Page 02
The air was quickly filled with the scent of wet pussy and human sweat as well as the sounds of obscene slurping and that definitive sound of flash slapping against flesh as my hard thrusts were met by her frantic and determined thrusts backwards of her own. "Jesus, Mom. You can really suck cock!"
Gwen replied with a muffled and appreciative groan and continued to suck her son's erect penis while reaching up to undo and wrestle her son's jeans down to his knees. Forced to release her hold on Kent's cock for a moment to get it clear of his pants and briefs, she let it slip from her lips to bob in the cool air of the basement, dripping with her saliva while gasping, "Mommy loves your cock, baby!" Then she was taking him deep into her mouth again while her hands cupped her teenaged son's ass cheeks, driving him into her mouth with more force -- a hint Kent quickly divined as he began to fuck Gwen's mouth with unbridled enthusiasm. Once he had his rhythm going, her hands slipped back around and began to caress her child's large and heavy balls.
The sheer lewd beauty of this situation began to overwhelm me and I felt the pressure to cum building within me, compounded by already being on edge from masturbating over Gwen's naked body just a few minutes before. My hot seed began to boil out of my testicles as I cried out, "Oh, jeezus, Mrs. Walker! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum inside you!"
My words seemed to galvanize Kent's mom as she seemed to coil and explode, hunching forward frantically and turning, forcing my cock to slip out of her tight, grasping pussy while letting Kent's erection slide from her mouth with a noisy pop! Gwen continued to turn around and she looked up at me with panic or maybe frustrated denial. She reached out to take my cock in hand, her fingers becoming slippery on the thick coating of her cunt cream that covered my erect penis. "Cum on my face, John! Spray your hot seed on my face." There was a brief shadow of embarrassment on her face, maybe from asking me to perform such an obscene and exciting act or maybe a foreshadowing of her next words. "I want...need my son to be the first to cum in my pussy!"
Gwen looked back over her shoulder at her son, his spit covered member waving angrily in the air. In a voice frantic with need, she sobbed, "Put your penis in me, son! F-fuck me, Kent! Fuck your mother now!"
Kent's mother hiked her ass up into the air, wiggling it lewdly as an offering for her son. Kent eyed her open and wet pussy with an expression of wonder and slowly edged towards her. He glanced up at me as his mother stroked my cock and said in an unsure voice. "Man...Mom, I've never..."
As I felt my cum began to erupt from my cock, I couldn't help but laugh as it suddenly hit me that Kent...the bad boy preacher's kid who'd honestly earned his reputation as a hellion had never fucked a woman before. "Between groans and gasps as my climax exploded, I managed to wheeze, "Mrs. Walker...your son is a virgin! You're going to get Kent's cherry!"
Gwen had a sudden look of astonishment on her face that was quickly gone as my hot semen began to spray on her face, splattering across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, before scoring a bulls-eye on her open mouth. Her eyes almost rolled back in her head and she stiffened up and I think had an orgasm just thinking of being her son's first lover. With my hot spunk dripping off her face, she looked back at Kent and beckoned him to her, wailing, "OHHHH YES! FUCK ME, KENT! FUCK MOMMY! PUT THAT BIG THING IN MOMMY RIGHT NOW!"
Suddenly on the verge of tears, Kent sobbed, "Yes, Mom...I love you so much!" and he moved up to her and thrust his cock into his mother for the first time. He moaned as his mother screamed, her body stiffening up as if she was being electrocuted. Her back arched and she threw her head back as she became the perfect vision of a woman having the greatest orgasm of her life. Her eyes glazed over as her face began to almost glow with pure ecstasy that went beyond simple orgasm.
Instinctively, I intuited that this was because of who they were. Mrs. Walker...Gwen was now far beyond a lonely and horny woman yielding to her most carnal desires. She was now in the grasp of incestuous ecstasy, surrendering to the unsuspected intensity that maybe only a mother and son fucking could ever experience. It was the most glorious thing I had ever witnessed.
Before she was lost in her incestuous abandon, I stroked the last few spurts of semen from my cock, smearing them across her sperm smeared lips. I fell back onto my butt, ignoring the cold concrete floor, content with watching the lewd spectacle of watching a mother and son fucking. Kent pummeled his mother's pussy with his hard on, his facial expression locked into one of fierce pleasure and determination. Gwen struggled to raise her head and turn to look back at her son, but pleasure seemed to overwhelm her again and again and she would hang her head or look at me sprawled before her, her eyes filled with love and gratitude and lust.
As one orgasm ebbed and before another could take her, Gwen groaned and dropped her face into my lap, her mouth finding my still mostly erect cock and licking sperm and pussy juice off my penis. With each hard thrust of her son's cock, she grunted with pleasure around my member, her tongue doing wonderful things to my dick
Finally having licked my cock clean, Gwen gave it one last playful lick and sobbed, "Oh Lord...Kent, I love your cock! Never stop fucking your mother, you sinful boy!"
Kent let out a laugh and replied in a voice tinged with strain, "Never, Mom! I want to spend the rest of my life with my dick in your tight pussy, Mom!" As he continued to thrust into her, it became obvious that Kent was going to give his mother the fuck of her life. Having already cummed once, he appeared ready and able to fuck his mother indefinitely. Every few minutes her nipples would seem to swell to the point of bursting and she would wail from the intense pleasure of ever stronger orgasms, once biting her lower lip so hard as she came that it bled.
Finally, her knees aching from the concrete floor, she pushed Kent back, but immediately rolled over onto her back and spread her legs wide even as she held out her arms to her son. "Fuck me, Kent...give Mommy what she needs...give me that hard DICK!" Her voice rose and quavered, the naughty words rolling off her tongue with a tone that betrayed her unfamiliarity with them.
Kent obliged her and with his dick glistening with the slick and thick lubrication of his mother's cunt, wordlessly fell between Gwen's thighs and allowed his mother to guide his angry cock back into her pussy. Once her son's cock was completely buried in her pussy, she wrapped her trembling arms and legs around him, tightly holding on to her child in a carnal embrace. Sweat poured off their body as their crotches slammed together again and again before slowly separating and then slamming roughly into each other once more. Kent and Gwen's eyes were locked onto each other and I realized that their world had shrunk to only themselves. As mother and son fucked, even though I was scant inches away from their coupling bodies, I might as well have been on another planet.
I lost track of time, mesmerized by their ardent, passionate motherfucking. Gwen's moans became more shrill and I sensed that she was about to have the mother of all orgasms. Kent's face darkened, then twisted with almost agonizing pleasure as he roared, "Cumming, Mom! I'm cumming in my mom! Love...oh, Jesus, I love you, Mom!"
Instinctively, I think he was preparing to pull out, but just as his balls began to jerk in the act of ejaculation, Gwen tightened her grip on her son and her lovely contralto voice that I had heard beautifully singing so many gospel songs, escalated into a pure, clear note of pleasure as her orgasm exploded, fueled by the sensation of her son filling her mature womb with fiery semen!
They rocked together in the throes of incestuous climax for long minutes and even after they collapsed into a gasping, quivering mass of embracing flesh, it was many minutes before either of them were capable of any kind of speech. Gwen did nothing but cry for nearly half an hour after that and I imagine that Kent and I would have been very distressed by our actions save that his mother's few garbled words between sobs allayed our fears.
I did my best to follow the comments that came from her sperm smeared lips, Love...sweet terrible and wonderful sin...incest-love...son...forever." The gist of her babbling seemed to be that while her mind was blown from having been fucked by her son, in those sweet and terribly erotic minutes of incestuous passion, Gwen had fallen head over heals in love with her son and was addicted to being fucked by such young and eager men.
After moving to the couch, Gwen sat naked between us, her hands constantly caressing each of us while she talked of her passionless marriage to Kent's father. It seemed that even before their son's birth, Reverend Walker had found sex a rather distasteful duty that was to be carried out as rarely as possible. She talked achingly of years of suppressing her own needs and desire and feeling for so long and how having finally experienced what loving with abandon offered, she was barely able to comprehend how she felt, understanding only that she could never return to such a soulless life.
Even as she spoke, Gwen was barely able to focus on anything but her son. Her hands eventually found their way to Kent's crotch, caressing it until it began to harden again and then after giving me a soulful kiss that had my cock throbbing again, Gwen began to kiss her son and they became lost in each other until finally, he was laying her back on the couch and climbing between her legs and as she moaned happily, thrust himself deep into his mother's womb. It was exciting to watch, but I also began to feel as if I was intruding on a deeply intimate moment. I dressed and quietly slipped out through the outside exit.
I went home and had dinner with Mom and Dad, positive that my experience was etched on my face, but both went about their usual business, my father focusing on his next business trip and Mom trying not to look annoyed as he outlined his extended itinerary. Mom did ask me if I was okay -- that I had been awfully quiet, but I simply replied, "It was a really busy day," and then retired to my room for the rest of the evening.
What I couldn't say was even as my mind was filled with erotic and pornographic images of Kent and his mother and myself, engaged in incredible sex, as I remembered the look of utter and complete bliss on Gwen's face as she was fucked by her son, she kept being replaced in my mind by my own mother, her long, mahogany hair hanging down and framing her lovely face as she glowed with that same orgasmic delight, brought to the height of ecstasy by me...her own son. I went to sleep having gratified myself again, my mind filled with carnal thoughts of fucking my mother and of Kent and his mother and how much I already envied them.
Kent failed to show up at the store for any of his shifts for the rest of the week. Saturday afternoon after I got off work, my curiosity was becoming too much and I found myself driving over to the church parsonage. His old Dodge Dart was parked out front, but there was no sign of having been a beautiful day, I'd half expected to see Mrs. Walker out in the yard, working on her flowers.
Finally, I worked up the nerve to climb the front steps and ring the doorbell. After a long wait, the door swung open and Reverend Walker stood there in front of me -- wearing suit pants and a dress shirt, although he'd bowed to the fact that it was Saturday by undoing his tie. He glared at me owlishly through thick lenses, his balding appearance reminding me of that famous painting, 'American Gothic' with the farmer who looks like he's had a pitchfork shoved up his ass. Gwen's words about his cold and aloof manner that had grown over the years echoed in my ears. He frowned at me, looking harried and displeased at being disturbed.
"'re Jeffrey Hilton's son...John, yes? What can I do for you?
"Uh, I was looking for Kent, Reverend. Is he at home?" I had to suppress a giggle as I had a sudden image of myself asking him, "Is Kent here or is he busy banging your wife."
Reverend Walker sighed unhappily and replied, "You interrupted me. I'm working on tomorrow's sermon." Almost as if it was an afterthought, he waved at me dismissively and answered my question. "Kent is helping his mother clean the church -- you can look for him there. I'm busy...very busy." He turned away, almost slamming the door in his annoyance as he did so.
I shook my head and muttered, "Prick," under my breath and then went back down the steps and across the yard to the old church next door. It was an old brick building with several additions that were a mix of wood and aluminum siding. As I walked, I reflected on the possibility that while the reverend worked on his sermon, his son might be working on something more personal of the reverend's. I found the side entrance unlocked and moved through the lower level of the church, passing by darkened Sunday School rooms until from above me in the sanctuary, I heard the faint sounds of someone moaning...not in pain, but from passion.
Quietly, I made my way up the carpeted steps to the main floor and walked through the anteroom to the wide, double doors that swung open onto the church sanctuary. I pushed through the doors which swung on their hinges silently to behold a sight I never imagined I would witness in a church.
Most of the lights were off with only a single overhead lamp lit up over the altar and podium. The lamp was quite bright and provided a heavenly view of Gwen lying on the altar, her legs draped over Kent's shoulders as he fucked his mother hard and fast. I slowly walked forward as if I was answering an altar call to repent, admiring the erotic view of the incestuous couple engaged in their own special form of holy worship.
"YESSS! OH, GOD, YESSSS! MAKE LOVE TO ME, SON! FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARD, KENT! Gwen's face was screwed up with ecstatic passion as Kent plunged his cock in and out of her sloppy, wet pussy, her huge, meaty breasts rolling wildly across her chest as she met her son's thrusts with her own, flinging her cunt up to swallow his erection as he drove down into her silky, creamy heat. The naked and incestuous lovers appeared to be consumed by a religious fervor as they writhed and squirmed on the church altar.
I quietly took a seat on the front row of pews and watched Kent and his mother fuck, feeling my own cock grow hard, throbbing angrily for release. I slowly unzipped my jeans and fished my swelling penis out, feeling a little light-headed as I tried to wrap my mind around what I was witnessing and doing inside the church I had attended all my life. As mother and son screwed with a passion, I began to slowly stroke my cock.
Under her son's body, Gwen grabbed great handfuls of her heavy tits and pulled them skyward, offering her swollen nipples to her son to chew and bite as she approached orgasm. She began to babble with the fervent power of a woman speaking in tongues, sobbing, "YESSSS! FUCK ME! FUCK YOUR MOTHER! SHOW THE LORD ALMIGHTY HOW MUCH YOU LOVE YOUR MOMMY, KENT!" I shivered from the raw carnality that was in her voice which conveyed both blasphemy and reverence at the same time. As fuck sweat poured off her lovely body, she cried out, "YESSS, MAKE ME CUM AGAIN! LOVE ME, SON, LOVE ME!"
Encouraged by his mother's words, Kent's butt began to move more quickly and he gasped, "Yes...oh, Mom -- I gotta cum!"
Gwen's legs shot upwards from his shoulders, spreading wide as she moaned, "Yes! Baptize me with your sweet semen, son! Make me holy with your seed!"
Kent laughed a bit crazily and pulled his cock from his mother's clasping pussy with an erotic sucking sound and scooted around to slap his mother's face with his pussy covered erection. "Here it comes, Mom," Kent cried and then he continued, his voice taking on the cadence of a crusading country preacher. "Be blessed with my loving seed, Mom. I baptize thee as my forever motherlove, God be praised!"
He bellowed wordlessly as his cock began to spray hot semen all over his mom's face. Gwen sobbed and cried and laughed as his spunk splattered her face from forehead to chin as her hands rose up and began smearing Kent's jizzum all over her face like it was some sort of holy oil she had been anointed with.
Kent's eyes were glazed for several minutes as he ejaculated on his mother's face, finally refocusing and realizing that I was sitting on the front pew, a big smile on my face from witnessing their incestuous communion. He nodded and moved to kneel above his mother's head, straddling her face so he could feed her his now slowly deflating cock.
Gwen purred as she took his cunt cream covered penis between her lips, her tongue slathering over his still mostly turgid flesh. Her eyes flickered my way and then she returned her attentions to her son, but at the same time, spread her legs wide as she pulled her knees back.
Kent reached down and ran a palm over her open and quivering pussy, her shiny wet labia slithering through her fingers. "C'mon, John. Come make a love offering to my mother!"
I was between Gwen's legs within seconds, sparing only enough time to shuck off my jeans and shoes. Kent's mother let out a soulful moan as I sank my hard cock into her furnace like pussy. Glancing down to our joined loins, I could judge by the mixed and smeared fuck juices on Gwen's thighs that mother and son had been at this a while. Her motherly pussy felt sticky yet slick and so incredibly wet and hot as I buried myself within her sugar walls. I ducked my head to get my lips around one of her swollen and nearly bruised nipples, feeling her pulse throbbing in the rubbery nub as I sucked and chewed it, making her moan around her son's cock.
Finally, Gwen let her son's cock slip from her lips and she threw her arms around my neck, a mad, passionate grin on her face as she gasped, "Yessss...fuck me, John! Give me your large p-p-prick and fuck me hard. Make me cum...make me scream so that God in heaven will hear it!"
I fucked Kent's mother frantically, reveling in the sweet heat of her cunt as I moved in and out of her, not the least bit alarmed as sometimes I saw her face, mouth sneering with lusty pleasure and other times saw Mom's face at other times, her face wrought with that perfect orgasmic glee that I will forever associate with incestuous perfection.
Never far from my mind was the realization of how lewd and decadent this was -- me screwing the preacher's wife on the top step of the altar of our church. I understood that in committing such erotic blasphemy, it wouldn't have surprised me if I'd had been struck down by lightning, but the creamy deliciousness that was Gwen Walker's motherly cunt would have made any amount of pain worthwhile.
On and on, I fucked my friend's mother while he remained astraddle her face so that when she was between being lost in the throes of orgasm, she could lick and tongue his cock, resurrecting it once again.. Finally, I felt my need to cum rise up and I announced that I was cumming. I expected Gwen to again instruct me to come on her face, but I felt her legs tighten around my back as she looked into my eyes and said in a passionate, almost pleading voice, "Cum in me, John. I want your semen in my womb...bless my pussy with your seed just as my son has done so many times these last wonderful days!"
Her words shoved me over the edge and I cried out in wordless ecstasy as I buried my cock deep in her snug, fiery pussy and exploded, filling her womb with thick spurt after thick spurt of hot semen. She screamed as her own orgasm swelled and swept her away, becoming a writhing and wild thing beneath me as if possessed by some carnal holy spirit.
When finally I fell back, completely spent, Kent climbed between her sticky thighs and began to fuck her again. Gwen sobbed and quivered as my orgasmic touch was replaced by the more powerful sensation of being fucked by her son. When she was coherent enough, she frantically beckoned me to her side and took hold of my cock so she could rub her juices and mine over her face, licking and kissing my penis between breathless exclamations of, "This is God's plan! This is what's meant to be. Glory in it, John. Glory in love whenever it is offered."
Finally, her son's steady thrusts transported her to some place where words were meaningless and like the early time, this particular bout of lovemaking seemed to be more intimate. I quietly dressed and left them to their incestuous union, glancing back once to see them locked together, cock and pussy in orgasmic bliss, the very embodiment of love. It struck me as I left that in all the years I'd attended church, I'd never felt the presence of God so greatly as then.
The next morning, as I set next to my mother while Reverend Walker droned on about the wages of sin, my gaze continuously wandered to Kent and his mother sitting together, alone on the second row of pews on the right hand side as had been tradition for decades in our church. I wondered if anyone else could see the power...the sexual energy that flowed between them. I wondered how they managed to control themselves here in front of everyone. Were mother and son momentarily sated...Gwen's cunt still leaking her son's semen while Kent's aching and no doubt weary cock reveled in the joyous memory of his mother's pussy? I had no doubt that as the Reverend led us all in prayer, his wife and son were silently giving thanks to God for allowing their love and desire to surface and be realized in its true and intended form.
As the service neared its end, I kept glancing at my mother, my own teenage fantasies suddenly evolving into something more as I wistfully admired her lovely body and imagined her and I having the same loving relationship that Kent and his mother now shared. Mom caught me glancing at her and she smiled back...a mother's loving smile that filled my heart with warmth and love and swelled my cock with desire. A thousand fantasies unfolded as I imagined having the courage to steal her away from Dad, fantasies that grew stronger with each passing day ever after that.
"Gwen and Kent have been lovers since that day two years ago," I said, having told my mother everything about that first passionate week. "I doubt a day has gone by that she hasn't had her son's cock inside her." Mom stared at me from the couch, breathing hard and making it impossible not to notice her breasts raising and falling beneath her silk robe, her nipples thick and obviously erect beneath the thin cloth.
"And you've been fucking her too?" Mom's voice was etched with anger, making it sound as if she was grinding out each word between clinched teeth.
I shrugged and replied, "Off and on...a few times a month when she gets the urge." I sat up in Dad's recliner, dropping the footrest down as I tried to get comfortable which wasn't easy. I was hard from telling the story despite my mother's clear anger. "I think Gwen...Mrs. Walker is happy with just Kent's cock most of the time, but now and again, she wants to be...fucked like a whore by more than one man."
Mom's eyes widened and she said, "You mean more than just you and her son?"
I nodded and said, "Oh yeah. I've known Gwen to take on four guys at once when she's got a mind to." I paused, considering how much I should say, but decided to plunge on. "Remember that Youth Retreat I went to last Spring? Kent went. I went. So did Jimmy and Sean and Mike...and Gwen went as our chaperone."
My mother's mouth dropped open and she had to make an effort to reply. "You mean she and all of you...?"
I smiled. "Oh yeah. We made a brief appearance at the retreat and then spent the remaining three days in a cabin on Lake Grant. We um...literally fucked her until she couldn't walk and she still wanted more."
"Jesus Christ!" Mom whispered and downed the last of her glass of scotch. She paused for a moment and then looked at me suspiciously. "Wait a minute. I thought Heather McGee went with you guys on that trip!"
I laughed nervously as I recalled Heather, just turned eighteen, her hair a bright fire engine red on top of her head and between her stocky thighs and nodded. "Yeah...that's when Gwen discovered she had an appetite for pussy too."
Mom closed her eyes and whispered, "Oh my Lord!" I wondered what she was envisioning in her mind...if she was even coming close to glimpsing the carnality of that weekend. The image of Gwen and Heather locked in a sixty-nine, slurping young men's semen out of each other's cunts even as we took turns fucking them both over and over, was forever burned into my image I would always cherish.
My reverie of that erotic memory was interrupted as Mom abruptly rose and paced around the room, finally pausing before the great window looking out onto our street. Not looking at me she said quietly, "So for a little over two years, you've been fucking our preacher's wife who's also her own son's lover?"
"Yes, Mom," I replied.
And Gwen Walker is not only fucking her son and you, but has other lovers?"
"Yes...I know of at least six guys and two women."
"Boys...young men from our church?"
"Yes, least most of them go to the Baptist church."
Mom shook her head and glanced over her shoulder at me with an angry, contemptuous expression. "So, is anyone else fucking their mother?"
I hesitated and then shrugged. "I'm not sure. I think Jimmy Boggs and his, Dana, are. I don't know for sure, but I saw them on campus, walking hand in hand like they were..."
"Like they were lovers?" Mom finished for me. She nodded as if she knew something I didn't. She sat her glass down on the edge of a small table and then drew the blinds together, making the room feel smaller and despite the light from the table lamps, darker. Mom walked over to stand before me, her face flushed with anger, her hands resting on her hips. "And you...John Hilton, you sit there and tell me that for years you've been fantasizing about fucking me...fucking your mother?"
My mouth felt dry and my face burned with a great flush of embarrassment. "Yes, Mom, I've fantasized about you for longer than I can remember."
Mom spoke again, the words coming out bitterly. "And, John Hilton, you dare to sit there and tell me that for the last two years, you've been trying to work up the nerve to actually approach try and seduce me so you can fuck your mother and make her like incestuous whore?"
It took a moment for me to answer. Even neck deep in shit as I was, I couldn't help but find Mom so incredibly sexy. I could barely take my eyes off her heaving chest to look into her lovely face and murmur, "I cannot lie to you, Mom. It's been my greatest dream."
Mom's hand lashed out, catching me by surprise as she slapped me hard across the face as she screamed, "GODDAMN YOU, SON!" As tears formed in my eyes in reaction to my burning cheek, before I could move or speak, Mom suddenly swarmed into my lap, her knees straddling me as her robe parted and I felt her naked crotch against my lap.
Mom held my face tight between her palms, bringing her head so close to mine that her lips almost brushed mine. She stared into my eyes, so much like her lovely brown orbs, with flames of anger flashing in them and in a tight, almost anguished voice, said, "You're telling me that you've been fucking that whore of a preacher's wife for two goddamn years -- the whole time wishing you were fucking me and only now...only now when I'm confronting you about this whole sordid affair you actually confess how you feel about me...about your mother?"
I wasn't sure what to say. Mom was acting totally unlike herself while I struggled to maintain my composure while fully aware that except for her thin, silk gown, Mom was naked in my lap. "I'm sorry, Mom. I know it's wrong to think this way..."
"You don't anything, John," Mom said in nearly a whisper, her lips so achingly close I could almost feel them brushing mine. "Do you know what my life has been like? Your father might as well be a fucking eunuch for as much as he touches me." Her hands tightened against my face and as she continued, I was suddenly aware of the pain in her voice. "You've let me suffer for two long years while Gwen fucking Walker has lived a life of glorious fucking pleasure when your own mother lies in bed night after night, lonely, unfulfilled, unloved and so very goddamn horny!"
"Mom?" I whispered, trying to make myself believe what my mother was implying.
"How could you not see what I needed, son? Did you think Gwen Walker could be the only neglected wife in the world. Your father is never here. I needed a man in my life and in my bed. Don't you think I've never looked at you as a man...a handsome, virile man and wondered what you'd be like in bed?" Tears were falling down Mom's cheeks now as her voice rose to almost a scream. "I'VE BEEN SITTING HERE UNLOVED FOR TWO YEARS...YOU SHOULD HAVE TRIED TO FUCK ME, JOHN!"
I was stupefied to the point of being unable to speak. Finally, I stutterered, "Mom...I-I didn't know...I'm sorry."
Mom rolled her eyes and replied, "I don't want you to be sorry, son! I want you to fuck me...FUCK ME NOW!" Mom kissed me then, her lips pressed hard, almost painfully against mine as her tongue slipped into my open mouth. It took me a moment to recover and then I was kissing her back as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tight against my body. I felt my heart pounding, falling into a matching rhythm with her heart that I could feel beating wildly as her breasts pillowed against my chest.
Then we began to tilt back as the recliner's action worked until we were almost horizontal, Mom atop me, her luscious body squirming atop mine, her pelvis hunching against my jeans while her hands searched for and began undoing my belt. A series of violent contortions and maneuvers followed as she began to tug and pull at my clothes, breaking our kiss momentarily so that I could yank her silk gown up and over her head, revealing her incredible body. We twisted and turned, Mom using hands and feet to free me from my jeans and T-shirt until we were both naked, her skin feeling so incredibly warm against my if she had a terrible fever.
Our hands roamed wildly -- Mom squeezing my ass cheeks and then sliding around to grope my hard cock while I cupped and mauled her large, still very youthful and upright breasts and slid a hand over her trimmed thicket of a bush, finding her already sopping wet pussy -- her long lipped labia already spreading like a morning lily.
We kissed and caressed each other for what seemed an eternity, but a notion settled over me as somehow we turned and tumbled on that stretched out recliner until Mom rested beneath me, her legs draped over the arms of the chair and my cock nestled lengthways against her fiery slit. The notion became a hunger and then a compulsion and I broke our soulful kiss as I shifted my weight back, bringing down the foot rest as I landed on the carpet on my knees while Mom came to an abrupt upright position, her heavy breasts bouncing as she sat up.
I ran my hands along Mom's thighs until my fingers were framing her lovely cunt -- her muff a trimmed and thick triangle that pointed towards her creamy pussy. I looked up at Mom who was wide-eyed with excitement, her mouth hanging open, holding her breath. "I love you, Mom!" I cried. "I promise to spend the rest of my life making things up to you." I stuck my tongue out at her and added, "Beginning right now!"
I shoved my face into my mother's cunt with such force, I could feel her exhale in a great whoosh. I rubbed my face against her wet, slick flesh and her surprisingly soft bush, inhaling her scent that just in itself, sent bolts of arousal through my body and then I was madly lashing my tongue up and down her pussy, licking her thick, creamy juices of her thick, long labia and then delving deep with my tongue stiffened to probe her sweet inner flesh.
Mom's hands clapped down on my head, fingers intertwining in my shaggy brown locks to better hold me in place even as she screamed in shock and delight. There was both pleasure and disbelief in her voice as she moaned, "Ohhhh, John! Yessss...that feels so good!" hunching her crotch against my face.
As I furiously licked and slurped my mother's pussy, I had to devote a little concentration to not cumming on the spot...the simple knowledge that I was going down on my mother, licking the delicious juices from the hole I had sprung from...the pussy I had for so long dreamed of returning to, enough to make me cum without either of us laying so much as a hand on my throbbing cock. It was touch and go for a minute or two, but finally my need to climax receded and I redoubled my efforts to pleasure my mother orally.
I could feel Mom twist and writhe in the chair, her thighs shifting to assist her hands in keeping me clamped in place, slightly muffling her cries of long awaited pleasure. I wondered if in the grip of such carnal delight, Mom would have begrudged the fact that I was pleasuring her so well because I had so many times practiced on Gwen Walker's pussy, eating her sweet pussy while she sucked Kent's cock or at other times, allowed him to take her anally while I licked her pussy.
I put those thoughts aside as my fingers gently caressed Mom's clitoris, assisting it to emerge from its little protective hood -- a lovely little pink nub. With my face dripping with Mom's pussy juice, I brought my lips close to the swollen little organ and gently blew on it, eliciting a loud gasp from Mom! "Ohhhhhh, baby...oh, John...what are you doing, son! Feels sooooo good!"
"Keeping that promise, Mom. I love you and I love your sweet pussy!"
I extended my tongue and with the very tip, flicked it across my mother's clitoris once -- twice -- three times before Mom's body violently convulsed as she screamed, "OH, GOD, YES, JOHN!" and then I was being splashed by Mom's hot juices spraying out of her pussy, surprising me. I laughed, thinking Mom had just lost control and pissed on me, but I as her juices flowed over my tongue, I knew I was tasting her juicy cunt. Mom was surprised too, moaning as she quivered above me, her legs kicking reflexively, "Oh, Lord...that felt incredible...I've heard of...but I've never done that before." There was a look of wonder on Mom's face -- her lips eventually spreading into a lewd smile as she gasped, "Do it again!"
I laughed and immediately licked her clit again and again Mom sprayed my face with her liquid love, screaming wordlessly as this time I didn't back off, but instead enveloped her entire nub between my lips, being gentle but aggressive as my tongue flitted over the swollen nub again and again.
"I LOVE YOU!" Mom screamed and sobbed as she bucked her pelvis against me, gushing pussy juices as her entire body seemed to levitate and spasm as she was galvanized with a massive orgasm. I felt her hands scrabbling and pushing at my head, sobbing, "FUCK....OH GODDDD! TOO GOOD...GOTTA STOP...LOVE IT BUT GOTTA STOP!" I resisted releasing Mom's clitoris from my mouth until from the tone of her cries I knew she was reaching that perilous border that exists between pleasure and pain.
I let her slip from my mouth and watched my mother convulse and shake for several seconds as her orgasm rioted through her body, reveling in her carnal appearance as I felt her copious juices drip from my chin to my chest and thighs. Then as Mom's climax seemed to start ebbing, I said, "Time for more, Mom!" and plunged my face back between her thighs and began licking her pussy from one end to the other, reigniting my mother's orgasm.
I took mercy on her and paid direct attention to her clitoris only occasionally, focusing my efforts and licking and nibbling on her labia in between delving deep between her pussy lips, tasting her sweet and pungent flesh overflowing with her creamy juices. Mom bounced around, wriggling in the recliner, rolling out of one orgasm into another, sometimes sobbing wordlessly as the ecstasy that she was experiencing stole her ability to speak while other times, she screamed and moaned her love for me. I lost track of how long I ate her pussy, just enjoying the knowledge that I was giving my mother pleasure unlike any she'd ever had experienced.
Finally, with my jaw muscles aching, I sat back on my haunches and grinned up at Mom. She never looked more beautiful, sitting back in the recliner with her tall and shapely body sprawled out -- her breasts heaving up and down as she gasped for air and her legs again flung wide over the arms of the chair, her long, dark brown hair in wild tangles from running her fingers through it...her pale, flawless skin mottled with a sexual flush.
"Incredible...fucking incredible!" Mom muttered between labored gasps for air. "You've made me cum more in a few minutes than your father has in fifteen years."
"I love you, Mom," I said, breathing a little heavy myself. "I'm sorry I've been a fool for so long. You'll never be ignored again."
Mom struggled to sit up and once she did, she flung her arms around me and pulled me to her, kissing me passionately -- apparently not minding the taste of her own aroused cunt on my lips and tongue. After a few minutes of intense tongue dueling, Mom broke the kiss and said breathlessly, "John Hilton, if you don't fuck your mother right here and now, I will just up and die!"
"We can't let that happen, Mom," I murmured.. I kissed her again and then rose to my feet, climbing between her legs which she again threw over the arms of the chair. I pushed her back and we both began to tilt as her seat reclined and in a single motion, we seemed to go horizontal even as I fell between her thighs -- my aching cock sliding between Mom's labia, both of us gasping as I buried my cock in the most perfect, fiery and wet flesh.
As I sank inch after inch of my long and hard cock into Mom's pussy, I watched her face and was thrilled and gratified to see a heavenly expression of utter bliss and contentment spread across her face -- confirmation that Mom felt the same way that I did -- that this was meant to be...that our bond of family and blood elevated our coupling to a new plane of intimacy.
Tears began tracking down Mom's face again as she gasped, "I love you, son. I love you more than I ever dreamed I could...ohhhhhhh...loved anyone." Mom flexed her hips upward, grinding her pussy against my crotch as I buried myself deeply -- marveling at the way her silky, slick flesh felt as it tightened around my shaft, holding me in place deep within her womb.
"Love you too, Mom," I whispered back. "Now and forever, Mom," I added before I kissed her and began to thrust into her. Mom's tongue dueled frantically with mine as we kissed, slowing only as my cock thrusts drew deep, pleasured moans from her with each slow, sweet stroke -- her pussy flesh wrapped tightly around my throbbing penis.
I thought my head was beginning to spin dizzily, but then as Mom cried out as a jolt drove my cock deeper than before into her womb, I realized with some amusement that the recliner and rolled backwards into its final setting, leaving us almost horizontal again. I continued to thrust into my mother, each movement a little quicker and more forceful than the last. As Mom crooned and sighed, she drew her legs up and wrapped them around my back, her ankles crossing as she pulled me tighter into her.
The sheer rightness of the moment was almost overwhelming. Over the last two years, I had heard Gwen and Kent talk about how perfect it was when they were joined together...Gwen being very specific in her thoughts -- "John, you're a wonderful lover with an incredible cock, but I swear to heaven above, when my son is inside me...I feel completed and whole as if because Kent sprang from my womb, his cock was meant to be in me. When I make love to him, it's like I'm touching the face of's like I've become..."
Gwen replied with a muffled and appreciative groan and continued to suck her son's erect penis while reaching up to undo and wrestle her son's jeans down to his knees. Forced to release her hold on Kent's cock for a moment to get it clear of his pants and briefs, she let it slip from her lips to bob in the cool air of the basement, dripping with her saliva while gasping, "Mommy loves your cock, baby!" Then she was taking him deep into her mouth again while her hands cupped her teenaged son's ass cheeks, driving him into her mouth with more force -- a hint Kent quickly divined as he began to fuck Gwen's mouth with unbridled enthusiasm. Once he had his rhythm going, her hands slipped back around and began to caress her child's large and heavy balls.
The sheer lewd beauty of this situation began to overwhelm me and I felt the pressure to cum building within me, compounded by already being on edge from masturbating over Gwen's naked body just a few minutes before. My hot seed began to boil out of my testicles as I cried out, "Oh, jeezus, Mrs. Walker! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum inside you!"
My words seemed to galvanize Kent's mom as she seemed to coil and explode, hunching forward frantically and turning, forcing my cock to slip out of her tight, grasping pussy while letting Kent's erection slide from her mouth with a noisy pop! Gwen continued to turn around and she looked up at me with panic or maybe frustrated denial. She reached out to take my cock in hand, her fingers becoming slippery on the thick coating of her cunt cream that covered my erect penis. "Cum on my face, John! Spray your hot seed on my face." There was a brief shadow of embarrassment on her face, maybe from asking me to perform such an obscene and exciting act or maybe a foreshadowing of her next words. "I want...need my son to be the first to cum in my pussy!"
Gwen looked back over her shoulder at her son, his spit covered member waving angrily in the air. In a voice frantic with need, she sobbed, "Put your penis in me, son! F-fuck me, Kent! Fuck your mother now!"
Kent's mother hiked her ass up into the air, wiggling it lewdly as an offering for her son. Kent eyed her open and wet pussy with an expression of wonder and slowly edged towards her. He glanced up at me as his mother stroked my cock and said in an unsure voice. "Man...Mom, I've never..."
As I felt my cum began to erupt from my cock, I couldn't help but laugh as it suddenly hit me that Kent...the bad boy preacher's kid who'd honestly earned his reputation as a hellion had never fucked a woman before. "Between groans and gasps as my climax exploded, I managed to wheeze, "Mrs. Walker...your son is a virgin! You're going to get Kent's cherry!"
Gwen had a sudden look of astonishment on her face that was quickly gone as my hot semen began to spray on her face, splattering across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, before scoring a bulls-eye on her open mouth. Her eyes almost rolled back in her head and she stiffened up and I think had an orgasm just thinking of being her son's first lover. With my hot spunk dripping off her face, she looked back at Kent and beckoned him to her, wailing, "OHHHH YES! FUCK ME, KENT! FUCK MOMMY! PUT THAT BIG THING IN MOMMY RIGHT NOW!"
Suddenly on the verge of tears, Kent sobbed, "Yes, Mom...I love you so much!" and he moved up to her and thrust his cock into his mother for the first time. He moaned as his mother screamed, her body stiffening up as if she was being electrocuted. Her back arched and she threw her head back as she became the perfect vision of a woman having the greatest orgasm of her life. Her eyes glazed over as her face began to almost glow with pure ecstasy that went beyond simple orgasm.
Instinctively, I intuited that this was because of who they were. Mrs. Walker...Gwen was now far beyond a lonely and horny woman yielding to her most carnal desires. She was now in the grasp of incestuous ecstasy, surrendering to the unsuspected intensity that maybe only a mother and son fucking could ever experience. It was the most glorious thing I had ever witnessed.
Before she was lost in her incestuous abandon, I stroked the last few spurts of semen from my cock, smearing them across her sperm smeared lips. I fell back onto my butt, ignoring the cold concrete floor, content with watching the lewd spectacle of watching a mother and son fucking. Kent pummeled his mother's pussy with his hard on, his facial expression locked into one of fierce pleasure and determination. Gwen struggled to raise her head and turn to look back at her son, but pleasure seemed to overwhelm her again and again and she would hang her head or look at me sprawled before her, her eyes filled with love and gratitude and lust.
As one orgasm ebbed and before another could take her, Gwen groaned and dropped her face into my lap, her mouth finding my still mostly erect cock and licking sperm and pussy juice off my penis. With each hard thrust of her son's cock, she grunted with pleasure around my member, her tongue doing wonderful things to my dick
Finally having licked my cock clean, Gwen gave it one last playful lick and sobbed, "Oh Lord...Kent, I love your cock! Never stop fucking your mother, you sinful boy!"
Kent let out a laugh and replied in a voice tinged with strain, "Never, Mom! I want to spend the rest of my life with my dick in your tight pussy, Mom!" As he continued to thrust into her, it became obvious that Kent was going to give his mother the fuck of her life. Having already cummed once, he appeared ready and able to fuck his mother indefinitely. Every few minutes her nipples would seem to swell to the point of bursting and she would wail from the intense pleasure of ever stronger orgasms, once biting her lower lip so hard as she came that it bled.
Finally, her knees aching from the concrete floor, she pushed Kent back, but immediately rolled over onto her back and spread her legs wide even as she held out her arms to her son. "Fuck me, Kent...give Mommy what she needs...give me that hard DICK!" Her voice rose and quavered, the naughty words rolling off her tongue with a tone that betrayed her unfamiliarity with them.
Kent obliged her and with his dick glistening with the slick and thick lubrication of his mother's cunt, wordlessly fell between Gwen's thighs and allowed his mother to guide his angry cock back into her pussy. Once her son's cock was completely buried in her pussy, she wrapped her trembling arms and legs around him, tightly holding on to her child in a carnal embrace. Sweat poured off their body as their crotches slammed together again and again before slowly separating and then slamming roughly into each other once more. Kent and Gwen's eyes were locked onto each other and I realized that their world had shrunk to only themselves. As mother and son fucked, even though I was scant inches away from their coupling bodies, I might as well have been on another planet.
I lost track of time, mesmerized by their ardent, passionate motherfucking. Gwen's moans became more shrill and I sensed that she was about to have the mother of all orgasms. Kent's face darkened, then twisted with almost agonizing pleasure as he roared, "Cumming, Mom! I'm cumming in my mom! Love...oh, Jesus, I love you, Mom!"
Instinctively, I think he was preparing to pull out, but just as his balls began to jerk in the act of ejaculation, Gwen tightened her grip on her son and her lovely contralto voice that I had heard beautifully singing so many gospel songs, escalated into a pure, clear note of pleasure as her orgasm exploded, fueled by the sensation of her son filling her mature womb with fiery semen!
They rocked together in the throes of incestuous climax for long minutes and even after they collapsed into a gasping, quivering mass of embracing flesh, it was many minutes before either of them were capable of any kind of speech. Gwen did nothing but cry for nearly half an hour after that and I imagine that Kent and I would have been very distressed by our actions save that his mother's few garbled words between sobs allayed our fears.
I did my best to follow the comments that came from her sperm smeared lips, Love...sweet terrible and wonderful sin...incest-love...son...forever." The gist of her babbling seemed to be that while her mind was blown from having been fucked by her son, in those sweet and terribly erotic minutes of incestuous passion, Gwen had fallen head over heals in love with her son and was addicted to being fucked by such young and eager men.
After moving to the couch, Gwen sat naked between us, her hands constantly caressing each of us while she talked of her passionless marriage to Kent's father. It seemed that even before their son's birth, Reverend Walker had found sex a rather distasteful duty that was to be carried out as rarely as possible. She talked achingly of years of suppressing her own needs and desire and feeling for so long and how having finally experienced what loving with abandon offered, she was barely able to comprehend how she felt, understanding only that she could never return to such a soulless life.
Even as she spoke, Gwen was barely able to focus on anything but her son. Her hands eventually found their way to Kent's crotch, caressing it until it began to harden again and then after giving me a soulful kiss that had my cock throbbing again, Gwen began to kiss her son and they became lost in each other until finally, he was laying her back on the couch and climbing between her legs and as she moaned happily, thrust himself deep into his mother's womb. It was exciting to watch, but I also began to feel as if I was intruding on a deeply intimate moment. I dressed and quietly slipped out through the outside exit.
I went home and had dinner with Mom and Dad, positive that my experience was etched on my face, but both went about their usual business, my father focusing on his next business trip and Mom trying not to look annoyed as he outlined his extended itinerary. Mom did ask me if I was okay -- that I had been awfully quiet, but I simply replied, "It was a really busy day," and then retired to my room for the rest of the evening.
What I couldn't say was even as my mind was filled with erotic and pornographic images of Kent and his mother and myself, engaged in incredible sex, as I remembered the look of utter and complete bliss on Gwen's face as she was fucked by her son, she kept being replaced in my mind by my own mother, her long, mahogany hair hanging down and framing her lovely face as she glowed with that same orgasmic delight, brought to the height of ecstasy by me...her own son. I went to sleep having gratified myself again, my mind filled with carnal thoughts of fucking my mother and of Kent and his mother and how much I already envied them.
Kent failed to show up at the store for any of his shifts for the rest of the week. Saturday afternoon after I got off work, my curiosity was becoming too much and I found myself driving over to the church parsonage. His old Dodge Dart was parked out front, but there was no sign of having been a beautiful day, I'd half expected to see Mrs. Walker out in the yard, working on her flowers.
Finally, I worked up the nerve to climb the front steps and ring the doorbell. After a long wait, the door swung open and Reverend Walker stood there in front of me -- wearing suit pants and a dress shirt, although he'd bowed to the fact that it was Saturday by undoing his tie. He glared at me owlishly through thick lenses, his balding appearance reminding me of that famous painting, 'American Gothic' with the farmer who looks like he's had a pitchfork shoved up his ass. Gwen's words about his cold and aloof manner that had grown over the years echoed in my ears. He frowned at me, looking harried and displeased at being disturbed.
"'re Jeffrey Hilton's son...John, yes? What can I do for you?
"Uh, I was looking for Kent, Reverend. Is he at home?" I had to suppress a giggle as I had a sudden image of myself asking him, "Is Kent here or is he busy banging your wife."
Reverend Walker sighed unhappily and replied, "You interrupted me. I'm working on tomorrow's sermon." Almost as if it was an afterthought, he waved at me dismissively and answered my question. "Kent is helping his mother clean the church -- you can look for him there. I'm busy...very busy." He turned away, almost slamming the door in his annoyance as he did so.
I shook my head and muttered, "Prick," under my breath and then went back down the steps and across the yard to the old church next door. It was an old brick building with several additions that were a mix of wood and aluminum siding. As I walked, I reflected on the possibility that while the reverend worked on his sermon, his son might be working on something more personal of the reverend's. I found the side entrance unlocked and moved through the lower level of the church, passing by darkened Sunday School rooms until from above me in the sanctuary, I heard the faint sounds of someone moaning...not in pain, but from passion.
Quietly, I made my way up the carpeted steps to the main floor and walked through the anteroom to the wide, double doors that swung open onto the church sanctuary. I pushed through the doors which swung on their hinges silently to behold a sight I never imagined I would witness in a church.
Most of the lights were off with only a single overhead lamp lit up over the altar and podium. The lamp was quite bright and provided a heavenly view of Gwen lying on the altar, her legs draped over Kent's shoulders as he fucked his mother hard and fast. I slowly walked forward as if I was answering an altar call to repent, admiring the erotic view of the incestuous couple engaged in their own special form of holy worship.
"YESSS! OH, GOD, YESSSS! MAKE LOVE TO ME, SON! FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARD, KENT! Gwen's face was screwed up with ecstatic passion as Kent plunged his cock in and out of her sloppy, wet pussy, her huge, meaty breasts rolling wildly across her chest as she met her son's thrusts with her own, flinging her cunt up to swallow his erection as he drove down into her silky, creamy heat. The naked and incestuous lovers appeared to be consumed by a religious fervor as they writhed and squirmed on the church altar.
I quietly took a seat on the front row of pews and watched Kent and his mother fuck, feeling my own cock grow hard, throbbing angrily for release. I slowly unzipped my jeans and fished my swelling penis out, feeling a little light-headed as I tried to wrap my mind around what I was witnessing and doing inside the church I had attended all my life. As mother and son screwed with a passion, I began to slowly stroke my cock.
Under her son's body, Gwen grabbed great handfuls of her heavy tits and pulled them skyward, offering her swollen nipples to her son to chew and bite as she approached orgasm. She began to babble with the fervent power of a woman speaking in tongues, sobbing, "YESSSS! FUCK ME! FUCK YOUR MOTHER! SHOW THE LORD ALMIGHTY HOW MUCH YOU LOVE YOUR MOMMY, KENT!" I shivered from the raw carnality that was in her voice which conveyed both blasphemy and reverence at the same time. As fuck sweat poured off her lovely body, she cried out, "YESSS, MAKE ME CUM AGAIN! LOVE ME, SON, LOVE ME!"
Encouraged by his mother's words, Kent's butt began to move more quickly and he gasped, "Yes...oh, Mom -- I gotta cum!"
Gwen's legs shot upwards from his shoulders, spreading wide as she moaned, "Yes! Baptize me with your sweet semen, son! Make me holy with your seed!"
Kent laughed a bit crazily and pulled his cock from his mother's clasping pussy with an erotic sucking sound and scooted around to slap his mother's face with his pussy covered erection. "Here it comes, Mom," Kent cried and then he continued, his voice taking on the cadence of a crusading country preacher. "Be blessed with my loving seed, Mom. I baptize thee as my forever motherlove, God be praised!"
He bellowed wordlessly as his cock began to spray hot semen all over his mom's face. Gwen sobbed and cried and laughed as his spunk splattered her face from forehead to chin as her hands rose up and began smearing Kent's jizzum all over her face like it was some sort of holy oil she had been anointed with.
Kent's eyes were glazed for several minutes as he ejaculated on his mother's face, finally refocusing and realizing that I was sitting on the front pew, a big smile on my face from witnessing their incestuous communion. He nodded and moved to kneel above his mother's head, straddling her face so he could feed her his now slowly deflating cock.
Gwen purred as she took his cunt cream covered penis between her lips, her tongue slathering over his still mostly turgid flesh. Her eyes flickered my way and then she returned her attentions to her son, but at the same time, spread her legs wide as she pulled her knees back.
Kent reached down and ran a palm over her open and quivering pussy, her shiny wet labia slithering through her fingers. "C'mon, John. Come make a love offering to my mother!"
I was between Gwen's legs within seconds, sparing only enough time to shuck off my jeans and shoes. Kent's mother let out a soulful moan as I sank my hard cock into her furnace like pussy. Glancing down to our joined loins, I could judge by the mixed and smeared fuck juices on Gwen's thighs that mother and son had been at this a while. Her motherly pussy felt sticky yet slick and so incredibly wet and hot as I buried myself within her sugar walls. I ducked my head to get my lips around one of her swollen and nearly bruised nipples, feeling her pulse throbbing in the rubbery nub as I sucked and chewed it, making her moan around her son's cock.
Finally, Gwen let her son's cock slip from her lips and she threw her arms around my neck, a mad, passionate grin on her face as she gasped, "Yessss...fuck me, John! Give me your large p-p-prick and fuck me hard. Make me cum...make me scream so that God in heaven will hear it!"
I fucked Kent's mother frantically, reveling in the sweet heat of her cunt as I moved in and out of her, not the least bit alarmed as sometimes I saw her face, mouth sneering with lusty pleasure and other times saw Mom's face at other times, her face wrought with that perfect orgasmic glee that I will forever associate with incestuous perfection.
Never far from my mind was the realization of how lewd and decadent this was -- me screwing the preacher's wife on the top step of the altar of our church. I understood that in committing such erotic blasphemy, it wouldn't have surprised me if I'd had been struck down by lightning, but the creamy deliciousness that was Gwen Walker's motherly cunt would have made any amount of pain worthwhile.
On and on, I fucked my friend's mother while he remained astraddle her face so that when she was between being lost in the throes of orgasm, she could lick and tongue his cock, resurrecting it once again.. Finally, I felt my need to cum rise up and I announced that I was cumming. I expected Gwen to again instruct me to come on her face, but I felt her legs tighten around my back as she looked into my eyes and said in a passionate, almost pleading voice, "Cum in me, John. I want your semen in my womb...bless my pussy with your seed just as my son has done so many times these last wonderful days!"
Her words shoved me over the edge and I cried out in wordless ecstasy as I buried my cock deep in her snug, fiery pussy and exploded, filling her womb with thick spurt after thick spurt of hot semen. She screamed as her own orgasm swelled and swept her away, becoming a writhing and wild thing beneath me as if possessed by some carnal holy spirit.
When finally I fell back, completely spent, Kent climbed between her sticky thighs and began to fuck her again. Gwen sobbed and quivered as my orgasmic touch was replaced by the more powerful sensation of being fucked by her son. When she was coherent enough, she frantically beckoned me to her side and took hold of my cock so she could rub her juices and mine over her face, licking and kissing my penis between breathless exclamations of, "This is God's plan! This is what's meant to be. Glory in it, John. Glory in love whenever it is offered."
Finally, her son's steady thrusts transported her to some place where words were meaningless and like the early time, this particular bout of lovemaking seemed to be more intimate. I quietly dressed and left them to their incestuous union, glancing back once to see them locked together, cock and pussy in orgasmic bliss, the very embodiment of love. It struck me as I left that in all the years I'd attended church, I'd never felt the presence of God so greatly as then.
The next morning, as I set next to my mother while Reverend Walker droned on about the wages of sin, my gaze continuously wandered to Kent and his mother sitting together, alone on the second row of pews on the right hand side as had been tradition for decades in our church. I wondered if anyone else could see the power...the sexual energy that flowed between them. I wondered how they managed to control themselves here in front of everyone. Were mother and son momentarily sated...Gwen's cunt still leaking her son's semen while Kent's aching and no doubt weary cock reveled in the joyous memory of his mother's pussy? I had no doubt that as the Reverend led us all in prayer, his wife and son were silently giving thanks to God for allowing their love and desire to surface and be realized in its true and intended form.
As the service neared its end, I kept glancing at my mother, my own teenage fantasies suddenly evolving into something more as I wistfully admired her lovely body and imagined her and I having the same loving relationship that Kent and his mother now shared. Mom caught me glancing at her and she smiled back...a mother's loving smile that filled my heart with warmth and love and swelled my cock with desire. A thousand fantasies unfolded as I imagined having the courage to steal her away from Dad, fantasies that grew stronger with each passing day ever after that.
"Gwen and Kent have been lovers since that day two years ago," I said, having told my mother everything about that first passionate week. "I doubt a day has gone by that she hasn't had her son's cock inside her." Mom stared at me from the couch, breathing hard and making it impossible not to notice her breasts raising and falling beneath her silk robe, her nipples thick and obviously erect beneath the thin cloth.
"And you've been fucking her too?" Mom's voice was etched with anger, making it sound as if she was grinding out each word between clinched teeth.
I shrugged and replied, "Off and on...a few times a month when she gets the urge." I sat up in Dad's recliner, dropping the footrest down as I tried to get comfortable which wasn't easy. I was hard from telling the story despite my mother's clear anger. "I think Gwen...Mrs. Walker is happy with just Kent's cock most of the time, but now and again, she wants to be...fucked like a whore by more than one man."
Mom's eyes widened and she said, "You mean more than just you and her son?"
I nodded and said, "Oh yeah. I've known Gwen to take on four guys at once when she's got a mind to." I paused, considering how much I should say, but decided to plunge on. "Remember that Youth Retreat I went to last Spring? Kent went. I went. So did Jimmy and Sean and Mike...and Gwen went as our chaperone."
My mother's mouth dropped open and she had to make an effort to reply. "You mean she and all of you...?"
I smiled. "Oh yeah. We made a brief appearance at the retreat and then spent the remaining three days in a cabin on Lake Grant. We um...literally fucked her until she couldn't walk and she still wanted more."
"Jesus Christ!" Mom whispered and downed the last of her glass of scotch. She paused for a moment and then looked at me suspiciously. "Wait a minute. I thought Heather McGee went with you guys on that trip!"
I laughed nervously as I recalled Heather, just turned eighteen, her hair a bright fire engine red on top of her head and between her stocky thighs and nodded. "Yeah...that's when Gwen discovered she had an appetite for pussy too."
Mom closed her eyes and whispered, "Oh my Lord!" I wondered what she was envisioning in her mind...if she was even coming close to glimpsing the carnality of that weekend. The image of Gwen and Heather locked in a sixty-nine, slurping young men's semen out of each other's cunts even as we took turns fucking them both over and over, was forever burned into my image I would always cherish.
My reverie of that erotic memory was interrupted as Mom abruptly rose and paced around the room, finally pausing before the great window looking out onto our street. Not looking at me she said quietly, "So for a little over two years, you've been fucking our preacher's wife who's also her own son's lover?"
"Yes, Mom," I replied.
And Gwen Walker is not only fucking her son and you, but has other lovers?"
"Yes...I know of at least six guys and two women."
"Boys...young men from our church?"
"Yes, least most of them go to the Baptist church."
Mom shook her head and glanced over her shoulder at me with an angry, contemptuous expression. "So, is anyone else fucking their mother?"
I hesitated and then shrugged. "I'm not sure. I think Jimmy Boggs and his, Dana, are. I don't know for sure, but I saw them on campus, walking hand in hand like they were..."
"Like they were lovers?" Mom finished for me. She nodded as if she knew something I didn't. She sat her glass down on the edge of a small table and then drew the blinds together, making the room feel smaller and despite the light from the table lamps, darker. Mom walked over to stand before me, her face flushed with anger, her hands resting on her hips. "And you...John Hilton, you sit there and tell me that for years you've been fantasizing about fucking me...fucking your mother?"
My mouth felt dry and my face burned with a great flush of embarrassment. "Yes, Mom, I've fantasized about you for longer than I can remember."
Mom spoke again, the words coming out bitterly. "And, John Hilton, you dare to sit there and tell me that for the last two years, you've been trying to work up the nerve to actually approach try and seduce me so you can fuck your mother and make her like incestuous whore?"
It took a moment for me to answer. Even neck deep in shit as I was, I couldn't help but find Mom so incredibly sexy. I could barely take my eyes off her heaving chest to look into her lovely face and murmur, "I cannot lie to you, Mom. It's been my greatest dream."
Mom's hand lashed out, catching me by surprise as she slapped me hard across the face as she screamed, "GODDAMN YOU, SON!" As tears formed in my eyes in reaction to my burning cheek, before I could move or speak, Mom suddenly swarmed into my lap, her knees straddling me as her robe parted and I felt her naked crotch against my lap.
Mom held my face tight between her palms, bringing her head so close to mine that her lips almost brushed mine. She stared into my eyes, so much like her lovely brown orbs, with flames of anger flashing in them and in a tight, almost anguished voice, said, "You're telling me that you've been fucking that whore of a preacher's wife for two goddamn years -- the whole time wishing you were fucking me and only now...only now when I'm confronting you about this whole sordid affair you actually confess how you feel about me...about your mother?"
I wasn't sure what to say. Mom was acting totally unlike herself while I struggled to maintain my composure while fully aware that except for her thin, silk gown, Mom was naked in my lap. "I'm sorry, Mom. I know it's wrong to think this way..."
"You don't anything, John," Mom said in nearly a whisper, her lips so achingly close I could almost feel them brushing mine. "Do you know what my life has been like? Your father might as well be a fucking eunuch for as much as he touches me." Her hands tightened against my face and as she continued, I was suddenly aware of the pain in her voice. "You've let me suffer for two long years while Gwen fucking Walker has lived a life of glorious fucking pleasure when your own mother lies in bed night after night, lonely, unfulfilled, unloved and so very goddamn horny!"
"Mom?" I whispered, trying to make myself believe what my mother was implying.
"How could you not see what I needed, son? Did you think Gwen Walker could be the only neglected wife in the world. Your father is never here. I needed a man in my life and in my bed. Don't you think I've never looked at you as a man...a handsome, virile man and wondered what you'd be like in bed?" Tears were falling down Mom's cheeks now as her voice rose to almost a scream. "I'VE BEEN SITTING HERE UNLOVED FOR TWO YEARS...YOU SHOULD HAVE TRIED TO FUCK ME, JOHN!"
I was stupefied to the point of being unable to speak. Finally, I stutterered, "Mom...I-I didn't know...I'm sorry."
Mom rolled her eyes and replied, "I don't want you to be sorry, son! I want you to fuck me...FUCK ME NOW!" Mom kissed me then, her lips pressed hard, almost painfully against mine as her tongue slipped into my open mouth. It took me a moment to recover and then I was kissing her back as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tight against my body. I felt my heart pounding, falling into a matching rhythm with her heart that I could feel beating wildly as her breasts pillowed against my chest.
Then we began to tilt back as the recliner's action worked until we were almost horizontal, Mom atop me, her luscious body squirming atop mine, her pelvis hunching against my jeans while her hands searched for and began undoing my belt. A series of violent contortions and maneuvers followed as she began to tug and pull at my clothes, breaking our kiss momentarily so that I could yank her silk gown up and over her head, revealing her incredible body. We twisted and turned, Mom using hands and feet to free me from my jeans and T-shirt until we were both naked, her skin feeling so incredibly warm against my if she had a terrible fever.
Our hands roamed wildly -- Mom squeezing my ass cheeks and then sliding around to grope my hard cock while I cupped and mauled her large, still very youthful and upright breasts and slid a hand over her trimmed thicket of a bush, finding her already sopping wet pussy -- her long lipped labia already spreading like a morning lily.
We kissed and caressed each other for what seemed an eternity, but a notion settled over me as somehow we turned and tumbled on that stretched out recliner until Mom rested beneath me, her legs draped over the arms of the chair and my cock nestled lengthways against her fiery slit. The notion became a hunger and then a compulsion and I broke our soulful kiss as I shifted my weight back, bringing down the foot rest as I landed on the carpet on my knees while Mom came to an abrupt upright position, her heavy breasts bouncing as she sat up.
I ran my hands along Mom's thighs until my fingers were framing her lovely cunt -- her muff a trimmed and thick triangle that pointed towards her creamy pussy. I looked up at Mom who was wide-eyed with excitement, her mouth hanging open, holding her breath. "I love you, Mom!" I cried. "I promise to spend the rest of my life making things up to you." I stuck my tongue out at her and added, "Beginning right now!"
I shoved my face into my mother's cunt with such force, I could feel her exhale in a great whoosh. I rubbed my face against her wet, slick flesh and her surprisingly soft bush, inhaling her scent that just in itself, sent bolts of arousal through my body and then I was madly lashing my tongue up and down her pussy, licking her thick, creamy juices of her thick, long labia and then delving deep with my tongue stiffened to probe her sweet inner flesh.
Mom's hands clapped down on my head, fingers intertwining in my shaggy brown locks to better hold me in place even as she screamed in shock and delight. There was both pleasure and disbelief in her voice as she moaned, "Ohhhh, John! Yessss...that feels so good!" hunching her crotch against my face.
As I furiously licked and slurped my mother's pussy, I had to devote a little concentration to not cumming on the spot...the simple knowledge that I was going down on my mother, licking the delicious juices from the hole I had sprung from...the pussy I had for so long dreamed of returning to, enough to make me cum without either of us laying so much as a hand on my throbbing cock. It was touch and go for a minute or two, but finally my need to climax receded and I redoubled my efforts to pleasure my mother orally.
I could feel Mom twist and writhe in the chair, her thighs shifting to assist her hands in keeping me clamped in place, slightly muffling her cries of long awaited pleasure. I wondered if in the grip of such carnal delight, Mom would have begrudged the fact that I was pleasuring her so well because I had so many times practiced on Gwen Walker's pussy, eating her sweet pussy while she sucked Kent's cock or at other times, allowed him to take her anally while I licked her pussy.
I put those thoughts aside as my fingers gently caressed Mom's clitoris, assisting it to emerge from its little protective hood -- a lovely little pink nub. With my face dripping with Mom's pussy juice, I brought my lips close to the swollen little organ and gently blew on it, eliciting a loud gasp from Mom! "Ohhhhhh, baby...oh, John...what are you doing, son! Feels sooooo good!"
"Keeping that promise, Mom. I love you and I love your sweet pussy!"
I extended my tongue and with the very tip, flicked it across my mother's clitoris once -- twice -- three times before Mom's body violently convulsed as she screamed, "OH, GOD, YES, JOHN!" and then I was being splashed by Mom's hot juices spraying out of her pussy, surprising me. I laughed, thinking Mom had just lost control and pissed on me, but I as her juices flowed over my tongue, I knew I was tasting her juicy cunt. Mom was surprised too, moaning as she quivered above me, her legs kicking reflexively, "Oh, Lord...that felt incredible...I've heard of...but I've never done that before." There was a look of wonder on Mom's face -- her lips eventually spreading into a lewd smile as she gasped, "Do it again!"
I laughed and immediately licked her clit again and again Mom sprayed my face with her liquid love, screaming wordlessly as this time I didn't back off, but instead enveloped her entire nub between my lips, being gentle but aggressive as my tongue flitted over the swollen nub again and again.
"I LOVE YOU!" Mom screamed and sobbed as she bucked her pelvis against me, gushing pussy juices as her entire body seemed to levitate and spasm as she was galvanized with a massive orgasm. I felt her hands scrabbling and pushing at my head, sobbing, "FUCK....OH GODDDD! TOO GOOD...GOTTA STOP...LOVE IT BUT GOTTA STOP!" I resisted releasing Mom's clitoris from my mouth until from the tone of her cries I knew she was reaching that perilous border that exists between pleasure and pain.
I let her slip from my mouth and watched my mother convulse and shake for several seconds as her orgasm rioted through her body, reveling in her carnal appearance as I felt her copious juices drip from my chin to my chest and thighs. Then as Mom's climax seemed to start ebbing, I said, "Time for more, Mom!" and plunged my face back between her thighs and began licking her pussy from one end to the other, reigniting my mother's orgasm.
I took mercy on her and paid direct attention to her clitoris only occasionally, focusing my efforts and licking and nibbling on her labia in between delving deep between her pussy lips, tasting her sweet and pungent flesh overflowing with her creamy juices. Mom bounced around, wriggling in the recliner, rolling out of one orgasm into another, sometimes sobbing wordlessly as the ecstasy that she was experiencing stole her ability to speak while other times, she screamed and moaned her love for me. I lost track of how long I ate her pussy, just enjoying the knowledge that I was giving my mother pleasure unlike any she'd ever had experienced.
Finally, with my jaw muscles aching, I sat back on my haunches and grinned up at Mom. She never looked more beautiful, sitting back in the recliner with her tall and shapely body sprawled out -- her breasts heaving up and down as she gasped for air and her legs again flung wide over the arms of the chair, her long, dark brown hair in wild tangles from running her fingers through it...her pale, flawless skin mottled with a sexual flush.
"Incredible...fucking incredible!" Mom muttered between labored gasps for air. "You've made me cum more in a few minutes than your father has in fifteen years."
"I love you, Mom," I said, breathing a little heavy myself. "I'm sorry I've been a fool for so long. You'll never be ignored again."
Mom struggled to sit up and once she did, she flung her arms around me and pulled me to her, kissing me passionately -- apparently not minding the taste of her own aroused cunt on my lips and tongue. After a few minutes of intense tongue dueling, Mom broke the kiss and said breathlessly, "John Hilton, if you don't fuck your mother right here and now, I will just up and die!"
"We can't let that happen, Mom," I murmured.. I kissed her again and then rose to my feet, climbing between her legs which she again threw over the arms of the chair. I pushed her back and we both began to tilt as her seat reclined and in a single motion, we seemed to go horizontal even as I fell between her thighs -- my aching cock sliding between Mom's labia, both of us gasping as I buried my cock in the most perfect, fiery and wet flesh.
As I sank inch after inch of my long and hard cock into Mom's pussy, I watched her face and was thrilled and gratified to see a heavenly expression of utter bliss and contentment spread across her face -- confirmation that Mom felt the same way that I did -- that this was meant to be...that our bond of family and blood elevated our coupling to a new plane of intimacy.
Tears began tracking down Mom's face again as she gasped, "I love you, son. I love you more than I ever dreamed I could...ohhhhhhh...loved anyone." Mom flexed her hips upward, grinding her pussy against my crotch as I buried myself deeply -- marveling at the way her silky, slick flesh felt as it tightened around my shaft, holding me in place deep within her womb.
"Love you too, Mom," I whispered back. "Now and forever, Mom," I added before I kissed her and began to thrust into her. Mom's tongue dueled frantically with mine as we kissed, slowing only as my cock thrusts drew deep, pleasured moans from her with each slow, sweet stroke -- her pussy flesh wrapped tightly around my throbbing penis.
I thought my head was beginning to spin dizzily, but then as Mom cried out as a jolt drove my cock deeper than before into her womb, I realized with some amusement that the recliner and rolled backwards into its final setting, leaving us almost horizontal again. I continued to thrust into my mother, each movement a little quicker and more forceful than the last. As Mom crooned and sighed, she drew her legs up and wrapped them around my back, her ankles crossing as she pulled me tighter into her.
The sheer rightness of the moment was almost overwhelming. Over the last two years, I had heard Gwen and Kent talk about how perfect it was when they were joined together...Gwen being very specific in her thoughts -- "John, you're a wonderful lover with an incredible cock, but I swear to heaven above, when my son is inside me...I feel completed and whole as if because Kent sprang from my womb, his cock was meant to be in me. When I make love to him, it's like I'm touching the face of's like I've become..."