Chapter 02.1

Sameer and his mother, Veena, were in their SUV on the highway, the abrupt change in plan had thrown things in flux. Despite their best efforts there was no way to dissuade his father from the new plan. The point he had made were valid and they couldn't really tell him the real reason why he and his mother were afraid to be alone for an extended period.

The previous day had been spent packing; his mother had already done most of her packing so it was just Sameer throwing his stuff in his suitcase. He had tried to talk to his mother about the previous night and the trip but had barely gotten a chance to have more than a few minutes with her, as she continued to avoid her son.

Now that they were alone in the car, the silence was defeating, from the moment they had left the house his mother had maintained a stony silence, if this was a preview of the rest of the trip, it was going to be one long, boring, and awkward couple of weeks.

"Are you planning to be silent the whole trip?" Sameer finally asked his mother.

"What? Sorry I was thinking about something, what did you say?" asked his mother.

"I said, are you going to stay quite the whole trip and not talk to me at all?" repeated Sameer.

"Of course not. I have just had a lot on my mind. I didn't mean to ignore you." replied Veena.

"Ok good. It's just that we have barely talked since yesterday." said Sameer.

"I know and I am sorry, if I made you feel neglected. It's just that there has been a lot to process and this sudden change had required some last-minute adjustment." replied Veena.

"I understand that, but still I couldn't shake the feeling that you were avoiding me because of what happened at the movies." said Sameer.

"Oh honey, I love you, I would never avoid you, no matter what. But you must understand that what happened was a shock to me, and it is not something a mother and son should be doing. I don't blame you for anything. You are a young, virile man. It is I who should have been more careful about things." said Veena.

Sameer realized that his mother was blaming herself for what had happened and it was guilt which was the cause of her avoiding him. He felt a wave of anger and sadness engulf him at seeing his mother pain.

"No. Stop it. Don't blame yourself. I am a grown man and I am fully capable of controlling myself. What happened was both of us giving into temptation." he said.

"But Sameer..." Veena tried to interject.

"No buts, if you are guilty then so am I." said Sameer, forcefully, "We were both a little emotional and you were feeling low, plus the romantic movie. I too should have been aware of what I was doing. You are a beautiful, sexy woman and the mood got to us. Don't blame yourself, it isn't just your fault, it's not like I don't find you to be incredibly attractive."

"You...find me attractive?" asked Veena.

Oh shit, thought Sameer. In his haste to put his mother at ease he realized that he had said too much. Well in for a penny in for a pound, he thought.

"I would have to be dead or gay not to." he replied, "You are beautiful, everyone says so. Even my female friends can't seem to stop talking about how gorgeous you are, not to mention my male friends, quite a few of them I have had to put in their place for their comments."

"I had no idea." said Veena.

"Look, what I am trying to say is that what happened the other night was not just your fault, we were both equally involved and the mood was right, and we both got kind of carried away." replied Sameer.

Reaching over with his left hand he cradled his mother's face, he looked over at her.

"So, stop beating yourself up about it. Please." said Sameer.

"You are sweet. Okay, I will." said Veena.

"Good." said Sameer.

Turning her face into his hand, Veena softly kissed Sameer's palm. The small action had the unintended consequence of being incredibly sexy, which once again led to Sameer recalling his mother's exposed body in the cinema, he felt the blood rush to his cock.

"So, you find me attractive." asked Veena.

Startled Sameer looked over to his mother, seeing the smile on her lips and the twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh God. I am never going to hear the end of this, am I?" he grumbled.

Veena burst out laughing at her son's reaction, the sound of her laughter filling the car. Even her laugh is sexy, thought Sameer.

"I'm sorry." said Veena, smiling.

The laughter broke the tension between them and the two them chatted as the miles passed. They stopped at a roadside restaurant for lunch to stretch their legs and grab a snack. Soon they were back on the road.

"So, tell me, what is it about me you find so attractive." asked Veena, out of the blue.

Sameer looked over to his mother in surprise, he thought they had moved passed this. Seeing the interest in her eyes, he also noticed that a couple of buttons of her kameez had also been undone since the morning.

"What is she doing? We just got past this. Is she really interested to know or just pushing my buttons?" thought Sameer, giving the idea a couple of seconds, deciding to give back as well and see what his mother was up to, he started to push things farther and see how far she was willing to go.

"Well, you have, hands down, one of the best bodies I have ever seen. I mean Hollywood and Bollywood actresses actually need Photoshop to look as good as you do." said Sameer, stopping to see his mother's reaction.

"Really, you think I have a great body." asked Veena, as she spoke, she turned to face her son, turning more of her body towards her son. Sameer silently swallowed as he saw seatbelt dig in between her breasts, making them more prominent.

"Umm...yes." he muttered, really hoping this was the end of the conversation, his mother's reminder of her body was affecting him in ways that he did not like, the smell and taste of her body came unbidden to his mind and he felt himself getting hard.

"What about my body do you find most attractive and why?" asked Veena, noticing her son's discomfort and needling him a little more.

Sameer groaned at the question; his mother was obviously not going to drop it. Seeing the glint in her eyes he realized that his mother was trying to make him uncomfortable. Well, he could do the same.

"Where to start? Your ass is just perfect, especially when you are wearing those skin tight yoga pants, they are so firm, there is hardly any jiggle in it when you walk. I imagine that it would feel like holding a taut football, but softer and hotter." said Sameer, looking over to his mother to see her reaction.

"Hmm...go one, what else?" she asked, her voice a little husky.

"You have the most amazing breasts, they are neither too big or too small, they are perfect on your body. The way they slope down but are still perky. Your nipples always seem to be a little aroused. The way they felt in my mouth and their taste is heavenly" continued Sameer, his voice rising in excitement as he recalled the night at the movies.

"Please go on." said Veena, her voice now a low moan.

Sameer, looked at his mother and could clearly see the excitement in her face, he noticed how his mother was rubbing her legs together.

"You have the most amazing, long and tapering legs but strong and firm. The little gap they have at the top seem to act like a pointer to your crotch. Makes you wonder what it would taste like." said Sameer, his voice now husky with desire, his cock almost fully a

"Oh my, you have really thought about my body a lot." moaned Veena.

"But you know what is the sexiest thing about you? The way you moan when you are aroused. It just goes directly to my cock." said Sameer.

No longer able to resist he rubbed his hard on.

Veena watched wide eyed as her son rubbed his hard dick.

"You want to feel it?" asked Sameer, seeing his mother's eyes glued to the crotch of his jeans.

Veena shook her head, but her hand reached out on its own.

Sameer removed his hand off his cock and let his mother's hand took its place.

"Unhh..." moaned Sameer as he felt his mother's hand come to rest on his cock.

They drove on for a few more minutes, when Veena tried to move her hand off her son's cock, Sameer reached down, grabbing her wrist he put her hand back in his lap.

"No. You started this, you wanted this. Now you keep your hand where it is." said Sameer forcefully, his voice commanding.

Veena, shuddered at the forcefulness of Sameer's voice and felt herself get a little wetter as her son nearly ordered her to continue holding his cock.

Putting his hand over his mother's, Sameer squeezed on it, indicating that she should do the same. Veena felt the pressure and took over. As they drove on, she continued to run her hand over her son's hard cock, softly squeezing from time to time. The erotic nature of what she was doing aroused her incredibly but she could do no more than squeeze her legs together to put some pressure on her heated cunt.

"You are getting wet, aren't you?" asked Sameer, seeing how his mother was squeezing her legs.

"No... no." Veena tried to deny his words.

"Stop denying how you feel, here let me." said Sameer.

Reaching over Sameer pushed his hand between his mother's thighs and cupped her crotch.

"Ohhh...unhh...Sameer...what are you doing?" moaned Veena, her sexy moan only serving to arouse her son more.

"Giving you what you want." said Sameer.

Cupping his mother crotch Sameer started to squeeze and release, Veena felt pleasure travel from her hot, steamy pussy and spread all over her body, her face flushed and her nipples engorged rubbing into the fabric of her bra, the pain and pleasure overwhelming her.

Veena tried to remove her son's hand from her over heating cunt, but Sameer was too strong, she took her hand off his hot, hard dick to try and pry his hand off her cunt.

"No, leave your hand where it is." ordered Sameer, Veena found herself obeying despite herself, "Just enjoy yourself."

Luckily the traffic on the highway was sparse and Sameer managed to keep his concentration on the road. For the next hour the they drove like this, Sameer's hand in his mother's crotch as he massaged her crotch sometime soft and sometimes hard, while his mother ran her hand over his iron hard cock. The car filled with their soft moans.

"Let's stop here for a few minutes and have some tea also." said Sameer, taking his hand from between his mother's leg.

Veena, moaned softly in disappointment when her son took his hand out of her crotch. Sameer smiled at her, noticing that his mother was still holding his cock. Veena slowly drew her hand away from her son's crotch, her face flushed. She could feel her wet panties and the heat of her son's cock even through his jeans was still on her hand as Sameer pulled the car into the rest stop.

"I am going to use the washroom." said Veena, as she headed towards the women's bathroom.

Sameer watched his mother walk away, paying close attention to her swaying ass. Veena turned around and caught her son looking. But instead of being embarrassed he grinned and winked at her. Veena felt her face flush, Sameer was acting very bold. She may have allowed things to go too far, even as she wondered where things were going, she also felt a thrill at being the object of desire for a virile young man, even if he was her son. Putting a little extra sway in her hips for Sameer's benefit she went to the washroom.

Sameer saw the extra swing in his mother's walk and smiled. She was feeling horny, so was he, he was also scared about where things were going. In the car he had been especially bold and forceful, something he was surprised by as much as his mother. The heat and arousal were making him more assertive. But now that he had a chance to clear his head, he wondered how he and his mother were going to spend the rest of the drive or how they were going to act with each other.

As the attendant was filling the SUV with gas, Sameer got a crazy idea in his head. Taking out his phone he opened the chat app and pulled up his mother's number.

S: Are you still in the bathroom?

V: Yes.

S: Are you alone?

V: Yes, why?

S: Loose the panties and the bra!

Sameer waited to hear his mother's reply, it took a few seconds for his mother to respond.

V: WHAT???

S: You heard me, I want you to take off your bra and panties. I want to know that you are completely naked under your clothes.

V: Sameer, that is asking for too much.

S: I want you to know and feel how sexy you are. NOW DO IT!

Once again Sameer waited with bated breath, as he wondered if his forceful demeanor with his mother was going to win out again. Veena did not reply to his last message, after waiting for a few seconds Sameer concluded that he had pushed things too far and waited for his mother to come out scold him on his forwardness. Sighing in disappointment he paid for the fuel and drove up to the restaurant.

Sameer looked over the seating area set aside for the restaurants, with its combination of different travelers, truck drivers, who sat mostly under the open air on beds (charpoys), eating basic food from the smaller restaurant, in the main area there was a large air-conditioned hall which was preferred by families, businessmen and other couples traveling the same route.

Taking a table under a shade on the patio that ran the length of the air-conditioned hall and slightly away from the crowd he waited for his mother to join him.

Veena, was starting at herself in the mirror. Still trying to process what had happened in the car. For well over an hour Sameer, her son, had openly fondled her pussy, while she had done the same to his cock. It was a wonder that neither of them had exploded into screaming orgasms, but somehow neither one had allowed the other to reach that point. The downside was that now she was incredibly horny, more than she could ever remember in her life. She was sure that her panties were probably wet from her arousal.

Splashing some cold water on her face, she tried to cool herself down and get a hold of her emotions. Things had escalated dangerously. If they kept this up, they may cross all boundaries of propriety. Taking deep breaths, she tried to calm herself down. That is when her phone pinged indicating a message had arrived. Digging into her purse she took out the phone and saw it was a message from Sameer.

S: Are you still in the bathroom?

V: Yes.

S: Are you alone?

Why was he asking that? she wondered.

V: Yes, why?

S: Loose the panties and bra!

Veena sucked in a breath at the idea. The forcefulness in her son's message coming through. Where has this Sameer come from? she thought.

V: WHAT???

S: You heard me, I want you to take off your bra and panties. I want to know that you are completely naked under your clothes.

The idea of going naked under her clothes was strangely attractive and intriguing. What would I feel like to just have nothing under her shalwar kameez?

V: Sameer, that is asking for too much.

She waited for her son's response.

S: I want you to know and feel how sexy you are. NOW DO IT!

Veena looked at the message for a few seconds. Her heart beat faster at the words, her son not only found her sexy but wanted her to feel the same. Thinking about the message and all that it implied she struggled with what to do.

Sameer waved to his mother catching her attention, customers were few at the time of the day but even then, he noticed quite a few head turn to watch his mother's passage. He sighed at her sexy walk. Veena took her seat in front of Sameer with her back to the patio.

"I have ordered tea and snacks." he informed her.

His mother nodded in agreement as she set her purse on the table. Sameer wanted to ask her about her panties and bra, but couldn't decide how to broach the subject. Accepting that it was one request to far, he wondered how his mother would behave towards him now.

"This place is really nice." observer Veena.

"Yeah, the new rest stops along the highway are better than the old ones, and with more families travelling by road it was needed." agreed Sameer.

The waiter came and delivered their order. Veena took off her dupatta (long scarf) and put it to the side as she reached for her tea. Sameer who was about to sip his tea ran an appreciative look over his mother's body, as his eyes passed over her breasts they stopped and the tea cup remained suspended in the air.

He could clearly see his mother's nipples making two small tents on her kameez, as if she was without a bra or was especially aroused. Noticing his lack of movement, Veena looked at her son and gave him a shy smile even as she blushed.

She did it, she is not wearing her bra, did she also take of her panties? he wondered.

"Did you do as I asked?" said Sameer.

Veena nodded, looking down into her tea, blushing even more.

"How does it feel?" asked Sameer.

"It feels strange, I have never done anything like this, even at night I usually wear a bra & panties." said Veena, "But it's also freeing."

"What did you do with the bra and panties?" asked Sameer.

When his mother indicated towards her purse, Sameer pulled it towards him and opened it. Seeing the white lacy bra, he pushed it to the side and took her panties in his hand, keeping it inside the purse so no one could see what he was doing, he felt the dampness on them.

"They are damp." he observed.

"I got wet in the car with what we were doing." said Veena, shyly.

" what are you going to do about it the rest of the way?" asked Sameer.

Startled, Veena looked at her son. Seeing the look in his eyes she realized that he had more ideas for the rest of the drive.

"No matter we will figure something out." said Sameer, smiling, "The weather at this time is really nice, I thought it would be much hotter this time of year."

"Yeah, the cool breeze is really nice and the greenery, you don't get to see that in Karachi at all." agreed Veena.

"Yeah. Why don't we take advantage of this breeze?" said Sameer, seeing his mother's questioning look he continued, "Undo the buttons of your kameez."

"Sameer! We are in public." protested Veena.

"There is no one around who can see, your back is to the patio and I will let you know if someone comes, so please undo some and feel the breeze on your skin."

Looking around fearfully, Veena wanted to say no but was also thrilled at the idea of doing something so bold. Taking a deep breath, she looked Sameer in the eye and started to slowly unbutton her kameez. Starting from the top she quickly unbuttoned the top two buttons. When she hesitated at the third one Sameer indicated that she should continue. Marshalling her courage, she slowly opened the third and fourth button quickly but kept the kameez close together.

His eyes shining Sameer looked at his mother's red face, as she sat in front of him. Reaching across the table he softly moved her hand away from the kameez front, causing the neck line to gape open, exposing her skin to his eyes. The soft breeze further opening the kameez and he could see a parts of her breasts also.

"How does it feel?" he asked.

"It feels embarrassing." said Veena.

"And?" asked Sameer.

"Exciting." replied Veena, embarrassed at the admission that she enjoyed displaying herself like this in public, especially to her son.

"I always thought you were a lot bolder than you let on. I know your closet is full of clothes that are more daring but I have never seen you wear any. Why is that?" asked Sameer.

"It's not something that women wear in our society." said Veena.

"Maybe, but the social circles we move in, those kinds of clothes are pretty common. So, what is holding you back? If you like them and you look good in them, then why not wear them all the time?" asked Sameer.

"I don't know. Your father may not like me wearing them." said Veena, even to her own ears her excuse sounded weak.

Sameer looked over at his mother, a thoughtful look on his face. He could see that his mother was struggling to justify her habit, but it was also clear that it was contrary to her own desires.

"Well Dad is not here. So, you are free to wear what you want. I would love to see you in more sexy clothes." said Sameer, reaching over he took her hand in his, "Now I want you to promise me that for the remainder of this trip you will not deny your own desires."

Veena, nodded her eyes a little moist.

"Besides, I am not so sure that Dad would have an issue. He is so wrapped up in his own work he would probably not even notice." said Sameer.

The truth of his words hit home. Veena knew that Akhtar didn't really pay much attention to what she did, perhaps a more modern dress code would help her get his attention.

"Okay. I will be more adventurous in my dress choices." said Veena, smiling, "Are you sure you are not saying all this so you can ogle me more freely?"

Sameer smiled in return at his mother's teasing.

"Well, that is just an added bonus." he replied, blushing a little.

Veena laughed at his reaction causing her kameez to gape a little more, so much so that Sameer caught a glimpse of the areole surrounding her right nipple. Noticing where his eyes were, Veena looked down and automatically tried to cover herself, but stopped herself.

Sameer noticed how his mother stopped herself. Looking around to make sure they were alone and no one was looking at them he reached across the table and pushed his hand inside her kameez, palming her right breast in his hand.

Veena bit her lip to suppress her moan as her son's warm hand cradled her breast. Sameer softly squeezed her breast, the warmth seeped through his hand. Running her thumb over the bumps on her areole, he flicked her aroused nipple.

"Unhhh..." moaned Veena, softly.

"You like that?" asked Sameer.

Veena shook her head, but her body said something else. She could feel the wetness in her cunt and wondered if she was leaking. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the sensation of having her breast so lovingly caressed.

"We are only a couple of hours away from our night stop." observer Sameer, as he reluctantly withdrew his hand from inside his mother's kameez, his mother opened her eyes when he removed his hand, a small sigh of disappointment escaping her lips.

"Yes, it would be night by the time we check in." she said, making no move to adjust her gaping kameez through which one breast was clearly visible to her son.

Signaling to the waiter to bring them their check, Sameer watched as his mother buttoned up her kameez but left the two top buttons open. As he paid for their meal his mother adjusted her scarf to drape over her breasts. As she adjusted her kameez, and smoothened it over her ass, she noticed a wet spot where she had been sitting.

"Sameer, there is a wet spot on my kameez." Veena whispered to her son.

"What? Let me see." said Sameer.

Veena turned to show him. He saw the small wet spot which was quite visible on her blue kameez.

"Is it noticeable?" asked Veena.

"Yes, it is." said Sameer.

"What are we going to do? Someone might see it." said Veena, panicking.

"Don't worry no one is looking, but to be on the safe side, you walk in front of me and I will try to block the sight of anyone who looks our way." said Sameer.

Nodding, Veena walked towards their car with Sameer close behind. Luckily no one noticed the state of Veena's clothes as they passed through the patio and to their car.

When they were safely in the car, Veena turned to her son.

"What are we going to do when we get to the hotel? The lobby is going to be brightly lit, you can't walk behind me the whole way." asked Veena.

Sameer thought about the situation for a second.

"We have two hours to go. Make sure to that you don't sit on it the rest of the way and it should dry out by the time we get to the hotel." said Sameer.

Veena looked at him doubtfully, but couldn't come up with a better idea. Nodding her head, she made sure to hike the back of her kameez ensuring that she was no longer sitting on it. Sameer pulled the car out of the parking and back onto the highway.

"This is a fine mess you have gotten us into." said Veena, once they were on the road again.

"Me? What did I do?" asked Sameer, surprised.

"If you hadn't told me to take off my panties, I wouldn't have leaked onto my kameez." said Veena.

"You could have said no. Besides why were you leaking so much?" asked Sameer.

"Well, what did you expect me to do when you were mauling my tits like that, and out in public." replied Veena.

"You seemed to be enjoying yourself. I bet your nipples are still hard." shot back Sameer.

Before his mother could respond, Sameer reached over and palmed her breast. Her could feel the aroused nipple pushing into the palm of his hand. His mother was surprised at his action but did not object verbally, she continued to watch as her son thoroughly checked both her nipples to confirm their aroused state.

"I knew it. I think you may have bit of an exhibitionist in you. Being exposed like that seemed to have turned you on a lot." said Sameer.

"No. No." denied Veena, but in her heart she knew that her son had hit on a dark truth. She did enjoy other people admiring her, and the little public display at the rest stop had turned her on unexpectedly.

"You should not be ashamed of it. You are a beautiful and sexy woman. You should not hide it just because of other people." Sameer assured her.

"You are only saying that so you can ogle me more." said Veena.

"Of course. But that does not mean that it is something I want to force you into." said Sameer, "If it's what you want to do, you should do it. I just want you to be happy."

Leaning over Veena kissed her son on the cheek.

"Thank you for saying that." she said.

"No need to thank me. All I have ever wanted was for you to be happy. I will be going away to college soon and I worry about you." said Sameer.

"That is sweet of you. But I am the mother, it is I who should be worrying about you." said Veena.

"A son can worry about his mother, it's not a competition. How well do you think I will be able to concentrate on my studies if I knew that you were unhappy back at home?" asked Sameer.

Veena, smiled at the words. Her son had turned out to be a fine man. She was proud of how well they, no she, had raised him.

"I would gladly drop my plans for studying abroad, and join a university in Karachi if you asked me. You know that, right?" he asked.

"I know. But I am not going to be one of those mothers who emotionally blackmail their sons to keep them close, and stop them from exploring the world on their own." replied Veena firmly.

"I know, just one of the many great things about you that I love." said Sameer.

"Besides with you being abroad it would be a great excuse for me to travel to visit you, even if your dad does not want to join me." said Veena.

"You and me, together, in some foreign city without anyone to bother us? What could be better." said Sameer, a hint of passion in his voice.

"Really? What would we do, together, alone in a foreign city?" asked Veena, impishly.

Sameer looked at his mother, seeing the twinkle in her eye, he ran his eyes over her body longingly.

"I can think of so many things." he said, his voice thick with desire.

"Tell me." said Veena, softly.

Sameer considered his mother's request for few seconds, wondering how explicit to get with his fantasies, choosing to be somewhat circumspect it his words he began.

"I can imagine you wearing sexy western clothes, short skirts that show off your legs, blouses that fit and mold to your amazing breasts, showing off your amazing body. I would take you out in sexy high heels and tight dresses that put your amazing ass on display." said Sameer.

" you would like to show me off?" asked Veena.

"You are worth showing off. With you on my arm, I will be the envy of everyman. But you will only be with me, for me." said Sameer.

"Oh...for you? Tell me what else you would do with me?" urged Veena, her voice heavy.

"I will take you dancing. I bet you are a great dancer. We will dance at the club all night. You will wear a short dress with a plunging neckline. Your body will glisten with the sweat." said Sameer.

"I will get all sweaty and dirty. You want to see me like that?" asked Reeva.

"I want to see you every way." said Sameer, his voice filled with need.

"Tell me all the ways you want to see me?" asked Veena.

Sameer looked at his mother, the implications of her words were not lost on him. So far, he had been winging it. Basing his fantasy on too many Hollywood movies and adult entertainment. Seeing his mother playing along so actively was unexpected, he decided to go all in and give full power to the fantasies he had about his mother.

"I want to see you in a sexy bikini on a beach, I want to see your sexy legs encased in thigh high stockings under a short skirt. I want to see you in a sexy bustier. I want to see you in all your sexy glory." said Sameer.

"Oh my, you have thought about all this a lot." observed Veena.

"Every day for the last 4 years." admitted Sameer.

He looked over his mother in the low light and noticed that her scarf was no longer covering her chest and a couple of extra buttons of her kameez were open giving him a tantalizing glimpse of her breasts. They drove on in silence for the next hour. Both lost in their thoughts.

Sameer, wondering how things would go from here on, now that he had barred his desires to his mother.

His mother Veena, was trying to reconcile her desire for her son, with the stigma, now that that it was in the open how was she supposed to spend the next two weeks with him alone, without things escalating, did she even want to de-escalate them.

Sameer pulled into the hotel they were going to spend the night before the next part of their journey to Lahore, stepping out of the car they each grabbed a small hand carry which had everything they would need for the night and left the rest of the bulkier luggage in the car.

The hotel was a small 3-star establishment of three stories which catered mostly to travelers like themselves. It had a small but tastefully furnished lobby, with a small restaurant to the side. The check in faced the entry way. Everything was well maintained and had an air of a quality establishment.

Sameer showed their booking number at the check in, after checking quickly through his system, the man manning the check in smiled and handed him an electronic card.

"Have a good stay Mister and Missus Akhtar. I hope you enjoy our hospitality. Room service is available till 1.00 A.M. and the restaurant closes at midnight. We have small gym in the basement that is open 24 hours, we also have a jacuzzi and sauna room in the basement next to the gym." the man said with practiced ease.

Sameer was a little surprised at the fact that the man mistook him for his father, giving his mother an inquisitive look while he took the proffered card. He thanked him for his hospitality and the two of them walked towards the small elevator that would take them to their room on the third floor.

"This was all so last minute I never got a chance to change bookings." his mother explained as they got in the elevator.

Nodding in understanding, Sameer couldn't help wonder what it would be like to share a room with his mother after all that had transpired in the last two days. Opening the door to their room he stepped inside and turned on the lights. The large bed in the room brought him short. Looking around he saw that there was no couch for him to sleep on. Stepping aside he let his mother enter the room.

"Mom, there is only one bed." he said.

"I know." said Veena, letting the implication of this hang in the air.

"I can sleep on the floor, the comforter could easily double as a thin mattress." offered Sameer, while in his heart he was desperate to share his mother's bed.

Veena was moving around the room taking in the furnishing and the facilities. She turned back to her son, she shushed him.

"We will figure this out later, but for now you need to go clean up and we can have dinner at the restaurant." she said, as she put her overnight bag down.

Sameer nodded, going to the washroom he quickly washed up and joined his mother into the room. His mother went after him and joined him again after five minutes. Sameer noticed that his mother had freshened her makeup and was now wearing dark red lipstick.

The two of them went down and grabbed a table. Veena ordered a small salad for herself and Sameer asked for a burger. While they waited for their food to arrive, they discussed the next day's travel and the plans for Lahore. Sameer sent a message to his father to let him know that they had arrived at the hotel safely and then called his sister.

"Hi Maria. We just checked into the hotel...yeah, we should be in Lahore by afternoon we will be staying at the hotel...yeah we will come and pick you up for dinner around 8.00 P.M." said Sameer, "Okay, here you can talk to Mom."

Sameer handed over the phone to his mother, his mother and sister talked for a few minutes about the upcoming wedding and the rest of the trip, after making sure that her daughter was doing well, Veena ended the call and handed Sameer his phone back.

The waiter arrived with their food and both dug in, they were done with the light dinner in ten minutes and ordered a cup of coffee each.

As they leisurely drank their coffee and talked both were deliberately staying away from the thought that was upper most on their minds. The upcoming night they would be spending together. Sameer brain was running through multiple scenarios of how the night was going to go, each one more lurid than the last. Veena on her part was also unable to keep erotic thoughts away from her mind.

Eventually the coffee and their conversation ran out and they headed up. Their excitement and trepidation rising as they got closer to the room.

"Why don't you go and change first." said Veena to her son.

Nodding his head Sameer silently took his pajamas and headed to the washroom, after brushing his teeth he used the toilet and changed his clothes. Coming out he found his mother sitting on the bed with her night clothes next to her. Veena quickly grabbed her clothes and entered the washroom, locking the door behind her.

Sameer looked around the room and finally sat down on the bed, waiting for his mother, and tried to calm his breathing, the moment which could change everything was approaching. He could feel himself getting hard as he imagined his mother naked in the washroom, her breasts gently swaying as she brushed her teeth. The sweet spot between her legs.

Veena looked at herself in the mirror trying to work up the courage to go out in the room, not sure how things would work out between them. She looked at her night clothes, it was something she had bought for the trip with her husband, she wondered why she hadn't changed them when the plan became for Sameer to come with her. No longer able to delay the inevitable she changed her clothes and stepped out into the room.

Sameer's had turned off all the lights in the room except for the bedside lamps. When the bathroom door opened, he turned his head, he stopped breathing when he saw what his mother was wearing.

Veena was wearing very tight and very small silk shorts ending just below her crotch, molding to her ass and pussy, leaving her legs bare. Her top was also silk, which tightly hugged her breasts, but left a good three, four inches of her flat stomach bare.

Veena, saw the look of naked lust on her son's face as he looked at her, then Sameer was standing up and walking towards her, she took a small step backward and found her back against the wall.

Sameer felt the blood rushing in his head, before he knew it, he was on his feet and moving towards his mother. Sameer captured his mother's lips in a deep searing kiss. Veena gave herself to the kiss as her son ravaged her mouth with his tongue.

Veena whimpered in excitement, running her hands up and down Sameer's back. She shivered as she felt the heat of his flesh burning into her own. She could feel the rigid hunk of cock meat between his legs pulsating against her belly. They kissed each other feverishly, their moans mingling as they turned each other on powerfully. Sameer kissed his mother's throat, working his open mouth down to her soft shoulders. He licked her naked flesh again and again, savouring the taste of her.

"Oh, Sameer!" Veena moaned wantonly.

With a low groan, Sameer gripped his mother's breasts, squeezing them hard enough to make the her cry out with pain and pleasure. Sameer's hands went around his mother to grab onto her ass, feeling their firmness in his hands he found them to be as firm as he had imagined. Returning to his mother soft lips he kissed her again even as he pulled her body into his own, grinding his cock against her.

"Oooh..." she said in a voice which trembled, "It's so big."

Sameer kissed his mother, he moved one hand down the flatness of her stomach to her wet pussy, which was throbbing between her legs. He pushed his hand inside her shorts, Veena quivered as she felt her son's hand reach her pussy, she instinctively opened her thighs wide as Sameer gently caressed her cunt lips.

I know I should stop him now, she told herself, but made no effort to do so. She moaned in lust and pleasure as she felt her son's fingers stroking up and down her juicing pussy slit.

"Ohhh, Sameer..." she groaned.

She writhed and wriggled against the wall as Sameer's hand moved faster over her cunt mound and he dipped one finger between her swollen pussy lips. At the same time, his mouth latched onto her neck.

"Nooo..." Veena moaned is disappointment as Sameer withdrew his hand from her crotch, the next second, he grabbed the bottom on her top and raised it over her head leaving her naked from the waist up.

Veena's hands instinctively covered her naked breasts, Sameer grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away from her breasts. Looking at her beautiful breasts, her nipples elongated in arousal, capturing his mother's nipples with the thumbs and forefingers of both hands he pinched them lightly.

Veena moaned softy as Sameer pinched her nipples, hearing his mother's soft whimpering Sameer groaned as he pinched the nipples again, harder this time. Dropping his head down her captured his mother's right breast in his mouth. Veena groaned with pleasure as her son sucked her nipple, which grew longer and stiffer in his mouth.

Sameer licked, sucked, and nibbled on her sensitive nipple. He groaned, loving the taste of the nipple and the way it pulsed between his lips. Then, his mouth slid across her heaving chest and he gave her other tit the same thrilling treatment. Veena ran her hands through her son's hair as his head moved from one breast to another.

"Unhhh...yes...yes..." she moaned, encouraging her son to continue.

As Sameer continued to suck her breasts, she felt a hot sexual fire building up furiously in her loins. Sameer's cheeks hollowed inwardly as he sucked his mother's nipples harder. Veena's back arched and her son's mouth opened wider, eagerly accepting more of her quivering tit flesh.

While he kept sucking on his mother's tits, he moved one hand down the flatness of her tummy to her wet pussy, which was throbbing between her legs. Returning to her steamy cunt he proceeded to finger his mother again. Sameer slid his finger deeper into his mother's hot cunt, teasingly brushing against the stiff bud of her clit.

"Aieee!" Veena squealed, and she felt her clit being pinched.

"God, Mom, your pussy's so wet!" Sameer growled, feeling a wave of hot tremors pass through him.​
Next page: Chapter 02.2
Previous page: Chapter 01.2