Chapter 19.1

A Blast from the Past

Following the engagement party Lou's attention turned to organising everything for her and Paul's joint birthday party this year. This was going to be the biggest party they had ever held, it seemed that the family was continually growing, not that she was complaining though, she loved having everyone around, and to have them all there for her birthday for the first time in so long was exciting. She had roped Steph and Monica into the organising committee and the three of them spent much of the next few weeks working on various aspects of the party.

First off was the invites, this was Steph's domain as she was the artistic one. As a break from their normal parties the three of them came up with the idea of having a fancy dress party, or costume party as they found out it was called in America when Joe thought it meant tuxedos. When the invites went out Lou was inundated with phone calls asking about it. Her response was the same to everyone who asked, "yes it's fancy dress, but you can wear as much or as little as you like, just as long as we can see who or what you are." Everyone in the family was excited about the party, but no one was sharing what they had decided to dress up in, leaving it for surprises on the day.

For his part Paul did not find his services needed for the party preparation, which was just as well as he had other things on his mind. His up coming knee operation was giving him much to think about and with the impending birthday he stared to think about his age too. Since he had told John about Bob and Juanita, and then retelling that story at the party, he realised that he regretted the way things had ended with Bob.

What he had not told anyone was that the two couples ended their friendship over 30 years ago, when Bob and Juanita had not been at all impressed when they called on their friends to find Paul and Lou in a 69. That in itself was not the issue, it was the fact that whilst they were doing this Monica and Steve had been playing in the pool. Steve would have been about 11 and Monica 13. With their daughter Katy being aged between Steve and Monica they just had not been prepared for the openness Paul and Lou demonstrated infront of their kids, although they had been aware of it but never witnessed. They immediately left and then Paul had a phone call from Bob that evening telling him that he felt that their friendship had travelled its course and although they still cherished their memories they felt they could not visit around any more as the children reached teenage years.

Since that time contact between the two couples had been restricted to Christmas and birthday cards although those had dried up the past few years too. Paul needed to do something about this before it was too late. He had spoken to Lou and she could see his point but held out little hope. So here he was trying to find someway to contact Bob on line. In a flash of inspiration he went to Facebook and looked up their old college and sure enough there was Bob in the alumni group. Paul's heart was pounding as he worked back to Bob's profile page and of course there was very little there to be seen. Clicking on the send message button Paul wrote:

'Hello Bob, it has been so long you might have even forgotten us, but we have never forgotten you. I know things ended bad between us, but as we all are getting older I just could not leave it any longer. If you would like to get back in contact with us that would be wonderful. But if not then I understand and wish you all the best.'

He left it at that, not even clicking the follow button leaving that for Bob to decide. Paul closed the lid to his laptop and went outside to join Lou by the pool. When he told her what he had done, she said, "I bet you don't get an answer."

"You don't think?"

"No, it's been too long."

Paul was about to say that maybe she was right when his mobile beeped. He looked at it and saw there was a Facebook message. "Well what do you know! Bob has replied already and added me too."

"What does he say?" Lou asked now as excited as her husband.

"He says,

'Well Paul, I never expected to hear from you again, but am pleased you did. How are you two? We are fine here still living the nude life, are you? I still remember our college days with some fondness and the years after, I think we have a lot to catch up on.'

"Send him a reply then," Lou said. "And ask where they are living now as I think the address we were sending cards too must be wrong."

So Paul wrote,

'Bob, thanks for your message. Seems we are in the same situation, Lou is lying here by me and yes we are totally nude as always, thanks to you! She has asked me to ask you where you are living as she thinks the address we have is out of date. We are still in the same house we moved into when we married.'

Almost immediately a message came back from Bob, this time he gave his phone number too saying that typing was not his best skill and would be good to have a good old chat. "I would strike whilst the iron is hot," Lou told her husband. "You won't settle until you have spoken to him, and it seems like he wants to get back in contact too."

Paul agreed, and went back inside to his study and called his old best friend. It was a difficult conversation at first after so much time had elapsed but 45 minutes later he came back out to Lou. "That was a long conversation, you don't say that much to me in a day," she said smiling.

"35 years is a long time to catch up on."

"So how are they?" Lou asked.

"Seemed fine from what he said, you were right they have moved house and somehow their new address never reached us. You'll never guess where they live now."

"Probably not no, you will have to tell me."

"Remember that naturist club we looked at a few years ago, but decided it was a little too organised for us, well they only went and bought a park home on site and live their full time."

"But that's only an hour away from here."

"Yes, Bob said that when they stopped getting cards and things from us they thought we had wanted to break ties totally and so they never contacted us again. He was really quite sorry, and wants to meet up with us, I have the feeling that he at least has mellowed a little over the years. He said he had been thinking of us a lot recently but hadn't had the nerve to call. So anyway we are going over this afternoon to see them."

"WHAT!" Lou almost screamed, "you can't drop that on me like that, I might have things to do."

"Do you?"

"No, but that's not the point, I will have to get myself ready to visit them."

"Well it's not like you have to choose what to wear, they live on a nudist club."

"Yeah I know but still you should have asked."

"You have two hours before we need to leave, that should be long enough for you to do whatever you need to get ready."

And so it was that three hours later, and only four hours since Paul sent his first message on Facebook that he and Lou pulled up to the gates of the nudist club that was now Bob and Juanita's home. The guy at the gate seemed to be expecting them and directed them to where Bob's unit was. As they drove through the site they passed couples and whole family groups all enjoying themselves naked.

"Do you think that there is a different feeling about this place compared to when we visited it years ago?" Paul asked.

"Yes it does seem a little less stuffy for sure," She agreed.

When they pulled up outside the park home that was obviously Bob and Juanita's they were surprised by the size of it. This was the largest unit they had seen as they had driven through and had the best spot too. As soon as they stopped Bob was already coming out to greet them. Although they had not seen each other for so long there was no mistaking him, he had the same infectious smile on his face, even if there was considerably less hair on his head. Paul smiled to himself when he realised they both had as little hair as each other now. Following behind Bob was Juanita, like Bob she had aged well, most striking difference was the size of her breasts, there was no doubt now who had the bigger ones Paul thought to himself, Juanita's seems to have grown even more in the years and were now swinging infront of her like a pair of balloons. She had put on some weight since the last time they had seen her but that in no way made her less appealing on the eye.

Bob came right to the car and as Paul opened his door Bob almost pulled him out to give him a hug, Paul had to remind himself that Bob was not family and would not appreciate him stroking his cock as was usual in the family. But the intensity of the hug that Bob gave him was strong.

"It's so good to see you again Paul, I cannot tell you what it meant to receive your message this morning, and here you are now at our retreat."

"It's so good to see you too mate," Paul said as they walked back towards home following Lou and Juanita, who had also given a big hug on welcoming her, and they were already chatting.

"oh sorry Paul," Juanita said when reached a garden table and chairs by the side of the home. "I didn't even say hello," she explained. She came over and Paul opened his arms to hug her, she was shorter than Lou, her head only just reaching Paul's chest, so he had to bend slightly to kiss her cheek, to which she responded with one herself. "Now let me get some tea brewing," she said, "whilst you two get out of those clothes, this is a nudist retreat you know."

"Let me give you a hand Juanita," Lou said.

"Honestly I am fine Lou, just relax. I won't be long."

Paul had already taken his shirt off and was pulling his shorts down before Lou had her dress off and the two of them were naked sitting with Bob when Juanita returned with a tray.

"This is a lovely retreat you have here," Lou said to them, "did Paul tell you we came to visit it years ago, but it seemed so stuffy and regulated back then. We were saying that it seems a lot more relaxed now."

"You know I didn't quite tell you everything on the phone, when I say this is our retreat I mean it. We don't just live here, we own it." Bob told them, "when we retired we wanted to get away from everything and to be honest I had done pretty well financially and so when this place came up we decided to go for it. We don't have to do much really, we have great staff who run it on a day to day basis for us."

"Wow Bob, you old bugger, you really did well didn't you."

"I guess so, and you are right Lou, one of the first things we did when we took over was get rid of all those stupid rules they had, and since then we have increased membership by 200%. We want people to be able to do what ever they want whilst they are here."

Juanita noticed Paul's eyebrows rise, "he is not saying that it is as open about stuff as perhaps you are used to Paul," she said with a wry smile. "But that is not to say that things don't happen here, we just expect some common sense about when and where."

Lou looked at Juanita and sensed there was something about her old friend that had changed in the years. "Can we just get rid of the elephant in the room," she said. "We are all too 'old' to be pussy footing around this." She saw the others relax a little as she said this. "Yes we are open about sex in our family, and it has been that way all our married life, and we are happy that our children and their children have all followed our lifestyle choice and I don't think any family could be closer than we are."

"Thanks Lou," Juanita said, "that probably needed saying. We have often wondered how things developed as Monica and Steve got older."

"Can I be perfectly frank with you?" Bob said.

"When we witnessed what we saw in your garden that day, we were totally freaked by it, worrying about the kids."

"I understand where you are coming from Bob, although we are open about all things in the family, nothing happened with them until they were adults and able to understand what was the implications."

"And how is Katy?" Lou asked about their daughter. There was look between Bob and Juanita.

"Well things have not gone so well as in your family it seems." Bob said.

"Oh sorry," Lou said feeling bad for asking now.

"It's ok," Juanita explained. "It's just that she did not want to live as a nudist once she hit the teens and then when she married she wouldn't come and see us unless we were dressed."

"It's ok, we had much the same thing with Steve's wife until recently, but she has changed her view recently," Lou said.

"Can't see that happening for us," Bob continued for Juanita who was now visibly upset. "When we decided to move here that was it for her, she has disowned us totally. We have not seen or heard from her for the past 10 years. We don't even get updates on the grandchildren any more."

"Oh guys, that is terrible, we are so sorry to hear that," Paul said.

"It's ok, we have sort of become resigned to it, but it made this decision a hard one at first, but it was something we had dreamed of doing for years. But after all, maybe you got it right with your kids, it sounds like you have a perfect family."

"Well Bob , it works for us, but we know it's not everyone's thing. Hey look it's our birthday party at the end of the month, everyone is coming, why don't you two come along?" He looked at Lou, remembering it was her thing more," that's ok isn't it Lou?"

"Of course it is Paul, if they want to come, but we should warn you things can get pretty heated at our family parties."

"That would be wonderful, we would love to come, wouldn't we Bob? To be part of a family again would be lovely."

"Oh it's fancy dress apparently," Paul added, "think you can manage that?"

"I am sure we can come up with something," Bob replied. "So Paul want to go on the tour of the place?"

"Sure, lead on MacDuff!" He said and the two of them left the ladies to carry on talking over their tea. Bob took Paul around the site showing him the pool, sauna and hot tub, before moving out to the tennis courts and Club house. As they walked around everyone they met said hello to Bob, and he introduced Paul to them as his best friend. Which meant a lot to Paul. "Looks like you have a new family here Bob."

"I guess we do yes, we are very fond of everyone and try to make them all feel as welcome as we can." As they walked around Bob talked continually about their lives. Finally he stopped and looked at Paul. "I have something to ask you Paul."

"Go for it."

"Do you remember those times in our flat with the girls?"

"Of course I do, we had some great times."

"We sure did, what do you think of Juanita now?"

"She still looks great, we are two very lucky guys."

"Yes you are right, Lou looks stunning too. Thing is I can't do everything for her anymore. You know what I mean?"

"Trouble downstairs?"

"Yes afraid so. When I said earlier we have been talking about you recently, that's what I meant. We were talking about those times in the past, and I told her that if only we still had you as friends, you could give her what she needs. And then you sent me that message this morning as if Fate played her hand."

"You are serious aren't you?"

"Deadly, recently I only bring her off with my finger but as I do I am telling her that it is you doing her. We spoke about it after our phone call this morning and she is hoping you and Lou are still interested in us. She will be having a similar discussion right now with Lou."

"Well this is a little surprising I must say, but I have never turned down a good looking woman who wants me, and I don't intend to now. I am pretty sure I know what Lou will say too. You know after you guys we never swapped with another couple as such, we don't think of having sex with the family as same thing."

"Oh great I appreciate it Paul, and I know Juanita will too. Let's get back and see what why are doing."

When the guys returned to Lou and Juanita the pot of tea had been replaced by a bottle of wine which was already three quarters empty and the two ladies were laughing together, like they used to back in their college days.

Lou looked up when they walked over and said, "so it looks as though I am lending you out for a while Paul."

"If that's ok with you," he said.

"You know you don't need to ask permission, just tell me you want to," turning to Juanita she added, "that's how we work Juanita, there has never been any lying and no jealousy in our marriage this way."

"Yes I can see that will make a difference," Juanita said. "So Paul you still interested in me, even though these are now all saggy?" She said holding up her big breasts in her hands, lifting them off her stomach she sat.

"Juanita, you are still a gorgeous woman and if you had not noticed I have been enamoured by them since we arrived. They look fantastic, certainly different from when we were young, but that does not make them any worse. I have grown to love Lou's big old tits too." As he said this he stood behind his wife and grabbed her breasts in both hands and played with them, lifting them up in his hands in much the same way Juanita had done to her own.

"Hey cheeky!" Lou said, "Less of the old please."

"Ok, I suppose they are not the oldest ones I have felt recently, but they certainly aren't the youngest either."

"At least you are not going to say they are not as big as Juanita's again like you did in Butlins that time," Lou said whilst he continued to hold them.

"Well if there was any doubt back then Lou, there isn't anymore," Bob told her, "it's pretty clear that Juanita has the biggest ones now." Before Lou could concede defeat, Paul said "there is only one way to check isn't there ladies, just like we did back in the day," without waiting for any replies he moved behind Juanita's chair and put his hands on her large breasts. Paul gave Juanita's tits a gentle squeeze as his cock rested against the back of her head, slowly rising as he fondled her.

"You have not lost your touch Paul, have you?" She said as he began to pay attention to her nipples too.

"I certainly hope not, and you have not lost either, I agree with Bob yours are still the biggest."

Bob had taken his camera out and was busy snapping off shots of Paul playing with his wife's tits.

"You don't mind me taking a few pictures do you Paul? It's become a bit of a hobby for me since we came here; I have quite a collection now."

"Not at all Bob, you won't mind either will you Lou?"

"It's fine with me, it's funny no one ever brings a camera to our parties, you should bring it to the birthday bash, and be out official photographer Bob."

"I'd like that," Bob said, now pointing the camera at Lou and took a few photos of her holding her own tits.

Lou was starting to feel a little moist between her legs, a combination of touching her own boobs, watching Paul touch Juanita's and having Bob catch it all on his camera. Not wanting things to rush too soon she asked Bob, "so Bob can you show me around this park of yours?"

"Great idea Lou," Paul agreed, knowing her thoughts, "I fancy a dip in that hot tub you showed me Bob."

"Yes of course we can go for a walk, and stop off at the hot tub on the way if you are not in any rush to go home you could stay for a meal with us at the café this evening," Bob suggested.

"No we aren't in any rush are we Lou?" Paul asked his wife.

"Not at all, that would be lovely."

"Ok let's go then," Bob said and the four of them left together in a line, Paul and Lou in the middle holding hands, flanked by their hosts.

As they walked around the retreat it became clear to Paul and Lou that their old friends were very popular amongst the members and guests. Everyone stopped and said hello to them, and Bob introduced each of them to Paul and Lou by name.

There was Ruth and Don a mature couple who seemed to be very close to Bob and Juanita giving them big hugs when they met. Ruth, Paul noticed had decided to shave and was showing a nice slit that extended up the front of her pubic bone, she also had perfect breasts for her age. As they walked away Bob said to Paul, "I was going to ask Don if he could help Juanita and I out, but I don't think they are really interested in others. Not like these two coming to see us now, I know they do a bit of swinging from time to time."

Paul looked at the couple approaching them and saw a middle aged couple both smiling broadly at Bob and Juanita. "Fresh meat for us Bob, you really shouldn't have!" The guy said as he was introduced to Paul and Lou as Greg, he shook Paul's hand but was quick to give Lou a hug. When his wife, Carol, embraced Paul he definitely felt her press her groin against him, he smiled at her and gave a little push back.

They left Carol and Greg and continued their stroll around the site, "well they seemed a very friendly couple didn't they?" Paul said to his wife.

"Yes very, I saw how she greeted you darling, and I got much the same from Greg."

"Interesting. Perhaps we should come back here another time?" Paul suggested.

"Would that be ok Bob?"

"What's that Lou?"

"Could Paul and I come back again sometime, it is so lovely here?" She asked.

"Absolutely, no problem. In fact let's go to the office now and we will make you honorary life members, our gift to you. You can come back any time then."

"Really, that's great thanks Bob. And if you ever need a break from it all, and I don't know why you would, you are welcome at ours anytime too," Paul told him as Bob led the way to the small office where he introduced them to Deb, who was looking after the office that day.

Deb was a friendly lady in her late 50's, she helped them sign the necessary paperwork and gave them membership cards. As she did all this Paul studied her body, she was broad hipped but with small slightly sagging breasts, a B cup Paul guessed. However her nipples were huge, not the areola around them which was small, but the length of them. They stuck out from her tits almost a centimetre. He was wondering what they would be like if she was aroused when Lou nudged him and told him to concentrate and sign the paperwork Deb was giving him.
Next page: Chapter 19.2
Previous page: Chapter 18