Chapter 21.2

Ann looked at her younger husband, "ready for this?" She asked him.

"Yes, it's just like a afternoon at the retreat really," he replied.

"Possibly, but I have the impression that things could get a lot wilder than anything we have experienced at the retreat."

"Works for me," nigel said. "Come on let's go and find out." He gave Ann a kiss on her cheek before they got out of the car and walked to the front door. Lou had told Ann to ring the bell twice which she did. It was not long before the door opened, but to Ann's surprise it was neither Paul nor Lou that was on the other side.

"Hi y'all, come on in," the man said with a definite American twang to his voice. "Y'all must be Nigel and Ann, Paul and Lou have told us all about you. I am Joe, Paul's younger and more handsome brother."

Ann then saw the family resemblance, Joe was tall like Paul, with short greying hair on his head and a goatee beard that was also greying. Looking down Ann saw that Joe was completely bereft of hair around his cock and balls, making them seem more prominent in some way than when there is hair to hide within.

Joe led Ann and Nigel though the house to the kitchen/diner where they found Lou sat at the table with another woman presumably Joe's wife, both of them naked. Lou stood up when she saw them and said, "welcome, I am so glad you could come and visit us. Paul is a little tired after leaving hospital this morning so has gone to bed, he will be down later though."

Lou had crossed the room to where Ann and Nigel stood as she spoke and had her arms around Ann in a hug by the time she finished speaking and kissed her. Nigel watched this amazed at just how relaxed Ann was at being kissed by another woman, during all their swinging neither of them had ever shown any bisexual tendencies and had made it clear to their partners that they were definitely straight. Yet here she was kissing Lou on the lips and he was sure they were using tongues too.

When the kiss and hug was over Lou looked at Nigel and said, "it's ok Nigel, you get the same welcome," then put her arms around him and followed up with a kiss. Her lips were wet from her kiss with Ann and they felt silky smooth as she opened them and probed his mouth with her tongue.

"How rude of me," Lou said when their kiss ended. "I have not even introduced you properly. You met Joe already, so let me introduce Mary, his wife, to you. Mary this is Nigel and Ann that we were talking about earlier."

"Yeah, I kinda guessed that doll," Mary said in a sultry southern America accent. "Pleasure to meet y'all," she said looking at Ann and Nigel but not standing up form her chair.

"We were just about to have some tea, as Joe misses good English tea," Lou said, "is that ok with you?"

"Lovely Lou," Ann replied. "But perhaps we should undress first?"

Laughing Lou said, "what am I thinking, of course. I am not used to people waiting to undress here, the usual thing is that is the first thing anyone does, some don't even wait to get in the house."

Ann and Nigel looked at each other and shrugged, as if to say well let's do it. Within a minute they were both nude, the few clothes they had on previously piled carefully in the corner of the room. They were no strangers to public nudity obviously, and their all over tans were as plain as Lou's. This fact was not lost on Joe, who said, "I can see y'all are used to being nude by your tans. As you can see we don't get the chance in Florida."

Ann looked again at Joe and Mary and yes she could see there were clear tan lines on them both. "Well perhaps whilst you are here you will be able to fill in the whiter bits, if our summer holds on that is. You know how English weather is," she said.

"It's just typical Ann," Joe told her "we live in a part of the world where the sunshines but there is very little opportunity to go nude, and you live here with unsettled weather but nudity is more accepted."

"So where do you go to get naked Joe?" Nigel asked.

Joe looked at his wife and back to Nigel, "well to tell you the honest truth, I haven't been nude in public since last time I was here with Paul and Lou. That was 12 years ago wasn't it Lou? After my divorce."

"About that yes," Lou agreed.

"That was before I met Mary of course. We married 8 years ago, and although I had told her about Paul and Lou being nudists, you didn't really believe me did you darlin'?"

"Not at all," Mary said. "I though he was kidding me, he is such a sillyass sometimes, so imagine my shock yesterday when Lou here welcomed us nude."

"I can indeed Mary," Ann said. "A little like me when Joe opened the door, I thought I had come to the wrong house or something."

"Oh Miss Ann, you are too funny," Mary said. Ann liked being called Miss Ann there was something quaint about it.

"Well it looks like you adapted pretty well to it Mary," Nigel said as he sipped his tea that Lou had poured for him."

Mary looked to Lou and said, "there are no secrets here are there?"

"No Mary, Ann and Nigel know everything," Lou replied.

"Ok, the thing is Nigel, being nude around here seems so natural after a while, I even forget I am. On top of that with everything else I have learnt in the past 24 hours about this family nudity is a minor thing."

"You know we have only just learnt how the family works in the past 24 hours too," Ann told her.

"Actually Ann, there is still more for you to learn before the party on Saturday," Lou told her.

"You're kidding right? There can't be more secrets can there." Ann said

"Not secrets as such, but a few traditions and rules, you have experienced one already when we shared Paul's cum yesterday."

"I can live with that tradition," Ann licked her lips as she said this.

For the next 15 minutes whilst the drank their afternoon tea Lou made sure that Ann and Nigel knew all the rules and traditions of the family. The two of them had a few questions about some of them, particularly the same sex welcomes, Nigel was worried that putting his hand on another guys cock may be misinterpreted. Lou told him to not worry, "actually," she added. "We didn't do a proper greeting when you arrived, and it would be good for all four of you to get used to this." Lou stood up and pulled Nigel from his chair and once again kissed him but this time her hand dropped down from his waist and cupped his balls. In response Nigel did as she had told him and used a finger to trace a line along her fleshy pussy lips.

"Now isn't that much better?" Lou said as she broke off form Nigel and went to Ann and he saw them kiss once again but with hands stoking each other's pussy as they did.

"Yes Lou, it is so nice a way to welcome someone. Nigel, don't you agree?" Ann asked her husband, but he was already in a welcoming embrace with Mary who was holding not his balls but his cock. Nigel was enjoying Mary's touch even more than Lou's as she held on to his dick rather than balls. When he put his hand between her legs he discovered that she was as smooth as her husband there. Ann was now feeling what smooth balls felt like and she actually liked the feel too when she held Joe's as they kissed.

It eventually came down to time for Nigel and Joe to greet each other properly. There was no way they were going to kiss, but a manly hug and slap on the back was sufficient, it was Joe who first put a hand down and touched Nigel, he felt Joe wrap his fingers around his balls for 5 seconds before letting go. Nigel didn't mind the feeling at all, and it felt quite natural afterwards to return the greeting to Joe. Feeling another guys balls for the first time was interesting enough, but feeling a smooth pair was actually quite exciting. He held them for about as long as Joe had done before releasing.

"That's it, we are now all as one, and what we find is that when you have let someone touch your genitals then there is nothing left to hide," Lou said. "So I hope you will accept our way of life and be open and honest with everyone and everything you discover about yourselves or anyone else."

"What a way of life you have Lou," Ann said.

"It's taken a long time to for us get to this point Ann, but it seems that once we blazed the path, it's easy for anyone else to follow."

Nigel was nodding his head as he sat down and looking at Ann said, "I agree with you darling, this is definitely a way of life I could adopt. But I have one last question for you guys."

"Ok shoot Nigel," Joe said.

"I can't help noticing that you are both shaved, if you don't go nude back home why shave?"

Lou cut in at that point, "if you are going to tell that story again I think I will start preparing dinner."

"Do you need any help Lou?" Ann asked.

"You are fine Ann, I think you should stay and here this story too. If I need any help I will call."

"Of if you are sure," said Ann as Lou left the table and went off to the other end of the large kitchen diner to start on vegetables.

"As Mary said, I have been telling her that the family were nudists, but she just thought I was messing about, right? So when Lou opened the door yesterday morning and stood there naked I could feel Mary's hand shaking in mine. But y'all know how welcoming my sister in law is. She made no issue about being naked or implied that we should and very soon we were sat right here with a coffee, watching her in the kitchen like she is now."

All four sets of eyes turned to look at Lou standing by the sink peeling potatoes, her bum wobbling as she moved. She felt their eyes on them and turned and said, "what?"

"Nothing Lou," Joe said. "We were all just enjoying the view."

"Oh right," Lou said turning back to her work

"After coffee we were feeling the effects of the travelling and Lou suggested we get a couple of hours sleep and showed us to our room. We undressed and slipped into bed, and that was the last time either of us have had clothes on since we arrived."

"Yes, I have a suitcase of clothes up there that might not see the light of day now," Mary said.

"So how did you come to make that quite bid decision then" Ann asked.

"You tell them Mary," Joe said.

"When I woke up a few hours later, Joe was not in bed with me. I looked around the room and saw our piles of clothes on the chair where we had left them and the suitcase still closed. I though that Joe was in the bathroom, so I got up and went there but he was no where in sight. It was then I heard voices, I looked out of the window which overlooks the garden, as I am sure you know. And there he was lying on his front, his white ass pointing up to the sun."

"It was then that I heard Lou's voice and I looked out further and I saw that she was out there too and they were talking away like old friends, which of course they are."

"Lou was asking Joe if I was going to join them outside, and what did you say?"

Joe flushed a little before he said, "All I said was that you were a little but prudish and at best you would be in a bikini but probably a swimsuit. And Lou said that's a shame she would enjoy being nude I think."

"Ouch! That must have stung Mary?" Ann asked.

"Too darn right Miss Ann," Mary said. "I had never thought of myself as a prude, and I thought I am going to hurt you so bad Joe White! I went to the suitcase and looked for my bathing costumes, as I was looking for them I thought to myself. If I put this on I am just proving him right, and then I don't really have a leg to stand on when I challenge him. It was at that moment I decided I would go downstairs with nothing on but a towel."

"When I saw Mary come down with a towel wrapped around her I thought she was wearing a costume under it. But then she came to the lounger next to mine, looked at me, then Lou who was sat at the table and then back to me and said."

"I said, 'a prude am I? Well fuck you!' And dropped the towel and went and sat next to Lou at the table."

"Good for you Mary, one has to keep these men on their toes," Said Ann.

"Yeah, for sure. Lou just looked at me and said 'well that is quite an entrance Mary, but nice to see you joined in at least.' I looked over at Joe and he had this big cheesy grin on his face, and I knew that he thought he had won one over on me."

"Not the most conventional conversion to nudism," Nigel said, "but you must have liked being nude then."

"Yes," Mary said, "I had never felt so good before, and I could see Joe was enjoying it too."

"I was, it was not easy hiding a hardon from Lou."

Lou called over form the kitchen, "trust me Joe, you didn't hide it. Anyway I can spot a hard cock at 50 foot," she said, and thy all laughed.

"Well if I knew than what I know now I wouldn't have bothered to try and hide it," Joe said.

"So just how did you discover everything else about life here?" Ann asked, thinking about how she had found out about it the day before too.

Lou heard Ann ask the question and came back over to the table, "well Ann, whilst you and I were talking things over and I was telling you about our family. Joe and Mary were her having their own minds broadened, shall we say, by my sister Sarah."

"Broadened indeed," Joe added, "she is quite a lady."

"She would hate to hear you call her a lady Joe, there is only one name for her and that is Slut, and she seems to be very happy with that handle."

"She does sound like an interesting member of your family Lou," Nigel said.

"Don't worry Nigel you will meet her at the party on Saturday, and you can decide for yourself. But now I will let Joe continue telling his story." Lou left them once again busying herself in the kitchen.

Joe did continue, "as you know Lou went to the hospital yesterday afternoon to visit Paul, leaving us here alone. So you leave a man and a woman naked in the sun by a pool with a bottle of wine, and the inevitable happens."

"You fell asleep again?" Ann said teasing him.

"Quite the opposite, we were wide awake." Mary said. "I had gotten over my anger at Joe by then and we were lying together and I was slowly stroking him."

Lou once again called form the kitchen, she was obviously listening in still, "you were giving him a wank Mary, it's ok we all know."

"Yes, I was giving him a wank," Mary said with a little wobble in her throat, she was unused to saying things like that to other people. "He was nice and hard in my hand when I heard the side gate open and this woman walks in totally naked and says 'don't mind me, carry on. Nice to see you again Joe.' As cool as you like she just sat down next to Joe."

"I looked at her and faintly recognised her as Lou's sister, Sarah." Joe told them. "I hadn't seen her in years, but she is nothing like I remember her."

"So what did you do Mary?" Ann asked.

"I let go of him of course,"

"Yeah what a bummer I thought," said Joe. "I was almost there too."

"Well anyway I looked at this woman and she looked at me, before she looked down at Joe's cock and said, 'well I don't know what it is like where you come form lady, but over here we never let a hard cock go to waste' and before I knew it she had a hand wrapped around Joe's dick and was wanking him faster and faster.

Ann looked at the two of them and said, "oh my word, what did you do Mary?"

"Nothing, I was so stunned. I had no idea who she was, and maybe I had a little too much sun and wines but I just sat and watched as she continued, and Joe didn't seem to have any intention of stopping her."

"Now Nigel, would you?" Joe asked the only other guy there.

"I think that would be difficult," he replied. "I mean I am pretty hard now just hearing about it, and if a woman started stroking my cock now I wouldn't be able to stop her," he added looking right into Mary's eyes.

Mary took the hint and reached over to feel his erection. "Our story is getting you excited then Nigel?"

"Yes it is keep going please."

"With the story or stoking your dick?"

"Both if you can," Nigel said.

"Why don't you take that outside guys, I don't want cum on my carpet," Lou said when she saw what was developing at the table.

"Good idea, we have been indoors too long and the sun is out again now," Joe agreed.

The four of them went out to the pool side patio where Nigel and Ann were once again impressed by the size of Paul and Lou's house and garden. They found the sun loungers and they all sat on them with the backs upright so they could see each other.

"This is exactly where we were when Sarah arrived," Joe said.

"And where you arrived too darlin', right into her open mouth." Mary said, then looked at Nigel and Ann. "Yes that's right she put her mouth over the end of his dick just at the point he started to cum and he shot the load into her mouth." Mary had her hand back on Nigel's cock again as she spoke and was playing with it in long smooth strokes

"She sounds like a real slut like Lou said," Ann said.

"Sounds like one hell of a woman," said Nigel.

"She is both of those you are right," Joe told them. "I mean I hadn't seen her for maybe 20 years and here she was letting me cum in her mouth within 5 minutes."

"I couldn't believe what had just happened," Mary said, so I said to her, 'just who the fuck are you?' She looked at me and said, 'well Mary, that's no way to say hello to your sister in law? Are you my sister in law? I get so confused by relationships. But then in this family who cares about names, we all just fuck each other whoever right?'"

"Oops, that was a little too early wasn't it?" Ann said.

"Yes just a bit," Joe said. "I turned to Mary and said, 'Mary meet Lou's sister Sarah.' Then I looked at Sarah and said I am not sure what you mean Sarah."

"She looked at me and said, 'oh come off it Joe, you know what goes on here, as well as I did for all these years.' I told her that all I knew was that my brother and his family were nudists. She then said 'well you have a lot to learn whilst you are here and it looks like it's up to me to teach you both.'

As they had been talking Ann had stretched out her hand and was now playing with Joe's cock just like Mary was Nigel. "Ann are your a slut just like Sarah too?"

"Maybe I am, but maybe Mary is too, seems we are both having fun. Come on Mary let's make these two cocks cum, they have been very patient." With that she slipped her mouth over Joe's cock and felt him twitch inside it. She knew he was not going to last long.

Mary copied her with Nigel's cock and the two men watched their wives suck off the other dick in front of them. They had both been hard for some time already and there balls were bursting so it only took a minute or two of sucking before they were both cumming, filling mouths with cum.

Ann milked Joe's cock of the last drop of cum before she finally let it go. She remembered the rule that Lou had told them earlier and so went straight to Nigel and kissed him. Over the past two days Nigel had become familiar with the taste of his cum in Ann's mouth, but he had never tasted another man's before. There was a different taste to it; but he didn't mind, eroticism of the activity outweighed any thoughts of disgust or distaste he would have thought of previously. Why he saw that Mary was kissing her husband too and they were sharing his cum, his kiss with Ann intensified and they swapped the semen back and forth between them before they swallowed.

When the four of them finished kissing there began a round of applause and they realised that they had an audience as Paul and Lou were standing by the door watching. Nigel and Ann stood up when they saw them. "Well it looks like you four are getting along just fine," Paul said as he walked out onto the patio. "So good to see you again Ann," he said as he put his arms around her shoulders and kissed her, his hand stoking her pussy as they did and she managed to cup his balls in her hand too. "And you too Nigel?" Paul said when he looked at her husband and shook his hand with one hand whilst the other went to his balls and he held them as they greeted each other.

"It's wonderful that you have accepted our way of life and our traditions and rules so readily," paul said. Nigel held his balls in return.

"I should be saying thank you to you Paul," Nigel said. "For inviting us into your family circle like this, we would never have expected this when we first met you in the hot tub the other week."

"It's our pleasure, Ann was so good to me whilst in hospital, it's the least we could do. But I need to sit down again otherwise nurse Ann will be telling me off again."

"Dinner is almost ready so why don't you all freshen up and I will have it served up by the time you return."

The smells coming from the kitchen were enough to make the four of them move quickly. Mary took hold of Nigel's arm and said, "let me show you where the bathroom is, you too Miss Ann." Mary led them upstairs with Joe following behind. "We have our own bathroom in the guest wing, you can use," Mary continued. "But remember the rule Lou told you earlier, no closing bathroom doors."

"Oh that's not a problem Mary," Ann said, "Nigel and I never close the door at home, we are often in bathroom at the same time."

"Ann, I think you missed the point here," Nigel said, "Joe and Mary will be seeing us too."

"No Nigel I know what she meant, and to be honest couldn't give a toss if they are." She reached the toilet bowl and stood over it, legs to the side and began to pee into it.

"That's great Ann," Mary said when Ann had finished, "my turn now." They swapped places and Mary stood in the same position but used her fingers to spread her lips so everyone could see her flow begin. "Don't you think it looks better with a shaved pussy Nigel?" She asked.

"Hell yes!" Nigel told her.

"That's what I thought when I saw Sarah going for a pee yesterday. So I surprised Joe this morning when he finally got out of bed. I had shaved my bush off too. Come here and clean my pussy for me Nigel see what a difference it makes being smooth."

Nigel got down on his knees in front of Mary and he could see a few drips of yellow water on her lips which he licked off with his tongue. As he was doing this Joe was having his pee and telling Ann that when he saw Mary's smooth pussy that morning he went straight to the bathroom and shaved his cock and balls and that's why you find us shaved today. Along with being nude I think this is a new life for us when we get home don't you Mary?"

"Definitely," Mary agreed. "this is it now for us, no clothes unless we have to, and no pubic hair. I can't believe it has taken me this long in life to discover these pleasures."

Nigel lifted his face form between Mary's legs and said, "very good job Mary, feels so good on my tongue." The four of them washed their hands and went back downstairs where they found dinner was indeed served on the table and Lou and Paul were sat at each end of it.

"Please come and sit," Lou said. "Nigel come sit here next to me and Joe perhaps you would sit the other side of me?"

Paul motioned to Ann to sit beside him and next to Joe leaving Mary to sit between him and Nigel. They were sat in a 'boy/girl setup like at a formal dinner, but no-one was sat next to their partner which made it a little different.

Durning dinner, the 6 of them exchanged stories of their lives up to this point. Lou and Mary were both interested in how Ann managed to bag herself a younger man, causing both Paul and Joe to ask if they were not good enough anymore. "Honey, you are plenty man enough for me," Mary said, "but there's no harm wondering what newer models are like too."

"Don't worry about that Mary, there will be plenty of young blood her on Saturday for you to test out," Lou told her.

Paul once again told the story of how they had become nudists, with Bob and Juanita at college and then how that had developed into the lifestyle they now lived. Nigel was particularly interested in how involved Bob and Juanita were now, "let's just say it's a work in progress Nigel," Paul said, "but I have a feeling that by the end of Saturday both of them are going to see life in a very new way. And maybe, who knows, the retreat could go through some changes too."

"I hope so," Nigel said. "I think it is ok to say now that I have fantasised over Juanita's tits many times after a day at the retreat."

"Oh man they were incredible when they were at college, I used to love going to see Paul at their flat. I would cum bucket loads over those weekends, I was forever jerking off." Joe said, " It's ok Lou, I was thinking of your tits too."

"And there was me thinking you were such a nice young man," Lou said, "never getting an erection despite Juanita and me doing everything to tease you."

"Oh I had erections all the time, I just went off and banged one out before you noticed."Joe admitted. "If only I knew then what I know now, we could all have had some fun."

"Well we can make up for it now sweetheart," Lou said, her hand reaching under the table and feeling his leg.

"You'll just have to pretend I am Juanita," Ann said as her hand reached down to his other leg. "Although I am not quite built like her I am afraid," she added as she used her other hand to push her tits up from where they were sagging.

"Ann, I would never compare ladies, but I have nothing but admiration for your tits, I have been looking at them all afternoon and they are magnificent," Joe told her, his hand reaching out to stroke the side of the breast nearest to him, causing Ann to shiver with delight at his touch.

On the opposite side of the table Mary was watching the other two ladies flirt with her husband and decided to take control of the situation, "looks like you are going to be well taken care of sugar," she said to Joe, "so you won't mind me entertaining these two English gentlemen will you?"

"Not at all," Joe replied, "I know how much you like uncut English dicks, and there are two more for you to try. Come on ladies lets take this somewhere more comfortable shall we?" He stood up and it was clear that whatever had been happening under the table had made him excited as he was sporting an erection already.

"Good idea Joe," Lou said. "Let's go to the lounge, come on Mary bring your two English cocks with you too, there is plenty of room for us all."

Indeed there was plenty of room, the lounge was huge, bigger than Ann or Nigel had ever seen. There was a leather sofa that stretched around one corner and would easily seat 8 people. Lou and Ann went to one side with Joe, whilst Mary lead Paul and Nigel to the other end, and sat between them. As soon as she sat down their hands were playing with her tits, each massaging one, in response her hands went down to search out their cocks and finding them both began to stroke their length.

Joe sat down and Ann and Lou sat either side of him and both leant down so their heads were almost on his lap. Together they started licking his cock, their tongues running from the tip to his smooth balls. He had never had two mouths work on his cock at the same time and the sensations were more than he could ever have imagined. When they reached the tip again they kissed each other trapping him between their mouths.

Ann put her hand around his cock then and drew it towards her and away from Lou, then let her mouth drop over it taking it deep into her mouth. Lou's mouth kissed its way up his body to his nipples where she stopped and used her tongue to swirl around the hardness their before taking hold of his cock and almost pulling it out of Ann's mouth and replacing it with her own.

Lou was able to take more of his cock into her mouth, and soon her lips were resting on his balls as the tip rested in her throat. "Oh Lou, you can really suck dick can't you?" He said, closing his eyes at the feeling of her deep throating him.

At the other end of the sofa Mary had changed positions and was now up on the sofa on her knees, her head in Pauls lap sucking on his cock, making slurping noises as she did. Behind her Nigel had his hands on her bum and was spreading her cheeks apart so he could use his mouth on her smooth lips, licking his way from her pussy and back up towards her ass. He lingered their for a while before making his way back to her pussy again and probing inside. Paul's hand was feeling under her and holding her tits as they swung gently as she rocked back and forth. He held the nipples between finger and thumb and rolled them making them stiffen more.

Ann was watching Lou suck on Joe's cock and whist she watched her hand was rubbing her own pussy, she could feel it's wetness already and knew she needed to feel a hard cock in it soon. She stood up from the sofa, Lou felt her move and lifted her head off Joe's cock which was glistening with her saliva and a drop of precum oozed from the end as she let go, which she licked off with a final lap of her tongue.

Now she had access to him again Ann stood in front of Joe her back to him and sat down on his lap, rubbing her pussy over his cock before letting it slip inside. Her legs were spread wide outside of his so that Lou could see Joe's cock slide in and out as Ann bounced on his lap. Lou knelt on the floor between their two sets of legs and whilst Ann continued to ride Joe, she pushed her face in between them and sucked on his smooth balls again holding them both in her mouth at the same time before popping them out again one at a time. She then moved up and found Ann's clitoris which was hard and exposed at the top of her twat. Ann felt Lou's tongue against her clitoris each time she dropped down over Joe's cock. The feeling of a cock in her and a mouth on her most sensitive part was exquisite, she leant back so that Joe's dick pushed against the front wall of her vagina where her g spot was. Joe could now reach up and and around her to put his hands on her tits and he held them in each hand feeling her arousal evident in the nipples.

Ann's breathing was becoming deeper and her moans were louder, Nigel looked over at her from where he was behind Mary. He knew Ann was near to cumming and that in this position Lou was about to get a surprise. Mary was still sucking and kissing Paul's cock her ass up in the air so Nigel stood behind her, one foot on the floor and the other on the sofa and spread he cheeks and lips with his fingers before sliding his cock into her moist cunt and began to fuck her from behind, his balls swinging against her clitoris as he thrust in and out.

Although he was fucking Mary he was intently watching his wife, waiting for the inevitable to happen. He loved watching it and knew he would cum as soon as it happened. Ann was grinding hard against Joe's lap now and Lou was still switching between her clitoris and Joe's balls with her mouth. Then it happened. With a cry of pleasure Ann lifted herself right off Joe's cock and nigel saw the stream of silvery fluid shoot from her pussy. The feminine fluid drenched not only Joe's cock but also shot out over Lou's face, who at first was quite startled but didn't miss a beat as she licked it off her face and then Joe's balls, before the second load squirted from Ann and she sat back down on Joe's cock once again and resumed her ride.

Mary was the only one who did not know what had happened as she was busy with her own orgasm. Feeling Nigel thrusting behind her and Paul's cock in her mouth was such a turn on that it had not taken her long to feel the moment of her orgasm arrive, just after she heard Ann's cry.She knew something unexpected had happened from the gasps of amazement she had heard, followed by both Nigel and Paul's cocks erupting. Nigel's was first and she felt him push deep inside her as his cum filled her in burst after burst. Then Paul began to shoot his cum into her mouth. The first load she swallowed straight away, then remembered to keep some in her mouth to share. When both cocks had emptied in her she finally lifted her mouth off Paul's cock and looked around her. At the other end of the sofa Ann was still sat on Joe's cock, her tits in his hands as she looked for second orgasm. Lou was on the floor between their legs her face covered in a shiny film of something, her tongue licking Joe's balls.

"Turn round Mary," Paul instructed her. Mary understood what he wanted and spun round on the sofa so her ass and pussy were now point ing at him. Paul spread her cheeks and watched the bubble of white spunk ooze out of her twat before he licked it up as then drove his tongue into her creamy pussy to lick up more of Nigel's cum.

Mary's mouth opened as Paul licked and nigel saw she had saved some of his cum. He leant down and kissed Mary so he could taste Paul's cum. He was becoming used to the taste of cum now, and could tell difference between Paul's, Joe's and his own.

Joe could hold back no longer and he pushed Ann down further on his cock so that when he shot his load into her it has as deep as possible. Feeling Joe's cum flood her inside brought Ann to another intense orgasm.

"Watch this Mary," Nigel said when he saw that Ann was about to climax again. Mary turned her head round in time to see Ann lift herself off Joe a second time. Lou was ready for it this time and had her mouth open to catch the liquid when Ann squirted it out towards her face. Mary was amazed she had not known that a pussy could ejaculate like this. She was yet to cum this evening and was still horny. She crawled on to the floor and joined Lou so she could look closer as Ann continued squirting, the second orgasm always seeming to produce more than the first.

Ann's orgasm sprayed the two other ladies and together they either caught it in their mouth or licked it off the others face. The scene was probably the most erotic thing Nigel had ever seen, and he was fast getting hard once more. He was stroking his cock to get it fully erect as he knew just where he wanted to put it. Ann had lifted herself completely off Joe now and had moved to the side but her legs were still wide open and Lou had followed her. Mary had stayed with Joe and was sucking on his limp cock, licking off the mixture of his cum and Ann's juices as she did.

Lou was now on all fours between Ann's legs giving Ann's pussy a deep clean with her tongue. Nigel had already had Mary from behind and now he wanted Lou, he stood behind her his legs wide apart so that his cock was nudging against her bum cheeks. Lou felt him there and reached behind her and grabbed his cock and directed it towards her pussy, holding it as he pushed in. She was now being fucked from behind by the husband of the woman whose pussy she was licking and it felt wonderful. Nigel's cock was not as big as Josh's maybe but he sure knew what to do with it and it did not take long for her to have to stop licking Ann so she could gasp out her own orgasm. Nigel's hand had gone round under her and he was playing with her big tits as he pumped in behind her. He felt her cunt tighten around his cock as she came causing him to shoot his cum into her in a few spasms. When he was dry he pulled back out of Lou and found Mary right there ready to lick up his cum as it dripped form Lou's pussy.

Five minutes later and the six of them were all sat on the sofa once more, arms around whoever happened to be sat next to them.

"That was quite some ending to the evening," Paul said at last.

"Quite an ending to the week," Ann said. "I would never have thought it would of ended like this when I went to work at the beginning of it." She added.,

"I would say you ended it quite spectacularly Ann," Lou said.

"Heck yes Miss Ann I have never seen anything like that before," said Mary. "Does that happen every time you climax?"

"Not every time, but when the situation is right and I get rubbed in a certain spot it does." Said Ann, "and that was just perfect Joe."

Joe smiled, and said, "I couldn't see it, but I could feel something very wet on me, I thought you were peeing again."

"I have tasted my fair share of pee in my time, and I can vouch that was nothing like it Joe," Lou told him. "Sarah has said she has seen it happen before, but until now I thought she had exaggerated."

"What so no one else squirts?" Nigel said using the word he had read about online after it had first happened to Ann when they were with another couple a few years back.

"No definitely not," Lou replied, you've never seen it before have you Paul?"

"I would remember if I had," Paul said.

"It looks like you have a party piece for Saturday then Ann," Lou told her. "And if you can show us how to make our pussies do it even better.".

"I will, do my best, but not every woman can squirt like that you know."

"But it will be fun trying," both Lou and Mary agreed.

The rest of the evening was spent talking and drinking until it was time for Nigel and Ann to leave. Reluctantly they found their clothes and put them back on. Lou saw the looks on their faces and told them that it was not long till they would be back on Saturday for the party. "And as far as Paul and I are concerned now, you are part of the family, just like Bob and Juanita."

"Thanks Lou," Ann said. "It's been so good getting to know you better, and I am looking forward to meeting the rest of your family on Saturday." As they left Ann and Nigel embraced everyone else and shared final kisses, promising to see them all again at the party.​
Next page: Chapter 22.1
Previous page: Chapter 21.1