Chapter 01.2

Something in her voice made him wonder if she there was something else behind her desire to see him.

"Everything okay?" asked Sameer.

"Yeah, it's nothing that can't wait till you and Mom are here. But it would be nice to talk like old times." said Maria.

"I haven't yet agreed to accompany Mom, plus who knows maybe you will be able to convince Dad." said Sameer.

"I said don't count on it. Its two days before the start of the trip, the only reason Dad would wait so long is to make sure that Mom has no chance to convince him." said Maria.

Sameer couldn't disagree with her. His Dad was once again trying to manipulate things his way. He just hoped Maria could convince him. Before he could answer the main door shut loudly and he could hear his mom's heels.

"Mom's here. You call Dad, and I will see what is the current status of their plans." said Sameer, cutting off the call.

He got up, took a long breath, and headed out to find his mother.

Veena was livid, Akhtar had once again made excuses and had refused to take time off for the vacation. They were planning to leave the day after and now it was too late to make new plans.

Make new plans? What's the use? He will come up with a new excuse for not going, thought Veena.

As she entered the house, she slammed the door in frustration and threw her purse on the living room sofa, that is when she noticed Sameer.

"Oh, you are here. You haven't left for your get together?" she asked.

"Don't have to leave for another hour or so. Is everything ok?" he asked.

"Yes, its nothing for you to worry about." she replied.

"Dad still not budging on cancelling the trip?" he asked.

"Yes. How did you know?" she asked.

"I overheard you and Dad this morning, didn't want to say anything." he replied.

"I don't know what else to do. Waiting so long to cancel. I could have made alternate plans if he had let me know earlier." she said.

"You know that was not going to matter. He always makes up new excuses to put off travelling, all he seems to care about is the business." said Sameer.

"You Dad works hard, but he has trouble delegating and letting others take care of things. If I just plan the vacation at the right time, I am sure he will go." said Veena, trying to defend her husband.

"Mom, stop making excuses for him. In all my life I have never seen him take you anywhere, and even on the family vacations we have managed to have, he might as well not be there, given the time he spends on the phone and having business meetings." said Sameer, "You think we haven't noticed that all our family vacations have happened to include places where Dad is working on some kind of a deal?"

Veena couldn't argue with that fact. Their family vacations had always been her and the kids, with Akhtar somewhere off on his phone, laptop, or business meetings. Only joining them for short stints when he wanted to.

"That is just the way he is." she said, weakly.

"Yes, but it's not right. You deserve to have the vacation you want." he said.

Sitting down on the couch she looked at her son, realizing how grown-up and mature he had become. It sent a stab through her heart knowing that he was all grown up and will not need her like before. With his impending move to college, it would be just her and her husband. Maria's move had been hard enough, now with Sameer also leaving soon she was going to be left alone to her own devices, she wasn't sure how she would deal with that.

Seeing the sadness on his mother's face Sameer prayed that Maria was able to convince his dad to change his plan. He was aware how alone his mother would be when he was gone and this could be an excellent opportunity for them to spark romance. But in his heart, he knew that this whole plan was always doomed to fail, even if his father agreed to go, he did not think that it would make any difference in his attitude. He was just too invested in his business, the only joy he seemed to derive from life seemed to be watching his business grow.

Sameer admitted that his father wasn't a bad man. He always dotted on his kids, made sure they had the best of everything and did not miss out on anything. They had always grown up in luxury with a large home, servants, and memberships to country clubs, they hadn't missed out on anything, except for a relationship with their father. His mother had done her best to fill in for him but it had taken a toll on her too.

"You know what, why don't we go out and see a movie?" he asked his mother.

"Don't you have plans with your friends?" asked his mother.

"I can skip it. It's no big deal, we can go tomorrow, it's not like we have any pressing engagements, all of us are pretty much free till college starts, I will let them know that I won't be able to make it." said Sameer.

"No, no. You should go out with your friends, no need to spoil your evening for me." said his mother.

Kneeling in front of her he took her hands in his own and looked into her eyes.

"Mom, nothing is going to be spoiled and you need to get out of the house. Come on, a movie will be a good way to get your mind off things." he assured her.

Looking at her son, Veena felt a stab in her heart, why couldn't her husband be this considerate of her needs.

"It's okay, I will be fine." she said.

"It's not negotiable." pulling her to her feet, Sameer turned her towards the stairs, "Now go get ready, we have to leave in 30 mins if we are going to get their early enough to get good seats."

Pushing her towards the stairs he followed his mother to his room, walking up the stairs behind her, he was once again staring at her ass, the firmness of her incredible ass was mesmerizing. I bet that if I grabbed it, it will be tight as drum, with no excess fat, he thought.

Turning at the top of the stairs, Veena, caught a faraway look on Sameer's face with his eyes seemingly glued to her ass. Before she could comment on it, Sameer turned and headed to his room. Entering her room, Veena wondered if she had just misunderstood what she saw.

It was probably my imagination, she thought. Even as she turned to change her thoughts were drawn to her son. He was a good-looking boy, well a man now, and the last few months in the gym had really filled him out, she had seen quite a few girls admiring his physique when they had gone out to social gathering. Recalling the last time, they had gone to the beach she remembered his fit body.

As she changed out of her shalwar kameez, she put on jeans and a button up blouse she found, her thoughts drifting again towards her son's body. Realizing what she was doing she blushed and admonished herself. It's probably a hangover from Mina, she tried to justify her thoughts, which only managed to remind her of the flirting she had indulged with Mina, the thought of the young girl causing her to blush even more.

What was that all about? was she seriously hitting on me? she wondered, maybe I should invite her over one day and have a discussion with her, better to clear up any confusion and ensure that she is not getting the wrong idea.

There was a loud knock on her door just then.

"Mom, I am ready. Will wait for you downstairs." called out Sameer.

"Okay, will be down in five minutes." replied Veena.

A strange excitement at the 'date' with her son gave her butterflies in her stomach. Putting such thoughts out her mind she concentrated on getting ready.

"Okay, I am ready. Let's go." heard Sameer, as he was sitting on the couch waiting for his mother, aimlessly scrolling through is social media feed.

Looking up he stopped dead as he looked at his mother. Wearing skin tight jeans, with a yellow blouse that fitted her slim body perfectly, the top two buttons left open to give a tantalizing view of her cleavage and skin, on her feet she wore casual sneakers. He had rarely seen his mother dressed in western when they went out, the only time she had worn clothes like this in public was when they were visiting abroad.

It was the way she had done her make up that had made him stop. Pulling her hair in a high ponytail made her look ten years younger, her plump pouty lips glistened with a strawberry-colored glossy balm, the light makeup highlighted her cheekbones, while the subtle eye makeup enhanced her eyes, making them seem bigger. The combined effect made her look twenty.

Sameer, gulped as he took in his mom. People are going to think she is my girlfriend, he thought, we could pass of as the same age. The thought was not unpleasant.

"Wow, you look great mom." said Sameer.

"Really? That is so sweet of you." said Veena, "You don't think this is too young for someone my age."

"Come on Mom, quit it. You are beautiful and its looks great on you. Age has nothing to do with it. You should wear whatever you like." said Sameer.

Veena loved dressing like this, but her husband and societal pressure meant she usually dressed in things more 'age appropriate', but that had never stopped her from buying clothes she liked. It was refreshing to wear it. Sameer too had worn jeans and sneakers, paired with a collared shirt that set off his physique. She cast an appreciative glance at how handsome he looked in the clothes.

"Okay let's go, I am driving." said Sameer as they headed out the door.

The cinema was fairly crowded with people milling around, waiting to get their tickets. Sameer took his mother's hand to make sure that they did not get separated. Looking at the available shows he selected a romantic comedy, which she would enjoy, and took two tickets.

As they headed to the screens, the crowds thinned out but Sameer continued to hold Veena's hand. Veena did not say anything as she enjoyed the sensation. It made the whole thing feel like a 'date'. From the concessionary stand they bought a couple of large drinks and a small popcorn. Veena reminding him not to fill himself as they planned to have dinner later.

Once they settled down on their seats Sameer, realized why they got such great seats, most of the theatre was empty, with a scattering of couples and a few groups of girls sitting here and there. Everybody seemed to have naturally selected their places for maximum privacy. Ten minutes into the movie Sameer was bored, but his mother seemed to be having a good time so he tried his best to pay attention.

"Why are these theatres always so cold." complained Veena, as she rubbed her arms to warm them up.

"I think it's so cold because its mostly empty." replied Sameer.

"I don't care why, but this is becoming uncomfortable." said Veena.

Without thinking Sameer put his arm around his mother and pulled her closer to himself to help keep her warm.

"Mmm..." moaned Veena, as she settled against her son and felt his warm body.

It was the moan that did it, low, throaty, and deep, suddenly Sameer was sporting a hard on. Very aware of his mother's body against him. He thought about removing his arm but did not know how to do it without leading to some awkward questions.

He tried to pay attention to the movie, willing his cock to settle down. If it had been a movie, he was interested in it may have worked, but all he could feel was his mother's gorgeous, warm body against him. Sameer glanced at his mother and got a clear view down her blouse and a hint of her bra. His cock lurched in his pants.

Veena unaware of the impact she was having on her son continued to enjoy the movie, after sometime she felt a little uncomfortable so she shifted in the seat, burrowing closer to Sameer, drawing up her legs. Her movement had the unintended effect of pushing her breast into Sameer's ribs. So caught up was she in the movie that she did not notice the change.

Sameer on the other hand noticed. Not only was his gorgeous mother in his arms, but now he could feel her perky breast also. The two of them continued to watch the movie. During the second act and the inevitable misunderstanding between the leads, he heard his mother sniffle a couple of times, and Sameer rolled his eyes. Then his eyes got big as his mother rubbed her face into his shoulder, which had the unfortunate effect of his hand slipping from around her arm down to her waist.

Sameer felt the warmth of his mother's body on his fingers, he also noticed the firmness of her flesh and his cock hardened some more. Veena seemed to not have noticed, as she continued to watch the movie. Glancing down he noticed that the new position had exposed more of his mother's cleavage to his eyes and despite himself he started to stroke her flesh.

They continued watching the movie.

Then the unthinkable happened, Veena reached for the popcorn which were in Sameer's lap, but missed the box and her hand landed on his hard cock. The two of them stopped as they realized what had just happened.

Veena was surprised at the hardness and size of the organ her hand was touching.

Sameer was shocked at the realization that his mother was touching his cock.

They sat like this for a few seconds, Sameer expecting his mother to snatch her hand away, but after a few seconds he realized it was not happening, her hand stayed on his aroused cock, which left Sameer very confused.

Veena was equally confused by her actions, when she first felt Sameer's cock, she was shocked but instead of snatching her hand away she had continued to keep her hand where it was, after the initial shock she was mesmerized by the size of what she was feeling under her hand.

It felt bigger and thicker than her husband's, the only one she had ever seen in real life.

The two of them sat in silence in the darkened cinema.

Noticing that his mother was not removing her hand Sameer tried to calm himself down, relaxing his body he took a few deep breaths and tried to will his cock to soften, to no avail. His deep breaths filled his nostrils with his mother's intoxicating smell made any efforts on his part moot.

Feeling the change in Sameer, Veena also relaxed her body but did not move her hand, in fact where she had been touching Sameer's cock with her fingers earlier now her whole hand rested on it.

The two of them sat like that, trying, and failing to concentrate on the movie.

Sameer glanced down and saw his mother's delicate hand in his lap, the tops of her breasts exposed to his sight, and he decided. It was clear that his mother felt his aroused state, yet she did not do anything. He saw his mother as a sexual creature, a beautiful woman. A sexy, hot, and available woman. He decided to see how far she was willing to go.

Sameer started to stroke his mother's waist with his hand. Seeing no reaction from her he got bolder, soon his hand moved from her waist to her stomach where he stroked her flat stomach in small circles, he could feel her stomach muscles tense, but slowly they relaxed as she became comfortable with his hand. Unable to believe his luck, Sameer decided to push further. While continuing stroking his hand started to move downwards until he felt the waist of her jeans, stopping there he waited for his mother's reaction.

No reaction, he moved lower until hand was now freely stroking his mother's body from just below her breasts to just above her crotch. Veena moaned softly at the wonderful sensation Sameer's hand was giving her and her own hand started to stroke the engorged cock under hand.

Sameer groaned deep in his throat as his mother started to stroke his cock. Throwing caution to the wind he pushed his hand further downward until he was palming his mother's crotch and gently squeezed. Veena turned her face into Sameer's shoulder and bit it lightly to suppress her moans of pleasure.

As the two of them continued to simulate each other, Veena raised her face from Sameer's shoulder and burrowed into the hollow of his neck. The scent of his body driving her wild. He smelled so different from his father, he smelled like a man. Not being able to help herself she kissed him softly on the neck and ran her tongue to taste him. The salty taste of his body made her moan.

Sameer's nostrils flared from arousal as he felt his mother's lips on his neck. Fuck it, he thought, if we are going to hell, might as well go all the way. Bringing his other hand to her chin, he turned her face up to his, her face was a mask of lust, her pouty lips slightly parted, her eyes shining in the low light of the theatre. Lowering his face, he placed his lips on hers and just waited, not sure what to do next.

Veena's mind was overwhelmed with lust, when she had felt the hard cock under her hand, something primal had come over her. She lost all sense of propriety. She was with a man, who wanted her that was all her lust addled mind could think about. When Sameer had reached down and cupped her crotch the pleasure had been almost unbearable, and the wave of their illicit activities just carried her forward. Now her son's strong lips were on hers and she did not care.

Sensing his hesitancy, she opened her lips a little and feathered the tip of her tongue over his lips. Sameer responded to her boldness, his tongue also reached out touched her lips, opening her lips further Veena's tongue touched Sameer's, the taste was ambrosia to her, inviting his tongue to follow hers. Sameer's tongue invaded her mouth where they writhed together. Soon they were in a deep kiss, their lips and tongues mashing together sometimes inside her mouth sometime in his.

As their kissed deepened their hands became more active, Veena put her other hand over Sameer's, the one that was squeezing her cunt, feeling the strength in his hands. Sameer lowered his hand from her chin to her chest, taking one of her breasts in his had her marveled at their firmness and fullness. Squeezing he felt her aroused nipple through her bra and shirt.

As the illicit kiss and groping continued, Sameer felt bolder, just palming his mother's breast was not enough he wanted to feel her skin. Releasing her breasts he unbuttoned her blouse more, giving him easier access. Sliding his hand inside her blouse he palmed one of her breasts over her lacy bra, roughly pushing the bra off her breast he felt her aroused nipple. Taking the engorged nipple between his thumb and fore finger, rolling the elongated nipple in his fingers he pinched and pulled on it.

The dual simulation of her cunt and breast became too much for Veena, breaking their kiss she took her hand off Sameer's and she bit down on her palm to suppress her moans. Pushing back against the seat she threw her head back arching her chest outwards.

Finding his mouth suddenly free, Sameer looked at his mother, her movements had thrown her blouse open further and he could see his hand on her naked breasts. Without wasting a moment Sameer lowered his mouth and took the naked breast in his mouth suckling on the engorged nipple. Opening his mouth as wide as possible he crammed as much of her breast into his mouth as possible, flicking his tongue over Veena's sensitive nipple.

The sensation of having Sameer's mouth on her breast overwhelmed Veena, grabbing his head with both hands she pulled his mouth off her breast. Staring at each other, they saw the same wildness reflected in the other's eyes.

But before they could act on it, the lights in the cinema started to come on. Looking around they realized that they had completely missed the last part of the film. In the light of the cinema Veena realized what she had been doing, with her son no less. Feeling ashamed she fixed her bra and blouse. Avoiding her son's eyes, she stood up making sure that her clothes showed no signs of their recent activities.

Sameer too was hit by the magnitude of what had just happened. He had just made out with his own mother. The taste of her mouth and body still fresh in his mind, her moans still rang in his ears, he could still feel the warmth of her body on his hands. Standing up he adjusted his jeans, hoping to make his erection less conspicuous.

"Mom..." he began.

Holding up her hand Veena stopped him from speaking any further.

"Not now Sameer." she said.

"But..." he tried again.

"This is not the right place, we will talk later." she replied, as she headed to the exit.

Sameer followed, his eyes once again drawn to her rolling hips, he noticed the other people around them and immediately picked up on the telltale signs of couples who too had been making out. He wondered if they could see the same thing on them.

As they passed through the lobby Sameer once again took his mother's hand, even though it was much less crowded. Veena tried to pull away but Sameer tightened his grip pulling her closer to his side. Exiting the cinema Sameer turned right and they entered a small restaurant serving fast food.

Grabbing a seat in the corner he noticed that the place was half empty. The other customers appeared to be people like them who had just gotten free from watching a movie. Looking over at his mother he noticed that she was still avoiding his eyes.

"Mom..." he said.

"Not now Sameer, we will talk in the car." she replied.

"Okay then let's go." he said, starting to get up.

"Sit down, I want something to eat." said Veena.

Sitting back, he waved the waiter over, taking their order he left them alone. The two continued to sit in silence. Sameer knew that his mother was thinking about the same thing he was.

Veena was not hungry, but she needed time to formulate her thoughts. This was a delicate moment and she needed to explain things to Sameer properly, lest their relationship gets destroyed. Even as she struggled to organize her thoughts, the feel of her son's hands and lips on her body was still a burning memory in her mind. Her pussy still wet.

Once the waiter brought their food, they both ate in silence. Sameer finished quickly, eager to talk about what had happened in the cinema, but Veena took her time, it wasn't until she was sure of what she was going to say that she indicated that she was done.

Sameer paid the bill and stood up. Holding out his hand to his mother he waited.

Veena considered not taking the offered hand but could not figure out a way to say no without hurting her son. So, she took his hand and the two of them strolled hand in hand to their car. Sliding into their seats Sameer started the car and pulled out in traffic, heading home.

"Mom..." he started again.

"Sameer, what just happened was a mistake. I am sorry, if I led you on and didn't stop it. We are mother and son it should never have happened. I am the adult and should have never let it get so out of hand. Please forgive me, I hope we can both just forget about what happened and never discuss it again." said Veena, trying to get everything out at once.

Sameer listened to his mother's words, her regret and sadness coming through loud and clear.

"Mom, there is nothing to forgive. Yes, we are mother and son but we are also man and woman. I know what happened in the cinema was unexpected but you can't tell me it was not enjoyable." he said.

Veena could not deny his words, but she kept her mouth close.

"If you want, I will try to forget about it. But only if you promise to stop torturing yourself about what happened. You did not molest me anymore than I molested you. We both enjoyed ourselves. I have not been scarred for life. We are still mother and son, I love you and I can't see you hurting like this."

Veena nodded her head in agreement, her heart swelling with the maturity of Sameer's word and the concern he showed for her. I raised a good boy, no, man, she thought to herself.

"Okay." she said.

"Okay what?" asked Sameer.

"Okay, I won't torture myself about it." she replied.

"Good." said Sameer, reaching over her took his mother's hand in his own and gave it a reassuring squeeze. That simple action sent another jolt of lust through both.

Holding hands, they drove home in silence.

Sameer saw his father's car parked in the drive way when they reached home.

"When did dad get home?" he asked the security guard at the gate.

"Sahib, he came in about an hour ago." replied the guard.

Nodding his head Sameer followed his mother inside. The house was quiet, dad is probably sleeping already thought Sameer.

Heading up the stairs side by side, Sameer took his mother's hand, and their fingers entwined. Reaching the top of the stairs Sameer brought his mother hand to his lips and kissed it softly.

"Good night, mom. I hope you had a good time." he said.

"Good night, son. Thank you for the lovely evening, yes it was very enjoyable." she replied.

The two of them stood, not moving looking at each other, the tension between them building, before anything could happen, Veena pulled her hand away from Sameer and went to her own room.

Sameer watched his mother leave, his heart beating loudly. What the fuck is happening here, he thought.


Sameer had spent a restless night; despite his best efforts he could not get his mother out of his mind. He kept replaying the events of the previous night, the look on his mother's face, her lips, the scent of her body, the taste of her flesh as he had suckled her breast. All these things were seared into his memory.

He got up early and went to the gym, when he got back, he did not see his mother. After washing up he came down for breakfast hoping to see her, but found the dining table set for one person.

"Where are my parents?" he asked the maid, who was laying out his breakfast.

"They had breakfast early, your father has left for office and you mother is in her room." replied the maid.

Sitting down Sameer had his breakfast in silence. This was very unusual mom always wants to have breakfast together. Perhaps she is avoiding me, he thought.

Finishing off his breakfast he went looking for his mother. Knocking on her bedroom door he waited for a reply.

"Mom." he called through the door.

"Sameer, I am busy right now." replied Veena through the door.

"Okay. Just making sure you are fine." he said.

Walking back downstairs he turned on the TV in the sitting room and waited for his mother.

Veena had spent most of the night lying awake her mind full of guilt about what she had done with her son. But whenever she tried to suppress the memory of their aborted tryst, the feel of his strong arms, the taste of his lips and tongue, the way he had sucked on her sensitive nipples was difficult to ignore.

So, she stayed in her room trying to avoid meeting with her son, until she had properly processed her emotions about the previous night.


Sameer did not see his mother leaving for the gym, he had gone to his washroom where he was ironically masturbating to his mother's memory, when Veena had left, avoiding her son for a little longer. When she came back, she had once again succeeded in avoiding her son.

A little before lunch as he waited for his mother to make her appearance, the main door opened and his father walked in. Sameer looked at him in surprise, it was unheard of for his father to come home in the middle of the day.

"Dad? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?" asked Sameer.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Why wouldn't it be?" replied his father.

"You never come home this early." said Sameer

"I have a meeting in an hour nearby so I thought I would stop by and then go directly from here." replied his father.

"Okay." said Sameer.

"Where is your mother?" asked his father.

"I think she is in her room changing." replied Sameer.

"Can you please ask the maid to serve lunch and call your mom." said his father.

Sameer nodded and told the maid what his father wanted.

As they waited for his mother Sameer observed his father. At five foot ten Akhtar was average in height, with a dark complexion, sharp features, and bright eyes. He was very thin and had always been that way. He was also a sharp dresser, something Sameer had always found kind of cool and tried to emulate in his own dressing.

"All set to fly off to college?" asked his father.

"That depends where I get admission. But yes." replied Sameer.

"Where ever you go, I expect you to put 100% into your studies and not waste your time chasing girls." said father.

"When have I ever put girls before my studies?" asked Sameer.

"That was here, where your mother and I were around, once you are on your own things can change. You are still eighteen, there is a lot for you to learn about the world and yourself." said his father.

Sameer nodded in agreement.

Just then his mother joined them, glancing over to her he tried to catch her eye but she avoided looking at him.

"Akhtar, so nice to see you home early." she said.

"I have a meeting nearby, so thought I would have lunch at home." he replied

Veena looked at him with narrowed eyes, this was very unlike her husband, he never came home for lunch no matter where the meeting was being held.

"That is nice." said Veena, as the three of them sat down to eat.

"How was the movie yesterday?" asked Akhtar.

Sameer looked at his mother who continued to look at her plate.

"Oh, you know. Romantic comedies are not really my thing. It was okay I guess." he replied, nonchalantly, once again glancing at his mother.

"By the way I have an idea about the trip." his father suddenly spoke up.

Taken by surprise at the sudden change in conversation, both Sameer and Veena looked over at him. Was he going to go this time, they both wondered.

"Since I can't go, why don't you take Sameer with you?" said his father, looking over at his mother.

The suggestion startled Sameer and Veena.

"Me?" asked Sameer.

"Yes, it's not like you have anything better to do. All you do is watch TV, play video games and hang out with your friends." said his father.

"I am sure Sameer, does not want to be stuck with his mother for days." said Veena, trying to dissuade her husband from the idea.

"Nonsense, he will be going abroad for college soon and it could be a while before you see him again, it will be good spending time with him." said his father.

"I can spend time with him at home." said Veena.

"Yes, but then you would miss out the trip you had planned. This way you get the trip, meet Maria and spend time with Sameer." said Akhtar.

"But Dad..." started Sameer.

"No buts, you mother put a lot of effort in planning this trip. She should not miss out on in because of me. You are going with her and that the end of the conversation." said his father.

For the first time since the previous night Sameer and his mother's eyes met. The same thought ran through both their minds. Two weeks together.

Next page: Chapter 02.1
Previous page: Chapter 01.1