Chapter 05.2

Sameer considered his sister's words. Being gay was not something that their society accepted, a son having sex with his mom was even less acceptable, but for anyone to come out as gay ran the risk of social ostracization and even physical harm.

"When did you first realize you might be gay?" asked Sameer.

Maria glanced around to make sure no one could hear her. She took a deep breath to calm herself before she could speak.

"When I was thirteen or so. It started around the same time when I hit puberty and became aware of sex or sexual relations. At first, I thought it was just normal. I had a few crushes on both boys and girls, but as I grew up, I was able to separate out a crush from sexual interest and almost all my sexual fantasies revolved around women. I tried to ignore them. I told myself that it was just a phase.

As I grew older and did research on it, I knew that it was not just a phase, I was attracted to women. Even then I told myself that this was due to the people I was around and it was just normal to feel this way. Once I was away it would also go away.

That is why I wanted to come here. Why I fought with Mom and Dad to let me attend college here. I thought that once I was away from home. The feeling would go away and I would be able to better sort things out, that I would become normal."

Sameer quietly listened to his sister pour out her heart. Feeling like a shitty brother for not recognizing his sister's struggle and being unable to help her through this.

Taking her hand in his. "Why didn't you tell me all this before?" he asked, "We have always been close, you have always shared everything with me, why did you not share this?"

"This I could not share with you. It was too personal. For both of us." Maria replied.

Sameer looked at his sister in surprise, nothing had ever been too personal between them. He sat back and took a sip of his coffee trying to figure this out. Going over everything she had said just now and recalling their lives together, trying to figure it out why she would keep this from him.

"Since you have been here, have you been with...anyone?" he asked.

"You want to know if I have had sex with a girl?" Maria asked.

Sameer nodded.

"There are a few girls around here who are lesbians or bi. Plus at least one professor who is a lesbian. I have ...experimented with a couple of them." Maria said.

"How far have you gone?" asked Sameer.

"Are you being a prude, don't forget I know how many girls you have been with and how many time." replied Maria.

"No. That's not it. I just want to be sure that you are not mistaking these 'experiments' with actual preference." Sameer said.

"No, I am not. If anything, they have confirmed my suspicions." Maria replied.

Sameer sat back and considered his sister's word. Maria was not one to take such a strong position without thinking it through. The idea of his sister having sex with another woman did not anger him or make him disgusted. To the contrary he found the idea arousing. His sister was a smoke show and he could not help but picture her naked, entwined with another woman.

"Wait a minute, why did you have to get away from home to confirm your suspicion?" he asked.

Taking a long breath, Maria replied "As long as I was living at home I couldn't exactly experiment, could I?" she said, "I needed space to figure things out and with you, dad and mom around, it would have been harder to do that."

"What did this have to do with people you were around. It's not like there are no places for private...meetings in Karachi, you could have done your experimentation there. You didn't have to go so far away." Sameer said.

"I would always be worried about getting caught, or someone we know finding out and making it public. This way at least the risk of being exposed was minimum." She replied.

Once again Sameer sat back and pondered his sister's words. What she said made sense and he supposed that he would have done the same thing in her place. But something she said kept nagging at him and he could not put a finger on it.

"You said 'almost' all your sexual fantasies revolved around women, doesn't that mean that you may not be gay?" he asked.

Maria started at her brother's words, then blushed.

"Did I say that?" she asked.

"Yeah, you definitely said that." Sameer replied.

"Well...there is one guy who I fantasized about a lot...still do." said Maria, reluctantly.

"Isn't that proof that you are bi not gay." observed Sameer.

"I used to think that, so I went on a couple of dates with guys and tried fantasizing about them when know." Maria said, blushing. "But nothing, my mind would either drift to women or that guy. So, I am pretty sure it's a one-person thing and not a gender thing."

"Then if you want to be in a straight relationship isn't that guy the perfect partner for you." Sameer said.

Maria looked at her brother with a wistful look in her eyes, as she considered her words.

"Yes, but he and I can never be together." she stated.

"Why not?" asked Sameer.

"We just can't, the social and cultural limitations are just too big." she replied.

"Bullshit, you will never know until you try. Who knows maybe this guy is also open to a relationship with you." Sameer said, "Wait he isn't married, is he?"

"No, he isn't and I don't think he would be open to a relationship with me." Maria said.

"Trust me, when he finds out you like him, he will be. You are the total package. You are beautiful, sexy, smart and have a great personality. A guys would have to be blind, stupid and gay to pass up a chance with you."

Maria brushed at the compliment.

"You really think so." Maria asked.

"Of course, between you and mom our family really lucked out on the hotness genes when it comes to women." Sameer said.

"You aren't so bad yourself and mom is in another league all together." Maria replied.

"Thank you. Don't sell yourself short, you and mom are in the same league." Sameer said.

"You really think so. I always felt kind of invisible around mom and a little jealous." Maria said.

"You have nothing to be jealous or insecure about, when it comes to mom." Sameer said.

"I know. Despite being so gorgeous mom has never acted snobbish about it. Even though she puts in a lot of time in the gym to maintain her body, it is her personality which is the sexiest thing about her." said Maria, wistfully.

Something about the way Maria talked about their mother made Sameer's sit up, it sounded a lot like how he thought about their mother.

"Yeah, mom is the total package, no doubt." he said.

"Yesterday she looked so beautiful, even more than I remember. She was positively glowing. I guess the distance has made my memory of her different from the reality." Maria said, as she looked at her brother with a quizzical look.

"I guess so. I hadn't notice anything different." mumbled Sameer.

"I guess you wouldn't, but I could have sworn the way mom looked and moved..." Maria trailed off.

"What?" asked Sameer, while taking a bite of his food.

"Well, she looked like a woman who had just been fucked." Maria said.

Sameer chocked on his food at his sister's statement.

COUGH! COUGH! grabbing a glass of water, Sameer washed down the food and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"How could you tell?" he asked, warily.

"Well, I have seen that look on my own face and other women's faces enough time to notice the signs." Maria said.

"Really?" Sameer said in surprise.

"Yes, so the question is why was mom looking like that?" asked Maria.

"How should I know?" said Sameer, blushing.

"You have been with her this whole time, so you would know. It is not like mom just sneaked off to get a shag." said Maria.

"Maybe she masturbated?" offered Sameer.

"Maybe." Maria said.

Trying to change the subject as Maria got closer to the truth, Sameer tried a different tact.

"Why this sudden interest in mom's sex life?" he asked.

"Well, if she is having an affair, I think it should be of interest to both of us. Not that I would blame her." Maria said.

"You wouldn't?" Sameer asked.

"No. Look, I love dad. But the way he treats mom is just unacceptable. I would be surprised if mom was not having an affair. She is a beautiful woman in the prime of her life and she needs an active sex life. So, if dad is not going to do it, I wouldn't blame mom for going somewhere else." Maria said.

"That is very open minded of you." Sameer said.

"Tell me you don't feel the same way? We both agree that mom in hot, but dad is too busy with his business to pay attention to her. So, if mom was to find someone who could fill in the...gaps. Who is harmed?" asked Maria.

"I agree with you. But what if it came out? Can you imagine how dad would react? He may not be much of a husband, but he is very big on 'honour' especially if it embarrasses him." Sameer said.

"True. It should be someone who no one would suspect or at least someone who is discreet enough to keep things quite." Maria said.

"What are we doing here? Are we seriously planning mom's affair?" asked Sameer.

"No. We are discussing how to keep her affair secret." Maria stated.

"What affair?" Sameer asked.

"The one with you." Maria said.

Once again Sameer chocked, but this time on his coffee.


"What the hell are you talking about?" he demanded.

"Keep your voice down." Maria replied, "We have already established that mom was getting something on the side, between Karachi and here you were the only one with her. We can agree that mom is too classy to pick up some stranger on the street, so that just leaves you."

Maria sat back with a satisfied look on her face.

"That is a stretch and based on the assumption that you are misreading mom's glow." Sameer countered.

"No, I am not. A woman knows what a sexually satisfied woman looks like, especially if it was recent. But that is not the only thing I noticed. I also noticed the way you guys looked at each other, or the way mom touched you."

"That is very thin evidence." Sameer said.

"You two were behaving like lovers. You guys tried to hide it, but there were enough slips to see that you were more than mother and son." Maria said, "But what clinched is the blushing and guilty look on your face when I talked about mom having an affair."

Sameer looked at his sister, trying to come up with a line of argument to put her at ease. Maria could always read him like a book.

Taking her brother's hand in her own, Maria said, "Hi, its ok. I get it. I am not judging you or mom. I was surprised, but you are both adults, love each other and would never do anything to hurt the other."

"You were always too smart for your own good." Sameer grumbled.

Maria grinned broadly.

"To be honest I am just surprised it took so long." she said.

"What do you mean?" asked Sameer.

"Mom has always been your ideal. Every celebrity you ever had a serious crush on looked like her, every girl you ever mooned over looked like her, every girl you ever went out with looked more like my mom than I do. You were always blind to it." Maria said.

Sameer thought about what Maria had just said, and was surprised at his own blindness. How could he have missed it.

"I...I..." he tried to find the words.

"It is okay, of course you couldn't see it." Maria tried to comfort her brother.

"So now what happens?" asked Sameer.

"You continue to make mom happy and make sure this never gets out." Maria said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You seem very calm and understanding about all this?" said Sameer.

It was Maria turn to blush at her brother's inquisitive look.

"Come to think of it, all the female celebrity posters in your room and all the actresses that you used to like were the same as me." Sameer mused.

Now it was Maria's turn to blush.

"That is what you meant about getting away from the people back home?" Sameer asked.

All Maria could do was blush and nod her head. Sameer sat back in surprise at the revelation. The two just sat there in silence for the next five minutes, sipping their coffee and processing.

"How long...?" Sameer started to ask.

"Since the beginning, whenever I would try to fantasize about another woman, no matter how hard I tried, she would morph into mom." replied Maria.

"Yeah, the same thing happens to me." Sameer said.

"But you have been lucky enough to do something about it. Now I will be imagining the two of you together whenever I close my eyes." Maria said, glumly.

"Why would to you imagine me?" asked Sameer.

Maria gave him a quizzical look. "Why do you think dummy?" she said.

When Sameer did not respond. "You. The only guy I have found sexually attractive is you, okay?"

Sameer was shocked at his sister's confession, trying to process what she just said he decided to be honest also.

"You know that besides mom you are the most frequent star of my fantasies." Sameer said.

"Really?" Maria asked in surprise.

"Yeah, really between you and mom I have rarely been able to fantasize about anyone else." said Sameer.

"We are really messed up, both children sexually attracted to their mother and each other." said Maria.

"I don't think so. We are healthy, well-adjusted people, with a kink." Sameer said.

"Some kink. Besides I am not the one having sex with their mother." Maria said.

"I am not having sex with mom." Sameer said.

"No? Then what have you been doing?" asked Maria.

"We haven't gone the whole way, mostly oral and fingers." Sameer replied.

"What was it like?" asked Maria, her eyes shining.

"It was transcendent. Amazing. Mind blowing." Sameer said.

"Okay, okay. I get it." Maria said.

Now that he could talk to someone about this openly Sameer could not stop himself.

"No, you don't. I have never been with anyone like her. She has very little experience but she picks up so quickly and everything I do turns her on. Dad really missed out." Sameer said.

"I am so jealous of you right now." Maria pouted.

Maria was blushing and her face was rapt with attention as her brother talked about their mother's sexuality. Sameer also noticed the slight blush in on his sister's face.

"She also likes pussy juice." he said. Immediately seeing the interest in his sister's eyes. "I make her lick of her juices off my face and finger or directly feed it to her and she loves it."

"Oh...god." moaned Maria, standing up she said "Pay the bill and come with me."

Sameer stood up and put the enough money to cover their bill plus a generous tip and followed his sister out of the café.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Just follow me." Maria said.

Sameer followed Maria, who walked quickly in front giving him the chance to enjoy the view of her rolling ass. Taking a few turns through some of the buildings they were soon in a secluded spot, looking around Sameer observed that it provided almost perfect privacy to anyone in this area.

Before he could ask his sister about the place, he found his arms full of a very sexy body. Maria wrapped her legs around Sameer's waist, her arms around his neck and her mouth over his. Sameer staggered back a couple of steps but found his footing and his hands found his sister's ass.

"Mmmm..." he moaned as he tasted his sister's lips for the first time.

Maria pushed her tongue into her brother's mouth, trying to taste every inch of his mouth. Her breasts mashing into his chest. She was rewarded by her brother's active participation in the make out session.

Breaking the kiss. Sameer asked, "Wait, what if..."

"Don't worry no one can see or hear us in this spot, it's a very common make out spot among the students." Maria explained.

"What if someone comes?" he asked.

"We will be able to hear them coming. Now shut up and kiss me." ordered Maria.

Satisfied with her answer and enjoying his sister's kisses too much, Sameer pushed her against the nearest wall and began kissing her again. Squeezing her luscious ass, he was rewarded by a soft moan from his sister. Noticing a small bench Sameer walked over with his sister still in his hands and sat down with her on his lap.

No longer needing his hands to hold his sister, his hand went directly to his sister's perky apple sized breasts, his hands squeezed the firmness of her flesh, feeling the fabric of her lace bra through her shirt.

"Ohhh...yesss..." Maria moaned, breaking their kiss. Her brother's hands on her breasts sent pleasure coursing through out her body. She rolled her hips on his lap, his hard cock rubbing against her crotch.

"Ummm..." Sameer also moaned as his sister's crotch rubbed against his cock. Pushing her shirt above her breasts he feasted his eyes on her beautiful breasts within the sexy lace bra.

"Did you put this on for me?" he asked.

"I like wearing them, they make me feel sexy. You are just a bonus." Maria replied.

Maria moaned softly as Sameer ran his thumbs over her aroused nipples which stood out under the lace. Her small nipples were incredibly sensitive she could cum just by someone playing with her tits. The feeling of her brother's hands on her breast was something that she had dreamed about for years and now it was coming true.

"Your breasts are so firm, do you even need a bra?" asked Sameer as he squeezed his sister's breast.

"Unhnn..." Maria moaned, "But I like the feel of satin or lace against my skin."

"Mmmm. Will have to remember that." Sameer said, "Do they taste as good as they feel?"

Before Maria could answer Sameer pushed her bra above her breasts, he saw his sister's naked breasts for the first time, her small nipples standing proud between her incredibly large areolas. Moaning at the erotic site he captured her right breast is his mouth, able to fit almost all her of breast inside his mouth, he lashed the aroused nipple with his tongue and running it over the large areole. He was rewarded by his sister's moans and her writhing body.

Maria felt like her whole breast was being hoovered into her brother's mouth. The illicit nature of the liaison seemed to have increased her sensitivity as she had never felt this aroused from someone sucking her breasts. She entwined her fingers in Sameer head trying to push her breast even further into his face. His hands on her ass felt amazing as the two of them dry humped each other.


Sameer's phone rang. Pulling back from his sister's breasts. Maria whimpered in disappointment.

"That is mom, I have to take this call." Sameer said.

Sameer pulled the phone out of his pocket and picked it up.

"Hi mom, are you guys done?" he asked.

Listening to his mother for a few seconds he said.

"Okay, will be there in twenty minutes or so...yes Maria is here." he said, passing on the phone to his sister.

Maria took the phone from Sameer, "Hi, mom" she greeted her mother.

As Maria talked to her mother, she kept rubbing her crotch over her brother's cock. Sameer for his part continued to play with his sister's tits, only half paying attention to what she was saying. Pinching her nipples between his finger and thumb he was rewarded by a soft moan from his sister.

"No, nothing is wrong I just changed positions and my leg had gone to sleep." Maria tried to explain her moan to her mother while looking at her brother.

Sameer grinned at his sister and then licked her aroused nipples, eliciting another moan from her which she was barely able to suppress in time. Giving her brother a stern look she shook her head to discourage him, instead it made Sameer bolder.

Sameer started to lick and suck her breasts urgently, Maria eyes went wide in shock at her brother's action, using her free hand she smacked him to make him stop it only served to make him more determined. Grabbing his sister by her buttocks Sameer stood up with Maria, he kissed her neck.

"Mmm...what...yes...yes...unhunh." Maria tried to continue the conversation with her mother, her free hand now wrapper around her brother's neck to prevent her from falling.

Sameer lowered his sister, as soon as her feet hit the ground, he unsnapped her jeans and shoved his hand inside her panties. Maria's eyes went wide with shock, trying to back away, her back came up against the wall and her brother's strong fingers reached her swopping cunt.

"Unghhh..." this time Maria could not suppress her moan, "What? No mom, I am not coming down with something...just a twinge in my...legs...umhmm...yes...yes...I will be careful."

Maria, barely coherent continued to have conversation with her mother, as the incredible pleasure from her brother's fingers spread throughout her body. Sameer gently eased one finger inside his sister's incredibly hot cunt, Maria's entire body shuddered as her brother's finger invaded her most private area.

Maria felt her orgasm approach as Sameer curled his finger inside her cunt to scrape her g-spot, she managed to put the call on mute as her orgasm crashed over her, her legs buckling and only the wall and her brother's body keeping her standing. She buried her face in her brother's chest and groaned out her release.

"Maria, Maria...can you hear me." Veena asked, as Maria finally came back to her senses.

Taking the phone off mute. "Yeah, the call quality just dropped." Maria said, as she tried to find her footing.

Sameer withdrew his hand from his sister's panties, then licked her juices off his fingers. Leaving one finger untouched he offered it to Maria. Maria watched fascinated as her brother savoured the taste of her pussy as he pushed his finger inside her mouth she did not resist and licked it clean. Sameer watched his sister's lips around his finger and imagined what it would feel like having her luscious lips around his cock.

"Okay talk to you later." Maria told her mother as she turned off the call. Launching herself onto her brother she kissed him.

The two siblings enjoyed the kiss for a good minute or so. Reluctantly separating Maria got her clothes in order as Sameer watched.

"We will have to find another time to continue this." Maria said.

"Definitely." Sameer agreed, reaching out he cradled his sister's face, "So much time wasted, if we had only been honest with each other."

Maria nodded in agreement, turning to lead them back to Sameer's car. Sameer eyes fell to his sister's ass and he couldn't help himself. Reaching out he goosed his sister, running his finger up her ass crack he squeezed her ass, Maria moaned and wiggled her ass. They walked like this until they were out in public view.

"Where are you and mom going now?" asked Maria.

"Mom wants to visit the fort, so we are going there probably be done by evening, afterwards, no idea." Sameer replied.

"What about tonight?" asked Maria, arching her eyebrow.

"Not sure, mom is getting comfortable with taking things forward, but I don't want to push." Sameer replied, "What about you?"

"I don't know, I still want her. More now that I know she is involved with you, but I don't know how to approach her." Maria replied.

"Perhaps you should just tell her." Sameer suggested.

"What?" Maria said, shocked.

"Not everything, but just about you being bi-sexual." Sameer elaborated.

"Gay." Maria corrected him.

"I think what happened back there pretty much cleared that up." Sameer said. "You may have a preference for women, but you are not completely turned off by men, it's not out of the question that you may meet some other man that gets your motor running."

Maria listened to her brother and nodded in agreement. It made sense what he said, but the idea of coming out to her mother was scary.

"What if mom, reacts badly. What if she threatens to disown me?" she asked.

"Come on, this is mom we are talking about. She has never turned on anyone, even when they deserved it. She will never reject her own child. Plus given what we have been doing, mom is more open minded that we ever suspected." Sameer said.

Maria considered her brother's words. It was true, the chances of her mother rejecting her were small, and she really wanted to share this with her mother. She hated the distance between them because of this, she had always been able to share everything with her, she missed that.

"You are probably right. But what happens after that? It's not like she is suddenly going to start seeing me the way she sees you." she said.

"No. but maybe I can help with that." Sameer said, "Once you tell her, maybe I can whisper a few things in her ears."

Maria looked at her brother, wondering what he was planning.

"Why would you do that?" she asked.

"I can gauge how she feels about a same sex liaison, and if she is open to it, I could suggest you. Afterall she is already involved with her son, adding her daughter should not be a big stretch." He explained.

Maria nodded her head, seeing the logic of what he was saying.

"What's in it for you?" she asked.

"I love you. And I love mom. If anything would make you happy, I will do it." He replied, sincerely.

"Thank you." Maria.

As they reached the parked car, Maria hugged her brother watching him drive away. Her mind reeling with all that had been shared and experienced in the last couple of hours. She wondered where all this was going.
Next page: Chapter 06.1
Previous page: Chapter 05.1