait for him to open hers and was almost running inside before John had locked the car. Indoors the house was quiet, it seemed like Lisa and Josh had gone out too. However, before they had left they must have prepared for Emma and John to come back because when Emma switched the light on there they saw a path of tissue hearts on the floor leading to the stairs.
"Looks like the outcome of our evening was expected by Lisa and Josh too," Emma said before John took her into his arms and kissed her, their mouths opening to each other's and tongues flashing inside their mouths. John's hands held her face tenderly whilst her hands ran through his hair and then down his back.
They stood just inside the doorway kissing like this for five minutes before Emma started moving further in to the room leaving John to follow her trying not to let go of her lips with his own. They collapsed onto the sofa together and their hands and mouths continued to explore each other. Emma was on top of John and she felt his hands run up her legs to her bum pulling the skirt of her dress up as they went exposing her ass cheeks to the cool air.
John's hands moved over Emma's smooth ass feeling where the string of her thong went between her cheeks and he massaged them as they continued kissing. The movement of his hands elicited a little moan of pleasure from Emma who could feel her juices beginning to flow and her pussy lips moistening. She lifted herself up from John's body and began to unbutton his shirt opening it up so she could run her hand over his smooth chest, so different to her brothers hairy one. Leaning down she used her tongue on his nipple feeling it harden in her mouth just as hers were doing under her dress.
"Oh that feels good, Emma," John said his eyes closing as she moved over to the other nipple.
"I can tell," she said. "There is a big lump pushing against me in your trousers."
"Sorry, but we can easily remedy that if you pull them down."
"Yes I am sure it will, but let's go upstairs, we will be far more comfortable." Emma lifted herself off John and pulled her dress off over her head leaving it on the sofa before leading John to the stairs, his shirt falling to the floor. John followed her watching her thong framed ass and unbuckling his trousers as he went. When they reached the top of the the stairs they were ready to come down and he let them fall leaving them in a pile on the carpet.
The trail of hearts continued but did not lead to Emma's room, instead they led to Josh and Lisa's. "I think they want us to use their bed," Emma said. "Which makes sense as Josh has a king size bed." When they entered the bedroom the hearts were spread all over the bed inviting them to jump on. Before they did though John grabbed Emma once more and they restarted the kissing and fondling that had begun downstairs. This time though there was nothing between them but the thin material of Emma's thong and she could feel his hard cock pushing against it as they held each other tightly.
Emma's hand moved down so she could finally touch John's cock and her touch made it twitch in her hand. "He feels wonderful John."
"Not too small for you, now you have had Josh's?"
"No way, I love my brother and his cock, but yours is just perfect John." To prove her point she pushed him on the bed and then got on her knees beside him and took it into her mouth. No licking or teasing just sucked it right in until her lips were resting on his balls and his tip was against the back of her throat. Why she pulled it back out she said, "I will never be able to do that with Josh's cock."
"Well you can do it to mine when ever you want, that was great."
"Just a second," Emma said as she leapt off the bed and pulled her thong down before taking up position over his cock once more and restarting to suck it. As she did she swung her legs over John's body so her pussy was above his face inviting and tempting him to lick it. John needed no further encouragement than that and before she had his cock deep in her mouth he had his first taste of her pussy and it tasted like nectar on his tongue that he just had to taste more of and he worked his tongue in between her smooth lips and probed inside her tight vagina.
They spent the next 10 minutes like this each lost in the pleasure of pleasuring the other. John was at the edge of an orgasm more than once, but Emma seemed to know just when to stop and let him get through without cumming. At the other end though Emma had no such control and she had two little orgasms each time John had sucked on her clitoris before delving back inside her with his tongue.
"Let me get on you John, I need this cock in my cunt!" She said rolling off him.
John had never heard Emma say anything like that and he was turned on more by her language. "Yes slide your tight cunt over my cock Emma," he responded in the same way.
Emma did just that spreading her legs each side of him before dropping down and sliding his hard cock into her and just letting it rest their for 30 seconds before she began to ride it. John watched her tits as she slowly bounced on his cock. Unlike his Mum or Grandma's, Emma's tits were firm and did not swing about as she fucked him but just rose and fell with her movements. It did not stop him reaching up to touch them though, stroking her small nipples and giving them a little pinch.
"John I love the feel of your cock in my cunt! I want to feel you cum inside me, I want to feel your hot spunk filling me up."
"Keep going Emma, and I am sure you will," he replied to her as she started to speed up, her shoulder length hair now falling over her face like a veil as she gave herself up completely to the sensations of John's cock inside her and his hands on her tits.
"I want to cum at the same time, do it now John I am going to...Ahh yes I am cumming John, fill my cunt with your spunk."
John could feel her cumming, her already tight pussy seemed to fasten itself around his cock as she came, that and what she was saying was enough to make him cum too and he began to empty himself into her womb.
The intensity of their orgasms overpowered them both and they collapsed back into the bed when they had finished. They cuddled up together, "I love you John White," Emma whispered.
"I love you too Emma Carter," he replied. "I did not know love at first sight existed outside of Hollywood. But I fell in love with you the moment I saw you on Sunday."
"Mmmh I know what you mean John," she said as she lay her head on his chest. John stoked her hair as she rested there and he felt her fall asleep in his arms. He lay there a while thinking of how life had changed in the last month, and wondered where things would go next on this ride he had begun when he stumbled over his grandparents in their garden. He soon fell asleep with the girl of his dreams sleeping next to him.
John awoke a little later and Emma was still lying next to him, although her head was no longer on his chest he could smell her hair. But he felt a sensation he registered straight away of a mouth on his cock. He opened his eyes and saw Lisa's head on his thigh, she was licking the remains of his and Emma's combined juices off his limp, but slowly growing dick. He looked around and found Josh was in the room too, snuggled up be behind Emma, his arm around her and stoking her nipple, and from their movements he assumed he was sliding his cock into her from behind.
"My sister must have tired you out John, we have been here for 5 minutes already and you did not move."
"Yeah so I thought I would encourage you a little with my mouth," Lisa added. "Seems to have down the trick."
"Hi you two," John said. "So nice of you to join us."
"Well that's why we made sure you found your way to our bed," Josh told him, he was now sliding his long cock in and out of Emma's pussy from behind. "We wanted to make sure their was room for us all when we got back too."
Lisa replaced her mouth with her hand on John's cock and slid up the bed to lie next to him, "we were sure you would find your way back here, but we were surprised you were done, we had expected to catch you at it."
"Ah well that's my fault," Emma admitted between sighs as she felt Josh behind her, "I couldn't wait for John's cock any longer and so we gave the film a miss." She gave John kiss and added, "and it was worth it too."
John kissed her back replaying the kisses they had exchanged earlier but with the thrill of Lisa and Josh there with them too this time.
"Let's move around a bit so we can all be involved," Lisa suggested. She told Josh to let Emma get up on all fours she could get under her and watch his cock enter her again. Her ass was on the edge of the bed so it made it possible for John to stand at the bedside and spread her legs wide and enter her as she licked Josh's balls and his cock as he fucked his sister. She was waiting for him to cum so she could lick the mix of his and John's cum form her pussy.
Emma's head was resting against John's belly and she could see him enter Lisa's waiting pussy, she knew she would be eating her pussy after John had cum in it soon enough.
The four young lovers were each lost in the moment, but they were not just lovers, they were brother, sister, cousins and best of friends. John watched his new friend fuck his sister, the girl that he had fallen in love with in the past three day days, as he in turn fucked his fiancée. Both girls were loving it too as they were both moaning with deep pleasure waiting for the expectant eruptions of cum inside them. Josh was the first to cum, Lisa's attention to his balls with her mouth adding to the moment he shot his first load into Emma. He continued to empty his cum deep inside her already filled womb.
John followed him soon after his second orgasm of the evening, although not as intense as his first was still strong enough to cause him to moan loudly when he let himself go. The two guys were finished and the girls had not even warmed up yet, as soon as they pulled out of their partners they were replaced by a mouth. Lisa was sucking out cum from Emma's pussy immediately, there was so much in it from the two cocks she had had. Emma was slower and used her tongue to spread Lisa's lips wide letting the cum bubble to the entrance before licking it up. Her ass was still up in the air and John joined Josh behind her and put his tongue to her back entrance and twirled it around whilst Josh held her cheeks apart with his hands.
The girls each had their faces deep in the others pussy now licking and sucking on the others clitoris and pushing tongues in as far as they could. But it was the clitoral stimulation that they both relished, in giving and receiving and it was this that eventually brought them both to a climax. When they pulled away from each other their faces were covered in the others juices and they went to their own boyfriend and hugged him and kissed so they could taste them too.
The four of them lay on the bed then, each in their own couple. "I hope we can do this again sometime," Emma said.
"I am sure we will Emma," Lisa told her. I told you even when we are married you will still be welcome in our bed, and if that means you bring John with you, even better. Just like his and my parents should have always been if things had been different."
"Yes I am just glad they are all good together now Lisa," John agreed.
"It makes it easier for us too doesn't it, with them as role models now," Josh said.
John looked at the clock on the bedside table and realised how late it was now. Emma saw him look and said, "I know, you need to get home don't you?"
"Yes I had better, I had not planned on staying this late and Josh and Lisa have work tomorrow," he said as he rolled off the bed leaving Emma to cuddle the other two.
"When will we see each other again?" Emma asked when he came back in with his trousers on.
How about I pick you up on Friday and you come over to ours for dinner, I am sure mum and dad will want to meet you again properly this time." John leant down and kissed Emma before doing the same to Lisa and then returning to Emma one more time.
"Good night you three, I will see myself out, do not disturb yourselves," he left the three of them cuddled up on the bed wishing he could stay with them, but he knew he had to go home and have a serious talk with mum and dad about the future.