Chapter 21.1

After 38 years as a nurse in the NHS Ann Rushton had taken her retirement at 60 two years previously, and now worked part time at the local private hospital. The change was surprising at first, working in the private sector was so different, mainly because she had none of the responsibilities of management and was enjoying being a nurse, and having time with patients.

Today was going to be a busy day as there was a couple of new patients she had not met yet. There was a lady of 80 who had been given a new knee who would be staying for about 10 days and a male patient of 67 who had undergone surgery, again on his knee, but who would be only here for three days as he could be cared for by family at home after that.

Ann knocked on the ladies door first, hearing no reply she opened the door. The lady was still asleep. There was no need to wake her just yet so she closed the door and went to Mr White's room. As soon as she knocked the door she heard him say come in. When she opened the door she saw Mr White trying to get out of bed.

"Mr white what are you doing you should not be trying to get up on your own."

"Sorry," he said, "I just need to go to the bathroom, I waited for as long as I could."

"You should have rung the bell, here let me help."

Ann stood by his bed and helped him swing his legs over the side before supporting him as he stood up. "Don't put any weight on the bad leg, use me to support you." Together they walked to the bathroom. "Can you manage from here Mr White?" She asked him.

"Yes I think I can."

"Well I am just outside, call when you are ready."

"Ok, will do," Paul replied as he heard the door close behind him. As he had his morning pee he suddenly realised he recognised the nurse form somewhere but could not work out where. When he was done he called out and the nurse came back in and helped him back to his bed. It was really bugging him now where he knew her from. He would have to ask Lou when she came in later to visit.

For her part Ann was totally professional, she had recognised Mr White immediately from the other week at the retreat. But she had learnt not to mix her personal life with work and if he was not going to say anything then neither was she. Once the patient was back in bed she asked if he would be getting any visitors today.

"Oh yes, my wife will be in later," he told her.

"That's nice. Well remember ring the bell if you need anything again, I am here all day," she said as she turned and walked to the door.

When he saw her from behind Paul remembered when he had seen her before. He had seen that ass step out of the hot tub at Bob's place. "Dam!" He thought, "she must think me so rude not to say hello."

As Ann walked out the door she was smiling to herself and couldn't help wiggle her bum a little more than normal, she knew that he would be watching, they all did.

An hour later and Ann was sat at the nurses station when she heard a pair of high heeled shoes on the floor. Knowing that it was either a visitor or management she looked up and saw Mr White's wife walking down the ward towards her. Ann smiled at her and the other lady smiled back, then her face showed a sign of recognition. "Hello Ann," Lou said, then looking around to see if anyone could overhear added, "nearly didn't recognise you with your clothes on."

Ann had to smile at that and said, "you did better than your husband I don't think he recognised me yet."

"That would be about right, so what a coincidence."

"Isn't it." Ann said.

"So how's he doing?" Lou asked.

"Pretty good, he managed to get to the bathroom this morning with some help, just make sure he doesn't try on his own."

"Don't worry, I will keep him in check. See you later?"

"Yes I will be around later to check on him again."

Ann watched Lou walk on down to Paul's room and enter. She followed as soon as the door closed, so she could eavesdrop on their conversation from outside. She was just in time to hear Paul say, "I know, I didn't recognise her at first, it wasn't until I saw her bum wiggle as she walked out that I realised where we had met."

"Well she recognised you apparently."

"She didn't say, maybe she doesn't want it acknowledged at work."

"Too late," Lou said and told him what she had said to Ann at the desk. "She didn't seem too put out."

Ann walked away form the door, again a smile on her face, so he had recognised her after all.

It was half an hour later that Ann went back to the room as it was time for a blood pressure check. Before she entered she stood and listened again.

"Had a phone call from Joe this morning to say they have landed at Heathrow, and will be here tomorrow."

"Oh great, I am looking forward to seeing him again. Did he say what Mary thought of the U.K. On her first visit here." Paul said.

"No he didn't, but then she has t seen much yet. Any way it means I won't be able to come to visit you tomorrow until later as I should be home when they arrive I guess."

"Yes it's a pity I am here at the same time, but I am sure you will take care of them properly."

"I will don't worry. Perhaps someone else will come and visit you tomorrow, I will ring round later."

"That's will be nice,"

Ann could wait no longer and forgetting etiquette she opened the door. The look on Lou and Paul's face was a picture as she surprised them. Paul's sheets had been pushed down and Lou had her hand up his hospital gown and had evidently been stroking his cock as they were talking.

"Oh I am so sorry Mr White, I can come back in a while."

"Don't be silly Ann, we are all friends, and any way I think he has finished," Lou said as she pulled her hand back and looked at her fingers where there was some cum dripping down them. Never one to waste cum Lou licked her fingers off in front of Ann.

"Oh my!" Ann exclaimed as she watched Lou.

"Don't tell me you are shocked?" Lou said.

"No Mrs White, it takes a lot to shock a nurse, it is just nice to see that's all."

"Good, and can we use first names please, Mr and Mrs White sounds so formal."

"Oh right sorry, professional habit, Lou."

Ann took Pauls arm to measure his blood pressure which was a little high unsurprisingly. When she was done she said, "just be careful, not all my colleagues are probably as open minded as I am, but most will knock. I am sorry I didn't."

"Are you really?" Paul asked.

"You have me there, actually no I am not," she said flashing him a big smile. Then looking at Lou asked her if she was going to be here all day.

"Yes I will be today," Lou replied.

"I was wondering if you would like to join me for lunch, Paul will be having his here of course. It will be nice to chat with someone my age for a change all the others are so young compared to me.

"I would like that thanks Ann," Lou said, "I will look forward to it."

"Ok, my break is at 1, I will come and meet you and we can go to the café here if you like."

"Ok, lovely."

True to her word Ann returned at one o'clock, Paul had already had his lunch and was feeling a little tired. He would drop off to sleep again soon enough so Lou didn't mind leaving him for a while. Lou walked with Ann to the hospital café and they bought some lunch. Over the next 45 minutes the two ladies did not stop talking. Lou told Ann about how they knew Bob and Juanita from years back and that it was Bob who introduced them to nudism, and now they had reconnected after a long break. She did not go into what the reason for the gap had been.

"We are relatively new to nudism then, by comparison," Ann told Lou. "It's only been about 10 years since our first trip to a nude beach on holiday. Since then we have always been nude at the beach, then Nigel read about the retreat opening with new management and convinced me to go along to their open day."

"It has changed a lot since we looked at it years ago," Lou told her.

"So I understand from some of the older members, but Bob and Juanita have made a real difference to the place."

"From what they told us, you and your husband have ben instrumental in that too," Lou said.

"That's very nice of them to say so. We like the relaxed atmosphere there now, and have managed to introduce some of our more open minded friends to it. We have some fun times there, if you know what I mean, although Bob and Juanita don't seem to have any idea what goes on."

"I think I understand you well enough Ann. I also think you discovered earlier that we are fairly broad minded too."

Ann knew they were talking in code so no one could overhear them. She would have to let Nigel know about Lou and Paul later when she finished work, but she needed to find out more just to be sure.

When lunch was over the two new friends walked back to the ward to find Paul still asleep. Lou said she would just wait for him to wake up. Later in her shift Ann was walking past Paul's room and heard the two of them talking again.

"So you think Ann and her husband are swingers?" Paul was saying.

"I am pretty sure that's what she said yes. But she also said that Bob and Juanita have no idea that it's going on at the retreat."

"They may not, but Bob definitely knows that some of them swing. Wouldn't Ann be surprised if she knew that we had swapped with Bob and Juanita the other day?"

"Yes, I think she would be," Lou agreed.

Outside the room Ann was nodding her head in agreement too, she had no idea that Bob and Juanita had any sexual inclination at all. She knew Nigel would be most excited by this news as he was always commenting on the size of Juanita's boobs.

For the rest of her shift Ann only saw Paul and Lou once when she popped her head in to check everything was OK. Lou told her that they were fine and that she had helped Paul to the bathroom. "What time do you finish today Ann?" She asked.

"My shift finishes at 5, why?"

"Would you mind calling in before you go home I have a favour to ask before I leave too."

"Yes sure, no problem," Ann said. It was 10 minutes after 5 when Ann knocked on Pauls door, her shift now over. "Come in Ann," Lou called out. When Ann walked in Lou added, "you really don't have any need to knock you know, it's not like you haven't seen us in more compromising situations before."

"I guess that's true," Ann said, "you wanted to ask me something Lou?"

"Yes, hope you won't mind, but I want to say to goodbye to my husband properly, and wondered if you would look out, as you said not everyone of your colleagues may be as enlightened as you."

"Oh I see, yes that's fine. But I better not stand outside that will be a little weird for anyone else."

"No problem, you know we don't mind you staying," Paul said as he lifted his gown and displayed an already hard cock. Before Ann could see any more of it Lou was on it with her mouth licking the

head and then down towards his shaft. She gripped him in her hand and pulled the cock to stand at right angles to his body before dropping her mouth right over the tip and sucking.

It was not the first time of course Ann another woman give a blow job, she had seen Nigel getting his fair share over the years, but there was something about it happening here that made it all the more exciting and she could feel her own pussy starting to moisten as she watched Lou. Paul had begun to moan softly as Lou began to slide his cock in and out of her mouth, Ann wanted to touch herself but couldn't be too obvious so was using her handbag to rub against her pussy through her uniform.

It did not take long for Paul to cum, and Ann watched as Lou kept his cock in her mouth as he climaxed, slowly milking it with her fingers. When Paul had finished Lou lifted her head from his lap, looked at Ann and opened her mouth to show her the load of cum inside. Ann expected her to swallow the cum but instead she went back to Paul and they kissed passionately and Ann could tell they were sharing the cum between them as they kissed, she had never seen anything more erotic or sensual as that in any of her liaisons with her swinging friends, but she knew she was going to have to do it to Nigel later as it looked just amazing.

The look on Lou and Paul's faces when they finished kissing confirmed for her that something very special had passed between them, and it was not just semen. "Thank you Ann, I can leave knowing that he is going to be ok till tomorrow, won't you love?"

"Too dam right Lou. I love you, see you tomorrow."

"Love you too you old fool," she said. Kissing him on his forehead. "Come on Ann let's get out of here, I am sure you want to get home to Nigel."

In her head Ann was thinking, more than you can imagine', but her mouth just said, "yes it has been a long day, but a fun one."

The two of them walked to the car park together and Lou asked, "will we see you tomorrow Ann?"

"Yes, although I am on a late tomorrow so not till after lunch."

"Ok we will look forward to it," and without pausing she leant to give Ann a goodbye kiss on her cheek. As she came closer Ann could smell the hint of Paul's cum still on Lou's breath and her pussy almost flooded there and then. She kissed Lou back on her cheek and said goodbye. She sat in her car and it was impossible to not put her hand between her legs, as she watched Lou walk to hers. Ann could feel the dampness of her panties through the material of her uniform as she drove home to where her husband Nigel was waiting.

"Hello sweetheart, had a good day?" Nigel asked when she walked into the kitchen where he was preparing dinner.

"Yes fantastic, will tell you about it later but right now I need something from you."

"Oh what's that?"

"This," she said as she started to unbuckle the belt of his trousers.

"Oh I see," was all Nigel could say as Ann pulled his cock out of his trousers and boxers letting them both fall to the floor. Within seconds it was in her mouth and she was sucking it to its full length. Once she had achieved this she stood up and unbuttoned her uniform dress and leant over the worktop, "fuck me Nigel, I need your cock so bad," she told him as she pulled her panties to the side to give him access to her wet pussy.

Nigel knew not to ask any questions when his wife was like this but to just do as she wanted. He could tell right away that something had happened to her as her pussy was soaking wet when he pushed his cock in from behind. "Yes that's it fill me up I am so horny right now, I am going to cum so quickly. Oh yes, I love your cock Nigel. But don't you dare cum yet."

"Uggh? That's not going to be easy darling, you are so fucking wet down there."

"Oh I love it when you say that Nigel. Say it again. Make me cum."

Being given the green light Nigel started of with, "going to fuck you Ann till you cum." Before moving on to feel my cock in your hot wet pussy Ann, feel it filling you up." He was holding her hips now and thrusting his own hips forward.

"That's it, I am going to cum. Oh yes! Uggghhh! Mmmmmh!" Were some of the sounds Ann made over the next minute as she climaxed on Nigel's cock.

"I can't hold on much longer Ann," Nigel said as he felt her vagina stop clenching his cock. Without a word Ann stood up so his cock fell out of her pussy and turned round. She was back on her knees again and sucking his cock before he knew what had happened. Never before had she ever sucked him off after he had been in her twat. Whatever had happened at work today had really got her worked up. He was not complaining though and very soon he was cumming too, and filling her mouth with spunk.

When he had finished he expected her to turn to the sink to spit out his cum as she always did. This time though she didn't seem to want to. Instead she stood up and opened her mouth so he could see she was holding it in. Then suddenly she was kissing him on his lips and her tongue was swirling around in his mouth. Nigel could taste his own cum in his mouth as Ann passed it to him. He should have been disgusted, but instead he was thrilled, he had never known his wife be do 'dirty, and he was loving it and had his tongue in her mouth sharing spunk back and forth between them.

When they had been kissing for nearly 5 minutes like this Ann broke off and looking at Nigel swallowed what was in her mouth and then said, "you too." Nigel swallowed his own spunk before they were back kissing again.

Later that evening as they were having dinner Ann finally explained what had happened at work. How she recognised Paul from the retreat immediately, and then what she had witnessed when Lou arrived.

"It sounds like they swing," she told him, "or if they don't they have a very open attitude to sex and it wouldn't take long to get them in on the action," Nigel said after he heard about the day.

"Oh I am petty sure they are not monogamous, there is one thing I didn't tell you." Ann then told Nigel about the overheard conversation concerning Bob and Juanita.

"Well fuck me!" Nigel said. "Who would have thought it, I have been trying to flirt with her for years, I was sure she was an ice maiden."

"Well it would seem not if what I heard was true. But I am determined to find out more tomorrow from them."

"Make sure you do, I want to hear all about it tomorrow evening."

It was just as well that Ann was on late shift the next day as the evening developed into quite the fuckfest for her and Nigel. Her pussy was still sore from the number of times Nigel had pounded her. Throughout the session they were both talking about various combinations of couples they would like to be with. Ann told Nigel how she was looking forward to seeing Paul's cock again and this time getting a closer look and maybe more. In turn Nigel told her how he would love to watch two of them fucking whilst he played with Juanita's massive jugs, sliding his cock between them until he came and covered them in sticky cum. By the time Ann had cum three times she had moved on from Paul and was telling Nigel how she wanted to get down and dirty with Lou, she imagined them lying in a 69 position two of them licking each other's pussies till they came.

By the time they had finished Ann had had five orgasms and Nigel had cum in her pussy and once on her tits before finishing off in her mouth when they shared his cum again with a kiss before they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Thinking about it now made Ann moist again and she had to stop herself from putting her hand up her uniform to feel her pussy as she drove. She lay her hand on her lap instead and could feel her suspender belt straps which were laying on her thigh. She didn't normally wear them to work, but thought today might be a good day to start.

Being on the late shift meant that she started at midday and worked till 8 pm, meaning that she missed the arrival of most of the visitors to the patients. Her first hour was full of catching up on new patients and any other changes overnight, so it was not till nearly 1 o'clock that she finally made it to Paul's room. Remembering that Lou had said not to worry about knocking she opened the door when she arrived. What she saw was not quite expected, although there was a certain similarity to the evening before. Paul was once again getting his cock sucked but it was not Lou that was doing it. This woman was definitely younger than Lou, she had her head down and did not see the door open. Ann watched for almost 30 seconds before she closed the door and left, just as Paul opened his eyes and saw the door close, and knowing who had been there.

Ann didn't know what to think now, was this one of Paul and Lou's swinging friends, if they were indeed swingers. Or is Paul having an affair with a younger woman behind Lou's back. Then she recalled that Lou said she wouldn't be in till later in the day and would arrange someone to visit. Was this the someone? And did Lou know what would have happened when she sent her? Ann couldn't concentrate for the next hour thinking about all these things.

Eventually the woman left Paul's room, she saw her blow him a kiss from the door and say something. Whoever it was Paul obviously like big busted ladies as she was as big as Lou in that department. Ann noticed it was time for Paul's painkillers, after collecting the pills from the cabinet she walked to his room and entered.

"Hi Ann, I was hoping I would see you sometime today, I thought you had forgotten me?" Paul said, a big smile across his face.

Ann wanted to say, 'well you seemed to be well looked after earlier' but instead said "it's been busy today that's all Paul."

"Well it's a shame, you just missed my Daughter, Monica. She was looking forward to meeting you, Lou told her how well you were taking care of me."

"Y y your daughter?" Ann stammered, "I did not realise it was your daughter, but now I can see the resemblance."

"Yes they are very similar aren't they?" Paul said, but holding back on anything else, he wanted to talk to Lou first about what Ann had seen, which he was sure she had now.

Once again this couple had turned Ann's view of the world on its head. "Is Lou coming in to see you later?" she asked as she gave him the pills.

"Yes she will be, she has had to stay at home for most of the day as we are expecting guests for a while."

"Oh ok, well I hope I see her I have much to tell her."

"She should be in about 5, I had a text to say my brother and his wife had arrived at lunch."

"Are you a close family?" Ann asked before she knew her mouth was open.

"Yes we are pretty close, in one way or another," Paul replied, now knowing she had definitely seen him and Monica earlier.

"Right well if you are comfortable I will leave you for a while," Ann said.

"Ok, I will get some sleep, I am still very tired, it must be these pills you keep giving me," Paul said as he watched her ass walk out the door, then looked again, he was sure he could make out suspender clips under her uniform that were not there yesterday.

Ann's head was reeling when she left the room, what had she walked into with this couple? How could a couple that were obviously so close be so open about all things sexual? She thought Nigel and her were pretty enlightened but this couple took that to a new level. She should have been shocked by it, but instead it intrigued her. She realised that she would have to go straight to the point with Lou later, she would invite her to join her for a coffee she decided.

Lou arrived later that afternoon just as Paul had said, Ann heard her heels on the hard floor just as she did the day before, and managed to stop her before she reached Paul's room.

Lou looked troubled when Ann approached her, "is everything ok Ann?" She asked, thinking there was one thing wrong with Paul.

"Sorry Lou would you mind having a chat before you go in to see Paul, on a personal note not a professional one? I am due a break about now if you could spare a few minutes."

"You have been so good to us Ann, how can I refuse," Lou told her, "do you have time to go to the café again?"

"I have 15 minutes so yes that's fine." They went off to the café as they had the day before and bought two cups of coffee.

"Lou," Ann started when they sat down. "I am not going to beat about the bush here so I am going to come right out with it. Are you and Paul swingers?"

"Well not in the true sense of the word, I guess we are polyamorous. But you and Nigel are swingers aren't you?"

"yes we are, we have a close group of friends we meet up with, some at the retreat as I said yesterday."

"I thought that was what you meant. We talked about it, Paul and I, and that's what last evening was about, giving you the opportunity to be open with us. I guess it took till now though."

"Lou I can't tell you how turned on I was, especially when you kissed Paul after he had cum. I have never seen anything like it before. I was so excited by it I did the same to Nigel twice last night."

"Really? That's wonderful, it's such a special thing to do with someone you love."

"That's not everything?" Ann continued, "I have another question to ask you."

"Go ahead you know we have nothing to hide."

"You know your daughter visited Paul today don't you?"

"Yes I asked her to as I knew I would be late."

"And did you know that she would be giving him a blow job too?"

"Did she?"


"That's my girl, I only asked her to give him some relief as I know what he is like if he doesn't cum."

"So i guessed right? You know that him and her are at it?"

"Yes, they have been since she was old enough to know what was going on. Just as her brother and I do."

"Oh my!" Was all ann could say.

"Listen Ann, we are a very open and close family, where sexual boundaries do not really exist amongst consenting adults. In fact Paul's brother Joe has just arrived with his wife from America."

"Yes Paul said you had visitors."

"Well before I left them my sister had arrived and I have no doubt that she has had each of them cummimg already by now."

"You are serious aren't you Lou?"

"Totally Ann. But look at the time, you should be getting back and I better go see the old man," Lou said standing up. "But thanks for your openness and I hope we can still be friends. If you come back to Paul's room later when your shift finishes I will know that we can be."

"Ok Lou, its a lot to take in, and I think there is still a whole lot more to know about you two and your family. I think you will see me later."

"I do hope so Ann," Lou said as Ann stood up and left Lou at the table. Lou took a deep breath as she realised that this was the first time she had ever admitted to the incestuous nature of her family to anyone outside of it or who was not going to be joining through marriage. She hoped she had not just made a huge mistake.

Ann walked back to her ward her head full of things that she had never considered before. Just how far did the incest run in this family. Obviously it included Lou and Paul's son and daughter and by the sound of it brothers and sisters too. But what about other generations, did Monica carry it on with her family, or did it stop here. Ann and nigel had no children of their own but she had two brothers but had never thought of them in this way, or had she? She remembered growing up with them and enjoying dancing with them both and loving the fact that it made other girls jealous that she was so close to two of the best looking boys at school. Ann put those thoughts out of her mind as she started work again.

Ann managed to avoid seeing Paul and Lou again for the rest of her shift, letting her colleague go to see Paul when it was time. However it soon reached the time that she could not avoid any more, her shift was over and she had to make the decision to either go and see Paul and Lou, or leave and never know the answers to her questions. She was shaking with nerves as she opened the door to the room, her decision made. Thankfully this time Paul and Lou were not doing anything more than talking and watching TV.

"Hello Ann," Lou said. "Come in and sit down, we are so pleased you decided to come by, we have been talking about nothing much else since I arrived."

"Really?" Ann asked, "I did not know I was so interesting."

"Believe me you are," Paul said.

"So here's the thing Ann," Lou said. "What I told you earlier is our family secret, I took a big risk in telling you but I had a feeling that whatever you chose to do, I could trust you. The fact that you are here now confirms I was right."

"You can trust me and Nigel, I assume it's ok to tell him too?"

"Of course it is, one of the basic rules we have in our family is that there should be no secrets or going behind backs, that way there is never any guilt or jealousy."

"That makes sense," Ann agreed. "I do have questions though, if that is ok?"

"Go ahead," both Paul and Lou said.

Ann asked who else knew and was involved in their family circle. Over the next ten minutes Paul and Lou explained the family to them, how it all started and how the family had grown. They also told her of the difficult times with Steph and Steve and how John had brought the family back together recently.

When they had finished telling their story, Ann asked one more question, "but why have you opened up to me like this, as you said Lou you have never gone outside the family before?"

"That Ann neither of us can answer," Lou replied. "All we know is that as soon as we met you and Nigel at the retreat we felt something, and then over the last two days we have just both felt so natural with you, as if you are already a part of the family. We actually have a proposal for you now."

"Do you?" Ann asked.

"Yes," Paul said. "I have been told I can go home tomorrow morning, we wanted to thank you for all your care whilst I have been in here and would like to invite you and Nigel to our place tomorrow for a meal."

"You do?" Ann asked.

"Yes, we want you to meet some of the family too. Also we are having a party for our joint birthdays at the weekend," Lou continued. "I know it is last minute but you both will be most welcome to join us, and don't worry there will be someone else you know there too, as Bob and Juanita are coming."

"Really? They know about your family too?" Ann was surprised at this revelation more than the fact that they had swapped recently.

"Yes we have known them for years and although they have not been completely on side with our life choices in the past, they seem now able to accept it," Lou told her.

"Well in that case, we would love to come tomorrow, it's my day off so it works perfectly, and to your party, I know Nigel will be completely happy too."

"Well if it's your day off why don't you come over in the afternoon and spend some time with us before dinner.Oh and don't bother to dress up tomorrow, remember we live as a nudist family at home. But you need to know the party is a fancy dress so hopefully you will have time to sort a costume out,"

"I think so Lou, we have something at home I am sure."

"Ann?" Paul asked her, "you have been asking a lot of questions of us, would it be ok if I asked you a couple before you go home?"

"Paul it is only fair I suppose."

"Firstly then," Paul began, "are you wearing stockings today?"

Ann flushed a little before she said "yes I am Paul."

"But you weren't yesterday, why is that?"

"I don't know, I was just feeling so sexy this morning thinking about you two and I thought wearing them would help me continue feeling like that."

"And did it?" Lou asked.

"Yes it did."

"Good, and here's my second question," Paul said. "Would you give me the same treatment that Lou gave me last night before you left?"

Ann looked at Paul and then at Lou who was smiling back, "you want me to give you a blow job?"

"Yes he would," Lou answered for Paul. "I will watch the door for you this time," she added.

Ann knew that this was what she was hoping for when she left home today, and it was not as if this was the first time she had sucked another man's cock with his wife nearby. But with all the other revelations of the last 24 hours she was still nervous. She knew that Nigel had told her to go with the flow, and to enjoy herself and she would tell him all about it later so there really was no reason not to do this was there she told herself.

Ann sat in the edge of the bed and pulled the sheet down to find that Paul had already pulled up his hospital gown and she saw his cock close up for the first time lying in a semi erect state. As she bent down to put her mouth to his dick she felt Pau's hand touch her knee and slowly travel up her leg under her uniform, until it reached the top of her stockings. She put her mouth over the top of his cock now and used her tongue to swirl around the tip as her lips encased the whole head in a tight grip. Paul's hand had found the flesh of her thigh above the lacy top of her stocking and was gently stroking the soft skin. Ann changed positions now and stood up next to the bed, not letting her mouth leave Pauls cock for a second, in this position Paul could run his hand up and down both her legs making sure that it moved across the gusset of her panties as he crossed from left to right and back again.

"Your panties are so moist Ann," he said when he felt the cool wetness of them against his fingers. Ann could not reply with her mouth full now of his cock but just moaned at his touch letting him know that what he was doing was fine with her. Her uniform dress was held closed with popper fasteners and as she continued to suck she pulled the sides of her dress apart so that all the fasteners popped open leaving her dress wide open and giving Paul a view of the matching bra, panties and suspender belt she had on under.

"You are such a naughty, sexy nurse aren't you Ann?" Paul said as he feasted on the view to the side of him and ran his hand up from her panties, over her suspender belt and on to her bra. Cupping a boob in his hand he massaged it through the material of the bra, causing Ann to moan louder this time. Her mouth was working hard on Paul's cock now sliding it up and down the length of it as her hand held his balls and rolled them between her fingers.

It did not take long until Ann felt Paul's cock start to twitch as he prepared to cum. She was ready for it and pulled her mouth back to the tip again so that as he shot his first load into it she was able to keep it in her mouth whilst he continued with a second and third load. After the third it was left for her to milk rest of it out with her fingers stroking the shaft until no more.

Ann knew what she needed to do next and with her mouth full of Paul's semen she looked at Lou and showed her, just as Lou had shown her the day before. Then back to Paul she leant down and kissed him giving him his cum back to taste, his tongue was in her mouth immediately and was scooping his cum out of it as they kissed.

"I hope one of you is saving some of that for me," Lou said, "or better still both of you," she added.

Paul and Ann broke off from their kiss and showed Lou that they both had some cum still in their mouths. Lou came to Ann first and put her hands around her waist and kissed her. Ann had kissed a couple of women before at parties and even gone further, but she had never had any experience anything quite like this. Sharing a kiss with a woman and sharing her husband's cum with her as they kissed was so erotic she felt her knees tremble, and her pussy tighten as she had a mini orgasm right there.

When the kiss was over Lou went and kissed Paul too, so she could share his cum with him too. Ann just collapsed on the bed and sat there her legs open with her dress falling to the sides. Her panties were soaking wet now as if she had wet herself but she knew that was not the case today. She watched the husband and wife next to her continue kissing until they finally stopped.

Lou looked at Ann and saw the state she was in and said, "welcome to our family Ann, you are a very special woman and I know you are going to fit right in, and I am sure Nigel will too after tomorrow."

"I have no doubt about that either," Ann said as she tried to pull herself back together and fastened her dress.

Ann left the room after giving both Lou and Paul another kiss goodbye. Her legs were still wobbly as she walked out of the hospital and to her car. When she sat down she realised just how wet her panties were, looking around for anybody else, she hitched her dress up and slid her panties down and stuffed them in her pocket. As she drove home she phoned Nigel to say she was late but not to worry. Nigel asked if there were any more developments from the day before, she really wanted to tell him everything there and then but thought it would be better face to face.

30 minutes later and Ann was walking in through the front door, on the drive home her hands had been busy, she had unbuttoned the top two poppers on her dress and had pulled her tits out of her bra. She could feel the material of her dress rub against her nipples as she walked heightening her state of arousal once more. Nigel had once agin prepared a dinner as he did on the days she worked and it was ready on the table for her along with a glass of wine, as she had a day off the next day.

Ann gave Nigel a big hug and kissed him, wondering if he could smell sex on her breath. He did not seem to and they sat down to eat. Nigel kept looking at Ann during the meal, "what is it?" She asked eventually.

"Just looking at you, that's all," he said. "Wondering why you have that sparkle in your eye."

Ann put her hand in her dress pocket and pulled out her panties and passed them to Nigel. "That might give you a clue," she told him as she watched him look at them and feel how wet they were still.

"Looks and feels like you have had some fun today, is that why you were late?"

"Yes it is, but before I tell you about that I have some other things to tell you, which you might find interesting or not."

"Go on then."

Ann then began to tell Nigel about all she had seen and learnt today about Paul and Lou. She told him about finding another woman giving Paul a blow job, and then finding out it was his daughter. Nigel's eyes widened at this point. When she told him about the chat she had with Lou over coffee and everything Lou had admitted to her, Nigel finally said, "shit Ann what have you gotten yourself into? I assume you did go back to them at the end of your shift."

"Yes I did long story short I ended up giving Paul a blow job too and then sharing his cum with both him and Lou, and that is why my panties feel like that, I had a orgasm just by kissing her and sharing Paul's cum."

Nigel picked up the panties again and said, "wow that must have been one hell of a kiss to make them this wet."

"Well to be honest they were damp before I got there. The whole thing about them is so erotic and exciting."

"Sounds it," Nigel said. "Can't wait to see them again at the retreat soon."

"You will see them before that. I hope you can finish early tomorrow as they have invited us to their's for the afternoon and dinner."

"Really? Why would they do that?"

"Must have appreciated all the care I have given Paul during his stay," she said laughing. "Oh and we are invited back on Saturday too for a birthday party."

"You really have made an impression on them haven't you?" Nigel said.

"Well maybe this helped too," said Ann as she pulled her dress apart for the second time that day and showed her husband what she had been wearing under it all day.

"Yes that would do it, you are such a naughty girl aren't you Ann. Come her and show me just how naughty you can be.

Pudding was forgotten as Ann came round the table and pressed her body against Nigel's face so he could kiss her skin as he pulled her dress off her shoulders so she was standing in just her stocking and suspenders with her tits out over her bra still.

The sex that followed was as intense as the night before although not for as long or with as many orgasms, Ann being tired after a late shift. The two of them were enjoying sharing cum now, a new experiment for them both, and that night Nigel sucked his own spunk out of Ann's pussy for the first time before kissing her and sharing it back to her. The whole thing turned Ann on so much, she wondered if Lou had ever had it done to her. Little did she know then what else she would learn the next day at Lou's and just how far her and Nigel were behind in their experiences.

Nigel worked from home most days and so was able to arrange his diary the next day to be free from 2 pm, which meant that he and Ann were out of the house soon after and he drove them to the address Lou had given Ann. They arrived at the house and parked the car on the large drive, the house was in one of the more affluent areas of the city and it was clear that Paul and Lou were worth a lot more than Ann and Nigel.​
Next page: Chapter 21.2
Previous page: Chapter 20