Chapter 20
Acting on their Decision
In the week following their visit to Steve and Steph's, life had changed dramatically for Robert and Diane. They had gone from having sex on birthdays and anniversaries to having it every day this week. In addition to this Diane was spending more time naked when Robert was at work. It started with just not bothering to put on a robe in the morning whilst she was preparing breakfast and then a little longer each day until by Friday she did not get dressed at all and when Robert came home and found her still as nude as when he left her they ended up fucking in the kitchen within the first 5 minutes.
During the days when she was home alone it was not only her growing confidence in being nude that changed. She was also spending more and more time thinking about Steve and Steph, and their relationship with their son John. This inevitably led her to think about her own son Kev and the revelation that he would like to have the same relationship with her.
When Robert and her had gone back upstairs at Steph's suggestion on the Sunday morning they had a deep talk about this and although Robert was still unsure he said that they would see how things developed. She was pleased that he had not flatly refused, but know that he needed some more persuasion.
By Wednesday lunchtime she was so pent up with sexual energy thinking about Kev she was tempted to call him and tell him to come on over and fuck her. But she remembered what Steph had said about not ever going behind anyone else's back and being totally honest and open with everyone in the family to make it work.
She had put her gown on whilst she had her lunch but as she was thinking of Kev her hand untied her belt and went between her legs. There was no reason she couldn't dream about it though she realised. As her finger started to play with her clitoris Diane imagined calling Kev and asking him to come over for lunch as she needed to ask him something she could not ask on phone. When he rang the doorbell she would answer it in her robe but with it slightly open so he could see she as naked under it.
As he stood on the doorstep she would open the robe more and ask him, "I hear you want to fuck your mum, is that right?"
He wouldn't say a word in her fantasy but would just pull her to him and begin to kiss her, as he closed the door behind him. Diane had now pushed a finger into her pussy and was rubbing her clitoris with the back of her thumb as she imagined Kev's kiss, his tongue poking into her mouth as they kissed. She would then start to unbuckle his belt and let his trousers fall to the floor so she could get her hand on his cock in his boxers. She pictured herself going down on her knees as she pulled the boxers down and coming face to face with his cock at last. It was already semi erect and she was sucking it into her mouth within seconds.
Back in the real world sat at the dining table her fingers were getting covered in her pussy juices as she filled herself with three fingers now. Kev's cock would be fully hard now as her mouth accepted its full length. She would take her mouth off his cock and tell him that he can fuck her now! She saw herself bend over the dining table and spreading her legs so Kev could fuck her from behind. She could feel his cock enter her in her fantasy. She looked around the table for something to stick in her twat and locked her eyes into the bottle of salad dressing.
In her mind she was being fucked by her son from behind whilst in reality she was fucking herself with a bottle of salad dressing. It was her hands that were playing with her nipples, but she felt them as Kev's. As she imagined him filling her up with cum her own orgasm hit her and she thrust the bottle in as far as she could and screamed out his name over and over again.
When she had finished cumming she pulled the bottle out of her cunt and saw the amount of her juice that covered it. She picked up her phone, took a photo and sent it to Robert with the message, 'guess where this has been as I thought of Kev?'
Almost immediately she had a reply from him, 'oh FUCK! Almost shot my load in my trousers'.
She sent back, 'don't waste it, I want it when you get home'.
When Robert eventually arrived home later he saw the same bottle on the dining table. He picked it up and he could still smell Diane on it. Diane walked in then in her robe still on and he looked at her and said, "This happened thinking of Kev?"
"Then how can I deprive you?" He told her. "But first I think we need to meet up with Steve and Steph again and talk things through with them."
"Ok, let's invite them over for dinner Saturday, we owe them a meal anyway."
"I was thinking of giving them more than just a meal, perhaps we should continue what we did not finish last week."
"Oh yes I like that," Diane said with a grin. "But right now I need a real cock in me not a dressing bottle." She dropped the robe and bent over the table and Robert fucked her, but she did it tell him news how she had imagined their son fucking her earlier.
Later that evening after dinner Diane called Steph and invited them over for Saturday dinner.
"That would be lovely, thank you," Steph replied. "And how are things there?" She added.
"Well, let's just say we are both here nude now, having had dinner and a shag already."
"Oh that's great Diane, I am so pleased for you, and the other matter?"
"Yes all good, we can discuss more on Saturday."
"Ok, I think that's best. See you then."
"Oh by the way, dress code is optional here now too."
"We are both looking forward to it Diane. Bye for now".
Saturday evening finally arrived and both Robert and Diane we're excited now about the evening ahead. They had spent the day getting dinner and themselves prepared. Neither of them dressing for the whole day. When the doorbell rang to announce their guests arrival they both went to the door to welcome them, knowing they would not be seen from the road.
"Looks like we have come to the wrong house Steph," Steve said when the door opened and her saw the other two there nude, "this is some nudy house," he added with a laugh.
The other three laughed with him, "come on in you two, and make yourselves comfortable," Diane told them.
Being comfortable meant being nude in Steve and Steph's world and so it was only a matter of a minute before his users and shirt were off as was Steph's dress and they were as naked as their hosts.
"That's better isn't it?" Diane asked.
"Yes much better ls for inviting us over, looks like we have much to catch up on," Steph replied as she walked with Diane to the dining room.
"I guess you could say that, dinner is almost ready, why don't you take a seat and we can talk over dinner."
Over the meal Diane and Robert talked about how their life had changed this week, and also how very sorry they were for their reactions a week ago. They told them how their sex life had improved and the number of times that they had fucked this week, with details of where and in what position too.
When Steve picked up the salad dressing bottle, Diane and Robert smiled at each other, but said nothing. Eventually, Diane had to tell that story as it was obvious that was something about the bottle as both smiled again when Steph used it too. She told them how she had used it to fuck herself whilst she fantasised about Kev. Neither Steph nor Steve were bothered by this, in fact Steve went back for more dressing.
"So it seems you have decided to take this further with him then?" Steph asked Diane.
"Yes we have, but we wanted to talk to you two first about how we should set it up," Diane told them.
"Well I don't know if you will be up for this, but it's mum and dad's birthday party in a few weeks, and as I am in charge of invitations I am sure I can get you Invited," Steph said. "We can keep it a secret form Jenny and Kev too."
"And surprise them on the day?" Diane said liking this idea.
"Yes, that's what I thought," Steph replied.
"That's perfect," said Robert. "But before then we have another proposal for you."
"Oh really?" Asked Steve.
"We feel bad about the way your little game ended last week so wondered if you would like to continue where we left off."
"Yes we would love to, wouldn't we Steve? And we are all in the same state of undress as we were then too, so we can just carry on."
Steve picked up the dressing bottle and said, "And we have the Perfect bottle to spin too."
"Let's take this into the lounge then and see where it leads shall we?" Diane said, leading the way as the other three followed.
Steve spun the bottle once were all seated and it pointed to Robert, who straight away called for a dare.
"Right Robert," Steve said, "last week you only got as far as kissing Steph, how would you like to kiss her other lips this week?"
"I'd love to," he said licking his lips.
Steph spread her legs wide where she sat and said come on them Robert feast on these."
Diane watched her husband get down onto the floor and bury his face in Steph's pussy. He was making loud as he lapped away on her lips for 5 minutes before Steph tapped his shoulder and said that perhaps he best stop now as they had a game to continue with. Robert lifted his face and it w not only covered by a broad grin, but also a mix of his saliva and Steph s juice. "You have a gorgeous pussy Steph."
"Thanks Robert. Now spin the bottle again will you?"
When the bottle came to rest it was pointing at Steph. She asked for a dare too.
"It's only fair I suppose," Robert said, "that you return the favour isn't it?"
"My pleasure Robert." Steph moved over to where Robert was sat and knelt on the floor in front of him just as he had done to her. Without using her hands she began to,lick the length of his dick as it started to grow. She licked from the tip down to the base and then around his balls before going back up to the top once again. After repeating this once more Robert was fully erect, Steph then wrapped her lips around the crown of his cock and began to suck on it whilst using her tongue to explore under his foreskin, pushing it back to expose the sensitive parts below.
Robert was lying back in his armchair his arms spread out to the side, a look of rapturous delight on his face as Steph worked her magic on him with her tongue and lips. But all too soon she lifted her mouth away and said, "you have a lovely cock Robert, but that's all for now, don't want you getting too excited do we?" She returned to her chair and smiled at Diane, and spinning the bottle.
When the bottle stopped spinning and pointed at Steve, Steph asked what he wanted, "a truth Steph," he replied.
"Ok, I know just what I want to ask you," she said. "A variation on date, fuck or marry. Out of these three names, who would you masturbate, who would you give oral to, and who would you fuck."
"Oh wow, so who are the three?" He asked.
"Your mum, Jenny and John," she replied.
"Hmm interesting choice. Well I could never turn mum down so she would be the one I would fuck that's for sure. You and I gave John a blow job the other week so I suppose I would give him a wank and so it's Jenny that gets a licking."
"You two are so funny," Diane said. "Just when we think we know it all you go and shock us again."
"How?" Steph asked.
"Now we find out that it's not just you is doing John, but now Steve is too?"
"I have to be honest with you Diane, until we came back to the family I had never had any experience with guys, other than tasting cum from a used pussy, but actually it's quite fun too."
"John definitely has a very bisexual side to him and he has been exploring this recently. Steve is less so inclined so don't worry Robert he is not about to jump you," Steph said looking at Robert who just shrugged as if he wouldn't care.
Steve picked up the bottle and spun it, and it ended up pointing back at Robert, who having already had a dare had to give a truth. "Robert," Steve begun, "if you have an erotic bucket list what is at the top of your list?"
"It's a long list I can tell you, and after meeting you two it seems to be getting longer. But I think number 1 would have to be anal. I have longed to do Diane in the ass but she is not so keen are you love?" Diane did not say anything just hung her head a little.
"Well I know about 5 ladies in the family who would happily fulfil that fantasy for you Robert," Steve told him, "and at least two guys too," he added with a mischievous grin. "You would wouldn't you Steph?"
"I would yes," she replied. "Anytime you like Robert." On saying this she stood up and bent over and used her hands to spread her bum cheeks so both Diane and Robert could see her ass clearly.
"Fuck Steph, that looks so inviting," Robert said almost leaning out of his chair to get a closer look.
"Well maybe later then," she said as she sat back down again.
After Robert spun the bottle he was pleased to see it stop pointing at Diane at last. "What's it to be then darling?" he asked.
"A dare I think please."
Picking up the bottle from the coffee table Robert handed it to his wife and said, "Show us exactly what you did with this bottle the other day then."
"Really?" She said as she took it from him.
Diane opened her legs wide and held the bottle by its neck and used its base to rub against her lips. She slowly worked the bottle past her outer labia and then further in past the inner ones until they could all see her twat open wide and the lips surrounding the glass. Diane worked the bottle further in and she could feel it pushing against her clitoris just as it had the other day. Once again she started to imagine her son's cock there instead of the bottle and her hand reached up to cup her breasts and pull on her nipples.
"That's it Diane, make yourself cum again," Robert encouraged her. "Are you thinking of Kev again too?"
"Yes," she said as she moaned again as she heard his name, "I can feel his cock filling my pussy right now, it feels so fucking good Kev. Fuck your mum hard," she said as she began to slide the bottle in and out harder and faster than before.
"Yes that it Diane," said Steph who was herself playing with her own pussy watching Diane fuck herself, "a son's cock is the best there is, he'll make you cum like never before."
"Oh I hope so," Diane said, her breathing now fast and Loud as her orgasm started deep inside her and then washed over her whole body, making her shudder and cry out a big yes and she thrust the bottle in deep.
The two guys were playing with their cocks too as they watched Diane cum in front of their eyes. Diane opened her eyes and pulled the bottle from her wet cunt making a loud noise as it exited. Steph took the bottle from her and could see it was once again covered in pussy juice. "I would say this bottle is completely fucked now wouldn't you? Maybe that is a natural end to the game, and considering its intention was to get to know each other more I would say we have achieved that wouldn't you Steve?"
"Definitely," he replied still holding onto his cock.
Diane was just about recovered from her orgasm now and she looked at all their empty glasses, "Robert, what kind of a host are you fill our guests' glasses for them; and mine too, I really need a drink now." Robert let go of his dick and went back out to the dining room to fetch more wine. As soon as he was out of the room Diane spoke up again.
"Until this week I have never thought of having a sexual relationship with my son before, but now that is my main goal. But can I share with you what has been a long term fantasy of mine; one that I have never told anyone before, not even Robert?"
"Of course you can Diane, you can tell us anything you like," Steph assured her.
Diane took a deep breath and began, "I have always wondered what it would be like to have more than one man at a time."
"So you want a threesome?" Steve asked. "That's easy to sort out for you."
"No I want more than that," Diane told them. "I think the term used is to pull a train."
Steph looked at her confused, "I have never heard of that before."
Steve went to where his jacket was hung and pulled out his phone, just as Robert came back in with the wine. "Everything ok?" Robert asked.
"Oh yes," Steve told him, "we were just talking about something and I wanted to google it."
Steve typed in 'what does to pull a train mean'. When the results came back his eyes widened and he passed the phone to Steph.
"Oh I see," she said.
Diane was looking at them but her eyes were pointing to Robert as if to say not in front of him. Steph understood what she was trying to say, but instead said, "No secrets Diane, remember where that got you before, a whole lot of nowhere."
"I know, but it's not easy to admit this."
"Will someone please tell me what is going on here?" Robert asked.
"Diane was just telling us her biggest fantasy," Steph told him. "Actually it's more than a fantasy isn't it Diane, it's a need isn't it?"
"Yes it is, show him the phone Steve," Diane said.
Steve passed Robert the phone and the looked at his wife after he had read it. "You want this?" He asked her
"Mmmmh I would love it," She replied.
Robert looked at her, and then at Steve and Steph, before saying, "what happened to my vanilla old wife?"
"I think that was just a front to cover her wilder side, don't you agree Diane?" Steph said.
"I guess you may be right Steph," Diane agreed. "Do you think there is any chance it could happen ever?"
"One thing I have learnt in this family, Diane, is that never say never."
"Steph, you are doing the invites to the party, how many guys will be there?" Steve asked her.
"Mmm let me count." They watched as Steph went through the invites she had prepared and started counting on her fingers. Finally she came up with an answer, "including you two now, that will make 10, although that does include Simon, he may need some persuading as I don't know if he is still interested in pussy."
"Well he could do me in my ass if he prefers, I want to be filled everywhere."
"What its ok for him but not me?"
"Robert, you never actually tried to fuck me in the ass, until this evening I did not know you even wanted to."
"See another missed opportunity because you never spoke about these things before," Steph told them.
"Would 10 be enough for you Diane?"
Diane had a smile on her face as she said, "I would think so, and would they be up for it."
"I can fairly confidently say yes," Steve confirmed. "But what do you say Robert?"
"I am one of the 10 aren't I?"
"Yes," Steph said.
"Then I suppose its fine but I have a request myself Diane?"
"What's that?"
"I want to be the last one, and I want to fuck your ass!"
"That's two requests," she said, "but yes you can have them both. But here's my condition, Kev is going to be first. I want him to feel my pussy before it gets used by everyone else."
"Deal," Robert agreed.
"Leave it with me to setup at the party, I will get your guys lined up for you if you are really sure," Steve asked Diane.
"Yes I am, in fact I am so excited at the thought I think I could do with a practice, how about you two doing me now, you don't mind Steph?"
"Absolutely not, I am just so happy with the transformation you have made in one week. Nearly as fast as my own when John found out about the family. And any way I will get to show you something else you had better get used to in this family."
"Oh what's that?" Robert asked.
"Wait and see, now Steve there is a woman here who is offering you herself on a plate, you aren't going to let that go by are you?"
"Too fucking right I am not. How do you want me to fuck you Diane?"
Diane got on the floor on her hands and knees and told them that she had imagined herself like this as she was pulling her train. "So let's try it out," she said.
Steve knelt behind her his cock in his hand and already fully erect. He used his hand to spread her cheeks wide and then her lips which we still wet form her orgasm with the bottle. Slowly he pushed his dick into her cunt, making her gasp with pleasure when she felt only the second cock in her life to enter her. When he was in as far as he could go he pulled back out and then started his rhythm sliding in and out in long slow thrusts.
"You have a gorgeous cunt Diane," he said between thrusts. "I can't believe you only fucked her three times a year Robert, she feels so tight, tighter than girls half her age in fact."
"Really Steve, am I?" Diane asked as he thrust into her again."
"Yes, but I don't think you will be so tight after having ten guys fuck you," he said as he started to build up speed now. Diane's tits were swinging away under her and Steve reached down to grab them, "could do with some help here Steph," he said.
Steph was right on it and was next to Diane on the floor and had her hands on her tits, taking over form Steve before Diane knew what was happening. She felt a woman's hands on her breasts for the first time and marvelled at the difference soft skin made to them. Behind her she could feel Steve's balls banging against her clitoris as she kept banging away with his cock in her pussy.
"You two are amazing," she said, "I have never felt so good in all my life than I do right now." She looked at Robert who was sat on his chair still stoking his cock keeping it hard. "Sorry love, but this is the best thing I have ever felt."
"It's ok Diane, it's the best thing I have ever seen. But just imagine what it will be like by the 10th cock."
"Ohhhhh!" Diane screamed as Robert said that, "it will feel fantastic I am sure. Now Steven are you going to shoot that cum inside me?"
"Are you ready for it?"
"I am yes, I want to feel it shoot inside me, I love to feel it."
Steve responded as he knew best by increasing his speed once more and in no time he was ready to shoot. He slowed down as he did and he felt his clock twitch inside Diane as the first load emptied into her.
Diane felt the hot cum enter her and just as it always did with Robert, she's own orgasm happened immediately she felt it. This time though she felt the orgasm last longer, it was not over in ten seconds like normal. This one kept going and going as Steve shot more cum into her and Steph carried on tweaking her nipples.
By the time she had stopped cumming Steve was starting to shrink inside her. "You ready to take over Robert?" He asked him but did not need an answer as Robert's cock was fully erect and he was obviously very ready.
Robert move over next to Steve and as the other guy pulled back and let his softening cock fall out of his wife's pussy, Robert was there ready to push his in. When he did so he had a big shock, he had not realised just how wet Diane's twat would feel after another guy had filled her with cum. He had a new appreciation for the phrase 'sloppy seconds', but he loved the feeling.
"Diane you feel so good now filled with Steve's cum."
"Feels good to me too, but like you said imagine what it will feel like after 10 loads of cum."
Robert began to fuck hits wife's cummy pussy, as he pulled out and pushed back in, her lips were squelching with Steve's cum, making the most fantastically arousing noises to him. He knew he would not last long as he had been holding back all the while Steve had been fucking her.
Steph had changed position now and was on her back under Diane now and was kissing and sucking on her nipples. Steve had his face buried in her pussy and was making sure she has her own pleasures too.
"Come on Robert fill me more with your cum, add it to Steve's," Diane shouted back at Robert who couldn't wait any longer and he began to shoot into her. True to form Diane started to cum too as soon as his first load entered her. This time it was not so intense and long as the one she had with Steve, but was still more than normal with Robert.
Steve's tongue was working on Steph's pussy and he was sucking on her clitoris in order to make her cum too, and it was doing the job as he felt her thighs tighten around him and the let out a deep moan of pleasure, her mouth still full of Diane's nipple.
Eventually Steve lifted his face form her twat and looked up in time to see Robert about to pull out of Diane. "Hold on there Robert, Steph said she needed to show you something else. Well now's the time."
Robert stopped where he was mid exit, and Steph slid along the floor back to under Diane's legs and then told him to pull out now. Robert did so causing a 'plop' noise as he did. Steph lifted her head up and had her tongue in Diane's pussy immediately, tasting the mixture of two men's cum and Diane's own juices.
As she did this Steve explained the reason for it, and how they would need to get used to seeing and even doing this by the time they went to the party as it will be expected of them. "Although seeing as Diane will be otherwise engaged for some time it may be that you won't need to worry too much," he added.
Steph had been sucking out cum all this time and was satisfied she had a mouthful still after swallowing quite a lot already. She rolled out from under Diane and let her move from off all fours, they noticed the carpet burn on her knees, and realised that would have to make sure she was more comfortable next time. Opening her mouth Steph showed each of them that she still had a mouthful of cum.
Steve said, "I think she wants us all to share it, but don't swallow" and kissed his wife so she could pass him some to taste. She then went to Diane and did the same before ending up with Robert, who had never tasted another man's spunk before but had often licked his own off his hand after wanking. When she had kissed them all she still had some left, but was now able to speak. "Now we all have had a share of our sex and we are bonded together, these bonds are stronger than friendship and make us united as family." She swallowed what she had in her mouth and watched as the others did the same.
Robert and Diane had never been spiritual in any way but at that moment they felt something change within them and just looked at each other and then Steve and Steph, and grinned.
An hour later Steve and Steph were in their car driving home. They had spent the last hour with Diane and Robert talking through some of the other family rules that they would need to become accustomed to shortly.
They were very keen to ensure they had them all as they were now totally committed to every aspect of this new lifestyle. Clothes were now a thing of the past I their home. And Diane had agreed that she would throw out all her knickers and never wear them or a bra again. Taking a shower or bath together was going to be a lot of fun they knew, they would make sure that they always cleaned each other up after sex and never wasted their cum.
When it got to the rule about keeping the bathroom door open at all times, this caused them to take a pause. It was not the door being open when they were alone that was the issue, after many years of marriage they often used the bathroom at the same time. But letting anyone else in this was something neither of them had ever thought of, let alone the idea of cleaning them after.
"Well no time like the present," Steve said. "I could do with a pee before we travel home and I am sure Steph will need one too."
"I sure do."
"And you want us to watch?" Diane asked.
"After everything we have done tonight and talked about you think I am bothered if you see me have a wee?"
"Put it like that I see your point," she replied. "Come on Robert another first for us."
The four of them went up to the bathroom and first Steve stood and had his piss. Steph showed them then that she had no problem using her tongue to clean the end of his cock of the drips of urine before she stood over the bowl and let her bladder empty too. Spreading her lips so they could all see it flow out of its hole. Diane surprised Steph the as she bent down and used her tongue to lick along her lips and cleaned them.
"It's not so bad," she said.
"Depends what you have been eating and drinking," Steve told her.
"I guess so."
The drive home was 2 hours during which the two of them talked constantly. They were amazed just how much Robert and Diane had changed in seven days. They had never expected to get this far so quickly with them, but Steph's assessment that they had both been repressing their sexuality for fear of what the other would think was accurate. It was a fear that neither Robert nor Diane had now and never would have again. They had promised before they parted company that never again would they hold back anything from each other and they would always be open and honest.