Page 01

As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters within are simply figments of my over-fertile imagination. Enjoy!

This is a story of a mother and a son, but it is also a story within a story and that too is about a mother and a son. Over the years, I've tried to make sense and reconcile my faith with what happened. I know that society as a whole and Christians specifically find more than a little justification for vilifying us and our acts, but in the end, there was only love that was shared and I cannot see that any real harm was done. In the end there was truth and love and faith and those combine to create something magical and special...or dare I say it aloud, it -- we, created something holy.

There are many places where I could start my tale -- as I have already said, this is a story within a story. I think, perhaps, it is best to start in the Fall of 1980. It was an election year and anyone with half a brain could see that Uncle Ronnie was going to win the election. Times were tough...gas prices were high and so was unemployment. I felt myself fortunate to be a student at the local college -- still living at home while I worked towards a degree in psychology.

I was the only child of Jeffrey and Candace Hilton. Dad was an engineer with a local car parts manufacturer and spent most of his time in Detroit or at one of the Big Three's outlying factory sites. He was an absentee father and husband. I didn't much mind -- Dad was like one of the machines he designed...cold and aloof and very exacting. I think he got married and fathered a child because he was designed to. I guess he loved us in his own way, but it was a cold love...unfeeling and without depth.

Mom was the total opposite. She was devoted to Dad and me, working hard both as a breadwinner working as a paralegal and as a wife and mother. Mom was the one to make our home a generally happy place whether Dad was there or not. Dad's indifference to us both hurt her in many ways...some of her pain I recognized on a daily basis -- some of it I only began to comprehend as I matured. Mom sought solace in the Church -- a rather middle of the road Baptist Church. Mom wasn't an ardent Christian, but she enjoyed the companionship that the Women's Missionary Society offered and at least two or three times a week was helping out with the mission work and food pantry as well as the required Bible study.

Me...I was still a member of the church even though my faith wasn't nearly as strong as Mom's. Oh, I still usually attended Sunday morning services with Mom (and Dad if he was in town). I found Reverend Walker's sermons dry and humorless -- focusing more on sin than salvation, but going to services had other bonuses -- the top of the list being Mrs. Walker -- Gwen Marie Walker to be specific. The fact that her son, Kent was one of my closest friends did not detract from the thought that she ranked right up there as one of my biggest masturbatory fantasies!

I must confess right now that ever since I remember having sexual desires, I have had a thing for older ladies...what would be called a couple of decades later -- a MILF. And right at the top of my list was Gwen Walker. In her early forties at that point, she was a tall and very buxom woman with the bluest eyes and cornstalk colored hair that came down to her shoulders and did a little flip. Her native Texas twang sounded a little exotic in blah Western Ohio and only enhanced her attractiveness.

Many a Sunday for years, I had struggled with a hard-on during services while constantly glancing at that gorgeous preacher's wife. No conservative dress could hide or mute the size of her meaty breasts that swelled out from her chest -- nor could it conceal the curvy nature of her full and shapely butt. I rarely saw more of her legs than from the knees down, but I suspected that her trim ankles reflected a pair of long and shapely legs which I would again and again jerk off to imagining them spread wide for me, her hands raised up to beckon me to her.

There were others at church that I fantasized about...Mrs. Anna Torino...a sultry Italian American in her fifties, Mrs. Talbert who'd been my Sunday School teacher for most of my childhood, Ms. Grantham and Ms Dobbs who I didn't know at the time were two lesbians in a committed relationship -- not that that would have ended my fantasies about them, rather I imagine it would have increased my focus on them. Still in church, it was Gwen Walker that captured my imagination...the only real rival for her in my fantasy world being my mother.

Yes, you heard me correctly. It was Mom who'd given birth to my MILF tendencies when I was a teenager and why not? Mom was and is the most beautiful woman I know. Long, luxurious mahogany colored hair, a lean, yet voluptuous body with large breasts you just want to reach out and squeeze -- a narrow waist, toned hips and legs that seemed to go on forever. In my rather prejudiced opinion, there wasn't an inch of her five foot, ten inch frame that wasn't perfect. Mom was the first woman I masturbated over and would be the subject of my fantasies for the rest of my life.

But, Gwen Walker would be a close second. Mature women...YUM!

Anyway, back to the story... It was a Thursday in October in the Fall of 1980, late afternoon and I was studying in the living room, Springsteen's "The River" on the stereo and my psych notes spread out all around me, prepping for a mid-term when Mom came into the house, apparently in a hurry as the front door banged against the doorstop when she flung it open, throwing her purse and jacket into an empty chair as she crossed the room to the small bar she and Dad maintained (despite being church goers, my parents were not teetotalers). Mom was dressed in a pantsuit which stretched nicely across her backside and I added a mental snapshot of her lovely ass to the thousands already residing in my mind as she bent over and retrieved a bottle of bourbon and poured herself a stiff drink.

She turned abruptly in mid-drink to catch me ogling her. As she narrowed her eyes at me, I tried to cover my staring by voicing in a concerned tone, "Mom, is everything alright?"

Mom started to speak and then paused, looking at me oddly...almost as if she was just meeting me for the first time. She opened her mouth and said in a soft and strained voice, "No...I...I don't know. I was wondering...what you...I." She stopped and shook her head, several emotions playing across her lovely face. "I cannot discuss this right now, John. I need a while to...sort things out."

She poured herself another drink and picked it up and continued. "I'm going upstairs and taking a bath. We need to talk...later. Don't go out." That last was said in what I knew from long experience was her "Do not fuck with me" voice.

I nodded and said, "Okay...I need to study anyway." I watched her cross the room, still ogling her fine body, admiring the way her silk blouse pulled tight against her breast in profile when she turned back when I said, "Am I in some sort of trouble?"

Mom started to say something, but shook her head instead and marched out of the room. I listened to her high heels on the stairs and then a moment later, her door opening and slamming shut. I found it difficult to study after that, wondering what I might have done to have upset her so. I ran through the usual list. I was pretty sure she hadn't found my small stash of marijuana hidden the hollow of my old Nova's steering wheel. I hadn't been in trouble with the law since I'd got caught doing '85' in a '45' miles an hour zone my senior year in high school and my grades at the university while not spectacular, were at least respectable. I thought about it for a long while before it occurred to me that it was Thursday and that she would have come home from her Women's Bible Study class. A knot of dreadful cold announced its presence in the pit of my stomach and I wondered if my greatest secret had come out.

Two hours passed and the sun was low on the horizon as I put aside my notes and textbook and turned on the television, sitting in the gloom without any lights on and hearing all the fallout from the failed rescue mission in Iran and how with it, any last chance for Carter to be re-elected was out the window.

"John, turn off the TV please. We need to talk." I looked up to see Mom standing in the doorway, the glow from the television giving her a ghostly and supernatural beauty. Mom was wearing a long, cream colored silk gown with a delightfully deep V-cut neckline, drawing attention to the upper and inward portions of her large and prominent breasts. She walked barefoot across the room and turned on a small lamp beside the sofa before moving to the bar and pouring another scotch. She returned to the sofa and sat down, crossing her legs and in the process, offering up a brief glimpse of her curvaceous leg from her ankle to her thigh through a slit in the gown.

Mom looked at me sitting across from her and sighed. I shifted nervously in Dad's recliner and repeated what I had asked earlier, "Mom, am I in some sort of trouble?"

Mom hesitated in answering me, her eyes never leaving mine...those deep brown orbs appearing a little fiery to me. Mom appeared to be pissed and upset and confused. A new possibility suddenly occurred to me and I said in a rush, "Is it Dad? Is there a problem with you and Dad?" All through junior high and high school, I had suspected that Mom and Dad's marriage was on the rocks...that Dad's cold, distant nature had extinguished whatever passion they might have once had.

Mom sipped her scotch and then looked back up at me and in a voice that was just the tiniest bit slurred, replied, "This afternoon, as Gwen Walker was leading us in our studies, Reverend Walker walked into the classroom at our church and denounced his wife as a, and I quote, 'A vile promiscuous whore engaged in terrible and incestuous intercourse whose sins would see her burning in hell with her lovers for all eternity,' unquote."

I felt my stomach roll over sickeningly and tried to take a deep breath, but was unable as my chest suddenly felt too tight. I tried to match Mom's intense gaze, but was unable to maintain it under the glare of her burning eyes. "Gwen Walker stood up in front of all the women in Bible Study and said to her husband, 'I admit it, completely and without shame. If I had to do it all over again, I would. Our son is a hundred times the lover that you are, Rodney, and I don't believe that something as wonderful as what we share is sinful or wrong. All the love I've shared with Kent and his friends has changed my life and taught me that there is much more to God's love and his plan for us all than we ever imagined. All of you should examine the lives you lead and consider taking the leap into a new and passionate world with your own sons. Some of them are magnificent lovers!'" Mom paused and her eyes seemed to engulf me as she added, "John, she was looking right at me when she said that. Why?"

I felt my face burning as if it was on fire and when I didn't answer, Mom sat up and leaned forward, her glass in her hands and despite my predicament, I couldn't help but notice how her breasts swelled and bunched together, threatening to overflow the neckline of her robe. "John, Gwen Walker admits to fucking her own son. Have you been fucking her too?"

I opened my mouth and closed it and then opened it again to finally reply, "Mom...I'm over eighteen. My life is personal."

Mom flung the now empty glass over my head to shatter against the wall, shards and sprinkles of glass falling down in a tinkling rain on the bookshelf behind me. "You live under my roof and you'll answer me, John! Are you fucking Gwen Walker?"

"Yes," I replied in a low voice, both resenting Mom demanding the answer and embarrassed at the same time.

Mom said nothing, but nodded to herself. Slowly, stiffly, she rose and fixed herself another drink, surprising me when she poured a second drink and came over and handed it to me. She towered over me for a moment and then returned to her seat, sweeping her feet underneath her before she said, "Tell me."

I tilted my head and replied, "Mom?"

"Tell me everything. I want to know how this happened." Her voice grew tight and dangerous. "I want every detail -- leave nothing out!"

There was a long minute of tension filled silence between us -- Mom never taking her eyes off me as her breasts seemed to rise and fall heavily and her face was nearly as red as mine. She could have been an avatar for beauty incarnate at that moment or an avenging angel.

I liked my lips and took a sip of the scotch, grimacing at the taste. Finally, I looked up and said, "It's a long story, Mom. It began two years ago...

"I would do your Mom in a fucking second, man. She is smoking hot! She's like Pam on Dallas, only..." Kent grinned at me as he took the offered joint from my hand to take a hit before he finished. "Only, she's finely aged...mature."

It felt odd to hear someone else speaking of my mother in the same manner in which I felt. "Yeah, she is incredibly foxy...and better tits than Victoria Principal," I replied.

We were sitting in my car in the city park on a Monday afternoon, under the shade of the great trees, smoking a joint after work, listening to Aerosmith and getting a nice buzz. We both worked at Friedman's Department store as summer time stockers and had gotten off work at 4:00 P.M. and decided to chill out for a bit. We had both just turned eighteen at the time, our senior year was about to start and life was good. At work, we'd both noticed the other's appreciative looks at the often sexy middle aged women that frequented the store and now a discussion of the finer points of mature women and a good buzz had led Kent to volunteer his thoughts on my Mom.

"You've seen your Mom's tits, John?" Kent said, slowly releasing a cloud of marijuana smoke.

I giggled a little and said, "A few times...peeking as she hopped out of the shower. They're awesome...with real dark circles around the nipples and Mom's nipples are so big! I checked out her bras in the hamper and Mom's a 38DD and those bad boys don't hardly sag or anything." I leaned over a little and added, "And you wouldn't believe her bush,'s massive and huge. I'd love to just rub my face in it!"

Kent snorted and leaned back against the passenger seat and laughed. "'d fuck your Mom if you could, wouldn't you?"

"Shit, yeah! If you had a chance to fuck your Mom, wouldn't you go for it?" I replied.

Kent paused and looked forward out the windshield at some kids playing around a jungle gym. "It's what I dream every fucking night, man!"

"Have you ever seen your Mom naked, man?" I asked, imagining Kent's mother in all her naked glory.

"All the fucking time, man," he replied. Kent winked at me and added, "And I seen her fingering herself too...damn near every day!"

I felt my jaw drop in surprise. "Bullshit, man."

Kent smirked and said, "It's fucking, I've even jacked off and cum while she was making herself cum...pussy juice squirting from her sweet pussy while she moaned. It was almost like we were doing it together."

I took another hit from the joint, extinguishing it with the tips of my fingers as it was now down to a small nub. As I exhaled, I again stated, "Bullshit, man! I don't believe that for a fucking second!" Kent had a reputation that was in part born out of being a preacher's kid -- a reputation that he had worked hard to uphold over his teenage years. He'd had brushes with the law over drugs and booze and wild driving and was rumored to have gotten two different girls knocked up during high school. He was a renowned and respected bullshit artist and according to Mom, had been a trial and tribulation to his father and mother...especially his father, Reverend Walker.

Despite all this, we'd been friends since the seventh grade and I never held it against him when some of his misadventure's spilled over on me and got me in trouble with my parents. Kent merely smiled at my challenge and after glancing at his watch, replied, "Well, my good man, if you'll chauffer me home, I'll show you." He licked his lips and said, "I bet you'll fucking cum in your pants if you get to see my mom naked and fingering her wet pussy."

"Dude, you are so fucking on!" I fired my beater of a Nova up and we carefully drove across town, keeping an eye out for Johnny Law until finally we drove past the Baptist church and pulled into the driveway behind the parsonage.

As we pulled up close to the house, Kent leaned over and pointed out my window. "Check that sweet ass out. Damn, even with all her clothes on, Mom makes my pecker hard!"

I turned to find Gwen Walker kneeling in front of a flower bed situated in the middle of the yard. She was wearing a sleeveless top and loose khaki shorts that came almost to her knees, her fair skinned slightly reddened by the summer sun. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a short ponytail. Her back was to us and she had no idea the impact of her slowly swaying ass had on both her son and me.

When we climbed out, Kent hollered, "Hey, Mom! Can John stay for dinner?"

Gwen Walker looked over her shoulder and smiled at us, her lovely face marred slightly by a smudge of dirt on one cheek. "Sure, we've got plenty. Your father is over at General Hospital all evening. Hiya, John. How's your mother doing?"

I nodded and then said, "Doing fine...I guess you'll see her Sunday at services."

She smiled and replied, "And you too, young man. Just because y'all are seniors doesn't mean you can skip church!"

"Yes, ma'am," I answered before Kent told her we were going upstairs to play Pong on his Atari.

We disappeared inside and when I turned to head up their back stairs, Kent grabbed me and said, "No,!" We quietly slipped down to the parsonage basement where our church's youth group often met for nice quiet parties. The basement had long served multiple functions -- rumpus room, guest room and storage room. There was an old but serviceable couch and loveseat in one corner along with an ancient black and white television and a fridge. Partitioned by a vinyl and fabric wall was a toilet and sink and a large shower stall. Across the basement stood a washer and dry and a canvas clothes hamper.

Kent pointed to a second set of stairs that led up to the outside exit and we started up them, getting about two thirds of the way where Kent climbed over the rail and began to carefully negotiate rafters running the length of the basement. I followed him until we were standing on a thick sheet of plywood that might have served as an additional storage space, but which was currently empty except for a few empty soda cans and a box of tissue. Kent knelt on one edge and motioned for me to join him. I looked over the edge and gasped. Below us at a slight angle was the shower stall...anyone inside it would be completely visible.

"Mom usually showers down here after she's been working in her garden and flowers," Kent said in an almost reverential tone. He pointed to an old coat rack that held several different sized bathrobes hanging on it.

"Goddamn, Kent!" I murmured. "How many times have you peeked on your mom and jacked off up here?" Maybe it was my imagination, but I thought I could smell a faint whiff of jizzum and sweat.

My friend laughed and shrugged. "I've lost count, but each time was better than the last!"

I started to reply, but above us, the outside door opened up and someone began descending the stairs. I knew it was Gwen Walker when I heard her humming an old gospel song...The Old Rugged Cross." Kent put a finger to his lips and we sat motionless as his mother came down the stairs.

Our perch gave us a bird's eye view of almost the entire room. We watched Gwen Walker cross the room and put away her gardening tools and then stroll over to the washing machine. I felt myself gasp as she abruptly tugged off her blouse, pulling it over her head to reveal a pale beige bra encasing two huge breasts that appeared ready to spill out of the garment. She reached up and undid something on the front and the cups gave way as her breasts fell out. "Damn!" I whispered as Kent smacked me on the head and again put his finger to his lips. Still, his eyes, like mine, were fixed on his mother's magnificent tits. Larger than Mom's, they sagged more, but in a most pleasing fashion, sloping down on her chest, nipples becoming stiff in the cooler air of the basement.

Kent's mom massaged her breasts after tossing the bra into the hamper as if the support garment had been uncomfortable, her fingers sliding around the nipples and making her shiver just slightly. Gwen then undid her khakis, letting them fall around her ankles and revealing a pair of white cotton panties and a sensuous little round belly. Her thighs were a little more meaty than I had suspected but they were attractive, both motherly and sexy at the same time.

She quickly stepped out of her panties to reveal her pussy and bush. Unlike Mom's pussy hair which was wild and unruly, Gwen's bush was neatly trimmed in a narrow line that pointed the way to her pussy lips which were nakedly exposed. I felt my cock throb with desire while next to me, Kent gave a mostly silent, but heavy and heartfelt sigh.

Gwen walked back over to the living area, pausing in front of an ornate, but battered full length mirror. She had a slight frown as she inspected herself. Her right hand came up to her neck and then moved slowly downward, sliding over a meaty, gourd-like breast and then over her sexy belly and finishing with a light stroke of her fingers across her cunt. As she touched her pussy, she closed her eyes and again shivered...her nipples swelling mightily in response, extending out to nearly half an inch.

She slowly walked over to the shower and turned the water on. While waiting for the hot water to reach her, she again caressed her body, lingering longer this time on her breasts and her pussy, tugging on the rubbery and swollen nipples and then rubbing her palm against her labia...which rapidly swelled in response to her attentions.

Gwen pulled the rubber band out of her hair and shook it out, the slightly askew mane making her seem more beautiful and sexy than ever. I spared Kent a glance and mouthed the word, "WOW!" silently. Then, Gwen slid back the plastic curtain and stepped into the water. She began to soak herself before taking up some soap in a bottle and began washing herself, looking incredibly erotic as she ran her soapy hands over her luscious body.

I turned at the unmistakable sound of a zipper being undone to see Kent fishing his erect cock out of his jeans. He was gazing intently down at his mother as he began stroking his erection. I gave him a quick glance and appraisal, feeling relieved that while he looked to be maybe a little longer than me, my cock was definitely thicker. I returned my gaze to that of the lovely and mature woman showering below us and then as my own cock throbbed angrily, decided it would be rude as his houseguest to not follow his example. I carefully and slowly unzipped my jeans and reached in and after a moment or two of awkward shifting, pulled out my own erect penis.

Gwen was almost hypnotic as she lathered up her body. She had graduated from humming 'The Old Rugged Cross' to singing the verses, her nipples growing even harder and more blood engorged as her fingers stroked, pulled and pinched at them. While one hand focused on her magnificent breasts, the other slid down to work on her soapy pussy as well -- her fingers slithering between her thick and long labia, offering brief glimpses at shiny, pink flesh. The lovely, mature woman began to shampoo her hair and as her breasts rose and pulled taut as her raised hands lathered her hair, I had to make an effort not to cum amid the sudden revelation that a woman washing her hair was an erotic turn-on.

After rinsing her hair, Gwen's hands again began to caress her breasts and pussy again and I could see a flush spread across her chest and face as attentions become more assertive -- pinching and pulling on her nipples and fingers now not only slicing through her glistening labia, but plunging inside...slowly at first, but with increasing speed. Beside me, Kent was stroking his cock more intently now, his eyes glued to his mother's masturbating body.

Gwen let out a long, soulful moan and leaned back against the wall, raising her leg so she could rest one foot on a sitting shelf -- opening herself up more as she added a second and then a third finger plunging into her cunt. I caught a whiff of something on the air, a sweet, pungent odor that reminding me of Mom's panties when occasionally I would masturbate into them. Then she lifted her left breast upwards towards her mouth, her tongue lashing out to tease her nipple before she took it into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked her own tit.

As her moans increased in number, the lewd scene became too much for Kent. To my surprise and dismay, he began to grunt and then call out, "Mom! Mom!" while he stroked himself towards an orgasm.

Despite the growing intensity of her own pre-orgasmic noises, Gwen picked up on her son's voice and at first looking around wildly, she suddenly looked up, her eyes widening in shock and terror when she spied us looking down at her naked and aroused body.

"KENT! OH MY LORD! KENT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she screamed, pulling her fingers from her pussy and trying to cover her nakedness with her arms.

Her son jerked upright, his body stiffening in part from his mother's cries and in part because he began to cum, hot semen spurting from his body to arch out into the air only to fall downward, some of the thick, whitish seed falling into the shower stall, a few jets of his jism splattering on his mother, only to be mostly washed away by the running water. His eyes seemed almost glazed over as he stroked his cock while cumming and trying to regan control, mumbling, "Mom...MOM! I...ummm, Mom."

Still trying in vain to cover her nakedness, Gwen scrunched down in an attempt to shield her wet, naked body from our sight...a vain attempt as her meaty titties kept slipping past her slick arms and hands. The expression on her face evolved from one of shock to one of red-faced anger as she yelled, "KENT! YOU BOYS GET DOWN HERE NOW!"

There was real power in her tone -- the "Mom Voice," as I thought of it when Mom exercised that particular maternal power, that had us both moving immediately, both of us scrabbling back across the rafters -- Kent leaving a splattering trail of spunk as he ejaculated the last remnants of his load. When we paused on the stairs to stuff our cocks back into our pants, we immediately abandoned the effort as Gwen Walker roared, "I SAID TO GET DOWN HERE THIS SECOND!"

We were met at the bottom of the stairs by his mother, who was standing there, still soaking wet and barely clothed by a thin bathrobe that seemed much to short and small for her, her frantically trying to close it, but not quite able to cover all of her front -- allowing much her heavenly globes to peak out with the hem ending just below her crotch, offering a splendid view of her luscious thighs and an occasional wink from her pussy. Despite my own embarrassment at being busted by Kent's mom, I was still aroused.

Gwen glared at us, anger and dismay struggling for domination in her face. "Shame on you both for spying on me! How could you boys do such a sinful thing!" Her voice was full of rage and tears. "Kent Howard Walker, shame on you! We raised you better than this!" She shook a finger in Kent's face. "I raised you better. I am your mother! You should be ashamed of doing such a, thing" Gwen's voice trailed off as her gaze traveled down to spy Kent's still erect cock, his jizzum still dripping from it. Globs of semen were smeared on the head and shaft of his penis from where he had stroked it as he had cum.

Kent had an odd, almost dazed look on his face as his eyes followed his mother's gaze downward and then as if unable to restrain himself from an unbearable need, he reached down and gave his cock a final squeeze, somehow relieving himself of some kind of demanding pressure to assist his sperm in spurting out. Both Gwen and her son gave a little moan, their voices intermixing as they both tried to speak at once.

"Ohhhh, sinful...I love you, Mom...surely not thinking of me while, while..."

Gwen's angry expression faded as her face reddened and slipped into confusion. She glanced over at me and down to where my erect penis was jutting up at angle from my fly. "This is such a terrible sin," she moaned as she licked her lips. "Both of you should be ashamed." She scowled at me, her eyes never leaving my erection and said, "John Hilton, your mother would be so ashamed to know you were peeking at me and mastur...doing what you were doing!"

She turned her gaze back to her son, her eyes sliding downwards to where Kent was still sliding his hand up and down on his hard-on. "Kent, I'm your have such thoughts about your's, it's..."

Kent's mother couldn't finish it, but Kent's eyes seemed to clear and gave her a little smile and finished it for her. "It's incest, Mom...and that's what makes it so hot! You are so sexy, how could I not jerk off and think of you and I..."

Gwen struck him across the face with an open hand, so abruptly and with such force that the sound of her palm striking his cheek sent a resounding 'crack' echoing around the basement.

"IT'S A SIN!" she screamed. "IT'S A SIN AGAINST GOD...A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE SIN!" In her effort to slap her son, Gwen's robe pulled open, again revealing her magnificent breasts and her little blonde muff above her still flowered pussy. Her nipples were hard to the point of bursting. Her sudden and lovely nakedness diverted Kent's attention away from the shock and pain of her slap and he licked his lips at the naked beauty of his mother.

Gwen reached out and took her son by his free wrist, her eyes trying to pull away from his cock which he was stroking with his other hand. "We must pray. We must pray to God for strength and forgiveness," she said, falling to her knees, pulling her son down with her. She glanced up at me and reached out with her free hand, nearly brushing my hard cock as she took hold of my wrist and pulled me down on the other side of her. "Pray with me, boys, pray for forgiveness!"

Kent's mother, closed her eyes, her mouth moving in what I'm sure was a supplication to God, not even realizing that she was exposing her nakedness to us both. "Lord, please give us your all powerful strength to overcome the evil thoughts that dwell with, these boys today! Give unto them the power and the will to resist such awful, lustful thoughts, dear Lord, and forgive my son the terrible sin of looking with lust upon his own mother! Fill his strong body with...with the strength and power to resist such lustful thoughts."

As she prayed, Kent and I continued to stare at her exposed body, I was amazed to see Gwen's pussy lips swelling even more, flowering even as fluids...her juices began to ooze from her cunt, making her cunt flesh look even more wet and inviting. I struggled with the, need, to resume stroking my erection.

Kent tore his attention away from his Mom for a second to glance over at me and offer up a wink and a smile. My eyes widened as I recognized that smile. It was Kent's patented, 'I am a bad preacher's kid!' smile that I'd seen every time he'd got us into trouble for one of his fun but reckless or foolish stunts. He shifted around on his knees until he was nearly facing his mother, reaching out with the hand that had been stroking his cock, his semen still smeared across his fingers.

As Gwen passionately prayed, Kent reached out with his cum smeared fingers and hesitating at first, gently brushed his fingertips against his mother's quivering labia, leaving tiny streamers of his semen on her swollen and slick flesh. "Please purge, these boys of this evil lust, Lord. Make their strong, hard bodies resistant to thoughts o such adulterous and incestuous thou...KENT! KENT, OH LORD, WHAT ARE YOU...OHHHH...DOING!"

Gwen's eyes popped open and she looked down, mouth open in flabbergasted shock at her son's fingertips lingering on the rubbery, slick folds of her pussy. "Kent, oh my god. Son, I'm your mother! This is a terrible, terrible sin. It's incest, son!" A great shiver went through her body and she bit down on her lower lip as if trying to create a distraction from the sensation of her son's hand on her most private parts.

She seemed frozen to the cement floor, unable or unwilling to move as Kent continued to gently brush his fingers against his mother's pussy lips, his fingers now becoming wet and syrupy with Gwen's juices. In a shaky, unsure voice, Kevin said barely above a whisper, "Does this feel like a sin, Mom? Can something so good really be wrong, Mom? You're a beautiful woman...a beauty that God created. I'm hard and aroused because of God. Can it really be wrong that I find you so beautiful...I think that God makes us who we are and he's made me love you. It's God's will that your sexy body makes me hard, Mom, and makes me want to do all these wonderful things with you."

With her hand still in his other hand, he guided her to his erection and then wrapped her fingers around his shaft while she stared in disbelief. "Does this feel like its wrong, Mom? Don't you think it's beautiful and Mom, it's hard because of you. It's hard for you!"

Gwen moaned as she stared down at her hand on her son's erect penis. Her eyes seemed to fill with tears. "Oh, Kent! This is a sin and we can't...I can't. It's wron -- AHHHGHH!" She cried out as Kent suddenly plunged two fingers into her wet and apparently welcoming pussy!

Kent scooted closer to her, her pendulous breasts almost brushing his chest. "It's not wrong, Mom! It feels too good to be wrong! I love you, Mom and you love me and you taught me that God is love! How could this be wrong if we both love each other?" He slowly stirred his fingers inside her now sodden cunt and now I could smell the unmistakable aroma of aroused pussy.

Gwen was almost panting now, I think unaware that her hips were slowly moving in rhythm with her son's probing fingers. She glanced at me, her eyes now wild with alarm and fright and something else...something I would ever after associate with passionate hunger. Kent leaned in closer and I could barely hear him whisper into her ear, "It's not wrong, Mom. It's what you want...what you've wanted and needed for a long time. What were you thinking of when you were masturbating?" He added a third finger into his mother's pussy as he added, "I bet you were thinking of and John and how much you wanted to have one or both of us, fucking you with our big, hard cocks!"

Kent's mother shook and quivered under her son's fingering assault and there was a sudden surprised look in her eyes that had me wondering if Kent's words hadn't hit close to the mark. An image of the Reverend Walker flashed briefly through my mind and I wondered if like his sermons, his lovemaking was cold and lacking passion. I spoke up for the first time, moving closer to her and amazed to hear myself say, "Is that true, Mrs. Walker? Were you fingering yourself while fantasizing about fucking your son, about fucking Kent?"

Gwen let out a long, soulful moan, her head thrown back, her eyes closed and her face contorted with pleasure while her pelvis undulated under the ministrations of her son's fingers. Suddenly she opened her eyes and there was something wild and full of abandon in those blue orbs and she cried out, "YES!" even as she dived for her son's cock, babbling, "God forgive us! God forgive me. I do want this so! I want you, Kent, my precious son!" She began rubbing his cock against her face, showering it with kisses, her tongue lashing out to capture the smears of his semen that remained on his hard cock.

Tears ran down her face as she licked a small bubble of semen off Kent's cock head before panting, "I love you, Kent...I love you so much. Surely, God can forgive such a love!" She gazed up at him, her eyes pleading as if she needed confirmation that indeed God would bless their suddenly revealed incestuous desires.

Kent shot me a triumphant look and ran his fingers through his mother's wet, blonde hair as she began to suck his cock fervently, running her lips up and down his long cock shaft. As she leaned forward, I realized that the robe had risen up over her now upturned ass, her meaty globes looking voluptuous and enticing. Gwen made loud and lewd noises as she hungrily gobbled Kent's penis. I couldn't turn my sight away from her lovely ass and licking my lips, I shoved my jeans down to my knees and waddled around and behind her, now able to see her wet mound below her ass cheeks.

I gently spread her cheeks, exposing her pretty and puckered brown hole before I slid one hand upwards, pressuring her to bend a little more. I took my erect cock in hand and moved closer so that I could run the head of my penis up and down her sopping wet slit. "Oh my God, Mrs. Walker, your pussy feels like its on fire!" I moaned, loving how her hot and juicy flesh felt on my cock!

Kent's cock slipped from his mother's mouth, dripping with saliva, as Gwen looked back over her shoulder at me with a wild, lust crazed expression. "Oh Lord, John...what would your mother think if she saw us!" She thrust back against me, causing me to impale her with the first few inches of my cock. Gwen let out a canine like whine and then gasped, "Ohhhh, yesssss! Lord, this must be a sin because it feels soooo good!"

Kent stared at me, shock and envy mixed with disbelief that I had moved right up and stuck my hard dick in his mother. Then he smiled as Gwen again wrapped her lips around his erection and began to enthusiastically suck his cock. Kent winked at me and then reached down to began groping his mother's dangling breasts, pulling on the long, thick nipples as if they were milk udders, eliciting a muffled moan of approval from Gwen.

The beautiful mature woman began to rock back and forth, sliding her surprisingly tight pussy along my shaft until her baby soft butt cheeks were being scratched by my wiry pubic hair. I felt flushed and dizzy as I tried to reconcile the amazing reality that I was fucking my friend's mother...that I was fucking the preacher's wife! I was ramming my cock in and out of the motherly woman who'd led our hymn singing at Sunday services and who'd taught me Bible verses in Sunday school.

Moreover, this was the first time my cock was really touching pussy! Oh, there had been anxious and furtive doings with a few girls in the back seat of my old Nova, but those girls, while horny, had been skittish and afraid, insisting on rubbers and the whole business while pleasurable had been missing something. Now I was fucking a real woman...a mature woman with no piece of goddamn latex between cock and pussy and I loved every moment of experiencing her steaming hot pussy while she wantonly sucked her son's cock!

Kent ran his hands through his mother's now drying and tangled blonde hair, his right hand cupping the back of her head to help moderate how fast her lips were sliding back and forth on his cock. He grinned at me and then groaned as his mother sucked him, making me wonder how this seemingly modest and prudish woman knew how to use her tongue and mouth with such talent.​
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