Chapter 03.1
"Let them fuck."
Mary looked over at her sister in disbelief as they sat in her den. After leaving her house, calling a cab and booking a flight she stayed at the airport hotel before leaving first thing to visit her sister.
Sherrie was Mary's older sister and best friend. After Mary's husband died she had played a big role helping them deal with their loss.
Sherrie was an eccentric woman who had been married three times and had two kids (Paul and Diane) from her second marriage. Now that she was on the other side of three marriages she had pledged she would never get married again.
Sherrie had come out well financially from her three marriages and liked to indulge herself. Sherrie's indulgences included clothes, jewelry, trips - and men (plus the odd woman).
Sherrie had always supported her sister and just like Will, Lexi and Daisy felt she worked too hard.
Sherrie smiled as her sister stared at her, not saying anything. "Let them fuck, who cares. They're all adults and they aren't hurting anyone. From the sounds of it, they were enjoying themselves quite a bit."
Mary couldn't believe what she was hearing, "but it's wrong, they're related and they could go to jail!"
Sherrie shrugged as she took a sip of her wine, "no one has to go to jail, what the world doesn't know can't hurt it."
Mary sighed, the exasperation evident on her face. "They can't be doing this. What about relationships? People will talk. They'd have to lie constantly, do everything behind closed doors and guard against someone learning their secret the same way I did."
Sherrie smiled and moved over beside her sister, she sat down beside her and stroked her hair softly. "Calm down honey, we don't know what their plans are and how they feel about each other long term. Lexi and Daisy could be doing a lot worse than Will, believe me, I know."
Mary sighed as she took a sip of her own wine, "I guess but it's just so wrong, they could go to jail. I don't like secrets and I don't want to lose any more of my family," she continued.
Sherrie tried to calm her sister, "they seem to have a handle on acting normally when they're around others, you obviously didn't know until you caught them," Sherrie paused, "and from what you told me you seemed to like what you saw."
Mary looked over at her sister, shock on her face. "Sherrie! I did NOT!"
Sherrie chuckled softly and leaned into her sister, "then why didn't you barge in and stop them? Why did you watch until Will came inside Daisy?"
Mary paused; she didn't have a good answer for that. Truth be told she was experiencing some mixed emotions. What she saw had excited her, angered her and upset her but it hadn't repulsed her. She was worried someone would find out, angry the three people she loved most in the world had lied to her - and she was turned on.
"They could go to jail..." Mary repeated a third time.
Sherrie stroked her sister's hair softly, tucking it behind her ear. "Sometimes you've got to risk it for the truly great things in life. Will, Lexi and Daisy aren't stupid, they're good kids, I don't think they'd just jump into to sack together."
Mary sighed as she took another sip of her wine, finishing the glass. "You're right; it's just that I'm conflicted on this. I should be furious but I'm not, I'm more worried than anything. I should be repulsed but I'm not, part of me wants to see it again."
Sherrie smiled as she poured her sister another glass of wine, "that's what I'm here for honey. Now tell me the story again, and don't leave out any of the details."
Will, Lexi and Daisy continued on their way blissfully unaware their mother had discovered their secret. They actually didn't have sex the next day while Mary and Sherrie were talking and instead had a relatively normal day.
Will worked in his shop, his sisters tanned and went shopping and he barbecued for dinner that night. They ended the day by watching TV before going to bed, Daisy curling up beside her brother for an entirely PG visit to his bed.
The day after was supposed to be when Mary returned from her business trip and Will and Lexi were planning to pick her up at the airport.
"Lexi! Let's get moving! We're going to need to leave soon if we're going to beat the traffic!" Will yelled upstairs.
Lexi bounced down the stairs a minute later, not a care in the world. "Relax Billy, mom can wait if we're a minute or two late..."
It was at that moment the phone started to ring, Will picked up the phone as Lexi sat on the arm of the couch.
"Will honey, it's your mother."
Will was surprised to hear from his mother and had a perplexed look on his face to prove it, "did your plane arrive early? Lexi and I were just about to leave to pick you up."
"That's what I'm calling about, I decided to go and visit your aunt quickly before I came home, I'm with her now," Mary replied.
"What's going on?" Lexi asked.
Will pulled the phone away from his mouth, "mom is with Aunt Sherrie, we don't need to go pick her up."
Mary heard the commotion and asked Will if everything was alright.
"I was just telling Lexi we didn't need to go to the airport," he responded.
"Yeah, sorry for the last minute change," Mary started. "I decided to take your advice and thought I'd surprise your aunt."
Now that Lexi knew she didn't have to go pick up her mother at the airport a devious plan popped into her head. She grinned at her brother as she sauntered over to him and slipped to her knees.
Will saw the look in her eye and knew what she was up to immediately, he tried to wave her away but it was to no avail. Mary now started to small talk with her son, "how has your week been?"
Will paused as he looked down at his sister, Lexi had unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans and was in the process of pulling out his cock. It had a mind of its own and was quickly responding to Lexi's attention as he struggled to keep his mind on his conversation with his mother.
"Uh... It was fine," he said as Lexi started to take his cock into her mouth. "Lexi took some time off at the restaurant so we've been enjoying the weather."
"I'll bet you have" Mary thought on the other end of the line.
"How was your trip?" Will asked, desperate not to talk.
Mary started to respond while Lexi sucked more of his cock. She pulled her lips off his cock and blew him a kiss before sucking his shaft back in her warm hot mouth.
Will listened to his mother as best he could, trying not to focus on his hot sister before him swallowing his cock.
"What?" Will asked his mother as he suddenly realized she had stopped talking.
"I said I'd be home in 2-3 days, is everything ok?" Mary asked.
"Yeah, I think it's a bad connection with the line," Will replied.
"Ok honey well I better go, I'll call you when I'm coming back. Give my love to your sisters and take care of them ok?"
"Will do mom, say hi to Aunt Sherrie for me and enjoy yourself," he said as he hung up the phone.
"Take care of your sisters?" Sherrie asked as she stood beside Mary, unable to control her laughter.
"It just popped out," Mary responded, shaking her head at her unintended double entendre.
Will let out a groan as he hung up the phone as Lexi's lips working their magic along his shaft.
"What did mom say?" Lexi asked as she took a momentary break from sucking her brother's cock.
Will paused and smiled, "she told me to take care of you and Daisy."
Lexi laughed as Will's cock popped out of her mouth once again, "really?"
Will nodded and moaned as Lexi started to suck his cock again.
"Well then you better do as mom said and fuck us good," Daisy said as she walked in from the side door.
"Way to get started without me."
Will did take care of his sisters after he hung up with his mother, and they took care of him.
The siblings celebrated their newfound privacy by having sex all day long and well into the night until they fell asleep exhausted in one big taboo mess on Will's bed. There were limbs everywhere and the entire house smelled of sex.
They spent the day after recuperating and cleaning up from the mess they made the day before.
Even though Mary had said she would call when she was coming home she decided to come home early in hopes of catching her kids in the act again. However, when she arrived home she didn't find Will fucking either of his sisters; she found a neat and tidy house with only Lexi watching tv in the living room.
"I'm home!" Mary called as she entered the house.
Lexi was startled at first, Will and Daisy was downstairs sleeping (completely PG) and she wasn't expecting her mother home until the next day.
Mary smiled when she saw her eldest daughter, half disappointed she didn't catch her in the act, "hi sweetie, your aunt got sick so I thought I'd come home early" she lied.
"We would have picked you up, you should have called" Lexi said as she went over to hug her mother hello.
Mary smiled and hugged her daughter back, "I didn't want to be a bother, besides, it was no trouble."
Mary pulled away from her daughter and looked around, "where are your brother and sister?"
"They're downstairs at Will's. He wanted to watch the game and I wanted to watch a movie and of course Daisy took his side," Lexi joked. "They may have fallen asleep though, he spent a lot of time in his wood shop today and Daisy helped him so they were pretty tired. I can go check if you want?"
Mary shook her head, "I'll say hello in the morning. In fact I'm going to go unpack now; I'm feeling a little tired."
Mary went upstairs to unpack while Lexi went back to her movie. The rest of the evening progressed as per usual until Lexi decided to go to sleep. She went upstairs to her room to change before walking down the hall to say goodnight to her mother when she heard her on the phone.
"I don't know Sher, everything was normal when I came home, nothing was amiss."
There was a pause.
"No. Nothing. Everything was normal, I didn't catch them fucking like we thought I would."
Lexi's jaw dropped and her heart started to beat faster. She knew she had to get down to Will to tell him their mother knew. She didn't know how she knew, but she knew.
As Lexi turned to go downstairs the floor board creaked and she stopped instantly.
Mary also stopped talking, she put the phone down and poked her head out her door and saw her daughter.
There was a look of surprise on the face of both mother and daughter. Mary brought to phone back to her lips, "Lexi is here Sherrie, I'll call you back."
Mary looked at her daughter and Lexi looked back.
"How long have you known?" Lexi asked.
Mary's heart was also beating fast, "come into my room sweetie," she said.
They walked in the master bedroom and Lexi repeated her question.
Marry sighed deeply as they sat down on her bed, "about a week."
"How? When? Are you mad? Are you going to call the cops? Are you going to throw us out?" Lexi peppered her mother with questions.
Mary shifted closer to her daughter; she could see she was worried, tears forming in her eyes. Mary hugged her daughter again, "I decided to come home early from my work trip and was going to surprise you guys but..."
"We surprised you," Lexi said, finishing her mother's sentence.
Mary nodded.
"I'm sorry you found out that way mom, but I love him. I love her. I love what we do..." Lexi started.
Mary wiped a tear from her face and Lexi's, "how did it start? When did it start?"
Now it was Lexi's turn to sigh deeply, "it hasn't been going on for that long. It started earlier this summer with Will and I. We were lonely and a little drunk and in the hot tub. Things got a little hot and heavy and he got freaked out, we talked and then... you know..."
Mary raised her eyebrows, "yes I do."
"Daisy and I have had these... crushes... on Will for a while and he obviously felt the same."
"Do you always do it together?" Mary asked.
Lexi shook her head, "not always, we both get our alone time with him," she said, realizing how crazy this must sound.
Mary looked at her daughter, "I saw Will finish inside Daisy, please tell me you and your sister are still on your birth control..."
Lexi looked at her mother, "yes we are, absolutely." Lexi paused, "are you mad?"
Mary looked at her daughter, "I was shocked when I first found out, then I was mad, disappointed, hurt and mad again." Mary slapped her daughter softly on the arm, "this is so dangerous! What if someone other than your mother found out! It's so wrong!"
Lexi looked down at the ground, "I know but it just feels so good when we're together. Will loves me and I love him. No one else looks at me the way he does. He lusts for me but also truly cares and..." Lexi paused.
"And what?"
Lexi looked up, "... and there is no thrill that could ever surpass fuc-... making love to your brother."
Lexi's words hung in the air for what seemed like an eternity. Finally Mary spoke again, "to answer your questions from before, I'm not going to call the authorities and I'm not going to kick you out. You're all adults and if I kicked you out it wouldn't change anything other than the fact I'd lose you three."
Lexi perked up.
"But..." Mary continued, "that doesn't mean I'm ok with our home being turned into some family orgy frat house. I still don't know what to think completely, there's so much swirling around in my head. Hurt, sadness, confusion and..."
"And what?" Lexi asked.
Mary smiled, "nothing sweetie, go to bed. We'll talk in the morning, everything will be ok."
Lexi waited for her mother to fall asleep before quietly making her way down to her brother's apartment.
She found Daisy snuggled up against Will just as she thought she would. Lexi sat down on the bed and shook her brother awake.
"Will... Will... Will!"
Slowly he woke up, Daisy stirring beside him. "What's going on? What's wrong?" Will asked.
"Mom's home and she knows."
Will turned on a light and tried to wake up, "she knows what?"
"She knows about us doesn't she," said Daisy.
Lexi nodded, "she caught us a week ago and that's why she went to Aunt Sherrie's."
Daisy immediately started to worry; she leaned into her brother as Will made room for Lexi.
"What did she say?" Will asked.
Lexi shared her conversation from earlier that night.
Will paused, "so she's all over the map."
"Should we stop?" Daisy asked.
Will and Lexi looked at her, "we never talked about what this would be long-term or short-term. Maybe we should stop?"
Both Lexi and Daisy looked at Will. He kissed both softly on the forehead, "I will never force either of you to do anything you don't want to do or to continue this if you want to find someone who isn't your brother. I love you both - a lot - but I want what's best for you."
The three siblings stayed together for a moment, "I don't want to stop," said Lexi.
Daisy looked up at Will, "I don't want to stop either but what about mom?"
Will looked at Lexi, "you said mom seemed hurt mostly and worried but also may be confused?"
Lexi nodded, "yeah, almost as though she liked it but didn't want to."
Will smiled "ok, let's get some rest. I'll talk to mom in the morning, everything will be alright. I promise."
The next morning Mary awoke to the smell of eggs and bacon filtering up from the kitchen. She walked downstairs and found Will alone in the kitchen making breakfast.
"I thought it was you," Mary said. "Where are your sisters?"
Will poured his mother a mug of coffee and walked over to hug and kiss her hello as if nothing was wrong.
"Welcome back, first off," he said. "They're still sleeping but I would have told them to rest anyway, I thought it would be best if just the two of us talked."
Mary smiled; this was a very Will-like thing to do, just like his father. Will's father always had the tough conversations and met difficult situations head on.
"I thought you might. Bribing me with bacon?"
Will smiled, "couldn't hurt."
Will and his mother sat down as Will dished his mother something to eat.
"I'm sorry you found out the way you did, that's not what any of us would have wanted. I don't know if there is a good way to learn something like that, but that wasn't it," he started.
"That's the only secret we've kept from you and the only secret we will. I know you don't like them, but it's not the easiest thing to tell your mother."
Mary ate her eggs as she listened to her son, "the easy solution there sweetie is to not start in the first place."
Will smiled, "that's true, but we did start and we don't want to stop. I love them mom, as sisters and as women. There's nothing that could compare to being with them, short of being with you as well," he said.
Mary's eyes bulged in shock, "WILLIAM JAMES BRADY!!" she exclaimed.
Will chuckled, "calm down mom, it's true but I'm not propositioning you, I'm just saying outside of you, there is not a person alive that being with could thrill me the way Daisy and Lexi do."
Mary sighed and looked at her son, "so what's your plan?"
Will cleared his throat, "well we're not all going to run off together, especially since Lexi told us you won't kick us out. We're going to see what happens and be honest with each other. The last thing any of us wants to do is hurt either of the other two or hold them back. But we do want to... continue."
Mary pushed her plate away, "I won't stop you kids, you're all adults now, but I don't want to walk in one day from work and find you all together again. If you're going to continue it's got to be out of my sight. In your apartment only, I don't want you three going out and renting hotel rooms and getting caught."
"Fair enough," Will replied. "I've got to say, you're taking this quite well."
Mary looked at her son and gave him a half smile before continuing, "why do it? You could have anyone, Lexi and Daisy could have anyone, why do this? Why? Why risk it?"
Will paused before answering, "why did you pick dad? Why does anybody pick anybody? Sometimes it just happens, some things just feel right. It's not just physical for us, there's a connection and a trust that's a perfect combination of traditional and non-traditional sibling feelings.
Mary couldn't help but hand it to her son, "non-traditional sibling feelings?" she chuckled.
Will smiled, "it just came to me. The bottom line is it works for us and now that we've started I wouldn't have it any other way."
Mary sighed and paused as she considered what her son said, "Ok. I can't believe I'm saying this, but ok. Be careful and respect my boundaries, this is my home too and I'm still your mother."
Will stood up as he cleared his mother's plate away, "absolutely mother."
Will felt his mother's eyes on him as he cleaned up "is there anything else on your mind?"
Mary looked at her son and smiled, she was tempted to continue but thought better of it, "no sweetie, I'm fine. In fact, I'll finish up here and you go wake up your sister's."
Will turned around and looked at his mother, raising an eyebrow.
"Wake them up, that's ALL" she said as she punched his shoulder.
Will chuckled and was happy to see his mother smile and joke as he left the kitchen.
Will saw some movement as he walked over to his apartment and heard his sisters quickly scampering down the stairs, he took his time before going down himself. When he reached his room he found his sisters yawning, acting as though they just woke up.
"How much did you two hear?" Will asked.
Daisy looked at her sister, "I told you he saw us."
Lexi ignored her sister, "we heard enough to know you looooove us," she teased.
Will got on the bed and started to playfully wrestle with his two sisters, "don't let it go to your heads," he said as Lexi and Daisy shrieked and giggled with pleasure.
Mary heard her daughters from the kitchen, she paused for a moment as she thought of her chat with her son, her many talks with Sherrie and the images still seared in her brain of when she caught them together and couldn't help but wonder what would come next.
What came next was a return to normal, as best can be expected when three quarters of a family is in an open sexual relationship.
Will continued to sleep with his sisters individually and during threesomes, they had sex primarily in his bed but would get more adventurous when they knew Mary would be gone for an extended period of time.
Mary often caught her daughters cuddling up to their brother as they watched tv and was aware that Daisy in particular had developed a habit of sleeping in her brother's bed even when they weren't having sex.
As much as Will, Lexi and Daisy diligently tried to keep their illicit family rendezvous from her, she could always tell, and sometimes hear, especially when Lexi was riding her brother's cock.
Mary was conflicted. On the one hand she knew they were too far down the rabbit hole to stop now, on the other hand she was still concerned they'd get caught and wasn't entirely at peace with it all. There was also a growing nagging desire inside of her to catch them together again.
One day in the middle of the week Mary decided to take a half day off from work. It was a beautiful warm and sunny day and she didn't want to spend all of it inside an office.
Lexi was at work but Will and Daisy were at home working in his wood shop, she thought maybe they could all go get some lunch and go down to the beach.
As Mary arrived home she quickly deduced her son and daughter weren't inside taking a break, or downstairs taking a different kind of break, but instead in his shop.
Mary walked around back when all of a sudden she heard a moan coming from Will's wood shop. She thought about turning around and going back inside but was drawn to the wood shop to see and hear more.
Mary quietly walked to the wood shop and peered in, what she saw was Daisy naked on her brother's work desk, with her brother's head buried between her thighs.
Daisy moaned loudly as her brother ate her out, "I love your tongue Billy, you're driving me wild! More! More!"
Will groaned as he ate his sister's sopping wet pussy, she had suggestively bent over the desk and he wasn't able to stop himself.
Will's hands gripped Daisy's thighs as he licked and sucked on her sex. Daisy's fingers zigged and zagged through her brother's hair as she fed her brother her pussy.
Will's tongue worked overdrive as he sucked her pussy, he moved two fingers down to start to finger fuck her while he toyed with her clit.
Mary was stuck in a state of shock and euphoria as she watched her son and youngest daughter but couldn't look away.
Daisy moaned louder and louder as her brother toyed with her pussy, "mmmmm yes Will, yes yes yes yes YES!"
Will lifted his head from between his sister's thighs and licked his lips, lust written all over his face. Daisy looked at her big brother and bit her bottom lip, "whatcha gunna do to me big brother?"
Mary heard her daughter moan as Will lifted Daisy off the table and bent her over it, he spread her legs wide and started to slide his cock inside of her.
Will finally answered his sister, "I'm going to give my little sister a fucking only a brother can give."
Mary watched as Daisy's head drooped down as she moaned while Will's cock filled her up.
Daisy moaned as Will started to fuck her from behind. Will pulled back and thrust deep inside of her, making sure she felt every inch of his shaft.
Daisy started to grind against her brother's cock as he fucked her with slow, long and hard thrusts, savoring the feel of his cock.
The sound of their sibling mating filled the workshop as they fucked in the middle of the day, Will's cock drilling deep into his sister's pussy.
Will leaned down and licked up Daisy's spine as he fucked her, knowing she loved it when he did that. As he lifted his head from her neck he saw something in the window.
He continued to fuck his sister as he tried to determine what he saw. Was that a person? Had they been caught? It couldn't be a customer; they'd have to buzz the shop to get in through the fence. Was it Lexi? If it was she would have joined them by now.
Daisy moaned again as Will fucked her faster and faster, that's when he saw who was spying, it was their mother.
Mary peered in the window again as Daisy moaned loudly, she was worried she had been caught peeking but Will and Daisy hadn't stopped so she assumed she was ok.
She watched as Will picked up the pace and fucked his sister faster, Will saw his mother out of the corner of his eye and smiled as he concentrated on Daisy.
Mary watched as Will and Daisy paused momentarily so Will could sit back and Daisy straddled his lap, she watched as her youngest daughter impaled herself on her brother's cock and started to ride him.
Will loved it when his sisters rode his cock and Daisy loved to bounce on her brother's dick.
Will was determined to put on a show for his mother so he thrust up to meet Daisy as she bounced on his cock.
Daisy leaned down to kiss her brother, unwittingly showing her mother a moment of tenderness amidst their lusty sibling fucking. Will kissed his sister back, holding onto her body tightly as he fucked her deep and hard.
Mary's hand was inside her panties as she watched her kids together, it was all too much. The way Daisy kissed her brother, gripped him and rode him. The way Will ate her out, fucked her and held her.
Their bodies glistened with sweat as they fucked in the hot and muggy workshop. Daisy's breasts rubbed against her brother's body as they fucked each other totally and completely.
"Never stop fucking me Will," Daisy breathed in his ear.
Will looked into his sister's eyes, "I'll never stop fucking you Daisy," he said, loud enough for Mary to hear.
That was enough to send both mother and daughter to orgasm as Daisy started to shake on top of her brother while Mary turned away from the window and came on her fingers.
Mary heard her son and daughter cum as Daisy bounced harder on Will's cock until he exploded inside her.
Will and Daisy slowly came down from their high as Daisy stayed on top of her brother's lap.
Will waited until he heard their mother leave before he told Daisy what he saw.
"Mom was watching!?!" Daisy exclaimed.
Will nodded, "I don't know when she started but she must have watched most of us fucking."
Daisy smiled, "do you think this means she's ok with it?"
"I don't know," Will said, "let's not force it and see what happens."
Daisy smiled and kissed her brother again, "I hope she's into it, it would make things so much easier - and hotter."
Mary never did go out for lunch with Daisy and Will after watching them together. As hot as she felt watching them, she felt the exact opposite afterwards.
She was conflicted about her response she faked a sickness that night to avoid having to look her family in the eye.
Will didn't push it with Mary but he did notice a certain Jekyll and Hyde attitude develop with his mother. At times it was like it had always been, but other times Mary was withdrawn and moody.
Will noticed his mother peeping a couple more times over the next few weeks and decided to help his mother along with her mixed desires.
One day Mary came home and found a package on her nightstand. It was two DVD's with a note on top from Will.
"Mom, it's been a crazy summer for Lexi, Daisy and I so I can only imagine what it's been like for you. You've been supportive and we love you for it but I know you're still conflicted. Here's something so you don't have to sneak around, I hope it helps. Love, Will."
Mary didn't know what she was looking at first, but she had an idea. She closed her bedroom door and put the first DVD in her DVD player.
The second something popped on her screen Mary knew she was looking at she had suspected, Mary was looking at a collection of sex tapes her children had made.
The first video included only Will and Lexi. Mary thought for a moment about turning it off but couldn't find the willpower.
Lexi was on the screen, naked and on her bed from the looks of it. Lexi called out to her brother to join her on the bed.
"Willllllll, I'm horny!" Lexi whined with lust.
Mary immediately shuddered with lust as she listened to her daughter and watched as she lewdly started to touch herself and play with herself to entice her brother to join her.
Mary again thought she should turn the DVD off but made no effort to do so.
"I'm coming Lexi!" Will responded, "I was just making sure everything was set up and taking off my boxers."
Will walked into the frame and Mary saw her son's hard thick cock as it bobbed while he walked. "I wanted to take your boxers off," Lexi purred.
Will grinned as he got on the bed and pinned his sister down. Mary watched as her son started to rub Lexi's wet pussy, kiss her and then whisper in her ear.
"Say it so the camera can hear you big goof!" Lexi said, smacking her brother.
Mary couldn't help but smile as she watched her son and eldest daughter, even naked, horny and about to have sex they were clearly still brother and sister, a realization that comforted her.
Will rolled his eyes and looked back at the camera, he paused and then smiled, and Mary felt like he was talking directly to her. "I'll make it up to you, I'll make you squirm and cum."
Lexi moaned on camera and Mary moaned with her, her hand snaking inside her panties to touch herself as she watched Will turn his attention back to his sister.
He pinned her down and started to lick and kiss Lexi's body. Lexi squirmed with desire as her brother kissed her lips, her cheek, her neck and her chest. His tongue started to lightly lick and tease her nipples before he traveled further south down her body until he reached her wetness.
Mary watched as her son started to eat his sister's pussy and thought of how long it had been since someone did that to her. Lexi moaned with lust and started to pinch her nipples while her brother ate her out.
The angle wasn't perfect but Mary could see the way Will licked and sucked on his sister's pussy. His tongue teased her, his fingers started to rub her and finger her and his head stayed buried between those sexy thighs of hers.
How many men have tried to get between Lexi's thighs? Mary suddenly wondered, probably many. She snickered at the thought of all those men and boys failing all because they suffered from one fatal flaw: they weren't Lexi's brother.
Mary's skirt and panties were now off as she watched Will lick and eat his sister's pussy like only a brother can. Lexi's moans were impossible to miss and grew in intensity until she started to shake and cum because of the attention of Will's tongue.
"Ahhhhhhhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK YES WILL!" Lexi moaned.
Lexi grabbed his head as he licked and slurped on her juices, Lexi's orgasm washing through her body.
"Mmmmmm fuck I love your tongue Billy..." Mary's daughter moaned to her brother.
Will lifted his head and licked his lips, a smile plastered on his face, "I love your pussy Lex."
Lexi smiled, "how much do you love it?" she teased.
Will moved back up Lexi's body, his cock dragging against her soft skin, "mmmmmm this much," he said as his cock started to sink inside of her.
Lexi moaned something that Mary couldn't understand but it didn't matter, the pleasure was written all over her face.
Mary watched as Will's cock slide deeper and deeper inside Lexi until he was balls deep. Mary furiously fucked her pussy as Will pulled back and thrust inside of Lexi's.
Will started to fuck Lexi hard and slow, fucking his sister with a purpose. Lexi's legs wrapped around her brother as he fucked her, locking the siblings in their taboo embrace.
Will grinded his cock into Lexi harder and faster, his sister meeting his thrusts, giving as good as she got. Will fucked Lexi harder and harder, the bed starting to shake as they fucked.
"Fuck me big brother!" Lexi yelled as her brother obliged.
His balls slapped loudly against her body as their bodies combined in a taboo mesh of love and lust. Will's muscles tightened as he thrust again and again into his sister, his thrusts never stopping or slowing as he fucked his sister with the stamina only a young man possess.
Will and Lexi kissed hungrily as they rutted like animals, their mutual desire for one another painfully obvious.
Mary now had a dildo working in and out of her as she watched her children's sex tape. Mary watched as Lexi rolled Will onto his back and started to bounce on his shaft.
Mary shuddered with lust as she watched Lexi lift off her brother's cock before impaling herself on it. Lexi's hands were on Will's chest as she propped herself up on his body, eagerly fucking her brother.
"Mmmmm fuck Lexi, God I love you. I love every inch of you. Ride my cock sis..." He groaned.
Lexi moaned and smiled, speeding up as she bounced on her brother's dick, "I'll never ever stop fucking you Will. Never. Even if I get married one day I'll still fuck you. My pussy will always be yours."
Will groaned loudly at his sister's words, Mary watched as he thrust up to fuck her, responding the only way he could, lust making speech impossible.
"Holy fuck" thought Mary as she watched her son and daughter fuck each other.
Their thrusts increased as their lust boiled over. Will grabbed his sister as she moaned out as they came together.
"Cum inside me Will! Cum in my pussy! Fill your sister up!" Lexi screamed.
Will thrust hard up into his sister as his cock throbbed and then exploded his brotherly cream filling Lexi's pussy.
"Uggghhhhhmmmmmfuck YES Lexi!!" He groaned, his lust at an all-time high. "Take your big brother's cum! I'm never going to stop cumming in you! I'll cum in you when you're 30, 40, 50 and 60, I will never stop fucking my sister!" Will bellowed as he came.
Mary couldn't help herself and shuddered and came all over her dildo as she listened and watched her son and daughter.
Mary's entire body tingled as she pressed stop, her heart racing with excitement.
That wasn't the only video Mary had the option of watching, there were many others. That night she found herself watching another, this one starring Will and Daisy. It wasn't as raunchy as the Will and Lexi version, but was equally as erotic.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Will asked off camera.
Daisy responded, also off camera, "you and Lexi have done this right?"
"Yes we have bu-..." Will started, "then I want to make one too," Daisy said as she interrupted.
Mary could hear her son chuckle as he stopped questioning his youngest sister, she watched as both walked into the frame of the camera and sat down on the bed.
Will was wearing a pair of boxers, Daisy a skimpy little pink nightie that left nothing to the imagination. Will sat down on the bed and Daisy joined him, straddling his lap and clearly enjoying the seat.
Daisy's hands went around her brother's neck as his hands slipped down her body. They started to kiss as if they were longtime lovers and not brother and sister.
"Where did Daisy learn to kiss like that?" Mary wondered to herself as she squirmed while watching his son and daughter kiss. It was intense and erotic and it made Mary blush.
Daisy broke the kiss and smiled at her brother, "how was that?"
Will smiled as he stroked his sister's face softly, "it was great, you don't have to be so concerned. You're an awesome kisser."
Daisy beamed as her brother complemented his kissing skills; Mary watched as she pulled herself even closer to her brother, "I just don't want to be some uncoordinated geeky newbie for you..."
Will chuckled, he leaned in to kiss Daisy before continuing, "believe me that's not what I'm thinking Mags, I'm thinking my hot little sister is all grown up and she's grinding on MY cock - and I like it."
Daisy giggled and kissed her brother again, their second embrace as steamy and hot as the first, "mmmmm well get used to it big brother."
Mary brought out another dildo as she watched Will lift Daisy up on screen, her daughter squealing with happiness. Will lifted Daisy up and then laid her on the bed like a delicate flower. Brother moved over sister as he started to slip the nightie from her curvy young body, Daisy was so excited she had goosebumps as Will tossed her nightie onto the carpet.
Mary saw lust and desire in her son's eyes as he gazed at the naked form of his 18-year-old sister. Daisy bit her bottom lip and smiled at her brother as she crawled to the end of the bed, "come to me big brother," she moaned.
Will listened to his sister and groaned as she pushed his boxers down letting his cock spring free.
"Mmmmmmm" Daisy moaned as she licked her lips and started to lick her brother's
Daisy grabbed the shaft and started to lick and kiss her brother's cock as he moaned with delight, "mmmmmm yes Mags..."
Will's head fell back as Daisy started to take her brother's cock in her mouth, sucking his cock like she'd been doing it for years.
"Oh my god..." Mary breathed as she watched her youngest daughters head bob on her brother's cock. Daisy looked up at her brother and smiled as she sucked his shaft.